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A New Standard for Modeling and Analysis

of Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Dr. Sébastien Gérard

(CEA LIST, France, sebastien.gerard[at]

Dr. Julio Medina

(CEA LIST, France, julio.medina[at]

Pr. Dorina Petriu

(Carleton University, Canada, petriu[at]

(with the contributions of: Huascar Espinoza,

Frédéric Thomas and Safouan Taha)

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 2
Models in Traditional Engineering
‰ Probably as old as engineering

Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School

MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 3

Inspired from B. Selic presentation during Summer School

What is a Model in MDD MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

‰ One definition
‰ A reduced/abstract representation of some system that highlights the
properties of interest from a given viewpoint.
‰ The viewpoint defines concern, scope and detail level of the model.

Modeled system Functional model

/ MARTE Tutorial 4
Why Model Driven Engineering is Needed?
‰ To deal with complexity of systems development
‰ Abstract a problem to focus on some particular points of interest
Î improve understandability of a problem
‰ Possible set of nearly independent views of a model
„ Separation of concerns (e.g. “Aspect Oriented Modeling”)
‰ Iterative modeling may be expressed at different level of fidelity

‰ To minimize development risks

‰ Through analysis and experimentation performed earlier in the design cycle
‰ Enable to investigate and compare alternative solutions

‰ To improve communication ...

... to foster information sharing and reuse!
‰ A model is often best suited than a long speech !

‰ To focus on specific domain expertise while developing software system

‰ Domain Specific Language

/ MARTE Tutorial 5

Characteristics of Useful Models

‰ Abstract
‰ Emphasize important aspects while removing irrelevant ones
‰ Understandable
‰ Expressed in a form that is readily understood by observers
‰ Accurate
‰ Faithfully represents the modeled system
‰ Predictive
‰ Can be used to answer questions about the modeled system
‰ Inexpensive
‰ Much cheaper to construct and study than the modeled system

To be useful, engineering models must satisfy all of

these characteristics!
(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 6
A Bit of Modern Software…
SC_MODULE(producer) SC_CTOR(consumer)
{ {
sc_outmaster<int> out1;
SC_SLAVE(accumulate, in1);
sc_in<bool> start; // kick-start
sum = 0; // initialize
void generate_data () };
{ SC_MODULE(top) // container
for(int i =0; i <10; i++) {
out1 =i ; //to invoke slave;}
} producer *A1;
SC_CTOR(producer) consumer *B1;
{ sc_link_mp<int> link1;
SC_METHOD(generate_data); SC_CTOR(top)
sensitive << start;}}; {
A1 = new producer(“A1”);
sc_inslave<int> in1;
int sum; // state variable B1 = new consumer(“B1”);
void accumulate (){ B1.in1(link1);}};
sum += in1;
cout << “Sum = “ << sum << endl;}

Can you spot the architecture?

(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 7

…and its UML Model


sc_ctor» link1 ««sc_ctor»
producer consumer


Can you spot the architecture?

(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 8
Model Evolution: Refinement
void generate_data()
«sc_method» producer {for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
producer {out1 = i;}}
producer out1

start /generate_data( )

NotStarted Started
start St1 St2

‰ Models can be refined continuously until the specification is complete

(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 9

Model-Driven Style of Development (MDD)

‰ An approach to software development in which the focus and
primary artifacts of development are models (as opposed to
‰ Based on two time-proven methods
Realm of
modeling «sc_module»
sc_module» «sc_module»
languages Realm of tools
producer producer
start out1 start out1

SC_MODULE(producer) SC_MODULE(producer)
{sc_inslave<int> in1; {sc_inslave<int> in1;
int sum; // int sum; //
void accumulate (){ void accumulate (){
sum += in1; sum += in1;
cout << “Sum = “ << sum << cout << “Sum = “ << sum <<
endl;} endl;}
(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 10
The Remarkable Thing About Software

Software has the rare property that it allows us

to directly evolve models into fully-fledged
implementations without changing the
engineering medium, tools, or methods!

Ÿ This ensures perfect accuracy of software models,

since the model and the system that it models are
the same thing.
The software model may evolve into the system it was
modeling in a seamless process.
(Extracted from B. Selic presentation during Summer School MDD For DRES 2004 (Brest, September 2004)

/ MARTE Tutorial 11

Two Kinds of OMG Modeling Languages

‰ General Purpose Language (GPL)
‰ E.g., UML2, SysML and CCM
‰ Domain Specific Language
‰ E.g. LwCCM, UML profile for SoC and MARTE
M2 Level
(Language Model Level)

GPL (General Purpose Language)

« reference »
« reference »
DSL (Domain Specific Language)

« profile » « profile »
UML profile for SoC UML profile MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 12
From UML 1.x to UML 2.0: Static Point of View

ƒ Component available at design-time

not only at implementation-time.

ƒ Hierarchical structure description of

classifiers: Ports and Parts. ƒ Modified to support new component
concept definition.

/ MARTE Tutorial 13

From UML 1.x to UML 2.0: Dynamic Point of View

Enhanced version of UML1.x statemachine:

ƒ Some new concepts and notation shortcuts (e.g. EntryPoint,
ExitPoint in composite state)
ƒ Protocol statemachines

UML2 Behavior Diagram Depict data/object/control flow diagrams:

ƒ Defined independently of statemachines
ƒ Petri-net like semantics

State Machine Diagram Activity Diagram Use Case Diagram

Previous “Collaboration
Sequence Diagram Communication Diagram diagrams” of UML1.x

Timing Diagram Interaction Overview Diagram

New New

Focus on system state changes regarding time

Î not very clearly defined!

Specialization of activity diagrams

ƒ Activity graph of SD or CD.
ƒ ~ to High-level Message Sequence Chart of SDL
/ MARTE Tutorial 14
SysML: A UML Extension for System Engineering

‰ Systems Modeling Language (

‰ General-purpose systems modeling language
„ Specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of
complex systems
‰ Expected to be customized to model domain specific applications
„ E.g., Space, Automotive, Aerospace and Communications

‰ UML-compatible systems modeling language

‰ For supporting the exchange of information using standardized notations
and semantics that are understood in precise and consistent ways

‰ Aligned with the ISO AP-233 standard

/ MARTE Tutorial 15

From UML 2.0 to SysML: Static Point of View

Minor extensions:
ƒ Shortcut for inheritance modeling.
ƒ Concepts of dependency group.

ƒ Reused of UML2 structured classes.

ƒ Provided more neutral concept for ƒ Define graphical notations for
any kind of domain (not only mathematical or logical constraints.
preponderant software systems).

/ MARTE Tutorial 16
From UML 2.0 to SysML: Dynamic Point of View

UML2 Behavior Diagram


State Machine Diagram Activity Diagram Use Case Diagram


Sequence Diagram Communication Diagram

Timing Diagram Interaction Overview Diagram

New New

Extensions of SysML activity diagram:

ƒ New types of object/data flow
(continuous, streaming or rate.)
ƒ Probability on edges of the graph.

/ MARTE Tutorial 17

Domain Specific Modeling Languages

‰ Use of domain concepts as language constructs
‰ E.g. concepts of “memory”, “task”, “bus”, instead of general ones
“components”, “nodes”, “classes”…
‰ Criteria for success of a DSML
‰ Technical validity and absence of ambiguities (MoCCs mapping)
‰ Interoperability with other technologies (verification, code generation)
‰ Domain appropriateness: syntax close to embedded systems ontology
‰ Support: tools, documentation, capacity for evolution

But mainly… balance between expressive power and simplicity!

‰ Main approaches to defining a DSML

‰ Define a new language from scratch
‰ Extend an existing language (add new language constructs)
‰ Refine an existing language (specialize language constructs)

/ MARTE Tutorial 18
Which Technics for Making an OMG DSL?
‰ Meta-models (using MOF)
‰ For heavyweight extension mechanisms
‰ Ensures full manipulation of MMs
„ Add, remove meta-classes and relationships inbetween
‰ Profiles
‰ For lightweight extension mechanisms
‰ Adaptation of existing meta-models without modifications!
„ E.g., Only possible to add constraints
‰ May extend any standard MM of the OMG
„ E.g., UML profiles and CWM profiles
Extracted from UML superstructure doc.:
‰ Profiles vs. meta-models "There is no simple answer for when you
‰ It may depend on: should create a new metamodel and
„ Scope of the extensions when you instead should create a new
„ Tooling constraints profile."
„ Engineer level of experiment/education
„ …

/ MARTE Tutorial 19

Profiling UML for a Domain

‰ Advantages of UML Profiles
‰ Reuse of language infrastructure (tools, specifications)
‰ Require less language design skills
‰ Allow for new (graphical) notation of extended stereotypes
‰ A profile can define model viewpoints
„ E.g., UML activity diagram extended to specify multitask behavior

‰ Disadvantage
‰ Constrained by UML metamodel

‰ How to face these limitations?

‰ Profile semantics: on-going work: ‘Executable UML Foundation’
‰ Clear mapping of profile extensions to domain ontology
‰ Create rich profiles (expressiveness) and complement with specific
methodologies (precise semantics and pragmatics)

/ MARTE Tutorial 20
Main Goals for Making UML Profiles
‰ Define a domain specific terminology
‰ Define a domain specific notation
‰ Define concrete syntax to specific elements
‰ E.g., for action
‰ Define semantics rule for:
‰ Variation points
„ E.g., On BroadcastSignalAction, scope of target objects in Signal.
‰ Ambiguous definition
‰ New purpouse
‰ Add usage constraints on the UML MM
‰ e.g. for method point of view
„ E.g., to force behavior specification via protocol state-machine
‰ Tag a model with additional information
‰ e.g. for code generation purpose
„ E.g., for C++, «virtual», «inline»…

/ MARTE Tutorial 21

Outlines of UML2 Extension Mechanisms

‰ Profiles
‰ Define limited extensions to a reference metamodel with the purpose of
adapting the metamodel to a specific platform or domain.
‰ Consists of stereotypes extended the metamodel classes.
‰ Stereotypes
‰ Define how a specific metaclass may be extended
‰ Provide additional semantics information, but only for:
„ Semantics restriction or clarification of existing concept
„ New features (but compatible with exiting one!)
‰ Ensure introduction of domain specific terminology
„ E.g., EAST-ADL2, a UML profile for automotive ECUs (
„ May define specific notation
‰ E.g., new icons or shapes
‰ May have values that are usually reffered to as tagged values

/ MARTE Tutorial 22
OMG Standardization Process
MARTE FTF: Comments due for 22 december 2007 !
WP no

RFI no
… Prop ? no
Prop-n yes
Draft Adopted Specification: 16 July 2007
Revised Version
Final Adopted Specification Publication: 6 August 2007
Comments Due: 22 December 2007 FTF

Recommendations and Report Deadline: 4 July 2008 MARTE v1.0

/ MARTE Tutorial 27

UML Profiles for RTES


‰ SPT was the first OMG’s UML profile for Real-Time Systems:
‰ Support for Schedulability Analysis with RMA-type techniques
‰ Support for Performance Analysis with Queuing Theory and Petri Nets
‰ A rich model for “metric” Time and Time Mechanisms

‰ Despite its extensive use, several improvements were required:

‰ Modeling HW and SW platforms, Logical Time, MoCCs, CBSE…
‰ Alignment to UML2, QoS&FT, MDA,…
‰ SPT’s constructs were considered too abstract and hard to apply
‰ …

Hence, a Request For Proposal for a new profile was issued.

/ MARTE Tutorial 28
General Requirements of the MARTE RFP
‰ Proposals shall support Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time
and Embedded (in short MARTE) systems including its
software and hardware aspects.
‰ The Proposals will define a metamodel and its underlying UML
‰ It shall be possible to use independently software and hardware
parts of the profile.
‰ It shall comply with existing standards
‰ It shall update the SPT profile 1.1

Ref. of MARTE RFP (realtime/05-02-06):

/ MARTE Tutorial 29

The ProMARTE Team

‰ Public web site =>
‰ Partners
‰ Industrials
„ Alcatel*
„ Lockheed Martin*
„ Thales*
‰ Tool vendors
„ ARTISAN Software Tools*
„ International Business Machines*
„ Mentor Graphics Corporation*
„ Softeam*
„ Telelogic AB (I-Logix*)
„ Tri-Pacific Software
„ France Telecom
„ No Magic
„ Mathworks
‰ Academics
„ Carleton University
„ Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
„ INSA from Lyon
„ Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon University)
„ Universidad de Cantabria

* Submitter to OMG UML Profile for MARTE RFP

/ MARTE Tutorial 30
Relationships with other OMG Standards
‰ Relationships with generic OMG standards
‰ Profile the UML2 superstructure meta-model
‰ Replace UML profile for SPT
‰ Use OCL2
‰ Relationships with RT&E specific OMG standards
‰ Existing standards
„ The UML profile for Modeling QoS and FT Characteristics and Mechanisms
‰ Addressed through MARTE NFP package (in a way detailed in the NFP presentation)
„ The UML profile for SoC
‰ More specific than MARTE purpose
„ The Real-Time CORBA profile
‰ Real-Time CORBA based architecture can be annotated for analysis with Marte
„ The UML profile for Systems Engineering
‰ Specialization of SysML allocation concepts and reuse of flow-related concepts
‰ Ongoing discussion to include VSL in next SysML version
‰ Overlap of team members

/ MARTE Tutorial 31

Design Pattern Adopted for the MARTE Profile

‰ Stage 1 Æ Description of MARTE domain models
‰ Purpose: Formal description of the concepts required for MARTE
‰ Techniques: Meta-modeling

‰ Stage 2 Æ Mapping of MARTE domain models towards UML2

‰ Purpose: MARTE domain models design as a UML2 extensions
‰ Techniques: UML2 profile

« metamodel »
Marte domain model

« refine »
« profile »
Marte profile UML2 metamodel

« reference »

/ MARTE Tutorial 32
MARTE Overview Foundations for RT/E systems
modeling and analysis:
Î CoreElements
Î Time
Î Generic resource modeling
Î Generic component modeling
Î Allocation

Specialization of MARTE fondations Specialization of foundations for

for modeling purpose (specification, annotating model for analysis
design…): purpose:
Î RTE model of computation and Î Generic quantitative analysis
communication Î Schedulability analysis
Î Software resource modeling Î Performance analysis
Î Hardware resource modeling

/ MARTE Tutorial 33

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT&E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 34
Outlines of the MARTE Foundations
‰ MARTE foundations
‰ Define a set of basic concepts for MDD of RTES
‰ Intended to be used as basic layer at OMG for future RTE related stds
‰ Consists of five sub-profiles

/ MARTE Tutorial 35

Non-Functional Properties (NFPs)

Non-functional properties describe the “fitness” of systems behavior
(E.g., performance, memory usage and power consumption)
‰ Nature of NFPs
‰ Quantitative: magnitude + unit (E.g., energy, data size and duration)
‰ Qualitative (E.g., periodic or sporadic event arrival patterns)
‰ NFP values need to be qualified
‰ E.g. source, statistical measure, precision,…
‰ NFPs need to be parametric and derivable
‰ Variables: placeholders for unknown values
‰ Expressions: math. and time expressions
‰ NFPs need clear semantics
‰ Predefined NFPs (E.g., end-to-end latency, processor utilization)
‰ User-specific NFPs (but still unambiguously interpreted!)

/ MARTE Tutorial 36
Introduction to the MARTE’s NFPs Framework
UML lacks modeling capabilities for NFPs!!
Value qualifiers?
UML Profile for NFPs
NFP Libraries?
Annotation mechanism?

But UML expression syntax is also not sufficient!!

Variables? Structured Values?

Value Specification
Language (VSL)
Data Type System?
Complex time expressions?

/ MARTE Tutorial 37

The MARTE’s NFP sub-profile

‰ Relies on the ability to put additional information on models
‰ Three possible model-based annotation mechanisms in UML
‰ Value of stereotype properties

‰ Slots value of classifier instance

‰ Constraints

/ MARTE Tutorial 38
Annotating NFPs in Tagged Values
1) Declare NFP types
‰ Define measurement units and
conversion parameters
‰ Define NFP types with qualifiers

2) Define NFP-like extensions

‰ Define stereotypes and their
MARTE pre-defined
attributes using NFP types «stereotype»
respT: NFP_Duratio
m p le ...
3) Specify NFP values
‰ Apply stereotypes and specify
their attribute values using

/ MARTE Tutorial 39

Annotating NFPs in Slots

1) Declare NFP types
‰ Define measurement units and
conversion parameters
‰ Define NFP types with qualifiers

2) Declare NFPs
« import
rt »
‰ Define classifiers and their
attributes using NFP types
‰ Such attributes are marked ClassifierModel
«nfp» deadline: NFP_Duration
as «nfp» exam
ple ...

3) Specify NFP values

‰ Instantiate classifiers and
Model-specific NFPs
specify their slot values using

/ MARTE Tutorial 40
Annotating NFPs in Constraints
1) Declare NFP types
‰ Define measurement units and
conversion parameters
‰ Define NFP types with qualifiers

2) Declare NFPs
« import »
‰ Define classifiers and their
attributes using NFP types Processor
«nfp» utilization: NFP_Percentage
exam «nfp» clockFreq: NFP_Frequency

3) Specify NFP values

‰ Create Constraints to define
assertions on NFP values
using VSL

/ MARTE Tutorial 41

The MARTE’s NFP Modeling Framework

Three main language extensions to UML syntax:

1. Grammar for extended expressions
2. Stereotypes for extended data types
2. Complex time expressions

Value Specification
Language (VSL)

/ MARTE Tutorial 42
Basic Textual Expressions in VSL
9 Extended Primitive Values
9 Extended Composite Values
9 Extended Expressions

Value Spec. Examples

Real Number 1.2E-3 //scientific notation
DateTime #12/01/06 12:00:00# //calendar date time
Collection {1, 2, 88, 5, 2} //sequence, bag, ordered set..
{{1,2,3}, {3,2}} //collection of collections
Tuple and choice (value=2.0, unit= ms) //duration tuple value
periodic(period=2.0, jitter=3.3) //arrival pattern
Interval [1..251[ //upper closed
d interval between integers
[$A1..$A2] //interval between variables
Variable declaration io$var1 //input/output variable declaration
& Call var1 //variable call expression.
Arithmetic +(5.0,var1) //”add” operation on Real datatypes
Operation Call 5.0+var1 //infix operator notation
Conditional ((var1<6.0)?(10^6):1) //if true return 10 exp 6,else 1

/ MARTE Tutorial 43

VSL Extended Data Types

Declaration example…
VSL reuses UML DataType constructs, but adds…
9 BoundedType
9 IntervalType
9 CollectionType
9 TupleType
9 ChoiceType
Specification example…


length: Long
priorityRange: IntegerInterval
position: IntegerVector
shape: IntegerMatrix
consumption: Power
arrival: ArrivalPattern

cl: MyClass

length = 212333
priorityRange = [0..2]
position= {2,3}
shape = {{2,3},{1,5}}
consumption = (-, exp=x*v1, unit= mW, source= calc)
arrival= periodic (period= 10, jitter= 0.1)

/ MARTE Tutorial 44
Examples of Time Expressions with VSL


Variable declaration
Variable declaration denoting a duration
denoting an instant (UML DurationObservation)
(UML Time Observation)

Bounded duration
interval constraint
Bounded instant
interval constraint

/ MARTE Tutorial 45

Summary of the “MARTE’s NFP”

‰ Synthesis of best modeling practices…
‰ OCL: full constraint language, but complex and not real-time oriented
‰ SPT Profile: built-in TVL language is simpler, but not flexible
‰ QoS&FT Profile: annotation mechanism is flexible, but complex
‰ NFP & VSL reuse selected modeling features, while still providing
simplicity and flexibility

‰ Foundations…
‰ Reuse OCL constructs: grammar for values and expressions
‰ Generic data type system: (based on ISO’s General-Purpose Datatypes)
‰ VSL extends UML Simple Time model (occurrence index, jitters,...)
‰ Formally defined by abstract and concrete syntaxes (grammar).
‰ Flexibility: expression operators in model-specific libraries

/ MARTE Tutorial 46
Outlines of the MARTE Foundations
‰ MARTE foundations
‰ Define a set of basic concepts for MDD of RTES
‰ Intended to be used as basic layer at OMG for future RTE related stds
‰ Consists of five sub-profiles

/ MARTE Tutorial 47

Scope of the Time Profile of MARTE

‰ MARTE adopts models of time that rely on partial ordering of
‰ Three basic time models
‰ Chronometric time model
„ Mainly concerns with time cardinality
‰ E.g., delay, duration and clock time
‰ Logical time model
„ Mainly concerns events ordering.
‰ E.g., ev1 is before ev2
‰ Synchronous time model
„ Specialization of the logical time model
„ Introduce notion of simultaneity
‰ E.g., ev1 and ev2 occurs at the same instant

/ MARTE Tutorial 48
Time Packages of MARTE
Defines literals used to
specify the way to interpret
Defines literals used to a time expression: either as
specify the discrete or a duration or as an instant.
dense nature of a time

Define time related Defines time

extensions of UML related facilites
for user models

/ MARTE Tutorial 49

The TimeLibrary Model Library

Predefined - Used to type time-related properties.
enumerates <<modelLibrary>> - Has to be parameterized according to
related to time unit to used (TUK template parameter).
« enumeration »
«unit» s
«unit» ms {baseUnit=s, convFactor=0.001} value: Real
«unit» us {baseUnit=ms, convFactor=0.001} expr: ClockedValueSpecification
«unit» ns {baseUnit=us, convFactor=0.001} unit: TUK
«unit» min {baseUnit=s, convFactor=60}
«unit» hrs {baseUnit=min, convFactor=60}
onClock: String
«unit» dys {baseUnit=hrs, convFactor=24}
E.g., 1.5 ms on idealClk
<<enumeration>> <<enumeration>>
TimeStandardKind LogicalTimeUnitKind

<<unit>> tick <<clockType>>

{ nature = dense, unitType = TimeUnitKind,
getTime = currentTime }
<<enumeration>> IdealClock
Local EventKind
currentTime( ): Real
TT start
TDB finish
TCG send
TCB receive <<clock>>
Sidereal consume { unit = s }
GPS idealClk:IdealClock

- Predefined clock modeling time which is

used in physical laws (dense time)
- It should be imported in models that
/ MARTE Tutorial refer to chronometric time. 50
« ClockType »
‰ Used to declare clock types of user applications
‰ Example of properties defining the clock type
‰ nature: TimeNatureKind [1] nature: TimeNatureKind [1]
„ Dense or discrete unitType: Enumeration [0..1]
isLogical: Boolean [1] = false
‰ isLogical: Boolean [1] resolAttr: Property [0..1]
„ Default value is false maxValAttr: Property [0..1]
offsetAttr: Property [0..1]
‰ resolAttr: Property [0..1] getTime: Operation [0..1]
setTime: Operation [0..1]
„ Refers a property which slot will define the clock resolution indexToValue: Operation [0..1]
‰ Examples

« clockType »
{ nature = dense, unitType = TimeUnitKind,
getTime = currentTime }

currentTime( ) : Real

/ MARTE Tutorial 51

« Clocks »
‰ Clocks are instance specification of ClockTypes
‰ Clocks properties are:
‰ standard: TimeStandardKind [0..1]
‰ unit: Unit [0..1]
‰ type: ClockType [1]
‰ Example

« clockType »
{ nature = dense, unitType = TimeUnitKind,
getTime = currentTime }

currentTime( ) : Real

/ MARTE Tutorial 52
Timed & Clock Constraints and TimedDomain

‰ « TimedConstraint »
‰ Imposes constraints on either instant values or duration values
associated with model elements bound to clocks.
‰ Can be conveniently expressed in VSL
‰ « ClockConstraint »
‰ Imposes dependency between clocks
‰ Refers to a set of clocks and possibly to other model elements
‰ Described via an opaque expression using a dedicated language
„ E.g. CCSL (Clock Constraint Specification Language) defined in Annex C
‰ « TimedDomain »
‰ Namespace for:
„ Clock and ClockTypes user definitions
„ But also for ClockConstraints (see example later)
‰ Model elements of the TimedDomain may refer to Clocks to express that
their behavior depends on time

/ MARTE Tutorial 53

Example of Timed Constraints

Duration constraint between Timing constraint with
two successive time instants condition expression

« constraint »
« timedConstraint »
{ (t0[i+1] - t0[i]) > (100, ms) }

/ MARTE Tutorial 54
Example of TimedDomain with a ClockConstraint

« clockType »
{ nature = dense, unitType = TimeUnitKind,
getTime = currentTime }

currentTime( ): Real

Instants chronograms of clocks cc1 and cc2

/ MARTE Tutorial 55

Timed Instant and Duration Observations

Reference to a Reference a
time instant during duration during an
an execution and execution and
points out an points out the
element in the elements in the
model to observe. model to observe.

« stereotype » « stereotype »
TimedInstantObservation TimedDurationObservation

obsKind:EventKind[0..1] obsKind:EventKind[0..2]

MARTE observations
on clarify which events is to
1 1 observe:
MARTE observations
have to reference a clock. « stereotype »

/ MARTE Tutorial 56
Examples of «TimedInstantObservation» and

/ MARTE Tutorial 57

Timed Events and Processings

Specifies an instant in time
via an expr. and may be
absolute or relative.

Optional duration
Bound of repetitions
value between two

/ MARTE Tutorial 58
Example of «TimedProcessing» & «TimedEvent»
with Logical Time
« clockType » « enumeration » « clock »
{ nature = discrete, isLogical = true, CAMLogicalTimeUnitKind { unit = tick }
unitType = CAMLogicalTimeUnitKind, camClk:CAMClock
getTime = getCamPos } « unit » °CAM
getCamPos( ): Real

/ MARTE Tutorial 59

Outlines of the MARTE Foundations

‰ MARTE foundations
‰ Define a set of basic concepts for MDD of RTES
‰ Intended to be used as basic layer at OMG for future RTE related stds
‰ Consists of five sub-profiles

/ MARTE Tutorial 60
Outlines of the GRM package
‰ Provides basic concepts for modeling a general (high-level)
platform for processing RTE applications
‰ Includes the features for modeling processing platforms at different
level of details.
‰ The level of granularity needed depends on the concern motivating the
description of the platform
„ E.g., the type of the platform, the type of the application, or the type of
analysis to be carried out on the model
‰ Build in a bottom-up process to abstract finer-level platforms
‰ Processing platform for design concern
„ See HRM and SRM
‰ Processing platform for analysis concern
„ See GQAM-related ptf and further refinements for performance and
schedulability analysis

/ MARTE Tutorial 61

Essence of the GRM Package

Object concern Classifier concern

0..** 1..**
instance type

contextt 1

exeServicess 0..**

e 1..**
0..** type

/ MARTE Tutorial 62
Outlines of the MARTE Foundations
‰ MARTE foundations
‰ Define a set of basic concepts for MDD of RTES
‰ Intended to be used as basic layer at OMG for future RTE related stds
‰ Consists of five sub-profiles

/ MARTE Tutorial 63

Allocation & Refinement

‰ Basic ideas
‰ Allocate an application element to an processing platform
‰ Refine a general element into one or several more specific
‰ Inspired by the SysML allocation
„ Can only allocate application to execution platform
„ Can attach NFP constraints to the allocation

/ MARTE Tutorial 64
A two step process for allocation modeling
‰ Identify possible sources and targets of allocations

What can be
allocated, the logical
view: What can serve as a
Î behavior or target of an allocation,
structure the physical view:
Î a resource or a

‰ Define allocation relationships and its features

/ MARTE Tutorial 65

Allocation example (1)


mySpeedRegulator : SpeedRegulatorSystem [1]

SpeedController CarSpeed


« schedulableResource » « storageResource »
OS_Task VirtualMemory

/ MARTE Tutorial 66
Allocation example (2)


mySpeedRegulator : SpeedRegulatorSystem [1]

« app_allocated » « app_allocated »
SpeedController CarSpeed


« schedulableResource, « storageResource,
ep_allocated » ep_allocated »
OS_Task VirtualMemory

/ MARTE Tutorial 67

Allocation example (3)


mySpeedRegulator : SpeedRegulatorSystem [1]

« app_allocated » « app_allocated »
SpeedController CarSpeed

«allocate» «allocate»
{kind=timeScheduling} {spatialDistribution}


« schedulableResource, « storageResource,
ep_allocated » ep_allocated »
OS_Task VirtualMemory

/ MARTE Tutorial 68
Allocation example (4)

/ MARTE Tutorial 69

Outlines of the MARTE Foundations

‰ MARTE foundations
‰ Define a set of basic concepts for MDD of RTES
‰ Intended to be used as basic layer at OMG for future RTE related stds
‰ Consists of five sub-profiles

/ MARTE Tutorial 70
The Marte General Component Model
‰ Defined within MARTE to support CBSE and to provide a common
denominator among various existing component models, which in
principle do not target exclusively the RTE domain

‰ Introduce no new component-related concepts

‰ Has to cope with various component models
„ E.g., UML2, SysML, Spirit, AADL, Lightweight-CCM, EAST-ADL2, Autosar, …

‰ Main features
‰ Mainly refined UML structured classes, on top of which a support for
SysML blocks has been added
‰ But also compatible with a support for Lightweight-CCM, AADL and
EAST-ADL2, Spirit and Autosar
‰ Shortcuts for UML2 modeling of components/composites diagrams

/ MARTE Tutorial 71

Example of Normal UML2 Structured Class

UML2 port

UML2 structured class

Normal UML2 port typed by a class realizing and using interfaces:

the port rp provides PRegInterface and required RRegulatorInterface

/ MARTE Tutorial 72
The MARTE GCM Sub-profile

: concepts for data-based flow communication

: concepts for message-based flow communication

/ MARTE Tutorial 73

Examples of FlowPort usage

‰ Atomic flow port example

‰ Non-atomic flow port example

/ MARTE Tutorial 74
Example with « MessagePort »

/ MARTE Tutorial 75

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 76
RTE Model of Computation & Communication
‰ High-level modeling concepts where RT/E concerns are
embedded inside modeling artifacts (E.g., UML active/passive
‰ Implicit semantics
‰ Two families of concerns
‰ Quantitative aspects
„ E.g. concurrency and behavior
‰ Qualitative aspects as real-time feature
„ E.g. deadline or period
‰ Package dependencies

/ MARTE Tutorial 77

Qualitative RT features Modeling

‰ « RtUnit »
‰ Generalization of UML2 Active Objects
„ Autonomous processing resource, able to
handle different messages at the same time
‰ Owns at last one schedulable resource
„ Managed either statically (via a SR pool) or dynamically
‰ May have operational mode description
‰ May be main objects
„ Refer to the main operation

‰ « PpUnit »
‰ Generalization of UML2 Passive Objects
‰ Concurrency policy specified either locally or globally
‰ Processing is either immediateRemote or deferred

/ MARTE Tutorial 78
Quantitative RT features modeling
‰ « RealTimeFeature »

‰ « RteConnector »

/ MARTE Tutorial 79

The Arrival Pattern data type

‰ Defined in the MARTE_Library

/ MARTE Tutorial 80
Dynamics aspects of « RtUnit » and « PpUnit »
‰ Services specification
« metaclass »

« enumeration »
RtService « enumeration » « enumeration »
ConcurrencyKind ExecutionKind synchronous
isAtomic: Boolean [1] = false asynchronous
concPolicy: ConcurrencyKind reader deferred delayedSynchronous
exeKind: ExecutionKind writer remoteImmediate rendezVous
synchKind: SynchronizationKind parallel localImmediate other

‰ Classifier behavior specification

/ MARTE Tutorial 81

Usage examples of the RTEMoCC extensions (1)


isDynamic = false
« rtUnit » « rtUnit » isMain = false
isMain = true CruiseControler ObstacleDetector poolSize = 10
main = start poolPolicy = create
tgSpeed: Speed startDetection()
«rtService» {exeKind=deferred} start()
«rtService» {exeKind=deferred} stop()

spm « ppUnit » spm

1 {concPolicy=guarded} 1
« dataType »
getSpeed(): Speed Speed

/ MARTE Tutorial 82
Usage examples of the RTEMoCC extensions (2)

occKind = aperiodic ()
sd CruiseControlStart
value = (tRef=t0, relDl=(10, ms), miss=(1, %, max))

:CruiseControl :Speedometer


occKind = periodic (period=(10, ms), jitter=(2, us))
getSpeed() value = (tRef=t0, relDl=(10, ms), miss=(1, %, max))

occKind = periodic (period=(10, ms), jitter=(2, us))

Speed value = (tRef=t0, relDl=(10, ms), miss=(1, %, max))

/ MARTE Tutorial 83

Usage examples of the RTEMoCC extensions (3)

occKind = periodic (period=(10,ms), jitter=(2,us))
@t0 relDl=(3,ms)
miss=(1, %, max)

getLocation «rtAction, rtf»


occKind = periodic (period=(10,ms), jitter=(2,us))
«rtAction, rtf» tRef=t0
performComputation miss=(1, %, max)

« rtAction, rtf» priority=1

generateCommand occKind = periodic (period=(10,ms), jitter=(2,us))
miss=(1, %, max)

/ MARTE Tutorial 84
09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 85

Detailled Resource Modeling within MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 86
What is the Software Resource Modeling Profile (SRM) ?

‰ A UML profile for modeling APIs of RT/E sw execution supports

‰ Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
‰ Dedicated Language Libraries (e.g. ADA)
‰ BUT it is NOT a new API standard dedicated to the RT/E domain!

Î SRM = a unified mean to describe such existing or proprietary APIs

‰ In which steps shall I use SRM ?

/ MARTE Tutorial 87

Items shown in next slides

‰ SRM overview

‰ Details of SRM through the OSEK/VDX case study

‰ Interests to use SRM through examples

„ Model of multitask design
‰ E.g., a robotic case study
„ Generation of OS configuration file
‰ E.g., OSEK OIL configuration file generation
„ Porting existing RTE application models
‰ E.g., from OSEK to ARINC

/ MARTE Tutorial 88
Main expected use cases of SRM

Describe execution
support API

Execution Platform Provider

« include »

« extend » Model
API model

Software Designer Provider
« extend »

Code generation

/ MARTE Tutorial 89

Why shall I use SRM for modeling RTOS APIs?

‰ RTOS API modeling with UML is already possible

‰ But, generics UML is lacking RTE native artifacts!
‰ No modeling artifacts to describe specific concepts
ƒ E.g. tasks, semaphores and mailboxes
‰ Consequently, models relies only on naming conventions
Î Not possible to define generic tools using these models
ƒ E.g. code generator or model transformations for analysis.
‰ Hence, SRM profile allows:
‰ To model precise multitasking designs
‰ To be able to describe generic generative tools
‰ To describe SW exemodels in an unified and standard way
„ SRM profile is a sub-profile of the MARTE standard

/ MARTE Tutorial 90
What is supported by the SRM profile ?
Concurrent execution contexts: Hardware and software
• Schedulable Resource (~Task) resources brokering:
• Memory Partition (~Process) • Drivers
• Interrupt Resource • Memory management
• Alarm
SRM « import »

« import » SW_ResourceCore « import »

« import »

SW_Concurrency SW_Interaction SW_Brokering

Interactions between concurrent contexts:

• Communication
9 Shared data
9 Message (~Message queue)
• Synchronization
9 Mutual Exclusion (~Semaphore)
9 Notification Resource (~Event mechanism)

/ MARTE Tutorial 91

Snapshot of the UML extensions provided by SRM


SRM::SW_Interaction SRM::SW_Brokering

« MessageComResource » « NotificationResource »

« SharedDataResource » « SwMutualExclusionResource »

/ MARTE Tutorial 92
The OSEK/VDX case study
‰ OSEK/VDX standard (
‰ Automotive industry a standard for an open-ended architecture
for distributed control units in vehicles

‰ OSEK/VDX architecture consists of three layers:

„ OSEK-COM layer: Communication
‰ Data exchange support within and between electronics control units
„ OSEK-NM layer : Network Management
‰ Configuration determination and monitoring
„ OSEK-OS layer: Operating System
‰ API specification of RTOS for automotive ECU

/ MARTE Tutorial 93

Overview of the OSEK/VDX-OS layer

‰ Main characterisics
„ A single processor operating system
„ A static RTOS where all kernel objects are created at compile time

‰ Main artifacts
„ Support for concurrent computing
‰ Task
ƒ A task provides the framework for the execution of functions
‰ Interrupt
ƒ Mechanism for processing asynchronous events
‰ Alarm & Counter
ƒ Mechanisms for processing recurring events
„ Support for synchronizations of concurrent computing
‰ Event
ƒ Mechanism for concurrent processing synchronization
‰ Resource
ƒ Mechanism for mutual concurrent access exclusion

/ MARTE Tutorial 94
Focus on the OSEK/VDX Task definition
‰ Semantic
‰ An OSEK-VDX task provides the framework for computing application
functions. A scheduler will organize the sequence of task executions.

‰ Example of properties
‰ Priority: UINT32
„ Priority execution of the task
‰ StackSize: UINT32
„ Stack size associated to the execution of the task

‰ Example of provided services

‰ ActivateTask (TaskID: TaskType)
„ Switch the task, identified by the TaskID parameter, from suspended to ready
‰ ChainTask (TaskID: TaskType)
„ Terminate of the calling task and activate the task identified by the TaskID

/ MARTE Tutorial 95

Which SRM concepts for OSEK Task?

Concurrent execution contexts:

• Schedulable Resource (~Task)
• Memory Partition (~Process)
• Interrupt Resource GRM
• Alarm
SRM « import »

« import » SW_ResourceCore « import »

« import »

SW_Concurrency SW_Interaction SW_Brokering

/ MARTE Tutorial 96
Details of «SwSchedulableResource»
‰ Semantic (from MARTE::SRM::Concurrency package)
‰ Resource which executes, periodically or not, concurrently to other concurrent resources
==> SRM artifacts for modeling OSEK-VDX Task!

‰ Main features
‰ Owns an entry point referencing the application code to execute
‰ May be restricted to execute in a given address space (i.e. a memory partition)
‰ Owns properties
„ E.g., Priority, Deadline, Period and StackSize
‰ Provides services
„ E.g., activate, resume and suspend

‰ Extract from the SRM::SwConcurrency meta model

/ MARTE Tutorial 97

Model of an OSEK Task with «SwSchedulableResource»

1. Define a UML model for OSEK_VDX::Task

a. Add model library applying the SRM profile
b. Add a class and defines its features (properties and operations)
2. Applying the «SwSchedulableResource» stereotype
3. Fullfill the tagged values of the applied stereotype

(Step 1) (Step 2) (Step 3)

Models have been realized with the Papyrus
Eclipse-based open-source tool for UML2:

/ MARTE Tutorial 98
SRM modelling facilities
‰ How to model multiples candidates for the same semantic ?
‰ Answer : All stereotype tags have multiple multiplicities. Thus, it is possible to
reference multiple candidates for the same tag.

„ Examples
‰ Both name attributes and taskId parameter are task identifier

‰ Both activateTask and chainTask operations are task activating services

« swSchedulableResource »
Task « swSchedulableResource »
activateService = activateTask, chainTask

+ activateTask (taskID taskType)


/ MARTE Tutorial 99

SRM modeling facilities (seq.)

‰ How to model a feature which have multiple semantic ?
‰ Answer : Feature can be referenced by several different tags
„ Example
‰ The chainTask service is both a terminate service and an activate service
« swSchedulableResource » « swSchedulableResource »
Task activateService = activateTask, chainTask
terminateService = chainTask

+ activateTask (taskID taskType)

+ chainTask()

‰ Is it possible to reference a feature even if the feature owner is not the stereotyped
element ?
‰ Answer : Yes, there is no constraints on the feature owner

« SwSchedulableResource »
priorityElements = priority « interface »
activateService = activateTask() « swSchedulableResource » TaskService
- priority : Integer

‰ SRM allows multiple usages

‰ User can use constraints, such as OCL rules, to limit those possibilities

/ MARTE Tutorial 100

Focus on the OSEK/VDX Event definition
‰ Semantic :
‰ The event mechanism is a means of synchronisation that initiates state
transitions of tasks to and from the waiting state.

‰ Example of owned properties

„ Mask : EventMaskType
‰ Define the mask associated with the event

‰ Examples of provided services

„ SetEvent (TaskID: TaskType, Mask: EventMaskType)
‰ The events of the task referenced by the TaskID parameter are set according to the
event mask specified by the Mask parameter.
‰ Calling the service SetEvent causes the task identified by the TaskID parameter to
be transferred to the ready state, if it was waiting for at least one of the events
specified in the Mask parameter.
„ WaitEvent (Mask: EventMaskType)
‰ The state of the calling task is set to waiting, unless at least one of the events
specified in the Mask parameter has already been set.

/ MARTE Tutorial 101

Which SRM concepts for OSEK Event?


SRM « import »

« import » SW_ResourceCore « import »

« import »

SW_Concurrency SW_Interaction SW_Brokering

Interactions between concurrent contexts:

• Communication
9 Shared data
9 Message (~Message queue)
• Synchronization
9 Mutual Exclusion (~Semaphore)
9 Notification Resource (Event mechanism)

/ MARTE Tutorial 102

Details of «NotificationResource»
‰ Semantic
‰ NotificationResource supports control flow by notifying the occurrences of
conditions to awaiting concurrent resources
==> SRM artifacts for modeling OSEK-VDX Event!
‰ Main features
‰ Examples of owned attribute
„ maskElements and mechanism
‰ Examples of provided service
„ flushServices, signalServices,waitServices and clearServices
‰ Extract from the SRM::SwInteraction meta model

/ MARTE Tutorial 103

OSEK/VDX Event as a NotificationResource

(i) Stereotype icon

(ii) Stereotype shape

/ MARTE Tutorial 104

In which typical cases shall I use SRM ?

Describe execution
support API

Execution Platform Provider

« include »

« extend » Model
API model

Software Designer Provider
« extend »

Code generation

/ MARTE Tutorial 105

Use examples of one RTOS modeled with SRM

‰ Example 1: Model-based design of multitask applications

‰ Illustrated on a robot controller application

‰ Example 2: OS configuration file generation

‰ Generation of the OSEK OIL configuration files

‰ Example 3: Assistance to port applications

‰ From OSEK to ARINC multitask design

/ MARTE Tutorial 106

Case study: A simple robot controller software

‰ Goal
‰ A motion controller system for an
exploration autonomous mobile robot.
‰ Robot features
‰ Pioneer Robot (P3AT)
„ Four driving wheels
„ A camera
„ Eight sonar sensors, etc.
‰ Design features of the robot controller
‰ OSEK/VDX execution support
„ Simulation on Trampoline
( Robot Simulator
‰ Two periodic tasks
‰ Data acquisition task
ƒ Get position data from sonar sensors
every 1 ms
‰ trajectory computing task
ƒ Set new speed every 4 ms

/ MARTE Tutorial 107

Purpose and context of the example 1

‰ Provide a multitask design of the robot controller
‰ Target of the design is an OSEK/VDX-based platform

‰ Design process
‰ A platform provider supplies the OSEK/VDX model library
„ Model library is described with the SRM Profile (as previously shown)

‰ A user designs a multitask model of the application

„ Step 1: Describe the application model (also called functional model)

„ Step 2: Propose a multitask design using the OSEK model library artifact

/ MARTE Tutorial 108

Application design
‰ Application model at the functional level
„ One robot controller entity
‰ Aims at controlling the robot motions
‰ Main functions
ƒ Acquire the sonar data
ƒ Compute the new speed of each 4 motions and send new orders
„ A robot driver entity
‰ Aims at interfacing robot sensors and actuators with the control application
Driver to interface
sensors and actuators

Acquire sonar data

from sensors

Compute the 4
a mission
speed values

/ MARTE Tutorial 109

Principles of the applied multitask design

‰ Two periodic tasks
„ For data acquisition
‰ Get position data from sonar sensors
‰ Entry point
ƒ Operation MotionController::acquire()
‰ Periodic
ƒ Period = 1 ms
„ For trajectory control
‰ Compute and assign new speed order
‰ Entry point
ƒ Operation MotionController::trajectoryControl()
‰ Periodic
ƒ Period = 4 ms

/ MARTE Tutorial 110

Periodic task in OSEK/VDX
‰ A design pattern for implementing periodic task on OSEK/VDX-
based platforms
‰ One OSEK/VDX Counter
„ Counter period = period of the required periodic task
‰ One OSEK/VDX Task
„ Entry point : periodic task Entry Point
‰ One OSEK/VDX Alarm
„ AutoStart : Triggered by the counter SRM Profile is used
„ Action : Activate the task to describe the pattern

/ MARTE Tutorial 111

Basic Robot Controller task models

SRM stereotype to bind

application and platform

Period of the periodic task acquisition : 1 ms

/ MARTE Tutorial 112
Example 2: OSEK Configuration File generation
OIL_VERSION = "2.5" : "RobotController" ;
‰ Purpose
‰ Generation of the OSEK OIL configuration };
files from the multi-task design of the robot
CPU cpu {
controller APPMODE std {
‰ OIL: OSEK Implementation Language
COUNTER counter {
‰ http::// MAXALLOWEDVALUE = 255 ;
‰ The goal of OIL is to provide a mechanism MINCYCLE = 1 ;
to configure an OSEK application for a };
ALARM alarmAcqu {
particular CPU COUNTER = counter ;
‰ Principle TASK = acquisition ;
„ For each CPU, there must be an OIL AUTOSTART = TRUE {
description ALARMTIME = 1 ;
„ All OSEK system objects are described APPMODE = std ;
using OIL objects };

„ OIL descriptions may be : TASK acquisition {

‰ hand-written SCHEDULE = FULL ;
‰ or generated by a system AUTOSTART = FALSE ;
configuration tool STACKSIZE = 32768 ;

/ MARTE Tutorial 113

Principle to go from a UML model to an OIL file

Template description
based on SRM profile

OIL description file User source code

Specific model
OSEK Compiler
using SRM
OIL File Generation

Executable file

/ MARTE Tutorial 114

Example of an OIL generation template

For each UML InstanceSpecification {

if its classifier has the SRM SwSchedulableResource stereotype then {
generateText {
Task <Instance Name>{}

« SwSchedulableResource »

Task acquisition{
« instanceOf » }
« instanceOf »
acquisition : BasicTask Task trajectoryController{
trajectoryController : BasicTask

/ MARTE Tutorial 115

Generation of the OIL file in the Papyrus UML Tool

/ MARTE Tutorial 116

Example 3: Assist user to port multitask designs

‰ Purpose
‰ Assist user to port the multitask design to an ARINC-653 RTOS
„ ARINC 653 standard provides avionics application software with the set of
basic services to access the operating system and other system-specific

/ MARTE Tutorial 117

Principles of the model transformation

Pattern matching description

• Matching rules
• Design pattern description

Model transformation toolkit

ATL ARINC-653 specific
OSEK/VDX Specific
model using SRM model using SRM

/ MARTE Tutorial 118

Matching pattern example (1/2)
For each UML InstanceSpecification {
if its classifier has the SRM SwSchedulableResource stereotype then {
• generate a new Instance Specification;
• its target classifier is that which is stereotyped
SwSchedulableResource in the target execution support;

« SwSchedulableResource » « SwSchedulableResource »
BasicTask Process

« instanceOf » « instanceOf »
« instanceOf » « instanceOf »
acquisition : BasicTask ATL acquisition : Process

trajectoryController : BasicTask trajectoryController : Process

/ MARTE Tutorial 119

Matching pattern example (2/2)

For each UML InstanceSpecification {
if its classifier has the SRM SwSchedulableResource stereotype then {
• …
• each source priorityElements match one target priorityElements



/ MARTE Tutorial 120

Assist user to port multi-task designs in the
Papyrus UML tool : a basic example

/ MARTE Tutorial 121

Hardware Resource Modeling with MARTE

‰ Specialization of GRM
‰ HRM and SRM share a common structure
„ It eases HW/SW allocation!

/ MARTE Tutorial 122

HRM use cases

« include »
System Architect
High level HW

« extend »
« include »

Specialized HW
Software developper modeling
HW designer
« include » « include »

Detailed HW


3 use cases = 3 levels of details

/ MARTE Tutorial 123

HRM use cases -- High level hardware modeling

‰ How?
‰ High level of abstraction
‰ Architectural view of the HW platform
‰ With key properties:
„ E.g., instruction set and memory size.
‰ A formal view of usual block diagrams
‰ For
‰ High level description of existing and targeted HW platform
‰ First steps of design of new HW architecture
‰ By
‰ System architects
‰ Software developers

/ MARTE Tutorial 124

HRM use cases -- Specialized hardware modeling

‰ How?
‰ Specialized HW description model
‰ Nature of details depends on the point of view
„ Ex1 : autonomy analysis requires power consumption modeling
„ Ex2 : WCET analysis need details on processor speed,
communication bandwidth and memory organization…
‰ For analysis purpose
‰ By analyzers

/ MARTE Tutorial 125

HRM use cases -- Detailed hardware modeling

‰ How?
‰ HRM is a detailed HW architecture design language
‰ Level of details depends on the description accuracy
„ Ex1: Functional simulator of a processor only requires its instruction
set family
„ Ex2: Performance simulation need a fine description of processors
‰ For
‰ Model-based datasheets description
‰ Simulation
„ generation of configurations for simulation tools
‰ By
‰ HW designers

/ MARTE Tutorial 126

HRM structure
‰ Hierarchical taxonomy of hardware concepts
‰ Successive inheritance layers
‰ From generic concepts (GRM-like)
„ HwComputingResource, HwMemory, HwCommunicationResource…
‰ To specific and detailed resources
„ HwProcessor, HwBranchPredictor, HwCache, HwMMU, HwBus,
HwBridge, HwDMA…
‰ All HRM concepts are HwResource(s)

‰ Two modeling views to separate concerns

Logical / Physical

/ MARTE Tutorial 127

HRM structure -- Logical modeling

‰ Provides a functional description
‰ Based on a functional classification of hardware resources:

/ MARTE Tutorial 128

HRM structure -- Physical modeling
‰ Provides a physical properties description
‰ Based on both following packages
‰ HwLayout
„ Forms: Chip, Card, Channel…
„ Dimensions, area and arrangement mechanism within rectilinear grids
„ Environmental conditions: e.g. temperature, vibration, humidity…
‰ HwPower
„ Power consumption and heat dissipation

/ MARTE Tutorial 129

HRM profile overview

/ MARTE Tutorial 130

HRM profile -- HwMemory

« stereotype » « stereotype »
MARTE::GRM::Storage HwResource

« stereotype » « dataType »
HwMemory Timing

memorySize : NFP_DataSize notation : NFP_String

addressSize : NFP_DataSize description : NFP_String
timings : Timing [*] value : NFP_Duration

« stereotype » « stereotype » « stereotype » « stereotype »

HwCache HwRAM HwROM HwDrive

level : NFP_Natural = 1 organization : MemoryOrganization type : ROM_Type sectorSize : NFP_DataSize

type : CacheType isSynchronous : NFP_Boolean organization : MemoryOrganization
structure : CacheStructure isStatic :NFP_Boolean
repl_Policy : Repl_Policy isNonVolatile : NFP_Boolean 0..1
writePolicy : WritePolicy repl_Policy : Repl_Policy
writePolicy : WritePolicy
{subsets ownedHW}

« enumeration » « enumeration » « enumeration » « dataType » « dataType » « enumeration »

Repl_Policy WritePolicy CacheType CacheStructure MemoryOrganization ROM_Type

LRU WriteBack Data nbSets : NFP_Natural nbRows : NFP_Natural MaskedROM

NFU WriteThrough Instruction blocSize : NFP_DataSize nbColumns : NFP_Natural EPROM
FIFO Other Unified associativity : NFP_Natural nbBanks : NFP_Natural OTP_EPROM
Random Undefined Other wordSize : NFP_DataSize EEPROM
Other Undefined Flash
Undefined Other

/ MARTE Tutorial 131

HRM profile -- HwMemory -- HwCache


« stereotype » « stereotype »
MARTE::GRM::Storage HwResource

‰ HwCache is a processing memory where

frequently used data can be stored for
« stereotype » « dataType »
rapid access.
HwMemory Timing

memorySize : NFP_DataSize notation : NFP_String

‰ Detailed description of the HwCache is
addressSize : NFP_DataSize
timings : Timing [*]
description : NFP_String
value : NFP_Duration

necessary for performance analysis and

« stereotype » « stereotype » « stereotype »

organization : MemoryOrganization type : ROM_Type sectorSize : NFP_DataSize

isSynchronous : NFP_Boolean organization : MemoryOrganization
isStatic :NFP_Boolean
isNonVolatile : NFP_Boolean 0..1
repl_Policy : Repl_Policy
writePolicy : WritePolicy
{subsets ownedHW}

« enumeration » « enumeration » « enumeration » « dataType » « dataType » « enumeration »

Repl_Policy WritePolicy CacheType CacheStructure MemoryOrganization ROM_Type

LRU WriteBack Data nbSets : NFP_Natural nbRows : NFP_Natural MaskedROM

NFU WriteThrough Instruction blocSize : NFP_DataSize nbColumns : NFP_Natural EPROM
FIFO Other Unified associativity : NFP_Natural nbBanks : NFP_Natural OTP_EPROM
Random Undefined Other wordSize : NFP_DataSize EEPROM
Other Undefined Flash
Undefined Other

/ MARTE Tutorial 132

HRM profile -- HwMemory -- HwCache

‰ Specifies the cache level.

‰ Default value is 1

/ MARTE Tutorial 133

HRM profile -- HwMemory -- HwCache

‰ Specifies the HwCache structure
‰ HwCache is organized under sets of blocks.
‰ Associativity is the number of blocks within
each set.
‰ If associativity = 1, cache is direct mapped.
‰ If nbSets = 1, cache is fully associative.
‰ OCL rule:
memorySize = nbSets x blocSize x associativity

/ MARTE Tutorial 134

HRM profile -- HwMemory -- HwCache

‰ Specifies the cache write policy

‰ WriteBack: Cache write is not immediately
reflected to the backing memory.
‰ WriteThrough: Writes are immediately

/ MARTE Tutorial 135

HRM usage
‰ HRM stereotypes extends the main structural UML metaclasses
‰ Classifier, Class
‰ InstanceSpecification, Property
‰ Association (HwMedia, HwBus…), Port (HwEndPoint)

‰ HRM can be used with all Structural UML diagrams:

‰ Class diagram
‰ Component diagram
‰ Composite Structure Diagram (well adapted for HW)

‰ HRM profile application

‰ Tag definitions are optional
„ Specified if needed
„ Specified when needed (Refinement)
‰ At class level for technology definition (e.g. type of HwCache)
‰ At instance level for component definition (e.g. size of HwCache)

/ MARTE Tutorial 136

Very early Hw Architecture Description
‰ SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessing) hardware platform
‰ 4 identical processors
„ Unified Level 2 cache for each
‰ Shared main memory (SDRAM)
‰ Central FSB (Front Side Bus)
‰ DMA (Direct Memory Access)
‰ Battery Only HwResouces

/ MARTE Tutorial 137

HRM usage example: Logical view

« hwLogical::hwResource »
smp : SMP

« hwProcessor » « hwProcessor » « hwProcessor » « hwProcessor »

cpu1 : CPU cpu2 : CPU cpu3 : CPU cpu4 : CPU
{frequency = 800Mhz} {frequency = 800Mhz} {frequency = 800Mhz} {frequency = 800Mhz}

« hwCache » « hwCache » « hwCache » « hwCache »

l2 : UL2 l2 : UL2 l2 : UL2 l2 : UL2
{memorySize = 512kB} {memorySize = 512kB} {memorySize = 512kB} {memorySize = 512kB}

« hwBus »
fsb : FSB
{frequency = 133Mhz,
wordWidth = 128bit}

« hwSupport » « hwDMA» « hwRAM »

battery : Battery dma : DMA sdram : SDRAM
{managedMemories = sdram} {frequency = 266Mhz,
memorySize = 256MB}

/ MARTE Tutorial 138

HRM usage example: Physical view
« hwCard »
smp : SMP
grid = 4,3
area = 5000mm²
r_conditions = (Temperature; Operating; ‘’’’; [10°C,60°C])

« hwChip » « hwChip » « hwCard »

« hwComponent» sdram : SDRAM
cpu1 : CPU cpu3 : CPU
position = [1,1], [1,1] position = [2,2], [1,1] position = [3,4], [1,1]
{kind = Card}
staticConsumption = 5W staticConsumption = 5W nbPins = 144

« hwComponent »
« hwComponent »
CPU [4] « hwComponent »
{kind = Chip} FSB
{kind = Chip}
{kind = Channel}
« hwChannel »
fsb : FSB
position«= hwPowerSupply
[1,4], [2,2] »
« hwComponent » « hwComponent »
{kind = Other,
{kind = Unit} {kind = Card}
capacity = 40Wh}
« hwChip » « hwChip » « hwChip » « hwPowerSupply »
cpu2 : CPU cpu4 : CPU dma : DMA battery : Battery

position = [1,1], [3,3] position = [2,2], [3,3] position = [3,3], [3,3] position = [4,4], [3,3]
staticConsumption = 5W staticConsumption = 5W capacity = 10Wh
weight = 150g

/ MARTE Tutorial 139

HRM case study -- TC1796 (μController)

‰ Advanced 32-bit TriCore™-based Next Generation
Microcontroller for Real-Time Embedded systems
‰ Automotive control systems
‰ Industrial robotic control

‰ Features
‰ Super-scalar TriCore CPU
„ Superior real-time performance
‰ Efficient interrupt handling
„ 4 stage pipeline
„ DSP capabilities
„ 150 MHz operational frequency

/ MARTE Tutorial 140

HRM case study -- TC1796
‰ Complex memory architecture
‰ Embedded Program Memory (>2MByte): PMI (ICACHE,
‰ Extendable memory using an external bus

‰ High performance triple bus structure

‰ Two Local memory busses (64-bit) to program and data
‰ 32-bit system peripheral bus to on-chip peripherals
‰ 32-bit remote peripheral bus to external peripherals
‰ Independent bus control units

‰ 16-channel DMA controller…

/ MARTE Tutorial 141

Block diagram of the TC1796 CPU-Subsystem

/ MARTE Tutorial 142

HRM case study -- TC1796 CPU-Subsystem


/ MARTE Tutorial 143

HRM application -- HW emulation

‰ UML models have now a precise standard XML

representation (using the XMI definition).
‰ Then, all model manipulations and transformations can be
easily done using widely known XML technologies.
‰ Eclipse plugins (EMF, UML2…), Acceleo…

‰ The steps are:

1. Describe the HW models in UML using HRM
2. Parse and Capture all the required HW properties
3. Verify coherency and completion
4. Generate the configuration file for the target emulation tool
5. Simulate the application software on the emulated HW

/ MARTE Tutorial 144

Examples of Possible Hw Emulators
‰ Simics (Virtutech, )
‰ Support for most HW components
‰ Functional and Performance simulation
‰ Enable to run heavy software applications (e.g., linux)
‰ Free for academics

‰ Skyeye (
‰ Support for ARM-like processors, most of memories and peripherals
‰ Functional simulation
‰ Enable to run only light sw applications (E.g., μLinux and ARMLinux)

‰ SimpleScalar (
‰ Academic tool easy to extend
‰ Performance simulation
‰ Run C code

/ MARTE Tutorial 145

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 146

Design rationale for GQAM
‰ Updates SPT
‰ Alignment to UML2
‰ Harmonization between the two SPT analysis sub-profiles:
schedulability and performance
‰ Extension of timing annotations expressiveness
„ Overheads (e.g. messages passing)
„ Response times (e.g. BCET & ACET)
„ Timing requirements (e.g. miss ratios and max. jitters)
‰ Provides support for methodological aspects
‰ Sensitivity analysis and design-space exploration
‰ Modeling reuse and component-based design
‰ Support of the MDA approach

/ MARTE Tutorial 147

GQAM overview
‰ Generic Quantitative Analysis Modeling (GQAM) expresses
foundation concepts and NFPs shared by different quantitative
analysis domains – e.g., schedulability and performance - that have
their own terminology, concepts and semantics
‰ core GQAM concepts describe how the system behavior uses resources
over time
‰ NFPs used in quantitative analysis techniques:
„ “input NFPs” - taken as input data
‰ e.g., request or trigger arrival rates, execution demands, deadlines, QoS targets
„ “output NFPs” - computed as results
‰ e.g., response times, deadline failures, resource utilizations, queue sizes
‰ Different analysis goals:
‰ Point evaluation of the output NFPs for a given operating point defined
by input NFPs
‰ Search over the parameter space for feasible or optimal solutions
‰ Sensitivity of some output results to some input parameters
‰ Scalability analysis: how the system performs when the problem size or
the system size grow.

/ MARTE Tutorial 148

Processing schema for model-based analysis

UML2 + Marte

Analysis specific
« profile »
UML2 editor Analysis model

Annotated model
Analysis tool

Results Analysis results

/ MARTE Tutorial 149

GQAM dependencies and architecture

‰ GQAM (Generic Quantitative Analysis Modeling): Common concepts for analysis
‰ SAM: Modeling support for schedulability analysis techniques.
‰ PAM: Modeling support for performance analysis techniques.

/ MARTE Tutorial 150

GQAM domain model – top package
‰ Main concepts common for quantitative analysis:
‰ Resources
‰ Behavior
‰ Workload
‰ All embedded in an analysis context (may have analysis parameters)

/ MARTE Tutorial 151

GQAM domain model: Workload and Behavior




/ MARTE Tutorial 152

Workload concepts
‰ Different workloads correspond to different operating modes:
‰ takeoff, in-flight and landing of an aircraft
‰ peak-load and average-load of an enterprise application.
‰ A workload is represented by a stream of triggering events,
WorkloadEvent, generated in one of the following ways:
‰ by a timed event
‰ by a given arrival pattern
„ periodic, aperiodic, sporadic, burst, irregular, open, closed
‰ by a generating mechanism named Workload Generator
(may be modeled as a state-machine)
„ multiple independent identical generating mechanisms may exist
(their number is called its "population“)
‰ from a trace (EventTrace) stored in a file.

/ MARTE Tutorial 153

Behavior scenario concepts

‰ BehaviorScenario describes a behavior triggered by an event
‰ composed of sub-operations called Steps
‰ any Step may be refined as another BehaviorScenario
‰ A BehaviorScenario captures any system-level behavior description or any
operation and attaches resource usage to it in different ways:
‰ each primitive Step executes on a host processor
‰ a Step implicitly uses a SchedulableResource (process, thread or task)
‰ a Step may be a specialized AcquireStep or ReleaseStep to acquire or release a
‰ BehaviorScenarios and Steps may use other kind of resources, so
BehaviorScenario inherits from ResourceUsage which links resources with
concrete usage demands.
„ a few concrete forms of usage defined in GQAM: memory, CPU execution time, energy
from a power supply and size of messages.
‰ Predecessor-successor relationship between Steps:
‰ sequence, branch, merge, fork, join
‰ A CommunicationStep defines the conveyance of a message
‰ Services are provided by resources and by subsystems
‰ a subsystem service associated with an interface operation provided by a
component may be identified as a RequestedService
‰ RequestedService is a subtype of Step - may be refined by a BehaviorScenario.

/ MARTE Tutorial 154

GQAM domain model: Resources

Resources Logical

/ MARTE Tutorial 155

Resource concepts
‰ ResourcesPlatform - the top class in the GQAM_Resource package
represents a logical container for all the resources
‰ The viewpoint of resources is based on the abstract Resource class
from the GRM package
‰ common features include a scheduling discipline, multiplicity, services
‰ From an analysis viewpoint, four types of resources are important:
‰ ExecutionHost: a processor or other device that executes operations
specified in the model. It has a host role relative to the processes and
the Steps that execute on it.
‰ CommunicationsHost: hardware links between devices, with the role of
host to the conveyance of a message.
‰ SchedulableResource: a schedulable service like a process or thread
pool, which is a software resource managed by the OS.
‰ CommunicationChannel : a middleware or protocol layer that conveys
‰ There are also other concurrency resources, such as mutual
exclusion resources from the GRM chapter
‰ e.g., critical section; semaphores and locks; a finite buffer pool; pool of
admission control tokens.

/ MARTE Tutorial 156

GQAM domain model: Observers
‰ Timing Observers are conceptual entities that collect timing requirements and predictions related
to a pair of user-defined observed events startObs and endObs.
‰ annotate and compare timing constraints against timing predictions provided by analysis tools
‰ can be used as predefined and parameterized patterns or by means of more elaborate expressions
(e.g., in OCL or VSL)
‰ LatencyObserver specifies a duration observation, with a miss ratio assertion (percentage), a
utility function placing a value on the duration, and a jitter constraint.

/ MARTE Tutorial 157

Common NFP Attributes for Analysis (1)

NFP For Resource For Scenario and Step For Workload
repetitions: NFP_Real[*] N/A the number of times the Step is N/A
repeated, once triggered
(default = 1).
probability: NFP_Real[*] N/A the probability that the step is executed, N/A
following its predecessor (for
hostDemand:NFP_Duration[*], composite demand across For a Step, the CPU demand on the N/A
hostDemandOps:NFP_Real[*] all services of the host of the process that executes
Resource, in terms of the Step.
time and in terms of For a Scenario, the sum of all demands
processor operations for all its Steps.
priority : NFP_Integer[*] N/A For a Step, priority on its host N/A
respTime: NFP_Duration[*] response time, total delay from the trigger event until required value for the
composite average completion of the Step or Scenario
response time across Scenario
all services offered by
the resource
execTime : NFP_Duration[*] execution time respTime minus any scheduling delays N/A

/ MARTE Tutorial 158

Common NFP Attributes for Analysis (2)
NFP For Resource For Scenario and Step For Workload
interOccTime: NFP_Duration[*] inter-occurrence time, interval between initiations interval between
interval between trigger events
successive requests
for services
throughput : NFP_Frequency[*] frequency of requests for frequency of initiations frequency of the
all services trigger event
utilization : NFP_Real[*] fraction of time the fraction of time the BehaviorScenario is N/A
resource is active active (between its trigger event
(has an active and its completion)
service). For a
multiple resource,
the mean number of
busy units.
utilizationOnHost: NFP_Real[*] N/A fraction of time the host is busy N/A
executing the BehaviorScenario. If
it has multiple hosts, this is a set
of values.
blockingTime: NFP_Duration[*] blocking time a pure delay which is part of the N/A
behavior of the Step or Scenario

/ MARTE Tutorial 159

GQAM Profile: top-level stereotypes

‰ The UML extensions for the GQAM sub-profile are presented in four
figures related to corresponding domain model packages:
‰ GQAM, GQAM_Workload, GQAM_Resources and GQAM_Observers.

/ MARTE Tutorial 160

GQAM Profile: Workload and Behaviour



/ MARTE Tutorial 161

Applying behavior-related stereotypes

‰ GaScenario and Step stereotypes inherit from:
‰ TimeModels::TimedProcessing - which in turn extends Behavior,
Message, Actions
‰ and from GRM::ResourceUsage - which extends NamedElement
‰ Therefore, Scenario and Step stereotypes can be applied to a
wide set of behavior-related elements covered by the UML 2
metaclass NamedElement, such as:
‰ Operations, Actions
‰ Messages that initiate Operations or Actions
‰ Transitions and States in state machine diagrams
‰ Signals that trigger state machine transitions
‰ Events, ExecutionOccurrenceSpecifications and
InteractionFragments in interaction diagrams
‰ InputPins in activity diagrams
‰ UseCases.

/ MARTE Tutorial 162

GQAM Profile: Resources
‰ In general, resource-related stereotypes extend the UML metaclasses Classifier,
InstanceSpecification and Property
‰ Therefore, resource stereotypes can be applied to all kinds of classes, instances,
components, parts and deployment nodes.
« profile »

« stereotype »
« enumeration » MARTE:: GRM:: Resource
MARTE_ Library::
MARTE_ DataTypes::
Simple « stereotype» « stereotype »
HalfDuplex MARTE:: GRM:: MARTE:: GRM::
FullDuplex ProcessingResource ConcurrencyResource
« stereotype »
« stereotype » SchedulableResource
GaExecHost « stereotype »
commTxOvh: NFP_ Duration GaCommHost
commRcvOvh: NFP_ Duration
cntxtSwT: NFP_ Duration capacity: NFP_ DataTxRate [*] « stereotype »
clockOvh: NFP_ Duration packetT: NFP_ Duration [*] GaCommChannel
schedPriRange: NFP_ Interval blockT: NFP_ Duration [*]
transmMode: TransmModeKind packetSize: NFP_ DataSize
memSize: NFP_ DataSize utilization: NFP_ Real [*]
utilization: NFP_ Real [*] utilization: NFP_ Real [*]
throughput: NFP_ Frequency [*] throughput: NFP_ Frequency [*]

/ MARTE Tutorial 163

GQAM Profile: Observers

‰ A timing observer may be attached to a start and end observed events, or to a behavior
element (whose execution start and end represent the observed events)
‰ Such modeling constructs are useful for complex end-to-end flows, providing flexible
means to annotate analyzer-defined timing constraints.

/ MARTE Tutorial 164

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 165

Key reasoning for the use of UML in the

scheduling analysis of RTE Systems
‰ UML is a standard semi-visual language for conceptual modeling that enables the
usage of a Model Based approach for software and system engineering.

‰ MDD and UML have been broadly introduced and used in principle by the
software engineering community, and have reached a significant number of
practitioners and tool support.

‰ To take benefit of this in the RTE domain, they need to be capable of supporting
the necessary (at least timing) verifications.

‰ This leads to the necessity of model based scheduling analysis techniques.

‰ As well as the necessity to have the modeling elements to describe the platform,
the interacting environment and the timing requirements.

/ MARTE Tutorial 166


‰ A flash of schedulability analysis:

‰ RMA: the foundations
‰ Offset-based techniques: high level models.

‰ Structural and behavioral modeling elements in MARTE.

‰ Examples of the notation used.

/ MARTE Tutorial 167

Options for managing time

‰ Compile-time schedules:
‰ Known as cyclic executives
‰ Predictability through static schedule
‰ Logical integrity often compromised by timing structure
‰ Difficult to maintain, even with model based strategies
‰ Run-time schedules:
‰ Priority-based schedulers
‰ Preemptive or non preemptive
‰ Fixed priority or dynamic priority
‰ Analytical methods needed for predictability
‰ Separates logical structure from timing
‰ Server-based frameworks:
‰ Combine static or dynamic schedules with budgets and periods
enforced at run-time

/ MARTE Tutorial 168

Fixed-Priority Scheduling

‰ Fixed-priority preemptive scheduling is very popular for

practical applications, because:

‰ Timing behavior is simpler to understand

‰ Treatment of transient overload is easier to predict
‰ A complete analytical technique exists
‰ All standard concurrent languages or operating systems specify
fixed-priority scheduling

‰ FP analysis works also for non-preemptible tasks or non-

preemptible sections

/ MARTE Tutorial 169

Rate Monotonic Analysis (RMA)

‰ Rate monotonic analysis is an engineering basis for analyzing

and designing real-time systems.
‰ Provides guidelines for optimum priority assignment
‰ Provides an analytical framework for verifying timing
‰ Helps to identify timing bottlenecks and errors
‰ Is very popular, and is supported by concurrent languages
and real-time operating systems.

/ MARTE Tutorial 170

A simple example

Critical sections

(Slide credit: M.Gonzalez Harbour & the SEI RMA tutorial)

/ MARTE Tutorial 171

Why Are Deadlines Missed?

‰ For a task to meet its deadline, it must accommodate
‰ preemption: time waiting for higher-priority tasks
‰ execution: time to do its own work
‰ blocking: time delayed by lower-priority tasks

‰ The task is schedulable if the sum of its preemption,

execution, and blocking is less than its deadline for the worst
possible case:
‰ Execution is unavoidable (unless requirements change).
‰ Preemption can be minimized by choosing an optimum priority
‰ Main focus: identify and reduce blocking

/ MARTE Tutorial 172

Concepts and Definitions (periodic tasks)
‰ Periodic task
‰ initiated at fixed intervals
‰ must finish before start of next cycle

‰ Task’s CPU utilization: Ui = Ci / Ti

‰ Ci = compute time (execution time) for task ti
‰ Ti = period of task ti
‰ Pi = priority of task ti
‰ Di = deadline of task ti
‰ fi = phase of task ti
‰ Ri = response time of task ti

‰ CPU utilization for a set of tasks: U = U1 + U2 + … + Un

/ MARTE Tutorial 173

Basic Principles of RMA

‰ Two concepts help to build the worst-case condition:

‰ Critical instant. The worst-case response time for all tasks in the
task set is obtained when all tasks are activated at the same time
‰ Checking the first deadline. When all tasks are activated at the
same time, if a task meets its first deadline, it will always meet all
of its deadlines

‰ Based on these concepts, several results arise:

‰ Optimality of rate monotonic priorities

‰ Utilization bound test
‰ Exact test

/ MARTE Tutorial 174

Critical instant

(Slide credit: M.Gonzalez Harbour & the SEI RMA tutorial)

/ MARTE Tutorial 175

Utilization and Response Time tests

‰ Utilization Bound(UB) Test: A set of n independent periodic
tasks, with deadlines at the end of the periods, scheduled by
the rate monotonic algorithm will always meet its deadlines,
for all task phasings, if: U <= U(n) = n(21/n - 1)

‰ Completion time test:

‰ For a number the tasks according to priority (highest priority=t1,
lowest priority=tn)
‰ Under a critical instant condition, the amount of work Wi(t) of
tasks at priority Pi or higher started before t is

/ MARTE Tutorial 176

Response time evaluation
‰ Ri may be computed by the following iterative formula:

‰ The iteration ends when:

‰ Task ti is schedulable if:

/ MARTE Tutorial 177

Effects of jitter
‰ Periodic events with jitter have an arrival time which may be
early or late, within a bounded interval:
‰ events arrive at to + nT +/- J

‰ Jitter may have a delay effect on lower priority tasks

High pri.

Low pri.

t t
Execution sequence for Execution sequence
two periodic tasks. with jitter.
Worst case is one preemption Worst case is two preemptions

(Slide credit: J.C. Palencia & M.Gonzalez Harbour)

/ MARTE Tutorial 178

More general approach
Scenario(instance) based, distributed, control-flow dependencies

Real-Time System


(Slidewcredit: J.M. Drake)

/ MARTE Tutorial 179

Distributed system model

ej-1,j ej,j+1
Linear Action: aj Tj-1,j = Tj = Tj,j+1

Linear Response to an Event:

CPU-1 Network CPU-2
e1 e1,2 e2,3
Action a1 a2 a3
e1 External
event d2
e1 Internal D2
(Slide credit: J.C. Palencia & M.Gonzalez Harbour)

/ MARTE Tutorial 180

Jitter in distributed systems


a4 a7
a8 Network

CPU-1 a6


‰ Jitter in one processing resource depends on the response

times in other processing resources
‰ Response times depend on jitters
(Slide credit: J.C. Palencia & M.Gonzalez Harbour)

/ MARTE Tutorial 181


Step Step (Multicast)
External Precedence
Event Relationship

(Action) Precedence


/ MARTE Tutorial 182


Shared Processing
Resources Resources

Usage Schedulable

Event Event

Requirement Reference

/ MARTE Tutorial 183


/ MARTE Tutorial 184

« profile »

« metaclass »
« metaclass » « metaclass » « metaclass » « metaclass » UML::CompositeStructures::
UML::Classes::Kernel:: UML::Classes::Kernel:: UML::Classes::Kernel:: UML::Interaction::Basic InternalStructures::
Property InstanceSpecification Classifier Interactions::Lifeline ConnectableElement

« stereotype»
resMult: Integer = 1
« stereotype » isProtected: Boolean
« stereotype »
CommunicationEndPoint isActive: Boolean StorageResource

packetSize: Integer elementSize: Integer

« stereotype » « stereotype » « stereotype »

SynchronizationResource ConcurrencyResource Scheduler

isPreemptible: Boolean = true

schedPolicy: SchedPolicyKind = FixedPriority
« stereotype » « stereotype » otherSchedPolicy: String
MutualExclusionResource SchedulableResource schedule: OpaqueExpression

protectKind: ProtectProtocolKind=priorityInheritance schedParams: SchedParameters [0..*]

ceiling: Integer isActive:Boolean = true {IsReadOnly}
otherProtectProtocol: String
« stereotype »
« metaclass » « stereotype »
UML::CompositeStructures:: ProcessingResource
speedFactor: NFP_Real = (value = 1.0)

« stereotype » « stereotype » « stereotype »

CommunicationMedia ComputingResource DeviceResource
elementSize: Integer

/ MARTE Tutorial 185

Domain model for Schedulable resources


GRM::ResourceManagem 1..* * GRM::ResourceManage broker brokedResource GRM::ResourceCore::

ent::AccessControlPolicy ment::ResourceBroker 1..* Resource

SchedulinglPolicy 0..1 mainScheduler

1 * ProcessingResource
Scheduler * 1..*
policy: SchedPolicyKind
otherSchedPolicy: String schedule:OpaqueExpression processingUnits speedFactor: NFP_Real =
policy (value = 1.0)
{Subset brokedResource}
{subset accCtrlPolicy}
host 1

« enumeration »
SchedPolicyKind SecondaryScheduler 1 GRM::ResourceTypes::
EarliestDeadlineFirst host ComputingResource CommunicationMedia
FIFO dependentScheduler 0..1
LeastLaxityFirst 1..* 0..*
virtualProcessingUnits schedulableResource GRM::ResourceTypes::
TimeTableDriven DeviceResource
Undef SchedulableResource
Other * {isActive=True}

1 schedParams

/ MARTE Tutorial 186

Shared resources

/ MARTE Tutorial 187

Extensions for scheduling

« profile »

« stereotype »
« stereotype » « stereotype » MutualExclusionResource
ComputingResource ProcessingResource
protectKind: ProtectProtocolKind=PriorityInheritance
processingUnits 0..* ceiling: Integer
host 0..1 otherProtectProtocol: String
mainScheduler 0..1
* protectedSharedResources
« stereotype » scheduler
isPreemptible: Boolean = true
schedPolicy: SchedPolicyKind = FixedPriority host
otherSchedPolicy: String
schedule: OpaqueExpression

schedulabledResources 0..*

« stereotype »
« stereotype »
SecondaryScheduler schedparams: SchedParameters[0..*]

dependentScheduler 0..1 0..* virtualProcessingUnits

/ MARTE Tutorial 188

Resource Usage

/ MARTE Tutorial 189

1. If the list usedResources is empty the list subUsages should not be empty and viceversa..
2. If the list usedResources has only one element, all the optional lists of attributes refer to this unique
Resource and at least one of them must be present.
3. If the list usedResources has more than one element, all of the optional lists of attributes that are
present, must have that number of elements, and they will be considered to match one to one.
4. If the list subUsages is not empty, and any of the optional lists of attributes is present, then more
than one annotation for the same resource and kind of usage may be expressed. In this case, if the
annotations have also the same source and statistical qualifiers they will be considered in conflict,
and hence the ResourceUsage inconsistent.

/ MARTE Tutorial 190

Structure of SAM

/ MARTE Tutorial 191

SAM Overview

/ MARTE Tutorial 192

SAM_Workload: End-to-endFlow


« dataType » GQAM_Workload::
« choiceType » WorkloadBehavior SAM_Observers::
periodic: PeriodicPattern
aperiodic: AperiodicPattern Timing
workload 1..* *
sporadic: SporadicPattern
burst: BurstPattern EndToEndFlow 1
irregular: IrregularPattern
closed: ClosedPattern isSchedulable: NFP_Boolean
open: OpenPattern schedulabilitySlack: NFP_Real
endToEndTime: NFP_Duration
endToEndDeadline: NFP_Duration

1..* endToEndStimuli endToEndResponse 1

WorkloadEvent 1..* 1
pattern: ArrivalPattern BehaviorScenario
inputStream effect

/ MARTE Tutorial 193

SAM_Workload: BehaviorScenario

/ MARTE Tutorial 194


« enumeration » NFP_Modeling::
ConstraintKind NFP_Annotation::
required NFP_Constraint
offered kind: ConstraintKind

TimeModels:: GQAM_Observers:: « enumeration »
0..1 TimingObserver LaxityKind
TimedObservations:: endObs laxity: LaxityKind hard
TimedInstantObservation soft

SchedulingObserver GQAM_Observers::
suspensions: NFP_Integer
blockingTime: NFP_Duration latency: NFP_Duration
overlaps: NFP_Integer missRatio: NFP_Real
utility: UtilityType
maxJitter: NFP_Duration

/ MARTE Tutorial 195

Resources in SAM (domain model)

/ MARTE Tutorial 196

Resources in SAM (profile)

/ MARTE Tutorial 197

ClassesView_TeleoperatedRobot DeploymentView_TeleoperatedRobot

« ppUnit »
displayData displayData
data: Integer [*]

read (): Data

write (D: Data) Station

« rtUnit » « rtUnit »
DisplayRefresher CommandInterpreter

updateDisplay () processEvent ()
updateGraphics () planTrajectory ()

comm comm CAN_Bus

StationCommunication ControllerCommunication

sendCommand (C: Command) sendStatus (S: Status)

awaitStatus (): Status awaitCommand (): Command
comm comm

« rtUnit » « rtUnit »
Reporter CommandManager Controller VME_Bus RobotArm

report () manage ()

« ppUnit » « rtUnit »
ServosData ServosController
Data: Integer [*] controlServos ()
get (): Data controlAlgorithms ()
set (D: Data) doControl ()

/ MARTE Tutorial 198

Real-time situation
« gaWorkloadBehavior » NormalMode

« workloadEvent »
{ periodic (period= (5, ms)) } «gaScenario»
{ respTime= ($r1, ms),
utilization= $u1,
execTime= ($e1, ms) }

« workloadEvent »
{ periodic (period= (100, $pR, ms)) }
{ respTime= ($r2, ms),
utilization= $u2,
execTime= ($wcet1, max, ms) }

« workloadEvent »
{ periodic (period= (1, s)) } «gaScenario»
{ respTime= ($r3, ms),
utilization= $u3,
execTime= ($e3, ms) }

/ MARTE Tutorial 199

« gaResourcesPlatform »

« schedulableResource »
« saExecHost »
«allocate» : DisplayRefresherTask
: Station
{ fp (priority= 22) }

« schedulableResource »
: MsjStatus
« saCommHost » «allocate» { fp (priority= 24) }
: CAN_Bus
{ transMode= Half-Duplex « schedulableResource »
speedFactor= ($prCAN) «allocate» : MsjCommand
blockT= (111, us, max, meas) { fp (priority= 24) }
packetT= (64, us, calc) }

« schedulableResource »
: ServosControllerTask
{ fp (priority= 30) }
« saExecHost » « schedulableResource »
: Controller : Reporter
{ speedFactor= (1.0) «allocate» { fp (priority= 24) }
clockOvh= (7, us, meas)
« schedulableResource »
cntxtSwT= (5, us, meas)
ISRswitchT= (2.5, us, meas) : CommandManager
schedPrioRange= ([0..30], determ)
«allocate» { fp (priority= 16) }
ISRPrioRange= ([31..31], determ) }
« schedulableResource »
: ControllerComm
{ fp (priority= 31) }
: VME_Bus

« scheduler »
« saExecHost » : RTOS_Scheduler
: RobotArm { schedPolicy= FixedPriority }

/ MARTE Tutorial 200

A behavior scenario

/ MARTE Tutorial 201

Parametric analysis contexts

/ MARTE Tutorial 202

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 203

Performance modeling formalisms

‰ Different performance models developed over time in the performance
evaluation field may be used for performance analysis of UML models
‰ model transformation from UML+MARTE to such target performance
models are needed
‰ Classification of performance models
‰ Analytic models
„ Queueing Networks (QN)
‰ capture well contention for resources
‰ efficient analytical solutions exists for a class of QN (“separable” QN)
‰ Layered Queueing Networks (QN extension) are used as an example
„ Stochastic Petri Nets
‰ good flow models, but not as good for resource contention
‰ analytical solutions suffer from state space exponential explosion
„ Stochastic Process Algebra
‰ introduced recently by merging Process Algebra and Markov Chains
‰ Simulation models
„ less constrained in their modeling power, can capture more details
„ harder to build and more expensive to solve (run the model repeatedly).

/ MARTE Tutorial 204

Queueing Network (QN): Single Service Center

arriving departing
customers customers
Queue Server
‰ Parameters
‰ scheduling policy (FIFO, priority, etc.)
‰ workload intensity - arrival process
„ e.g., Poisson arrival with rate 0.5/second
‰ service demand per customer
„ e.g., exponential distribution with mean of 1.25 seconds
‰ Performance measures
‰ utilization = proportion of time the server is busy
‰ residence time = average time spent at the service center by a customer,
both queueing and receiving service
‰ queue length = average number of customers at the service center
‰ throughput = rate at which customers pass through the service center.

/ MARTE Tutorial 205

Single Service Center: Performance Results

‰ Typical non-linear behaviour for queue length and waiting time
‰ server reaches saturation at a certain arrival rate (utilization close to 1)
‰ at low workload intensity: an arriving customer meets low competition,
so its residence time is roughly equal to its service demand
‰ as the workload intensity rises, congestion increases, and the residence time
along with it
‰ as the service center approaches saturation, small increases in arrival rate
result in dramatic increases in residence time.

Utilization Residence Time Queue length

1 20 20
Residence Time

15 15
Queue length


0.5 10 10
5 5
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Arrival Rate Arrival rate Arrival rate

/ MARTE Tutorial 206

Network of queues
‰ Open and closed QN models

Disk 1 ... Disk 1

Disk 2 Disk 2

‰ Additional parameters needed to describe the movement of customers

through the network
‰ e.g., after a CPU service, a customers moves with given probabilities or visit
ratios to Disk1, Disk2 or out
‰ Multiple customer classes
‰ each class has its own workload intensity, service demands and visit ratios
‰ combination of open and closed classes is possible
‰ the performance results will be obtained by class
‰ Bottleneck service center - may be different for different classes.

/ MARTE Tutorial 207

Layered Queueing Network (LQN) model

‰ LQN is a extension of QN
‰ models both software tasks (rectangles)
clientE ClientT
and hardware devices (circles)
‰ represents nested services (a server is Client
also a client to other servers)
‰ software components have entries CPU
corresponding to different services
‰ arcs represent service requests service1 service2 Appl
(synchronous and asynchronous)
‰ multi-servers used to model components
with internal concurrency entries task Appl
‰ What we get from the LQN solver: CPU
‰ Service time (mean, variance) including
nested services
‰ Waiting time Query1 Query2 DB
‰ Throughput
‰ Probability of missing a deadline
(obtained only by simulation) CPU
Disk1 Disk2

/ MARTE Tutorial 208

Performance Analysis in MARTE
‰ In MARTE, “performance modeling” describes the analysis of temporal
properties of best-effort systems and soft-real-time embedded systems
‰ e.g., information processing systems, web-based applications and services,
enterprise systems, multimedia, telecommunications.
‰ Performance measures (analysis outputs) are statistical, such as:
‰ mean throughput and delay (response time)
‰ mean queue length and queueing delay
‰ probability of missing a target response time
‰ resource utilization
‰ Input parameters to the analysis may also be probabilistic, such as:
‰ random arrival process,
‰ random execution time for an operation
‰ probability of a cache hit.
‰ Common performance analysis techniques include:
‰ simulations
‰ queueing networks and extended queueing networks
‰ discrete-state models such as Stochastic Petri Nets or Stochastic Process
‰ behavior is often regarded as non-terminating for the purposes of analysis
(steady state behavior rather than transient behavior).

/ MARTE Tutorial 209

Performance Analysis Model (PAM) overview

‰ PAM domain model employs and extends the GQAM domain model.
‰ Workload:
‰ PAM employs features such as the WorkloadEvent description of a stream of
arriving events
‰ focus on some workload types: open and closed arrivals, workload generators
and traces
‰ Behavior Scenario:
‰ PAM uses the behavior-causality model of Scenarios and Steps
‰ extends the properties of a Step to include more kinds of operation demands
during a step
‰ adds the possibility of an asynchronous (non-synchronizing) parallel operation,
which is forked but never joins
‰ other Step extension: a PassResource step which indicates the passing of a
shared resource from one process to another
‰ Resources:
‰ Important resources include hardware ExecutionEngines, concurrent process
threads (ScheduledResources), and LogicalResources defined by the software
„ logical resource examples: semaphore, lock, buffer pool, critical section
‰ introduces a special concept of RunTimeObjectInstance as an alias for a process
or thread pool resource identified in behavior specifications by other entities (such
as lifelines and swimlanes)
‰ Observers: uses the GQAM observer concepts.

/ MARTE Tutorial 210

AnalysisContext parameters
‰ AnalysisContext (from GQAM) corresponds to the scope of an evaluation.
‰ combines the system represented by its behaviour and resources with one or
more workloads.
‰ gives a set of model parameters for defining the range of variation of cases that
will be analysed
‰ One UML specification may give rise to several performance models, due to
variations in system usage, workload, allocation, deployment, and
configuration different models cases.
‰ Parameterized NFPs are supported by the use of:
‰ variables global to the AnalysisContext
‰ variable names in place of numeric values of input properties for model elements.
‰ functional dependencies of the input properties on the global variables, to define
UML Model
Case Parameters Performance
Input NFPs
(Parameter Output NFPs
Values) Performance (Performance
Model Solver Results)

/ MARTE Tutorial 211

Informal view of Services and Behavior

‰ Service is an important concept in performance
‰ requests for service may have a required quality of service
‰ an actual service is defined by a BehaviorScenario, with a provided quality of service
‰ Services may be incorporated into the modeled behavior in three ways:
‰ by making a serviceDemand from a Step to a RequestedService, representing an
operation offered at some interface, which is in turn defined by a BehaviorScenario
‰ by making a behaviorDemand from a Step to directly invoke a BehaviorScenario
‰ by making an extOpDemand from a Step to request an external service, which is
defined in the performance environment outside the UML model.

« use »
GQAM_Workload ::
« use » « use » « use »

GQAM_Workload ::
BehaviorScenario PRequestedService ExternalOperation
« use » « use » « use »
« use » « use »
« use »
GQAM_Workload ::
BehaviorScenario PRequestedService ExternalOperation

/ MARTE Tutorial 212

PAM Domain Model: Workload and Behavior



/ MARTE Tutorial 213

PAM Step extensions

‰ External resource demands
‰ Resources which are not modeled within the software design may have an impact
on performance (e.g., disk access).
‰ PAM domain model identifies "external operations" by such resources by a name
(a string), so they can be modeled in the performance model.
‰ Demands by a Step for external operations are described by the pair of properties
externalOpDemand and externalOpCount:
„ externalOpDemand is an ordered list of operation names (strings)
„ externalOpCount is an ordered list (in the same order) of the number of demands made
during one execution of the Step (may be an integer, an average value or a probability
‰ Direct demands to a BehaviorScenario
‰ Demands by a Step directly to a BehaviorScenario are described by the pair of
properties behavDemand and behavCount
‰ “noSync” attribute
‰ folowing a fork due to an asynchronous message or par operand, “noSync”
explicitly indicate that the respective parallel branch does not join
‰ behaviour using noSync may provide increased concurrency and increased

/ MARTE Tutorial 214

PAM Domain Model: Resources
‰ LogicalResource: defined by the software - has to be modeled as a
resource in the performance model because it introduces delays
‰ RunTimeObjectInstance: alias for a process or thread pool resource
identified in behavior specifications by lifelines and swimlanes

/ MARTE Tutorial 215

Communication Channel
‰ A message between two objects is conveyed by some
‰ if the objects are in the same execution thread (process), it is
conveyed by the language runtime
‰ if the objects are in different execution threads (processes) in the
same node (ProcessingHost) it is conveyed by the operating
‰ if the objects are on different nodes, it is conveyed by a system
layer named here CommChannel, which may be:
„ a middlware layer (CORBA connection, Java Remote Method
Invocation, web services connection, etc.)
„ a Message-Passing Interface connection in a grid
„ a socket or secure socket connection
„ a more complex infrastructure such as a publish-and-subscribe

/ MARTE Tutorial 216

Modeling Communication Channels
1. Within the same node, language runtime and operating system costs are
considered part of the scenario.
‰ the inter-process communication cost per byte of the host may be used to
calculate the hostDemand for communication.
2. Between nodes the default is:
‰ determine node hostDemands from the sending and receiving overhead on the
‰ insert the latency of the link (an attribute of the connecting CommunicationsHost)
3. Between nodes the conveyance of the message may also be modeled as
an external operation, invoking a submodel of the communications layer
‰ this may be an attractive option for modeling the behaviour of the Internet
4. Between nodes a communications layer such as CORBA may be defined as
a UML StructuredClass offering send and receive operations to the two end-
point processes
‰ such a layer is denoted as a CommChannel with a conveyance operation
demanded by the CommunicationsStep in the scenario
‰ its service is defined by a BehaviorScenario, which may involve directory look-
ups, authorization and redirection of requests
5. Between nodes a complex communications protocol can be modeled by a
pure BehaviorScenario not associated with a system component, but
describing a collaboration of the hosts.

/ MARTE Tutorial 217

Communication channels at different detail levels

Detail Level 2, conveyance modeled at the hardware level
SchedulableResource Message SchedulableResource
(sender) (receiver)

hardware-based conveyance

ProcessingHost CommunicationsHost ProcessingHost

(sender) (link) (receiver)
-sendOH -latency -recvOH

Detail levels 4 and 5: using a communications layer

SchedulableResource Message SchedulableResource
(sender) (receiver)

structured conveyance

{one or the other}

communications layer system-wide behavior

CommChannel BehaviorScenario
(sender to receiver) (sender to receiver)

/ MARTE Tutorial 218

PAM Domain Models: Communication
‰ The domain model to support communications modeling contains:
‰ CommChannel: mechanism for conveying messages
‰ CommunicationStep: specialization of Step handling message

/ MARTE Tutorial 219

PAM Profile: Workload, Behavior, Observer

Behavior Steps


/ MARTE Tutorial 220

PAM Profile: Resources

/ MARTE Tutorial 221

Example 1: TCP-W deployment

«commHost» «commHost»
internet: lan:
{blockingTime = (100,us)} {blockingTime = (10,us),
capacity = (100,Mb/s)}

«execHost» «execHost» «execHost»

ebHost: webServerHost: dbHost:
{commRcvOverhead = (0.15,ms/KB), {commRcvOverhead = (0.1,ms/KB), {commRcvOverhead = (0.14,ms/KB),
commTxOverhead = (0.1,ms/KB), commTxOverhead = (0.2,ms/KB)} commTxOverhead = (0.07,ms/KB),
maxRI = 5} maxRI = 3}

«deploy» «deploy»

«artifact» «artifact» «artifact»

ebA webServerA databaseA

«manifest» «manifest» «manifest»

: EBrowser : WebServer : Database

/ MARTE Tutorial 222

Example 1: simple scenario
«PaRunTInstance» «PaRunTInstance»
eb: EBrowser webServer: WebServer database: Database
{poolSize = (webthreads=80), {poolSize = (dbthreads=5),
instance = webserver} instance = database}

«PaWorkloadEvent» 2:
{open (interArrT=(exp(17,ms))), «paStep»
«PaStep» «paCommStep»
{hostDemand = (4.5,ms)} {hostDemand = (12.4,ms),
rep = (1.3,-,mean),
msgSize = (2,KB)}


{msgSize = (50,KB)}
{msgSize = (75,KB)}

/ MARTE Tutorial 223

Example 1: GetHomePage scenario

<<GaPerformanceContext>> {contextParams=Nusers, ThinkTime, Images, R}
browser webserver imageserver database
<<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>>
{instance = browser} {instance = webserver} {instance = imageserver} {instance = database}
1: getHomePage
<<GaWorkload Event>> {closed (population=Nusers),
extDelay=ThinkTime)} opt [if customer is logged in] <<PaStep>> {rep=0.2}
<<PaStep>> {hostDemand = (1,ms),
respT={((1,s,percent95),req), 2: getCustomerData <<PaStep>> {hostDemand = (2,ms)}
((R,s,percent95),calc)} 3:
<<PaCommStep>> {msgSize=(2.9, KB)}

alt [first promo]

Promotion1 <<PaStep {prob = 0.4}

[else] ref
Promotion2 <<PaStep {prob = 0.6}

4: getListOfSubjects <<PaStep>> {hostDemand=(10,ms)}


par 6: logInteraction <<PaStep>> {noSync}

7: getHomeImages <<PaStep>> {hostDemand = (0.5,ms),

rep = Images,
8: extOpDemand = "ImageFileOp",
extOpCount = 1}
9: <<PaCommStep>>
{msgSize = (3.4 + 5*Images)}

/ MARTE Tutorial 224

Example 1: GetHomePage scenario (fragment)
<<GaPerformanceContext>> {contextParams=Nusers, ThinkTime, Images, R}

browser webserver database

<<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>>
{instance = browser} {instance = webserver} {instance = database}

1: getHomePage
<<GaWorkload Event>> {closed (population=Nusers),
<<PaStep>> {hostDemand = (1,ms), opt [if customer is logged in] <<PaStep>> {rep=0.2}
2: getCustomerData
<<PaCommStep>> {msgSize=(2.9, KB)}
{hostDemand = (2,ms)}

/ MARTE Tutorial 225

Workload generator for TPC-W

<<GaAnalysisContext>> {contextParams=(Nusers)} GetHomePage
{behavDemand = getHomePage,
<<GaWorkloadGenerator>> {population=Nusers} behavCount = 1,
blockT = (4,s)}

{behavDemand = newProduct,
behavCount = 1, blockT = (4,s)}

{probability = 0.9} {prob = 0.7}
{blockT = (10,s),
behavDemand = getProductDetails,
behavCount = 1}
{probability = 0.1}
{blockT = (12,s),
behavDemand = ShoppingCart,
behavCount = 1}
{probability = 0.3}
{blockT = (45,s),
behavCount = 1,
behavDemand = Checkout}
/ MARTE Tutorial 226
Example 2: Building Surveillance System
‰ Two frequently executed scenarios are chosen for
performance analysis


Log entry/

Video Acquire/store Database

Camera video

access rights

/ MARTE Tutorial 227

Building Surveillance System: deployment

{contextParams = {Nbuffers}, {paramValues=15}}

LAN <<GaExecHost>> Backend <<GaExecHost>>

Camera ControlNode DataBaseNode
<<GaCommHost>> <<GaCommHost>>
{capacity = (100,Mb/s) {capacity = (1000,Mb/s)}

<<deploy>> <<deploy>> <<deploy>> <<deploy>> <<deploy>>

<<artifact>> <<artifact>> <<artifact>> <<artifact>> <<artifact>>

BufMgr Control Acquire Store DB

<<deploy>> <<manifest>> <<manifest>> <<manifest>> <<manifest>>

<<Resource>> : CameraControl : Acquire : Store : DB

{maxRI = Nbuffers}

/ MARTE Tutorial 228

Building Surveillance System: AcquireVideo scenario
<<GaWorkloadEvent>> {closed (population=1), <<GaAnalysisContext>>
interOccTime = {(1.0,s,percent95,req), {contexParams={Ncameras, frameSize, blocks, acquireThreads,
(CycleTime95,s,percent95,calc)} storeThreads, DBThreads},
<<PaStep>>{hostDemand = (0.2, ms), paramValues = {100, 0.1, 15, 1, 2, 2}}
extDelay = (0, s)}

getOneImage <<PaStep>> {repetitions = Ncameras}

<<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>> <<PaRunTInstance>>

Acquire bufMgr Store DB
{maxRI = 1, {maxRI = storeThreads ,{maxRI = DBThreads,
{ instance = Acquire,
maxRI = acquireThreads} instance = Acquire} instance = Store} instance = DB}

<<Pa Step>>
getBuf <<PaStep>>
{hostDemand = <<GaAcquireStep>>
(1.8,ms)} allocBuffer
{hostDemand = (0.5,ms), <<Pa Step>>
acqRes = bufferpool, storeImage
getImage resUnits = 1} <<Pa Step>>
{hostDemand =
<<PaCommStep>> (2.5,ms), noSync}
{hostDemand =
{msgSize = (frameSize,bytes),
{((blocks*0.9), ms,mean),
repetitions = (frameSize/1500)} <<Pa Step>> (blocks*0.2),var)},
<<PaResPassStep>> freeBuf extOpDemand = writeBlock,
{passRes = bufferpool, {hostDemand =
passImage resUnits = 1} extOpCount = blocks}

<<Pa Step>>
deallocBuffer cleanUp
{hostDemand = (0.5,ms),
relRes = bufferpool}
/ MARTE Tutorial 229

From UML+MARTE to performance models

‰ What is needed for performance analysis in a UML model
extended with MARTE annotations:
‰ key use cases described by representative scenarios
‰ frequently executed, with performance constraints
‰ resources used by each scenario
„ resource types: active or passive, physical or logical, hardware or
„ quantitative resource demands for each scenario step
‰ how much, how many times?
‰ workload intensity for each scenario
„ open workload: arrival rate of requests for the scenario
„ closed workload: number of simultaneous users

/ MARTE Tutorial 230

Direct UML to LQN Transformation:
our first approach
‰ Generate LQN model structure (tasks, devices and their inter-
connections) from:
‰ UML model of the high-level software architecture
‰ UML deployment diagram
‰ Generate LQN detailed elements (entries, phases, activities
and their parameters) from:
‰ UML models of key scenarios with performance annotations
‰ Scenarios can be represented in UML by the software designers
„ interaction diagrams
„ activity diagrams

/ MARTE Tutorial 231

UML  LQN Transformation Algorithm



/ MARTE Tutorial 232

LQN model of a Building Surveillance System
acquireLoop VideoController
VideoController User Users
[1, 8] rate=0.5/sec
($N) (1)

procOneImage AcquireProc readCard CardReader

[1.5,0] [1, 0]
(1,0) CardP
(1,0) CPU

alloc BufferManager admit AccessController

[0.5, 0] [3.9, 0.2]
(forwarded) (0, 0)

bufEntry alarm Alarm
Buffer Dummy
(1, 0) (1, 0) (1, 0)
(forwarded) AlarmP
(0, 1)

getImage passImage AcquireProc2 storeImage StoreProc (0, 0.2) lock Lock

[12,0] [0.9, 0] [3.3, 0] [0, 500]
($P, 0) LockP
(1, 0) (1, 0)

network Network releaseBuf BufMgr2 writeImg readRights writeEvent DataBase

[0, 1] (infinite) [0.5, 0] [7.2, 0] [1.8,0] [1.8, 0] (10 threads)
($B, 0) (0.4, 0) (1, 0)
NetP writeBlock readData writeRec Disk
[1, 0] [1.5, 0] [3, 0] (2 threads)
/ MARTE Tutorial 233

LQN model of a Building Surveillance System

acquireLoop VideoController User Users
[1.8] rate=0.5/sec
($N) (1)

procOneImage AcquireProc readCard CardReader

[1.5,0] [1, 0]
(1,0) CardP
(1,0) CPU

alloc BufferManager admit AccessController

[0.5, 0] [3.9, 0.2]
(forwarded) (0, 0)

bufEntry alarm Alarm

Buffer Dummy
(1, 0) (1, 0) (1, 0)
(forwarded) AlarmP
(0, 1)

getImage passImage AcquireProc2 storeImage StoreProc (0, 0.2) lock Lock

[12,0] [0.9, 0] [3.3, 0] [0, 500]
($P, 0) LockP
(1, 0) (1, 0)

network Network releaseBuf BufMgr2 writeImg readRight s writeEvent DataBase

[0, 1] (infinite) [0.5, 0] [7.2, 0] [1.8,0] [1.8, 0] (10 threads)
($B, 0) (0.4, 0) (1, 0)
NetP writeBlock readData writeRec Disk
[1, 0] [1.5, 0] [3, 0] (2 threads)
/ MARTE Tutorial 234
Using the LQN Model for Improvements

‰ Base case system capacity: 20 cameras

‰ problem: software bottleneck at the buffers
‰ Adding software resources:
‰ 4 Buffers and 2 StoreProc threads
‰ result: 40 cameras supported, performance improvement 100%
‰ next problem: hardware bottleneck at the processor
‰ Replicating the processor:
‰ Dual Application CPU
‰ result: 50 cameras supported, performance improvement 150%
‰ Increasing software concurrency level
‰ use asynchronous messages – raise concurrency level
‰ result: 100 cameras supported, performance improvement 400%

/ MARTE Tutorial 235

09:00 am to 10:15 am
‰ Introduction to MDD for RT/E systems
‰ MARTE foundations
10:15 am to 10:45 am: Break
10:45 am to 12:00 am
‰ High-level modeling constructs
‰ Detailed software and hardware platforms modeling
13:00 pm to 14:30 pm: Lunch
14:30 pm to 15:00 pm
‰ Introduction to model-based RTE analysis
15:00 pm to 15:45 pm
‰ Model-based schedulability analysis
15:45 pm to 16:15 pm: Break
16:15 pm to 17:00 pm
‰ Model-based performance analysis
17:00 pm to 17:30 pm
‰ Conclusions and perspectives about MARTE

/ MARTE Tutorial 236

MARTE Frontiers and Challenges
‰ MARTE define the language constructs only!
‰ Common patterns, base building blocks, standard NFP annotations
‰ Generic constraints that do not force specific execution models, analysis
techniques or implementation technologies
‰ It does not cover methodologies aspects:
‰ Interface-Based Design, Design Space Exploration
‰ Means to manage refinement of NFP measurement models
‰ Concrete processes to storage, bind, and display NFP context models
‰ Mapping to transform MoCCs into analysis models

MARTE is to the RTES domain as UML to the System &

Software domain: a family of large and open
specification formalisms!

/ MARTE Tutorial 237

Questions ?
‰ Workshop on model-based design and validation for RTES
‰ Held in co,njunction with trhe Models 2007 conference

‰ The MARTE web site

‰ On open source Eclipse plug-in for UML2 graphical modeling
‰ MARTE implementation available end of July within the V1.7
relalease of the tool
„ Already available on:
„ Working on:

/ MARTE Tutorial 238

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