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I’m a bachelor law student from Padjajaran University. My major is Criminal Law but I
like various major in law such as Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, State
Administrative Law and Cyber Law. I really passionate to. I’m a person of integrity,
diligent and have high motivation to achieve something. I believe all of this can be
achieved through good teamwork and communication.

I am deeply interested in joining Ariyanto Arnaldo Law Firm as a Legal Intern. I am

especially fascinated by the fact that Ariyanto Arnaldo Law Firm is unique in terms of
law public services and it helps any aspect in law and specially about development
law aspect like Alternative Dispute Resolution, Banking & Finance, Commercial &
Criminal Litigation and many other law. As such like that, I am looking forward to
Ariyanto Arnaldo Law Firm who learning more about how to apply legal knowledge in
a way that helps with legal drafting and practical as a legal partner and how to
handple legal partner. So, I hope I can be a part in Ariyanto Arnaldo lawfirm as a
Legal Trainee.

In this internship vacancy, I really need apllicate theory and experience in law object
to explore world of work which involves all aspects especially communication,
dedication and persistence especially in the realm of law. This corporation demands
for the time so that the legal departement also needs to adapt to create good
business relationship between business people and employees. Ariyanto Arnaldo
Lawfirm provides to litigation and non-litigation and some of them are Commercial &
Criminal Litigation and Commercial Fraud Litigation.

I majored in Criminal Law but however, I am deeply interested in Baker McKenzie

undertakings, and I look forward to learn more about business and agreement laws
in particular, as these fields of law are also covered by Ariyanto Arnaldo Law Firm. I
possess legal drafting when I had an experience to create MoU’s and cooperation
aggrement in Ministry of Education and Culture who the I made with Legal Staff team
between Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Furthermore, I passionate to Legal Research and that’s I proven by my “Summary of
Criminal Law Courses for Criminal Majors.” BOOKLET_KEILMUAN HIMAPI 2020 -
Google Drive and essay from VONIS FH UNPAD which is Karya Tulis Fenomena
Blacklivesmatter dan Keberadaan dari Orang-orang Papua di Indonesia.pdf. Also, I
had experience as a moderator a national webinar event, namely “ Webinar
Kekerasan Gender Berbasis Online.”

Although I have little experience, but I hope that I can develop and learn more deeply
ad broadly at Ariyanto Arnaldo Law Firm. I see my opportunity to grow from this
vacancy and this is one step if given the opportunity to develop for the better and
fresh and inovative abilities specially for business and law area. In this era, this two
ascpect are important because such as my self description that I am a person who
wants to learn, I want to take all the knowledge that is not only the application of law
but also how to communicate and relationship with team if you give me opportunity
to do this internship. About many areas in this lawfirm I get interest with Commercial
& Criminal Litigation and Commercial Fraud but I’m not close if get any other area in
this lawfirm. So that it gives me the desire to learn as well as to practice what I have
learned and the right basic legal concepts.

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