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Nama : Rosadalima Gregoria Lelu

Kelas : A
Makul : Bahasa Ingriss


Let me introduce myself, my name is Rosadalima Gregoria Lelu. I'm usually
called Sary. I'll tell you a little about my activities and routine while living in the
boarding house. My daily life is just in the boarding house as usual . From the
moment I wake up, I stretch my body and imafter that I immediately made my bed
and swept the room.mediately drink water. After that I washed the dishes and
cooked. After I had cleaned everything I immediately rushed to take a shower and
get ready for campus. I rushed to campus so as not to be late for the lecture. After
arriving at campus I prepared myself to attend the lecture.
After the lecture finished, I immediately packed up my stationery and rushed
home to my boarding house. When I arrived at the boarding house I changed
clothes and immediately ate, after that I rested. After sleeping I get up and clean
up the dirty dishes and cook in preparation for dinner. After that I took a shower
and changed clothes. After that I did the assignment given by the lecturer. After
finishing I ate and got ready to sleep.

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