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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

S.Y. 2022– 2023

Lesson: Family Resources

After going through this module, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify family resources and need
2. Enumerate sources of family income
3. Allocate budget for basic and social need
Family is the basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a
group, whether dwelling together or not. An example of a family is a set of parents living
with their children. In caring our family, we need to take extra care of our family resources.
A well-managed resource will result to a happy and satisfying life where their needs and
wants are met. The family resources are important in the lives of the members of the
family, hence should be managed well. The management process involves careful decision-
making. Resources are the tools that individuals and families have or can create.

Name: ___________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________

Directions: Write the letter and word of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the intangible resources which time, health, and experience
belong without its family members will be unable to perform their duties and
responsibilities at home?
A. Clothing C. Material Resources
B. Human Resources D. Non-material resources
2. Which of the following is NOT considered as basic human needs?
A. Cellphone B. Clothing C. Food D. Shelter
3. It is non-material resources which considered important. This is used to start and
finish the work in a short or long period.
A. Experience B. Health C. Interest D. Time
4. What kind of family resources which refers to tangible assets such as things
example house and lot, furniture and appliances, jewelry?
A. Human resources C. Non-material resources
B. Material resources D. Skills
5. Which of the following component of family budget involves tuition fees,
books, transportation allowance of children in going to school.
A. Cloth B. Education C. Food D. Shelter

Directions: Write your own opinion.

1. What is a family for you?

2. Do your family have resources? What are those resources?

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