CH 2meshandnodeanalysis-Jameel23oct23

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(BBJ 10305)

Loop, Mesh, Node and Branch
Let's start off with some useful definitions:

A point in a circuit where terminals of at least two electric
components meet. This point can be on any wire, it is infinitely small
and dimensionless.

Major Node:
This point is a node. A set of these nodes is used to create equations.
Let's start off with some useful definitions (Continue):

Reference Node:
The node to which Voltages of other nodes is read about. This can
be seen as ground ( V = 0).

This is a circuit element(s) that connect two nodes.

Basic rule: The sum of the currents entering any node must
equal the sum of the currents leaving that node.
What is Branch?
A branch represents the single circuit elements like resistor,
capacitor, inductor, voltage, or current source.

For example, for the circuit shown in figure 1, there are five branches.
A 10 V voltage source, 2A current source, 4 Ω, 5 Ω, and 3 Ω resistors.
What is Node?
A node is a point in the circuit where two or more circuit elements (or
branches) are connected.

For example, as shown in Figure 2, the above circuit contains the

Four nodes. The node A, B, C, and D.
What is Loop?
Any closed path in circuit is called as a loop. A loop is closed path formed by
starting at node, passing through set of nodes, and returning to starting node without
passing through any node more than once.

For example, as shown in Figure.3, the circuit contains three loops. The first is
loop A-B-D-A, the second loop is B-C-D-B. And the third loop is A-B-C-D-A.
What is Mesh?
A mesh is a closed path in the circuit, which does not contain any other
close path inside it.
For example, as shown in Figure.3, loop 1(A-B-D-A) and loop 2 (B-C-
D-B) does not contain any other closed path within them. And they are
the example of the Mesh. While loop 3 (A-B-C-D-A) contains loop 1
and loop 2 within it. So, it can’t be called as a Mesh.
A) Mesh Analysis

Mesh: a loop that does not enclose any other loops

All Mesh are loops but not all the
loops are Mesh.
The following is a general procedure for using Nodal
Analysis method to solve electric circuit problems.
The aim of this algorithm is to develop equations
found by applying KCL at the major nodes in an
electric circuit. Simultaneous equations to solve the
unknown major node voltages.
Once the Node voltages are solved, normal circuit

analysis methods ( Ohm's law; Voltage and Current

Divider principles etc... ) can then be used to find

whatever circuit entity is required.

Obtain values for the unknown voltages
across the elements in the circuit below.
node 1 node 2

At node 1 v1 v1 − v2
+ = 3.1
2 5
v2 v −v
At node 2 + 2 1 = - (-1.4)
1 5
Nodal Analysis Algorithm:

1.) Choose a reference node. ( Rule of thumb: take the

node with most branches connecting to it )
2.) Identify and number major nodes. ( Usually 2 or 3 major
Nodes )
3.) Apply KCL to identified major nodes and formulate
circuit simultaneous equations.
4.) Solve the simultaneous equations from KCL
equations obtained.
5.) Use solved node voltages to solve for the
desired circuit entity.
Mesh Analysis: Basic Concepts:
• In formulating mesh analysis, we assign a mesh current to each mesh.

Collecting the coefficients of ia and ib

ia ib
Determine the two mesh currents, i1 and i2, in the circuit
For the left-hand mesh,
6 i1 + 3 ( i1 - i2 ) = 42
-42 + 6 i1 + 3 ( i1 - i2 ) = 0
For the right-hand mesh,
3 ( i2 - i1 ) + 4 i2 = 10
3 ( i2 - i1 ) + 4 i2 - 10 = 0

Solving, we find that i1 = 6 A and i2 = 4 A.

(The current flowing downward through the 3-W resistor is therefore i1 - i2 = 2 A. )
Determine I1 , I2 and I3 for the circuit below using
mesh analysis method
a b c

In the above circuit, node ‘d’ is chosen as the reference node and the
other three nodes are assumed to have voltages, Va, Vb and Vc with
respect to node ‘d’. For example;
As Va = 10v and Vc = 20v , Vb can be easily
found by:
Problem 1:
Example 2: Using Mesh-Current Method

Use the mesh-current method to determine

the power associated with each voltage

ia ib ic
source in the circuit shown
40 V 20 V

Problem 2 2:

Using Mesh-Current method, find all the mesh currents.

23.76 A,
18.43 A,
8.66 A
Determine I1 and I2 for the circuit below using
mesh analysis method

Ans : I1 =5 Amp, I3 =1 amp

Determine I1 and I2 for the circuit below using
mesh analysis method

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