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As Homo sapiens age, they experience a myriad of physical and cognitive changes.

In ancient
times, life expectancy was much lower than it is today, with many individuals not surviving past
middle age. Those who did reach old age often faced challenges such as declining health and

In terms of physical changes, older Homo sapiens may have experienced loss of muscle mass,
decreased bone density, and a decline in sensory abilities. This could have made tasks such as
hunting or gathering more difficult for them.

Cognitively, older individuals may have experienced memory loss, slower reaction times, and
difficulty learning new information. This could have impacted their ability to adapt to changing
environments or technologies.

Despite these challenges, older Homo sapiens were valued members of their communities for
their wisdom and experience. They played important roles in passing down knowledge and
traditions to younger generations. Overall, while aging presented its own set of difficulties for
ancient humans, they found ways to adapt and continue contributing to society in meaningful

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