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Managing the System of Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative

A Capstone Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Georgette P. Algarme
Jewel Mae P. Bueno
Kayla Mae V. Lumactod
Kent Vicoy

March 2024

TITLE OF RESEARCH: Managing the System of Fatima Airport

Transportation Cooperative

NAME OF PROPONENTS: Georgette P. Algarme

Jewel Mae P. Bueno
Kayla Mae V. Lumactod
Kent Vicoy

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information System
has been examined and is recommended for Oral Defense.


Chola Marie B. Iglesias

Capstone Project Adviser


Ivy Grace C. Laurente

Capstone Project Coordinator


Kristel Joy C. Tulagan, LPT, MITProgram Head


STI College General Santos


This capstone project proposal titled: <Research Title> prepared and submitted by
<Researcher's Given Name MI. Family Name>, <Researcher's Given Name MI.
Family Name>, <Researcher's Given Name MI. Family Name>, and <Researcher's
Given Name MI. Family Name>, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in <Program>, has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval.

<Capstone Project Adviser's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Capstone Project Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Project Review Panel

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in <Program>

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


<Capstone Project Coordinator's Given <Program Head's Given Name MI. Family
Name MI. Family Name> Name>
Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head

<Date of Proposal Defense>

STI College General Santos


Title Page i
Endorsement form for Proposal Defense ii
Approval Sheet iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
Project Context
Purpose and Description
Scope and Limitations
Review of Related Literature/Systems
Related Literature
Related Studies and/or Systems
Technical Background
Overview of Current Technologies to be Used in the System
Calendar of Activities
Methodology, Results, and Discussion
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Documentation
Design of Software, System, Product, and/or Processes
Resource Persons
Personal Technical Vitae

STI College General Santos


Project Context

In today's fast-paced world, efficient transportation systems are crucial for economic
growth, societal development, and individual mobility. However, many regions,
including our community, face challenges in managing transportation systems
effectively. Among the various transportation modes, In this context, the management of
airport transportation cooperatives becomes pivotal for ensuring smooth operations and
satisfactory service delivery to passengers and stakeholders.

The prevailing problem situation within the Fatima Airport Transportation

Cooperative stems from several factors. Firstly, there is a lack of coordination and
communication among cooperative members, leading to disruptions in service
schedules and dis-satisfactory experiences for passengers. Secondly, Transportation
is a business and thus it cannot be handled by one person and there are many
branches of a transport company. The existing file system is entirely paper-
based,which is done manually by the staff. Operating everything manually becomes
time-consuming, difficult to manage, and unreliable due to the high likelihood of
error. It may also cause significant data loss due to manual operation. Thirdly
Retrieving records of company is also difficult since all of their operation and billing
transaction is done manually, Thirdly, retrieving company records is difficult
because all of their operations and invoicing transactions are completed
manually, making the procedure considerably more chaotic and time-
consuming. Without a structured approach to information management,
companies face a variety of difficulties that may affect efficiency,
effectiveness, security, and compliance. Implementing an appropriate
management system is critical to overcome these challenges and ensuring
that information is organized, accessible, secure, and helpful for decision-
making and strategic planning.

Overall, the challenges facing the Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative highlight
the need for comprehensive solutions. Problems range from communication gaps to
reliance on inadequate technology like Excel. the management of the Fatima Airport
Transportation Cooperative can effectively organize and oversee its operations to achieve

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its goals and fulfill its mission of providing reliable and high-quality transportation
services to airport users.

Purpose and Description

The purpose of this study is to lessen the paper works and to automatize their transaction
and operation of Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative, and to leverage technology
innovation to improve operational efficiency, optimize resources, and process foster
positive to relationships with the stakeholders. This study also involves adopting advance
system for fleet management and exploring opportunities for integrating emerging


General Objectives

The Objectives of this study is to develop an efficient Management System For the

Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative, with a focus on improving operational

efficiency. Through comprehensive research and analysis, the study aims to identify key

issues, suggest feasible remedy and present workable approach that will empower the

Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative to overcome its existing challenges and

realize its full potential as a catalyst for positive change and prosperity in the community.

Specific Objectives
 To maintain the cooperative's fleet of vehicles in good condition
through regular maintenance, repairs, and replacements as necessary to
ensure reliability and safety.
 To make the data of Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative
available for retrieval whenever needed.

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 To replace manual encoding into computirized system, that would
make the transaction simpler and easier for operation report.
 To maintain detailed records of vehicle maintenance history, including repairs,

replacements, and inspections.

 To accurately record and analyze ridership data

 To efficiently manage the cooperative's finances in order to assure profitability,

sustainability, and long-term viability.
This could include budgeting, cost control, revenue optimization, financial plan
ning, and sustainability over the long term.
 To reduce waiting time for passengers at Fatima Airport by optimizing

transportation routes and schedules.

 To develop efficient and reliable transportation schedules that minimize waiting

times and ensure timely arrivals and departures.

 To Identity major problems that prevent the cooperative’s effectiveness.

 To Serve as a catalyst for positive change and prosperity in the community.

 To ensure consistent and reliable attendance among cooperative members

responsible for operating the vehicles.

Scope and Limitations

The proposed system is intended for Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative only.
This study aims to identify the problems encountered in the current process of recording
and managing operation in Fatima Airport Transportation Cooperative. The system is an

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automated system that will help the company to make business transactions easier, and
more accurate. This system can able to set schedule, record, and retrieve information.
This system The system will also help the company to lessen the work and efforts.

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