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Seal Di

Ms. Mei

English Honors 11

September 27th, 2023

CRAAP Test Annotated Bibliography: Black holes

Bolles, Dana. “Black Holes.” NASA Science, NASA, 27 Sept. 2023,


The NASA website on black hole research is a reliable source. It meets the five major

standards of CRAAP. It is related to the topic of black hole research as it provides

information on the definition, formation, and detection of black holes. This website is

also authoritative, published by NASA, and strictly scrutinized, and is a government

website (.gov). The website is accurate because it is based on scientific evidence and

research, and uses clear and accurate language to explain complex concepts, accurately

citing professional images and document sources. The website aims to inform the public

about black hole. I will use it as a source in my research.

Fadelli, Ingrid. “Theoretical Study Shows That Kerr Black Holes Could Amplify New Physics.”

Phys.Org,, 22 Sept. 2023,


This website is a relatively reliable source of black hole information. This article was

published on September 22, 2023, which means current. This website and the theme of

the article are completely in line with my research topic of "black holes". The website
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includes citations from the original research papers of two famous physicists at the

University of Cambridge, so there is a certain level of authority. This website has a

certain level of accuracy, providing accurate and authentic information based on peer-

reviewed scientific research, and fully referencing links of relevant resources for

verification. The clear purpose of this website is to promote physics to the public. I will

partly use it in my research.

Kossman, Stephanie. “What Is a Black Hole?” The Library of Congress, The Library of

Congress, 11 Mar. 2022,


The article on this website was published on March 11, 2022, which is current. In the

relevance section, this website introduces the basic knowledge related to black holes,

which is completely in line with my theme. This website is also authoritative, published

by the Library of Congress, which is a government-administered website under the

jurisdiction of the United States Congress (suffix. gov), and citing many award-winning

authoritative original NASA papers. The accuracy of this website is very high, accurately

citing relevant article image links and supporting evidence for verification. The purpose

of this website is to inform the public simply and understandably. I will use it as a source

in my research.

Lerner, Louise. “Black Holes, Explained.” University of Chicago News, University of Chicago,

13 Oct. 2022,

The website was released on October 13, 2022, which is current. This website is closely

related to the research topic of black holes, as can be seen from the title and the following
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research. This website is published by the University of Chicago which has an excellent

history in physics, its website suffix is the most reliable, and also provides interviews

with top experts in black hole research, Daniel. The website is accurate as it provides

complete and accurate links to original research papers and articles. In terms of purpose,

the website aims to explain the concept and inform the general audience. I will use this

website when researching black holes.

Wiseman, Toby. “Two Black Holes Masquerading as One.” Physics, American Physical Society,

25 Sept. 2023,

The website is current and the article was released on September 25, 2023. This website

is related to the research topic of black holes and discusses the synthesis of two black

holes. This website is highly authoritative and published by the American Physical

Society, a physicist organization. The author of this article is a professor of physics at

Imperial College of Technology and has numerous authoritative original papers. This

website is accurate as it is based on Physical Review Letters, and provides links to

original papers and other related articles. This website aims to emphasize and explain

black hole physics. I will use this website when researching black holes.

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