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Catch-up Subject: English 8 Grade Level: 8

Quarterly Theme: National Reading Program Date: February 23, 2024
(refer to Enclosure No. 2 of DM 001,
s. 2024, Quarter 3)
Sub-theme: Duration: 4 Hour
Session Title: Reading Intervention Session Subject and Time: English 8
Session 1. Read words/poem and answer questions about it.
Objectives: 2. Identify meanings of unfamiliar words through structural analysis
(word and affixes).
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
DM 001, s.2024

Materials: Meta strips

Components Duration Activities

Pre-Reading 30 minutes Activity:
1. Let’s Hunt:
Directions: Group together the meta strips with words that
contain a prefix and a suffix.
2. Flash cards to highlight words with affixes-prefix and
During Reading 120 minutes Activities:
A. Previewing the Poem (Brainstorming about the
Title: Recipe for a Teacher)

B. Oral Reading and Unlocking of Words:

1. heaped- piled or accumulated in a large quantity, forming a
mound or mass
After hours of cleaning, she heaped all the dirty laundry into a large
pile in the corner of the room.
2. pinch-To squeeze or press something, typically between two
surfaces, causing discomfort or pain.
I accidentally pinched my finger while closing the door, causing a
sharp pain.
3. dash- small amount
Her outfit had a dash of sophistication with its elegant accessories.
4. merriment- happiness
The family gathered around the fireplace, filled with merriment, as
they shared stories.
5. hefty- large and heavy
She carried a hefty bag of groceries up the stairs.
6. dollop- is a small, usually round quantity of something soft
she added a dollop of whipped cream to her hot chocolate for an
extra touch of sweetness.
7. sigh- a spontaneous and audible exhalation of breath, often
expressing a range of emotions such as relief, frustration,
contentment, or weariness
After a long and stressful day at work, Emily let out a deep sigh as

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she finally sank into the comfort of her favorite chair.

8. stares- to gaze fixedly and intently at something or someone
As the mysterious figure entered the room, everyone turned and
stares followed, trying to discern the identity of the unexpected
9. sniffles- refers to a mild cold
She couldn't shake off the sniffles, so she stayed home from work
to rest.
C. Oral Reading of the Poem (Group, Pair and

Post Reading Activities:

Activity A. Making Connections and asking comprehension
1. What is the poem suggesting about the teacher's
a) Strict and serious
b) Solemn and somber
c) Playful and lighthearted
d) Reserved and indifferent
Key Answer: c) Playful and lighthearted
2. What ingredient in the poem emphasizes the
importance of maintaining a sense of humor?
a) A dash of strictness
b) Two generous handfuls of useless facts
c) A plentiful supply of jokes
d) Three spoonfuls of disbelieving stares
Key Answer: c) A plentiful supply of jokes
3. What does the poem suggest about the teacher's
approach to difficult situations?
a) Overly strict
b) Dismissive
c) Kind and supportive
d) Indifferent
Key Answer: c) Kind and supportive
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an
ingredient in the poem?
a) A hefty dollop of playfulness
b) Two hundred incredibly long sighs
c) Three packs of tissues
d) Five thousand colorful pens
Key Answer: b) Two hundred incredibly long sighs
5. What is the purpose of the "bag of kind words"
mentioned in the poem?
a) To scold students when they misbehave

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b) To encourage students during difficult times

c) To showcase the teacher's vocabulary
d) To emphasize strictness in the classroom
Key Answer: b) To encourage students during difficult
Part II.
1. What makes a good teacher according to the poem?
2. Do you agree with the poem?
3. What else can you add?
4. What are the words that contain suffixes?


Master Teacher II


School Principal IV

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