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ilmeveewneovarions Mixture Problems 1. The capacity of a gasoline tank of a car is 30 hers which i filed with a mixture of gasoline and alcohol with the later comprising 25%. How much of this rnisture be drawn off and replaced with pare alcohol 0 thatthe tank will contain a mixture that is 50% aol? 2. Inwhat ratio must Amadeo Coffee costing P240 per kg te mived with Barako coffee costing PO per kp, $0 that a profit of 20% is made by selling the mintume at PRO per ky? + Al2 B23 C5 DSS Work Problems. A. An clevated concrete tank is filed Usrough flet pipe and then ts emptied through its outlet pipe ina total time of hours. If water enters through the ilet pipe and is simullancously allowed to leave through the ‘outlet pipe, Uke tank is filled in 20 hours. How long, ‘ils take to il the tank ifthe outlot i dosed? 4. The time requited fortwo examinees to solve the same problem differs by two minutes. Working together, {hey cansolve 32 problems in one hour. How long will, {take the slower examinee to solve a problem? Proportion Problems 5. The sides ofa triangle are in the continued ratio 35:7. Twice the longest sce decreased by half te sum ofthe ‘other two sides is 30 em. Find the perimeter of the triangle, 6. The mean proportion betwoen 12 and x is equal to 6, Find x. Variation Problems. {varies directly as yz sey or x= fy xvariesinversely asyt xa Lor xa yoy “varies jointly as yand = xee ye or x= hye 7. The electrical resistance ofa cable varies directly as its length and inversely as the square ofits diamoter. fa ‘able 600 m long, and 100 mm in diameter has a resistancw of ohm, find the length of a cable 20 mm in diameter with a resistance of 0.15 ohm. Partial Fractions 30° 452r-51 8. Resolve into partial factions: —3#+32x—51_ G-Ne-2ya) Solution: 4432-51 A, ¢ Ga Wlx=2)re3) aT =D ed Bx? +521-51™ AG-2\(r43)* BOx=1)(043) + Cx-1x-2) Setx=1: 3(1*)+22(1)-51 = AUL-2)(1+3) Aad Setx™ 2: 3(2?)+32(2)-81 = B(2~1Y243) Bes Sexe X37 +3%-3)-S1 =Cl-3-1\2 Co6 CE Review for Nov 2023 ~ Algebra 3 24748 ve into patil fractions: 472" 9, Resale inlo partial factions: AE Solution: 4747248 A, 3 4 C0 “Were aD De HP 4x? 47x48" Ales 2) Ba(a+2/* Calx+2)+ Dr Satx-0: 8=A(0+27 Saze2 4¢-2)°47(-2)+8" D2) D=5 4x7 47x48" A(C 46x? +12c+8)* BOX? + 4x? +42) + CG? 2x) Dr, Equatecofficentsof2% A 145-0 Bet 6As4B4C=4 yr 4(-1)1Ca4 c=2 10, Resolve into partial fractions: af-P 4147-2142 ere a -2845) Equate coefficients of 2: Solution: soe st 20422 ere yee) atx 41d? -2r+ 22 = AG? +4)? 2045), + Bx+Ce+ NG? -20+5) + Dx+B (e+? +4) Sees TH+M42422 = ACL4A)(14245) Ast A, BreC, Desk eel Ped Pore ata 414s? 20422" AQ 2174 97 8x4 20) + Bist 24307453) + hesta3e15) + Glas) 24s? 442) + HO stare) quate cooffcionsof| A+B D=1 -D Equate coefficients of °° -24~B+C+D4E. - 2D4C+E=1 €O Equate coefficients of %: 9A43B-C+4D+E=14 D-C+E=5 -€@ BA+SBHICHE=—2 -D+3C+4E=6 © Equate coefficients of x: From 0, @,and @ DeQ,thenB=0;C=-2E=3 wanevont Bmore ‘wneresta Ba z t Scanned with CamScanner _Linevrew meovarions. 1, Resolve into paral fractions: xt 19x" + 60x? -91x +64 xa? =3e44)? Answer: A=4,B=-1,C#2,D=2and E=-3 Other Problems 12.4 box contains 8 white balls, 15 green halls 6 black bulls, 8 red balls, and 13 yellow balls, How many balls ‘must be drawn to ensure that there will be three balls. ‘of the same color? 15, A question was lost in which 600 persons voted: the same persons having voted again on the same [pruposal, it was carried by twice as many as it was lost before lost by and the new majority és to the former as 87. How many changed thelr minds? Problems for Practice 1. How many terms of the progression 35,7... mustbe taken Inorder that tok sum wil be 2600? ‘ane 50 2. Inhaw many minutes ater 2:00 o lock wit he hands of the locker oppostadreton orth rat tina? 3. Sobwforx:xe (02 = 40+16)02 -16) B64 sna PEI oy ye 5. Thearthmetic mean of numbers I 17. two numbers are ‘added 1 the progression, tho new eat of numbers vl have ‘an arthmete moar of 19: What are the two numbers fer ghorence at ane 238 As: b= 4 8 F t+ rata tem noting he epson te 21% 7. Debbie Is now twice es.0l4 a8 Jemy. Four year 099, Debbie was tee tes es ld. ery then, Row of Debtie? “an 18 8. Find te product of two numbers sch that tics th fat {20500 toe second equa 18 and thee tines th fa fe 2X more than he second, ‘en : a Agra a eg semmmsrasen dence meres ocatete eben cae Beebe 328 so. Seer ge nn ty Haein dacs oeceen i - ‘Ans: 52 kph 11, Aand 8 working together can finish paling a house in ‘aye. A working alone can ish tin 5 daye lose than B. orang wii each hem tosh ie wor ean? 12, Glenn can painta house n9 hours while Stewart can paint the same house In 16 hours. They work topater for 4 hours Alter 4 hous, Stewart ft and Glenn fished tho fob ‘lone’ How many more aye ed take Glonn to fksh tne po? "ans: 2.75 hrs 13, The seling price ofa TV sets double tat of ts cost. the TV set was sod to a customer at a profit of 25% ofthe net cost, how much discount was given Io the customer? © 375% 14, Astack of bricks nas 61 bricks inthe tottom layer, $8 bricks ine sacond layer 55 Ere Inthe Et layer i 20.08 {nit tere ao 10 brexs Inte as layer How many bck fro thre all togtter? “Ane! 839 15, A man maled 10 chain toters to ten of his fends with a Fequest to contrue by sending a simlarleter to each of thet tn frends. itis continue for 8 sets ofleters and all responded, how much will the Phi, Postal office eam if mentum postage costs PA perleter? Ans: P&.444,440 16, Find the 19870 itn the decimal equivalent to 1785/0899 Staring tom a decrnal pont. “a 7 18. a. 2 2, a. 20, 30 ‘s ayerona gowns CE Review for Nov 2023 ~ Algebra 3 Tfequal spheres are pled inthe fom ofa complete pyramié ‘with an equiateral tangle as base, nd the total number of ‘spheres in tho ple leach sige of tno base coniains 4 ‘spheres. “ "ans: 20 “The sum ofthe frst n terms of series is 3%" 6, Find the ‘ith term of the series. ‘ans: 1486, Aste cy sen no 5. uaa te soot 28 Sains ete ear noes Seamer Two cars starting at tho same tno travel from A to B 1000, apart. One cat can travel 1000 min 130 seconds whe ‘the ether car can ravel the same cistance in 120 seconds. How far behind the faster car the slower car when tho {aster ear reached pol 5? ‘ane: 76.823 ‘At what ne bebwoen tree and four o'clock Is the minute fare tame stance rm i a he ura rom Fy c. 322.06 022109 Ten iors of 25% salt solution and 15 ters of 35% salt soluton are poured into a drum eontaning 30 ters of 10% sat soluton What the percent concentration Of salt inthe mre?” ‘10.59 27.05% 8 2238% 6 2572%, “Two thousand (2000) kg of stool contalning 8% nekel sto be sel containing 14% nickel with anather containing 6% nickel. How many kg of steel copahig endl neces? ‘A. 1500 kg . 500) Tag - — B izs0l ‘An eauitateral tangle Is Inserbed within a circle whose ‘Gameterie 12 om. inthis Wangie a ce Is nscribed: ang Inihis cree, another equlotora tangles nserbed: ang so Shinde Find the sum te ares of at he ances, ‘answer: 62.35 cm ‘Acat takes 4 leaps oa djs 3; but? ofthe dog's leaps are ‘equivalent to 3of te cats. The cathasa stan of $0 leaps, How mary leaps. tust the dog take to catch tne cat? ‘Answer: 300 leans IM. Potro and Miss Marple wak into a tured-ff escalator torealze that has abla to wale stops during the tine she needs 0 walk only 2. Whon tho escalator fs fumedon ang iis already workng at constant speed. M. Pokot enters ‘again the escalator to realize he needs to take 25 steps fo ‘98 through it whe Miss Marple realizes she needs nly 20 Steps to reach is end (tthe very same conditions). Haw many steps are thereon tne esealaor? Answer 80 Ina cortain town there ate 1000 married coupes. Two ‘tins ofthe husbands who are taller than thet wives are ‘also heavier and tvee-quartrs of tie husbands who ae heavier than thet wives are also tal. here are 120, Wives who are taler and heavier than hair husbands, hw many husbands are taller and heavir than their wives? ‘Answer: 460 |Lwas walting along the road at 6kph when a car cashed past me and only aiased me by @ few behes: From the roment passed me is Gsappeerance round a comer | {bok thityone steps and waking on reached that corner wih our Muncre’ andtirty four leps more. Assuming tt "wae and the car ran at unform speeds, what was the speed of he car? Vinswer80 Kon Scanned with CamScanner

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