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Materials Management

User’s Manual

This document discusses the step-by-step procedures in properly using

and at the same time maximizing all the features of the BizBox
Materials Management System 8. Please read through the following
guidelines carefully and make sure that you understand them so that
you will be able to do this procedure properly on the actual hospital


Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

WORKSPACE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Parts and Functions of the Materials Management System ........................................................................................................................... 7

The Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

The Shortcut Menu Bar .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

The Command Buttons ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

The Main Explorer and Sub Explorer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Master Files ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Transactions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Others ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40

REQUISITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Creating New Requisition ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

Editing of Purchase Requisition ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50

Deleting of Purchase Requisition ............................................................................................................................................................................ 51

Posting of Purchase Requisition .............................................................................................................................................................................. 52

Voiding of Purchase Requisition .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53

Viewing of Purchase Requisitions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 54

Printing the Purchase Requisition Slip ................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Tagging the Purchase Requisition as In-active .................................................................................................................................................. 56

PURCHASE ORDERS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57

Purchase Order with Extracted Details from Purchase Requisitions .......................................................................................................... 57

Direct Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 62

Editing Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 64

Posting Purchase Orders ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 65

Cancellation of Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................................................................. 66

Viewing of Purchase Orders ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

Printing the Purchase Order Slip.............................................................................................................................................................................. 68

Tagging the Purchase Order as In-active ............................................................................................................................................................. 69

PURCHASE RECEIVING .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70

Purchase Receiving Extracted from Purchase Orders ...................................................................................................................................... 70

Direct Purchase Receiving .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 77

Editing a Receiving Report (RR) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 84

Deleting of Purchase Received Records ............................................................................................................................................................... 85

Posting of Deliveries.Receiving Entries .................................................................................................................................................................. 86

Voiding of Receiving Report (RR) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 87

Viewing of Receiving Report (RR)............................................................................................................................................................................ 88

Posting Purchase Received to Voucher Payable ............................................................................................................................................... 89

Printing of the Purchase Received Report ........................................................................................................................................................... 90

Batch Posting of Voucher Payable .......................................................................................................................................................................... 91

Printing of Purchases Report ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 92

PURCHASE RETURNS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93

Recording of Purchase Returns ................................................................................................................................................................................ 93

Editing of Purchase Returns Record ....................................................................................................................................................................... 97

Deleting of Purchase Returns Record .................................................................................................................................................................... 98

Posting of Purchase Returns Record ...................................................................................................................................................................... 99

Voiding of Purchase Returns Record .................................................................................................................................................................. 100

Viewing of Purchase Returns Record .................................................................................................................................................................. 101

Printing of the Purchase Return Slip ................................................................................................................................................................... 102

STOCK REQUISITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103

Creating New Stock Transfer Requisition .......................................................................................................................................................... 103

Editing Stock Transfer Requisitions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 106

Deleting Stock Transfer Requisitions .................................................................................................................................................................. 107

Posting of Stock Transfer Requisitions ............................................................................................................................................................... 108

Voiding Of Stock Transfer Requisitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 109

Viewing of Stock Requisitions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 110

Tagging Stock Transfer Requisition As Inactive .............................................................................................................................................. 111

Printing the Stock Transfer Requisition Slip ..................................................................................................................................................... 112

STOCK TRANSFER ISSUANCES................................................................................................................................................................................................ 113

Stock Transfer Issuances Extracted From Requisition .................................................................................................................................. 113

Direct Stock Transfer Issuance ............................................................................................................................................................................... 117

Editing Stock Transfer Issuance ............................................................................................................................................................................. 119

Deleting of Stock Transfer Issuance .................................................................................................................................................................... 120

Posting of Stock Issuance ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 121

Voiding of Stock Transfer Issuance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 122

Viewing of Stock Transfer Issuance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 123

Printing of the Stock Issuance Slip ....................................................................................................................................................................... 124

EXPENSE REQUISITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125

Departmental Expense Requisition ...................................................................................................................................................................... 125

Editing Expense Requisitions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 128

Deleting of Expense Requisitions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 129

Posting of Expense Requisitions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 130

Voiding of Expense Requisitions........................................................................................................................................................................... 131

Viewing of Expense Requisitions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 132

Tagging Expense Requisitions As Inactive ........................................................................................................................................................ 133

Printing of the Expense Requisition Slip ............................................................................................................................................................ 134

EXPENSE ISSUANCES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135

Expense Issuance Extracted From Requisition................................................................................................................................................. 135

Direct Departmental Expense Issuance .............................................................................................................................................................. 139

Editing Expense Issuance ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 141

Deleting of Expense Issuance ................................................................................................................................................................................. 142

Posting of Expense Issuance................................................................................................................................................................................... 143

Voiding Departmental Expense Issuance .......................................................................................................................................................... 144

Viewing of Expense Issuance .................................................................................................................................................................................. 145

Printing of the Expense Issuance Slip ................................................................................................................................................................. 146

MATERIAL PRODUCTIONS...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 147

Creating End Product with Multiple Items Assembly ................................................................................................................................... 147

Editing of End Product Record .............................................................................................................................................................................. 150

Deleting of End Product Record ........................................................................................................................................................................... 151

Posting of End Product Record ............................................................................................................................................................................. 152

Voiding End Product Record .................................................................................................................................................................................. 153

Viewing of End Product Record ............................................................................................................................................................................ 154

Printing of the Material Productions Slip .......................................................................................................................................................... 155

QUANTITY ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 156

Creating Quantity Adjustments ............................................................................................................................................................................. 156

Editing of Quantity Adjustments .......................................................................................................................................................................... 159

Deleting of Quantity Adjustments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 160

Posting of Quantity Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................................................... 161

Voiding Quantity Productions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 162

Viewing of Quantity Adjustments Record ......................................................................................................................................................... 163

Printing of the Quantity Adjustment Slip .......................................................................................................................................................... 164

PHYSICAL COUNTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 165

Establishing Beginning Balances per Stock Card (Inventory) .................................................................................................................... 165

Creating an Beginning Inventory Balance ......................................................................................................................................................... 169

Editing of Physical Counts ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 173

Deleting of Physical Counts Record .................................................................................................................................................................... 174

Posting Physical Count Entries .............................................................................................................................................................................. 175

Voiding Physical Counts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 177

Viewing of Physical Count Record ....................................................................................................................................................................... 178

Printing of the Physical Count Report ................................................................................................................................................................ 179

Posting of Item Cost .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 180

ASSET MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 182

Record Newly Purchased Asset ............................................................................................................................................................................. 182

Depreciating Assets.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 185

Posting of New Purchase Asset ............................................................................................................................................................................. 186

Fixed Assets Report .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 187

Depreciation Report ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 188


Welcome to BizBox Materials Management System (MMS)! We are proud to share with you the latest system that will
go hand in hand with the new Hospital System 8.0 to provide a better service to all of you, our beloved clients. This
system might be new to your ears but this is just the logistics part of the previous hospital systems. Before, the MMS is
embedded into the Hospital System; now, we separated these two entities to provide a better and a more specialized
system that focuses on the materials management or logistics.

The MMS works together with the BHS8 because the transactions done in the hospital system are related or transferred
here. It is very important to learn both of the systems so that you will be able to perform the different hospital tasks and
transactions and provide a better service to all of your patients.

This instruction manual will introduce and discuss the different parts of the system and features that will help you to
properly manage and organize the different MMS transactions and tasks. Make sure you understand the following
guidelines for you to be able to maximize the full potential of the system and eventually for you to make your work more
efficient, effective and productive.

Workspace Overview

The following guidelines will teach you how the toolbars, menus and other buttons are helping each other to be able to
process hospital related transactions be done immediately.

Parts and Functions of the Materials Management System

The Materials Management System has different parts that correspond to the features it offers, so before going through
with the MMS transactions, it is also important for the user to be familiar with the parts and functions of the system so
that you will be more effective in processing the different tasks later on.

A. Menu Bar – contains the different tasks and actions the MMS offers to the users.
B. Short Cut Menu Bar – displays shortcut buttons of the basic tasks of the system.
C. Command Buttons – contains tasks like editing, creating a new record, deleting, filter options, etc.
D. Main Explorer – contains the Master Files, Transactions and Other modules.
E. Sub Explorer – after selecting a component from the Main Explorer, the Sub Explorer appears and it
includes the Sub Components, Summaries, Tables and Templates that also contains the different
supplementary information and transaction.
F. BHS8 Main Window – displays the different lists of Vendors, Items and Services and other MMS-related

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains the different menus and toolbars that correspond to the different tasks and transactions in MMS.
Generally, those tasks and transactions are also included on the Main and Sub Explorers.

a. File – this contains the basic task bars like signing off, exiting from the system, etc.
b. View – includes the toolbars that are used to view or show MMS details and information.
c. Core Components – this contains all the transactions that are also located under the Main Explorer.
d. Sub Components – includes the toolbars that are also found in the Sub Explorer based on what component you
choose in the Main Explorer.
e. Processing/ Queries – includes the tool bars that can also be found on the Sub Explorer of the selected module.
f. Templates – this menu bar contains the different tables and templates based on what module you choose. They
are also included on the Sub Explorer.
g. Actions – this includes the command buttons (View, New, Edit, Delete, Post, Void, Select All, Show Filters, Apply
Filters and Refresh) that also have their corresponding shortcut bars in the Shortcut Menu Bar.
h. Tools – this menu bar contains different tools used to set-up the BHS8’s features.
i. Window – lists down the different windows that are open in the MMS.
j. Help – this includes the different ways on how to get support and guidance in using the system.

The Shortcut Menu Bar

This includes the shortcuts of the most common tasks that can also be found under the Menu Bar.

a. Exit System – closes the system.

b. Sign Off – used to log-off on the system.
c. Lock System – this task will help users to lock their accounts on BHS8 to be able to secure the information
against unauthorized users.
d. Change Password – this feature will let the users to secure their accounts by changing their passwords once in
a while.
e. My Signatories – the information that will be typed here will be reflected on the report.
f. Global Settings –This particular menu bar displays the different information about the hospital and many
more. In addition, the users can Add, Edit, or Delete entries on the different sections listed below:
 Hospital Information – displays the different information about the hospital including its Address, DOH and
PhilHealth Settings, etc.
 Branches – lists down the different branches of the Hospital.
 Group Departments – this displays the different Warehouse Groups in the hospital.
 Departments – this contains the different departments in the hospital. Notice that there are checkboxes
beside each department that correspond to the different settings to be applied.

 Units/Sections – this contains the list of Units/Sections in the hospital.
 Countries – lists down the different countries.
 Regions – this contains the different regions is a specific country.
 State.Provinces – lists down the different states or provinces.
 Cities.Municipalities – this displays the different cities and municipalities.
 Areas – lists down the different areas.
 Barangays.Sitios – lists down the barangays and sitios.
 Zip Codes – lists down the zip codes and postal codes of every city or municipality.
 Nationalities – contains the different nationalities of a person.
 Religions – displays the different religions
 Industries – contains the different industries in a particular City, Municipality, Province or region.
 Relations – contains the list of the different types of family relationships.
 Currency – displays different currencies.
 User Positions – lists different user positions in the hospital.
 Work Levels – displays different work levels.
 Entities – list different entities in the hospital.

g. Database Connections– this task will help doctors and other hospital personnel to update their Connection
h. Calculator – an additional feature that will help users compute billing statements and other things that needed
i. Project Manager
j. About – displays the company information and a brief description of the BHS8 system.
k. Manage Report Settings – the users can manage the reports here.

The Command Buttons

These buttons will help the users to access and manage different information using the MMS. They also have their
corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

a. View (Ctrl + V) – this will display the profile and other information of the Vendors or Suppliers, Items & Services,
b. New (Ctrl + N) – this command will let the users create new records of Vendors, Items, Services and many more.
c. Edit (Ctrl + E) – this will let doctors edit or update different records.
d. Delete (Ctrl + D) – if you want to delete a particular account or entry, click this button.
e. Post (Ctrl + P) – this is used to post a transaction on the MMS.
f. Void (Ctrl + O) – this command cancels a particular transaction or account.
g. Select All – this action will let doctors to select all the entries on a particular list.
h. Show Filters (F3) – this will help users to find a particular record by typing it to the search field.
i. Apply Filters (F4) – click this button after specifying the filters you clicked.
j. Search Field – type here the keyword or name that you are looking for and the system will automatically search
from the list.
k. Refresh (F5) – click this button to make sure that the displayed list on the MMS Main window is accurate.

The Main Explorer and Sub Explorer
Master Files

This is the module that contains the list and information about the Vendors & Suppliers and the Items and Services. Like
in the BHS8, there is also list of Items and Services; the difference is that the transactions that can be done on the
Materials Management System are different from the Hospital System. Here is an introduction of the components on the
Master Files.


This will list down the different Vendors or Suppliers of the different items and services the hospital needs. In addition, it
also contains the Supplier’s Information for the different data and details to be stored and secured within the system;
therefore, there will be an easier access of information. The system will also manage and organize the different
transactions between the hospital and vendors.

After clicking the Vendors Suppliers, the list will be reflected on the center of the window as well as the Sub Explorer on
the right part. This will be discussed further on the following modules.

Vendor Suppliers Sub Explorer

Sub Components – display the modules that are related to the Patient component. It also accommodates different
tasks of users that are not included on the Main Explorer. These sub components compose of the following:

 Supplier Profile – this will display the Supplier’s information together with its contact details.
 Merge Account – this will let you merge two suppliers into one.
 List of Items – contains the list of the items being sold or supplied by the vendor.

Tables and Templates – displays the different tables or templates containing different medical information.

 Supplier Types – lists down the different types of suppliers.

 Terms – lists down the different Terms of Payment.

Items and Services

This will list down the different items, supplies and assets on the hospital. They are divided into 4 categories namely:
Drugs & Medicines, Supplies, Assets & Equipment and Others. Using the MMS, you can easily access and manage the
different information about an item or service.

Once you choose the Items and Services on the Main Explorer, the list will appear together with the Sub Explorer
containing the Sub Components, Summary, Processing and Queries, and Tables & Templates. These will represent the
different transactions and tasks that you can do to manage the Items and Services. This will be discussed in detail on
modules below.

Items and Services Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Item Service Details – this will display the Item or Service Details.
 Manage Departmental Access – use this to assign the department/s that can access the selected item.
 Manage Item Prices – use this to set the item price based on the Price Group and Pricing Scheme.
 Manage Item Discounts – use this to manage the corresponding discount of the selected item.
 Update Item Selling Price – use this to update the Item Selling Price; this can be either based on the Item
Category or Amount.
 Create Assets Entries – this will let you create entries on the Asset Management module. The created entries
will be subject for completion of information necessary in order to process depreciation, disposing, selling and
transfer of assets.
 Item Manufacturer – use this to set and manage the manufacturer of the item.

Summaries – displays the total numbers of items and services under the following categories:

 Drugs and Medicines

 Supplies
 Assets.Equipment
 Others

Processing and Queries

 Borrowed Items – records the items borrowed and returned.

Tables and Templates

 Billing Report Categories – lists down the different Billing Report Categories used in the hospital.
 Collection Report Main Header – displays Collection Report Main Header.
 Collection Report Group Header – displays Collection Report Group Header.
 CPT Modifiers – shows the list of CPT Modifiers.
 CPT Sections – displays different CPT Sections.
 CPT Sub-Sections – lists different CPT Sub-Sections.
 Department Groups – displays the department groups list.
 Departments Warehouses – lists down the different Departments and Warehouses in the hospital.
 Dosages – displays different dosages.
 Drug Administration Group – displays different Drug Administration Group.
 DX Medical Packages – contains the diagnostic medical packages.
 Generic Names – lists down the different generic names of medicines in the hospital.

 Indications – contains the list of indications of the items and services.
 Item Categories – contains the item categories.
 Item Price Group – displays the item price groups in the hospital.
 Item Pricing Schemes – contains the types of payments from different patients.
 Item Templates – displays the item templates from different departments.
 Item Units – lists down the units of measurement of the different items.
 Medication Durations – lists down durations of medications of patients.
 Medication Frequencies – displays the different medication frequencies of a particular item or service.
 Medication Preparations – contains the different drugs and medicines preparations.
 Others – contains other information about the items and services.
 Unit of Measure – lists down the different units of measurements used in the items and services.


This will accommodate the different transactions in the Material Management System. These transactions are focused in
properly managing the different items and services purchased in the hospital from the different Suppliers or Vendors.
Here are the components under this module:

Purchase Requisitions

This component will help you process and manage Purchase Requisitions from one department to the purchasing
department using MMS.

This instruction manual contains different information on how to use the Purchase Requisition module of the Materials
Management System. This will also discuss the process of making a purchase requisition from one department to the
purchasing department. Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand
them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Purchase Requisitions Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Purchase Requisition Details – click this to view the Purchase Requisition Details.
 Mark as Inactive – use this to mark the item as inactive.
 Print Purchase Requisition Slip – click this to print the Purchase Requisition Slip

Processing and Queries

 Reorder Point – use this to set the reorder point of the selected item(s)

Purchase Orders

This is the second phase of the purchasing cycle after the requisition stage. When you’re done gathering all the
requisitions, you may now put orders to all suppliers. This component will manage the ordering of the supplies, medicines,
and other items that the hospital needs for operation.

Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be
able to do this procedure properly.

Purchase Orders Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Purchase Orders Details – use to view the Purchase Order Details.

 Mark as Inactive – use this to mark an item as inactive.
 Print Purchase Order Slip – click this button to print the Purchase Order Slip.

Processing Alert

 Purchase Requisitions – alerts the user for new Purchase Requisitions.

Processing and Queries

 Reorder Point – use this to set the reorder point of the selected item(s).

Deliveries. Receiving Entries

This is where the receiving of the merchandise from the vendors take place. The Deliveries and Receiving Entries is
where the purchase transaction starts when it comes to the accounting cycle.

This instruction manual will discuss information regarding the Deliveries and Receiving Entries module of the Materials
Management System. Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand
them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Deliveries Receiving Entries Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Delivery Details – use this to view the Delivery Details.

 Post to Voucher Payable – click this to post the entry to Voucher Payable.
 Print Delivery. Receiving Report – use this to print the Delivery.Receiving Report.

Processing and Queries

 Batch Post to Voucher Payable – use this to post the items to the Voucher Payable by batch.
 Purchases Report – use this to print the purchases report.

Tables and Templates

 A/P Expense Transaction Types – lists different Accounts Payable and Expense Transaction Types.
 Item Price Mark Up – use this to update the Item Selling Price; this can be either based on the Item Category
or Amount.

Purchase Returns

This is where the returns of merchandise from suppliers and creation of payable take place.

This module will record returned items that will directly affect the movement of the inventory by deducting the returned
items as part of item adjustment. Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you
understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Purchase Returns Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Purchase Return Details – click this to view the Purchase Return Details.
 Print Purchase Returns Slips – select this to print the Purchase Returns Slips.

Stock Requisitions

There are different stocks in the hospital like the medicines, medical supplies and other transferable assets are normally
acquired and received by the main warehouses such as the Pharmacy, Central Pharmacy and Property Department. These
stocks will then be transferred to the requesting parties who may either sell or utilize the stocks.

Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be
able to do this procedure properly.

Stock Requisitions Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Stock Requisition Details – click this to view the Stock Requisition Details.
 Mark As Inactive – select this if you want to mark an item as inactive.
 Print Stock Requisition Slip – use this to print the Stock Requisition Slip.

Stock Issuances

This will help you in creating Stock Transfer Issuances. This can either be extracted from stock requisitions or from direct
issuance. The outstanding requisitions will then be seen by the source warehouse. In addition, there should be printout of
the requisition document from the requesting party.

This guide contains information on creating Stock Transfer Issuance using the Materials Management System. Please
read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be able
to do this procedure properly.

Stock Issuances Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Stock Issuance Details – click this to view the Stock Issuance Details.
 Print Stock Issuance Slip – select this to print the Stock Issuance Slip.

Processing and Queries

 Item Replenishment – use this in setting to replenish or replace used items.

Expense Requisitions

The process of stock transfer through departmental expense requisition can be done in this transaction.

Stock Transfer is the transfer of accountability from the source warehouse to the dispensing ancillaries where the stocks
are chargeable to the patients. On the other hand, the Department Expense is made when the ancillary is the end-user of
the stocks and it is chargeable to the department. Please read through the following instructions and guidelines make sure
that you understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Expense Requisitions Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Expense Requisition Details – click this to view Expense Requisition Details.

 Mark As Inactive – select this if you want to mark an item as inactive.
 Print Expense Requisition Slip – use this to print Expense Requisition Slip.

Expense Issuances

This transaction is responsible in stocks issuance to the requesting department who is the end-user of the stocks.

The following documents will further discuss the Departmental Expense Issuances in the hospital. Please read through
the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be able to do this
procedure properly.

Expense Issuances Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Expense Issuance Details – select this to view the Expense Issuance Details.
 Print Expense Issuance Slip – use this to print the Expense Issuance Slip.

Material Productions

The purpose of this module is to convert items from its big unit to small units. The end product will have an additional
inventory count which will be added to the stock card and its item composition will be deducted when used.

The following documents will further discuss the Material Productions. Please read through the following instructions
and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Material Productions Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Production Details – click this to view the Production Details.

 Print Production Slip – use this to print the Production Slip.

Quantity Adjustments

This transaction is used in making adjustments on the stock card. This process is applicable if there are corrections on the
department’s inventory that are not encoded in the system. The following adjustment will add up or be deducted to the
inventory balance.

The following documents will further discuss the Quantity Adjustments. Please read through the following instructions
and guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Quantity Adjustments Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Quantity Adjustment Details – click this to view the Quantity Adjustment Details.
 Print Quantity Adjustment Slip – use this to print the Quantity Adjustment Slip.

Tables. Templates

 Qty. Adjustment Types – manage here the Quantity Adjustment Types.

Physical Counts

This module will discuss the settlement of the month-end inventory count for the inventory stock card. The month-end
inventory count is the process of putting physical count as the system count by recognizing the variance between the two
as inventory adjustment.

The following documents will further discuss the Physical Counts. Please read through the following instructions and
guidelines and make sure that you understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Physical Counts Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Physical Count Details – click this to view the Physical Count Details.
 Post Beginning Inventory Balance – select this to post the Beginning Inventory Balance.
 Print Physical Count Report – use this to print the Physical Count Report.

Processing and Queries

 Post Item Cost – manage here the item cost.

Asset Management

The fixed assets are items of value of the hospital that they have bought and will use for an extended period of time. They
are assets whose future economic benefit is probable to flow into the entity and whose cost can be measured reliably.

The following documents will discuss different procedures in properly managing the fixed assets of the hospital using the
Materials Management System. Please read through the following instructions and guidelines and make sure that you
understand them so that you will be able to do this procedure properly.

Asset Management Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Asset Details – click this to view the Asset Details.

 Depreciate – use this to depreciate an asset.
 Post New Purchase Asset – use this in posting newly purchased asset.

Processing and Queries

 Fixed Asset Report – click this to print the Fixed Asset Report.
 Depreciation Report – select this to print the Depreciation Report.

Tables and Templates

 Asset Class – manage here the Asset Class.

 Asset Adjustment Types – manage here the Asset adjustment Types.


This component under the Main Explorer contains the other and equally important features of MMS. It includes the
different information, settings and reports where users can use to organize and easily access the different data on the

Setup and Options

When using the system’s different features, the users should familiarize themselves with Setup and Options wherein they
have a choice whether a particular setting can be helpful for them or not. In addition this module will help manage the
settings of Materials Management System.

 For easier access of records, you can use the Search for Records field.
 Managing of the Setup and Options is easy because most of them have predefined
choices while the others you need to input figures or numbers.

This module composes of 5 groups that the users can select on what they want to apply or change on the system. They
are the following:

1. Group: Examinations – these settings will help the users to manage different examinations on the hospital. Select
Yes or No on the value column.
2. Group: General Ledger – assign here the corresponding journal ledgers for a particular transaction to be used in
accounting purposes.
3. Group: Master Files – this includes the setup that will directly affect the effectiveness of the components under
Master Files.
4. Group: Registrations – defines the registration settings on MMS. Select Yes or No on the Value column.
5. Group: Transactions – this displays the transaction settings for MMS.

System Users

Using the system requires proper authority, that’s why there are user codes and passwords to help secure the hospital’s
database and other important/critical information. Hospital administrators and other users can create more users’
accounts using the System Users located under Main Explorer>Others. However, they should first have an
administrative account that permits them from doing so.

This also contains the list of system users that have proper authorization to access different information in the system.
Aside from this, using the Sub Explorer, users can assign modules, departments, nurse stations, reports and other settings
to be able to organize the tasks of every user of the Materials Management System.

System Users Sub Explorer

Sub Components

 Assigned Modules – list down the modules that the system user will handle.
 Assigned Departments – this will show the assigned department of a particular user.
 Assigned Reports – this contains the different assigned reports for the users. The reports are divided
into 4 groups, they are as follows:
 Group: Inventories
 Group: Others
 Group: Purchases
 Other Settings – includes other important system settings for BHS8. Select Yes or No on the Value
 Merge Account to… – use this to merge two different accounts.

Report Manager

Users can view, print and modify different reports from the MMS using this module.

The reports are divided into three (3) groups and they are as follows:

1. Report Group: Inventories

2. Report Group: Others
3. Report Group: Purchases


Creating New Requisition

This will help you to create new Purchase Requisitions using the new Materials Management System.

How to Create New Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Purchase Requisition Details window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Specify the Requisition From – the requesting department.
b. Select from the dropdown selection list the Requisition To – the department where the request
is for.
c. Type your Notes/Remarks (optional).
d. Indicate the Requisition Date.
e. Click Add button to select Requisition Items.

f. The Item Selection window will appear; put a checkmark on the item/s then click Select.

 You can also click the checkbox on the 1 column header to select all the items.
 Use the search fields on the topmost part of the window to easily search the items by
Item ID/Code and Item Description.

4. Going back to the Purchase Requisition Details, you will notice that the selected items will be reflected on the
window. Edit or update the following information:

a. Qty (Quantity)
b. Unit
c. Suggested Supplier – click the button beside the column to select the supplier. On the
Search Entity window, highlight a supplier then click Select or simply double click.


You can also update the selected items by clicking Add again or Delete. When you select
the Delete button, a confirmation window will appear; click Yes to confirm or No to

5. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to confirm the creation of the purchase requisition.

Editing of Purchase Requisition

The user may edit the information on the created purchase requisitions; just make sure that the entry haven’t posted or
voided because only the unposted requisitions can be edited.

How to Edit Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
3. The Purchase Requisition Details will appear; update the appropriate information and details.

4. Click Save and Close when you’re done.

Deleting of Purchase Requisition

Deleting Purchase Requisitions will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database
for auditing purposes.

How to Delete Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Purchase Requisition

Posting Purchase Requisitions will mark the selected transaction as Posted and will create subsidiary ledgers if applicable.
As a result of this, modification of the requisitions will be disabled; however you can still cancel or void them if you want.

How to Post Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select an unposted requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding of Purchase Requisition

Voiding Purchase Requisitions will mark the specific transaction together with its related subsidiary ledger records as

How to Void Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column
that means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Purchase Requisitions

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Purchase Requisition are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding the purchase requests made, items, etc. (All the information
and details here are for viewing purposes only).

How to View Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Purchase Requisition Details will appear, review all the information and details.

4. Click Close button when you’re done.

Printing the Purchase Requisition Slip

When you have successfully made the purchase requisitions, you can now print the Purchase Requisition Slip.

How to Print Purchase Order Slips?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select a purchase requisition on the list then click Print Purchase Requisition Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Purchase Requisition Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print
by clicking its corresponding buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Purchase Requisition Slip:

Tagging the Purchase Requisition as In-active

Tagging the Purchase Requisitions as in-active is applicable only to posted and partially posted requisitions.

How to Tag a Purchase Requisition as In-active?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select a purchase requisition on the list then click Mark as Inactive under the Sub Components.
3. A Password Validation Entry window will appear. Key in your User Name and Password then click the Accept

The Purchase Requisition will be now tagged as inactive (the checkbox on the 2
column will be checked).

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order with Extracted Details from Purchase Requisitions

Here are the guidelines on how to create new Purchase Orders extracted from the Purchase Requisitions in the
Materials Management System.

How to Purchase Order with Extracted Details from Purchase Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Outstanding Purchase Requisitions window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Purchasing Department based on what you entered on the Request To field
on the Purchase Requisition.
b. Select and highlight the purchase requisition and then put a checkmark on the item/s or just
click Select All.
c. Click Go button.

4. The Purchase Order Details window will appear; indicate the following information:
a. Supplier Name (mandatory).
b. P.O. Reference Date
c. Expected Delivery Date
d. Base Area
e. Remarks/Notes (optional)
f. Terms (of payment)
 Indicate the Forex Currency Code.
You can choose to include VAT to the Purchase Order, just check the VAT
Inclusive/Rate checkbox.
g. On the Purchase Order Line Items Tab the list of Items on the Purchase Order appears, do the
following tasks:
1) Key in the Price of the items.
2) Indicate the quantity under the Qty column.
3) Specify the Discount if applicable.

5. You can update items on the Purchase Order just use the Add, Add Item from PR, Add Free Goods or Delete
 When you click Add, the Multi-Department Item Selection window will appear. Select the
Department then put a checkmark on the items on the list then click Select.

 If you choose to Add Item from PR (Purchase Requisitions), you have the option to choose
items again from the Purchase Requisition. Put a checkmark on the item/s applicable then
click Go button.

 When you Add Free Goods, the Multi-Department Item Selection (Free Goods) window will
appear. Specify the Department then put a checkmark on the item/s then click Select.

You will notice that the selected items will now be tagged as Free Goods (the checkbox
under the column beside the Net Amount).

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click
Yes to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the purchase order process.

Direct Purchase Orders

This is somewhat similar to the previous topic; the difference is that this process does not require having a purchase
requisition. Therefore, this process will create a Purchase Order without any request from the department.

How to Purchase Orders Directly?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Click the command button or press Ctrl + N.
3. On the Outstanding Purchase Requisitions window, click Skip Requisition button.

4. The Purchase Order Details will appear; perform the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Supplier Name.
b. Specify the P.O. Reference Date.
c. Enter the Expected Delivery Date.
d. On the General Information tab:
 Select the Base Area from the dropdown selection list.
 Indicate the Term.
 Enter the Forex Currency Code.

If you click the checkbox of VAT Inclusive/Rate, the purchase order will include VAT.

5. On the Purchase Order Line Items tab; you can select items by clicking the Add, Add Item from PR, and/or
Add Free Goods Item (repeat step 5 of the Purchase Order with Extracted Details from Purchase

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to confirm the direct purchase order.

Editing Purchase Orders

The user may edit the information on the created purchase orders; just make sure that the entry haven’t posted or voided
because only the unposted requisitions can be edited.

How to Edit Purchase Orders?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Select and highlight purchase order on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Purchase Orders cannot be edited.
3. The Purchase Order Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

4. Click Save and Close when you’re done.

Posting Purchase Orders

Before proceeding with this task, make sure you have reviewed your order because when you post the purchase you can
no longer edit or delete it. After posting, the transaction will be visible in the Deliveries Receiving Module. This is also
used to finalize the purchase orders.

How to Post Purchase Orders?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Select and highlight a purchase order (tagged as For Posting) on the list then click command button or
press Ctrl + P.
3. A confirmation window will appear, click Ok to confirm the posting or discard to do otherwise.

You will notice that the status of the Purchase Order will turn to that means the
posting was successful.

Cancellation of Purchase Orders

Cancelling Purchase Orders will mark the specific transaction together with its related subsidiary ledger records as

How to Cancel Purchase Orders?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Select a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the requisition will have a void status (color: ) in the 1 column
that means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Purchase Orders

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Purchase Order are correct, click View command
button. This will display all the details regarding the Purchase Orders made, Supplier Information and Payment Terms.

How to View Purchase Orders?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Purchase Order Details will appear, review all the details.
All the information and details on this window are for viewing purposes only.

4. Click Close button when you’re done.

Printing the Purchase Order Slip

When you have successfully entered the purchase orders, you can now print the Purchase Order Slip that will be
forwarded to the supplier. If the transaction is not printed and transmitted to suppliers, it will be considered as invalid.

How to Print Purchase Order Slips?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Select a purchase order on the list then click Print Purchase Order Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Purchase Order window will appear; you have the option to print the order slip by clicking the Print
button or you can view the printout by clicking the Preview button.

Here is a sample preview of the Purchase Order Slip:

Tagging the Purchase Order as In-active

Tagging the Purchase Order as inactive will be used if there is a remaining not served item(s) which is cancelled and need
to be served.

How to Tag a Purchase Order as In-active?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Orders

2. Select a purchase order on the list then click Mark as Inactive under the Sub Components.
3. A Password Validation Entry window will appear. Key in your User Name and Password then click the Accept

The P.O. will be tagged as inactive (the checkbox on the second column will be checked).

Purchase Receiving
Purchase Receiving Extracted from Purchase Orders

This will record the all the received merchandise from suppliers that were extracted from the Purchase Orders.

How to Receive Purchase and Returns from the Purchase Orders?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving Entries

2. Click command button.
3. The Outstanding Purchase Orders window will appear, select the supplier on the dropdown selection list. The
active purchase orders will appear on the Purchase Order Line Items.
a. You can skip this process and create your own order by clicking Skip P.O. Selection button.
b. If you decide to continue with the selection, just highlight an order, then, put a checkmark on
the items that were delivered and received in the hospital then click the Select P.O button.

4. The Delivery Receiving Report Details window will appear; indicate the Receiving Report Date, Expected
Delivery Date and Invoice Date on their respective fields.

5. The items delivered will now be listed below, if for example there are other items that were added on the delivery
aside from the listed items on the P.O., you can use the buttons below to select items:

a. When you click the Add button, you can select items from the different departments in the
hospital, using the Multi Department Item Selection window. Select a Department then the
item. After that, click the Select button.

b. You can also add items from the Purchase Order. To do this, click the Add Item from PO button.
The Outstanding Purchase Orders window will appear. Select the Other Purchase Order then click
the Select PO button.

c. On the other hand, you can also add free goods. When you Add Free Goods button, the Multi-
Department Item Selection (Free Goods) window will appear. Specify the Department then put a
checkmark on the item/s then click Select.

 You will notice that the selected items will now be tagged as Free Goods (the checkbox
under the column beside the Total Amount).

6. On the other hand, if an error in selection was made, you can use the Delete button to delete an item on the list.

7. If you’re done, click the Save and Close button.

Direct Purchase Receiving

This process is somewhat similar to the previous topic; the difference is that it does not need to extract items from the
Purchase Order. Because there are no default items to choose from, you have to manually add items to the list.

How to Receive Purchase Deliveries Directly?

1. Main Explorer> Deliveres.Receiving Entries

2. The Outstanding Purchase Orders window will appear. Select the Skip P.O Selection button to proceed.

3. The Deliveries.Receiving Report Details window will appear. Indicate the following information:
a. Supplier Name
b. Base Area
c. Terms (of Payment)
d. Remarks/Notes (optional)
e. Receiving Report Date
f. Expected Delivery Date
g. Invoice Date
h. Indicate the Forex Currency Code


You can choose to include VAT to the deliveries, just check the VAT Inclusive/Rate

4. After that, you can select items by clicking the Add button. On the Multi-Department Item Selection window,
choose the Department then the items. If you’re done click the Select button.

5. Back to the Deliveries.Receiving Report Details window, will appear on the Transaction Line Items Do the
following tasks:

a. Key in the Price of the items.

b. Indicate the quantity under the Qty column.
c. Specify the Discount if applicable.
d. Specify the Expiration Date if applicable.

6. You can also add a free item by clicking the Add Free Goods Item button. On the Multi-Department Item
Selection (Free Goods) window, select the Department and the item/s to be added. If you’re done, click the
Select button.

a. Back to the Delivery.Receiving Report Details window, the Free Good Items are now added on the
Transaction Line Items tab. You will notice that the selected items will now be tagged as Free Goods
(the checkbox under the column beside the Net Amount).

7. When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes to confirm or No to
cancel on the confirmation window.

8. If you’re done, click the Save and Close button.

Editing a Receiving Report (RR)

Editing a receiving report is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also
be edited after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Receiving Report?

1. Main Explorer> Deliveries.Receiving Entries.

2. Select and highlight purchase order on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Deliveries cannot be edited.
3. The Delivery.Receiving Report Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information
on the different fields.

Deleting of Purchase Received Records

Deleting Deliveries Receiving Report will mark the transaction as Deleted but will not be permanently erased in the
database for auditing purposes.

How to Delete Receiving Report?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Requisitions

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Deliveries.Receiving Entries

After creating the receiving report, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the financial

How to Post Receiving Entries?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving Entries

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding of Receiving Report (RR)

How to Cancel Receiving Report?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving
2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted deliveries.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Receiving Report (RR)

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Deliveries.Receiving Entries are correct, click the
View command button. This will display all the details regarding the purchase requests made, items, etc. (All the
information and details here are for viewing purposes only).

How to View Receiving Report?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving Entries.

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Purchase Requisition Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

4. Click Close button when you’re done.

Posting Purchase Received to Voucher Payable

Before proceeding with this task, make sure you have reviewed the entry because when it’s already posted, you can no
longer edit or delete it.

How to post the Received Report to Voucher Payable?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving Entries

2. Select a record then click the Post to Voucher Payable located under the Sub-Components of the Sub Explorer.
3. The Post to Accounts Payable Voucher window will appear. It contains the Vendor Details and Post to
Accounts Payable Transaction Details. Click the Post button to continue.

You will notice that the entry has a bar on the 2 column which means that the
posting to Voucher Payable was successful.

Printing of the Purchase Received Report

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Purchase Received

How to Print Purchase Received Report?

1. Main Explorer> Delivery.Receiving Entries

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Delivery.Receiving Reports under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Delivery.Receiving Reports window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or
Print by selecting on their respective buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Deliveries and Receiving Report:

Batch Posting of Voucher Payable

You can also post the received deliveries documents to Voucher Payable by batch.

How to Post the Received Deliveries to Voucher Payable by Batch?

1. Main Explorer> Delivery.Receiving Entries

2. Click the Batch Post to Voucher Payables under the Processing and Queries tab.
3. The Batch Posting to Accounts Payable window will appear. Select the items you want to be posted then click
the Post button.

You will notice that the entry has a bar on the 2 column which means that the
posting to Voucher Payable was successful.

Printing of Purchases Report

You can also print the Purchases Report using this module. Follow these steps to do this:

How to Print Purchases Report?

1. Main Explorer> Delivery.Receiving Entries

2. Click the Print Purchases Report under the Processing & Queries tab.
3. The Purchases Reports window will appear. Adjust the following on the Filter Preferences and Other
Parameters before clicking the Run Report button:
a. Purchase Date Range
b. Document Number
c. Supplier.Vendor
d. Receiving Status
e. Voucher Status
f. Receiving Department

Purchase Returns

Recording of Purchase Returns

This will help the users to record a return item that will affect directly the movement of the inventory by adding the return
items as part of item adjustment.

How to Record Purchase Returns?

1. Main Explorer> Purchase Return

2. Click command button. Choose the Supplier Name on the Search Entity window then click the Select
3. The Purchase Return Details window will appear. Select the Department on the dropdown selection list then
key in the Remarks.Note (optional).
4. Click the Add button.

5. The Item Selection window will appear. Choose the items for return then click the Select button.

6. Back to the Purchase Return Details window, key in the Quantity and the Price of the items on its respective

7. You can delete the item by selecting the item you want to delete then click the Delete button. Click Yes to
confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

8. If you’re done, click the Save and Close button.

Editing of Purchase Returns Record

How to Edit Purchase Returns Record?

1. Main Explorer> Purchase Returns.

2. Select and highlight purchase order on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Purchase Orders cannot be edited.
3. The Purchase Return Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

Deleting of Purchase Returns Record

Deleting Purchase Return Records will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the
database for auditing purposes.

How to Delete Purchase Returns Record?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Returns

2. Select and highlight an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Purchase Returns Record

After creating the Purchase Return Report, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in
the financial books.

How to Post Purchase Returns Record?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Returns

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

Voiding of Purchase Returns Record

When cancelling a purchase return report, it is important to know the date it was made and the day it was cancelled.

How to Void Purchase Returns Record?

1. Main Explorer>Purchase Returns

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

Viewing of Purchase Returns Record

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Purchase Returns are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding the returned items, etc. (All the information and details here
are for viewing purposes only).

How to View Purchase Returns Record?

1. Main Explorer>Deliveries.Receiving Entries

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Purchase Requisition Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

You will notice that the entry has a bar on the 2 column which means that the
posting to Voucher Payable was successful.

Printing of the Purchase Return Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Purchase Return Slip.

How to Print Purchase Return Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Purchase Returns

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Purchase Return Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Purchase Return Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the slip or Print it right away by
clicking their corresponding buttons.

Note: Here is a sample printout of the Purchase Return Slip:

Stock Requisitions

Creating New Stock Transfer Requisition

Here are the steps on how to create a new Stock Transfer Requisition in the Materials Management System.

How to Create New Stock Transfer Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Stock Requisitions Details window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Requesting Department and the Issuing Department.
b. Set the Requisition Date.
c. Click Add button.

4. The Item Selection window will appear. Choose an item then click the Select button.

5. Back to the Stock Requisition Details window; specify the Quantity and the Unit of the item(s) on its respective

6. When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes to confirm or No to
cancel on the confirmation window.

7. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the stock requisition process.

Editing Stock Transfer Requisitions

It is advisable not to post the requisition right away after creating it because once it is posted, it can no longer be
modified or deleted since it is already forwarded to the issuing department.

How to Edit Stock Transfer Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Select and highlight the Stock Requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Stock Requisitions cannot be edited.
3. The Stock Requisition Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

4. Click Save and Close when you’re done.

Deleting Stock Transfer Requisitions

Deleting Stock Transfer Requisitions will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the
database for auditing purposes.

How to Delete Stock Transfer Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock transfer Requisitions

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Stock Transfer Requisitions

When you’re done finalizing the requisition, you can now post it. But before doing so, make sure that you double check
the details of the item to be posted.

How to Post Stock Transfer Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding Of Stock Transfer Requisitions

How to Void Stock Transfer Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Stock Requisitions

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Stock Requisitions are correct, click View command
button. This will display all the details regarding the requested items, quantity and other information.

How to View Stock Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Stock Requisition Details window will appear; review all the details.
All the information and details on this window are for viewing purposes only.

Tagging Stock Transfer Requisition as Inactive

The user can tag the stock transfer requisition as in-active if there are remaining item(s) are not fully not fully served.

How to Tag Stock Transfer Requisition as Inactive?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Select am item on the list then click Mark as Inactive under the Sub Components.
3. A Password Validation Entry window will appear. Key in your User Name and Password then click the Accept

The Stock Transfer Requisitions will be tagged as Inactive (the checkbox on the second
column will be checked).

Printing the Stock Transfer Requisition Slip

When you have successfully entered the Stock Requisition, you can now print the Stock Transfer Requisition Slip that
will be forwarded to the requested department.

How to Print Purchase Order Slips?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Select an item on the list then click Print Stock Requisition Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Stock Requisition Slip window will appear; you have the option to print the order slip by clicking the
Print button or you can view the printout
by clicking the Preview button.

Note: Here is a sample preview of the Stock Transfer Requisition Slip:

Stock Transfer Issuances

Stock Transfer Issuances Extracted From Requisition

Here are the guidelines on how to create new stock transfer issuances extracted from the Stock Requisitions made in the
Materials Management System.

How to Make Stock Transfer Issuance Extracted from Requisition?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuances

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Outstanding Stock Requisitions window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Issuing Department based on what you entered on the Request To field on the
Stock Requisition.
b. Select and highlight the items on the Stock Requisition Document List and then on the Stock
Requisition Transaction Line Items put a checkmark on the selected item/s or just click Select
c. Click Go button.

4. The Stock Issuance Details window will appear; indicate the Issuance Date on its field.

5. You can choose to update the items on the Stock Issuances, just use the Add and Select from Requisition
 When you click Add, the Item Selection window will appear. Put a checkmark on the items on
the list then click Select.

 If you choose to Select from Requisition (Stock Requisitions), you have the option to choose
items again from the Outstanding Stock Requisitions. Put a checkmark/s on the item/s
applicable then click Go button.

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes
to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the stock transfer process.

Direct Stock Transfer Issuance

This process is the same to the previous topic; the only difference is that this process does not require having a stock
requisition. Therefore, this will create the Stock Issuance without any request from the department.

How to Make Stock Transfer Issuance Directly?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Requisitions

2. Click the command button or press Ctrl + N.
3. On the Outstanding Stock Requisitions window, click Skip Requisition button.

4. The Stock Issuance Details will appear; perform the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Issuing Department and Requesting Department.
b. Specify the Issuance Date.

5. On the Stock Issuance Line Items tab; you can select items by clicking the Add and/or Select from
Requisitions (repeat step 5 of Stock Transfer Issuance Extracted from Requisition).
6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to confirm the direct stock issuance.

Editing Stock Transfer Issuance

Editing an item is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Stock Transfer Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuances

2. Select and highlight purchase order on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Stock Issuance cannot be edited.
3. The Stock Issuance Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

4. Click Save and Close when you’re done.

Deleting of Stock Transfer Issuance

Deleting Stock Transfer Issuance will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database
for auditing purposes.

How to Delete Stock Transfer Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuances

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Stock Issuance

After creating the stock transfer issuance, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the
financial books.

How to Post Stock Transfer Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuance

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click the command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding of Stock Transfer Issuance

How to Cancel Stock Transfer Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuance

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Stock Transfer Issuance

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Stock Issuances are correct, click the View command
button. This will display all the details regarding the purchase requests made, items, etc. (All the information and details
here are for viewing purposes only).

How to View Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuances

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Stock Issuance Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Printing of the Stock Issuance Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Stock Issuance Slip.

How to Print Stock Issuance Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Stock Issuances

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Stock Issuance Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Stock Issuance Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print it right
away by clicking their respective buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Stock Transfer Issuance Slip:

Expense Requisitions

Departmental Expense Requisition

Here are the guidelines on how to create Expense Requisitions in the Materials Management System.

How to Start Departmental Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Expense Requisition Details window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Requesting Department and Issuing Department.
b. Set the Requisition Date.

4. Click the Add button. The Items Selection window will appear with the list of items. Choose item(s) by checking
the checkbox then click the Select button.

5. Back to the Expense Requisition Details window, specify the Quantity (Qty) and the Unit of the items on its
respective columns.

6. When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes to confirm or
No to cancel on the confirmation window.

7. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the expense requisition process.

Editing Expense Requisitions

Editing an entry is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Expense Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Select and highlight an entry then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Expense Requisitions cannot be edited.
3. The Expense Requisition Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

Deleting of Expense Requisitions

Deleting Expense Requisitions will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database for
auditing purposes.

How to Delete Expense Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Select and highlight an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted items can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Expense Requisitions

After creating the expense requisitions, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the
financial books.

How to Post Expense Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding of Expense Requisitions

When cancelling Expense Requisitions, it is important to know the date it was made and cancelled.

How to Cancel Expense Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Select the item to be voided on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Expense Requisitions

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Expense Requisitions are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding the Expense Requisitions.

How to View Receiving Report?

1. Main Explorer>Stock Issuances

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Stock Issuance Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Tagging Expense Requisitions Inactive

The user can tag the Expense Requisition as inactive if there are remaining item(s) are not fully not fully served.

How to Tag Expense Requisition as Inactive?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Select am item on the list then click Mark as Inactive under the Sub Components.
3. A Password Validation Entry window will appear. Key in your User Name and Password then click the Accept

The Expense Requisitions will be tagged as inactive (the checkbox on the second column
will be checked).

Printing of the Expense Requisition Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Stock Issuance Slip.

How to Print Expense Requisitions Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Expense Requisitions

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Expense Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Expense Requisitions Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print
it right away by selecting their respective buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Departmental Expense Requisition Slip:

Expense Issuances

Expense Issuance Extracted From Requisition

Here are the guidelines on how to create new stock transfer issuances extracted from the Stock Transfer Requisitions
made in the Materials Management System.

How to Make Expense Issuances Extracted from Requisitions?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Issuances

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Outstanding Expense Requisitions window will appear; do the following tasks:
a. Indicate the Issuing Department based on what you entered on the Request To field on the
Expense Requisition.
b. Select and highlight the items on the Expense Requisition Document List and then on the
Expense Requisition Transaction Line Items put a checkmark on the selected item/s or just
click Select All.
c. Click Go button.

4. The Expense Issuance Details window will appear; indicate the Expense Issuance Date on its field.

5. You can choose to update the items on the Expense Issuances just use the Add and Select from Requisition

 When you click Add, the Item Selection window will appear. Put a checkmark on the items on
the list then click Select.

 If you choose to Select from Requisition you have the option to choose items again from the
Outstanding Expense Requisitions. Put a checkmark/s on the item/s applicable then click Go

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes
to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the expense issuance process.

Direct Departmental Expense Issuance

This process is the same to the previous topic; the difference is that this process does not require having an expense
requisition. Therefore, this will create the Expense Issuance without any request from the department.

How to Make a Direct Departmental Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Requisitions

2. Click the command button or press Ctrl + N.
3. On the Outstanding Expense Requisitions window, click Skip Requisition button.

4. The Expense Issuance Details will appear; perform the following tasks:
c. Indicate the Issuing Department and Requesting Department.
d. Specify the Expense Issuance Date.

5. On the Stock Issuance Line Items tab; you can select items by clicking the Add and/or Select from
Requisitions (repeat step 5 of the Expense Issuances Extracted from Requisitions).
6. Adjust the Qty (Quantity) and Unit of the select item/s.
7. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to confirm the direct expense issuance.

Editing Expense Issuance

Editing an item is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer> Expense Issuances

2. Select and highlight purchase order on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted Expense Issuance cannot be edited.
3. The Expense Issuance Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on different

Deleting of Expense Issuance

Deleting Expense Issuance will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database for
auditing purposes.

How to Delete Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Issuances

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Expense Issuance

After creating the Expense Issuance, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the
financial books.

How to Post Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Issuance

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Posting Confirmation window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding Departmental Expense Issuance

How to Void Departmental Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Issuance

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Expense Issuance

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Expense Issuances are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding the expense issuance (All the information and details here are
for viewing purposes only).

How to View Expense Issuance?

1. Main Explorer>Expense Issuances

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Expense Issuance Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Printing of the Expense Issuance Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Expense Issuance Slip.

How to Print Stock Issuance Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Stock Issuances

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Stock Issuance Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Stock Issuance Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print it right
away by clicking its respective buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Departmental Expense Issuance Slip:

Material Productions

Creating End Product with Multiple Items Assembly

Before proceeding with this process, make sure that you have created the end product under the Items and Services
Master List.

How to Assemble an End Product with Multiple Items?

1. Main Explorer>Material Productions

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Production Details window will appear; specify the following:
a. Target Department
b. Item Description
c. Quantity Produced
d. Remarks.Notes
e. Production Date

4. Click the Add button. The Multi-Department Item Selection window will appear; select the Department then
choose an item then click the Select button.

5. Back to the Production Details window, adjust the Quantity (Qty) of the selected item.

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes
to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the material production record.

Editing of End Product Record

Editing an item is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit an End Product Record?

1. Main Explorer> Material Productions

2. Select an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted items cannot be edited.
3. The Production Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the different

Deleting of End Product Record

Deleting End Product Record will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database for
auditing purposes.

How to Delete an End Product Record?

1. Main Explorer>Material Productions

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of End Product Record

After creating the End Product Record, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the
financial books.

How to Post End Product Record?

1. Main Explorer>Material Productions

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Confirm Posting window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding End Product Record

When cancelling the End Product Record, it is important to know the date it was made and cancelled.

How to Void End Product Record?

1. Main Explorer>Material Productions

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of End Product Record

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Materials Production are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding the end-product record (All the information and details here
are for viewing purposes only).

How to View End Product Record?

1. Main Explorer>Material Productions

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Production Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Printing of the Material Productions Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Material Production Slip.

How to Print Material Productions Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Material Productions

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Material Productions Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Production Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print it right
away (just click the Print or Preview buttons).

Here is a sample printout of the Material Production Report:

Quantity Adjustments

Creating Quantity Adjustments

Here are the guidelines on how to create a new Quantity Adjustment record using the Material Management System.

How to Create Quantity Adjustments?

1. Main Explorer>Quantity Adjustments

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Qty Adjustment Details window will appear; specify the following:
a. Remarks.Notes
b. Adjustment Type
c. Document Date

4. Click the Add button. The Multi-Department Item Selection window will appear; select the Department then
choose an item then click the Select button.

5. Back to the Qty Adjustment Details window, adjust the Quantity (Qty) and the Unit of the selected item.

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes
to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the quantity adjustments process.

Editing of Quantity Adjustments

Editing an item is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Quantity Adjustments?

1. Main Explorer> Quantity Adjustments

2. Select an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted items cannot be edited.
3. The Qty Adjustment Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on different

Deleting of Quantity Adjustments

Deleting Quantity Adjustments will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database
for auditing purposes.

How to Delete a Quantity Adjustment?

1. Main Explorer>Quantity Adjustments

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting of Quantity Adjustments

After creating the Quantity Adjustments, you may now post the transaction to record the recognition of payables in the
financial books.

How to Post Quantity Adjustments?

1. Main Explorer> Quantity Adjustments

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Confirm Posting window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding Quantity Productions

When cancelling the Quantity Productions, it is important to know the date it was made and cancelled.

How to Void Quantity Productions?

1. Main Explorer>Quantity Productions

2. Select the item to be voided on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Quantity Adjustments Record

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Quantity Adjustments are correct, click the View
command button. This will display all the details regarding quantity adjustment record (All the information and details
here are for viewing purposes only).

How to View Quantity Adjustments?

1. Main Explorer> Quantity Adjustments

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Quantity Adjustments Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Printing of the Quantity Adjustment Slip

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Quantity Adjustment Slip.

How to Print Quantity Adjustments Slip?

1. Main Explorer> Quantity Adjustments

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Quantity Adjustments Slip under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Production Slip window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print it right
away by clicking its respective buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Quantity Adjustment Report:

Physical Counts

Establishing Beginning Balances per Stock Card (Inventory)

Here are the guidelines on how to create a new Physical Counts record using the Material Management System. This
will be posted as Inventory Adjustment.

How to Establish Beginning Balance per Stock Card?

1. Main Explorer>Physical Counts

2. Click command button or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
3. The Physical Count Details window will appear; specify the following:
a. Department
b. Counted By
c. Remarks.Notes
d. Reference Date

4. You can choose on the Add or Retrieve Items buttons to select items for counting:

 If you select Add button. The Item Selection window will appear; choose an item then click
the Select button.

 If you choose Retrieve Items, the Option to Retrieve Items window will appear. Choose the Item
Status on the drop down list then the Item Group by clicking the checkbox then click Retrieve
button. All of the items under the selected item group will appear on the Transaction Line Items.

5. Back to the Physical Count Details window, adjust the Physical Count Qty of the selected item/s.

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click Yes
to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

6. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the physical count process.

Creating an Beginning Inventory Balance

Here are the guidelines on how to create a new Physical Counts record using the Material Management System. This
will be posted as Beginning Inventory.

How to Establish Beginning Balance per Stock Card?

1. Main Explorer>Physical Counts

2. Click the Post Beginning Inventory Balance under the Sub-Components of the Sub Explorer.
3. The Physical Count Details window will appear; specify the following:
a. Department
b. Counted By
c. Remarks.Notes (optional)
d. Reference Date
e. Journal Voucher No

4. You can choose on the Add or Retrieve Items buttons to select items for counting:

 If you select Add button. The Item Selection window will appear; choose an item then click
the Select button.

 If you choose Retrieve Items, the Option to Retrieve Items window will appear. Choose the
Item Status on the drop down list then the Item Group by clicking the checkbox then click
Retrieve button. The items under the selected item group will appear on the Transaction Line

5. Back to the Physical Count Details window, adjust the Physical Count Qty of the selected item/s.

 When you Delete an item, just highlight an entry on the list then click Delete button. Click
Yes to confirm or No to cancel on the confirmation window.

7. Click Save and Create New or Save and Close to finalize the physical count process.

Editing of Physical Counts

Editing an item is possible if the transaction is saved but not yet posted. However, posted transactions can also be edited
after cancellation and re-entering the said transaction.

How to Edit Physical Counts entry?

1. Main Explorer> Physical Counts

2. Select an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
Posted items cannot be edited.
3. The Physical Count Details window will appear; you can now update all the necessary information on the
different fields.

Deleting of Physical Counts Record

Deleting Physical Counts will mark the transaction as deleted but will not be permanently erased in the database for
auditing purposes.

How to Delete Physical Counts Record?

1. Main Explorer>Physical Counts

2. Select and highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + D.
Only Unposted requisitions can be deleted.
3. A confirmation window will appear, specify the reason/s for deletion then click Go to confirm or Discard to cancel
the process.

Posting Physical Count Entries

Posting of Physical Count Entries can only be done when the transaction is finalized and before posting make sure that
you have verified all the entries.

How to Post Physical Count Entries?

1. Main Explorer> Quantity Adjustments

2. Select an unposted entry on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + P.
3. The Preposting Inventory Status Review window will appear containing the list of the items to be posted. Click the
Post Inventory Adjustment button to proceed.

4. The Confirm Posting window will appear; click Ok to confirm or Discard to cancel the posting.

You will notice that the requisition will have a Posted status (color: ) on the 1 column
that means that the posting was successful.

Voiding Physical Counts

When cancelling the Physical Counts it is important to know the date it was made and cancelled.

How to Void Physical Counts?

1. Main Explorer>Physical Counts

2. Select the item to be void on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + O.
Voiding is only applicable for Posted requisitions.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Specify the reason/s of cancellation then click Go to confirm the cancellation
or Discard to cancel the process.

You will notice that the entry will have a Voided status (color: ) in the 1 column that
means that the voiding was successful.

Viewing of Physical Count Record

If you want to double check if all the information and details in the Physical Counts are correct, click the View command
button. This will display all the details regarding the physical count record. (All the information and details here are for
viewing purposes only).

How to View Physical Counts Record?

1. Main Explorer> Physical Counts

2. Highlight a requisition on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + V.
3. The Physical Count Details window will appear; review all the information and details.

Printing of the Physical Count Report

When you have successfully made the recording of the receiving report, you can now print the Physical Count Report.

How to Print Physical Count Report?

1. Main Explorer> Physical Counts

2. Select an entry on the list then click Print Physical Counts Report under the Sub Components.
3. The Print Physical Counts Report window will appear; you can choose to Preview the requisition slip or Print it
right away by clicking its corresponding buttons.

Here is a sample printout of the Physical Counts Report:

Posting of Item Cost

Here are the guidelines in posting the Item Cost in the Physical Counts module of the Materials Management System.

How to Post Item Cost?

1. Main Explorer> Physical Counts

2. Click the Post Item Cost located under the Processing and Queries tab of the Sub Explorer.
3. The Posting of Item Cost window will appear. Adjust the following before clicking the Apply Filter Preferences
a. Item Group
b. Item Category
c. Reference Date History (optional)
4. The lists of items will appear on the Item Selection. Click the Create New Set to change the item price.

5. Key in the item’s New Cost on its column.

6. You can choose different options to save the record: click the first button (Save and Close) if you will adjust the
price again since it’s not yet final; select the second button (Save and Post) if the price of the items are final.

Asset Management

Record an Asset

Before recording, make sure that you have the complete information about the asset especially if it is newly acquired.
Here is the process before proceeding in recording assets on MMS.

1. Click the Create Asset Entries on the Items and Services> Assets. Equipment. The Create Asset Entries
window will appear. Select the Department on the drop-down list then key in the Number of Assets. After that,
click the Create button.


 This transaction is also available in HIS> Items and Services > Assets. Equipment.
 The item should be tagged as Fixed Asset on the Items and Services>Edit>Other

2. On the Asset Management module, notice that the number of items set on the Create Asset Entries is also
equal to the items on the window.

How to Record an Asset

1. Main Explorer> Asset Management

2. Select an item on the list then click command button or press Ctrl + E.
3. Select an item then click the Edit button. The Asset Management Details window will appear. The following are
the fields that can be modified on this window:
 Placed in Service
 Custodian
 Department
 Asset Class
 Historical Cost
 Historical Depreciation
 Warranty Period
 Warranty Expiration Date
 Retired Amount
 Life in Years/ Months
 Salvage Value
 Land- check this box if the asset is not included in the depreciation

4. If you’re done, click the Save and Close button.

Depreciating Assets

Because of the wear and tear characteristic of most of the assets, they will eventually loss their value and efficiency
through prolonged and daily usage. This module will discuss how to depreciate the asset.

How to Depreciate an Asset?

1. Main Explorer>Assets Management

2. If you want to decrease the value of the asset, click the Depreciate located under the Sub-Components tab.
3. On the Depreciation Details window, select the item you want to depreciate then click the Post button.

Posting of New Purchase Asset

Here are the guidelines in recording a newly purchased asset.

How to Post Newly Purchase Asset from the Deliveries and Receiving Entries?

1. Main Explorer>Assets Management

2. If you want to post a new asset from Deliveries and Receiving Entries module, click the Post New Purchase
Asset located under the Sub-Components tab.
3. The Posting of New Assets window will appear. Select an item then click the Post button.


 The item should be tagged as Fixed Asset on the Items and Services>Edit>Other

Fixed Assets Report

You have the option to generate reports of the current condition of the fixed assets of the hospital.

How to Generate Reports of the Fixed Assets?

1. Main Explorer>Assets Management

2. Click the Fixed Assets Report under the Processing and Queries tab of the Sub Explorer.
3. The Fixed Assets Report window will appear. Adjust the Reference Date Range then click the Run Report

Here is a sample preview of the Fixed Assets Report:

Depreciation Report

You have the option to generate reports of the current condition of the fixed assets of the hospital.

How to Generate Depreciation Report?

1. Main Explorer>Assets Management

2. Click the Depreciation Report under the Processing and Queries tab of the Sub Explorer.
3. The Depreciation window will appear. Adjust the options on the Filter Preferences and Other Parameters then
click the Run Report button.

Here is a sample preview of the Depreciation Report:


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