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We the human beings are entitled to be superior to those of the other living and
non living things by the most prominent trait called “THINKING”.Thinking as the
word says is to put to stage our thoughts when we say or do something.This
unique quality of every human being is not limited to a circle and is let to go with
the flow which in the course of time leads to vivid imagination.
Virtual reality is one such tehnology which facilitates our imagination paving a
way to interact with a computer simulated environment.This environment maybe
real or an imagined one.Virtual reality doesn’t stop there,it doesn’t restrict its
bound to visual experiences displayed on a computer screen or through special
displays.It throws light on simulations that include additional sensory information
with sound and animation.This interaction is further fine tuned by the undeterred
support extended from the standard input devices such as keyboard and mouse
or through multimodal devices such as a wired glove ,the Polhemus boom arm
and the omnidirectional treadmill.
The scope of Virtual reality is spreading across the length and breadth of the
world exploring the unexplored of the developing fields such as
medicine,architecture,automobile production and the list doesn’t end here.As
people in the developed world become immune to digital technology,or
atleast,are taking it for granted , Virtual reality is one remaining few innovations
that can still inspire the masses.It is found to make big waves and is soon to be
a game-changer in our workplace.Top companies like Microsoft and Facebook
are embarking their ideas on virtual reality putting to work exciting gadgets like
the Oculus Rift which will enable users to click virtual selfies,travel the world and
hangout in virtual “dream” houses.So its time for us to get rid of tethered cords
and start experiencing life with virtual reality.


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