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What are Genes?

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Genes are segments of DNA, the molecule that stores our genetic information.
They are found in chromosomes, thread-like structures within the nucleus of our
Humans have an estimated 20,000-25,000 genes, each with a unique function.
Speaker Notes
Think of genes as the blueprints for building and operating our bodies. They
contain the instructions for making proteins, the workhorses of our cells that
control almost every biological process. Each gene is like a chapter in a book,
encoding specific information for a particular trait or function.

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How Genes Work

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The process of gene expression involves two main steps: transcription and
In transcription, a copy of the gene's DNA sequence is made into RNA (ribonucleic
RNA then serves as a messenger, carrying the genetic information to the ribosomes,
where translation takes place.
During translation, the RNA code is used to assemble amino acids into proteins.
Speaker Notes
Imagine DNA as a recipe book and RNA as the transcribed recipe. It's then delivered
to the ribosomes, the kitchen, where proteins are assembled like the final dish
based on the instructions in the recipe.

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Different Types of Genes

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There are two main types of genes: protein-coding and non-coding.

Protein-coding genes make up about 70% of our genes and provide instructions for
building proteins.
Non-coding genes do not directly code for proteins but play crucial roles in gene
regulation, cell development, and other functions.
Speaker Notes
Think of protein-coding genes as the chefs creating dishes, while non-coding genes
are like the sous chefs and kitchen managers, ensuring everything runs smoothly and

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Genes and Traits

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Genes influence a wide range of our traits, from physical characteristics like eye
color and height to susceptibility to diseases.
However, the environment also plays a role in shaping our traits, interacting with
our genes in complex ways.
For example, a gene may predispose someone to a certain disease, but environmental
factors like diet and lifestyle can influence whether or not the disease develops.
Speaker Notes
Our genes are like a deck of cards we're dealt at birth, containing the potential
for certain traits. But just like playing cards, the final outcome depends on how
we play the hand, influenced by the environment and our own choices.

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The Study of Genes: Genetics

The study of genes and heredity is called genetics.

Genetics has led to groundbreaking discoveries in various fields, from medicine and
agriculture to forensics and anthropology.
By understanding genes, we can gain insights into human health, evolution, and the
diversity of life on Earth.
Speaker Notes
Genetics is like a detective story, constantly unraveling the mysteries of life
encoded in our genes. This knowledge opens doors to personalized medicine, improved
crop yields, and a deeper understanding of our place in

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