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Agriculture: Sulfur is a key component in many fertilizers, aiding in boosting crop yields.

provides essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for plant growth. Sulfur-
based fungicides and pesticides protect crops from diseases.

Energy Production: Sulfur compounds are vital for processing crude oil into usable petroleum
products such as gasoline and diesel fuel. They help remove impurities and byproducts during
the refining process. Sulfuric acid, produced from sulfur, is a critical ingredient in petroleum

Chemical Manufacturing:

The chemical industry heavily relies on sulfur and sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is used to produce
a wide range of goods, including detergents, dyes, drugs, explosives, and synthetic fibers like
rayon and nylon. Other sulfur compounds contribute to the production of cosmetics, insecticides,
fungicides, and rubber1
Metallurgy: Sulfuric acid plays a significant role in mining and purifying metals. It
helps leach copper from ore and regenerate leaching solutions. Sulfur dioxide is
also used to produce sulfuric acid, maintaining proper pH levels in metal
Healthcare: Some sulfur compounds have therapeutic applications.

They are used in medicines and skincare products to treat conditions like acne, eczema,
psoriasis, scabies, and fungal infections. Sulfur-containing medicines can alleviate symptoms
related to arthritis, bronchitis, and gastrointestinal issues1.

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