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INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS - Surface Structure – the way they are shaping identity, worldview, and social
Language is defined as linguistic communication, expressed interactions.
speech communication, cognitive ability, and - Deep Structure – the underlying meaning. ▪ Language as species-specific, uniformed,
cultured-based. - Transformational rules manipulate these and unique to humans – Language is
▪ Verbal Communication – focuses on how structures to generate grammatical regarded as species-specific, being a trait
language is used to convey thoughts, ideas sentences, highlighting the flexibility and unique to humans. Unlike other forms of
emotions, and information through creativity inherent in the language. animal communication, human language
spoken/written words. using of voice ▪ Functionalists – are linguistic theorists who exhibits a high degree of complexity, enabling
▪ Cognitive Ability (Mental Process) – an focus on the pragmatic functions of language us to convey abstract concepts, discuss the
instrument of thinking. It reflects the way within social contexts. They emphasize how past and future, and express emotions and
individuals perceive the world, formulate language serves communicative purposes beliefs.
ideas, tackle problems, and convey and facilities social interaction, rather than ▪ Language as a system – operates as a
concepts. solely focusing on its formal structures. structured system comprising
▪ Linguistic Communication – it enables - They explore how language adapts to meet interconnected elements such as sounds,
individual to understand the thoughts, the needs of users in various situations, words, grammar, and meaning.
emotions, and information through structural highlighting its role in achieving social goals ▪ Language as a vocal – it utilizes sounds
& functional aspects of language and maintaining social cohesion. produced by the human vocal apparatus to
▪ Cultured Based – communicating the culture ▪ Interactionists – emphasize the dynamic convey meaning and facilitate
of a particular community or members of interplay between language, cognition, and communication. Vocal language
society. It emphasizes the influence of culture social interaction. They study how language encompasses various features such as
on language. It reflects the cultural values, use emerges and evolves through interactive intonation, rhythm, and stress, which can
beliefs, norms, and identity. processes, considering both individual contribute to conveying nuances of meaning
Language Views cognitive factors and social contexts. and expressing emotions.
▪ Structuralists – assert that language - They investigate how communication shapes ▪ Language as a skill subject – Language is
operates as a systematic arrangement of and is shaped by social interactions, often regarded as a skill subject, emphasizing
components, each contributing to a coherent highlighting the reciprocal relationship its acquisition and development through
framework of ideas. They argue that language, between language and society. learning and practice. As a skill, language
functioning as a system, exhibits a structured Nature of Language – encompasses its fundamental involves the mastery of various components
nature, dictating the characteristics of its properties and functions as a complex system of such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation,
constituent elements. communication and expression used by humans. and communication strategies.
- According to this perspective, the structures ▪ Language as something learnt – Language is ▪ Language as a means for communication –
inherent in language collectively shape its a learned behavior, acquired through it serves as a primary means for
deeper conceptual framework, transcending exposure, interaction with social contexts. communication, facilitating the exchange of
mere surface-level meanings. ▪ Language as related to the culture of information, ideas, emotions, and intentions
▪ Transformationalists – They are linguistic society – Language is intimately linked to the among individuals.
theorists who emphasize the role of culture of society, serving as a reflection and ▪ Language as arbitrary – the relationship
transformations in generating different vehicle of its norms, values, beliefs, and between linguistic signs and their meanings is
surface structures from a single underlying traditions. Through language, cultural based on convention rather than inherent
deep structure. knowledge is transmitted across generations, logic or necessity.
Characteristics of Language ▪ Humanness – in language refers to unique
▪ Conventional and Non-Instinctive – it is traits such as complexity, productivity, and
based on socially agreed-upon conventions creativity. It encompasses our ability to
rather than innate biological instincts. convey abstract ideas, innovate linguistically,
▪ Productivity and Creativity – Language is and use of language as a tool for social
highly productivity, enabling speakers to interaction, distinguishing human connection
generate and understand in infinite number of from other species.
novel utterances. Language users exhibit by
constantly innovating and adapting linguistic
expressions to meet their communicative
needs. Speakers can manipulate language
creatively to convey nuanced meanings,
express emptions, or evoke imagery.
- Together, productivity and creativity highlight
the flexibility and adaptability of language as
a communicative system, allowing speakers
to express an endless array of thoughts,
ideas, and emotions in diverse contexts.
▪ Duality – of patterning allows for the creation
of an infinite number of meaningful
expressions from a finite set of discrete
elements. This hierarchical structure is a
fundamental feature of human language and
contributes to its productivity and flexibility.
▪ Displacement – refers to the ability of
language to convey information about things
and events that are not present in the
immediate physical context. Unlike other
forms of animal communication, which are
often tied to the here and now, human
language allows speakers to talk about past
experiences, future plans, hypothetical
situations, and abstract concepts.
- The characteristic of displacement is crucial
for human communication, as it enables
individuals to share knowledge, memories,
and ideas beyond their immediate

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