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A day in the life of REX

Alright, there I was, minding my own business when that lady gave me a big juicy,
meaty bone. At first, I just lunged at it but, while I was chewing, I realized that I don’t get
these very often…only when I have to take a bath or something. I like baths; I just
pretended to not like them so I could get a big bone.
Anyway, when I was done with my bone, that lady put my leash on me and we
went outside. I was hot and I started to breathe so I could cool down. We got in the big,
cool car and I felt cool and calm. We drove until we got to a building where I had only
been once.
The first thing I realized when we went inside was that it was cool just like the car
and I felt calm. The second thing I realized was that it smelled like other dogs and I
could hear other dogs, but I couldn’t see other dogs. Just some other lady behind a huge
wall that my lady was talking to. I couldn’t understand them.
The Behind-the-wall-lady came out and took me through a door and into a long room
filled with dogs. They were all in cages. She put me in a big cage and then left. It was
only a few minutes later when a lady came and poked me with a long, shiny, pokey thing.
It didn’t really hurt me that much.
At that point, all I remember is falling asleep…
When I woke up, the first thing I remember was a weird feeling in-between my legs.
I looked down and started to lick the area like I always do. There was something missing
so kept trying to clean it. A lady came and got me and took me out to the lobby. My
lady was there and she gave the behind-the-wall lady some green paper (the kind that
doesn’t taste very good) and we left.
That was the day I lost my dangly things…

Written by a freshman student.

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