Administering Payroll For The United Kingdom

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Administering Payroll for the

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom



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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Let's Get Started 1

Overview of Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom ................................................................................................. 1
Setup Tasks to Administer Payroll for the UK .......................................................................................................................... 3
Responsive User Experience Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Payroll Concepts to Understand ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Application Tools .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

2 Assemble and Maintain Payrolls 13

Personal Payroll Entries ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Payroll Relationships .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Organization Payment Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Personal Payment Methods ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Add and Transfer Payrolls .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Transfer Tax Reporting Units ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Terminations .................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

3 Calculation Entries 37
Element Entries ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Time ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Balances ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Adjust Individual Balances ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Absences ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Calculation Cards .......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Voluntary Deductions ................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Involuntary Deductions ............................................................................................................................................................. 172
Benefits ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 197

4 Global Transfers 199

Global Transfer Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 199
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom

Element Entries Transfer .......................................................................................................................................................... 201

What Happens to Payment Methods During Person Transfers ...................................................................................... 205
What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person Transfers ....................................................................................... 207
What Happens to Calculation Cards During Employee Transfers .................................................................................. 208
Balances Transfer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 212
Mass Legal Employer Change ................................................................................................................................................. 217
Copy Future Dated Changes .................................................................................................................................................... 221
Global Transfer Example ........................................................................................................................................................... 222
FAQs for Global Transfers ......................................................................................................................................................... 223

5 Process Payroll 227

Flow Patterns ............................................................................................................................................................................... 227
Third-Party Payment Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 270
Payroll Run ................................................................................................................................................................................... 279
Payroll Calculation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 288
Object Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................. 290
Expedited Processing ................................................................................................................................................................ 292
QuickPay ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 294
QuickPay Flows .......................................................................................................................................................................... 296
QuickPay Run Results ................................................................................................................................................................ 301
RetroPay ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 305
Event Notifications ..................................................................................................................................................................... 316
Payments ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 319

6 Payroll Results 339

Payroll Run Results .................................................................................................................................................................... 339

7 Payroll Reconciliation 349

Reports ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 349

8 Reconciling Payments 421

Payment Reconciliation Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 421
Reconcile Payroll Payments ..................................................................................................................................................... 423
Reconcile Retroactive Payroll Payments ............................................................................................................................... 425
Retroactive Notification Report .............................................................................................................................................. 426
Retroactive Entries Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 429
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom

9 Auditing and Reporting 431

Common Report Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 431
Account Number Masking in Payroll Reports ...................................................................................................................... 441
FAQs for Reports ........................................................................................................................................................................ 442
Archive .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 443

10 Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula 447

Data Loader ................................................................................................................................................................................ 447
Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader .................................................................................................... 448
Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader ............................................................................ 462
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Get Help
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Get Help
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

1 Let's Get Started

Overview of Administering Payroll for the United
Using Payroll for the United Kingdom involves managing multiple payroll cycle tasks. This guide helps you manage
relevant payroll cycle tasks, from maintaining personal payroll information for your employees to running payroll
processes and reports.

You may find these related guides helpful:

• Implementing Payroll for the United Kingdom
• Administering Absences for the United Kingdom
• Implementing Global Payroll Interface
• Using Global Payroll Interface
• Administering Payroll Flows
• Implementing Payroll Costing
• Implementing Global Payroll

Note: If you’re implementing Teacher’s Pension, LGPS, or MyCSP, use the instructions given here along with the
appropriate pension documents on My Oracle Support (MOS).

Here's how the payroll cycle process works.

Maintain Personal Payroll Information

To prepare for payroll processing, make sure that the payroll info for your employees is up to date. This includes these

• Manage payroll relationships for your employees

• Ensure you have enabled time cards for eligible employees
• Manage element entries
• Define and manage information required for statutory deductions and personal calculation cards
• Enter final processing dates for terminations
• Update person-level details during individual or mass transfer of employees to a different payroll

Manage Payroll Transactions

Payroll flows are used for many of your payroll tasks. If you load data, calculate payroll and payments, run reports,
or calculate and distribute cost results, you submit payroll flows. Use your Payroll Checklist work area to monitor and
manage each task and overall payroll flow.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Verify Your Readiness

A good payroll run depends on many accurate and completed tasks. It's important for you to confirm you're ready to
continue to the next task. Before you start your run, you can use this checklist to verify your readiness:

• Review the Payroll Dashboard for notifications and take any actions requiring your attention.
• Confirm completion of all payroll preprocessing.
• Run the Payroll Data Validation Report to identify noncompliant or missing statutory information for people in a
payroll statutory unit.
• Check retroactive notifications and handle retroactive changes.

Calculate, Validate, and Balance Payroll

Run the Calculate Payroll process and validate results. Make corrections, retry results and, if needed, remove employees
from the main payroll flow to handle them separately using QuickPay later. You can merge their records into the main
payroll flow before calculating payments. Be sure you use the payroll calculation reports to view balances and payroll run
results before continuing. Calculating, validating, and balancing as you go are key to a successful payroll.

Use the payroll calculation reports to view balances and run results before proceeding to the next activity.

Calculate and Validate Payment Distributions

In a typical payroll cycle flow, the Calculate Prepayments process runs automatically when you mark the Verify Reports
task as complete within the Calculate and Validate Payroll activity.

Review the distribution of payments across employee personal payment methods in the Calculate Prepayments process
results. If you find issues, fix the data, and retry the action or roll back the record to remove them from the run. When
you fix the data in the removed record, run the prepayments process. The payroll register validates payment distribution
amounts by payment category, type, and method.

Distribute Payroll Payments

You have validated payment distribution amount and you're ready to follow these steps to distribute payments:

1. Generate the payments to your employees and third parties.

2. Archive the payroll results.
3. Run the payroll register.
4. Generate check payments, if required.
5. Generate payslips.
6. Run the payment register.

Calculate and Verify Cost Distributions

Calculate Payroll process automatically calculates the costs for the payroll run and it's important for you to review the
results. If you have any of the following when you're calculating and distributing cost, run a separate processes for each:

• Retroactive costs
• Payments
• Cost adjustments
• Balance adjustments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

• Partial period accruals

Distribute Payroll Accounting Information

Typically you will run the Transfer to Subledger Accounting process to create journal entries for posting to the general
ledger. Then submit the Create Accounting process in draft mode to create journal entries for review. When you're
satisfied with the journal entries, run in final mode to create, transfer, and post journal entries. Create Accounting
process is run from the Scheduled Processes work area.

Manage Regulatory and Tax Reporting

You run and validate specific periodic reports required to meet regulatory and tax reporting requirements for HMRC.

Setup Tasks to Administer Payroll for the UK

This is a list of setup and administration tasks required to administer key payroll features for the UK.

Setup and Administration Tasks for Administering Payroll for the UK

Tasks What you must do Where to find info on the Help Center

Configure Payroll Legislations Create the payroll legislative data for the UK. • Payroll Relationships for the UK
Set up elements, balances, and other payroll-
related data for implementations. • Continuous Period of Service Payroll
Relationship Rule

Organization Payment Methods Create organization payment methods by • Organization Payment Methods for the UK
setting up payment type, payment sources, and
payment rules. • Set Up BACS Payment Process for the UK

Element Entries Create element entries for compensation or • Element Entry Methods
basic benefits for an employee assignment.
• Enable Automatic, Multiple, or Additional
Element Entries for the UK

• Elements The application provides many predefined • Primary Element Classifications for the UK
elements that can't be modified at the
• Element Classifications implementation level. Define additional • Secondary Element Classifications for the
elements as required. UK
• Primary Element Classifications for the UK

Legal Entity Calculation Cards Review and edit predefined calculation cards for • Calculation Cards for Deductions at
payroll statutory units. Different Levels for the UK

The payroll process uses the calculation rules • Calculation Value Definitions for Statutory
defined on the cards to calculate earnings and Deductions for the UK

Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards Review and edit organization calculation cards
for your TRUs.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Tasks What you must do Where to find info on the Help Center

The payroll process uses the calculation rules

defined on these cards to calculate earnings
and deductions.

Calculation Value Definitions Review the tables that hold the rates and • Calculation Value Definitions for Statutory
values used to calculate earnings, deductions, Deductions for the UK
and exemption amounts. Create calculation
definitions as needed.

Payroll Calculation Information and Calculation Actions such as hiring a person or loading • Personal Calculation Cards for the UK: How
Cards data may create some cards automatically. Their Entries Fit Together
Otherwise, you can create the card manually.
Review the payroll calculation information rules • Calculation Cards for Deductions at
and definitions generated for user-defined Different Levels for the UK
elements. • Payroll Calculation Information

These rules and definitions are used for • Statutory Deduction Components and
calculation of earnings and deduction amounts. Component Groups for the UK
• Automatic Calculation Card Creation for
the UK
• Overview of Processing Benefits-in-Kind
Through Payroll and P11D Reporting for
the UK

Voluntary Deductions Set up and manage voluntary deductions such • Voluntary Deductions for the UK
as pensions automatic enrolment and pension
enrolment using employee self-service. • Set Up Pensions Automatic Enrolment for
the UK
• Pensions Enrolment Through Employee

Involuntary Deductions Set up and manage involuntary deductions • Overview of Court Orders, Student Loans,
such as court orders, student loans, or and Postgraduate Loans for the UK
postgraduate loans.

Global Transfers Transfer one or more employees from one legal • Global Transfer Overview
employer to another.
• Payroll Details During Global Transfer for
the UK
• Student and Postgraduate Loan Data
During Global Transfer

Payroll Flow Patterns Review the predefined payroll flow patterns, • Payroll Flow Patterns
and create additional patterns to meet specific
requirements. • Start of Year Archive Process for the UK
• Tax Code Uplift Archive Process for the UK
• Full Payment Submission Process for the
• Employer Payment Summary Process for
the UK
• P45 Process for the UK
• End of Year P60 Process for the UK
• HMRC Data Retrieval Process
• Load HMRC XML File Process

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Tasks What you must do Where to find info on the Help Center

• Incoming XML Messages and Inbound

Flow Instance Diagnostics for the UK
• Outgoing XML Messages Submission to
• HMRC File Submission Process
• HMRC File Submission and Retrieval Using
a Third Party for the UK
• Gender Pay Gap Report

Third-Party Payments Create third-party payment methods for third- • Create Third Parties Options for the UK
party persons or external organizations.

Payroll Run and Payroll Calculation Run payroll • How Element Processing Sequence is
• Create a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element
for the UK
• Consolidation Groups

Payroll Run Results Verify payroll run results by viewing the • How Payroll Run Results are Calculated
statement of earnings and payroll reports.

Reconciling Payments Create account combination for the • Payment Reconciliation Setup
reconciliation differences account. Set up
transaction codes. Set up reconciliation rules

Auditing and Reporting Review and validate the payroll information • Payroll Reports and Analytics
before you run any payroll process or reports.
• Overview of Payroll Data Validation Report
• Payroll Validation Archive Report for the
• Calculate Prepayments and Archive
Periodic Payroll Results for the UK

HCM Data Loading Business ObjectsOverview Load payroll localization data for the United • Overview of Benefits and Pensions for the
of Taxable Benefits for the UK Kingdom. UK
• Overview of Court Orders and Student
Loans Cards for the UK
• Overview of Pensions Automatic
Enrolment Cards for the UK
• Overview of Statutory Deductions for the
• Overview of Taxable Benefits for the UK

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Responsive User Experience Setup

Deep Links
You can use deep links to provide easy navigation directly to a page in the HCM Cloud application.

You can also use deep links for mobile responsive pages on your intranet, custom and third-party applications, or in a
document. This helps people run transactions in the HCM cloud and provides quick access to their HR information.

To access deep links:

1. Open the main menu.

2. Go to Tools > Deep Links.
3. Copy the URL for a deep link.
4. Paste the URL in the appropriate location.
When you open Deep Links, you find a list of all available deep links.

Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values

You can use the logic <codeph>CONTAINS</codeph> to create the client list of values. This returns results containing
the characters you enter.

Optionally, for individual list of values, you could change this logic to <codeph>STARTS WITH</codeph>, to return
results that start with the search characters you enter.

For example, when you search for a person with the name John Smith while using the logic CONTAINS, you can search by
'jo' or 'sm' or 'th'. When you use the logic STARTS WITH, your search must start with 'j'.

Use the logic STARTS WITH when your list contains thousands of values (more than 15,000 records) to improve the search
performance. Or, if you don't partition your data by set ID.

Note: If you change the search logic for a client list of values, the logic changes in all pages where the list of values is

Related Topics
• Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values
• Search Logic Profile Options for Client List of Values in Global Human Resources

Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field Displays

Use the Transaction Design Studio (TDS) to configure transactions and pages for responsive applications. TDS is
available within the HCM Experience Design Studio.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

You can control the visibility of attributes that are displayed either as Delivered or Enabled, and the availability of fields
and sections of a transaction based on the user's role, person's business unit, or legal employer.

By default, the responsive pages display the frequently used attributes and hide the less frequently used attributes. Use
Page Composer to personalize the responsive pages and display the attributes and tabs delivered within the feature.

Here's how you start HCM Experience Design Studio:

1. Sign in to the application as Human Capital Management Application Administrator with Access HCM Page
Configurator (HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURATOR_PRIV) privilege. This privilege provides
you access to TDS in HCM Experience Design Studio.
2. Enable a sandbox to compose data for configuring business objects. On the Home page, click the HCM
Experience Design Studio quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
3. Under Settings and Actions, click Edit Pages .
4. Select the site layer and click OK.

Related Topics
• Overview of Page Modification

Payroll Concepts to Understand

Date Effectivity
Date effectivity preserves a history of changes made to the attributes of some objects. As a Professional user, you can
retrieve and edit past and future versions of an object.

Many Human Capital Management (HCM) objects, including person names, assignments, benefits plans, grades, jobs,
locations, payrolls, and positions are date-effective.

Logical and Physical Records

Date-effective objects include one or more physical records. Each record has effective start and end dates. One record is
current and available to transactions. Others are past or take effect in the future. Together, these records constitute the
logical record or object instance. For a date-effective logical row, which is a collection on contiguous temporal physical
rows, each physical row CreatedBy (CREATED_BY) and CreationDate (CREATION_DATE) are the same.

This table shows changes to the department manager attribute in a department business object. Each row represents a
single physical record.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Department Manager

4 18 January, 2022 C. Woods

3 15 October, 2021 17 January, 2022 A. Chan

2 13 June, 2020 14 October, 2021 T. Romero

1 22 March, 2019 12 June, 2020 G. Martin

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Department Manager

Note: The physical record number doesn't appear in the record.

Effective End Dates in Physical Records

Every physical record except the last has an effective end date. The update process adds this date, which is the day
before the effective start date of the next record, whenever you update the object.

Object End Dates

You can enter a final effective end date for some date-effective objects. For example, terminating an assignment adds
a final effective end date to the assignment. Alternatively, the End Date action may be available. If you end date a date-
effective object, then it isn't available to transactions after that date. But the object's history is retrievable.

Status Values in Date-Effective Objects

Some date-effective objects, such as grades and jobs, have both effective dates and status values. When the object
status is Inactive, the object isn't available to transactions, regardless of its effective dates. Setting the status to
Inactive makes objects unavailable to transactions. If you can't enter an effective end date for an object, then changing
its status has the same effect.

Future-Dated Changes
For date-effective objects, you can enter future changes. For example, you enter the worker promotion shown in this
table on 25 July, 2022 to take effect on 18 October, 2022.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Grade

2 18 October, 2022 IC2

1 14 December, 2020 17 October, 2022 IC1

Physical record two becomes current on 18 October, 2022. From 14 December, 2020 until 17 October, 2022 physical
record one is current and available to transactions. If you can access the object history, you can see physical record two
before it takes effect.

When future-dated changes exist, other actions may be limited. For example, to end this worker's assignment before
the promotion takes effect, you must first delete the promotion.

Date-Enabled Objects
Some objects, such as work relationships, are date-enabled rather than date-effective. They have start and end dates
that define when they're available, but they have no history of changes. New attribute values overwrite existing attribute

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Related Topics
• How You Delete Physical Records from Date-Effective Objects
• Examples of Updating Date-Effective Objects
• Examples of Correcting Date-Effective Objects
• How You Make Multiple Updates to Date-Effective Objects in One Day

How You Delete Physical Records from Date-Effective Objects

The effect of deleting a physical record from a date-effective object depends on the record's position in the object's

Consider the date-effective object, which has three physical records, shown in this table.

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Attribute Value

3 15 August, 2022 C

2 30 October, 2021 14 August, 2022 B

1 10 June, 2020 29 October, 2021 A

Intermediate Records
If you delete physical record two, where the attribute value is B, then the object is as shown in this table after the

Physical Record Effective Start Date Effective End Date Attribute Value

2 15 August, 2022 C

1 10 June, 2020 14 August, 2022 A

If physical records exist both before and after the deleted record, then the deletion adjusts the dates of the surrounding
records automatically. The effective end date of the previous record is now the day before the effective start date of this
record. This change closes the gap in the object's effective dates.

First or Only Records

In most cases, you can't delete the first or only physical record.

If you can delete the first physical record, then the object exists from the effective start date of the next physical record
(30 October, 2010 in this example). If only one physical record exists, then deleting that record is the same as deleting
the object.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Final Records
If you delete the final physical record, then the deletion removes the effective end date automatically from the previous
physical record (14 August, 2011, in this example).

Application Tools
Overview of Payroll Flows
Use payroll flows to streamline and optimize your payroll operations. They help you ensure smooth and seamless end-
to-end execution of the processes that address all of your payroll business requirements.

Use payroll flows to manage, effectively and efficiently, all of your payroll tasks, such as calculating payrolls, running
reconciliation reports, and making payroll payments.

For example, to ensure your payroll cycles are accurate, you can design a flow that includes manual tasks that request
validation at each step in the process. In this way, your Financial Director can verify the payroll costing results before the
flow transfers the payroll costs to the general ledger.

Predefined flow patterns are automatically available for you to submit all types of payroll processes and reports. A flow
pattern can consist of a single task such as the Calculate Payroll flow, or multiple tasks, such as the Payroll Cycle flow.
The Payroll Cycle flow includes all tasks for a payroll period in a best practice flow.

You can run the predefined flows directly, or you can use them as templates to create your own. You can even copy a
predefined flow pattern and edit it to meet your business requirements, such as adding, deleting, or moving a task in
the schedule.

There are also features to help you to design flows that address other complex business requirements, such as the
task iterator, that automates repetitive tasks with a single flow submission. For example, use the task iterator option to
generate a report for multiple payroll statutory units within your organization.

Similarly, use the flow connectors feature to isolate and review off-cycle and on-cycle payroll runs and subsequently
combine the run results for downstream processing.

This workflow diagram gives you an understanding of how payroll flows work. It shows the navigation path from
the pages that provide high-level flows information, such as the View Flows page, to the pages that provide detailed
employee-level information, such as the Checklist and Process Results Details pages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

This table gives you a list of the payroll flow pages and a high-level description of the ongoing tasks you can perform to
submit and monitor your flows.

Page Name Tasks You Can Do On the Page

Submit a Flow After you have created the flow pattern, use the Submit a Flow page to submit the flow. Navigate to
Submit a Flow task from Quick Actions or under Payroll in My Client Groups.

Use the filter options and search for the flow you want to submit. Enter a unique name for the flow and
use the appropriate sections on the page to enter flow parameters, schedule your flow, and link flows if

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Let's Get Started

Page Name Tasks You Can Do On the Page

Checklist A Checklist is generated for each submitted flow. The Checklist page provides a central point to
monitor and manage all tasks within the flow. Use the Checklist to easily identify areas that require
your attention, such as any tasks within your flow that have error messages.

Perform actions on the Checklist page, such as roll back a task or mark a manual task as complete. To
view further information for a specific task, select the task and navigate to the Process Results Details

Process Results Details Use the Process Results Details page to view more detailed information for a flow task, such as errors
and warning messages, report output, and log files.

Errors and Warnings Use the Errors and Warnings page to view messages pertaining to persons or processes. You can also
access this page from the Process Results Summary.

Once you resolve all issues, navigate back to the Checklist page to continue processing any remaining
tasks within your flow.

View Flows Use the View Flows page to get an overall status of all submitted flows. Use the filter options on
the page to identify flows that require your attention, such as a flow that includes tasks with error
messages. Drill down on a flow to go to the Checklist page, to get more detailed information for the
tasks within the flow.

Navigate to View Flows task from Quick Actions or under Payroll in My Client Groups.

For more information on payroll flows, refer to the Administering Payroll Flows guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Related Topics
• Flow Pattern Components
• Payroll Flow Patterns

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

2 Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Personal Payroll Entries

You can update payroll information for your employees and employees can update their own payment method and
bank account details on their home page.

You can find examples of the tasks to maintain personal payroll information in this table. The Payroll Only column
indicates the task is applicable only for Global Payroll.

Task Instructions Payroll Only

Elements • Review the earnings and deduction entries No

to be processed in the payroll run.
• You can update some entries, such as
voluntary deductions.
• You can manage other entries, such as
salary, through other pages or in a source
application. The entries are view-only on
this page.

Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards • Review rates and values for statutory No
deductions, involuntary deductions, and
other entries held on calculation cards.
• Depending on the type of entry, you can
update values on the card, or in a source
application, such as a time card.

Personal Payment Methods • Create personal payment methods, and No

specify the percentage or fixed amount
that each method has to pay.
• Enter bank account details for electronic
funds transfers.

Third Parties • Create third party payees to process Yes

payments to organizations and people
who aren't on the payroll.

Payroll Relationships • Transfer a person to another payroll. No

• Enter final processing dates for

Manage Batch Uploads Use a spreadsheet to batch load these No

personlevel information:

• Element entries
• Bank details for personal payment

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Task Instructions Payroll Only

• Assigned payrolls

Payroll Relationships
Overview of Administering Payroll Relationships
Oracle HCM Cloud automatically creates a payroll relationship when you hire an employee or create other types of
person records, such as candidates and pending workers. A payroll relationship is an association between a person and
a payroll statutory unit (PSU).

A payroll relationship is the highest level of the payroll employment model. If a person has multiple employment
records that belong to the same PSU, assignments are grouped within a payroll relationship for statutory reporting
purposes. Payroll relationships enable you to enter payroll related information for a person in Oracle HCM Cloud, such
as compensation, time cards, payment methods, and salary offers to candidates.

Use the Payroll Relationships task to view details, such as the payroll relationship number and the associated PSU. You
can also perform actions for the assignments associated to the payroll relationship, such as adding a payroll or setting
the time card required status.

The Payroll Association region displays the payroll currently associated with the assignment and any prior payrolls up to
the final close date.

Process a Payroll Relationship in Payroll

For employees with multiple assignments, payroll relationships support social insurance calculations that you perform
on earnings from all assignments grouped within the relationship. The results of payroll processes are accordingly held
against the payroll relationship of a person.

Use the Process Result Summary task to view a payroll process. Select a process such as calculate payroll, and drill-
down to view a list of the payroll relationships included in the process.

Add Assignment to Employee

Use the Add Assignment task to create an assignment, which belongs to the same PSU. A new assignment is added to
the existing payroll relationship of the employee in countries with Lifetime or Last Record payroll relationship rules, such
as the US and UK.

Manage Payroll Relationships

Use the Assignment Switcher to choose an assignment for employees with multiple assignments. You can choose one
of the active assignments and navigate to the Payroll Relationship page.

Note: You can't switch between assignments if the selected assignment is in an Inactive status.

To search for an inactive assignment,, you can use the Advanced Person Search. For assignments with a final close, the
information shown on the Payroll Relationships page is view-only for both the assignment and the payroll relationship.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

The Payroll Relationship page displays view-only information entered for the work assignment in the Human Resources
flows such as Hire and Promote. Use the Payroll Assignment Details section to view and manage the assignment-level
information for payroll.

Unless a Final Close is set on the Payroll Relationship, you can't remove person information.

Related Topics
• Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Options
• Payroll Relationship Type Mappings
• Overview of Payroll Employment Model
• What's a payroll statutory unit?

Payroll Relationships for the UK

A payroll relationship represents the association between a person and a payroll statutory unit (PSU), which is the legal
entity responsible for employee payment. Payroll relationships group a person's employment assignment records based
on the payroll statutory calculation and reporting requirements.

Payroll relationships facilitate the capture and extraction of HR and payroll-related data sent to a third party, such as
a payroll provider for payroll processing. Payroll processing always occurs at the payroll relationship level. When you
display the payroll process results for a person, you first select the person's payroll relationship record and then drill
down to view details.

Payroll relationships aggregate balances at the payroll relationship level. Within a payroll relationship, payroll processes
can aggregate balances for multiple assignment records. Balances don't span payroll relationships.

Payroll Relationship Records Creation

For the rehire process to automatically create a payroll relationship record, you must have a mapping between the
system person type and the payroll relationship type. The table below shows the payroll relationship type values that are

Payroll Relationship Type Description

Standard Person types mapped to this payroll relationship type are included in payroll runs.

Element Entry Only Person types mapped to this payroll relationship type have only element entries created for them and
are excluded from payroll processing.

The relationship mapping rules that map system person types to payroll relationship types, can vary by country or
territory. The table below shows the mapping between system person types, and payroll relationship types, that are
applicable for the UK.

System Person Type Payroll Relationship Type

Employee Standard

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

System Person Type Payroll Relationship Type

Pensioner Standard

Volunteer Standard

Nonworker Paid Standard

Nonworker Unpaid Element Entry Only

Pending Worker Element Entry Only

Pending Worker as Contingent Worker Element Entry Only

Pending Worker as Employee Element Entry Only

Contingent Worker Element Entry Only

The mapping rules are predefined for legislations provided by Oracle. You can't create your own payroll relationship
types, and you must use the values that are predefined in the application.

A payroll relationship can't end while there are active employment assignments. When all employment assignments are
ended for a payroll relationship, it could either remain active or become end dated. It depends on the legislation and the
payroll relationship rules applicable for the legislation. For example:

• A payroll relationship is created for each person type.

• For a relationship that gets terminated, a new payroll relationship is created within the same payroll relationship
and PSU, for the rehire.
• If a person is rehired the day after the previous termination date, the previous payroll relationship is used. For
example, in case of fixed-term contracts, this enables back-to-back periods of continuous service.
• If a person is rehired the day after the previous termination date, if the previous employment was terminated, a
P45 was produced, and it was reported in the FPS:

◦ A new PAYE component should be created and associated to the new assignment.
◦ It should be populated with the previous pay and previous tax values from the previous employment that
has just ended.
◦ Adding a final close to the payroll of the old assignment will ensure it is no longer processed.

Continuous Period of Service Payroll Relationship Rule

The Continuous period rule is a predefined payroll relationship for employees assigned to payroll statutory units (PSUs).
The payroll relationship rule determines what happens when you terminate the last active employment assignment
record for a payroll relationship. And also whether the application creates a payroll relationship when you add a new
assignment record for an employee.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
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Continuous Period of Service

When you terminate a work assignment, the application terminates the associated payroll relationship, and it becomes
inactive. When you create an assignment later, the application searches for an active payroll relationship of the same
type and for the same PSU. If a payroll relationship exists, date validation occurs to determine whether to use the
existing payroll relationship, or to create a new one. The application compares the start date of the new assignment to
the last standard earnings date of the existing payroll relationship. If the start date is before the last standard earnings
date, the application uses the existing payroll relationship, otherwise, it creates a new one.

Related Topics
• How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing
• Payroll Relationships for the UK

Payroll Relationship and Termination Dates

When you terminate an employee or end an assignment record, the Payroll Relationship page displays the
corresponding dates. These dates control how earnings and deductions are processed for the terminated employment

For example, David Ellis resigned from his teaching post at Royal High School, and his line manager enters a
termination date of 22-July-2020. The application will process David's last payroll payment for 31-July-2020. You can
view these termination dates on the payroll relationship page for David. These dates show up at all the employment
levels of David, such as assignment, associated payroll, and payroll relationship.

This image shows David's Ellis payroll processing dates and the behavior of the application for handling the payroll

Name Date Application Behavior

Last Standard Earnings Date 22-JUL-2020 Sets the Last Standard Earnings Date as David's
termination date.

Last Standard Process Date 31-JULY-2020 Sets the Last Standard Process Date as the
process date of the payroll period in which
David's termination occurred.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
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Name Date Application Behavior

Final Close Date 31-AUG-2021 Enter a Final Close Date on David's assignment.
This date will carry over to David's payroll and
payroll relationship records.

The Final Close Date ends the payroll records.

You can't perform any payroll actions for David
after this date, such as calculate payroll, make
retro payments, or balance adjustments.

The date you provide would depend on your

business requirements, such as when your
company makes commission payments to
terminated employees. However, the best
approach is to enter a Final Close date that
falls after tax year-end. You can perform any
balance adjustments as part of your year-end

If you enter a Final Close date for a person
who has other active assignments, the
payroll relationship still remains active.

End Date 31-AUG-2021 This date is defaulted when you enter the Final
Close Date.

Terminate and Delete Payroll

You can terminate or delete a payroll association from the Payroll Association region. Select Edit and then click on
Delete to choose between Delete Payroll Association or Terminate Payroll.

When you terminate a payroll association, the worker's payroll association is terminated with the Last Standard Earnings
Date as the termination date. The Last Standard Process Date defaults to the end of the pay period but the Final Close
Date is left blank.

In cases where you have to delete the payroll assigned to an employee, you can choose Delete Payroll Association from
the Payroll Association region. The payroll association and records are deleted and no record of the payroll association

Reverse Terminate Payroll Association

For employees with a terminated payroll association, you can select the Reverse Terminate Association option to
reactivate the payroll association. The reactivated payroll association becomes the primary payroll associated with the
employee and the corresponding element entries and calculation cards are reactivated.

Related Topics
• How to Set End Dates for Terminations
• How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Payroll Relationship and Rehires

When you rehire a person, the application adds the new assignment to the original payroll relationship or creates a new
payroll relationship.

The behavior of the application depends on the legislative rules of your country. For example,

• Lifetime Record payroll relationship rule in the US: If you rehire an employee, the application adds the rehire
assignment to the original payroll relationship. If you have entered a Final Close Date on the payroll relationship,
the application removes this date during the rehire process.
• Last Record payroll relationship rule in the UK: If you rehire an employee, the application creates a new
payroll relationship for the rehire assignment.

Note: These rules only apply to rehires that exist for the same person type such as employee and PSU as the original
employment. The application creates a new payroll relationship for any rehires that exist for a different person type or

Related Topics
• Configure Legislations
• Payroll Legislative Data

Payroll Relationship and Time Card Required

Select the Time Card Required option to indicate if an employee must submit a time card for salary payments.

This option controls how the salary basis entry for the employee is processed in the payroll run:

• If a time card is required for the employee, the application doesn't process the salary basis entry in the payroll
run. The employee must submit time cards for salary hours.
• If a time card isn't required for the employee, the application processes the salary basis entry in the payroll run.
You can enter a Time Card Required status on the payroll record or assignment for a person. Use the Time Card
Required status on the payroll record to control the status when the person transfers to a new payroll. Alternatively, you
can define the status for a person on the assignment. Use the HCM Experience Design Studio task to select the option
that best suits your company and hide the other fields.

Related Topics
• Time Card Required Option
• Define Payroll Level Information
• Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field Displays
• HCM Experience Design Studio

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Payroll Relationship and Overtime Period

Select an overtime period to allocate the employee's earnings to the selected period, such as weekly.

For the US, the overtime period defines the starting date and length of the default workweek for nonexempt employees.
Overtime is allocated to the appropriate workweek and this information is used to determine overtime calculations.

You can enter an Overtime Period on the employee's payroll relationship, payroll record, or assignment level. The
Overtime Period at payroll relationship level applies to all the assignments. Use the payroll record option to control the
overtime period when the person transfers to a new payroll. Alternatively, you can define the period details for a person
on the assignment. Use the HCM Experience Design Studio task to select the option that best suits your company and
hide the other fields.

Related Topics
• Define Payroll Level Information
• Use Transaction Design Studio to Configure Field Displays
• HCM Experience Design Studio

FAQs for Payroll Relationships

How can I create a payroll relationship?
Oracle HCM Cloud automatically creates a payroll relationship when you hire an employee or create other types of
person records such as candidate and pending workers.

How can I end a payroll relationship?

Enter a Final Close Date for a terminated employee after you have completed all payroll processing including any
remaining payments and year-end balance adjustments. The Final Close Date ends the payroll relationship record and
discontinues the employee to be included in payroll processes.

Enter the Final Close Date on the assignment of the terminated employee. If the employee has no other active
assignments, the Final Close Date that you have entered on the assignment shows up on the payroll relationship record.

Related Topics
• How to Set End Dates for Terminations
• Element Duration Dates

What happens if I don't use Cloud Payroll, do I need a payroll relationship?

If you want to capture payroll related information in Oracle HCM Cloud, such as salary, compensation, and time cards,
you need a payroll relationship.

If you aren't using Cloud Payroll, you can extract this information from Oracle HCM Cloud and send to a third-party
payroll provider.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Related Topics
• Manage Payroll Interface

Organization Payment Methods

Organization Payment Methods for the UK
You must create one organization payment method for each combination of legislative data group, payment type, and
currency that you use to disburse wages and other compensation. You can also create rules for validating or processing
the distribution of payments.

You can create as many organization payment methods as required for your enterprise. Use the Organization Payment
Methods task from Payroll.

Important aspects of organization payment methods are:

• Payment types
• Payment sources
• Payment rules

Payment Types
When creating an organization payment method, you select a payment type.

The payment types available are:

• Electronic funds transfer (EFT): The EFT file has a predefined structure for Bankers' Automated Clearing
Services (BACS).
• Cheque

Tip: When selecting the EFT payment type, you can enter EFT information at the payment method level, the payment
source level, or both. Entries at the payment source level take priority over entries at the organization payment level.
For example, if you define details at the payment source level, then to use those details when processing payments,
you must enter the payment source when submitting the payment process.

Payment Sources
You must define at least one payment source for each organization payment method for payroll processing. Each
payment source must be associated with an active bank account in Cash Management. If you define additional details
at the payment source level, then to use those details when processing payments, you must enter the payment source
name when submitting the payment process.

You can use the same bank account in different payment sources in more than one organization payment method, as
illustrated in this example.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Payment Method Payment Source Bank Account

Cheque Royal Bank of Scotland Account A Bank A - Account 7890045

EFT - BACS Royal bank of Scotland Account B Bank A - Account 7890045

Note: If you're costing your payments, enter cost account information on the Manage Costing of Payment Sources
page in the Accounting Distribution work area.

Payment Rules and Default Payment sources

If you define multiple payment sources, you can use payment rules to determine the appropriate payment source based
on tax reporting unit (TRU).

This example shows one organization payment method with three different payment sources for different TRUs.

Payment Source Tax Reporting Unit Default Payment Source

Payroll EFT Source UK None Yes

Bank A - Account 7890045

Payroll EFT Source London London TRU No

Bank B - Account 1238900

Payroll EFT Source Birmingham Birmingham TRU No

Bank C - Account 8765999

The first payment source that you add is the default payment source, but you can select another payment source as the
default, or not have a default payment source.

To understand the effect of having a default payment source, consider these examples that describe what happens
when a TRU changes, causing a payment rule to be invalid.

Approach Example

With a default payment source, the This approach might suit a company with multiple independent franchises, each with its own TRU. If a
payment process pays employees using franchise holder sells the franchise, payments don't fail.
the default payment source.

Without a default payment source, This approach might suit a company with strict policies about payment rule compliance.
the payments process issues error
notifications to ensure that you use the
appropriate payment source to fund the

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Set Up BACS Payment Process for the UK

Before you can make deposits through Banker's Automated Clearing System (BACS), you must set up an organization
payment method for BACS payments. You can then create personal payment methods, for all applicable employees, that
link to the organization payment method.

Create BACS Organization Payment Method

Follow these steps to create a BACS organization payment method:

1. Select the Organization Payment Methods task in the Payment Distribution work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the legislative data group and click Continue.
4. In the Payment Type field, select BACS.
5. Complete the fields in the Payment Information section.

◦ If you're making multiple-file submissions using a BACS payroll bureau, enter your Bureau Name and
Bureau Reference. The Bureau Reference must begin with an uppercase B followed by a five-digit
number, for example, B12345.
◦ If you're making single-file submissions, leave the Bureau Name and Bureau Reference blank.
6. Enter appropriate values for BACS Transaction Limit and BACS File Limit.
7. In the Payment Sources section, click Create.
8. On the Create Payment Source page, enter a name for the payment source and select a bank account. You must
have previously defined the bank account.
9. In the Payment Information section, enter your BACS User Number and Contra Narrative.
10. Save the payment method.

Create Personal Payment Methods for BACS

After you have created the BACS organization payment method, you can assign it to the personal payment methods
you create for your employees. Use the Personal Payment Methods task in the Payment Distribution work area to
create the payment method.

To assign BACS as personal payment method:

1. From Payroll, select Personal Payment Methods.

2. Search for and select the employee.
3. Click Create.
4. Select Organization Payment Method for this employee and ensure it's BACS.
5. Add a bank account and provide banking details.
An employee can have multiple payment methods. Use the Payment Amount Type and Percentage fields to
manage distribution across different payment methods.

BACS Payments
To make a BACS payment, select the Make EFT Payments process using the Submit a Process or Report task. This
creates an XML file containing data generated by payroll that's relevant for payment processing. When you run this
process, BACS file and BACS audit report are generated.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Note: A predefined eText template is available in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher that generates an EFT file
from the XML. The EFT file has a predefined structure for BACS.

When you run the Make EFT Payments process, provide the required parameters including these:

• BACS Submission Serial Number: A number that appears in the BACS file that displays the number of attempts
to submit this BACS file. In the BACs file, this is defaulted to 0. You can enter a number up to six digits.
• Organization Payment Method: Select the BACS organization payment method you previously created
• Payment Source: This restricts the EFT file to contain only those employee payments that are to be paid from
the given payment source.
• BACS Processing Date: Set this date to three working days before you require the payments to be received in
the destination bank accounts. The overriding payment date isn't the same as the date on which payments are

Note: Once the payment process is executed for a person for a specific period, the person won't be selected if the
process is rerun. To rerun the payment for an already processed person, the whole execution needs to be rolled back.
If you previously ran a prepayment for this period using a different payment source, the process doesn't produce an
EFT file.

Review BACS Audit Report

You can use the audit report that's generated as part of the Make EFT Payments process to verify the payments
generated on the BACS file. To view this report, run the Make EFT Payments process successfully and select the BACS
audit report under Output and Delivery from the relevant report job. The report is delivered in CSV format.

Personal Payment Methods

Bank Info for Personal Payment Methods
You can create bank, branch, and bank account info as part of implementation, or you can let employees add their own
bank info. Once created, you can use bank accounts in other applications, such as expenses.

Enter Bank Info for PPMs

This table summarizes approaches to create bank info for employees.

Approach Purpose

Manage Banks and Manage Bank Create, edit, and view your bank account information.
Branches pages

In order to manage banks and branches, you must have the Manage Bank and Manage Bank Branch

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Approach Purpose

Payment Methods page Create, edit and view employee bank account details to receive payments.

HCM Data Loader Use an integrated Excel workbook to load personal payment methods and employee bank account

You can use CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option to control to whether or not your employee can create
their own bank and branch data. On the Manage Cash Management Profile Options page, set the Use Existing Banks
and Branches profile option to either Yes or No.

• If you set the option to Yes, you need to load bank and branch data. Administrators and employees select bank
and branch details from a list of values in the bank region on the Payment Method page.
• If you set the option to No (default setting), you don't need to load any bank details. Administrators and
employees enter their bank and branch details as free text.

Access to PPMs and Bank Info

The table shows the privileges you need to access PPMs and bank info:

User Privileges Access Description

Employee Self-service Manage Personal Payment Method Allows users to manage their own personal
payment methods

Employee Self-service View Personal Payment Method Allows users to view their own personal
payment methods

Employee Self-service, Implementors, Payee Bank Account Management Duty Allows users to create bank accounts
Administrators, or Managers

Implementors, Administrators, or Managers Manage Worker Personal Payment Method Allows access to manage employee personal
payment methods

Implementors, Administrators, or Managers View Worker Personal Payment Method Allows access to view employee personal
payment methods.

Related Topics
• How Bank, Branch, and Account Components Work Together
• Configure Payment Method Preferences
• Examples of Loading Banks
• Examples of Loading Bank Branches
• Example of Loading Personal Payment Methods

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

FAQs for Personal Payment Methods

Why can't I create a personal payment method?
The payroll definition determines the payment methods available to the person. Check whether the person has an
assigned payroll on the Payroll Relationships page.

Related Topics
• Configure Payment Method Preferences

Why can't I delete, end date, or change the processing order of a personal payment
You can't make date-effective changes that cause effective records for the default payment method to overlap.

Make sure your change results in a valid default payment method with dates that don't overlap with other payment
method records.

Payment methods defined for a person contain date-effective records that allow changes to occur at different points in
time. For example, you can define a payment method in advance to start on the date that you specify.

A person's payroll relationship must have only one default payment method in effect at any point in time. If a person
has multiple payroll relationships, you must specify a default payment method for each payroll relationship.

You can delete a payment method that hasn't been picked up in a prepayments process or isn't included in any current
payroll processes. You must confirm your request by responding to the message. You have the option to cancel or
continue. If you continue, the payment method is end dated as of system date minus one day, which makes it no longer
effective. And, the payment method is no longer on the page view.

If the payment method is included in a current payroll process and you attempt to delete, you get a message with the
delete date. For example, if the prepayment process date is 31-May-2022, the message you receive is "This payment
method is included in a payroll process. This personal payment method will be deleted on 31-May-2022." You have
the option to cancel or continue. If they continue, the PPM is end dated as of the prepayment process date, and the
employee no longer sees this payment method on the page after that date. The payment method remains effective and
can be viewed on the page until after the process date.

Why does an inactive bank account still shows as active?

Your bank account is active until the end of the day you marked it inactive. An end date is saved as of the date you mark
your bank account inactive and remains active until midnight of its inactive date.

For example, if today is the 25th of January and you mark your bank account as inactive, it's active until midnight.
Tomorrow, 26th of January, when you view your bank account in the payment method page, your bank account shows
an inactive status with the end date.

Note: If your inactive bank account is linked to a payment method, you see a reminder banner on the payment
method page to associate an active bank account with your payment method.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
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Related Topics
• Bank Info for Personal Payment Methods
• Considerations When You Create Accounts

Why can't I add or edit banks and branches for personal payment methods?
You can't edit bank and branch information on the Manage Personal Payment Methods page. Contact your help desk
for assistance. You may be able to create banks and branches, depending on your security privileges.

Why can't I find my organization payment method when creating other payroll
When you update an object's organization payment method, you must make the effective start date of the organization
payment method on or before the effective date of the change.

For example, to create a payroll definition effective on 4/1/2012 with a default organization payment method, the
organization payment method must have an effective start date on or before 4/1/2012. You can only select an
organization payment method that has an effective start date on or before the date you're creating or updating the

How can I change my bank details for direct deposit payments?

Use the Payment Methods task to View, print or download your payslips, change your bank account details, or manage
your payment methods.

Related Topics
• Bank Info for Personal Payment Methods
• Personal Payment Methods

Add and Transfer Payrolls

How You Assign and Transfer Payroll
In this procedure, you will assign and transfer the employee - Elizabeth Brown to a different payroll. To assign and
transfer payroll, follow these steps.

Watch video

1. From the Navigator, select the My Client Groups link.

2. Click the Person Management icon.
3. In the Name field, enter Brown Elizabeth.
4. In the Effective As-of Date field, enter 01/01/2021.
5. Click Search.
6. In the Search Results section, click Brown, Elizabeth.
7. Click Manage Payroll Relationships.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

8. In the Assignment: Analyst section, on the Payroll Details tool bar, click the Actions drop-down list box and
select Transfer Payroll.
9. Click the Payroll drop-down list and select Monthly.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Close.

Add a Payroll to a Person

You add a payroll to a person to control how and when the person is paid. For example, you add a weekly payroll to the
assignment of Carrie Smith to ensure the application pays her each Friday.

You can add a payroll when you hire an employee or when you create other types of person records such as candidate
and pending workers. You can also enter a payroll on the payroll relationship page.

If you use a third-party payroll product, you might also need to capture a payroll for a person with HCM Cloud. For
example, if your company has defined a salary basis with a 'Payroll Period' frequency, you need to add a payroll to the
person before you can enter a salary.

Payroll that's assigned to a person controls how the application generates the entry dates for nonrecurring element
entries. The application derives the end date of a nonrecurring element entry from the end date of the payroll period.

Let's consider this example. Effective on 3-Dec-2020, you assign a nonrecurring element entry to a monthly paid
employee. In this case, the application automatically derives the end date as 31-Dec-2020. Alternatively, let's assume
that you assign a nonrecurring element entry to a candidate before assigning them a payroll, which has an effective
date of 3-Dec-2020. In this scenario, the application derives the start and the end date as 3-Dec-2020.

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Definitions

Transfer a Payroll
You can transfer a person to another payroll on the Manage Payroll Relationships page. Select the appropriate
assignment record to view the person's current payroll details.

Select the 'Transfer Payroll' option to move the assignment to a new payroll. The assignment will begin processing on
the new payroll from the payroll transfer date. The original payroll on the assignment will also remain active to enable
you to pay any outstanding payments on this payroll. Once you complete all such payments, you can enter a Final Close
Date to end date the original payroll.

Note: The application will process the employee in both the original and new payrolls until you enter a Final Close

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
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Payroll Transfer Dates

When you transfer a payroll, the application creates a new payroll record for the assignment and, also populates element
duration dates on the new and original payroll records.

These dates control how the application processes assignment level earnings and deductions on the new and original

Carrie Smith is a temporary employee, assigned to a weekly payroll. She accepts an offer to become a full-time
permanent employee in the same position starting on 20-Feb. Here's how you can update Carrie's assignment record:

• On the Manage Relationship's page, you transfer her to a semimonthly payroll, appropriate for a full-time
permanent worker.
• Set the effective date to 20-Feb, which is the date of payroll transfer.
The transfer sets element duration dates on the original weekly payroll and the new semimonthly payroll as shown

Semimonthly Payroll

Name Date Description

Start Date 20-Feb This is the date Carrie transferred to the

semimonthly payroll.

First Standard Earnings Date 20-Feb This date is also set to Carrie's payroll transfer
date. It controls the start date of entries such as
salary on the semimonthly payroll.

Weekly payroll

Name Date Description

Last Standard Earnings Date 19-Feb This is the day before Carrie's payroll transfer
date. This date controls the end date of entries
such as salary, on the weekly payroll.

Last Standard Process Date 23-Feb This is the last of the weekly payroll period in
which Carrie's payroll transfer occurred. Use
this to control the end date of entries such as,
voluntary deductions on the weekly payroll.

Final Close Date Example: 19-Aug This date is entered by the Payroll or HR
administrator which ends Carrie's association
with the weekly payroll. All outstanding
payments including commission and overtime
must be paid before you enter a Final Close

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Name Date Description

End Date N/A This is the end date of the semimonthly payroll.
This date is defaulted when you enter a final
close date.

Note: Payroll customers should define eligibility rules based on a payroll criteria such as, 'All Payrolls' for assignment
level elements. This ensures assignment level element entries are processed based on the dates populated by the
payroll transfer.

Define Payroll Level Information

You have the option to define information such as the Time Card Required status against either the person's payroll, or
directly on the assignment record. Select the option that best meets the needs of your company.

You can use Transaction Design Studio to hide fields at different levels:
• Payroll Level: Select this option if the attribute such as Time Card Required changes when a worker transfers
to a new payroll. Assume all weekly paid workers at your company submit a time card, but all monthly paid
workers are salaried and therefore don't. In such scenarios you can enable the Time Card Required field at a
payroll level to meet this requirement.
• Assignment Level: Select this option if the attribute such as Time Card Required doesn't change when a
worker transfers to a new payroll.
The payroll option enables you to capture information that's specific to the payroll of a person. This option is particularly
helpful when an assignment has multiple active payrolls following a payroll transfer.

FAQs for Add and Transfer Payroll

How can I prorate elements when a person transfers payrolls?
You can prorate assignment level elements when a person transfers to a new payroll using the following steps.
1. Enable proration for the assignment level element.
2. Ensure the proration event group tracks changes to a person's payroll.
3. Define eligibility for the element using the payroll criteria. Select the 'All Payrolls' option if the element is
applicable to workers on any of your company's payrolls
Let's assume you have enabled proration for the Salary element. You transfer Yan Klein from the weekly to monthly
payroll effective 20-Feb.
• The application will stop processing Yan's salary for the weekly payroll on 19-Feb and the salary entry is
• The application starts processing Yan's salary for the monthly payroll on 20-Feb and the salary entry is

Note: In the example above, the salary element ends on the Last Standard Earnings date of the assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Related Topics
• Payroll Element Eligibility

What happens when I add a payroll to a person, does the application create a new
payroll relationship?
The application automatically creates a payroll relationship when you hire a worker or when you create other types
of person records such as candidate or pending workers. Adding a payroll to a person doesn't create a new payroll

Transfer Tax Reporting Units

Tax Reporting Units
Tax reporting units (TRU's) represent a legal entity for tax and social insurance reporting in legislations such as the US
and UK.

You can assign a TRU to a worker using the payroll region on the new hire flow. Alternatively, you can associate a TRU
on the statutory deduction calculation card of the worker.

Tax Reporting Across Multiple Assignments

The application uses TRU's to group the assignments of a worker for tax and social insurance reporting.

For example, Softgear Cars operates several car dealerships in the UK. They have a single legal entity responsible for
employing and paying workers across all their dealerships. Sophie works part-time at two Softgear Cars showrooms.
She has two assignments to capture information for each role such as showroom location and line manager details.

Both of Sophie's assignments are associated to the same TRU. Therefore, when the weekly payroll is processed, the
application consolidates her earnings from both the assignments for tax and social insurance purposes.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview
• What's a tax reporting unit?

Update TRU for a Worker

When a worker moves to a new legal employer, they may also require a new TRU. In this scenario, the global transfer
process creates a new assignment, which can be associated to the new TRU.

In other circumstances, you need to update the TRU of a worker although they still retain their legal employer (and
payroll statutory unit). For example, when the worker moves to another department within your organization. In this
type of scenario, you can either update the TRU on the worker's original assignment or create a new assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls


Vision Corporation operates supermarket and hardware stores in a US city.

• Vision Corporation is a single legal entity responsible for employing and paying workers across all their stores.
• The supermarket and hardware stores are classified differently for tax and social insurance reporting purposes.
Vision Corporation therefore has two TRU's: Vision Supermarket and Vision Hardware.
Yan has worked at the supermarket store for several years, and has now secured a manager role at her local hardware
store. With this promotion, update Yan's TRU from Vision Supermarket to Vision Hardware.

You must note that Yan transfers to the hardware store payroll on 10-May-2020. She will continue to be paid on a
semimonthly payroll.

Transfer TRU - New Assignment

• You start by terminating Yan's original assignment on 09-May-2020. This will evoke standard payroll
termination processing including the ending of element entries.

• Then create a new assignment effective 10-May-2020 and associate it with Vision Hardware.

• Enter her earnings and deductions as required.

• Run the semimonthly payroll for the period ending 15-May-2020.

• The application performs two payroll calculations:

a. Original Assignment: Earnings for the period 01-May-2020 to 09-May-2020 are taxed and reported
against Vision Supermarkets.
b. New Assignment: Earnings for the period 10-May-2020 to 15-May-2020 are taxed and reported against
Vision Hardware.

Transfer TRU - Retain Assignment

• Navigate to Yan's statutory deduction card. Set the effective date to 10-May-2020 and create a new tax card
record for Vision Hardware.
• Update her earnings and deductions as required.
• Run the semimonthly payroll for the period ending 15-May-2020.
• All of Yan's earnings for the payroll period 01-May-2020 to 15-May-2020 are taxed and reported against Vision
Hardware. This is the active TRU on the process date of the payroll run.

Retrospective Earnings: Let's assume Yan also has a backdated salary increase from 01-April-2020 which is paid on
15-May-2020. The retrospective salary payment is taxed against Vision Supermarket. As described above, the other
payments in May are taxed against Vision hardware.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview
• How Legal Employers Work with Payroll Statutory Units and Tax Reporting Units

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

How to Set End Dates for Terminations
These scenarios illustrate how to set the last standard process date and final close date for element entries at the
assignment level.

You can't change the last standard earnings date. Set element duration dates in the Payroll Details section of the Payroll
Relationships page.

Exclude Terminated Employees from Process Consideration

You terminated Heidi's assignment on 03, June 2014. The termination process automatically sets the last standard
earnings date to the termination date (03, June 2014). The process also sets the last standard process date to the end
date of her weekly payroll (06, June 2014). The termination process doesn't set a final close date.

To ensure payroll processes stop considering Heidi for processing after one full year after termination, you set the final
close date to 03, June 2015.

Note: The latest entry date defined for any severance payment elements determines the last date you can enter
element entry details for the terminated employee's severance payment. You can view the latest entry date setting on
the Element Summary section of the Elements page.

Modify the Last Standard Process Date for Compensation

Anthony has two assignment records, one on a weekly payroll and one on a monthly payroll. On 10 June 2014, an HR
manager terminated Anthony's assignment record on the weekly payroll. The termination process automatically set the
last standard process date to the end date of the payroll period. Anthony's termination package specifies that he should
receive compensation payments through the month of June. To ensure he's paid on both the weekly and monthly
payroll through June, you must change the last standard process date on the weekly payroll to 30 June 2014.

Note: Change the assignment status to process when earnings if you want to allow recurring entries to be
processed after the last standard process date.

Frequency of Recurring Elements for Terminated Employees

Use frequency rules to process a recurring element at a frequency other than the one you defined for the payroll. For
example, to process a monthly deduction in the third payroll period of the month for employees that are paid on a
weekly basis.

When you terminate an employee, the application normally ends payment of recurring elements such as salary, and
therefore frequency rules can't be applied. Frequency rules are processed in the payroll period in which the employee
terminates but these rules aren't processed in subsequent payroll periods. You can use element entry start and end
dates to control the frequency of recurring elements for terminated employees.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Related Topics
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Use Time Definitions for Severance Pay

How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing

Initiating a termination automatically sets dates that control when the person's element entries end.

The effect date of a termination on payroll relationships and assignments depends on the type of termination and
country or territory payroll relationship rules.

Entry Dates That Affect Processing

Element setup determines which element duration date is significant for a specific element. The termination process
sets the end dates automatically.

Note: If a person has multiple assigned payrolls, the termination process sets the last standard process date for all
active payroll records for each assignment to the latest date.

How Terminations Are Processed

When you terminate an assignment or entire work relationship, the application terminates the appropriate payroll
records. The type of termination and the payroll relationship rule for the country or territory determines which payroll
objects the process terminates.

Update Personal Payroll Information for a Termination

When you receive notification of a termination, perform these tasks either manually or as part of a payroll termination

• Update element entries, for example, enter severance payment details on the Element Entries page.
• Verify termination dates and element duration dates on the Payroll Relationships page.
• Update personal calculation cards to provide information required for tax reporting on the Calculation Cards

If you use Oracle Fusion Global Payroll for payroll processing, your termination flow might include one or more
automatic or manual tasks such as the ones listed above. You can use these sections to manage these flows:

• Payroll Dashboard to view the details of payroll termination flow tasks and navigate to any items requiring
• Payroll Checklist to view the status and results of tasks in an active flow

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Related Topics
• How to Set End Dates for Terminations
• Terminations
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Payroll Relationship Rules
• Element Duration Dates

FAQ for Personal Payroll Entries

How can I correct a hire date for an employee?
You correct the hire date for an employee in the Person Management page.

Even if you changed the hire date, you have access to all the employee's payroll processes after the hire date has been
updated. For example, you hire and pay a worker then you're informed the worker joined the company on a later date,

1. You hire and begin payroll processing of a worker.

2. You're informed the worker joined the company on a later date.
In this case, you can correct the hire date and still view the worker's payroll results.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Assemble and Maintain Payrolls

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

3 Calculation Entries

Element Entries
Element Entry Methods
Create element entries for compensation or basic benefits for an employee assignment. For example, you can create
element entries for an employee's overtime hours or medical premium deduction amount.

Create an element entry using these methods:

• Manual entry on the Element Entries page

• Automatic entry for all eligible workers
• Automatic entry by other processes
In addition, web services are available to manage element entries.

Manual Entry
On the Element Entries page, you can do these actions:

• Create manual entries for some elements, such as voluntary deductions.

• View element entries for a person on the summary page, including entries created automatically by other
• If the element is costed at the element entry level, specify costing overrides.
• Sort the list of entries by element name.

Automatic Entry for All Eligible Workers

When you create an eligibility record with automatic entry option, the application submits a process that creates
element entries for all eligible workers. This option also ensures that hiring eligible workers in the future automatically
creates an element entry for them.

Automatic Entry by Other Processes

Certain processes and actions within salary administration, compensation, benefits, and payroll can generate new
element entries. Maintain these entries through the original processes that generated them. Don't maintain them on the
Element Entries page.

Consider these examples.

• If you associate a salary element with a salary basis, assigning workers to that salary basis automatically creates
element entries.
• Allocating other compensation and benefits, or adding a payroll component to a personal calculation card,
automatically creates element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values
• Cost Hierarchy

How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values

An element's input values define the entry values available on each entry of this element.

For each input value that's marked for display, an associated element entry value is available on the Element Entries

• Some entry values provide inputs to element calculations, such as hours worked.
• Others results from payroll calculations. For example, elements processed earlier in the payroll run.

Element Setup that Affects Element Entries

This table summarizes element setup options that affect element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Setup Option How It Affects Element Entries

Calculation rule The calculation rule determines which input values you must provide on the element entry. For
example, for a flat amount earnings element, you typically specify an amount, periodicity, and whether
the amount is a full-time equivalent value. For an earnings element with a factor calculation rule, you
simply enter a factor, such as 0.5 for 50 percent.

Duration for entries You can specify an element as recurring or nonrecurring.

Entries of recurring elements, such as salary, remain until the element end date and are normally
processed at least once in each pay period. Nonrecurring element entries, such as overtime pay, are
only processed once. You must create a new element entry each time that you want the element to be
included in the payroll calculation for an employee.

Payroll that's assigned to a person controls how the application generates the entry dates for
nonrecurring element entries. The application derives the end date of a nonrecurring element entry
from the end date of the payroll period.

Let's consider this example. Effective on 3-Dec-2020, you assign a nonrecurring element entry to
a monthly paid employee. In this case, the application automatically derives the end date as 31-
Dec-2020. Alternatively, let's assume that you assign a nonrecurring element entry to a person before
assigning them a payroll, which has an effective date of 3-Dec-2020. In this scenario, the application
derives the start and the end date as 3-Dec-2020.

Automatic entry When you create an eligibility record with automatic entry option, the application submits a process
that creates element entries for all eligible workers. For example, you select the Automatic Entry option
for element eligibility records for the predefined US Taxation element.

This setup ensures that all eligible workers have an entry to initiate the tax calculation process.

This check box is selected if you answer Yes to the question on the template: Should every person
eligible for the element automatically receive it?

This option isn't frequently selected and you should not select it after you create the element. Taxes
are the only elements that this rule applies to on a consistent basis.

Allowing multiple entries For example, you might allow multiple entries for regular and overtime hour entries. With this setup,
you can report an hourly employee's time separately to distinguish between projects or cost centers for
which the employee worked.

You can use this option for hourly workers that you pay biweekly but whose overtime you enter on a
weekly basis.

You might limit other elements, such as benefits and bonuses, to one entry per pay period.

Additional entry This option enables you to add an occasional one-time entry for recurring elements. This additional
entry can override or add to the normal entry amount.

Validation, calculation, or defaulting You can use formulas to do these actions:

• Provide a default value for one or more entry values when you create an element entry.
• Calculate the appropriate values for one or more entry values and apply the new values when you
save an element entry. The formula can use the entries in this or other entry values to calculate
the values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Setup Option How It Affects Element Entries

• Validate one or more entry values when you save an element entry.

Input Value Setup That Affects Entry Values

This table summarizes how the setup of element input values affects entry values on element entries.

Note: You can't add an input value to the element if any payroll process were run after the element was created. This
behavior holds good irrespective of whether the payroll run included this element or not. To add input values, rollback
all processes that were ran after the element creation date.

What You Want To Set Example and Effect on Element Entries

Default value For example, you could enter a default tool allowance of 5.00 USD per week, but you could increase or
decrease the value on individual element entries, as required.

A regular default value provides an initial value when you create the element entry. Changing the
default value on the element or eligibility record has no effect on existing entries.

Alternatively, you can apply the default value when you run the payroll process, rather than when you
create the element entry. This selection ensures that you use the latest value on the date of the payroll
run. You can manually override the default value on the element entry.

Lookup type For an employee stock purchase plan, you can specify that your organization only allows employees to
purchase stock based on 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 percent of their earnings. Or for an automobile allowance, you
can specify rate codes of A, B, C, or D. For this setup, you can define a lookup with these values and
associate it to input value at element definition level.

When entering the entry values, you can only select values from the list provided.

Minimum and maximum values In the same example as above, you can set a minimum or maximum value, or both. Specify values for
the percentage of earnings an employee can contribute to the employee stock purchase plan.

You receive a warning or error message if your entry value exceeds these limits, depending on the
input value setup.

Required You could make the entry of hours required for an overtime element, or units for piecework, or type for
a car allowance element.

Special Purpose The element entries summary on the Person Details page displays one input value. It displays the input
value with the Primary Input Value special purpose, if there is one.

Validation through a formula For an annual bonus, you can specify a formula to validate the maximum entry value based on the
employee's length of service and current salary.

You receive a warning or error message if your entry value fails the validation, depending on the input
value setup.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Enable Automatic, Multiple, or Additional Element Entries Options
• Element Duration Dates

Default Values for Element Entries

Specify default values for element entries using the Elements task. Your element setup controls when the default value
affects element entries.

You can apply the default value in any of these scenarios

• When you create an element entry

• At run time
• When you use a formula to define default values on one or more entry values
You can do these actions:

• Set a default value for an input value, or select a defaulting formula for the element.
• Override the default value or formula for a specific group of employees that an element eligibility record
• Override the default value for specific employees on their element entries.

Define Default Values at Element Entry Creation

When you create or edit input values, you can specify a default value. If you don't select the Apply default at runtime
option, subsequent updates to the default value have no effect on existing element entries. Users can override or
change the default value at any time.

Define Default Values at Runtime

To use this method, enter the default value and select the Apply default at runtime option for the input value. If
the element entry value is left blank, the payroll process uses the current default value from the element or element
eligibility record. If you enter a value, the manual entry overrides the default value and updates to the default value don't
affect that entry. If you want to restore the default value, clear the entry.

Use a Formula to Provide Default Values

You can create a formula of type element input validation to provide default values for one or more entry values. Select
this formula in the Defaulting Formula field for an element or element eligibility record.

Here's the order of precedence:

1. A formula at the element eligibility level overrides a formula at the element level.
2. If you enter a default value for the input value and select a defaulting formula, the formula overrides the default

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values
• Element Input Validation Formula Type
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date

Set Up Balances for Percentage Elements

When you create a deduction element, select the Percentage Deduction Calculation rule to create a balance called
<ELEMENT NAME> Eligible Compensation.

Use this balance definition to define the following items:

• Balance feed from the earnings element result value as either pay value or output value
• Effective date to capture the balance feed history
When you define the balance feed on the Element Summary page, make sure the effective date is early enough
to define the balance feed and capture the history. For example, you may want to define the balance feed with an
effective date of 01-January-1951 or something similar. When you click the Balance Feeds link on the Manage Balance
Definitions page, the effective date is shown as the system date. Change the effective date so that it captures the

After capturing the earnings input values, enter the percentage deduction in the Percentage input value of the
deduction element.

For example, let's say you entered 10000 as the basic salary and 10 percent as the basic deduction.

• If the basic salary pay value is 10000, your basic deduction is 1000.
• If the basic salary pay value is 5000, your basic deduction is 500.

Enable Automatic, Multiple, or Additional Element Entries for the

You can select options for an element to define how you can update its element entries. The options include:

• Automatic entry
• Allow multiple entries in same period
• Additional entry

Automatic Entry
When you create an element, you can select Yes for the question: Should every person eligible for the element
automatically receive it? This setting selects the Automatic entry option by default for all eligibility records you create
for that element.

The Tax and NI, Court Orders and Student Loans, and the Pensions Automatic Enrolment element are predefined to
trigger the relevant calculations. You must create the element eligibility for these elements. This is a one-time activity.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

However, you can override the selection for any specific eligibility record before you save it. When you select this option,
saving the eligibility record initiates a payroll flow to create element entries for all eligible workers. To monitor this flow:

• You can view the progress of the process in the Automatic Entry Status field. If the status shows that an error
occurred, you can save the eligibility record again to resubmit the flow.
• If you have access to payroll work areas, you can also monitor the progress of the Generate Automatic Element
Entries flow on the Processes and Reports tab. You can navigate to the Processes and Reports tab through
these work areas: Payroll Dashboard, Payroll Checklist or Payroll Calculation.

Any updates to the employment records of eligible workers, including hires and terminations, automatically update,
create, or end the element entries, as appropriate.

Tip: If you select the Automatic entry option, you can't also select Allow multiple entries in same period.

Allow Multiple Entries in Same Period

This option enables you to give a person more than one entry of the element in the same pay period. For example,
if you enter overtime hours on a weekly basis for a person paid monthly, you might need to enter five entries on an
overtime element in each period.

If you're creating a net-to-gross element, you must select Allow multiple entries in same period.

Note: An element with the Automatic entry option selected can't allow multiple entries in the same period.

Additional Entry
This option enables you to add an occasional one-time entry for recurring elements. This additional entry can override
or add to the normal entry amount.

How Payroll Elements Hold Information for Multiple Features

Use Payroll Elements to determine the payment of base pay, benefits, absences, and other earnings and deductions.
Associate payroll elements with salary bases, absence plans, and the benefits object hierarchy to determine how you will
use those elements.

This table provides some examples of how you can use payroll elements.

Payroll Element Usage Examples of Payroll Elements

Base Pay Management Annual Salary Basis

Monthly Salary Basis

Hourly Salary Basis

Absence Management Absence Payment

Leave Liability

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Payroll Element Usage Examples of Payroll Elements

Discretionary Disbursement

Final Disbursement

Benefits Health Care Deduction

Savings Plan Deduction

Employee Stock Purchase Deduction

Time and Labor Regular Hourly Earnings

Overtime Earnings

Shift Earnings

Payroll Regular Standard Earnings

Bonus Earnings

Tax Deduction

Involuntary Deduction

Base Pay Management

To manage base pay, you attach an earnings element to each salary basis (hourly, monthly or annual) for each worker.
When a manager or compensation specialist enters a base pay amount for a worker, the application writes the amount
to an element entry. The application does this by using the element input value associated with the worker's salary
basis. Payroll processing uses the element entry to generate payment amounts.

Absence Management
You can manage worker absences and corresponding entitlements. You can create absence types based on predefined
absence patterns, and associate them with absence plans. You can associate an absence element with an absence plan
to transfer these information for payroll processing:

• Payments for absent time, for example, during maternity or long term sickness.
• Accrual disbursement at the end of absence plan year
• Accrual disbursement when plan enrollment ends
• Absence liability amounts

You can process the payments in Oracle Fusion Global Payroll or use HCM extracts to transfer the information to a third-
party payroll application for processing.

Attach payroll elements at various levels in the benefits object hierarchy to create deductions and earnings that you can
process in a payroll run to calculate net pay.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Time and Labor

Create payroll elements for use in time cards, and calculate payroll or gross earnings based on the time card entries
transferred to payroll. For example, for Oracle Fusion Time and Labor, you run processes that create dependent payroll
attributes and time card fields for element input values. You can automate the routine import of time card entries to
payroll using predefined flows.

For Oracle Fusion Global Payroll, you define earnings and deduction elements, such as bonus and overtime earnings
and involuntary deductions. These elements incorporate all components required for payroll processing, including
formulas, balances, and formula result rules.

Set Up Element Proration

Use proration to calculate proportionate amounts for recurring elements when payroll-relevant data changes during a
payroll period.

Examples of such scenarios include a person joining the enterprise or a mid-period pay increase. Proration creates two
payroll run results. The first run result is for the payroll period up to the day before the event. The second one is from
the date of the event to the end of the period. When you create an element, you specify its proration event group and
the calculation method.

Use proration rate conversion rules to specify a different rule than that used for periodicity. For example, you prorate
based on calendar days when using work units for conversion.

To set up element proration, you do these tasks:

• Review the predefined proration event group to ensure that it includes changes you want to track. You can
optionally update the event group or create a new group.
• Create an element and enable proration processing for an element.

Review the Predefined Event Group

When you create or update a recurring element, you can make it subject to proration.

1. On the Home page, click the Event Groups task under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Search for the predefined event group: Entry Changes for Proration.
3. Review the types of changes that automatically trigger proration for the elements associated with this event
You can edit this group or create a new event group for the element, if required. For example, you might want to
add changes to calculation cards or assignments.

Enable Proration Processing for an Element

To enable proration, do these steps:

1. On the Home page, click the Elements task under the My Client Groups tab, and click Create.
2. On the Create Element: Additional Details page, select Yes for the following question: Is this element subject to
3. Select the predefined event group (Entry Changes for Proration) or a new group that you created.
4. Select a Proration Units and Proration Rate Conversion Rule.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

5. Select a Proration Conversion Rule formula.

Note: If the predefined conversion rules don't meet your requirements, you can create a user-defined formula.

Related Topics
• How Prorated Earnings and Deductions are Calculated
• Overview of Payroll Event Groups
• Create Conversion Formulas for Proration

How Prorated Earnings and Deductions are Calculated

You can select from a number of different proration conversion rules to calculate standard or supplemental earnings.
Select the proration conversion rule when you create an earnings or deduction element using the Manage Elements

You can also calculate prorated earnings based on calendar days or work schedules.

This topic covers:

• How deductions are calculated

• How prorated earnings are calculated
• Examples of earnings calculation based on calendar days
• Example of earnings calculation based on work schedule

How Deductions Are Calculated

Typically, you don't prorate deductions, such as deductions based on a percentage of earnings. You might prorate fixed
rate deductions, such as voluntary deduction for a fitness center membership. In most cases, use the predefined global
proration formula for deductions (GLB_DEDN_PRORATION). For this formula the proration value is the periodic value
multiplied by the number of calendar days in the proration period. This figure is then divided by the number of calendar
days in the payroll period.

How Prorated Earnings are Calculated

Creating a recurring earnings element automatically associates it with a predefined proration formula
(GLB_EARN_PRORATION). The proration formula determines how to prorate earnings in the proration period based on
the proration calculation method you select.

As a guideline the global formula doesn't prorate:

• Nonrecurring elements
• Earnings elements with a calculation rule of unit multiplied by rate, if rate and hours are entered in the element

Note: Some predefined legislations provide a different default proration formula and rules.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

These examples show how proration calculations are performed on earnings calculations, based on:

• Calendar days
• Work schedules

Example: Earnings Calculation Based on Calendar Days

The formula calculates proration results as shown in the following table.

Proration Conversion Rule and Proration Proration Calculation


Standard Rate Annualized rule Calendar days in proration period multiplied by annual pay and divided by annual calendar days

Daily proration units

Example: (9 * 25000) / 365 + (22 / * 30000) / 365 = 616.44 + 1808.22 = 2424.66

1. You assign a person to a monthly

payroll for a salary basis of 25,000.
2. You update the salary on 10
December, 2013 to 30,000.
3. You calculate the December monthly
4. The proration formula calculates 2
proration periods with 9 calendar
days in the first proration period, and
22 in the second period.

Standard Rate Daily rule Total pay divided by calendar days in the payroll period and multiplied by calendar days in the
proration period.
Daily proration units

Example: (500 / 7) * 3 = 214.29

1. You hire a person to a weekly payroll

in the middle of the payroll period.
2. The employee works 3 calendar days
and receives a location allowance of
3. The proration formula calculates the
employee's location allowance for the
3 days.

Example: Earnings Calculation Based on Work Schedule

The formula calculates proration results as shown in the following table. If no working hours are defined, the proration
formula checks the assignment definition for the number of working hours and frequency. If no information is found,
the formula uses 40 as the number of working hours and 5 as the number of days for the work week.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Proration Conversion Rule and Proration Proration Calculation


Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized Work schedule days in proration period multiplied by annual pay and divided by 260 days, the default
rule number of annual working days.

Workday proration units A day in a work schedule is a 24 hour period.

Example: (6 * 25000) / 260 + (16 * 30000) / 260 = 576.92 + 1846.15 = 2423.07

1. You hire a person to a monthly

payroll for an annual salary basis of
2. The employee works 5 days a week
Monday through Friday.
3. You increase the monthly salary to
30,000 effective 10 December, 2013.
4. You calculate the December monthly
5. The proration formula calculates 6
working days from 1st December
to 9th December, and 16 working
days from 10th December to 31st

Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized Work schedule hours in proration period multiplied by the annual pay and divided by 2080, the default
rule number of annual working hours.

Hourly proration units

Example: (10 * 25000) / 2080 + (30 * 30000) / 2080 = 120.19 + 432.69 = 552.88

1. An employee assigned to a weekly

payroll receives an annual salary
basis of 25,000.
2. You increase the salary to 30,000
effective 10 December, 2013.
3. The employee works 10 hours a day
from 9 December to 12 December.
4. You calculate the weekly payroll
for the week 8 December to 14
5. The proration formula calculates 2
proration periods, with 10 working
hours for the first period, and 30 for
the second period.

Related Topics
• Set Up Element Proration
• Create Conversion Formulas for Proration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

FAQs for Element Entries

What happens if I manually enter a value in an element entry value that has a runtime
default value?
Any subsequent changes to the default value on the element or element eligibility record won't affect the element entry.
To clear your entry, you can to restore the default value.

Related Topics
• Default Values for Element Entries

Why doesn't my element entry input value display on the Manage Person Details
When creating an input value for an element, select it as the special purpose element to display it as input value for the
element entry.

How can I override an element entry for a limited period?

Follow these steps if the element is set up to support additional entries.

1. Create the additional entry on the Element Entries page, selecting Override as the entry type.
2. Complete the element entry and then click Submit.
3. Set your effective date to the day the entry should end.
4. Click Edit and then select End Date.
5. Click Continue in the warning message dialog box.
Let's consider this scenario. Create these two elements with Process separately and pay with other earnings.

• Vacation Retro 5th Jan

• Vacation Retro 6th Jan
Give element entries with amounts -100 on 5th Jan and + 100 on 6th Jan. The payroll run fails on the first entry with a
negative net error.

As a workaround, on the element entry page, create an Override element entry Vacation Retro 6th Jan 0, and run the

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Time Card Required Option
If a worker's pay calculations depend on the worker submitting time cards, you must indicate that a time card is required
at the appropriate employment level. Select the Time Card Required check box for each assignment level that the
requirement applies.

For example, don't select the Time Card Required check box for these scenarios:
• A salaried employee completes project time cards for billing purposes, but isn't paid based upon those time
• An hourly employee is normally paid based on a predefined work schedule and only submits a time card for
overtime or when absent.

Select the Time Card Required Option

Your role determines where typically you select the Time Card Required check box:

• HR specialists can select the check box on the Employment Information page of the new hire flow.
• Payroll Managers and Payroll Administrators can select the Payroll Relationship quick action in the My Client
Groups tab. The Payment Details section of the Person Details page includes the Time Card Required check box
on the Assignment sections.

This table shows which hours the payroll process uses for elements with a calculation rule of hours multiplied by rate.

Time Card Required Hours Used in Calculations

Yes Time card entries

No Work schedule, unless you enter hours as element entries

Related Topics
• Payroll Elements for Time Card Attributes
• Create Time Card Elements for Time Entries
• Generate Time Attributes and Time Card Fields for Your Elements

Process Time Entries in Payroll

Most time card applications and providers apply validation rules when employees submit their time cards.

Typically, you import time entries to payroll by submitting the Load Time Card Batches process. The process validates
that the persons in the batch are eligible for the time card elements, and rejects records for terminated employees.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Aspects of working with time card entries include:

• Validating time card entries
• Resolving transfer errors
• Viewing time card entries
• Viewing costing overrides
• Correcting time card entries

Validating Time Card Entries

You use the Load Time Card Batches process to transfer time card entries to payroll from Oracle Fusion Time and Labor
or a third-party time provider. The payroll application validates the time card entries to confirm that the employee isn't
terminated and is eligible for the element.

Resolving Import Errors

Resolve the underlying problem for the error in the Time and Labor application, and then import the corrected entry.
Don't manually correct errors in payroll.

For example, if you use Oracle Fusion Time and Labor, you can take the following steps:

1. The Payroll Manager rolls back individual records or the entire transfer process in payroll.
2. The Time and Labor administrator corrects the cause of the error, and resets the status of the corrected time
cards to Submitted. The administrator routes the time card for approval.
3. The next time the payroll manager imports the time cards using the Load Time Card Batches process, the
process retrieves the corrected time card entries.
If you use a third-party time provider, you can roll back the Load Time Card Batches process. After resolving the transfer
error with the time provider, you resubmit the Load Time Card Batches process.

You can continue to import corrected time card entries until the payroll calculation starts for the payroll period that
includes the entries. Corrections submitted after that time are processed as a retroactive change in the next payroll

Viewing Time Card Entries

Submitting the Load Time Card Batches process creates or updates a time calculation card for each person included
in the batch. Use the Calculation Cards task to view time card entries. There's only one time calculation card for
each payroll relationship. The card includes time entries for multiple assignments for the same payroll relationship. It
displays the employee's time entries for the effective-as-of-date specified on the search. The time that's transferred on
Calculation Card captures these values. For more information about the values, refer Time Element Value Definitions.

Viewing Costing Overrides

Some time attributes associated with element entries, such as costing overrides, aren't stored on the calculation card.
Use the Element Entries task to view these entries. The Costing tab on Element Entries page displays the costing
overrides for the effective date used for your search. Costing entry on the time card is at the element entry level, which
overrides costing at the every level except the priority account.

Based on the primary and secondary classifications you select, the element template may generate indirect elements for
calculation. In such scenarios, the element eligibility record of the Results indirect element defines costing. Submitting
the Load Time Card Batches process displays costing for imported time entries on the calculation element. If no indirect
elements exist, the Load Time Card Batches process displays costing for imported time entries on the base element.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

For example, the employee might select a cost center on the time card to reflect where the employee worked overtime.
When the payroll calculation process derives the account number for the overtime element, it uses the cost center from
the time card. You can view the costing override on the person's calculation card. After you submit the payroll run, you
can view the costing results on the Person Process Results page.

Correcting Time Card Entries

Any updates and corrections must occur in the application used to report time. You can continue to import new and
updated time entries to payroll until you calculate the payroll for the period that includes the time entries.

If you import a late time card after the payroll is run for that payroll period, you can still process that time entry. Use one
of the methods shown in this table.

Method Action

Pay the time card entries in the next Submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.
payroll period as retroactive pay
The process creates retroactive element entries for each element that has a retroactive change. If the
imported time card entry includes a rate change, the element's formula recalculates the amount.

Process QuickPay 1. Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run.
2. Submit the Calculate QuickPay process.

Process employees in a separate payroll 1. Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run.
run 2. Create a payroll relationship group that includes these employees and process a payroll run for
the time card entries.

Related Topics
• Import Time Card Entries to Payroll
• Create Time Card Elements for Time Entries
• Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes
• Time Element Value Definitions

Import Time Card Entries to Payroll

Use the Submit a Flow task to submit the Load Time Card Batches process to import time card entries to payroll. This
process creates a calculation card or updates an existing card for each person with time entries included in the batch.

Use the same process to import time entries from Oracle HCM Cloud Time and Labor and from a third-party time

Use the Transfer Time Cards from Time and Labor payroll flow to transfer time card data to Global Payroll. Use the
optional transfer parameters, such as time card from and to dates, HCM group, payroll relationship, person, or payroll, to
identify the time cards to include within the selected legislative data group. Here are two ways to use these parameters:
• Use the From Date and To Date flow parameters to dates to include all time cards with pay periods that end
between these dates. For example, enter the from date is June 1, 2022 and the to date as June 30, 2022, to
transfer all time cards with pay periods that end in June. Any time card with a pay period that starts in May 2022
and ends June 1, 2022 is included.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Use the Filter Mode to include all time cards for the specified group of people by HCM Group, Payroll, Payroll
Relationship Group or Person. The selected filter mode populates the corresponding parameter choice list. For
example, if you select the HCM Group filter mode, in the HCM Group choice list, you see all active HCM group
options and you don’t see any options in the Person choice list.If you change the filter mode to Person, the
Person choice list gets populated and you don't see any groups in the HCM Groups choice list.

Import Time Entries from Time and Labor

Complete these steps to import your time entries

1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
2. On the Flow Submission page, select the Legislative Data Group.
3. Search for and select Load Time Card Batches in the Flow Pattern field.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Submit a Payroll Flow page, enter a name to identify the flow in the Payroll Flow field.
6. In the Interface Type field, search for and select ORACLE FUSION TIME AND LABOR.
7. Optionally, specify a process configuration group. Click Next.

Note: If you don't need to connect, schedule, or review the flow parameters, skip these pages and submit the

8.On the Enter Flow Interaction page, complete the optional parameters. Click Next.
9.On the Schedule page, complete the optional parameters. Click Next.
10. On the Review page, click Submit. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK and View Checklist.
11.On the Payroll Flow page, Task Details tab, you should see a green check mark in the Upload File row, Task
Type column. If not, click the Refresh icon intermittently on the toolbar until you do.
12. Right-click the Upload File row and select Mark as Complete.

You don't need to upload a file for Time and Labor.

The View Person Process Results page lists the time card IDs included in the batch of transferred time cards. Use the
Calculation Cards task to view the time entries for each person's time included in the batch.

Import Time Entries from a Third-Party Provider

For third-party time applications, you can load time cards using HCM Data Loader.

The View Person Process Results page lists the time card IDs included in the batch of transferred time cards. Use the
Calculation Cards task to view the time entries for each person's time included in the batch. Entries transferred from
third-party providers only display on the calculation cards, and not in the Oracle Fusion Time and Labor time cards.

Import Time for Terminated Employees

To avoid release of information on planned terminations, time providers usually hide and ignore the future termination
date until it's formally announced. Employees reporting time in Time and Labor can report time entries beyond their
termination date, without any indication that they're ineligible for the time entered. Line managers can view and
approve these entries, but the Load Time Card Batches process will reject time card entries beyond the termination

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• Process Time Entries in Payroll
• Create Time Card Elements for Time Entries
• Example of Loading Payroll Time Cards

Time Definitions
A time definition is either a date or a span of time. Time definitions can be static periods of unusual length based on a
given static date, or they can generate dates based on dynamic variables.

You can define static definitions using multiple periods, additional adjustments, or both.

This image shows the different types of time definitions and how and where you can use them.

You can use time definitions in many areas, including payroll periods, payroll employment management, balances,
retroactive and proration events, earnings start date, and overtime periods.

These sections describe the type of time definitions you can create.

Static Time Definition

Static time definitions create recurring patterns of dates, such as overtime periods. For example, a company's overtime
period is a standard five day work week. You can create a static time definition with a weekly frequency that generates
time periods for 3 years. Formulas can use these date patterns to allocate earnings within a payroll period.

User-Defined Date Time Definition

Use user-defined date time definitions to define the last standard process and final close dates of the element entries
for an employee. The last standard process date is the last date on which the element is considered for normal

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

processing in the payroll run. The final close date is the date from which the element is no longer considered for
processing and thus is no longer date-effective.

For example, Vision Corp provides housing allowance to its employees and wants the allowance to end 30 days after the
employee is terminated. You define a user-defined date time definition based on the last standard earnings date, which
is the termination date plus 30 days.

Time Span Time Definitions

Use time span time definitions to create segments of time that define intervals for scheduled operations, such as payroll
frequency. You can use these time definitions within other time definitions.

A company wants to make employee payments on the last day of the month and third-party payments five days later.
The company creates a time definition of type time span and uses it when defining the payment method for the payee.

Retrieval Date Time Definitions

Retrieval date time definitions are based on balance fetch operations. Anything that exists in the database of Date
format and owned by the payroll application can be used as a trigger.

Let's assume that the rate contributor for the severance rate definition uses a balance as of termination date. You can
define a retrieval date time definition based on a database item that retrieves the termination date. You can then use
this time definition as the reference date for the balance value in the rate contributor.

Related Topics
• Example of Loading Time Definitions
• Use Time Definitions for Severance Pay
• Element Duration Dates
• How Pay Frequency Components Work Together
• Rate Contributors for Derived Rates

Example of Loading Time Definitions

Use HCM Data Loader to create time definitions that can be either a date or a span of time. You can define static
definitions using multiple periods, additional adjustments, or both. Alternatively, you can also define dates based on
dynamic variables.

For example, you can create multiple time definitions to establish different workweeks for different facilities or group of

Later, you use these time definitions in payroll periods, balances, overtime periods, balance dimensions, and so on.

You can load one of these time definitions:

• Static Time Definition

• User-Defined Date
• Time Span
• Retrieval Date
This image shows the different types of time definition and how and where you can use them.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• Use Time Definitions for Severance Pay
• Example of Loading Static Time Definition
• Example of Loading User-Defined Date Time Definition
• Example of Loading Time Span Time Definitions
• Example of Loading Retrieval Date Time Definitions

Create a Time Definition and Assign It to Elements

You can use element allocation to break down results into more granular time periods, for example, lunar into weekly

Time definitions define the period basis. You need to associate a time definition to the element using Frequency. The
proration formula captures allocation rules for the element. Based on the time definition and proration rules, the payroll
calculation breaks down the earnings.

Create a Time Definition

1. Got to Payroll and select Time Definition > Create Time Definition.
2. Select the legislative data group.
3. Select a type of Static time Definition.
4. Enter a name.
5. Select the period basis, for example, Weekly.
6. Enter a number in the Number of Years field.
The application generates time periods for the number of years as of the first period start date.
7. In the First Period Start Date field, enter the date.
8. In the Usages field, select Element Allocation.
9. Click Next.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

10. Click Generate Time Periods in the Allocation Periods for the application to create time periods.
11. Click Submit.

Assign the Time Definition to Element

You must associate the time definition with the element. Additionally, a further attribute of the Element Type
Time_Definition_Type needs to hold the single character value S.

Note: Currently, you can't do this using the application's user interface. Use the HCM Data Loader to do this. Here's a
sample HCM Data Loader file:



In the example:
• The name of the Earnings element to be updated is DOC_Earnings
• The name of the LDG holding the Earnings and Time definition is ZHRX-UK-Recognition
• The ID of the Time Definition is 300100181787813. You can get this ID from this SQL:
ptd.definition_name, ptd.time_definition_id time_definition_id, 'S' TimeDefinitionType
pay_time_definitions ptd,
per_legislative_data_groups_tl ldg
ptd.definition_name = 'DOC_Time_Definition'
AND ldg.legislative_data_group_id = ptd.legislative_data_group_id
and = 'ZHRX-UK-Recognition'
and ldg.language = 'US';

You can check whether the process populates the time definition in the Frequency field on the Element Summary
page in Element Details. You must assign balance dimensions to balances by linking _REL_BD_TDPTD to the balances
that the element allocation enabled fields feed.

Example of Element Allocation Formula

The logic for element allocation is written in the formula of type Payroll Run Proration. Here's a sample formula to
prorate the monthly earnings into weekly earnings.

default for prorate_start is '0001/01/01 00:00:00' (date)

1. inputs are prorate_start (date),
2. pay_value (number)
3. p1 = 0.10
4. p2 = 0.20
5. p3 = 0.30
6. p4 = 0.35
7. p5 = 0.05
8. l_pay_value = 0
9. wom = 1
10. wom = to_number(TO_CHAR(prorate_start,'W'))
12. temp = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('$# L_WOM : ' + to_char(wom))

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

14. IF wom = 1 THEN
15. ( l_pay_value = p1*pay_value)
16. ELSE IF wom = 2 THEN
17. ( l_pay_value = p2*pay_value)
18. ELSE IF wom = 3 THEN
19. ( l_pay_value = p3*pay_value)
20. ELSE IF wom = 4 THEN
21. ( l_pay_value = p4*pay_value)
22. ELSE
23. ( l_pay_value = p5*pay_value)
24. temp = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('$# PAY VALUE : ' + to_char(l_pay_value))
25. pay_value= l_pay_value
26. return pay_value

FAQs for Time

What happens if a time card is transferred after the payroll run starts?
The payroll run doesn't process the time card entries. Perform one of these actions to process these entries:

• For the current payroll period, perform one of the actions:

◦ Process the entries as an additional payroll run.

◦ Mark the process for retry.
◦ Submit QuickPay calculations to calculate and pay the time worked.

• For the next payroll period, process the entries as retroactive pay.

The application creates element entries for the adjusted entries, which are included as retroactive pay in the
next payroll run.

Related Topics
• Process Time Entries in Payroll

What happens if time is reported beyond an employment termination date?

To avoid releasing information about planned employment terminations, unannounced future dates get hidden and
ignored. People can report time beyond these dates, without any indication that they're ineligible for that time. And line
managers can view and approve these entries.

The Load Time Card Batches and Transfer Time Cards from Time and Labor processes reject these entries:

• Entries for elements beyond the termination date

• Entries for elements that are end-dated
• Entries where the element eligibility criteria no longer applies

Related Topics
• How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Can I correct a time entry in payroll?

You can't correct time card entries displayed within the calculation cards. You correct reported time in the time card
application and then transfer the time cards to payroll.

Related Topics
• What happens if a time card is transferred after the payroll run starts?

Balance Exceptions
Balance exceptions define the criteria you use to identify overpayments, underpayments, and trends. The variance may
also be a result of incorrect setup or adjustment.

Create a balance exception and the Balance Exception Report, and then run the Balance Exception Report. Run the
report to generate a report output that displays payroll balance results as per the defined exception criteria. This
information helps you detect the balance adjustments needed to correct payments or correct the balance setup.

Use the Balance Exceptions task to create a balance exception and consider these components when you create a
balance exception.

Comparison Types
When you're creating balance exceptions, select a comparison type. Comparison types define the period that you use to
determine whether an exception has occurred. For example, select Average in months as the comparison type and enter
3 in the Comparison Value field. In this scenario, the current month value is compared to the average of the previous
three months.

Some comparison values are preset and you can't change them:

• Current month, Current period, Current quarter, and Current year always have a comparison value of 0.
• Previous period and Previous month have a comparison value of 1.

This table lists each comparison type that you can select and explains how it operates as a basis of comparison.

Comparison Type How it Operates as a Basis of Comparison

Average in months Compares the current month to date balance with the average of previous months to date. Only
available if you have a Month to Date balance dimension for assignment or payroll relationship.

Current month Compares values to the total for the current month to date balance. Doesn't use any previous month as
a basis for comparison. Only available if you have a Month to Date balance dimension for assignment
or payroll relationship.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Comparison Type How it Operates as a Basis of Comparison

Current period Compares values to the total for the current period to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a basis
for comparison. Only available if you have a Period to Date balance dimension for assignment or
payroll relationship.

Current quarter Compares values to the total for the current quarter to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a basis
for comparison. Only available if you have a Quarter to Date balance dimension for assignment or
payroll relationship.

Current year Compares values to the total for the current year to date. Doesn't use any previous period as a basis
for comparison. Only available if you have a Year to Date balance dimension for assignment or payroll

Previous month Uses the previous month as a basis of comparison. Only available if you have a Month to Date balance
dimension for assignment or payroll relationship.

Previous period Uses the previous period as a basis of comparison. Only available if you have a Period to Date balance
dimension for assignment or payroll relationship.

Note: Comparison Value field is shown for Average in Months. It is hidden for other comparison types.

If you select a Comparison Type of Average in months, you must enter a Comparison Value to determine the number of
months that are averaged for the comparison.

Variance Operators
Variance operators enable you to specify the precise range of variance that you want to report on.

For example, you want to determine the monthly car allowance paid to employees in excess of 600 more than the
previous month for the same payroll relationship. You can setup a balance exception for this example using these

• Comparison type is previous month

• Balance name is monthly car allowance
• Dimension name is relationship month to date
• Previous month amount is 500
• Variance value is 100

This table describes the effect of using each of the variance operators for balance exception reporting. The Results
column indicates the effect of selecting each variance operator.

Variance Operator Balance Exception Report Output Results (based on sample data)

Variance, plus or minus All relationships whose balance value either Returns all relationships with a value less than
exceeds or are less than the previous month or equal to 400 and greater than or equal to

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Variance Operator Balance Exception Report Output Results (based on sample data)

Note: amount by the amount or percentage stated in

This operator applies only for comparison the variance value.
types of 'Previous', like Previous Months
or Previous Period, as well as 'Average in

Less than All relationships that are less than the previous Returns all relationships with a value of less
month amount by the amount or percentage than 400.
stated in the variance value.

Less than or equal All relationships with a current value either Returns all relationships with a value of 400 or
equal to or less than the previous month less.
amount by the amount or percentage stated in
the variance value.

Equal All values that are exactly equal to the higher Returns all relationships with a current value
limit or the lower limit of the variance value. equal to 400 or 600.

Greater than All relationships that are greater than the Returns all relationships with a value of more
previous month amount by the amount or than 600.
percentage stated in the variance value.

Greater than or equal All relationships with a current value either Returns all relationships with a value of 600 or
equal to or greater than the previous month more.
amount by the amount or percentage stated in
the variance value.

Does not equal All relationships with a current value not equal Returns all relationships with a value other than
to the previous month amount. 500.

Select a Balance Type and Balance Dimension that specifies the balance value that's evaluated for the exception. You
can only select balance dimensions that are compatible with the Comparison Type you specified. For example, if the
Comparison Type is Current Period, you can only select balance dimensions of type 'Period to Date'.

Severity Level
Severity Level controls the order in which the exceptions are displayed in the balance exception report. Balance
exceptions with the higher severity are displayed first (1 being the highest).

Using Formula Variance Type

You can write a fast formula using the Balance Exception formula type to return a variance value that you can use
for identifying exceptions for a balance. To use this feature, select the Formula variance type on the Create Balance
Exception page and then select the formula that you created from the Formula Name field.

Using Balance Variance Type

To reference two balances in the balance exception equation, select the Balance variance type on the Create Balance
Exception page and then select the Target Balance Name and Target Dimension Name. This is applicable only when
the Comparison Type is of type Current Month, Period, Quarter, or Year. The context values for Target Dimension

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Name are inherited from the Dimension Name you select on the left-hand side of the Create Balance Exception page
as the first dimension. No additional contexts are set for Target Dimension Name.

Examples of Balance Exceptions

Here are two examples to illustrate two different types of balance exceptions that you may want to include in your
balance exception report.

Track Increases in Commissions

Your company plans to train incoming sales staff on productivity techniques. To identify exceptional sales staff in the
organization, you can run a report that lists workers whose commissions increased by 25 percent compared to their
averages for the previous 3 months. You can set up a balance exception using the values in this table.

Field Values

Balance Exception Name Commission Increases Over 25 Percent

Comparison Type Average in Months

Comparison Value 3

Balance Name Commissions

Dimension Name Relationship Month to Date

Variance Type Percent

Variance Operator Greater than

Variance Value 25

Severity Level 3

Enter a lower value for a high priority exception.

Track Gross Earnings

Before you certify the current payroll run, as a payroll manager, you may want to know if the current gross payments are
in line with the previous payroll run. The previous run verified the established levels of earnings that the company wants
to maintain for the remainder of the quarter. This table provides an example of the values you enter to set up a balance

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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exception to find out if the current gross earnings exceeds the gross earnings of the previous period by more than 10

Field Values

Balance Exception Name Gross Earnings

Comparison Type Previous period

Comparison Value 1

Balance Name Gross Earnings

Dimension Name Relationship Period to Date

Variance Type Percent

Variance Operator Greater than

Variance Value 10

Severity Level 1

Enter a lower value for a high priority exception.

Severity Level for Balance Exceptions

Severity Level controls the order in which the exceptions are displayed in the balance exception report.

While defining a balance exception, enter a severity level to specify the priority of the exception. An exception with a
lower severity level has a higher priority than one with a higher severity level value.

When you run the Balance Exception Report, you can act on the exception based on its severity level. Let's say, you have
these two exceptions:

• Net Pay less than 100

• The difference in Base Salary from previous period to current period is 1000
Ideally, you should enter a lower value for the first exception, so that when you run the Balance Exception Report, the
payroll user can first look into reconciling the lower Net Pay exception.

Note: The value you enter has no impact on the balance exception calculation.

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Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• Examples of Balance Exceptions
• Severity Level for Balance Exceptions
• Balance Exceptions
• How to Create a Balance Exception Report
• Balance Exception Formula Type

Balance Exception Formula Type

Use the Balance Exception formula type to create formulas to return reference values for comparison in Balance
Exception report.

On the Create Balance Exception page, enter Formula in the Variance Type field, and then enter the name of the
formula that you create using this formula type in the Formula Name field.

These contexts are available to all formulas of this type:

• AREA_1
• AREA_2
• AREA_3
• AREA_4
• AREA_5
• AREA_6
You can reference any database item in the fast formula that uses any of the listed contexts.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

You can’t use input variables for this formula type. This formula is run by the balance exception report for each person
record. It returns the reference value for that employee for comparison with the balance value that’s configured in the
respective balance exception.

These return values are available to formulas of this type:

Return Value Data Type Required Description

REFERENCE_VALUE Text Y Returns a reference value for

comparing in the balance
exception report.

REFERENCE_INFO Text Y Returns the text that’s displayed in

the Reference field in the balance
exception report.

This formula returns 100 as a static value when the balance exception report it’s associated with is run.
FORMULA TYPE: Balance Exception
DESCRIPTION: This is a sample formula that returns a static value.
Formula Results:
reference_value - Reference Value for comparison in the Balance Exception Report.
reference_info - Reference Value for reporting in the Balance Exception Report.
reference_value = 100
reference_info = 'Ref Info'
/* End Formula Text */

This formula multiplies the year-to-date gross earnings by 75 percent and returns the value when the balance exception
report it’s associated with is run.
FORMULA TYPE: Balance Exception
DESCRIPTION: This sample formula returns a Balance Value Formula
reference_value - Reference Value for comparison in the Balance Exception Report.
reference_info - Reference Value for reporting in the Balance Exception Report.
reference_value = 0.75* ytd_value
reference_info = 'Ref Info'
/* End Formula Text */

Related Topics
• Balance Exceptions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Adjust Individual Balances

Overview of Balance Adjustments
Perform balance adjustments when you complete any or all of these tasks and you want to correct the processed
balance values:

• Correct balances you loaded using the Load Initial Balance task with these incorrect values:

◦ Tax balance dimensions

◦ Tax jurisdiction
◦ Overstated or understated tax limits
◦ Omissions or unwanted balance initialization

• Zero out arrears you have manually recovered or written off the dues from terminated employees after
processing their final pay.
• Load balances for payroll payments administered by a third-party, such as:
◦ Sick Pay
◦ Stock Options
◦ Relocation Expenses

Though a third-party is calculating these payments, you must report the earnings and taxes withheld.
Therefore, you must import the details using balance adjustments.

Note: You don't have to complete this task if you choose to process these earnings in the payroll run.

• It’s recommended that you use retroactive pay to process retroactive changes. However, not all elements
support retroactive payroll processing and hence you may have to use balance adjustments. For example, Tax
Deductions are not enabled for retroactive pay.
Here are the methods that you can use to adjust balances for a person. The option you use depends on the corrections

Adjustment Method When to use this method

Adjust Individual Balances • Adjust existing balances for elements processed in a payroll run.

Choose an element, a worker and a date, • Create balance results for elements not processed in a payroll run.
and then enter the input and context
values for the run result.

Adjust Balance action on the Balance Adjust balances for elements you have already processed in a payroll run.
Results section in the Person Process
Results page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Adjustment Method When to use this method

All the values of element name, context

values, date, and so on, are inherited from
the balance results screen.

Before adjusting the balances, use the Person Process Results task to view the balance results of the specific employee,
and review and document these details:

• Employee
• The effective date of adjustment
• Balance before your adjustment with relevant contexts
• Adjustment amount
• Expected balance after adjustment
• Costing overrides on the element entries, if any

Adjust Balance Action

Use the Adjust Balance action on the Balance Results page when you need to adjust element entries that:
• Are already associated with a person
• Have contexts that don't require updates

To adjust a balance:
1. Search by balance group or balance name.
2. Select the appropriate balance value in Balance Results.
3. Use the Adjust Balance action and select an element.
4. Enter the adjustment value.

Verify Adjustments
After making the adjustments, verify that the Payroll Process Results task indicates the correct adjusted values.

If you have set the adjustment to be refunded in the employee's payment, the payment amount includes the adjusted

You can verify the amount in the employee's payment once a prepayment process runs for an effective date that
includes the date the adjustment was made.

Roll Back Balance Adjustments

If you need to correct or remove a balance adjustment, you must roll back the adjustments on the Person Process
Results or Payroll Process Results page.

Related Topics
• How to Make Balance Adjustments for Incorrect State Tax Jurisdiction
• Example of Loading Balance Adjustments
• Calculate Cost Distributions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

FAQs for Adjust Individual Balances

How can I backdate a balance adjustment?
When adjusting a balance on the Adjust Individual Balances page, you can specify the effective date.

For example, you might enter the process date of the payroll run or enter the end date of the last period, such as the
month, quarter, or year. When performing an adjustment from the View Person Process Results page, you can't change
the date, because you're adjusting the balance result of the current payroll run.

Can I update a balance adjustment?

No, but you can roll back a balance adjustment or process a new balance adjustment.

Rates Used to Calculate Absences in Payroll
You can specify a rate for use in calculating an absence in an absence plan or an absence element.

When processing absence entries in a payroll run, the formula associated with the absence element uses the Rate
Converter global formula to convert rates. The formula checks for a rate in this sequence.
1. Absence plan
2. Absence element
3. Compensation salary element

Absence Plan
In Oracle Fusion Absence Management, you can select a rate rule on the Entries and Balances tab of the Create
Absence Plan page. The rate rule calculates the units passed to payroll when you record an absence. You can select rate
rules for the absence payment, final disbursement, discretionary disbursement, and liability balance calculation.

For third-party absence providers, the application transfers the rate information and override rates in the HCM Data
Loader file attached to the Load Absence Batch process.

Absence Element
If you don't specify rates in the absence plan, you can specify a rate when you create the absence elements. The type
of absence information determines the rates you can select. For example, for plans where you transfer accrual balances
and absences, you can select different rates for these calculations.

• Absence payments
• Discretionary disbursement
• Final disbursement
• Liability balance rate

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

As best practice, specify a rate in either the plan or the element. If you specify in both, ensure the rate for the element is
same as the rate you selected in the corresponding plan.

Compensation Salary Element

If the formula doesn't find a rate specified in the plan or the element, it uses the compensation salary element.

When you associate a payroll element to a salary basis, you specify an input value that holds the base pay on a worker's
element entry. The monetary amount or rate recorded in the element entry is the salary value in the worker's salary
information held on the assignment. If you specify a rate, the formula uses this rate if it doesn't find one defined in the
absence plan or absence element.

Related Topics
• Define Payroll Elements to Process Absences

Importing Absence Entries to Payroll: Procedure

You can import worker absences from Oracle Fusion Absence Management or another absence application to Oracle
Fusion Global Payroll to process absence payments.

When you set up an absence plan, you associate an absence element to transfer the absence information to a person's
calculation card. Processing absence information for payroll includes the following aspects.

• Importing absence entries

• Processing absence entries
• Validating absence results
• Correcting absence results

Importing Absence Entries from Absence Management

Recording an absence in Absence Management transfers a summary record and a daily breakdown for each day the
person is absent to the person's calculation card. The summary record contains information such as the start and end
date of the absence, the absence rate, the units. The daily breakdown shows the absence date and any factor to be
applied, such as a percentage to use when calculating the absence payment.

Importing Absence Entries from a Third-Party

For third-party absence applications, you can load absence records using HCM Data Loader.

The View Person Process Results page lists the absence IDs included in the batch of transferred absences. View the
absence entries for each person included in the batch using the Calculation Cards task in My Client Groups.

Processing Absence Entries

Transferring the absence information to a calculation card creates an element entry for the element associated to the
absence plan. The payroll run processes this entry using the formula attached to the element and values from the
calculation card. The resulting values are then passed back to the element entry and stored as run results and balances.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Validating Absence Results

You can verify the results of absences after calculating run results by using payroll reports or the statement of earnings.
After archiving payment results, validate absence information on the Payroll Register Report or the person's payslip.

Review absence results on the following payroll reports:

• Element Result Report

• Gross-to-Net Report
• Payroll Activity Report
• Payroll Balance Report
• Payroll Register Report

Use the View Person Process Results task in the Payroll Calculation work area or click the person's record on the Person
Process Results page of the payroll calculation flow to go to the person's statement of earnings. The following table lists
the absence information displayed on the statement of earnings.

Statement of Earnings Sections Information Displayed

Absences Accrual tab in the Quick Accrual balances for accrual days and accrual hours
Reference Summary

Absences • Total for the entitlement, discretionary disbursement, final disbursement payment
• Absence deductions made for that period

Use the View Payslip task to view the person's absence information in the Person Management work area. The following
table lists the absence information displayed on the payslip.

Payslip Sections Information Displayed

Summary Total amount for the following balances: entitlement payment, entitlement deduction, final
disbursement payment, and discretionary disbursement payment

Absence Payment balances that contribute to the total absence balance shown in the Summary region

Subregions display hours and rate, and days and rate details for these balances

Absence Accrual Balances for accrual days and accrual hours

For accrual liabilities, the Employer Charges section of the Statement of Earnings page and payslip display the
difference for liability balance since the last payroll.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Correcting Absence Results

You can continue to transfer updated absence entries to a person's calculation card until the payroll calculation starts.
Any further updates are then processed as retroactive absences entries in the following payroll run.

Related Topics
• Integrate Absence Management with Global Payroll
• Define Payroll Elements to Process Absences
• Example for Loading Absence Records

Calculation Cards
Personal Calculation Cards for the UK: How Their Entries Fit
Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship. Payroll runs use this
information to calculate earnings and deductions. Actions such as hiring a person or loading data may create some
cards automatically. Otherwise, you can create the card manually.

You can also add components to cards and enter calculation values, which may override default values. Additionally, you
can associate the card with a tax reporting unit. To view and manage calculation cards, use the Calculation Cards task in

Types of Calculation Cards

The types of calculation cards you can create and the type of information captured on a card vary. These cards include:

• Statutory deductions
• Involuntary deductions
• Time card entries
• Absences
• Benefits and pensions

Additional cards may be available to capture information for reporting purposes.

Here are the types of cards and a brief description of each one.

Card Name Description

Absences Identifies absence data and categories, such as:

• Vacation
• Maternity
• Sickness

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Card Name Description

• Other
Also used to track accrual balances, qualifications, or no entitlement.

Voluntary Deductions Includes Pensions Automatic Enrolment card, and Benefits and Pensions card:

• Pension deductions and contribution amounts

• Pension assessments
• Automatic enrolment and re-enrolment, and ,manual enrolment
• Opting in and opting out of pension schemes
• Additional contributions

Statutory Deductions Identifies tax and NI payroll deductions, NI category, pay as you earn (PAYE) and other related earnings

One Statutory Deductions calculation card is created for each employee and for each TRU that the
employee is assigned. For example, if an employee reports to two distinct TRUs, then two Statutory
Deductions Calculation cards are required, one for each TRU.

Involuntary Deductions: Includes Court Orders and Student Loans card

Identifies involuntary deductions such as court orders, student loans, and postgraduate loans.

Each card can support multiple deduction types and configurations. One card per payroll relationship.

Reporting Information Stores record of employment information required for year-end reporting.

Time Depending on how they're configured, time cards capture:

• Hours and dates worked

• Categories of time, such as regular time, overtime, absence, vacation, and holiday

Organization Organization configuration cards at the following levels:

• Legal Entity Calculation Card at the payroll statutory unit (PSU) level
• Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Card at the TRU level

Card Creation
The application automatically creates one or more statutory deduction calculation card and the pensions card when you
hire a new employee.

For other card types, you create calculation cards as needed for each employee. If you load absence, time card, or
pension data from another application, the application automatically creates the calculation cards.

Calculation Components and Details

Each component relates to an element, such as an income tax deduction. Adding a calculation component to the card
creates an entry for the related element. A calculation component may have one or more references that define its
context, such as the employee's place of residence or tax filing status.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

For example, National Insurance and Pay As You Earn are the components in the Statutory Deductions calculation card.
Use the individual component sections to enter additional values used to calculate the component.

Enterable Calculation Values

When you select a calculation component, you may see the details under that component. Here you can enter specific
rates or other values for the person, which may override default values held on a calculation value definition. For
example, if an employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate, you enter the rate on their personal calculation card.

You can't override values loaded from another application, but you may be able to add values, such as adding additional
contributions to a pension deduction.

Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Click Assignments to associate a tax reporting unit with the card. The association to the assignments determine:

• Which rates and rules held at the tax reporting unit level apply to the calculation of the components
• How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Rules about what you can enter here may vary depending on the type of calculation card:

• Typically, all components on a calculation card are associated with the same tax reporting unit, by default.
• You may be able to associate individual components with different tax reporting units.
• If a person has multiple assignments, you may be able to associate specific assignments with calculation

Calculation Cards for Deductions at Different Levels for the UK

You can create and manage calculation cards at several different levels, from an individual person to a payroll statutory
unit. At the payroll relationship level, there is a predefined Statutory Deductions calculation card.

Use the cards to record information specific to a person or organization. Calculation card entries override default values
defined at

other levels.

Here's the priority of information, from the highest to the lowest:

1. Personal calculation card (payroll relationship level)

2. Tax reporting unit calculation card
3. Payroll statutory unit calculation card
4. Calculation value definitions (legislative data group level)

Personal Calculation Card

An employee contributes to more than one NI category. You can setup additional NI categories in the NI component in
the Statutory Deductions calculation card.

Task: Calculation Cards in Payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Tax Reporting Unit Calculation Card

An employee won't be enrolled or re-enrolled to a qualifying pension scheme if tax protection is applied. Select No in
the Automatic Enrolment if Tax Protection Applied field in the Pensions Automatic Enrollment calculation card,.

Task: Legal Entity Calculation Cards in Setup and Maintenance

Payroll Statutory Unit Calculation Card

You don't want to generate pension notification letters for all employees in a payroll statutory unit (PSU). Select the
check box Disable pension letters in the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card. You can select this option
only in a PSU-level calculation card.

Task: Legal Entity Calculation Cards in Setup and Maintenance.

Calculation Value Definitions

Scenario: You can view the predefined income tax rates, but you can't edit them.

Task: Calculation Value Definitions in Payroll

If an employer qualifies for a special tax rate, enter these values on a calculation card at the appropriate level.

Automatic Calculation Card Creation for the UK

The New Hire process automatically creates a Statutory Deductions calculation card and a Pensions Automatic
Enrolment calculation card for each new employee. The value of your country setting on the Features by Countries or
Territories page is either Payroll or Payroll Interface.

Use the Personal Calculations task in the Payroll Calculation work area to view and update the card as needed.

This topic explains these aspects of automatic calculation card creation:

• Default values for calculation components and component details
• Default association and association details
• Automatically created element entries

Note: Automatic calculation card creation occurs only when you hire an employee, not a pending worker or
nonworker. Converting a pending worker to an employee creates the calculation cards at that time.

Statutory Deductions Card Components

The automatically created card contains these components and component details:

• One Pay As You Earn record with the effective start and end dates. Depending on the year and tax reporting
unit, the default values may change. Here are some examples of the values on the Basic Info section:

Basic Info Example

HMRC Payroll ID System-generated PAYE component ID

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Basic Info Example

Tax Code 750L

Tax Basis Cumulative

Previous Taxable Pay on P11 750

Previous Tax Paid on P11 110

Authority P45

Authority Date Date

Last Update Process date Date

Issue Date Date

The other sections under the PAYE Details included are:

◦ Reporting Data: Includes details such as number of periods covered, date of leaving as reported to
HMRC, and late PAYE reporting reason.
◦ P45: Includes P45 action and date when P45 was issued manually, if applicable.
◦ Filing status: Includes various filing details such as date of leaving as reported to HMRC, P45 filing date,
and previous HMRC Payroll ID.
◦ Assignments: Includes details of which assignments are associated with this PAYE component with the
assignment number.
• One NI component, with the effective start and end dates with these reference values:

Component Detail Default Value

NI Category A

Pension Basis Not contracted out

You can modify the default values as needed on the employee's card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Note: You can specify the default values to use for a specific tax reporting unit (TRU) or payroll statutory unit (PSU).
Use the Legal Entity Calculation Cards task to set PSU-level default values. Use the Legal Reporting Unit Calculation
Cards task to set TRU-level default values.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Calculation Card Default Values

The automatically created pensions calculation card contains one component, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment
component. This component contains a Pensions Automatic Enrolment component details record. Only one field
contains a predefined default value:

Field Default Value

Employee Classification for Pensions Not Yet Assessed

Statutory Deductions Card Default Associations

If you specify a TRU in the Payroll Details section on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page, the new hire
process creates:

• An association to that TRU on the Statutory Deductions calculation card automatically.

• Association details, linking the PAYE and NI components to the new hire's assignment.

If you don't specify a TRU during the new hire process:

• You must add a TRU association to the Statutory Deductions card manually and create association details for
the PAYE and NI components.
• You can't calculate or process payroll deductions for the employee until you provide this information.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card Default Associations

If you specify a TRU in the Payroll Details section on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page, the new hire

• Doesn't create associations linking specific assignments to the pensions automatic enrolment component.
By default, all earnings for all assignments for the payroll relationship are considered during the pensions
automatic enrolment assessment.
• You can create associations manually later. You can also create additional pensions automatic enrolment
components on the card, and associate specific earnings groups to your pension components, as needed.

Note: If you add the pension components to an existing pensions calculation card, you must associate
the component with a tax reporting unit. You must also create association details for both the new and the
original pension components, linking each with the appropriate assignments.

If you don't specify a TRU during the new hire process, note these aspects:

• If your organization has only one TRU, you don't need to create a TRU association on the Pensions Automatic
Enrolment card manually; the pensions automatic enrolment assessment process obtains the necessary default
values from the PSU-level pensions automatic enrolment card or, if it exists, the TRU-level card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• If your organization has multiple TRUs, you must associate a TRU to the pension component manually.

Automatically Created Element Entries

The new hire process creates element entries automatically for these elements, provided that you have defined element
eligibility and the employee meets the eligibility criteria:

• Tax and NI element

• Pensions Automatic Enrolment element

Related Topics

Statutory Deduction Components and Component Groups for the

Although you can't modify predefined statutory deduction components, it's useful to understand the role they play
in payroll deduction calculations. You can view details of these components in Payroll using the Payroll Calculation
Information task in Payroll.

There are two predefined statutory deduction component groups for the UK: National Insurance and Taxes.

• The National Insurance group contains a single component: NI.

• The Taxes group also contains only one component: PAYE.

NI Component
Here are some key aspects of the NI component:

• This component defines a set of calculation factors used to derive the correct employee and employer national
insurance contribution (NIC) amounts. Since NI rates vary based on the employee's NI category, NI category is
defined as a reference value for these calculation factors. Each calculation factor identifies the calculation value
definition that holds the rates for a particular category.
• The Statutory Deduction calculation card captures the NI category and pension basis to use as inputs when
calculating the NI contribution.
• This component relates to the Tax and NI payroll element, which actually drives the calculation of the NI
contribution. During a payroll run, the element's processing rule retrieves input values from the calculation card
and rates stored in calculation value definitions. The Tax and NI element generates autoindirect elements, each
with its own processing rule, to calculate various components of the NI deduction, such as the employer and
employee contribution amounts and any arrears.

PAYE Component
Here are some key aspects of the PAYE component:

• This component defines a set of calculation factors used to derive the correct income tax deduction amount.
Since Pay As You Earn (PAYE) rates vary based on the employee's tax code, tax code is defined as a reference
value for these calculation factors. Each calculation factor identifies a calculation value definition that holds the
rates for a particular tax code value.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Statutory Deduction calculation cards capture employee-specific information, including the HMRC payroll ID,
tax code, tax basis, and other information required by HMRC.
• This component relates to the PAYE payroll element, which actually drives the calculation of PAYE. During a
payroll run, the element's processing rule retrieves input values from the calculation card and rates stored in
calculation value definitions.

How the Statutory Deductions Calculation Card Components Work

Together for the UK
A Statutory Deductions calculation card comprises National Insurance and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) calculation
components, and associations. Together, these components define how to calculate, process, and report taxes and
national insurance deductions.

Use the Calculation Cards task under Personal Information in the Payroll work area to view the employee's calculation
card and update it as needed.

The number of components and the types of component details may vary by employee. For example:
• If an employee has multiple assignments and uses different national insurance (NI) categories for each
assignment, you can create multiple NI components, one for each assignment.
• If an employee has multiple assignments with different tax codes, you can create a PAYE component for each

Note: Each PAYE and NI component must be associated with one or more assignments. There may be more than one
PAYE card component, and more than one NI Category. Ensure each assignment (and therefore all its earnings) are
associated to both (one PAYE component, and one NI category) as at an one effective date.

Tax Reporting Unit Association and Association Details

A Statutory Deductions calculation card must be associated with a tax reporting unit (TRU). This association enables
the payroll process to apply rules and rates defined for the TRU when calculating deductions. It also controls the
aggregation of deductions for tax reporting.

Pay As You Earn

The Pay As You earn section is mainly for tax calculation and a record is automatically created when the card is created.
Use it to enter tax calculation values, such as tax code and tax basis. Each PAYE component can have only one Pay As
You Earn component detail record.

You can create additional component details as required to provide previous employment details, new starter
declarations, and pensioner notifications. Here are the sections under Pay As You Earn:

• Basic Info: Includes HMRC Payroll ID, Tax Code, Tax Basis, and additional details such as authority, previous
employment details, reason to withhold tax
• Reporting Data: Includes details such as number of periods covered, date of leaving as reported to HMRC, and
late PAYE reporting reason.
• P45: Includes P45 action and date when P45 was issued manually, if applicable.
• Filing status: Includes various filing details such as date of leaving as reported to HMRC, P45 filing date, and
previous HMRC Payroll ID.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Assignments: Includes details of which assignments are associated with this PAYE component with the
assignment number.

National Insurance
The automatic calculation card creation process creates this component along with the card. However, you may have
edit the component to modify the default NI category and pension basis. The NI categories and pension bases you can
select are restricted by statutory rules.

NI Details and Additional Info

The application also automatically creates the NI details record. Use it to enter NI processing information for special
circumstances. For example:

• If an employee is a Director who receives annual payments in addition to regular salary, you define how to
handle those payments here.
• If you're making multiple or irregular payments for an employee, you can define how to calculate NI on the
special payments.

When loading historic data, if the NI Category is such that a Scheme Contracted Out Number (SCON) is required, then
the SCON should be loaded into the record with date effectively, for the whole tax year.

Record which assignments are associated with this NI category and add all the associations in the Assignments section.

Create a Statutory Deductions Calculation Card Manually for the

Typically, calculation cards are created automatically as part of the new hire process. However, you may need to create a
card manually in certain scenarios.

For example, an employee takes on an additional assignment with a different tax reporting unit (TRU) or an employee
transfers from one TRU or Pay As You Earn (PAYE) scheme to another. Here's an example of how to create a Statutory
Deductions calculation card for a new employee.

Here's a summary of key decisions for this scenario:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Does the employee have multiple Yes. The employee has two assignments.

Do both assignments have the same The NI categories for the assignments are different, but both are associated with the same PAYE
national insurance (NI) and PAYE component.

What TRU reporting for this card? InFusion TRU1.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Before You Start

Complete these tasks before you create a statutory deductions card manually.

1. Complete the new hire process for the employee.

2. Ensure that the employee has a payroll relationship with two assignments and each is assigned to a payroll.

Create the Calculation Card

1. Select Calculation Cards from the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area.
2. On the Person Search page, complete the fields, as shown in this table:

Field Value

Name Jones, Donna

Legislative Data Group UK LDG

Process Date Current date

3. Click Search to display a list of matching payroll relationships.

4. Click the row for Donna Jones.

Note: A person can have multiple payroll relationships. In this example, only one payroll relationship exists
for the person.

5. Click Create.
6. On the Create Calculation Card window, select Statutory Deductions in the Name field and click Continue.

Create National Insurance Components

1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, select National Insurance.

Note: One NI component and one Aggregation Information component were created automatically when
you created the card. This employee requires no special processing, so you must not enter any information
for the Aggregation Information component. However, you must assign a NI category and pension basis to
the NI component.

2. In the Calculation Components section, select the NI component.

3. Select Edit and Correct.
4. Complete the fields on the Correct Calculation Component window as shown here.

Field Value

NI Category D

Pension Basis Contracted Out

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

5. Click OK.
6. In the Calculation Component section, click Create to create the second NI component.
7. In the Calculation Component field, select NI.
8. Complete the fields on the Create Calculation Component window as shown here.

Field Value

Parent Calculation Component Aggregation Information

NI Category A

Pension Basis Not Contracted Out

9. Click OK.

Create PAYE Components

A PAYE component was created automatically when you created the card, but you must provide the component details.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, select Taxes.

2. In the Calculation Components section, select the PAYE component.
3. On the Calculation Component Details tab, expand the Pay As You Earn section and complete the fields as
shown here.

Field Value

Tax Code 474L

Tax Basis Cumulative

Entry Type Manual

4. Complete other optional fields as appropriate for the employee.

Create the New Starter Details

To add starter notification details, you must create a new component detail record for the PAYE component.

1. On the PAYE Calculation Component Details tab, click Create.

2. Select New Starter Declaration in the Calculation Component Details field, and click OK.
3. On the Calculation Component Details tab, expand the New Starter Declaration section, and complete the fields
as shown here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Statement Select the statement that fits this employee's employment from the statement A, B, or C.

Student loan deductions to continue Select this option if student loan deductions will be made for this employee.

Not paid before tax year end Select this option if the new employee won't receive any pay before the end of the current tax

Filed with HMRC Select this option if a new starter declaration has already been submitted to HMRC for this
employee. Otherwise, leave this blank so the new starter details will be included in the next Full
Payment Summary submission to HMRC.

Create a Tax Reporting Unit Association

You must associate the card with a TRU.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, click Associations.

2. Click Create in the Associations section.
3. On the Create Association window, select InFusion TRU1 in the Tax Reporting Unit field.

Note: The Unique ID field is used only used by the Employer Alignment Submission process.

4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.

Note: You must save the association before you can create association details.

Create Associations Details

You must associate calculation components with assignments. In this example, both assignments are associated with a
single PAYE component, but each is associated with a different NI component.

1. In the Association Details section, click Create.

2. On the Create Association Details window, complete the fields as shown here.

Field Value

Assignment Number A1200988

Calculation Component Select the first PAYE component.

3. In the Association Details section, click Create.

4. On the Create Association Details window, complete the fields as shown here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Assignment Number A1400456

Calculation Component Select the second PAYE component.

5. Click OK.
6. In the Association Details section, click Create.
7. On the Create Association Details window, complete the fields as shown here.

Field Value

Assignment Number A1200988

Calculation Component NI - D; Contracted Out

8. In the Association Details section, click Create.

9. On the Create Association Details window, complete the fields as shown here.

Field Value

Assignment A1400456

Calculation Component NI - A; Not Contracted Out

10. Click OK.

11. Click Save and Close.

Examples to Create Statutory Deductions Calculation Cards

Manually for the UK
The new hire process automatically creates a Statutory Deductions calculation card for new employees, if your country
extension is set to either Payroll or Payroll Interface.

However, you may need to create calculation cards manually in these scenarios:

• An employee takes on an additional assignment with a different tax reporting unit (TRU) than the one
associated with their main assignment.
• A company upgrades their product usage from HR only to Payroll, and existing employees don't have Statutory
Deductions calculation cards.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• A company transfers some or all of its employees from one TRU or Pay As You Earn (PAYE) scheme to another
TRU or PAYE scheme.
In all examples, use the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Calculation work area to create the card.

Additional Assignment for a Different TRU

If an employee with an existing assignment and associated calculation card takes on an additional assignment that
reports to a different TRU, you must create a new calculation card. On the new card, add NI and PAYE components and
component details, as appropriate for the employee. Associate the Aggregation Information component with the new
TRU and associate the PAYE and NI components with the new assignment. Note that the employee will receive two
different payslips, one for each assignment.

Upgrade to Payroll
In this scenario, you would need to create a new calculation card for each employee or load the data using a batch
upload process.

Transfer of Employees to New TRU

If your company is transferring all or some employees to a new TRU and PAYE scheme, follow these general steps:

1. Create the new TRU and provide the new PAYE Reference for the TRU registration.
2. On the existing calculation cards, set the end date for all association details and then do the same for the TRU
3. For each transferring employee, create a new calculation card. Add NI and PAYE components and component
details, as appropriate for the employee. Define an association to the new TRU and association details for the
PAYE and NI components.

Note: Only one HMRC registration can be active at any given time. If you need to change the PAYE Reference on an
existing TRU registration, you can do this at the start of a new tax year by ending the old registration at the end of the
previous year and creating a new registration for the new tax year. You can't do this in the middle of a tax year.

Define Associations for Statutory Deductions Calculation Card for

the UK
When defining association information on a Statutory Deductions calculation card, you must consider the rules for
defining TRU associations and association details.

Use the Calculation Cards task from the Payroll work area to define association information.

Rules to Define TRU Associations

Associating a TRU with a Statutory Deductions calculation card enables the payroll process to apply rules and rates
defined for the TRU when calculating deductions. It can also control the aggregation of deductions for tax reporting. If
a TRU is specified during the new hire process, an association to that TRU is added to the card automatically. Otherwise,
you must create a TRU association manually. These rules apply to TRU associations:

• You can associate only one TRU with a Statutory Deductions calculation card.
• The TRU must be registered with HMRC.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• You can't change the TRU for a Statutory Deductions calculation card once it has been used with a balance
adjustment, advance pay, payroll run, or QuickPay payroll action.

Rules to Define Association Details

Each PAYE and NI component must be associated with a specific assignment record. These are called association
details. If a TRU is selected during the new hire process, association details for the PAYE and NI components are created
automatically. Otherwise, you must create association details for these components.

These rules apply when creating association details for Statutory Deductions calculation cards:

• You can create association details for PAYE and NI components only.
• You can associate a PAYE or NI component with more than one assignment.
• An assignment record can be associated with only one PAYE and one NI component on any date.
• You can't associate the same assignment record with PAYE and NI components on different calculation cards.
• You can't create association details for a PAYE component once a P45 has been issued against the PAYE

These rules apply when editing and deleting association details for Statutory Deductions calculation cards:

• You can't edit or delete an association details record if any balance adjustment, advance pay, payroll run, or
quick pay payroll actions have been performed against it during its effective period.
• You can't update an association details record; you can only correct it.
• You can't set the end date for an associations detail record to be earlier than the last date the assignment was

Create PAYE Component Details for the UK

The PAYE component details capture information used to calculate deductions and report PAYE-related information to
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). You create PAYE component details on the Person Details page (Calculation Cards

These sections identify the types of PAYE component details you can create and describe when you should create

each type.

Pay As You Earn Component Details

The application creates this detail record when the Statutory Deductions calculation card is created. It captures
information used to calculate deductions and report on payments. Most fields are self-explanatory. This table provides
help for some key fields:

Field Value

P45 Action Indicates when to issue a P45. See Related Topics for more information.

Number of Periods Covered Defaults to 1, indicating the employee is paid at regular intervals, such as weekly or multiples of weeks.
If employee is paid in advance or arrears for multiple periods, enter the number of periods.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

If you set this to any value other than 1, the Full Payment Submission (FPS) process resets it back to 1
when it updates the employee record (after prepayments have been run).

Number of Hours Worked Select the number of hours the employee normally works in a week. For occupational pensioners,
select Other.

Report NI YTD values Indicates whether aggregated NI year-to-date values for all PAYE components on the card should be
reported against this PAYE component in the FPS. This option must be selected on one and only one
PAYE component at any time. Otherwise, the payroll run and the FPS process will fail.

Irregular Employment Payment Select if the employee isn't paid on a regular basis, is on maternity or extended sick leave, or won't be
paid for 3 months or more.

One-Off Payment Select for one-off payments to employees whose date of leaving was included in a previous Full
Payment Summary submission.

Payment to a Non-Individual Select for payments to a body such as a Personal Representative, Trustee or Body Corporate.

Unpaid Absence Select if the employee's pay in this pay period has been reduced due to an unpaid absence.

On Strike Select if the employee's pay in this pay period has been reduced due to being on strike.

Previous HMRC Payroll ID Indicates whether the change in the ID has been reported to HMRC.

Employment filed with HMRC Indicates whether the FPS process has reported the start of this employment to HMRC.

These rules apply when creating PAYE component details:

New Starter Declaration Component Details

If you have selected the option Enable automatic PAYE tax code updates in the organization Statutory Deductions
calculation card, the tax code is updated according to the tax year legislative rules. The application triggers this when
the employee submits the New starter Declaration form

The updates performed also depend on additional data:

• If no P45 is provided, update to tax code and tax basis is performed.

• If a P45 is provided, no update to tax code is performed, and tax basis is done as the P45 takes precedence.

Create this component detail record to capture new starter information. This table describes some key fields:

Field Value

Statement Select the new starter declaration statement.

Do you have a student or postgraduate Select the appropriate response.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Repaying student or postgraduate loan Select the appropriate response if paying the loan by direct debit.

Plan Type Indicate the appropriate plan type, whether Plan 1, Plan 2, or Both.

Finished studies before the last 06 April Indicate Yes or No

P45 student loan deductions to continue Select this option if:

• A new employee gives you a P45 with a 'Y' marked in Student Loan deductions to continue'.
• A new employee tells you that they have an income-contingent student loan to repay, as part of
the new starter questions

P45 not paid before tax year end Select if this employee won't be paid from the start of their employment until the next 5 April.

Filed with HMRC Indicates that the new starter information was filed with HMRC. This is updated automatically by the
Full Payment Submission (FPS) process.

Employee declared Indicate whether the employee completed the new starter declaration

Pensioner Notification Component Details

Create this component detail record when the employee becomes a pensioner. Record the annual pension and the date
the pension started. The FPS process updates the Filed with HMRC field automatically.

Expatriate Notification Component Details

Create this component detail record when a new starter or existing worker who has expatriate status. Here's a table that
describes some key fields:

Field Value

EEA Citizen Select if the employee is a citizen of the European Economic Area.

EPM6 Scheme Select if the employer operates a modified scheme as defined in the Employment Procedures Manual
Appendix 6.

Filed with HMRC Indicates that the expatriate status was filed with HMRC. This is updated automatically by the Full
Payment Submission (FPS) process.

Rules to Create Component Details

These rules apply when creating PAYE component details:

• Creation Sequence. The order in which you can create these component details is restricted as shown here:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

a. Pay As You Earn

b. New Starter Declaration
c. Expatriate Notification
d. Pensioner Notification
• Precedence. You can't create or edit a PAYE component detail if a component detail of a higher precedence
already exists.
• Hierarchy. All component detail records are children of the parent PAYE component. Only one instance of
each component detail is allowed per PAYE component. The effective start date of each component detail is
the effective start date of the parent PAYE component. You can't make date-effective updates to a new starter
record; you can only make corrections.

Associate a PAYE Component to Earnings or a Set of Earnings

You need to indicate which of the employee’s earnings need to be reported, and to which PAYE component.

You can do this in the PAYE Details by associating an assignment, and therefore all earnings associated to that
assignment, with the PAYE details.

Add a row for each distinct assignment for which the earnings should be considered when calculating tax for the chosen
PAYE Details.

If the employee has more than one PAYE Details region in the Statutory Deductions calculation card, add additional
rows to indicate the assignments for these additional PAYE components.

All assignments that are attached to the same PAYE component are aggregated for tax. This way, the application
supports both aggregated and nonaggregated PAYE deductions.

Note: You can't associate the same earnings at the same effective date, with more than one PAYE component.

Associate NI Details to Earnings or a Set of Earnings

You must associate the earnings or a set of earnings for employees with their National Insurance details.

The NI calculation component defines the NI Category, so effectively you indicate which earnings are subject to which
NI category.

You can do this by associating an assignment, and all earnings associated to that assignment, with the NI Details.

The NI calculation component consists of NI Category and its Pension Basis attributes.

Add a row for each distinct assignment for which earnings should be considered when calculating the National
Insurance for this NI Calculation component.

Note: You cannot associate the same earnings at the same effective date, with more than one NI component. You
cannot associate two assignments to two different NI categories, if those assignments belong to the same term,
because the actual relationship to the NI category is from the term, not the assignment.

The Statutory Deductions card is configured to display a chosen set of fields. You can configure more fields to display
using Transactional Design Studio.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Convert Employee Record to Pensioner Record

You need to convert an employee record to a pensioner record if an employee retires and begins receiving a pension
payment from the employer.

The employer should set up a new HMRC Payroll ID, with a Pensioner declaration, and pay any pension payments
against this new record. A New Starter Declaration and a Pensioner declaration must not be held against the same
HMRC Payroll ID record.

How Terminations Affect Earnings and NI Calculations

Terminations affect the calculation of Earnings and NI. Before termination, the application calculates based on the
Earnings feed to either Regular or Irregular classification balance.

If an earnings element is created as either regular earning or irregular earning, the process calculates it using the weekly
or monthly rates. This depends on the frequency defined for the employee.

After termination, these classifications are still valid if:

• There are only irregular earnings, NI is based on weekly calculation.
• There are only regular earnings, NI calculation depends on the frequency defined for the employee.
• There's a mix of regular and irregular earnings, NI calculation on all earnings depends on the frequency defined
for the employee.

It could happen that you need to make a bonus payment retrospectively after termination. If you created the bonus as a
regular earning, it calculates NI using the monthly rate.

To calculate using the weekly rate, here's what you can do:

• Edit the Regular earning’s Retro Element definition for the retro component of the bonus element.
• Remove the balance feed from the Retro element to the NIable Earnings Regular balance
• Add the balance feed from the Retro element to the NIable Earnings Irregular balance

Using this, the application calculates any retro bonus payments as Irregular, unless there are also regular payments in
the period. In such cases, the NI on all the earnings will be calculated as regular (monthly) earnings.

Changing to a Different PAYE Reference

HMRC might require you to start reporting some of your employee population under a new PAYE Scheme reference
from start of the next tax year.

Oracle recommends as a best practice of doing this as at the start of a new tax year. All tax year-to-date balances are set
to zero, and P45 previous pay and previous tax values are not an issue.

Depending on the complexity of your implementation requirements, here are a few scenarios:
• Move the whole PAYE reference to a new, previously unused PAYE reference

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

If HMRC instructs you to report all your employees that are currently reported under one PAYE reference to a
new PAYE reference that you haven't used, then you can update the TRU’s registration information effective
from that start date. It is recommended not to take this option if you need to leave some employees in the
original TRU, or if the new TRU is already in use in your organization.

• Late payments or retrospective payments on the original TRU

You need create a new TRU referring to the new PAYE reference. Create assignments on the new TRU. Create
a new Statutory Deductions card linked to the new TRU. Associate the new assignments to the new PAYE and
NI components of the Statutory Deductions Card. Close the old assignments on the old TRU as at LSED, this is
sufficient to trigger a P45.

Running the P45 process will produce a P45 for the old PAYE component (even on 05 April). You may choose to
discard this and not give it to the employee. If you choose not to give the P45 to the customer, you should be
careful not to send the automated email to employees informing them of the P45.

Running the P60 process will generate a P60 for an employee, if the PAYE component is active on 5-Apr. The
customer can give this to the employees.

If the employee had multiple assignments on the old TRU, and for example only one was moving to new TRU,
then no P45 will be generated on the old TRU.

The FPS will report a termination on the old TRU, and new hire on the new TRU through the PAYE component
new starter record.

Absences, and accruals, if held at TRU level, would need consideration and migration. Note, if held at the
assignment level, the application will refund the accrued absences on old assignment, and the new assignment
will start at zero.

The refund would have to be stopped and the accruals migrated to the new assignment.

Other associations to the old TRU, for example, court orders and student loans, pensions and other deductions,
would need careful consideration for migration.
• No late payments or retrospective payments on the original TRU

Create a new TRU referring to the new PAYE reference. End date the association of the assignments from the
original card. Date effectively associates the assignments to the new card on the next day

This triggers a P45 from the old TRU.

The previous Pay and Tax values from the P45 should be entered into the new PAYE component.

Again, absences, accruals, court orders, student loans, pensions, and other deductions would need careful
consideration for migration.

Note: For more information, see FPS and Assignment updates to a new TRU with retro changes to the
original TRU.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

PAYE Information While Migrating Terminated Employees from

Legacy Application
When you migrate an employee's record to Oracle Cloud HCM, and the terminated employee reported the full payment
submission (FPS) in the legacy application, you must ensure that the relevant segments on the PAYE flexfield are

• DATE_LEFT_REPORTED_HMRC: Indicates the date already reported by the legacy FPS process submission. The
Oracle Cloud HCM payroll process uses this termination date in any future FPS submissions, as required.
• DATE_LEFT_FILED_PA: Set to a notional value of -1.

Note: These fields should not be populated while migrating data, if the employee's first FPS reporting the termination
is from the Oracle Cloud HCM. In such cases, the Oracle Cloud HCM FPS process will populate these values.

PAYE Information While Migrating Existing Employees from

Legacy Application
When you migrate an employee's record to the Oracle Cloud HCM payroll process rather than hiring a new employee,
you don't need to create an RTI New Starter flexfield structure, or report this as a new starter to HMRC through the FPS.

To hide the new starter declaration in the FPS (as it was submitted using a legacy system), set these values in the
GB_PAYE component:

• EMPLOYMENT_FILED_HMRC: Set this to Y. This indicates the record is already filed with HMRC. If you leave
this blank, the FPS process populates this when filing the employment with HMRC. If you roll back that FPS, this
record will revert to being blank.
• EMPLOYMENT_FILED_HMRC_PA: Set this to -1. This indicates that the filing of the new starter record can't be
rolled back (as it's already filed using the legacy system). If you leave this blank, the FPS process populates this
when filing the employment with HMRC. If you roll back that FPS, this record will revert to being blank.
During migration, the GB_PAYE field PREV_HMRC_PAYROLL_ID holds the previous HMRC Payroll ID as defined by the
legacy system. This value is sent to HMRC through the first FPS, when it's submitted with the value Report HMRC Payroll
ID Migration Change. This ensures that the new and the old HMRC Payroll ID are associated by HMRC to identify the
same employment record.

Note: You can only load this value into the flexfield using the HCM Data Loader. There are other flexfields that were
relevant before RTI was implemented. These are disabled and must not be used.

Edit a Statutory Deductions Calculation Card for the UK

Typically, the new hire process creates Statutory Deductions calculation cards automatically. Use the Calculation Cards
from the Payroll work area to make modifications to the cards as needed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

For example, you can do these activities:

• Edit the default values and provide employee-specific values on the calculation card for National Insurance (NI)
or Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
• Add new starter details
• Associate a tax reporting unit (TRU) with the calculation card, if you didn't specify a TRU during the new hire
• Edit an existing association details record

Before You Start

1. Complete the new hire process for the employee.
2. Ensure that the employee has a payroll relationship with one or more assignments, each of which is assigned to
a payroll.

Open the Calculation Card

1. Select Calculation Cards from the Payroll work area.
2. On the Person Search page, search for and select the payroll relationship for the employee.
3. On the Person Details page, click the Statutory Deductions calculation card in the Search Results.

Edit Components and Component Details

To modify a component's reference values, follow these steps:

1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, select either National Insurance (to edit NI) or Pay As You Earn (to
edit PAYE) components.
2. Select .
3. Complete the fields on the Correct Calculation Component or Update Calculation Component window, and click
You can modify PAYE component details, including the new starter declaration, pensioner notification, or expatriate
notification, for an existing component. You can also modify Aggregation Information component details, which define
how to calculate the NI contribution in special situations. Here's how you can modify component details:

1. Select the component in the Calculation Components section.

2. Select Add
3. Enter your changes to the component details, and click Save.
Here's how you can create PAYE and NI components and component details.

1. Select the appropriate component.

2. Click Edit..
3. Complete the fields as appropriate, and click OK.
4. To add component details, click Add in the Calculation Component Details section toolbar and then select the
component detail type.
5. Complete the fields, and click Save.

Create and Edit Associations and Association Details

You must associate the card with a TRU, if none was specified during the new hire process. Here's how you can do this:

1. In the Calculation Card Overview section, click Assignments.

2. Click Add..
3. On the Create Association window, select a tax reporting unit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.
You must associate all PAYE and NI components with the assignment. To create associations:

1. In the Assignments section, select a tax reporting unit.

2. Click Add.
3. Select the assignment and then select the appropriate PAYE component.
4. Click OK.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 as required to associate each NI and PAYE component with assignment.
6. Select the assignment and then select the appropriate NI component.
7. Click Save and Close.

Process Type for National Insurance Additional Info for the UK

The Process Type indicates how to calculate the national insurance (NI) contribution for special situations, such as
director's fees, irregular payments, and multiple payments in the same period. The payroll process automatically
performs the correct NI calculation for the process type you select.

The Process Type field appears on the NI Additional Info section of the Statutory Deductions calculation card and
supports the values described here.

Irregular Periods
Select Irregular Periods if the employee isn't paid on a regular weekly or monthly basis, and you want to calculate NI
on a daily basis. In the Number of Periods field, enter the number of days that comprise the processing period (the
number of paid days since the last payment).

Note: You can't select Irregular Periods if the calculation card is associated with multiple assignments.

Multiple Periods
Select Multiple Periods if you're making more than one normal payment in a single processing period, and you want to
calculate NI on each normal payment separately. Enter the number of payments in the Number of Periods field.

This table illustrates an example of how and when to use this setting:

Scenario Process Type Values to Use Result

A new employee misses the payroll deadline Select Multiple Periods and set the Number of The application divides the total pay by 2 and
for their first pay period, and you want them to Periods to 2. calculates NI on both amounts separately,
receive pay for both periods in the second pay checking NI thresholds each time.

Note: Be sure to set the effective dates for the record so that only the targeted payroll runs use this process type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Director Annual
Select Director Annual if the employee is a director, and you want the application to calculate NI on an annual basis,
irrespective of the frequency of the payroll the director is assigned to. If the person became a director part way through
the tax year, complete the Date Became Director field; the application prorates the annual calculation based on that
date. If the person became a director at the start of the tax year, you can leave the Date Became Director field blank.

Director Periodic
Select Director Periodic to treat the director as a normal employee for NI purposes until the last pay period in a year,
when the NI is recalculated as a director annual period.

Note: If you ran a payroll when the Process Type was Director Annual or Director Periodic, you can't change the
Process Type until the start of the next tax year.

Remove End Date for Calculation Card Components for the UK

You can remove the end date for a component or an association to an assignment in the calculation cards. To do this,
got to Edit and select the Remove End Date option on the calculation card component or assignments.

When you remove end date, on the assignment association, the end date is replaced by the earliest date between the
corresponding component's end date and the TRU association end date. You can use the Remove End Date option on
these calculation cards and their components as shown in this table.

Calculation Card Components

Statutory Deductions • Pay As You Earn

• NI
• Assignments

Court Order and Student Loans • Court Orders

• Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan
• Assignments

Benefits and Pensions • Pensions

• Assignments

Pensions Automatic Enrolment • Pensions Automatic Enrolment

• Assignments

Legislative Repository for Calculation Information

Parameters used in the calculation of National Insurance are stored in the legislative repository for deduction

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

These parameters are predefined for the UK and cannot be modified in the implementation phase.

To view predefined parameters:

1. Navigate to Component Group Rules
2. Choose National Insurance
3. Expand the Related elements > Tax and NI > Calculation Factors.
4. Click Range Values to view the details of the calculation factors.

National Insurance Calculations and Deductions

National Insurance (NI) is paid by most employees in the UK up to state pension age.

The deduction is based on the person’s earnings for National Insurance purposes. This is calculated and held in the
balance NIable Pay.

Non Self-employed employees pay Class 1 National Insurance Contributions. The deduction is calculated in bands using
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL).

No contribution due on earnings below this limit

• Primary Threshold (PT)

Currently no contribution is due on earnings between the LEL and the PT:
• Upper Earnings Limit (UEL)

Currently employee’s earnings between the PT and the UEL are subject to deductions:
• Above Upper Earnings Limit
Currently these earnings are subject to deductions, depending upon the NI category:
• Employers also pay NI contributions, and these are in similar bands:
◦ Lower Earnings Limit (LEL): No contribution due on earnings below this limit
◦ Secondary Threshold (ST): No contribution due on earnings below this limit
◦ Above Upper Earnings Limit
- Currently these earnings are subject to deductions.
Additionally, NI contribution rebates are given, depending upon the NI category and earnings bands.

There are variances in the deduction rate for different NI categories, and rebates of contributions for some categories.

The application will calculate the earnings in each band, for both employer and employee, and the deduction due from
each component band. All these values are recorded in run results and balances against the employee.

There are many component formulas that constitute the NI and PAYE calculation. The primary formula that initiates the
calculation is NI AutoIndirect.

If necessary, these formulas and the associated NI band values are updated by the UK localization team in response to
the statutory or budgetary changes.

For more information, see the UK Payroll Data on My Oracle Support (MOS) for all the predefined balances in the

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

NI Deductions
The National Insurance contribution is calculated through the deduction group National Insurance that is part of
deduction group Social Insurance (National Insurance). Calculations are done through the element Tax and NI.

To view details on deduction groups, deductions, and elements:

1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Search for and open the Payroll Calculation Information task:
a. Search for the short name : GB_NI
b. Search for the short name: GB_PAYE to see similar PAYE information.

Tax Calculations and Tax Deductions

Tax deduction is calculated through the deduction group Taxes. Calculations are initiated through the element Tax and

The deduction is based on the person’s earnings for tax purposes. This is calculated and held in the balance ‘Taxable
Pay’. There are also balances for Post P45 taxable pay and Share Related Taxable Pay.

Note: These bands and values vary over time and with budget or other government announcements; Fusion
applications will update the values to be consistent with the legislation.

Some allowances are given to employees, to exempt some of their earnings from tax, for example a personal allowance.
This is converted to a tax code by HMRC and is stored in the PAYE component as the Tax Code on the Statutory
Deductions calculation card.

An employment can be taxed either on a cumulative basis, or a non-cumulative basis.

• A cumulative basis means that tax is calculated considering the whole tax year’s earnings, personal allowance
and payments made to date in the tax year.
• A non-cumulative basis is also referred to as a Week 1 or Month 1 basis. This means that the tax is calculated as
if it were the first period in the tax year but based on the earnings for this pay period.

Tax Deductions
The Tax deduction is calculated through the deduction group Taxes. Calculations are initiated through the element Tax
and NI. To view details on deduction groups, deductions, and elements:
1. Navigate to Component Group Rules.
2. Choose Taxes.
3. Expand Related Elements > PAYE > Calculation Factors.
4. You can review the values effective as of 06 April of that tax year.

Payroll Process Configuration Groups

Payroll process configuration groups provide sets of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Select a process configuration group when you run a process, such as a new-hire flow or termination flow, or an extract
process or report.

If you don't select a process configuration group, the application uses the parameters in the default group. You must
specify the default group in the Process Configuration Group ACTION_PARAMETER_GROUPS profile option.

Here's the list of tasks you can use to set up profile options and default process configuration groups.

Action Task and Page

Edit predefined process configuration Default Group tab of the Payroll Process Configuration page.

Create additional process configuration Group Overrides tab on the Process Configuration Group page.

Select a process configuration group as Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance area.
the default at the site or user level

To open the Payroll Process Configuration page, use the Payroll Process Configuration task under Show More >
Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Create a group with the logging parameters turned on to troubleshoot processes. You can also specify different
performance parameter values, such as chunk size and buffer size, for running different processes.

How to Exclude Employees from Apprenticeship Levy Calculation

All eligible employees are included in the apprenticeship levy calculation, by default. The employment payment
summary reports this calculation.

You can use these options to exclude employees from the apprenticeship levy calculation.

• You can exclude all employees in a tax reporting unit (TRU) from the levy calculation. You can do this by
selecting the check box Exclude from apprenticeship levy at the TRU level. For more information, see the
document HR Implementation and Functional Considerations for the UK (Document ID 1531728.1) on My
Oracle Support (MOS). If this is set to exclude all employees in the TRU, then there's no override to include
particular employees in that TRU for the levy calculation. And, the two options below aren't available to exclude

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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• If you haven't selected the check box for all employees in the TRU, you could optionally write a fast formula to
determine which employees (in that TRU) to exclude from the levy calculation. The formula must:
◦ Have formula type: Payroll Access to HR
◦ Accept 1 input that must be of type Number: ASG_ID
◦ Set the ASG_ID value as the HR_ASSIGNMENT_ID context
◦ Return a variable ‘EX_FLAG’ of value Y to exclude the record

• Subject to the above constraints, the employee can be excluded from the apprenticeship levy calculation. You
need to select the check box Exclude from apprenticeship levy. This is available on the PAYE component of
the employee’s Statutory Deduction card for the relevant TRU.

Processing Benefits-in-Kind Through Payroll and P11D Reporting

Overview of Processing Benefits-in-Kind Through Payroll and P11D Reporting for the
The benefits provided to employees as part of their employment contract are subject to tax and national insurance. The
employers can deduct the tax due on the benefit directly through payroll.

This is an optional process and employers can choose if they report benefits using P11D reporting option or process
them through the payroll application. The processing of benefit-in-kind using payroll means that if the benefit provided
to your employee has tax implications or a taxable cash equivalent, then the employee is taxed each period. The
employee's taxable income includes the value of taxable benefit. A combination of different types of benefits can be
processed through payroll.

Consider these points while processing benefits-in-kind using payroll or P11D reporting:

• You must give prior notification to HMRC of all the benefit types you intend to process through payroll
• You must report any benefits-in-kind not processed through payroll on the P11D at the end of the tax year
For more information, see the documents on Processing Benefits-in-Kind and P11D Reporting (Document ID 2393233.1)
on My Oracle Support.

Taxable Benefits Calculation Card for the UK

As an employer, you must decide and agree with the HMRC the benefits you will process by payroll and which ones you
will report on the P11D for your employees.

You can use the Taxable Benefits calculation card to select, by benefit type, whether the benefit is to be processed in
payroll. If there's no calculation card present at the TRU-level, the default is P11D reporting. Regardless of whether
the benefit is reported on P11D or processed through payroll, you must enter the values for all taxable benefits on this
calculation card.

Organization-Level Taxable Benefits Calculation Card

You must indicate all benefits that you want to process through payroll for a tax reporting unit (TRU). To do this, you
must create a calculation card using the Legal reporting Unit Calculation Cards task at the organization-level, and

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

specify whether you want to process the benefit through payroll or P11D reporting. You can do this for all benefits except
the ones listed below, which you can report only through P11D reporting as stated by HMRC:

• Qualifying relocation and expenses

• Interest free and low interest loans

The default values apply to all employee in the TRU. You can use the personal calculation card to override these values
at the employee-level.

Note: If you don't create a calculation card at the TRU-level, it means that P11D Reporting will be used for all
employees in the TRU.

It you set the option for a benefit for the TRU, you can only change it when the tax year changes. If you want to make
any change required during the tax year, you must do so at the employee-level.

Taxable Benefits Calculation Card for the Employee

Use the Calculation Cards task under Payroll to create a Taxable Benefits calculation card for the employee. Search
for the person and use the Add option to create a calculation card. Select the effective date and the name as Taxable
Benefits. Once the calculation card is created, you can create the calculation components for the benefits.

For each benefit you provide to the employee, use the relevant calculation card component to enter the required data.
Each component corresponds to different component details with attributes depending on the information required to
calculate the cash equivalent for that benefit.

Note: You can create these components anytime during the tax year with an effective date, as required.

You can change the employee's Benefit calculation component option from payroll processing to P11D Reporting any
time during the tax year. Once you set it to P11D reporting, or if the TRU option is set to P11D reporting, you can't change
it to payroll processing.

For more information, see the documents on Processing Benefits-in-Kind and P11D Reporting (Document ID 2393233.1)
on My Oracle Support.

P11D and P46(Car) Reporting for the UK

The benefits provided to employees as part of their employment contract are subject to Tax and National Insurance.

Employers can process these benefits either through the payroll process and deduct tax at source, or they can report
them at the end of the tax year by providing P11D statements to their employees. The employers must report these
values with details of the benefits. The P11D data transmission to HMRC are done using the secure government gateway.

P11D Reporting
You can use the process Run P11D Archive and Generate Reports. The P11D report comprises a Benefits and Expenses
Statement and Worksheets that show details of how a benefit is calculated. The Benefits statement summarizes the
value of each benefit provided. Some benefits may have additional worksheets related to the benefit where further
details of calculations and other relevant data is given to the employee. Not all benefits have a worksheet.

You can use the HMRC File Submission Process to submit the XML file to HMRC. The P11D data file transmitted to HMRC
also reports the data for P11D(b) in the XML format.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

P46(Car) Reporting
The information on cars provided to employees for private use as a benefit must also be reported to HMRC using the
P46(Car) data transmission through secure government gateway. Employers must notify HMRC of any company car for
an employee for private use through P46(Car) Returns.

For electronic submission to HMRC, use the process Run P46(Car) that creates an archive and an XML file.

Note: You can also submit returns manually using HMRC online services. Use the process Generate Paper P11D to
generate P11D paper versions for all or a set of employees, as required.

For more information, see the documents on Processing Benefits-in-Kind and P11D Reporting (Document ID 2393233.1)
on My Oracle Support.

Enterable Values on Calculation Cards

Some values entered on a calculation card override values defined in a calculation value definition.

For example, you might set a default tax rate for the legislative data group, and allow the rate to be overridden by a flat
amount entered on a personal calculation card.

The following table explains where you can enter override values on calculation cards. It also provides the order in which
the Calculate Payroll process checks for values entered on calculation cards. When the process finds an entered value, it
stops checking and uses the values defined at that level.

Order Type of Values Task

1 Values for a payroll relationship on any type of Calculation Cards

calculation card

2 Values for a tax reporting unit for certain Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards
deductions, which vary by country or territory

3 Values for a payroll statutory unit for certain Legal Entity Calculation Cards
deductions, which vary by country or territory

Allowing Enterable Values on Calculation Cards

The ability to enter values on calculation cards is controlled by the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards
section of the calculation value definition:

• For user defined calculation value definitions, you can specify an enterable calculation value in this section. You

◦ The display name to appear on the calculation card.

◦ The value type, such as total amount or additional amount.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Enterable values for statutory and involuntary deductions are predefined. You can't allow new enterable values
for predefined calculation value definitions.

Enterable Value Types

The list of value types available for entry depends on the calculation type. For example, you can enter the percentage
value for a flat rate calculation or the monetary value for a flat amount calculation.

The following value types are available for all calculation types except text:

Value Type Description

Calculation value definition Uses the calculation value definition entered on a calculation card to calculate the amount.

Total amount Uses the amount entered on the calculation card as the total amount.

Additional amount Adds the amount entered on the calculation card to the calculated amount.

Related Topics
• Calculation Value Definitions Examples
• Examples of Creating Calculation Cards for Deductions at Different Levels

Review and Update Calculation Value Definitions for the

You can view and update the contribution rules and limit rules created for the pension deduction. You can also enter a
default payee.

For example, to change the flat amount deduction value for the employee contribution:

1. On the Calculation Value Definitions page, enter the element name and select your legislative data group.
2. Click Search.
3. Select Pension Plan - Salaried Flat Amount for Employee Contribution in the search results.
4. Select Total amount in the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards section.
5. Click Edit then Update in the Calculation Values section.
6. Enter the new deduction amount in the Flat Amount column.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Submit.
9. Click Done.

Related Topics
• Considerations to Enter Calculation Values for Pensions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

FAQs for Calculation Cards

How do I manage calculation cards for tax reporting units and payroll statutory units?

For payroll statutory unit (PSU) cards, you can use the Legal Entity Calculation Cards task in the Setup and Maintenance
work area as part of the Workforce Deployment offering.

For tax reporting unit (TRU) cards, use the Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task in the Setup and Maintenance
work area as part of the Workforce Deployment offering. First you select the PSU or TRU as the scope for the task.

Can I associate a UK Statutory Deductions calculation card with more than one TRU?
No. If an employee with an existing assignment and associated Statutory Deductions calculation card takes an
additional assignment that reports to a different TRU, you must create a new calculation card.

On the new card, associate the Aggregation Information component with the new TRU, and associate the NI and PAYE
components with the new assignment.

How to Configure a Personal Calculation Card

This example demonstrates how to configure a calculation card at the payroll relationship level. The calculation card
captures information for an income tax deduction that varies depending on a person's tax filing status.

1. Ensure that your legislation supports an income tax deduction.

If it does, the necessary calculation card definition and calculation components are predefined.

Configure the Calculation Card

1. In the Payroll section, select Calculation Cards.
2. Enter and search for the person's name and legislative data group in the Search section.
3. Click the person's name in the Search Results to open the Person Details page. Any available calculation cards
appear in the Search Results.
4. Click Create to open the Create Calculation Card window.
5. In the Name field, select Statutory Deductions as the calculation card type.
6. Click Continue to display the Calculation Cards page.

Note: Use the Calculation Card Overview pane to view the component groups associated with this
calculation card. In this example, you should see a Taxes component group. A calculation card may contain
multiple component groups.

Configure Calculation Components

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Taxes node.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

2. In the Calculation Component section, click Add Row to open the Create Calculation Component window.
Note: You may see a country-specific template instead of the Calculation Component and Component
Details sections.

3. In the Calculation Component field, select Income Tax.

4. Click OK.

Configure Calculation Component Details

1. In the Calculation Component Details section, click Create.
2. In the Calculation Component Details field, select Income Tax Details.
3. Click OK.
4. Complete the fields displayed in the Component Details section. For this example, select the person's tax filing
status in the Tax Code field.
Note: Component details vary for each calculation component. For some components, you can also enter
amounts, rates, or other values. If you can enter values, the Enterable Values on Calculation Cards tab
appears. For this example, no values can be entered.

Define an Association
Associations link a calculation card or component with a tax reporting unit.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Associations node.

2. Click Create.
3. Select your legislative data group and click OK.
Since you didn't select a calculation component, the tax reporting unit is associated with all components on the
4. Select the new association in the Associations section, click Create in the Association Details section.
5. Select the calculation component you just configured, click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.

How do I process NI deductions for directors' fees, irregular payments, and multiple
payments in a period?
Use the Calculation Cards task to open the employee's Statutory Deductions calculation card and edit the NI Additional
Info record. Select a process type based on how you pay the employee, and enter the number of periods as applicable.

If you're processing multiple periods, be sure to set the effective date for the record so that only the targeted payroll
runs use this process type. Update the record, rather than correct it, so that once the effective period for the selected
process type expires, default processing resumes automatically.

Why can't I create an NI component with the category or pension basis I want to use?
You can create NI components only for certain combinations of NI category and pension basis, based on statutory rules.
For example, if the NI category is D, then you can't select a pension basis of Not Contracted Out.

How do I create a notification of pension starting?

Use the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll work area. Create a Pension Notification record for the Pay As You Earn
component on the employee's Statutory Deductions calculation card. Provide details of the new pension, including the
annual pension amount and pension start date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

How to Configure a Personal Calculation Card

This example demonstrates how to configure a calculation card at the payroll relationship level. The calculation card
captures information for an income tax deduction that varies depending on a person's tax filing status.

1. Ensure that your legislation supports an income tax deduction.
If it does, the necessary calculation card definition and calculation components are predefined.

Configure the Calculation Card

1. In the Payroll section, select Calculation Cards.
2. Enter and search for the person's name and legislative data group in the Search section.
3. Click the person's name in the Search Results to open the Person Details page. Any available calculation cards
appear in the Search Results.
4. Click Create to open the Create Calculation Card window.
5. In the Name field, select Statutory Deductions as the calculation card type.
6. Click Continue to display the Calculation Cards page.
Note: Use the Calculation Card Overview pane to view the component groups associated with this
calculation card. In this example, you should see a Taxes component group. A calculation card may contain
multiple component groups.

Configure Calculation Components

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Taxes node.
2. In the Calculation Component section, click Add Row to open the Create Calculation Component window.
Note: You may see a country-specific template instead of the Calculation Component and Component
Details sections.

3. In the Calculation Component field, select Income Tax.

4. Click OK.

Configure Calculation Component Details

1. In the Calculation Component Details section, click Create.
2. In the Calculation Component Details field, select Income Tax Details.
3. Click OK.
4. Complete the fields displayed in the Component Details section. For this example, select the person's tax filing
status in the Tax Code field.
Note: Component details vary for each calculation component. For some components, you can also enter
amounts, rates, or other values. If you can enter values, the Enterable Values on Calculation Cards tab
appears. For this example, no values can be entered.

Define an Association
Associations link a calculation card or component with a tax reporting unit.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Associations node.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

2. Click Create.
3. Select your legislative data group and click OK.

Since you didn't select a calculation component, the tax reporting unit is associated with all components on the
4. Select the new association in the Associations section, click Create in the Association Details section.
5. Select the calculation component you just configured, click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.

Why can't I create calculation components or component details for a personal

calculation card?
The calculation card determines which components and component details you can create. For some card types, you
can only create one calculation component of any particular type.

If you're trying to create a calculation component that varies based on one or more references (such as a tax that varies
based on a person's place of residence), you must select the reference in the Calculation Card Overview pane before you
can add the component. You can't create component details until you create a calculation component.

Why can't I delete a calculation card, component, or component details?

You can't delete a calculation card or component until you have deleted all its child components and details.

Starting from the bottom of the hierarchy, delete the child components in the following order: association details,
associations, component details, components, and calculation card. Additional rules and restrictions, specific to your
localization, may apply.

How do I set the end date for a calculation component?

Select the date in the Effective As-of Date field on the Calculation Cards page before you select the End Date action for a
calculation component or component detail.

Make sure that the end date you enter for any parent component isn't earlier than the end date of any child component.

How do I suspend a calculation component?

First, you must end all component details. Then set the end date for the calculation component on the personal
calculation card. To suspend all calculation components on a calculation card, end all the calculation components.

Then set the end date for the calculation card. If you want to resume payments at a later date, adjust the end dates
accordingly. This is useful, if you need to temporarily suspend a contribution to a charitable organization or retirement

Related Topics
• What happens when I end date an object?

How Entries of Personal Calculation Cards Fit Together

Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship. Payroll runs use this
information to calculate earnings and deductions. Actions such as hiring a person or loading data may create some
cards automatically.

Otherwise, you can create the card manually. You can also add components to cards and enter calculation values, which
may override default values. Additionally, you can associate the card with a tax reporting unit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

To view and manage calculation cards, use the Calculation Cards task from the Payroll section.

Card Types
The types of calculation cards you can create and the type of information captured on a card vary by country or
territory. Examples include cards for:

• Statutory deductions
• Involuntary deductions
• Time card entries
• Absences
• Benefits and pensions

Additional cards may be available to capture information for reporting purposes.

Card Creation
In countries where all employees are subject to the same set of statutory deductions, the application automatically
creates one or more statutory deduction calculation cards. These cards are created when you hire a new employee. In
other countries, you must create calculation cards manually.

For other card types, you create calculation cards as needed for each employee. If you load absence, time card, or
pension data from another application, the application automatically creates the calculation cards.

Calculation Components and Component Groups

The Calculation Card Overview pane shows a hierarchy of calculation components within component groups. For
example, child support, education loan, and alimony are calculation components in the US involuntary deduction
component group.

Each component relates to an element, such as an income tax deduction. Adding a calculation component to the card
creates an entry for the related element.

A calculation component may have one or more references that define its context, such as the employee's place of
residence or tax filing status.

Click a row in the Calculation Components table to see component details. Use the Component Details section to enter
additional values used to calculate the component.

Note: For some countries, the Calculation Cards page doesn't include the Calculation Components and Component
Details sections. Instead, the layout of the page is specific to the data items required for the country.

Enterable Calculation Values

When you select a calculation component, you may see the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Card tab.
Here you can enter specific rates or other values for the person, which may override default values held on a calculation
value definition. For example, if an employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate, you enter the rate as an enterable
value on their personal calculation card.

You can't override values loaded from another application, but you may be able to add values, such as adding additional
contributions to a pension deduction.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Click the Associations node in the Calculation Card Overview pane to associate a tax reporting unit with the card.
Associations determine:

• Which rates and rules held at tax reporting unit level apply to the calculation of the components
• How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Rules about what you can enter here vary by country:

• Typically, all components on a calculation card are associated with the same tax reporting unit by default.
• You may be able to associate individual components with different tax reporting units.
• If a person has multiple assignments, you may be able to associate specific assignments with calculation

Related Topics
• Enterable Values on Calculation Cards
• How do I associate calculation components with tax reporting units and assignments on a personal calculation

How to Create an Expatriate Notification

Use the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll work area. Create an Expatriate Notification component details record for
the PAYE component on the employee's Statutory Deductions calculation card. Provide details of the new pension,
including the annual pension amount and pension start date.

Voluntary Deductions
Voluntary Deductions for the UK
Voluntary deductions are deductions that an employee chooses to pay through their salary instead of making the
payments directly. The deductible amount is either a fixed amount or a percent of the total earnings during a payroll

Only certain earnings are taken into account when working out how much money is available to make voluntary
deduction payments. The secondary classification determines how the deduction is calculated. The available voluntary
deduction secondary classification is Widows and Orphans.

How You Define Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions

Use the Elements task to define voluntary and pre-statutory deductions, such as pensions. You can manage pension
deductions through calculation cards or element entries, depending on country-specific rules.

You can also manage other voluntary deductions, such as gym membership, union membership, and charity donations,
through element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Use these steps to set up deductions:

1. Define the elements.

2. Define the third-party payees.
3. Define a third-party payment method for each third-party payee.
4. Enter the deduction details for each person. Do this in the following ways, depending on the deduction type
and your setup:

◦ Configure a Benefits and Pensions calculation card.

◦ Define element entry.
◦ Load benefit batches.

Defining Elements
When you define a pension plan deduction, if you select the Benefit category, or it's selected for you, the element
template defines a calculation component. You add this component to Benefits and Pensions calculation cards to assign
it to your workers.

To define other voluntary deductions:

• Select the Standard category.

This selection means you manage these deductions using the Element Entries task.
• After defining the element, you must add a Payee input value and select Third-Party Payee as the special
purpose for it.

If appropriate, enter a default value on the element or element eligibility record to populate the third-party
payee details.

Note: You can streamline the creation of Voluntary Deduction and Pretax Deduction elements by reducing
the number of rules created. The application creates stop rules only if you had selected the total owned
option when you created the element. If you had selected No for the template question Processing Stop
when the Total is Reached, the application doesn't create the stop rule for the element.

Defining Third-Party Payees

To define third-party payees, use the Third Parties page in the Administration section.

For pensions, select the Organization payee type and select the Pension Provider party usage code.

Defining Third-Party Payment Methods

To define payment methods for all external payees, you can use the Third-Party Payment Methods task in the Person
Information section.

Entering Deduction Details for Each Person

For pensions using the Benefit category:

1. Configure a Benefits and Pensions calculation card for the worker.

2. Add your new pension calculation component to the card.
3. Enter the payee and other details.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

If you load your pension information using the Load Benefit Batches process, the payroll application configures the
calculation card automatically. Before running this process, you must generate an XML file that contains the data you
want to transfer to payroll.

For other voluntary deductions, you must define element entries. If the payee isn't defaulted from the element or
eligibility record, enter the payee on the element entry.

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• Considerations to Enter Calculation Values for Pensions
• Create Elements for Pension Deductions

Create Elements for Pension Deductions

This example shows you how to create a pension deduction element using an element template. Follow these steps:

1. Create a pension deduction element

2. Create an eligibility record for the deduction

Creating a Pension Element

1. On the Home page, click the Elements quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Click Create.
3. Complete the fields, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group Your Legislative Data Group

Primary Classification Voluntary Deductions or Pre-statutory Deduction

Secondary Classification Appropriate classification for your country or territory, such as Pension Plan After Tax

4. Click Continue.
5. Complete the Basic Information page. For the latest entry date:
◦ Select Last Standard Earning Date if you enable proration for the element.
◦ Otherwise, select Last Standard Process Date.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Additional Details page, enter the calculation rules and limits for the deduction. This table summarizes
your choices.

Rules What You Can Enter

Calculation rule Fixed amount or percentage

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Rules What You Can Enter

Age limits Minimum and maximum age

Maximum contribution amount Any numeric value

Pensionable earnings limit Minimum and maximum amount

Additional contributions allowed Yes, or no. If yes, select calculation rule.

Employer contributions allowed Yes, or no. If yes, select calculation rule, age limits, and amount limits

Overrides allowed Yes, or no

Element subject to proration Yes, or no

8. Click Next.
9. Verify the information is correct.
10. Click Submit.
The template creates a recurring element at the payroll relationship level. It also creates a calculation
component with the same name as the element. You add this component to workers' calculation cards.

Creating an Eligibility Record for the Deduction

On the Element Summary page, you can create as many eligibility records as you require:

1. In the Element Overview section, click the Element Eligibility link.

2. Select Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. Enter a name for the eligibility record.
4. Select any criteria if you want to restrict who can pay this deduction.
5. Click Submit.
6. Click Done.

Related Topics
• Considerations to Enter Calculation Values for Pensions

Considerations to Enter Calculation Values for Pensions

Create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card for each worker who pays a pension deduction. On the card, select the
calculation component that was created automatically for your pension element, and enter the required contribution
amounts and limits.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

If you use the Load Benefit Batches process to transfer values, this process creates the calculation cards and enters the
contribution amounts and limits.

Default Contribution Amounts and Limits

Enter default contribution amounts and limits when you create the pension element. These default values are stored as
calculation value definitions. You can edit the default values using the Calculation Value Definitions page. You can also
add a default payee or a separate payee for each employee by entering the payee ID in the Enterable Calculation Values

Enterable Calculation Values for Pensions

To enter or override a calculation value for one worker, perform these steps:

1. Open the worker's Benefits and Pension calculation card on the Calculation Cards page.
2. Add the calculation component for the pension, if it isn't already on the card.
3. With this calculation component selected, click the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.
4. Click Create.
5. Select the value you want to enter. Typically, you will enter a payee, reference number, and any additional
contributions. You can also override any default contribution amounts or limits.
The following table lists the calculation values you can enter.

Note: If the calculation component was created by running the Load Benefit Batches process, you can only enter or
override the following values: Payee, Reference Number, and Employee Additional Contribution.

Field Required Default Provided at Element Values


Payee Y N Enter the ID of an organization with

the usage of Pension Provider.

Reference Number Y or N N Free text

Depending on the localization

rules this field may or may not be

Employee Contributions Y Y Percent or flat amount as per

element setup. Enter percentages
as decimal values.

Additional Employee Contributions N N Percentage or flat amount as

per element setup, if additional
contributions are allowed.

Minimum Age N Y Numeric age

Maximum Age N Y Numeric age

Maximum Contribution Amount N Y Numeric amount

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Required Default Provided at Element Values


Minimum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Maximum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Partial Deduction Allowed Y Y Values = Y or N

If the element was set up to allow an employer contribution, you will also see these enterable values:

Calculation Value Required Default Provided at Element Values


Employer Contribution Y Y Percentage or flat amount as per

element setup

Minimum Age Limit for Employer N Y Numeric entry


Maximum Age Limit for Employer N Y Numeric entry


Maximum Contribution Amount for N Y Numeric amount

Employer Contribution

Minimum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Limit for Employer Contribution

Maximum Pensionable Earnings N Y Numeric amount

Limit for Employer Contribution

Important Considerations for Calculation Value Definitions in

Benefits and Pensions
When you set up the pension schemes within your organization and their details like how contributions are handled,
you can use the element templates provided specifically for Pensions.

By doing this, you are able to set up the optimum configuration that work with the Responsive User Interface (RUI).

You can add your own custom value definitions if the element template doesn't cover all your requirements for the
Benefits and Pensions calculations. You can create or edit calculation value definitions using the Calculation Value
Definitions task in the Payroll section

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

However, in order to display and enter the value definitions accurately, here are some recommendations and points to

• When you select the Value Definitions Type to be created, a list of override types that can be entered at
employee level is available. If you have overrides to your calculation value definitions, it is recommended that
you create a separate value definition. For example, if your organization enables the employees to contribute to
both flat amount deduction and percentage rate deduction, you could use either of these two options:
◦ Create a calculation value definition for Flat Amount. If you already have an element created for
employee contribution as a percentage, add the calculation value definition for flat amount. Create a
calculation value definition for Percentage Rate. Attach both these calculation value definitions to the
same element.
◦ Create two separate elements for Flat Amount deduction and Percentage Rate deduction. You can set
up each element with the relevant configuration using the template for percentage and flat amount,
• Although you can change the prompts of the value definitions that are created through the element template.
However, these changes to the prompts won't be displayed in the RUI.
• You can create many calculation value definitions. In case you have defined more than 15 calculation value
definitions for the Benefits and Pensions component, you won't able to display more than 15 in the RUI.

Related Topics
• Review and Update Calculation Value Definitions for the Deduction
• Calculation Value Definitions
• Calculation Value Definitions Examples

Pensions Automatic Enrolment

Set Up Pensions Automatic Enrolment for the UK
To facilitate assessment and enrolment, you must set up elements for the qualifying schemes and define organization-
level default values used by the process.

Here are the key setup tasks:

• Set up elements for qualifying pension schemes
• Define eligibility for qualifying pension scheme and pensions automatic enrolment elements
• Select the level of pension element
• Identify assessable and pensionable earnings
• Define organization level default values
• Provide person information required by the process

Provide Person Information Required by the Assessment Process

To assess and automatically enrol a worker in a qualifying pension scheme, the process requires this employee

• Date of birth (retrieved from Person Management record)

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Earnings amounts (retrieved from payroll earnings element entries for the payroll reference period (PRP))
• Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card (created automatically by the new hire process)

Verify that the values captured on the calculation card are correct for each employee. If a Pensions Automatic Enrolment
component is associated with multiple assignments for different payrolls, you must specify the payroll to use when
assessing earnings. Do so in the Payroll for Pay Reference Period field on the Pensions Automatic Enrolment card
(Calculation Cards task).

Set Up Elements for Qualifying Pension Schemes

You must create an element for each qualifying pension scheme into which you plan to enrol workers.

1. To create the elements, go to the Elements task.

2. On the Create Element window, specify the values as shown here:

Field Value

Legislative Data Group Relevant LDG

Primary Classification Pre-Statutory Deductions

Secondary Classification Pension Plan Pre-Statutory or Pension Plan After Tax

Category Benefit

3. On the Elements page, answer Yes to the question, Is this a Qualifying Pension Scheme?
4. After saving the element, define eligibility. This allows the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process to
create a qualifying pension scheme component and associated element entries when it enrolls employees in the
qualifying pension scheme.
When entering the deduction percentage for either the employee or the employer contribution, you must enter the
values as decimals; for example, enter 0.05 for 5 percent deduction percentage.

Note: It is not necessary to define eligibility for the Employee and Employer Contribution elements, as these are
indirect elements.

Define Eligibility for Pension Elements

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment element is predefined, but you must define eligibility for this element.
Here's what to do
• Defining the eligibility enables the new hire process to automatically create the Pensions Automatic Enrolment
calculation card.
• The process automatically creates the pension components and component details.
• It also creates the associated element entries for all the new employees.

Note: As the employee and employer contribution elements are indirect elements, you don't need to define
eligibility for these elements.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Identify Assessable and Pensionable Earnings

As the employer, you must ensure that the earnings elements have the correct classifications. When you create earnings
elements, verify that these subclassification rules apply to the specific type of earnings.

By default, all new elements you create for both Regular and Irregular Earnings classifications have these

Element Classifications and Subclassifications for Regular and Irregular Earnings

Subclassification Description

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessable The process considers regular earnings with this default classification when assessing eligibility for
Earnings Regular automatic enrolment.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessable The process considers irregular earnings with this default classification when assessing eligibility for
Earnings Irregular automatic enrolment.

Regular Earnings Subject to Pension Also called as pensionable earnings, the automatic enrolment process uses these earnings to calculate
the pension contribution amount. Pensionable earnings might exclude certain earnings, such as
overtime or bonuses that are assessable.

Irregular Earnings Subject to Pension Irregular earnings don't by default feed the subject to pension balance. You can add this classification
to your element if you want the irregular earnings to be pensionable.

Note: The calculation of pension contributions in certain schemes requires qualifying earnings. The legislation
defines Qualifying Earnings Lower Threshold and the Qualifying Earnings Automatic Enrolment Trigger. The
application uses these to assign employee classifications for Pensions Automatic Enrolment.

Level for Pension Element

You don't need to select a level for pension deduction elements. The calculated pension deduction amounts are
distributed amongst the assignments that are associated to the pension component. If none are associated, then it is
distributed across all assignments for the payroll relationship.

Define Organization-Level Setup Values for Pensions

You must set default values for pensions automatic enrolment process at the PSU level and, optionally, at the TRU level.

1. Go to Legal Structures > Legal Entity Calculation Cards for PSU-level set up, or Legal Structures > Legal
Reporting Unit Calculation Cards for TRU-level setup.
2. Click Create.
3. Search for and select Organization Pensions Automatic Enrolment.
You must set the values at the PSU-level and, optionally, at the TRU-level. If defined, TRU values override PSU values.

4. In the calculation component details, enter the organization-level default values for Pensions Automatic Enrolment
Field Description

Employer's Staging Date The date on which the employer must start providing pensions automatic enrolment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Description

Pay Reference Period Use this to align the pay reference period with either pay periods or tax periods.

Automatic Re-enrolment Date The third anniversary of your staging date or your cyclical automatic re-enrolment date. This
date is validated to ensure that it is within the allowed time frame of the original staging date or
previous re-enrolment date. The date entered must be within a 6-month period of the 3 months
before the anniversary date. The anniversary date for the first time will be the Staging date and
after the previous re-enrolment date.

Worker Postponement Rule Select a specific pay reference period, if required, else select None.

Worker Postponement Rule Formula If you’ve defined your own fast formula, select it here. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your
own formula.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement Rule Select a specific pay reference period, if required, else select None.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement Rule If you’ve defined your own fast formula, select it here. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your
Formula own formula.

End of Defined Benefit or Hybrid Specify the end date for the transitional period.
Transitional Period

Qualifying Pension Scheme Name and You can select an existing Qualifying Pension Scheme name. Or select the name of a previously
Formula defined fast formula that returns the ID of the Qualifying Pension Scheme to use.

If on first attempt to select the Qualifying Pension Scheme, the list doesn't display any values,
you can try exiting the page and reopening it. If you’ve defined your own formula to derive the
Qualifying Pension Scheme, the return value of the formula must be named QPS_ID. The formula
must return the PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F.ELEMENT_TYPE_ID of a previously defined Qualifying
Pension Scheme element. Use the Fast Formulas task to create your own formula.

Process Automatic Enrolment Enables or disables the Pensions Automatic Enrolment functionality.

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, and the qualifying pension scheme name
on the worker's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

Disable automatic card creation By default, upon the completion of the new hire process, the payroll application creates a
Pensions Automatic Enrolment card for the employee. Optionally, if a TRU was specified during
the new hire process, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment card is linked to that TRU. Select the
check box to disable this feature.

Enable automatic assignment Select to automatically associate assignments in the card.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Description

Disable pension letters This is a PSU-only attribute. Select this check box if you don't want letters to be generated for the

Re-enrolment if Pension Scheme The employees are included for re-enrolment, by default. You must set this to Exclude, if you
Member Left Within 12 Months don't want the employees to be considered for assessment for re-enrolment.

Enrolment if Qualifying Pension Scheme If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude,
Member Left Within 12 Months then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that
the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Automatic Enrolment if Tax Protection If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude,
Applied then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that
the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Automatic Enrolment if Notice given If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process logic will check this field first. If set
to Exclude, then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This
means that the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Enrolment if Winding-Up Lump Sum If the criteria for Eligible Job Holder are met, the process checks this field first. If set to Exclude,
Received then the person won't be enrolled or re-enrolled. By default, this field is blank. This means that
the employee will be enrolled or re-enrolled if found eligible.

Process outstanding actions from Select this to process unprocessed joiners and leavers captured in the previous PRP.
previous PRP

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, and the qualifying pension scheme name on the
employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.
5. Save and submit the values.

Related Topics
• Specify Fast Formulas at Organization-Level
• Postponement Rules

Migrating Automatic Re-enrolment Date

You need to enter a date for the automatic re-enrolment within a 6-month period of the 3 months prior to the
anniversary date. The anniversary date for the first time is Staging Date and subsequently the previous re-enrolment

This means that if you want to keep your legacy staging date, you will need to capture a record for each re-enrolment
date you've had in the past because your latest re-enrolment date will be validated against the previous re-enrolment

For example, if your staging date is 31 Mar 2013, then to capture a new re-enrolment date in 2025 you will have to
update the re-enrolment date for every 3-year anniversary. The table below illustrates how these dates are validated:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Effective Start Date Staging Date Automatic Re-Enrolment Date

01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2016

01 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2019

01 Apr 2019 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2022

01 Apr 2022 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2025

Align Pay Reference Period

You can choose to align the pay reference period with pay periods or tax periods depending on your requirements.

You can set this value in the Pay Reference Period field, under Pensions Automatic Enrolment Information
calculation component details in the calculation card. The application uses this for employee assessment. You can select
one of these values:

• Align pay reference period with the tax period dates: Selecting this option aligns your pay reference period to
the current tax periods. This is the default value.
• Align pay reference period with the pay period dates: Selecting this option aligns the pay reference period to the
period when the employee is paid, or the earnings period.

Postponements and Formulas

Employers can opt to use a postponement period of up to 3 months before assessing a worker for automatic enrolment.
Once you set up your postponement rules, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process automatically
determines if a postponement applies to each employee assessment.

There are two distinct types of postponement:

• Worker Postponement: This can apply when an employee is first employed. This is regardless of whether or
not the person is assessed as an eligible jobholder and does not apply at any other time. For example, to avoid
part period deductions in the first period of employment, or in cases where the employee is on a short-term
• The Eligible Jobholder Postponement: This can apply in these cases:

◦ When an employee is assessed as an eligible jobholder.

◦ After an earlier worker postponement provided there's a gap between the assessments where the
employee is not an eligible jobholder.
◦ If there's a gap each time between the eligible jobholder assessments, this can apply more than once. For
example, to prevent automatic enrolment of a low paid employee who has an annual ‘spike’ because of a
one-off payment.

It's useful to understand the types of postponements available and the rules for each.

Override Default Postponement Values

You can override the organization-level default values at the payroll relationship level using the Calculation Cards task.
Complete the fields on the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment card:

• Overriding Worker Postponement Rule

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Overriding Eligible Jobholder Postponement Rule

You can also enter values for these fields to explicitly enforce a postponement:

• Active Postponement Type

• Active Postponement Rule
• Active Postponement End Date

The assessment process validates the postponement end date entered to ensure that it doesn't exceed the later of:

• Staging date plus 3 calendar months

• Employment start date plus 3 calendar months for entitled worker postponements
• Eligibility date plus 3 calendar months for eligible jobholder postponements

How Postponements Are Processed

For each employee, the automatic enrolment process performs these tasks:

1. Checks to see if a postponement is currently in effect. If so, it stops the assessment process. If not, the process
2. Uses the applicable postponement rules and formulas to determine if a worker or eligible jobholder
postponement applies at this time.
3. If it applies, it updates the Active Postponement Type, Active Postponement Rule, and Active Postponement
End Date fields on the worker's calculation card accordingly. The assessment process stops.
4. If it doesn't apply, then the assessment process continues.

Rules to Include or Exclude Employees from the Assessment Process

In some cases, you may want to exclude an employee from the assessment process. They might have left a scheme
recently or have given their notice to leave the company.

The pensions automatic enrolment process checks these rules, if defined. If you've set the rule to exclude the employee,
the process won't assess or enrol the employee and returns a reason for exclusion. If you don't specify a value, the
process includes the employee, by default.

• Enrolment if Qualifying Pension Scheme Member Left Within 12 Months

• Re-Enrolment if Qualifying Pension Scheme Member Left Within 12 Month
• Automatic Enrolment if Tax Protection Applied
• Automatic Enrolment if Notice given
• Enrolment if Winding-Up Lump Sum Received

Specify Fast Formulas at Organization-Level

You can create fast formulas to determine default values at the organization level. Use the Fast Formulas task under
Payroll to create custom formulas.

You can define fast formulas for these postponement types:

• Worker postponement
• Eligible jobholder postponement

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Qualifying pension scheme

Here are some points to consider when creating a postponement formula:
• The formula must return the end date of the postponement
• The return value must be named DEFERMENT_DATE
• If you are using a custom formula for worker postponement or eligible jobholder postponement, specify it at
the organization level
• Enter the end date for the transitional period for End of DB or Hybrid Transition Period

Worker Postponement
Here's a sample formula to create your own worker postponement formula:
Formula Type: Calculation Utility
Description: <User specified formula to determine the postponement end date for a Worker postponement.>

Eligible Jobholder Postponement

Use this sample formula to create your own eligible jobholder postponement formula:
Formula Type: Calculation Utility
Description: <User specified formula to determine the postponement end date for an Eligible Jobholder

Qualifying Pension Scheme

Use this sample formula to create your own qualifying pension scheme formula:Formula Name:
Formula Type: Calculation Utility
Description: <User specified formula to determine the qualifying pension scheme.>
Formula Result: QPS_ID (NUMBER)
Calling Formula: GB_PAE_PROCESS_PAE

Postponement Rules
You can define worker and eligible jobholder postponement rules and formulas at the organization level. The TRU-level
values override PSU-level values, if defined.

Use the Legal Entity or Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards task to define values on the Pensions Automatic
Enrolment calculation card at the appropriate level. Make sure that you complete these fields on the Pensions Automatic
Enrolment card:

Worker Postponement Rule Eligible Jobholder Rule includes these options:

• Last pay reference period start date within deferment

• Next pay reference period start date
• None

Note: To use your own formula, ensure that you have previously defined the formula to select it here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Set Up Pension Letters Notification Information

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment process produces a set of notification letters for distribution to employees. The
letters inform employees of their classification.

1. Go to Legal Structures > Legal Entity Calculation Cards task.

2. Click Create.
3. Select Pensions Automatic Enrolment Additional Scheme Information.
4. In the component details, provide the required values for name, contact details of the pension provider, and the
relevant schemes.

Note: The values you enter here are merged with your employee letters for communication with your
employees. The Payee for Pension Contributions is defaulted to the employee’s calculation card for payment

5. Click Save.
Any action taken by the assessment process, and any action available to them, such as opting in or out are also
included. You can define the required information for pension notification letters at either the PSU level or TRU level.

Define Contractual Enrolment

You can record organization and payroll relationship information on the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.
You can enable contractual enrolment assessment and maintenance of employees in addition to the current pension
scheme enrolment obligation.

Organization-Level Calculation Card

At the organization level, you can use the flexfield Pensions Contractual Enrolment Information in the Pensions
Automatic Enrolment calculation card for contractual enrolment. To enable this feature, enter the values described here:

Field Value

Process Contractual Element Set this to Yes.

Eligibility Eligibility of employees. Select one of these options:

• All employees
• Based on scheme
• Based on formula

Eligibility Formula User eligibility formula. Select the eligibility formula used to determine the employee eligibility using
the naming convention %CONTRACTUAL ELIGIBILITY%

Pension Scheme Select the default contractual pension scheme.

Pension Scheme Formula Select the user formula to determine the contractual pension scheme using the naming convention

Opt-Out Period Select the period, which is the unit of measure used to derive the opt-out period end date, whether in
weeks, months, or based on formula

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Opt-Out Factor Select the factor, which is the factor applied to the unit of measure to get the opt-out period end date.

Opt-Out Formula Select the formula to get the opt-out period end date using the naming convention %CONTRACTUAL

Opt-Out Application Rule Select the application rule to specify whether the opt-out period end date should be derived each time
an employee joins a pension scheme, or only the first time, or if the date should be entered manually.

Examples of Contractual Enrolment

Example Process Contractual Eligibility Eligibility Formula Pension Scheme Pension Scheme
Enrolment Formula

Contractually enrol all Yes All employees NA Alpha NA

employees into the
same pension scheme,
for example, Alpha
pension scheme.

Contractually Yes Based on formula Eligibility formula Alpha NA

enrol only certain tshoulr return a value
employees into the of PCE_ELIGIBLE =
same pension scheme. Y, if the employee is
eligible for the Alpha
pension scheme.

Contractually enrol Yes Based on scheme NA Alpha Predefined fast

employees into formula, using
different schemes naming convention
PENSION%, which
returns the variable
QPS_ID with the
the pension scheme.
If a value other than
zero is returned, the
employee is eligible to
join the scheme and
enrolled accordingly.

Person -Level Calculation Card

At a person level, in the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card, you can use the Transfer Qualifying Scheme
Name option to support contractual enrolment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment Multiple Updates process uses the results from the assessment run and updates
the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card, and creates the Contractual Pension Scheme components when
employees are eligible. The Pensions Automatic Enrolment report also provides notifications for contractual enrolments.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Calculation Card for the UK

Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship.

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card may have one or more calculation components. Each component,
also referred to as the Assessor, holds the details needed for employee assessment for pension enrolment and stores
the results of the assessment.

Each assessor may be associated to a Tax Reporting Unit and one or more assignments, depending on your pension
rules and business requirements.

Use the Calculation Cards task to manage a person’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

You can override the staging date, postponement rules, re-enrolment date, and the qualifying pension scheme name on
the worker’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation component.

Default Values for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

The automatically created Pensions Automatic Enrolment card contains these two components:

• The Pensions Automatic Enrolment component, which is the main component for Pensions Automatic
Enrolment processing with this field:

Field Description

Employee Classification for Pensions The assessment process assesses employee age, earnings, and other criteria to determine
eligibility for automatic enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme. It assigns a classification to
each employee it assesses. The default value is Not yet assessed.

• The Pensions Automatic Enrolment Additional Information component, which supports re-enrolment and
further statutory updates. This component has these fields:

Field Description

Overriding Automatic Re-enrolment Enables employee-level overriding of the re-enrolment assessment date from the PSU or TRU
date default values.

Winding-Up Lump Sum Payment Date A setting to determine if a person should be excluded from enrolment or not. The organization
level settings for the Legal Entity and TRU determine if employees with this date setting on the
payroll relationship card will be either included or excluded. If excluded, the enrolment process
doesn't consider them if the assessment date is after the winding-up lump sum payment date.

Tax Protection Applied A setting to determine if a person should be excluded from enrolment or not. The organization
level settings for the Legal Entity and TRU determine if a person with the Tax Protection setting
on the payroll relationship card will be either included or excluded.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Field Description

Notice Given Date Read-only field that's derived from the employee termination information during the
assessment process.

Notice Withdrawn Date Date on which the employee withdrew the termination request. Used as the overriding
assessment date for enrolment.

Automatic Creation of Pensions Automatic Enrolment Calculation Card

If the value of your country extension setting in the Features by Countries or Territories page is Payroll or Payroll
Interface, the New Hire process automatically creates a Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

This applies to each of these person types:

• Volunteer

• Employee
• Pensioner
• Non-Worker Paid

If you want to disable the automatic calculation card creation, you can do this in while defining organization-level
values. For more information, see Define Organization-Level Setup Values for Pensions

Consider these key points for the automatically created Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card:
• Default values for calculation components and component details
• Default association and association details
• Automatically created element entries

Note: The automatic calculation card creation occurs only when you create an employee, not a pending worker, or
nonworker. When you convert a pending worker to an employee, then this calculation card is automatically created at
that time. The pensions automatic enrolment card is created with one calculation component.

Default Values for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

The automatically created pensions calculation card contains one component, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment
component. This component contains a Pensions Automatic Enrolment component details record.

Only one field contains a predefined value:

Field Description

Employee Classification for Pensions The assessment process assesses employee age, earnings, and other criteria to determine eligibility
for automatic enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme. It assigns a classification to each employee it
assesses. The default value is Not yet assessed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Employee Classifications for Pensions Automatic Enrolment for the UK

The Automatic Enrolment Assessment process for pensions assesses employee age, earnings, and other criteria to
determine eligibility for automatic enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme. The process assigns a classification to
each employee it assesses.

It is useful to understand the criteria and eligibility determination for each classification.

Employee Classification Criteria for Classification Eligibility for Pensions Automatic Enrolment

Not yet assessed Assigned automatically to all employees by new None.

hire process.

Age exempt (non-entitled worker) Worker aged under 16 or over 75. Not eligible for automatic enrolment and not
entitled to join a qualifying pension scheme.

Entitled worker • Worker aged 16-74 (not a pensioner). Entitled to join a pension scheme, which need
not be a qualifying scheme. The employer has
• Works in UK. no obligation to contribute.
• Qualifying earnings in pay reference
period (PRP) are below the lower earnings
threshold for qualifying earnings.

Non-eligible jobholder • Works in the UK. Not eligible for automatic enrolment, but can
opt in to a qualifying pension scheme. If so, the
• Matches one of these:: employer must contribute.

◦ Worker aged 16-21 with qualifying

earnings in the PRP above the earnings
trigger for automatic enrolment.
◦ Worker aged between state pension age
(SPA) and 74, with qualifying earnings in
the PRP above the earnings trigger for
automatic enrolment.
◦ Worker aged 16 to 74 with qualifying
earnings in the PRP at or below the
earnings trigger for automatic enrolment
but above the lower earnings threshold.

Eligible Jobholder • Worker aged 22 to SPA. Employer must enrol the employee
automatically in a qualifying pension scheme,
• Works in UK. unless the employee opts out.
• Qualifying earnings in the PRP are
above the earnings trigger for automatic

Exempt Assigned manually to an employee to prevent Not assessed for eligibility.

them from being assessed.

Default Associations for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

If you have specified a tax reporting unit (TRU) in the Payroll Details section on the Hire an Employee: Employment
Information page, the new hire process creates an association between the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component
and the specified TRU.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Note: The new hire process doesn't create association details linking specific terms or assignments to the Pensions
Automatic Enrolment component. By default, all earnings for all terms or assignments for the payroll relationship are
considered during the Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessment.You can also create association details manually by
creating additional Pensions Automatic Enrolment components and associate specific earnings groups, as required.

Note: If you add Pensions Automatic Enrolment components to an existing Pensions Automatic Enrolment card,
you must associate the component with a TRU. You must also create association details for both the new and the

original Pensions Automatic Enrolment components, linking each with the appropriate terms or assignments. If
you don't specify a TRU during the new hire process, consider these points:
• If your organization has only one TRU, you don't need to create a TRU association on the card manually. The
Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessment process obtains the necessary default values from the PSU-level
Pensions Automatic Enrolment card or, if it exists, the TRU-level card.
• If your organization has multiple TRUs, you must associate a TRU to the Pensions Automatic Enrolment
component manually.

Automatically Created Element Entries for Pensions Card

The new hire process creates the following element entries automatically for the following elements, if you have defined
element eligibility and the employee meets the eligibility criteria:

• Tax and NI element

• Pensions Automatic Enrolment element

Note: If you don’t have element eligibility defined for this element, the new hire process generates an error message.

Associations for Pensions Automatic Enrolment

The pensions automatic enrolment component associations are optional. It depends on your organization's pension
requirements and how earnings or groups of earnings must be assessed for pension eligibility and deduction.

If each employee has a single assignment, or if you need all assignments to be assessed as one group, you don't have to
enter any assignment associations against the pension automatic enrolment component. If no associations are entered,
the process assesses the employee based on their earnings for their payroll relationship. That is, for all assignments
even if there is only one.

An employee might have multiple assignments and each assignment must be assessed individually, then you have
to associate each assignment to a new pension automatic enrolment component. That is, a 1:1 relationship between
assignments and pension automatic enrolment components. If the employee is assessed eligible, the process creates
a new pension deduction component and associates to the same assignment that is linked to the pension automatic
enrolment component. The process calculates the pension deduction based on the assessable earnings of the single
assignment that is associated to it.

An employee might have multiple assignments, but the assignments might be grouped. In this case, you must associate
the assignments that must be assessed together to the same pension automatic enrolment component. The process
replicates the associations to the pension deduction component when the employee is assessed eligible and enrolled.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

This ensures that the assignment associations between the PAE component and the pension component remain in

The pensions automatic enrolment process replicates the existing assignment associations when creating the pension
deduction. For example, when the employee is enrolled. If you later add more assignment associations to either the
pension automatic enrolment component or the pension component, you must also add them to the linked pension
automatic enrolment component or pension component. The assignment associations to pension automatic enrolment
component and pension component is linked to the qualifying scheme component and must be in sync.

Payroll for Pay Reference Period

If a pensions automatic enrolment component is associated with multiple assignments for different payrolls, you must
specify the payroll to use when assessing earnings.

Select the payroll in the Payroll for Pay Reference Period field.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates process classifies workers to determine eligibility for
automatic enrolment or re-enrolment in a qualifying pension scheme.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task in the Payroll to run this process. The process enables you to:

• Assess workers for contractual enrolment

• Classify workers to determine eligibility for automatic enrolment and re-enrolment in a qualifying pension
• Run a payroll to process earnings and assess them for eligibility
• Perform the appropriate enrolment action based on the employee’s classification or eligibility to contractual
enrolment and the values defined on their Pensions Automatic Enrolment card
• Produce an audit report for both enrolments and re-enrolments, including a section for those employees not
automatically enrolled
• Roll back the assessment payroll run
This process flow is independent of the main payroll run. The assessments should be done early in the payroll cycle
so that consequent actions, such as communications with the employee for opting in and opting out decisions can be
made before the main payroll run cycle. You can run the assessment process multiple times in a payroll period.

The process first checks to see if the automatic re-enrolment date is applicable to each employee in the population,
taking into account the overriding re-enrolment dates, and if so runs the re-enrolment process. Otherwise, the normal
assessment process is run for each eligible employee.

When to Run This Process

• Payroll managers and administrators should run this process at the beginning of each pay period, which
allows time to send employee notification letters and process opt-out actions before a pension contribution is
deducted. This practice helps reduce the number of pension refunds you might need to process in subsequent
• You can also run the process periodically throughout the payroll period as earnings build. You can run the
process multiple times during a pay period. Identifying potential issues early in the cycle gives you time to
resolve issues before the cycle end date.
• You may choose to run the process one final time just before the actual payroll run. This practice helps you
to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date estimates for automatic enrolment pensionable earnings and

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

qualifying earnings. In the actual payroll run, the application processes the pension deduction elements created
(or updated) by the assessment.

Before You Start

You must ensure that:

• Each employee being processed has a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card. A Pensions Automatic Enrolment
card with one Pensions Automatic Enrolment component is created automatically during the new hire process.
• For manual enrolments, the employee also has a Benefits and Pensions calculation card containing a Qualifying
Pension Scheme component.

Process Execution and Parameters

Use the Submit a Flow task. Select the LDG and then select the flow Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment
Multiple Updates Process.

Enter the required parameters and submit the process.

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifier for the process being run. Enter a unique value each time you run the process.

Payroll Name of the payroll to process.

Payroll Period Pay period (as defined in the payroll calendar) to process. The process automatically determines the
pay reference period based on the selected payroll period.

Effective Date Effective date for actions, such as enrolments, taken by this process.

Date Earned Determines which earnings entries to process in the payroll run.

Consolidation Group Identifies payrolls to process.

Run Type Payroll run type, either regular or supplemental.

Payroll Relationship Group Identifies payroll relationships to process.

Element Group Identifies elements to process. See Element Group for Pensions Automatic Enrolment

Process Configuration Group Determines the rules for processing, such as logging and number of threads. This process
configuration group can contain the ‘Maximum Errors Allowed’ action parameter value. This is used in
both the Payroll Assessment Run task and the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates task.

Correspondence Date Date to print on employee notification letters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Process Results
This process produces these outputs:

• Employer audit reports

• Employee notification letters

To view or print process output:

1. Click Go to Task on the process checklist for the Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Reports task.
2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results
3. On the View Results window, click the audit report or notification letter you want to view or print. You can also
save the report locally.

Flow Tasks
Here are the various tasks within the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Multiple Updates process:

Tasks Within the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Multiple Updates Process

Name Description

Payroll Assessment Run Payroll run for the selected payroll and payroll period from the flow submission.

Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Uses the run results from the Payroll Assessment Run task to update employee’s Pension Assessment
component and carry out membership changes to qualifying scheme.

Errors and Warnings Lists any errors and warnings produced by the above two processes

Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report Produces audit reports and archive data for the Employee Notification letters. See Pensions Automatic
Enrolment Audit Reports .

Payroll Assessment Roll Back Rolls back the process results from the assessment run in the first task. If any of the tasks fail
before the final task of Payroll Assessment Roll Back is complete, a manual rollback of the Payroll
Assessment Run must be done. This is because the process would have generated run results that will
impact any future payroll runs regardless of whether they are for a pension assessment run or not.

Element Group for Pensions Automatic Enrolment

When you run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process, you must run it with an element group that does not include
the pension deduction elements.

If you run the process several times in the same period, the update process won't remove the pension component as
it’s processed in the assessment run. For example, an employee changes from being previously first assessed in this
period as an eligible jobholder (with a Pension component) but is now assessed as an entitled worker (now the pension
component should be removed).

It is not appropriate to remove a card, card component, or the element where it has been run.

If the pension component has been processed, you will see this error message in the log file:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

QPS deduction component processed in the current assessment, the eligible jobholder, and noneligible jobholder can't
be processed.

Run the process by excluding the pension deduction component using element set or object group.

To expedite the process, you might wish to exclude other elements that don’t affect assessable earnings from the
assessment run.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Audit Reports

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment audit reports displays all the changes that occurred during the most recent
Pensions Automatic Enrolment process. It includes a section for each type of action performed by the process.

Each section lists all employees for whom the action was taken and provides details, such as the employee's age,
classification, scheme name, and date the action was taken.

The Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment task generates these audit reports:
• Enrolment Report
• Re-Enrolment Report

How to View Audit Reports

To view the employer report after the process has completed:

1. Click Go to Task on the process checklist for the Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report task.
2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results
3. The View results window displays the audit reports that are generated. Select the relevant audit report.

Enrolment Report
The Enrolment report is divided into nine sections along with the employee's name and additional details. The report
displays the type of enrolment as described in this table:

Type of Enrolment Description

Automatically Enrolled Employees who became Eligible Jobholders during the current assessment with no postponement

Manually Enrolled Employees who belong to a scheme which wasn't done through the Pensions Automatic Enrolment

Opt-In Employees who have decided to opt into a qualifying pension scheme.

Opt-Out Employees who have decided to opt out of a qualifying pension scheme.

Left Scheme Employees who leave a scheme and their date of leaving.

Worker Postponement Employees who got worker postponement within current assessment, the postponement rule in place,
and the end date for the postponement.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement The postponement rule and end date for the employees who started Eligible Jobholder Postponement
within the current assessment period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Type of Enrolment Description

Defined Benefit or Hybrid Scheme The postponement rule and end date for the employees who started a Defined Benefit or Hybrid
Postponement Scheme Postponement within the current assessment period.

Employees not Automatically Enrolled Employees who had a classification change but not fallen within any of the other sections. It displays
the employees' classifications along with their assessable earnings and notification letter.

Re-Enrolment Report
The Re-Enrolment report displays employees that were either automatically re-enrolled or weren't eligible for re-
enrolment. The report displays this information along with the employee names and additional details:

Type of Enrolment Description

Automatically Re-Enrolled Employees who were assessed and automatically re-enrolled into a qualifying pension scheme in this

Not Automatically Re-Enrolled Employees who were assessed but weren't eligible for re-enrolment in this period and the associated

Handling Errors in Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process

Here are some important considerations and handling of errors in the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment
Multiple Updates Process.

An important variable is the action parameter Maximum Errors Allowed, which is explained in the relevant tasks.

Payroll Assessment Run Task

• If the Maximum Errors Allowed parameter is set to 20, the Payroll Assessment Run Task process will continue.
This is true even if there are errors, and if there are 20 or less errors. If the process finds more than 20 errors,
the processing will stop.
• If no errors are found, the Payroll Assessment Run Task is marked as complete.
• If any errors are found, even a number below Maximum Errors Allowed, the Payroll Assessment Run Task is
marked as error.
• If the flow task is marked as an error, you must manually skip the task to allow the flow to continue to the next

Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Task

• If your Maximum Errors Allowed is set to 20, the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Task process will
continue. Even if there are errors, if there are 20 or less errors found. If more than 20 errors are found, the
processing will stop.
• If the number of errors is at or below the Maximum Errors Allowed, the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates
Task will be marked as complete.
• If the number of errors is above the Maximum Errors Allowed, the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Task will
be marked as an error.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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• If the flow task is marked as an error, you must manually skip the task to allow the flow to continue to the next

Run Errors and Warnings Report Task

This task won't normally error, and the Maximum Errors Allowed parameter value is not used in this process. However,
if this task does error, you must manually skip the task to allow the flow to continue.

Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report Task

This task won't normally error, and the Maximum Errors Allowed parameter value is not used in this process. However,
if this task does error, you must manually skip the task to allow the flow to continue.

Payroll Assessment Roll Back Task

This task won't normally error, and the Maximum Errors Allowed parameter value is used in this process.

Note: In case of process error or failure to complete, you must submit a rollback flow to ensure that the assessment
run is completely rolled back.

Employee Notification Letters

The employee notification letters inform employees of their classification, action taken by the assessment process, and
any action available to them such as opting in or out.

The Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Reports process produces these types of employee notification letters for
distribution to employees:

• Enrolled
• Postponement
• Not Enrolled

View Notification Letters

To view or print the employee notification letters after the process has completed:

1. Use the Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report task.

2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results
3. On the View Results window, click the notification letter report you want to view or print.

Note: If you have set the Online delivery preference, then the letter content isn't visible within these files, but visible
in the employee's document records.

Modify Notification Letters

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment process outcome determines whether an employee must be sent a letter and the
type of notification letter based on the assessment outcome. The notification letters are delivered as templates that
are prescribed by the Pensions Regulator. You can modify the notification letters, as required. You can do this in the
Business Intelligence Publisher.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Set Delivery Preferences for Notification Letters

To support delivery preferences, a document type ORA_HRX_GB_PAE_LETTERS is provided for the pension letter templates.
You set these preferences using the Document Types task. The default delivery preference is set to Paper. However, you
can change this to Online to enable employees to view their notification letters using the Employee Self-Service.

Email Notifications
If you have enabled email notifications, in addition to the existing output, the process also sends emails to all the
employees with valid email addresses.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Archive Process

The Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report task archives all data required to support both the employer audit
reports and employee notification letters, with sufficient details to ensure you can make modifications as required.

Use the Manage Extract Definitions task to run the UK Pensions Automatic Enrolment Archive Process.

Payroll Assessment Run

Payroll Assessment Run
The Payroll Assessment Run task executes a payroll run for the selected payroll and payroll period from the flow

This calculates assessable earnings used for enrolment and re-enrolment assessment.

Deriving the Pay Reference Period

The pay reference period (PRP) is the period of time over which earnings are assessed for automatic enrolments. The
PRP relates to the period for which payments are made (and considered payable), regardless of when they're earned.

If the PRP is aligned with pay periods, it is set to the start and end dates of the payroll period effective on the date paid/
regular process date of the payroll.

If the PRP is aligned with tax periods, the PRP is set to the start and end dates of the tax/statutory period effective on
the date paid/regular process date of the payroll.

If any payroll offsets have been defined, this will have an impact on how the PRP is calculated and can be illustrated as

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Examples of Pay Reference Period for Pensions Automatic Enrolment for the UK
The Payroll Assessment Run task performs a payroll run for the selected payroll and payroll period. This calculates
assessable earnings for enrolment and re-enrolment assessment. The first step in assessing an employee is to
determine the PRP.

Calendar Monthly Payroll with Pay Period Alignment

If you have chosen to align the PRP with pay periods, then the PRP aligns with the calendar month for a monthly payroll
or with the week for a weekly payroll.

Note: Any positive offset will mean that the next pay period is chosen as the PRP.

Calendar Monthly Payroll with Tax Period Alignment

If you have chosen to align the PRP with tax periods, the first PRP starts on 06 April, for a calendar monthly payroll. In
this example, a positive offset of up to 5 days would still mean that the April tax month is chosen as the PRP.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Lunar Monthly Calendar with Tax Alignment

Here's an example of some pay frequencies (such as the lunar monthly) which could have a substantial difference
between the pay period and the related tax period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Earnings Assessment for Pensions Automatic Enrolment for the UK

To determine eligibility for automatic enrolment, the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process estimates the
automatic enrolment pensionable earnings to be paid in the pay reference period (PRP) and compares it to the earnings
thresholds defined by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Assessable Earnings
For each employment being assessed, the process identifies all element entries attached to the assignment (or multiple
assignments if earnings are aggregated) for the given PRP that match this criteria:

• A primary classification of Regular Earnings or Irregular Earnings

• A subclassification of Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessable

Note: If earnings from multiple assignments with different payrolls are being aggregated, the process uses the PRP
of the payroll defined in the Payroll for Pay Reference Period field on the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment
calculation card.

The process then calculates the net sum of the pay values for each element entry to derive the estimated Automatic
Enrolment Pensionable Earnings for the pay reference period.

Classification for Automatic Enrolment

This figure illustrates how earnings are assessed to determine worker classification for automatic enrolment:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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The process compares assessable earnings against the Qualifying Earnings Automatic Enrolment Trigger. It classifies
employees aged 22 to State Pension Age (SPA) whose earnings exceed the threshold, as eligible jobholders and
automatically enrolls them into a qualifying pension scheme.

Qualifying Earnings Thresholds

Threshold values are stored in the calculation value definitions. HMRC periodically updates the thresholds. They may
not change every year, and they may change on a date other than 6th April. Oracle provides updated calculation value
definitions as the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) makes the new thresholds available.

After calculating the automatic enrolment assessable earnings, the process derives the qualifying earnings by
calculating the portion of the assessable amount that's between the lower and upper thresholds relevant for the pay

First-Time Assessment Outcomes

When an employee is assessed for the first time, the following employee classifications (for pensions) might be
returned, including postponement or automatic enrolment, depending on the classification:

• Eligible Jobholder
◦ Worker postponement
◦ Eligible Jobholder postponement
◦ Automatic enrolment

• Non-Eligible Jobholder
◦ Worker postponement
• Entitled Worker
◦ Worker postponement
• Age Exempt

This table summarizes the enrolment actions taken by the assessment process:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Action Action Trigger Action Description

Contractual enrolment Employee is eligible for contractual enrolment • Creates a Benefits and Pensions
as defined on the PSU or TRU Pensions calculation card and Qualifying Pension
Automatic Enrolment card. Scheme component
• Updates the employee’s Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card
• Generates payroll run results for the
assessed values and pension contribution
amounts (these are rolled back later in the

Automatic enrolment or re-enrolment Employee is classified as an eligible jobholder • Creates a Benefits and Pensions
(no postponement and no opt out) calculation card and Qualifying Pension
Scheme component
• Updates the employee's Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card
• Generates payroll run results for the
assessed values and pension contribution

Manual enrolment Qualifying Scheme Joining Method is Manually • Updates the employee's Pensions
Enrolled Automatic Enrolment card. (A Benefits
and Pensions card with the Qualifying
Pension Scheme component, must have
been previously created.)
• Generates payroll run results for the
assessed values and pension contribution

Opting in Qualifying Scheme Joining Method is Opt In • Creates a Benefits and Pensions
calculation card and Qualifying Pension
Scheme component (if it doesn't already
• Updates the employee's Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card
• Generates payroll run results for the
assessed values and pension contribution

Contractual opt-in Qualifying Scheme Leaving Reason is • Creates a Benefits and Pensions
Contractual Opt-In calculation card and Qualifying Pension
Scheme component (if it does not already
• Updates the employee’s Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card

Opting out Qualifying Scheme Joining Method is Opt out • Updates the employee's Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card
• If the employee is currently enrolled,
set the end date on their Benefits
and Pensions calculation card, to stop

Contractual opt-out Qualifying Scheme Leaving Reason is • Updates the employee’s Pensions
Contractual Opt-Out Automatic Enrolment card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Action Action Trigger Action Description

• If the employee is currently enrolled,

set the end date on their Benefits
and Pensions calculation card, to stop

Leaving a scheme Qualifying Scheme Joining Method is Left • Updates the employee's Pensions
Scheme Automatic Enrolment card
• Sets the end date on their calculation card
to stop contributions

Transfer Qualifying Scheme Leaving Reason is Transfer • Sets the end date on the employee
Benefits and Pensions card to stop
existing contributions
• Creates a Qualifying Pension Scheme
component for the Transfer Qualifying
• Updates the employee’s Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card

Backdated transfer Qualifying Scheme Leaving Reason is • Sets the end date on the employee
Backdated Transfer Benefits and Pensions card to stop
existing contributions
• Creates a Qualifying Pension Scheme
component for the Transfer Qualifying
• Updates the employee’s Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card
• Generates payroll run results for the
assessed values and pension contribution

Postponing enrolment Automatic or manual postponement • Determines if one of these postponement

types applies:

◦ Worker postponement

◦ Eligible jobholder postponement

◦ DB or hybrid scheme postponement

• Updates the employee's Pensions

Automatic Enrolment card

You can re-enrol employees that are currently not enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme.

For employees that are assessed as Eligible Jobholder and also enrolled into a qualifying pension scheme, set Re-
Enrolment Assessment Only field as Yes.

This process checks this during the re-enroment time frame, that is, the pay reference period (PRP) when the next
re-enrolment date falls. And, if the process again assesses the employee as eligible and currently not enrolled in a
qualifying pension scheme, it automatically re-enrols them.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Process Outstanding Actions from a Previous PRP

The pensions automatic enrolment can process outstanding joiners and leavers from a previous pay reference period

For example, if your employees can notify you after payroll cut-off of a leaver, you can enable the application to process
this as of the previous period. You can enable this while setting the default values for pensions at the organization level.
Select the check box Process outstanding actions from previous PRP for unprocessed joiners and leavers.

The process supports these actions:

• Joiners
◦ Contractual opt-in
◦ Self-service enrolment
◦ Manually enrolled
◦ Opt-in

• Leavers
◦ Contractual opt-out
◦ Self-service opt-out
◦ Employee self-unenroled
◦ Left scheme
◦ Opt-Out
◦ Transfer

When you select this check box, the assessment process first processes any unprocessed (no processed date stamped)
joiners or leavers. It then continues to assess the employee for this period taking the previous period's newly calculated
values into account.

Sometimes the automatic enrolment process may return two result elements, each of which is processed based on
effective update date.

Related Topics
• Define Organization-Level Setup Values for Pensions

Pensions Assessor Multiple Updates

The Pension Assessor Multiple Updates task uses the run results from the Payroll Assessment Run task to update the
employee’s Pension Assessment component.

It also performs membership changes to qualifying scheme as described here:

1. The Pensions Automatic Enrolment process task (using the assessor formula) performs all the calculations. It
stores the results in the payroll run results table for each processed Pensions Automatic Enrolment component.
2. It further processes those run results, and amends the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component details to
insert or remove the Pension Deduction component, based on the run result values.
3. After processing each Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessor component based on the run result values, it
marks them as Processed. This is done by updating the employee’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessor
flexfield component with the Flow Instance ID, and run result value of assessment date as last assessment date
run result value.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Note: This process will update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component with the Last Assessment Date
as the Date Effective Update date, with the DE_PROPAGATE_FORWARD_DIRECTION option. This means that all future
date effective records are also updated with the revised value.

4. Finally, the processed Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessor component information is displayed on the
pension archive reports.

Mapping of Result Values

The assessment process generates run results, which are used to generate the reports. These run results are later rolled

Here's the data generated in these temporary run results:

Results Values Mapping


Employee Classification EMP_CLASS

Eligible Jobholder Date EJ_DATE

Active Postponement Type POSTP_TYPE

Active Postponement Rule POSTP_RULE

Active Postponement End Date POSTP_END_DATE

Active Qualifying Scheme ACT_QPS_ID

Qualifying Scheme Joining Method QPS_JOIN_METHOD

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date QPS_JOIN_DATE

Reason for Leaving Scheme LEAVE_REAS

Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date LEAVE_DATE

Opt-Out Period End Date OPTOUT_END_DATE

Joining Scheme Processed Date JOIN_PROC_DATE

Leaving Scheme Processed Date LEAVE_PROC_DATE

Class Change Processed Date CLS_CHNG_PROC_DATE

Postponement Processed Date POSTP_PROC_DATE


Last Assessment Date LST_ASSMNT_DATE

Process Assessment ID PROC_ASSMNT_ID

Qualifying Scheme ID QPS_ID

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Assessable Earnings ASSBLE_EARNINGS

Automatic Re-Enrolment Date REENROL_DATE

Qualifying Scheme Start Date QPS_START_DATE

Effective Update Date EFF_UPD_DATE

Last Assessment Period LST_ASSMNT_PERIOD

Type Of Letter Generated LETTER_TYPE

Date Letter Generated LETTER_DATE

Re-enrolment Assessment Only RE_ENROL_ONLY

Reason for exclusion REAS_FOR_EXCL


Subsequent Communication Required COMMS_REQ

Letter History LETTER_HIST

Notice Given Date NOTICE_DATE

• Date Letter Generated: This is the value comes from the flow parameter Correspondence Date. Also, the letter
date wouldn’t be stamped on the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component if the corresponding PSU’s Disable
pension letters flag is set to yes.
• Opt-Out Period End Date: This value would be picked from the run result value OPTOUT_END_DATE and
whenever this value is not blank or empty the update process would replace the value with Letter Date (Flow
parameter Letter Date value) + 1 Month.
• Reason for Exclusion: This value is derived from the run result value REAS_FOR_EXCL and shows why a person
was excluded from enrolment or re-enrolment. One of the following values may apply

Code and Meanings

Code Meaning

ORA_HRX_GB_LEFTQPSLESS12MTH Left Qualifying Pension Scheme less than 12 months ago

ORA_HRX_GB_LEFTQPSMORE12MTH Left Qualifying Pension Scheme 12 or more months ago


ORA_HRX_GB_LET_NOTYETGEN Not yet generated

ORA_HRX_GB_NOTICE6WKPRD Notice given date is within 6 weeks of assessment date

ORA_HRX_GB_TAXPROTECTED Tax Protection applied

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Code Meaning

ORA_HRX_GB_WULSRECEIPT Received Winding Up Lump Sum Payment

Letter Status: This value would be picked from the run result value LETTER_STATUS which can have one of the
following values:

Code and Meanings of Letter Status

Code Meaning


This status is given after the Generate Pensions Automatic Enrolment Reports process is

ORA_HRX_GB_LET_NOTYETGEN Not yet generated

This status is given before the Generate Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report process is

ORA_HRX_GB_LET_DISABLED Letter generation disabled

Enrolment Actions
Automatic Enrolment
The Pensions Automatic Enrolment process automatically enrols an employee who is assessed as an eligible jobholder.

The process creates a new pension deduction component, linking the new component to the assessor and updates the
enrolment values on the assessor details. The newly created pension deduction component creates an element entry
that is processed in the payroll run.

This table lists the fields that the process updates.

Updated Assessor Details

Field Value or Description

Active Qualifying Scheme Name Name of the pension scheme

Qualifying Scheme Joining Method Automatic enrolment

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Joining date

Joining Scheme Processed Date Joining date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Field Value or Description

Qualifying Scheme Component Link to new pension deduction component

Manually Enrol an Employee into a Qualifying Pension Scheme for the UK

You can manually enrol an employee in a qualifying pension scheme if that employee doesn't qualify for automatic
enrolment, such as an exempt or entitled worker.

You can also use manual enrolment if an employee is already enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme for one or more
eligible terms or assignments and wants to enrol in another qualifying pension scheme for another employment for the
same payroll relationship. Some employers use manual enrolment if they contractually enrol all employees in a pension
scheme on their first day of employment.

Manual enrolment involves these tasks:

• Creating a Benefits and Pensions calculation card

• Updating the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card

Before You Start

Before manually enrolling an employee, ensure that:

• An element exists for the qualifying pension scheme in which you're enrolling the employee and eligibility has
been defined for the element.
• The employee has a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card. For most employees, the application creates this is
card automatically during the New Hire process.

Create a Benefits and Pensions Calculation Card

1. Select the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll work area.

2. Search for and select the payroll relationship for the employee you want to enrol.
3. On the Person Details page, click Create to add a new card.
4. In the Create Calculation Card window, select Benefits and Pensions and click Continue.
5. Click Add Row in the Calculation Components section.
6. In the Calculation Component field, select the scheme into which you want to enrol the employee. The name of
the component matches the name of the pension scheme element previously created.
7. Save the card.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card (Employee Not Previously Enrolled)
If you're manually enrolling an employee who wasn't automatically enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme, follow the
steps below. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

1. Open the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment card for editing (also using the Calculation Cards task).

Note: The Pensions Automatic Enrolment card is created automatically when an employee is hired.

2. Select Edit > and Update.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

3. Complete the fields as shown here:

Field Value

Qualifying Scheme Joining Method Select Manually enrolled.

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Enter the enrolment date.

Active Qualifying Scheme Name Select the name of the qualifying pension scheme for manual enrolment.

Qualifying Scheme Component Select the name of the qualifying pension scheme you previously added to the employee's
Benefits and Pensions calculation card.

4. Create or update TRU and assignment associations as needed. If you added assignment associations to the
deduction component, add the same assignments here.

By default, the original Pensions Automatic Enrolment component has no association details. Earnings for
all assignments for the payroll relationship are considered during the initial Pensions Automatic Enrolment
assessment Multiple Updates process. If you add a Pensions Automatic Enrolment component, you must define
association details for both components.
5. Save the calculation card.
6. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process before running your full payroll cycle to verify
successful enrolment and generate notification letters.

Create a Pensions Automatic Enrolment Component for Additional Qualifying Scheme (Employee Currently Enrolled)
If you're manually enrolling an employee who's currently enrolled in another qualifying pension scheme, follow the
steps below.

1. Open the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment card for editing (Calculation Cards task).
2. Create an additional Pensions Automatic Enrolment component on the card.
3. Complete these fields in the Calculation Component Details section:

Field Value

Employee Classification for Pensions Select the employee's current classification.

If the employee is an eligible jobholder, you must enter the Eligible Jobholder Date, which
is the date the employee was assessed as an eligible jobholder by the Pensions Automatic
Enrolment Assessment process. (The process automatically set this date on the employee's
original Pensions Automatic Enrolment component.)

Qualifying Scheme Joining Method Select Manually enrolled.

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Enter the enrolment date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Qualifying Scheme Component Select the qualifying pension scheme you previously added to the employee's Benefits and
Pensions calculation card.

4. Create an association to the appropriate tax reporting unit.

5. Create association details to link each Pensions Automatic Enrolment component (the new one and the original
one) with the appropriate terms or assignments.

Note: By default, the original Pensions Automatic Enrolment component has no association details; earnings
for all terms or assignments for the payroll relationship are considered during the initial pensions automatic
enrolment assessment. If you add a Pensions Automatic Enrolment component, you must define association
details for both components.

6. Save the calculation card.

7. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process before running your full payroll cycle to verify
successful enrolment and generate notification letters.

Contractual Opt-In
An employee can opt-in to a contractual pension scheme at any time. You must ensure that the employee has a
Pensions Automatic Enrolment card.

Opting in involves updating the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card as summarized here:

1. Open the employee's pensions calculation card for editing using the Calculation Cards task.
2. Complete the fields in the calculation component details as show here:

Field Value

Active Qualifying Scheme Name Select Contractual Opt-In

Qualifying Pension Scheme Select the pension scheme

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Enter the joining date

3. Save the calculation card.

4. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process before running your full payroll cycle to verify
successful enrolment and generate notification letters.
The process creates a new pension component for the scheme that you selected, and links it to the assessor by
updating these fields:

Field Value

Joining Scheme Processed Date Join date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Qualifying Scheme Component Link to the new pension deduction component

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date The application derives the date based on the values set at org-level; default is 3 months from join date

Opt In to a Qualifying Pension Scheme for the UK

A non-eligible jobholder can opt in to a qualifying pension scheme at any time. An eligible jobholder can opt in to a
qualifying scheme after previously opting out or leaving the scheme.

Before You Start

You need to ensure that:

• An element exists for the qualifying scheme that the employee is opting into, and eligibility has been defined.
• The employee has a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card. For most employees, this card is created
automatically during the New Hire process.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card for the Opt-In Action
Opting in involves updating the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card as summarized here:

1. Open the employee's pensions calculation card for editing using the Calculation Cards task.
2. Complete the fields in the calculation component details as show here:

Field Value

Active Qualifying Scheme Name Select the name of the scheme that you're enrolling the employee in

Qualifying Scheme Joining Method Select Opt in

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Enter the opt-in enrolment date

3. Save the calculation card.

4. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process before running your full payroll cycle to verify
successful enrolment and generate notification letters.
The process creates a new pension component for the scheme that you selected, and links it to the assessor by
updating these fields:

Field Value

Joining Scheme Processed Date Join date

Qualifying Scheme Component Link to the new pension deduction component

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Field Value

Qualifying Scheme Joining Date Join date plus 1 month

Opt Out of a Qualifying Pension Scheme for the UK

An eligible jobholder can opt out of a qualifying pension scheme into which they were automatically enrolled. A non-
eligible jobholder can opt out of a qualifying scheme for which they previously opted in.

Opting out must occur within the opt-out period. After that date, an employee must leave, rather than opt out, of a

Note: An employee who was manually enrolled in a qualifying scheme must leave, rather than opt out, of the
qualifying scheme.

Before you Start

Make sure that:

• The employee is currently enrolled in a qualifying scheme (either by automatic enrolment or by opting in).
• The opt-out period end date hasn't yet been reached.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card for the Opt-Out Action
Opting out involves updating the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card as summarized here:

1. Use the Calculation Cards task to open the employee's pensions calculation card for editing.
2. Complete the fields in the component details section as shown here:

Field Value

Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme Opt out

Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date Opt-out date

Effective Start Date Date should be the same as the qualifying scheme leaving date to avoid incorrect pension
assessments in future processing.

3. Save the calculation card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

4. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Update process.

The process end dates the employee's Benefits and Pensions card and removes the qualifying scheme details
from the pensions card. The employee's classification for pensions remains unchanged.

These are the assessor values that are updated:

Field Action

Leaving Scheme Processed Date The date of leaving the scheme

Qualifying Scheme Component This is deleted.

Opt-Out Period for Qualifying Pension Schemes

A period of one calendar month after enrolment during which an employee can opt out and get a full refund of any

The opt-out period start date is either the enrolment date or the date the employee received notification of their
enrolment, whichever is later. An employee can't opt out before the opt-out period starts or after it ends. After it ends,
they must leave the scheme, rather than opt out. At that time, refund of contributions depends on the pension scheme

Contractual Opt-Out
An employee can opt out from a contractual scheme. Before you start, ensure that the employee has a Pensions
Automatic Enrolment card. This card is automatically created during the new hire process.

Use the Calculation Cards task to update the assessor details and complete the calculation component details as shown

Field Value

Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme Contractual opt-out

Opt-Out Refund Date Select from the list of values: Pending, Yes, No

Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date Leaving date. If refund due is Yes, leaving date must be the same as joining date.

Effective Start Date Date should be the same as the qualifying scheme leaving date to avoid incorrect pension assessments
in future processing.

When you run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Update process:
• If Opt-Out Refund Due is set to Pending or No, the linked deduction is end dated as at the leaving date
• If Opt-Out Refund Due is set to Yes, the linked deduction is end dated as at join date.

Note: After the Contractual opt-out is processed, there is no subsequent processing to process a change in the
Refund Due option.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Leave a Qualifying Pension Scheme

An employee can leave a qualifying pension scheme in which they're currently enrolled.

Leaving a scheme is different from opting out. Use this procedure only for employees who were manually enrolled
in a qualifying scheme or who are leaving a scheme after the opt-out period ends. If an employee was automatically
enrolled or has opted in to a qualifying scheme and wants to opt out before the opt-out period end date, use the Opt-
Out action.

Before You Start

Make sure that:

• The employee is currently enrolled in a qualifying scheme.

• If the joining method was automatic enrolment or opt-in, the opt-out period has ended.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

When an employee leaves a qualifying scheme, you must update their Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card,
as summarized here:

1. Open the employee's pensions card for editing using the Calculation Cards task.
2. Complete these fields in the details section:

Field Value

Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme Select Left scheme.

Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date Enter the leaving date.

Effective Start Date Date should be the same as the qualifying scheme leaving date to avoid incorrect pension
assessments in future processing.

3. Save the calculation card.

4. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process.

The process end-dates the employee's Benefits and Pensions card so that no more deductions are taken. The
employee's classification for pensions remains unchanged.

These are the assessor values that are updated:

Field Action

Leaving Scheme Processed Date The date of leaving the scheme

Qualifying Scheme Component This is deleted.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Override the Default Qualifying Scheme for an Employee

You can override the default qualifying pension scheme before an employee is automatically enrolled. When the
Automatic Pensions Enrolment Assessment process runs, it automatically enrols the employee in the overriding scheme
if the employee is assessed as an eligible jobholder.

Once an employee has been enrolled in a qualifying scheme, you must end their enrolment in the current scheme,
either by opting out or by leaving the qualifying scheme. Then you can manually enrol them in the new scheme.

Before You Start

Make sure that:

• An element exists for the overriding qualifying scheme and eligibility has been defined.
• The employee has a Pensions Automatic Enrolment card. For most employees, this card is created
automatically during the New Hire process.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Calculation Card

To override the default qualifying scheme, you must update the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation
card before they're automatically enrolled.

1. Open the employee's pensions calculation card for editing (Calculation Cards task).
2. In the Component Details section, expand the Pensions Automatic Enrolment section.
3. In the Overriding Qualifying Scheme Name field, select the qualifying scheme for this enrolment.
4. Save the calculation card.
5. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process.

Transfer from Qualifying Scheme to Another Scheme

An employee can transfer from a qualifying pension scheme in which they are currently enrolled to a new one. The
process automatically end dates the existing pension component, and creates a new one.

Before you start, you must ensure that the employee is currently enrolled in a qualifying scheme.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

1. Use the Calculation Cards task to open the employee's pensions calculation card for editing.
2. In the component details, select Edit Correct.
3. Complete the fields as shown here:

Field Value

Transfer Qualifying Scheme Name Name of the new scheme

Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme Transfer

Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date Date when the current scheme must be ended. For example, the last day of the current PRP.

Effective Start Date Date should be the same as the qualifying scheme leaving date to avoid incorrect pension
assessments in future processing.

Target Qualifying Pension Scheme Name of the target pension scheme.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

4. Save the calculation card.

5. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Update process.
The process end dates the current pension scheme on the scheme leaving date and creates the new pension
scheme component from the next day.

Backdated Transfer from Qualifying Scheme to Another Scheme

You can back date a transfer from a qualifying pension scheme in which in which an employee is currently enrolled to a
new one.

Backdated transfer can only be selected within the 3 months of joining scheme. The process will automatically end date
the existing pension component and create a new one. Before you start, you must ensure that the employee is currently
enrolled in a qualifying scheme.

Update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

1. Use the Calculation Cards task to open the employee's pensions calculation card.
2. In the component details, select Edit Correct.
3. Complete the fields as shown here:

Field Value

Transfer Qualifying Scheme Name Name of the new scheme

Reason for Leaving Qualifying Scheme Backdated Transfer

4. Save the calculation card.

5. Run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Update process.
The process end dates the current pension scheme, creates the new pension scheme from the join date, and
copies the pension payroll ID from the previous scheme to the new scheme component. You must manually
handle any refunds from deductions in the original scheme.

Sample Configuration for Salary Sacrifice

This is a sample solution to administer salary sacrifice for employees who might want to use it partially, fully, or abstain
from it.
• Set up regular and irregular earnings
To do this, you must configure the Standard Earnings element that feeds all the balances including Pensionable
• Set up salary sacrifice element
◦ Create the Salary Sacrifice element using the earnings element templates and ensure that it contains an
input value of Employee Reduction Percentage.
◦ The priority of the salary sacrifice earnings element should be such that it runs after all other earnings
elements. You can define this in the Elements task.
◦ The Salary Sacrifice element must be an Earnings element.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

◦ The Pay Value must be negative. Here's a recommended calculation that you can use:
Pay_Value = round (<Element_Name>Pensionable Earnings_ASG_RUN * Employee Reduction Percentage /
100, 2) * -1

◦ Apart from the usual balances, the element must feed these balances:
- Pensionable Earnings
- Taxable Pay
- NIable Pay
- Own primary balance, which is referenced by the corresponding pension deduction fast formula. In
this example, it is Earning Sacrifice for Pension1.

Configure Pension Element

The pension element already contains values for the employee and employer contribution percentages. However, you
might have employees with more than one pension scheme, and only one pension scheme is subject to salary sacrifice.
Ensure you reduce the salary by the reduction percentage applied to the pensionable earnings that's subject to salary
sacrifice. It should not apply to all the pensionable earnings applicable to both pension schemes.

The Pension element feeds all the usual balances for the classification.

The Salary Sacrifice contribution is not recorded as an Employee Contribution, but as an Employer Contribution. The
fast formula needs adjusting:

You can edit the fast formula to reference the Earnings Sacrifice for Pension1 _PTD or _RUN balance. If this does not
equal zero implying this employee has contractually agreed to a salary sacrifice reduction, the employee contribution is
reduced by the salary sacrifice already made as shown here:

Employee_Contribution =
GREATEST(0, (ROUND(employee_pensionable_earnings * (employee_pension_Contribution_percentage / 100),2))
- (-1 * Earnings Sacrifice For Pension1_RUN))

Note: This approach implies that the employee % includes the Salary Sacrifice %. This also allows the employee
to make an additional pension contribution, over and above the salary Sacrifice contribution. If there is such
an additional employee contribution, it is posted to the usual balances. This represents an additional employee
contribution in addition to the Salary Sacrifice contribution.

The Employee Contribution should feed either Pre-Tax Pension Contributions or Post Tax Pension Contributions if
it’s a voluntary contribution, to ensure the Full Payment Submission (FPS) is correct. The Employee Contribution must
negatively feed Taxable Pay, but not NIable Pay.

The Employer contribution consists of two components:

• The usual calculation of the Employer Contribution.

• The value of the balance Earnings Sacrifice for Pension _RUN * -1 (to convert it to a positive additional employer
◦ This value (made of two components) is posted to the usual balances
Additionally, you might require a separate balance of just the salary sacrifice pension contribution. This could be
an additional balance, fed by an additional input value created using the element template manually. You can then
reference this in reports for pension deduction and reconciliation purposes, for example, balance Employer Sacrifice

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Additional Considerations
The recommended solution makes the following assumptions:

• The element entry for salary sacrifice is available only if the employee has agreed to undertake salary sacrifice.
You must manually create the element entry, there's no automated mechanism to create the entry.
• If the element entry for salary sacrifice is present, the employee is enrolled, and the deduction is taken for this
period. In rare cases with auto-enrol and opt-out, the person might be removed from the pension scheme, but
the salary sacrifice is still taken. You can address this by:
◦ Amending the Salary Sacrifice formula to check the enrolment status of the employee. In case the person
is contributing to more than one pension scheme, a named pension scheme could be used. An additional
input value can hold this.
◦ Having a further element for all employees regardless of their enrolment status that runs after pension
deductions are complete to check that the balance value ‘Earnings Sacrifice For Pension _RUN’ =
Employer Sacrifice Contribution_RUN. Raise an error if they don’t balance.
◦ Additionally, instead of just a Percentage for salary sacrifice reduction, you might want to have the option
of a further input value to hold an absolute amount of deduction to be taken each period. You must
maintain this value in case if earnings changes or payroll frequency changes.

Configure Flow to Enable an Erroneous Flow to Continue

If you require the flow to continue processing even if there are errors, you can copy the predefined flow. This can be
modified to change the behaviour in relation to the errors found in the flow.

Create and Modify a Copy of Predefined Flow

1. Navigate to the Checklist work area and select Manage Payroll Flow Patterns task.
2. In the search, enter these values:
a. Flow Pattern - Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process.
b. Legislative Data Group – Select your LDG.
3. Select the Pensions automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process.
4. Click Copy.
5. Enter a name for the new flow. Ensure that the LDG value matches your LDG.
6. Click Save and Close.
7. To verify if the flow was successfully created, search for the new flow name that you have created.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

8. Contact support and provide the name of the created flow name.

The support team will run a script to update the flow with the considerations described here.

◦ Payroll Assessment Run Task: If your Maximum Errors Allowed is set to 20, the Payroll Assessment Run
Task process will continue even if there are errors. This is true if there are 20 or less errors found. If there
are more than 20 errors, the processing will stop.

The Payroll Assessment Run Task will always be marked as complete, regardless of the number of errors

Note: The status icon of the task will be set to In Progress with Error.

◦ Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Task: If your Maximum Errors Allowed is set to 20, the Payroll
Assessment Run Task process will continue even if there are errors. This is true if there are 20 or less
errors found. If there are more than 20 errors, the processing will stop.

If the number of errors is at or below the Maximum Errors Allowed, the Pension Assessor Multiple
Updates Task will be marked as complete. If the number of errors is above the maximum errors allowed,
the Pension Assessor Multiple Updates Task will be marked as error.

The flow will continue regardless of the number or errors or if the flow task is marked as error or
◦ Run Errors and Warnings Report Task

This task won't normally error, and the Maximum Errors Allowed value is not used in this process.
However, if this task does error, the flow will continue.
◦ Run Pensions Automatic enrolment Report Task - This task won't normally error, and the Maximum
Errors Allowed parameter value is not used in this process. However, if this task does error, the flow will
◦ Payroll Assessment Roll Back Task - This task won't normally error, and the Maximum Errors Allowed
parameter value is used in this process.

Note: If this process does error, or fails to complete, you must submit a rollback flow to ensure that the
assessment run is rolled back completely.

Sample Formulas
Sample Formula for Contractual Opt-Out
You might need different employees with different end dates for opt-out period or it depends on the type of join. You
can write a user formula and call it from the pensions automatic enrolment process to determine the opt-out period end

• Formula name: Naming convention <<%CONTRACTUAL OPT OUT%>>

• Formula type: Oracle Payroll | Calculation Utility | Payroll Access to HR
• Return value: The formula must be compiled and return variable PCE_OOP_END_DATE, which must contain the
opt-out end date.
• Formula text:


FORMULA TYPE: Oracle Payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

DESCRIPTION: This sample formula returns the opt-out period end date for
contractual enrolments.

Change History:
Name Date Version Comments
Oracle 2019-07-01 1.0 Initial Version
***************************************************************************** */
PCE_OOP_END_DATE = TO_DATE('2019/07/31', 'YYYY/MM/DD')


Sample Formula to Accurately Derive the Qualifying Scheme

You can use this sample formula to accurately derive or fetch the qualifying pension scheme.


FORMULA TYPE: Oracle Payroll / Calculation Utility
Change History:
Name Date Comments

/* PSFAE */

i_pae_comp_id = GET_CONTEXT(DIR_CARD_COMP_ID,1)
l_effective_date = GET_CONTEXT(EFFECTIVE_DATE,'0001/01/01 00:00:00' (date))
l_date_earned = GET_CONTEXT(DATE_EARNED,'0001/01/01 00:00:00' (date))

l_eligible_scheme = 'X'

log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: context : DIR_CARD_COMP_ID :' || to_char(i_pae_comp_id))

log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: context : EFFECTIVE_DATE :' || to_char(l_effective_date))
log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: context : DATE_EARNED :' || to_char(l_date_earned))


log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: PAE Component Terms count : ' ||

/* Find the terms liked to the PAE component */

log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: ****** 1')

/* Find the assignment for the current term */


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

/* Fetch the PPG value */

l_effective_date > 'P_EFFECTIVE_DATE',
l_eligible_scheme < 'r_segment1' default 'X'

log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: l_eligible_scheme: '||l_eligible_scheme)

IF l_eligible_scheme <> 'X' THEN
IF l_eligible_scheme <> 'X' THEN
/* ******************************************************************
custom code to handle scenarios where no terms are linked.
****************************************************************** */

log = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('PSFAE::: ****** 3')

/* ******************************************************************
custom code to fetch the QPS element_type_id goes here.
****************************************************************** */
if l_eligible_scheme <> 'X' then
else QPS_ID=6



return QPS_ID

Sample SQL to List Tax Periods

You can use this SQL to list the pay periods and related tax periods for a particular tax year.

pay_all_payrolls_f pap,
pay_time_periods ptp
pap.payroll_name = 'JL Monthly'

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

and pap.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id

and period_name like '%2022%'
order by period_name, start_date;

HCM Data Loader Attributes to Migrate Pension Data

You can use the HCM Data Loader attributes to load the pensions migration data. Use the sample use case mappings

You must only provide these flexfield segment attribute values if the HCM Data Loader attribute has a value of
HRX_GB_PAE for Deduction Developer Descriptive Flexfield.

HCM Data Loader Attribute User Interface Prompt Description

_EMPLOYEE_CLASSIFICATION Employee Classification for Employee’s assessment to pensions enrolment. By default, before the
Pensions process is run, the classification is set to Not yet assessed.

This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_


_ELIGIBLE_JOBHOLDER_DATE Eligible Jobholder Date Date the employee became an Eligible jobholder.

_RE_ENROLMENT_ASSESSMENT_ Re-enrolment Assessment Indicates whether the employee should only be assessed for Re-enrolment.
ONLY Only Enter Yes or No.

_REASON_FOR_EXCLUSION Reason for Exclusion Reason why an employee might be excluded from re-enrolment. This
attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PAE_EXCL_REASON.

_OVERRIDING_WORKER_ Overriding Worker Postponement rule for the employee that overrides the worker
POSTPONEMENT Postponement Rule postponement rule you have set at the PSU or TRU level. This attribute is
validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_POSTP_RULE.

_OVERRIDING_ELIGIBLEJH_ Overriding Eligible Jobholder Eligible jobholder postponement rule for the employee that overrides
POSTPMNT Postponement Rule postponement rule you have set at either PSU or TRU level. This attribute is
validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_POSTP_RULE.

_OVERRIDING_QUALIFYING_SCHEME Overriding Qualifying Qualifying scheme that the employee should be enrolled in during the
Scheme Name Pensions Automatic Enrolment process. This attribute is validated using the

_ACTIVE_POSTPONEMENT_TYPE Active Postponement Type Indicates the type of postponement the employee is currently subject to.
This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_POST_

_ACTIVE_POSTPONEMENT_RULE Active Postponement Rule The active postponement rule indicates which postponement rule currently
applies to the employee.

This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

HCM Data Loader Attribute User Interface Prompt Description

_ACTIVE_POSTPONEMENT_END_ Active Postponement End End date of the current postponement.


_ACTIVE_QUALIFYING_SCHEME Active Qualifying Scheme Name of the qualifying pension scheme the employee is currently enrolled
Name in.

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_JOIN_ Qualifying Scheme Joining Indicates the method by which the employee joined the qualifying scheme.
METHOD Method This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_JOIN_

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_JOIN_DATE Qualifying Scheme Joining Date on which the employee enrolled into the qualifying scheme.

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_LEAVE_ Reason for Leaving Reason the employee leaves the qualifying scheme. The attribute is
REASON Qualifying Scheme validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_PENSION_LEAVE_REASN.

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_LEAVE_DATE Qualifying Scheme Leaving Date when the employee leaves the qualifying scheme.

_OPT_OUT_PERIOD_END_DATE Opt-Out Period End Date An employee who is an eligible jobholder has a certain period during which
the person can decide to opt out. This indicates the end date of the opt-out

_OPT_OUT_REFUND_DUE Opt-Out Refund Due If an employee opted-out after pension contributions were taken, they
might be entitled to a refund of the contributions.

Supply Yes or No.

_JOINING_SCHEME_PROCESSED_ Joining Scheme Processed Hidden field required for processing.


_LEAVING_SCHEME_PROCESSED_ Leaving Scheme Processed Hidden field required for processing.


_CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED_PROC_ Classification Change Hidden field required for processing.

DT Processed Date

_ACTIVE_POSTPONEMENT_PROC_ Active Postponement Hidden field required for processing.

DATE Processed Date

_PAYROLL_FOR_PAY_REF_PERIOD Payroll for Pay Reference Indicates the payroll that needs to be used to identify the pay reference
Period period.

_OVERRIDING_STAGING_DATE Overriding Staging Date Employee can have an individual staging date, that is, the date when the
Pensions Automatic Enrolment becomes applicable to them. That date
overrides the PSU staging date.

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_ID Qualifying Scheme Each Qualifying Pension scheme needs to be created as an element using
Component the Element task. This generates the element and a component in the
Benefits and Pension calculation card. This is the name of the Pension
component corresponding to the qualifying scheme that the employee is
enrolled in.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

HCM Data Loader Attribute User Interface Prompt Description

It is automatically populated by the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process

but can also be uploaded.

Note: When uploading this information using HCM Data Loader, you
need to make sure that the corresponding component in the Benefits
and Pensions card already exists

_QUALIFYING_SCHEME_START_DATE Qualifying Scheme Start Date Start date of the qualifying scheme.

_LETTER_TYPE_GENERATED Letter Type Type of letter generated by the process, based on the employee’s
classification. This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_GB_

_LETTER_STATUS Letter Status Status of the letter. This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_

_LETTER_TYPE_DATE Date Letter Generated The date on which the letter was generated.

_SUBSEQUENT_COMMS_REQ Subsequent Communication Indicates whether additional Pensions Automatic Enrolment information
Required needs to be sent out. Enter Yes or No.

_LETTER_HISTORY Letter History If the employee was previously issued with the letter type N, this needs to
be brought forward to this application. Enter No.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Loading Pensions Automatic Enrolments for the UK

Set Up Email Notifications

As prescribed by the Pensions Regulations authority, the employer must physically notify employees of their status
when they are automatically assessed.

The notification must be sent by post or email, and not just rely on employee self-service applications offered by
employers' organization.

To send email notifications, you need:

• Employee’s work email address and date of birth
• Document delivery preference of Online or Both for pensions automatic enrolment
• Notifications

You can enable email notifications for your production environment. In the Lookup Codes task, create a lookup
code PAE_EMAIL_LIVE_ENV, using the lookup type ORA_HRX_GB_OUTPUT_CONTROL. Also add the meaning for the
environment, for example, Oracle.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• Delivery option
You need to modify the Pension Notification Letter Email delivery option and provide the necessary values to
enable sending of emails. You can do this on the Extract Delivery Options page for the delivery option Pension
Notification Letter Email. Enter the values for the fields From, Subject, Message Body, and Reply-To in the
delivery option details.

• BIP SMTP server

You need to ensure that a valid email server is set up.
• BIP letter templates(predefined or custom)

Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Multiple Updates Process

The pensions archive flow validates and archives the employee's work email address, if you enable email notifications,
and the delivery preference includes Online.

The Generate Pension Letters process, in addition to the existing outputs, sends emails to employees with valid email
addresses. The process sends the notification letter as an email attachment and secured by a password using the
employee’s date of birth.

Custom Templates for Emails

You can create custom templates for emails and online letters.

You might already have custom templates for the letters E, N, and P that you use for online letters. You can copy the
content of these into the subtemplates E, N, and P that you want to use for emails.

You would then need to remove the Online custom templates that you have.

Override Pension Email Delivery Option

You can override the email delivery options for pensions automatic enrolment using extract definitions.

1. On the Home page, click the Data Exchange quick action in the My Client Groups tab.
2. Search for and select Extract Definitions.
3. Set the scope to search for UK Pensions Automatic Enrolment Notification Letter Process.
a. Click Show Filters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

b. Select a legislative data group.

c. Enter name as UK Pensions Automatic Enrolment Notification Letter Process.
d. Click Search.
4. On the Extract Definitions page, click the Advanced Edit icon.
5. In Extract Delivery Options, click Pension Notification Letter Email.
6. On the Extract Delivery Options page, click View > Columns. Enable the Overriding Delivery Mode option.
7. To add a new row, click Add.
8. Review and complete the fields as shown here:

Table Displaying Fields to Extract Delivery Options for Pensions Notification Letter.

Field Description

Start and End Dates Review and modify as required.

Delivery Option Name Prefix the value to identify it as a custom delivery option, [PREFIX] Pension Notification Letter

Output Type PDF

Report /Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK/Pensions AE

Employee Letters Email.xdo

Template name Pension Notification Letter Email

Output Name Pension_Enrolment_Notification_Letter

Delivery Type Email

Required Yes

Overriding Delivery Mode Pension Notification Letter Email

9. Click Additional Details for the new delivery option and add details you need to send pension notification
letters by email.
10. Click Save.
11. Review and check to see if the new delivery option is added to the hierarchy.
12. You can now add the custom delivery option to the report category.
a. Select the report category UK Pensions Automatic Enrolment Email.
b. In Additional details, click Add.
c. Search for and select the new delivery option that you created.
d. Save your changes.
13. Click Submit.

Voluntary Deductions and Pensions Reference Output to BACS File

You can create a third-party payment reference that the BACS will use to output on all third-party payments. You can
add a reference code for voluntary deductions or pension deductions, which can be used as output on your BACS file.

You must perform additional setup to successfully run this.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Set Up Voluntary Deductions Element

For Voluntary deductions, you must create a third-party payment using element entry. Here's how you can do this:

1. Create a voluntary deduction using the element template. Don't select a secondary classification. This creates 3
new elements, the base element, the calculator element, and the results element.
Note: When you set up the element, ensure that Unit of Measure is set to Character. You must select the
options Displayed, Allow User Entry, and Create a Database Item. Also, ensure you select the same in the
results element.

2. Change the priority of the calculator and results elements. For example, if the priority for the base element is
8500, you can set the calculator to 8501 and results to 8502.
3. For the base element, add two new input values, for example, Payee and Reference Code. The other database
elements are automatically created to be used in the fast formula. The input element Payee holds the value for
the third party.
4. Similarly, set up the results element. The input value Reference Code holds the value for reference that's
displayed on the BACS file.
5. In the calculator element, check that the result rule is mapped to the target value Reference Code. Update the
fast formula to refer to the input, and the formula result rule to retrieve this input and output into the results
◦ If you created the element at the payroll relationship level, the DBI should be <element
◦ If you created the element at the Assignment level, the DBI should be <element
Note: You must substitute your element name into the formula to replace the sample name.

6. Add the results PAYEE and REFCODE to the status processing rules for the Calculator element.
7. Add the Results element Pay Value to feed the Third-Party Payment Balance.
8. Set up the third-party payment method type BACS. Ensure that the check box Separate Worker Payments by
Reference is selected. Add this payment method to the list of payment methods for the payroll definitions.
9. Add the voluntary deductions element entry for your employee.
Note: The templates created are available in the third-party list of values. For previous or older templates,
get the Third-Party Payee ID from the table HZ_PARTIES. For example, to get the party ID for the Third-Party
Name, you can use; select party_id, party_name from hz_parties where party_name = 'Demo_Third_Party.

Set Up Pensions Element

For pensions, you must create a pensions element using the element template. Here's how you can do this:

1. Create a Pre-Statutory Pension deduction using the element template. The pre-statutory deduction element
generates the objects for calculation cards. Select the secondary classification Pension Plan Pre-Statutory.
This creates 5 new elements; base element, calculator element, distributor element, employee results, employer
2. Modify the employee results element. Update the employee and employer contribution element by setting the
reference to Unique Reference.
3. Set up the third-party payment method type BACS. Ensure that the check box Separate Worker Payments by
Reference is selected. Add this payment method to the list of payment methods for the payroll definitions.
4. Add the Pre-Statutory deduction card and components to the set of employees.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Benefits and Pensions Calculation Card

In the Benefits and Pensions calculation card for the employee, you can update the input in the Enterable Calculation
Values for Calculation cards tab.

You can now run payroll and view the results in the BACS file.

Can I set up multiple qualifying pension schemes?

Yes, but you must define a default scheme to be used for automatic enrolment purposes. You can pick a single default
scheme or define a fast formula to return the default scheme according to your business rules.

You can do this on the Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card at the payroll statutory or tax reporting unit level.

Can I enrol an employee in more than one qualifying pension scheme?

Yes. If an employee is currently enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme for one or more eligible terms or assignments,
you can capture a new pensions automatic enrolment component and associate the required assignments to it.

You can then run the process to automatically enrol them if they are eligible or you can manually enrol them in another
qualifying pension scheme for a different earnings group.

You need to create an additional Pensions Automatic Enrolment component on the employee's calculation card, and
complete the fields as appropriate for manual enrolment.

What's the pay reference period if earnings are aggregated from multiple
assignments with different payrolls?
It's the pay reference period of the payroll selected in the Payroll for Pay Reference Period field on the employee's
Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

How do I manually exempt a worker from pensions automatic enrolment?

To exclude an employee from pensions automatic enrolment, select Exempt in the Employee Classification for Pensions
field on the employee's Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card.

This prevents the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment process from assessing the employee during the payroll
run and prevents their automatic enrolment.

What happens if workers' incomes change after they have been automatically
enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme?
Nothing. Once workers' are enrolled in a qualifying pension scheme, they aren't reassessed unless you manually change
their Employee Classification for Pensions or the Qualifying Scheme Joining Method on their Pensions Automatic
Enrolment card.

How can I set exceptions for Directors and limited liability partnerships for pensions
automatic enrolment?
You can exclude employees that are deemed as directors or part of a limited liability partnership from the pensions
automatic enrolment process. To set this option, use Additional Exclusion Reason under Exclusions- Reasons for
Exclusion in the pensions calculation card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

If you indicate that the employee has either a or Director status applied or has limited liability , the person won't be
automatically enrolled.

Can I apply an eligible jobholder postponement immediately after a worker

No. If an employee is assessed as an eligible jobholder at the end of a worker postponement period, automatic
enrolment must take place.

However, if the employee is assessed as a non-eligible jobholder at the end of the worker postponement and is later
assessed as an eligible jobholder, you can apply an eligible jobholder postponement at the later date. There must be
a gap of at least one day between the end of the worker postponement and the date the person becomes an eligible

Can I apply multiple eligible jobholder postponements?

Yes, as long as they're not contiguous. If at the end of an eligible jobholder postponement period the employee is
assessed as a non-eligible jobholder, you may apply another eligible jobholder postponement.

This would apply if the employee is later assessed as an eligible jobholder.

When should I run the Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessment Process?

Run the process at the beginning of the pay period to assess employees and generate notification letters. Run it again at
the end of the period, just before the full payroll cycle.

This gives employees a chance to opt out before a pension contribution is deducted in a payroll run, avoiding the need
to process refunds. Also, it ensures that the final assessment takes into account any special payments or last-minute
changes that may affect earnings.

Pensions Enrolment Using Employee-Self-Service

Integration with Benefits and Pensions
Employees can access pensions from the Benefits work area using the employee self-service to enrol, unenrol, change
contributions, and even change to another pensions scheme.

Security Additional Role and Privileges

The quick action menu My Pensions isn't automatically enabled for employees. To make this feature available for your
employees in the quick actions menu Me > Benefits, you need to make this user interface visible.

Here are the steps to do this:

1. Go to Configuration > Structures.

2. Click Me.
3. On the Quick Actions tab, expand Benefits.
4. Select My Pensions.
5. Ensure that the setting Visible is enabled. To enable this, go to Edit Quick Action page, and select Yes for the
field Visible.
6. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Duty Role
To enable this option for the employees, use the new duty role Manage UK Pensions Contribution that is included in

These are the privileges attached with this duty role:

Table with Privilege Name and Description

Privilege Name Technical Name Description Granted to Duty Role

Manage UK Pension Contributions HRX_MANAGE_UK_PENSION_ Enables employees to enrol or Manage UK Pension Contributions
CONTRIBUTIONS_PRIV change their pension contributions

When you enable this option, any data the employees' record is automatically updated in the relevant calculation cards
and calculation components.

Data Security Policy

The data security policy (DSP) is enabled so that data entered using the employee self-service updates the Benefits and
Pensions calculation card and Pensions Automatic Enrolment component.

Data Security Policy for Pension Roles and Privileges

Duty Role Type Privilege Title Object Feature

UK Pension Enrolment Aggregated Privilege Manage Pension Payroll Personal Deductions PERSON
Contribution Data

Pensions Enrolment Through Employee Self-Service

You can enable your employees to perform various tasks for pension enrolment using the employee self-service.

Your employees can use My Pensions to go to manage their pension enrolment. Your employees can perform these
• Enrol into an eligible pension scheme
• End enrolment from their current scheme
• Submit changes to their contribution rate
• Change their pension scheme, if they are eligible to do so

The employees can use My Benefits to view their other benefits.

Set Up Pension Schemes for Employee-Self-Service

To use this feature, you must set up the pensions schemes in Payroll work area and not in Benefits. The employee can
access this feature from their My Benefits page.

No changes need to be made in the Pension Element template.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Set Up Rates for Pension Schemes

You must set up the pensions scheme and the rates at the legal employer level, for individual schemes and link to
eligibility profile:
1. Go to Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance > Legal Structures > Manage Legal Entity HCM Information.
Select and add the correct legal employer.
2. Select Pension Schemes on the Legal Entity page.
3. Click Add and include all the relevant pensions schemes for your organization. You need to add one row for
each pensions scheme with all the required details.

Note: You must set up the pension scheme information for each legal employer.

4. On the Legal Employer tab, click Pensions and Benefits Information.

Here you can enable single scheme or multiple scheme enrolments.

5. Select the check box Enable single scheme enrolment, which is also the default value.
6. Select the check box Enable association when employee self-enrols . This enables the application to
associate the assignment in the Benefits and Pensions calculation card. If you don't select this option, the
application uses the default roles defined for the TRU for automatic card creation.
7. Click Save.

You can use the existing eligibility profiles. You must link the profile with the rate provided on the pension scheme page,
for each row you create. Use the attribute Scheme Eligibility ID and select the relevant eligibility from the list of values. If
there are no eligibility profiles available, you must set up these.

Updates to Pension Calculation Cards

The application updates the Benefits and Pensions card and the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component when the
employee enters data using the employee self-service option.

A professional user can access and update these calculation cards, if required.

When the pension process treats the employee self-enrolment as a manual enrolment. The application processes the
employee and updates any other values for the pensions automatic enrolment component. If the criteria for the opt-in is
met, the process sets the method to Opt-In.

If the employee unenrols from the scheme, the process treats the leaving reason as Left Scheme or Opt-Out. If the
employee self-unenrol reason was set within a month of new employee joining, the process changes the reason to Opt-
Out based on the current opt-out rules.

Important Considerations for Pensions Enrolment Using Employee Self-Service

While implementing pension enrolment using employee self-service, you must consider these important points related
to multiple assignments and enrolment into multiple pension schemes.

Employees with multiple assignments won't able to enroll all assignments into the pension scheme. A professional user
can do this for them.

It's currently not possible for the employee to enrol into multiple pension schemes using employee self-service. A
professional user can enroll employees into multiple schemes at the same time.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

If the pension scheme is set up at organization level and no value is provided for employee contribution, here are some
points to consider:

• If a pension is enrolled using the employee self service UI, the default contribution values for employee and
employer contributions defined at the time of element creation are used.
• If a Benefits and Pensions calculation is automatically created through the Pensions Automatic Enrollment
process, the default values will not be fetched from the element. If no overrides are defined, it will be blank.
Else, the contributions are taken from the overrides.

Pension Enrolment and Submission by Employee

Once the employee has selected the My Pensions action, what they can do next depends on the options they select.

If the employee has selected the My Pensions action, what they can do next depends on one of these options:

• Not yet enrolled

It is possible that the employee isn't yet enrolled in any scheme. For example, if Pensions Automatic Enrolment
process hasn’t yet run or the process has run but hasn’t enrolled them in a scheme. Or, if the employee has
opted out of enrolment manually, they get the option to see the pension schemes that they are eligible to join.

To see all the pension schemes that the employee is eligible for, the employees can use the Add option. They
can select a pension scheme, if there is no pension scheme selected. They can change contributions, and also
edit other information.
• Already enrolled

Already enrolled employees can view the current pension scheme and details in My Pension Enrolments. To
make changes to employee contribution, they can select the Edit option.

To change to a different scheme, they must first end the enrolment, and then select another scheme to enrol in.
to do this, they need to use the End Enrolment to Scheme option.

Note: Employer contributions aren't editable. These are based on the default employer rates for the pensions
scheme. However, if these are based on a matching contribution rule, the contributions are defaulted to the
correct rate. This could be up to the maximum rate set for the scheme. The employee can either leave or
change the default values, as required.

Sample Formula for Pensions Enrolment Using Employee Self Service

You have the option to add the rate validation formula to a pension scheme definition.

This enables you to implement validations that are more complex that just checking for minimum and maximum
contributions, and increments.

After you have created this formula, you can attach it to the pension scheme definition at the organization-level for a
legal employer. Here's how you can do this:

1. Use the Legal Entity Calculation Cards task for PSU-level values and the Legal Reporting Unit Calculation
Cards task for TRU-level values.
2. Click Create and select Organization Pensions Automatic Enrolment.
3. Select the Qualifying Pension Scheme Formula that you've created.
4. Select the name of the Qualifying Pension Scheme the formula applies to.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Rate Validation
Scenario: The selected rate should be an integer number, but should additionally allow the values with decimals such as
4.5% and 5.5%

Solution: The rate is setup in the Pension Scheme Definition without an increment value. Instead, the rate validation
formula is used to validate the rate.
FORMULA TYPE: Payroll Access to HR
DESCRIPTION: This formula validates the selected employee contribution rate.

l_ee_rate = IV_EE_RATE
/* if the rate is not an integer value */
if ((l_ee_rate - floor(l_ee_rate)) > 0) then (
/* if the value is not 4.5 or 5.5 */
if (not (l_ee_rate = 4.5 or l_ee_rate = 5.5)) then (
/* raise an error message in the UI */
ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Rate needs to be whole number or 4.5 or 5.5'

These contexts and input values are available for this formula type:


Context Name Data Type








Input Values

Variable Name Data Type Description

IV_COMPONENT_NAME Text Component name or scheme name

IV_EE_RATE Number Value of employee rate

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Employer Rate Calculation

You need to attach the employer rate calculation formula to the pension scheme definition. This enables you to decide
on the employer contribution depending on the rate selected by the employee.

These contexts, input values, and return variables are available for this formula type:


Context Name Data Type








Input Values

Variable Name Data Type Description

IV_EE_RATE Number Value of the employee rate

IV_COMPONENT_NAME Text Component name or scheme name

Return Variables

Variable Name Data Type Description

Value Number Employer Rate Value

Scenario: The rate contributed by the employer should match the rate selected by the employee up to a value of 5%. If
the employee selects a higher rate, the employer rate will stay at 5% maximum.

Solution: The rate is setup in the Pension Scheme Definition without an increment value. The Rate validation formula is
used to validate the rate instead.


FORMULA TYPE: Payroll Access to HR
DESCRIPTION: This formula calculates the employer contribution rate.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries


VALUE = 0.0

/* cap employee rate at 5% */



Rate Details Override

You can use this formula if the scheme setup parameters for the rates differ for different groups of persons. The formula
returns values that'll be used for the rate processing in the user interface instead of the values directly specified on the
scheme setup. Note that no values should be entered for these parameters, if the formula is used. The formula defines
the guide text to be shown, the default value, whether the employee may select a rate, the minimum, maximum and
allowed increment for the rate – based on criteria that may be evaluated using the provided context values. The formula
doesn't override the validation and employer calculation formulas eventually selected for the rate.

These contexts, input values, and return variables are available for this formula type:


Context Name Data Type








Input Values

Variable Name Data Type Description

IV_COMPONENT_NAME Text Component name or scheme name

Return Variables

Variable Name Data Type Description

GUIDE_TEXT Text Guide text shown in the UI

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Variable Name Data Type Description

ENTERABLE Text Employee can change the value

UOM Text Unit of Measure

(P:percent, A:amount)

VALUE Number (Default) value

MIN Number Minimum value

MAX Number Maximum value

INCREMENT Number Allowed increment

Involuntary Deductions
How You Add Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card
You use element templates to create the involuntary deduction elements supported for your legislation, such as
bankruptcy orders, garnishments, child support payments, tax levies, and educational loans.

The templates also create calculation components, which you can add to a personal calculation card, so the deductions
are processed during a payroll run.

This figure shows the steps involved in creating an involuntary deduction and adding it to a personal calculation card:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Before you can add an involuntary deduction to a personal calculation card, you must first:

• Create a third party to receive the payment.

• Create a third-party payment method.
• Create an involuntary deduction element.
You can create multiple elements for the same involuntary deduction type if processing information or other
details vary. For example, each jurisdiction you deal with may have different processing rules for court orders.

Creating an Involuntary Deduction Calculation Card

Follow these steps:

1. In the Payroll section of My Client Groups, click the Calculation Cards task.
2. Search for and select the payroll relationship.
3. If the person doesn't already have an involuntary deduction calculation card, click Create.
4. Enter a start date for the card and select the involuntary deduction card type.
5. Click Continue.

Adding the Calculation Component to the Calculation Card

You can add multiple calculation components for the same or different involuntary deduction types. For example, you
could add two child support components and one garnishment component to the same calculation card.

On the Calculation Cards page:

1. In the Calculation Components section, click Add Row.

2. Select the calculation component with the same name as the involuntary deduction element.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

3. Optionally, enter a number in the Subprocessing Order field if the calculation card will include more than one
calculation component.

By default, the payroll run processes these element entries in order by date received, starting with the oldest
4. Enter a reference code to uniquely identify this deduction, such as a court order number, case number, or other
identifier provided by the issuing authority.
5. Complete the fields on the Calculation Component Details tab.

◦ In the Involuntary Deduction Payment Details section, select all payees for the deduction.

The payee fields display all third-party person payees associated with this payroll relationship and all
external payees defined for your legislative data group.
◦ In the Involuntary Deduction Rules section, specify the information you require, including:

- The date the involuntary deduction order was received

- The issuing authority (such as a court)
- The frequency of the deduction such as monthly or weekly, regardless of the payroll frequency. If
you leave the Frequency field blank, the application uses the payroll frequency.

Entering Values for the Deduction Amounts

You enter the order amount, fee, or other amounts used in the calculation on the calculation card. The values you
enter replace any default values defined in calculation value definitions. The default order amount for an involuntary
deduction is typically zero.

To create overrides on the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Cards task, complete the fields as shown in
the following table. The values you enter may vary by country or territory, but typically include the items described in
the table below.

Note: For most values, you can enter either an amount or a rate. Enter a rate if you want the application to calculate
the amount as a percentage of available pay. For example, to define a rate of 20 percent for the order amount, create
an Order Amount (Rate) value. Then enter 20 in the Rate field.

Calculation Value Description

Order Amount Rate or amount paid to the Order Amount Payee based on the frequency you specified.

For example, if you specified a frequency of monthly in the component details, enter the amount
to deduct each month, regardless of the payroll period. The application automatically calculates the
correct amount to deduct in each payroll period.

If you leave the Frequency field blank, this amount is deducted at the payroll frequency defined at the
assignment level.

Organization Fee Rate or amount paid to the Organization Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Person Fee Rate or amount paid to the Person Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Processing Fee Rate or amount paid to the Processing Fee Payee each time the deduction is processed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Calculation Value Description

Initial Fee Rate or amount paid to Processing Fee Payee the first time this deduction is processed.

Maximum Withholding Amount and Maximum and minimum rates or amounts that can be withheld in one payroll period for this
Minimum Withholding Amount deduction.

Maximum Withholding Duration The number of days after the Date Received that the order is valid. For example, a court order might
only be valid for 90 days after the date issued.

Protected Pay Amount Amount of the employee's pay that's exempt from this deduction. Only pay exceeding this amount is
included in the deductible amount (available for the deduction).

Exemption Percentage Percentage of the employee's pay that's exempt from this deduction.

Related Topics
• Examples of Involuntary Deduction Processing
• Fee and Proration Rules for Involuntary Deductions
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• Third Parties Overview

Fee and Proration Rules for Involuntary Deductions

Creating an involuntary deduction creates calculation value definitions that include predefined fee and proration rules.
These rules vary by country and territory.

The following table describes the global rules:

Rule Processing

Fee Deduct the fee first, before calculating and paying the deduction amount.

Proration Use the first come, first serve method.

If a person has multiple orders and there is insufficient money to pay them all, pay the deductions in
the order in which they were received. Start with the oldest.

You can override these predefined fees and proration rules. For details, see the topic Involuntary Deduction Calculation
Value Override Details for the US in the Help Portal.

Related Topics
• How You Add Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Examples of Involuntary Deduction Processing

Processing rules may vary by the legislation or the legal authority issuing the order for an involuntary deduction. Let's
look at some examples that illustrate the processing of fees, protected pay amounts, and when employees have multiple
assignments and payrolls.

Payroll processing first calculates disposable income using the disposable income rules. Then it looks at the exemption
rules to calculate the amount exempt from withholding. Using these amounts, it can calculate the amount available to

Note: The payroll process calculates disposable income once, based on the highest processing priority card
component. The exception is regional tax levies, which have a separate disposable income calculation.

You can use these examples to understand how involuntary deductions are processed in different scenarios:
• Involuntary deduction has initial fee and processing fee
• Deduction amount exceeds protected pay amount
• Employee has multiple assignments and payrolls
• Multiple orders exist with different protected pay amounts

Involuntary Deduction Has Initial Fee and Processing Fee

Scenario: An employee in Country 1 is issued a court order for a monthly garnishment of 500. The order is subject to
two fees. Both fees are paid to the agency responsible for administering the account. The agency then forwards the
payments to the recipients:

• A one time initial fee of 10

• A monthly processing fee of 10

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a garnishment.

2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:
◦ Select the Order Amount Payee and the Processing Fee Payee. The processing fee payee is also the
initial fee payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following values:

Field Value

Order Amount 500

Processing Fee 10

Initial Fee 10

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
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Field Value

Payroll Run Results:

• The amount of the employee's pay subject to deduction is 1000.

• During the first monthly payroll after the court order is received, both the initial fee amount and the processing
fee are deducted. The total deduction amount is 520.
• In subsequent payroll runs, the order amount and the processing fee are deducted. The total deduction amount
is 510.

Deduction Amount Exceeds Protected Pay Amount

Scenario: An employee in Country 2 is issued a court order for the amount of 100 per month. However, protected pay
rules defined for the deduction require that the employee take home at least 700, after all deductions.

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a court order.

2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:

◦ Select the Order Amount Payee and the Processing Fee Payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following values:

Field Value

Order Amount 100

Protected Pay 700

Payroll Run Results:

• The amount of the employee's pay subject to the deduction is 750.

• A deduction amount of 100 would leave only 650 for the final pay amount. Therefore, only 50 is deducted for
the month.
• The remaining balance of 50 isn't placed in arrears, based on processing rules defined for this deduction.

Employee Has Multiple Assignments and Payrolls

Scenario: An employee has one payroll relationship with two assignments. They receive paychecks from two different
payrolls. One payroll is run on a weekly basis. The other is run on a monthly basis.

The employer receives a court order to deduct 200 per month from the employee's wages. The court order amount
must be deducted from all available money, regardless of the payroll. If the total order amount can't be deducted from

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

the first payroll run, then the following occurs. The remaining balance must be deducted from one or more subsequent
runs during the month, until the full amount is paid.

On the involuntary deduction calculation card:

1. Add a calculation component for a court order.

2. In the Calculation Component Details tab:
◦ Select the Order Amount Payee.
◦ Select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. In the Enterable Calculation Values tab, enter the following value:

Field Value

Order Amount 200

Payroll Run Results:

• During the first weekly payroll run, only the amount of 50 can be deducted, leaving an amount owed of 150 for
the month.
• When the next weekly payroll is run, the deduction can't be taken due to insufficient pay; the balance for the
month remains 150.
• The monthly payroll runs before the next weekly payroll is run. The remaining amount of 150 owed for the
deduction is taken during the monthly payroll run.
• No money is deducted during the subsequent weekly payroll runs for this month.

Note: If a person has two assignments for different payroll relationships, they would typically be issued two different
court orders, one for each employment. In this case, you would add each court order to a different calculation card.

Multiple Orders Exist with Different Protected Pay Amounts

Scenario: An employee in Country 2 has three court orders. Each court order has a different protected pay amount.

1. On the involuntary deduction calculation card add three calculation components for child support.
2. For each calculation component, select Monthly in the Frequency field.
3. Define the protected pay and order amount values for each deduction as shown in the following table:

Involuntary Deduction Protected Pay Amount Order Amount Date Received

Child Support 1 500 1000 23 January 2012

Child Support 2 600 1100 2 February 2012

Child Support 3 1000 1200 2 February 2012

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Payroll Run Results:

The net amount available for involuntary deductions in the payroll run is 2000 GBP. Based on the processing priority
defined for child support payments, the payroll run processes the involuntary deductions in order by date received.

Here's the result:

• Child Support 1 is paid in full, leaving 1000 available for other deductions.
• Child Support 2 is paid an amount of 400 (1000 less protected pay of 600).
• Child Support 3 isn't paid. The total amount is placed in arrears, based on processing rules defined for the

Related Topics
• How You Add Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card

Court Orders, Student Loans, and Postgraduate Loans for the UK

Overview of Court Orders, Student Loans, and Postgraduate Loans for the UK
You can set up Attachment or Arrestment of Earnings and allocate them to make required deductions from your
employees. This is part of involuntary deductions. The term court includes all issuing authorities. Attachment of
earnings is also commonly referred to as court order.

You can use this feature to set up and allocate these:

• Different types of court orders
• Student loans
• Postgraduate loans
For the UK, court orders have specific rules and data requirements that affect the deduction calculation.

The application provides all court order elements under the primary classification Involuntary Deductions. And,
the predefined secondary classifications together with a template to ensure that the court orders and student loans
elements are appropriately created. Each type of court order is a predefined secondary classification, including the
student loans and postgraduate loans. This enables you to set up your court order elements using the template that
uses fast formulas, lookups, value setup, value group, value definition, and range. These are used when the element is
processed for an employee.

You must create the Court Order elements as Involuntary Deductions and select the secondary classification as the type
of Court Order. For example, Attachment of Earnings –Fines or Attachment of Earnings - Priority Order.

Depending on the order of Attachment of Earnings issued to the employer by the courts, the corresponding Court Order
element must be attached to that employee. Each type of Court Order has a set of required and optional values that you
must complete for that employee.

The issuing authority for the court order defines this information. For example, an Attachment of Earnings Priority
Order will have different input value requirements to a Child Maintenance Service Deduction from Earnings Order

The deductions for student loans and postgraduate loans also follow a similar setup as the court orders. But they have a
different set of input values and association requirements.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Related Topics
• Student and Postgraduate Loan Data During Global Transfer

Element Classifications for Court Orders, Student Loans, and Postgraduate Loans
Each court order type is defined by a secondary classification. The secondary classifications are predefined under the
primary classification Involuntary Deductions.

Use the predefined template to ensure that all the Court Order elements are set up correctly. When anelement is created
using this template, all the required common attributes are also attached to the element.
• Primary Classification: Involuntary Deduction
• Secondary Classification (Court Order Type)
• Attachment of Earnings Order Fines
• Attachment of Earnings Order Non-Priority
• Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Northern Ireland
• Attachment of Earnings Order Priority
• Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Northern Ireland
• Child Maintenance service Deduction from Earnings Order
• Conjoined Arrestment Order
• Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order
• Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order Wales
• Current Maintenance Arrestment
• Deductions from Earnings Order
• Direct Earnings Attachment
• Earnings Arrestment
• Postgraduate Loan
• Student Loan

Set Up Court Order Elements for the UK

You must create the court order elements before you create a Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card.

Here are the key tasks you must perform while setting up elements for court orders:
• Create court order elements
• Select element classifications
• Set up element eligibility
The application creates the required indirect elements and the predefined fast formulas

Create Court Order Elements

You must only create one element for each order type. Here's what you need to do to create court order elements:

1. Select Payroll.
2. Select the Elements task.
3. Click Create Element.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

4. On the Create Element screen, select your legislative data group.

5. Select the primary classification Involuntary Deductions.
6. Select the secondary classification from the list of values based on the appropriate court order type.

Note: The category is automatically set to Involuntary Deductions.

7. Click Continue.
8. Enter the required information, and answer the questions in the associate element template.
9. Click Next.
10. Review the information, and click Submit to create the element.
11. Select the Elements task to view the court order element you created.

Select Element Classifications

When you add the deduction component for the element to an employee's Court Orders and Student Loans calculation
card, you can use the calculation values specific to that order. You can do this by selecting the appropriate secondary
element classification.

Secondary Classification Order Description

Attachment of Earnings Order Fines Used in England and Wales to recover fines.

Attachment of Earnings Order Non- Used in England and Wales to recover civil debts.

Attachment of Earnings Order Non- Used in Northern Ireland to recover civil debts.
Priority Northern Ireland

Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Used in England and Wales to recover maintenance and fines.

Attachment of Earnings Order Priority Used in Northern Ireland to recover maintenance and fines.
Northern Ireland

Child Maintenance Service Deduction from Used in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland to recover child support payments.
Earnings Order

Conjoined Arrestment Order Used in Scotland to combine two or more debts, such as Earnings Arrestment, Current Maintenance
Arrestment, or both.

Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order Used in England to recover arrears and council tax. Uses different deduction tables for different issue
(CTAEO) dates,

Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Order Used for recovery of arrears and council tax by a Welsh authority from 01 April 2022. Uses different
Wales deduction tables for:
• English orders issued at any time
• All Welsh CTAEO issued before 01 April 2022,

Current Maintenance Arrestment Used in Scotland to recover maintenance costs.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Secondary Classification Order Description

Deduction from Earnings Order (DEO) Used in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland to recover child support payments. Use this
classification for DEOs prior to 2003 and after 2003, even though they have different calculation
schemes. You specify which scheme to use when you add the order to the employee's calculation card.

Earnings Arrestment Used in Scotland to recover civil debt, fines, or arrears of community tax or council tax.

Direct Earnings Attachment Used in England, Scotland, and Wales to deduct benefit overpayments an employee owes the
Department for Work and Pensions from their pay.

How Indirect Element Are Created

When you save an involuntary deductions element, the task automatically creates the required indirect elements.

• Initialize and Processor: Internal elements that ensure the relevant links and results for the court orders are

• Fee Results: Fees amount for court order administration, if any.

• Deduction Results: Deduction amount calculation by the payroll process.

• Adjustment: Adjustment or override value for that payroll period.

Note: The element template creates the element only if it's relevant for a specific court order. For example,
the adjustment, arrears results, and fee results elements are created only if required.

How Fast Formulas Are Created

When you create the court order element using the element template, it ensures the relevant fast formulas are attached
to your elements during the creation process.

Note: Don't edit these fast formulas or the result values. The application updates them periodically to meet statutory
and legislative requirements.

Set Up Element Eligibility

To attach elements to employees, you must set the eligibility for the element. When you create the Court Orders and
Student Loans card, the application automatically creates the court orders and student loans element. And, the element
eligibility is created by default.

If there's an Adjustment element, you must create the element eligibility for it. Here's how you can do this:

1. Select the Elements task from the Payroll Calculations work area.
2. Search for and select the court order element you created.
3. Select the relevant Arrears element that was automatically created.
4. In the Element Overview pane, select the folder Element Eligibility.
5. Click Actions.
6. Select Create Element Eligibility.
7. Enter a unique name for the eligibility record.
8. Select the relevant payroll statutory unit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

9. Select the relationship type from the list of values.

10. Click Submit.

Note: Don't enter any values in the Input Values tab. Use this only if you need to set up a separate element for a
particular court order issued for an employee.

Set Up Deductions for Court Orders for the UK

You must create a Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card to create court order deductions for an employee.
And then you can add one or more court order deduction components to the card.

Before You Start

Before you start creating court order deduction, make sure you complete these tasks.

Task Action

Elements • Create the court order element.

• Define the element eligibility.
• Identify attachable earnings. By default, all new elements you create for both Regular and
Irregular Earnings classifications have a subclassification of Attachable Earnings. They are subject
to all court order involuntary deductions. If needed, modify the subclassifications for an Earnings
element to exclude its earnings from the total attachable earnings amount. You can do this for all
or specific deductions.

Common Lookups • Define court order issuing authorities in the lookup Issuing Authority for GB Court Orders.
• For each order you add to an employee's calculation card, select a predefined issuing authority.

Third-Parties • Create the payee that should receive the court order payments.
• In the Party Usage Code field, select External Payee.

Create the Calculation Card

Now you're ready to create the Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card.

1. In Payroll, search for and select the person for whom you want to create the calculation card.
2. Select the Calculation Cards task.
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Calculation Card screen, select the calculation card name Court Orders and Student Loans.
5. Click Continue.

Note: Creating the calculation card automatically creates a Court Order Information component.

Add the Court Order Components

To add court order calculation component and calculation component details, follow these steps:

1. In the Calculation Components section, click Add Row.

You will find a list of all the elements created under primary classification Involuntary Deductions and
secondary classification for the specific court order type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

2. In the Create Calculation Component window, select the calculation component with the same name as the
previously-defined court order element.
3. In the Parent Calculation Component field, select Court Order Information.
4. Enter a Reference Code to uniquely identify this deduction, such as a court order number, case number, or
other identifier provided by the issuing authority.
5. Click OK
The calculation component displays the court order you created as a new record. The corresponding calculation
component details is automatically created.

You can create one record for each court order type that's issued to the employee. For some court order types, you may
need to enter additional information in the Calculation Components Details section. For example:

• Attachment of Earnings Orders and Deductions from Earnings Orders

If the employee has multiple terms or assignments with different frequencies, identify the main earnings to be
used for deductions calculation.. Specify a weekly or monthly frequency for it.
• Deduction from Earnings Orders
Because the deduction calculation varies depending on when the order was assessed, specify the calculation

Define Calculation Values for Court Order Deductions

The calculation value sets are based on the court order type that you added to the employee. Here's how you can define
calculation values for processing court order deductions:

1. In the Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card, click the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation
Cards tab.
2. Click Create.
3. On the Edit Calculation Values window, select a calculation value in the Name field and enter the appropriate
value. The enterable calculation values for each order type are shown in the table below.

Note: You can save the deduction component without defining all required enterable values. But the payroll
run can't properly calculate the deduction amounts unless you provide these values.

Order Type Enterable Calculation Values

Attachment of Earnings Order Priority *Normal Deduction Rate

Attachment of Earnings Priority *Protected Earnings Rate

Northern Ireland
Original Outstanding Debt (only required for nonpriority orders)
Attachment of Earnings Nonpriority

Attachment of Earnings Nonpriority

Northern Ireland

Attachment of Earnings Fines *Original Outstanding Debt

Council Tax Attachment of Earnings

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Order Type Enterable Calculation Values

Deduction from Earnings Order *Normal Deduction Rate

*Protected Earnings Rate

Earnings Arrestment *Original Outstanding Debt

Current Maintenance Arrestment Daily Deduction Rate

Protected Earnings Rate

Conjoined Arrestment Order CMA Daily Deduction Rate

EA Original Outstanding Debt

Direct Earnings Attachments Deduction Rate

4. Click OK.
5. Repeat these steps for each required calculation value set.

Define Association Details for Court Order Deductions

Once you have created the court orders components, you must create the associations. You can create the associations
at two levels:

• Association between the parent components, such as Court Order Information and the tax reporting unit (TRU).
Multiple associations can exists if the court order calculation components are used by more than one TRU.
• Association between the child component, such as, the relevant calculation component details and
assignments of the employee. If the court order deduction applies to all terms or assignments included in the
payroll relationship, you don't need to create association details.

Here's how you can create associations for the court order deductions:

1. In the Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card, click Associations.
2. In the Associations section, click Create.
3. Select a TRU for this payroll relationship, and click OK.
4. In the Association Details section, click Create.
5. In the Assignment Number field, select the assignment that's subject to this deduction.
6. Repeat these steps for each assignment applicable to this deduction.
7. Save the card.
Repeat this entire process to create components for additional court orders as needed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Note: An employee can only have one of each of these court order types at any time:
• Earnings Arrestment
• Current Maintenance Order
• Conjoined Arrestment Order

Define Court Order Adjustments and Overrides for the UK

You can use the adjustment element to adjust or override the calculated values for court orders, if allowed for the court
order type.

The adjustment amount that you enter is either added or subtracted from the calculated value of deduction. And the
override amount you enter overrides the calculated value of deduction.

Before You Start

The Court Orders and Student Loans calculation component must already exist for the employee.

Define Adjustment or Override

Here are the steps to define the adjustment element:

1. Select the Element Entries task from Payroll.

2. Click Add.
3. Search for and select the relevant adjustment element.

Note: The Court Orders and Student Loans calculation component must already exist for the employee. The
adjustment elements available are those that are actually present for the employee, that is, the court order
components of the calculation card.

4. Click OK.
5. On the Create Element Entry page, enter the required information.
6. Click Continue.
7. On the Element Entries page, select the Adjustment Type. You can select these values for adjustment type:

◦ Adjustment: The amount you enter is either added or subtracted from the calculated value of deduction.
◦ Override: The amount you enter overrides the calculated value of deduction.
8. Enter the values for Amount and Reference.
9. Click Costing to enter any costing data for the adjustment element.
10. Click Submit.
When you run the payroll process, it either overrides or adjusts the calculated value, as specified.

Override Court Order Processing Fee

If a particular court order processing fee is not required, or a different value to the default amount is required, use
the Processing Fee Override Amount field. This includes the ability to override to zero. If no value is entered, the
application considers the current default override fee or the override fee specified at the organization level for that court
order type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Set Up Issuing Authority for Court Orders for the UK

You must set up the values for the issuing authority that has issued the court order. You must do this to make it
available for selection while creating court order deductions.

There are two fields that should be available for selection:

• Issuing Authority: The court or issuing authority that has issued the attachment of earnings order. You must set
up the name and the value for this field.
• Payeefor Order for Order Amount: ThirdParty to which the deductions collected from employees need to be

Here's how you can set up the issuing authority for court orders:
1. On the Manage Lookups page, search for the lookup type ORA_HRX_GB_CO_ISSUE_AUTHORITY.
2. Click Create. .
3. Select the lookup codeORA_HRX_GB_CO_ISSUE_AUTHORITY to add the new issuing authority.
4. Enter the required values for the issuing authority.
5. Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected.
6. Click Save.
The issuing authority is available for selection in the Issuing Authority field when you create the Court Orders
and Student Loans calculation card.

Related Topics
• Define Third Parties for Court Orders and Student Loans for the UK

Define Third Parties for Court Orders and Student Loans for the UK
You must define set up third parties for all court orders and student loans. And also set up the recipients of the court-
ordered deductions as third-party payees.

You can use this for payments made:

• Through the court
• Directly to the individual
• Directly to the organization

Create Third Parties

The Third Parties task creates a third-party payment record for court order payments that are directly sent to the third
party. You can send the payments using the regular payment methods, for example, Bankers' Automated Clearing
Services (BACS).

Here's how you can set up third parties:

1. Select the Third Parties task from the Payment Distributions work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the Party Type.
4. Select the Party Usage Code as External Payee.
5. Click Continue.
6. Enter the name of the third party.
7. Click Add to create the address.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

8. Enter the address details.

9. Click Add in contacts section to create a new contact.
10. Enter the contact details.
11. Click Submit.
12. Select the legislative data group for the third party.
13. Click Add in the banks section to add bank details.
14. Enter the required information for the bank account for the third-party payment.
15. Click Save and Close.
You can now select this third party from the list of values for the Payee for Order Amount field. You can do this in the
Court Orders and Student Loans card component details.

Non-Third-Party Payment Court Orders

All court orders must have a third-party setup. For non-third-party payment court orders, you can either provide a
dummy bank account within the Banking Details component or create a dummy third-party payment method as either
cheque or cash. You can then attach this to all your non-third-party court orders.

How Multiple Court Orders Are Processed

When multiple court orders exist for an employee, the payroll process determines the order in which the deductions are

An employee can only have one of these court order types at any time:
• Earnings Arrestment
• Current Maintenance Order
• Conjoined Arrestment Order

Settings That Affect Processing Order

This processing hierarchy applies to all court orders used in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. See Processing Rules
for Scotland, later in this topic, for details on order types used in Scotland.

• Element Priority
The payroll process calculates the involuntary deductions in the order determined by their element's predefined
processing priority as shown in this table:

Secondary Classification Priority

Attachment of Earnings Order Fines 7550

Attachment of Earnings Order Non- 7800


Attachment of Earnings Order Non- 7800

Priority Northern Ireland

Attachment of Earnings Order Priority 7550

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Secondary Classification Priority

Attachment of Earnings Order Priority 7550

Northern Ireland

Child Maintenance Service Deduction 7550

from Earnings Order

Conjoined Arrestment Order 7600

Council Tax Attachment of Earnings 7550


Current Maintenance Arrestment 7650

Deduction from Earnings Order 7550

Earnings Arrestment 7650

Direct Earnings Attachment 7850

CAUTION: Don't change the priority for any involuntary deduction element.

• Date of Issue: Where multiple orders with the same priority exist, the payroll process calculates them in order
of their date of issue. The issuing authority supplies the date of issue in each order. When you add a court order
to an employee's Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card, you must enter this date.
• Date of Receipt: Where multiple orders with the same priority issued on the same date exist, the payroll
process calculates them in order by date of receipt. Entering a receipt date is optional on the employee's
calculation card. If you don't enter one, then 01 January 2001 is used as the receipt date. The payroll process
first calculates the orders with no receipt date.
• Element Entry ID: If all receipt dates on the calculation card are blank or all have the same date, the payroll
processes them in order by Element Entry ID. The lowest ID is processed first. When you create the element
entry, this ID is automatically generated.

CAUTION: Don't change the formulas, processing rules, and priority levels associated with the elements as they're
predefined based on legislative rules.

How Protected Earnings Rate Affect Orders

Based on the court order type, the payroll process calculates each court order in sequence or in isolation. For some
orders, the deduction can't reduce the pay amount below the protected earnings rate (PER). But different order types
may have different PERs, and a deduction for one order may reduce the pay below the PER for an earlier order.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Here are three sample court orders with different PERs that illustrate the processing sequence:

Sequence Scenario Action

1 Attachment of Earnings Priority order has a Deduction is taken, leaving over GPB 1,000 of
PER of GBP 1000. pay.

2 Council Tax Arrestment of Earnings Order has Full deduction is taken, even if pay is reduced
its PER effectively built in to the calculation. below the PER from the earlier AEO.

3 Deduction from Earnings Order has a PER of Deduction is taken even though it reduces pay
GBP 800. below the PER from the earlier AEO.

The payroll process carries forward the highest PER, which in this case is GBP 1000, and uses this for any subsequent
student loan calculation.

Processing Rules for Scotland

The payroll process calculates the Court orders in Scotland using this hierarchy:

1. As defined in the element priority, Deduction of Earnings Orders (DEOs) are processed first.
2. Earnings Arrestment (EA) and Current Maintenance Arrestment (CMA) orders are processed next, and have
equal ranking. An employee can have only one EA and one CMA at any time.

If arrestable earnings are insufficient to deduct both the EA and CMA orders in full, the payroll process
apportions the deduction between them.
3. A Conjoined Arrestment Order (CAO) combines two or more debts of the same or different types (EAs, CMAs, or
both), and replaces them with a single court order. Where a CAO is in force, no further EA or CMA is calculated.
Before entering a CAO, you must first end any existing EA or CMA.

If arrestable earnings are insufficient to cover all debts, the payroll process doesn't apportion the total deducted
amount. The payee does the apportioning upon receipt of payment.

Attachment of Earnings Order Fines for Northern Ireland

You can set up and deduct Attachment of Earnings Fines Orders for your Northern Ireland employees. The Protected
Earnings Percentage (PEP) is set to 60% of the Attachable Earnings.

You can select the deductions based on either a fixed amount to deduct or the lookup table based on the Attachable
Earnings. Use the Elements task and create an element to set up this court order. Enter the primary classification
Involuntary Deductions, and secondary classification Attachment of Earnings Order Fines for Northern Ireland.

Use the Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card to enter relevant information in the component details. Enter
the Original Outstanding Debt amount in the Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards tab.

Identifying Attachable Earnings for Court Orders and Student Loans for the UK
This topic identifies which earnings are subject to each type of involuntary deduction by default. It also describes how to
change the default subclassification when necessary.

In England and Wales, attachable earnings refers to the amount subject to Attachment of Earnings Orders (AEO). In
Scotland, arrestable earnings refers to the amount subject to Earnings Arrestments (EAs) of different types. Deductible

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

earnings refers to the amount subject to Deduction of Earnings Orders (DEOs). For simplicity, this help topic uses the
term attachable earnings for attachable, deductible, and arrestable earnings.

Default Subclassifications
By default, Earnings elements you create for Regular Earnings and Irregular Earnings primary classifications have a
subclassification of Attachable Earnings Regular or Attachable Earnings Irregular. This means that the earnings are
subject to all types of court order deductions.

By default, Earnings elements you create for Regular Earnings and Irregular Earnings primary classifications also have a
subclassification of Student Loan and are thus subject to student loan deductions.

By default, a deduction element with a Pre-Statutory Deductions primary classification has a subclassification of
Reduce Attachable Pre-Statutory Deductions. This means the amount of the pre-statutory deduction reduces the
attachable earnings amount.

Additional Subclassifications
Use these subclassifications to exclude certain earnings from the total attachable earnings amount for specific order

Subclassification Description

CTAEO Not Attachable Pension Payment Assign one of these subclassifications to certain occupational pension earnings to exclude them from
Regular the total attachable earnings amount for Council Tax Attachment of Earnings Orders (CTAEO).

CTAEO Not Attachable Pension Payment These subclassifications feed the CTAEO Not Attachable Pension Payment balance. When a payroll run
Irregular calculates CTAEO, it subtracts the CTAEO Not Attachable Pension Payment balance from the Attachable
Earnings balance to derive the final CTAEO Attachable Earnings amount.

AEO Not Attachable Northern Ireland Assign one of these subclassifications to the elements to exclude them from the total attachable
Other Benefits Social Security Regular earnings amount for Attachment of Earnings Orders (AEO).

AEO Not Attachable Northern Ireland

Other Benefits Social Security Irregular

Attachable Earnings by Order Type

This table indicates the types of earnings to include or exclude from attachable earnings for each court order type,
based on current legislation:

Included Earnings AEO, AEO Fines, DEO, AEO Northern Ireland CTAEO EA, CMA, CAO

Wages or Salary (including Yes Yes Yes Yes

bonus and irregular

Pension Yes Yes No Yes*

Statutory Sick Pay Yes Yes Yes Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Included Earnings AEO, AEO Fines, DEO, AEO Northern Ireland CTAEO EA, CMA, CAO

Redundancy Payments No No No No

Excluded Earnings AEO, AEO Fines, DEO, AEO Northern Ireland CTAEO EA, CMA, CAO

Tax Credit Yes Yes Yes Yes

Disability Pension Yes Yes No Yes*

Statutory Maternity, Yes Yes Yes Yes

Paternity, or Adoption Pay

Other benefits relating to n/a Yes n/a n/a

social security

Armed forces pay Yes Yes Yes Yes

Wages payable to a person Yes Yes Yes Yes

as a seaman

Guaranteed Minimum Yes Yes NA (Pension not Included) Yes


Sums payable by a Yes Yes Yes Yes

public department of the
Government of Northern
Ireland or a territory outside

Income tax (PAYE) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Primary Class 1 NI Yes Yes Yes Yes


Pension contributions (pre- Yes Yes Yes Yes

tax only)

*For Earnings Arrestments, only pension contributions made as pre-tax deductions should be included; exclude
contributions for occupational pensions made under an enactment exempting them from diligence

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

How to Change the Default Subclassifications

When you create earnings and deductions elements, verify that the default subclassification rules apply. On
the Elements Summary page, open the Subclassification Rules page to view and edit the element's default
subclassifications. Add or remove subclassifications as appropriate for the type of earnings.

Create Student Loan and Postgraduate Loan Elements for the UK

Before you create a Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card, you must create the student loan or postgraduate
loan elements.
• Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan Element
• Indirect Elements
• Fast Formulas
• Element Eligibility

Create Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan Element

Here's how you can create a student loan or a postgraduate loan element:

1. Select the Elements task from the Payroll Calculations work area.
2. Select Create Element.
3. One the create element screen, select the relevant legislative data group.
4. Select the primary classification Involuntary Deductions.
5. Select the secondary classification Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan, whichever applies.

Note: The category is automatically set to Involuntary Deductions.

6. Click Continue.
7. Enter the required information and answer all the questions in the associated element template.
8. Click Next.
9. Review the information, and click Submit to create the element.
10. Select the Elements task to view the student loan or postgraduate loan element you created.

Indirect Elements
When you save an involuntary deductions element, the task creates these indirect elements.

• Initialize and Processor: Internal elements that ensure the relevant links and results for the student loan or
postgraduate loan are created
• Deduction Results: Deduction amount calculation by the payroll process
• Arrears Results: Arrears amounts that carry over unpaid amounts

Fast Formulas
When you create student loan or postgraduate loan element using the element template, it ensure the relevant fast
formulas are attached to your elements during the creation process.

Note: Don't edit these fast formulas or the result values. They are updated periodically to meet statutory and
legislative requirements.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Element Eligibility
You must create the element eligibility for the student loan or postgraduate loan elements create under Court
Orders and Student Loans. To attach elements to employees, you must set the eligibility for them. When you use the
Calculation Card task to create the Court Orders and Student Loans card, it automatically creates the related elements.

Note: When creating the eligibility record, you can use the Input Values tab to set the value for the tax reporting unit
(TRU) for this element as default. You can override this value at the time of allocating the element to the employee, if

Here's how you can create the element eligibility for <Name> Adjustment:

1. Select Payroll.
2. Select the Elements task from the Payroll Calculations work area.
3. Search for and select the student loan or postgraduate loan element you created.
4. Select the relevant Adjustment element or Arrears element that was automatically created.
5. In the Element Overview pane, select the folder Element Eligibility.
6. Click Actions.
7. Select Create Element Eligibility.
8. Enter a unique name for the eligibility record.
9. Select the relevant payroll statutory unit.
10. Select the relationship type from the list of values.
11. Click Submit.

Create Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan Deductions for the UK

To create student or postgraduate loan deductions, you must create a Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card.
And, you need to add one or more calculation components to the card.

Before You Start

Before you can create a student loan or postgraduate loan deduction for an employee, you must do these:

1. Create the student loan or postgraduate loan element.

2. Define the element eligibility.
3. Create the payee for the student loan or postgraduate loan.
Use the Third-Parties task to define the party that should receive the student loan or postgraduate loan
payment. In the Party Usage Code field, select External Payee.

Create the Calculation Card

Here's how you can create a Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card:

1. Select the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Search for and select the person for whom you want to create the calculation card.
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Calculation Card screen, select the calculation card name Court Orders and Student Loans.
5. Click Continue.
Note: Creating the calculation card automatically creates a Court Order Information component. You must
add the student loan or postgraduate loan component.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

Add the Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan Component

To add court order component and component details, follow these steps:

1. In the Calculation Components section, click Add Row.

Note: This lists all the elements created for primary classification Involuntary Deductions and secondary
classification for the court orders and student loans.

2. In the Create Calculation Component window, complete the fields as follows:

◦ Select the Calculation Component with the same name as the previously defined student loan or
postgraduate loan element.
◦ Enter a Reference Code to uniquely identify this deduction. For example, student loan or postgraduate
loan number or other identifier.
3. Click OK.

The calculation component displays the student loan or postgraduate loan that you created as a new record.
The application automatically creates the corresponding component details.
4. In the calculation component details, click Create.

Identify student loans entered after 05 April 2016 as either Plan1 or Plan2 or Both.
5. Enter all the other relevant date details for the loan.
6. Click Save.

Define Associations
You must associate the student loan or postgraduate loan component with the tax reporting unit (TRU).

If you have already allocated a court order component to the employee, you still need to add another association record
for the loan component.

If no previous association exists, or if the employee has no court order allocated, create the association for the student
loan or postgraduate loan.

Note: If you don't create the association for the student loan component in the Associations tab, the payroll doesn't
process its calculations.

To create associations for the student loan component:

1. Select the Calculation Cards task in Payroll.

2. Select the Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card for the employee.
3. In the Associations section, click Create.
4. In the Update Associations page, select the TRU.
5. Select the appropriate loan component.

Note: You can't associate more than one TRU with the student loan or postgraduate loan component.

6. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

New Starter Declaration

You can also allocate student and postgraduate loans by these methods:

• A professional user can enable the options from the notifications section of the PAYE component in the
Statutory Deductions calculation card. Here are the options that you can select:
◦ Enable automatic student loan updates
◦ Enable automatic postgraduate loan updates
• An employee can also use the new starter declaration through employee self-service.
By default, the application enables the profile ORA_HRX_GB_PAY_NSD_APR2021. You can disable it to use the earlier
version of the employee self-service declaration that doesn't have the new plan option listed.

Postgraduate Loan Deductions

You can create and maintain postgraduate loan deductions for your employees using the Postgraduate Loan Start
Notice (PGL1) or Postgraduate Loan Stop Notice (PGL2) notifications from HMRC.

You can either manually enter the data, or run the HMRC Data Retrieval and Load HMRC XML File Processes to load
PGL1 and PGL2. You can report the postgraduate loan information to HMRC using the Full Payment Submission process.

Run Reports for Court Orders and Student Loans

You can run predefined reports for Direct Earnings Attachment Payments and Deductions from Earnings Order
Payment Schedule.

Here's how you can run these reports:

1. Select Submit a Process or Report task from Payroll.
2. Specify your legislative data group (LDG).
3. Select the one of these flow patterns and enter all the required fields to run the report.
◦ Direct Earnings Attachment Payment Summary
◦ Deductions from Earnings Order Payment Schedule
4. Review and submit the process.
5. Open the Processes and Reports tab.
6. Click View Results.
◦ For the DEA Payment Summary report, you can save the report in PDF file format.
◦ For the DEO Payment Summary report, you can save the reports in PDF or XML file format.

Retrieve Data from HMRC for Student or Postgraduate Loans

You can import both SL1 or PGL1 start notice and SL2 or PGL2 stop notice messages from HMRC into the payroll

Before you start this process, consider these points:

• The employees must have a Statutory Deductions card, with associations to the TRU and assignment.
• The Student Loan element must be created within your Legislative Data Group. The application uses these
validation rules to process start notice.
• If a student loan or postgraduate loan exists, you can update it provided there are no future changes to the
record, and there are no date effective updates with a later issue date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

• While receiving a start notice after a stop notice, the Eligibility for Repayment of Teachers Loans field is set back
to No. Otherwise, it is set to Yes.
• If no student loan exist, then one will be created (including the calculation card, Court Order Information
component, Student Loan component, details, and association).
• If no postgraduate loan exists, then one will be created (including the calculation card, Court Order Information
component, Student Loan component, details, and association).
Note: If part of the data exists (for example, the calculation card but not the component), the process creates
the remaining data.

The application uses these validation rules to process stop notice:

• There must be an existing start notice.
• The student loan or postgraduate loan can be stopped provided there are no future changes to the record and
there are no date effective updates with a later issue date.

To fetch Student Loan or Postgraduate messages, use the flow HMRC Data Retrieval Process:
1. Select Submit a Process or Report in the Payroll work area to run these reports.
2. Specify a UK legislative data group (LDG).
3. Enter all the required parameters. Select the appropriate file type for student or postgraduate loan:
◦ Postgraduate loan start notice
◦ Postgraduate loan stop notice
◦ Student loan start notice
◦ Student loan stop notice
4. Click Submit.

Upload Student or Postgraduate Loan Data to HMRC

You can upload student loan or postgraduate loan data to HMRC.

After you retrieve the file, you can upload this file using payroll flow Load HMRC XML File.

The flow uploads the incoming data and validates it. It generates the validation report and the HCM Data Loader file to
load in the application.

What should I do when an involuntary deduction is fully paid?

Update the end date of the calculation component on the involuntary deduction calculation card.

Load Benefits to Payroll
Transfer pension deduction information from a benefits application to benefits and pensions calculation cards for
payroll processing using HCM Data Loader.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Calculation Entries

View and Correct Entries

When the process completes successfully, it creates or updates a calculation card for each person included in the HCM
Data Loader file. Use the Calculation Cards task in My Client Groups to view the new entries on the cards.

You can enter or update these values on the cards, if required:

• Payee
• Reference Number
• Employee Additional Contribution

The other values are view-only and must be maintained in the source application.

Related Topics
• Considerations to Enter Calculation Values for Pensions
• Guidelines for Loading Calculation Cards

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

4 Global Transfers

Global Transfer Overview

All transfers between legal employers are known as global transfers. During a global transfer, the application creates a
work relationship and assignment under the new legal employer.

The application terminates the existing work relationship and all assignments under it as of a day prior to the global
transfer date. In this scenario, the application sets the Last Standard Earnings Date and Last Standard Process Date
automatically, but you have to set the Final Close Date according to your requirements. Perform all the payroll actions
before entering a Final Close Date because the application terminates the original assignment after you enter this date.

Depending on the payroll relationship rules, the application creates a new assignment under a different payroll
relationship. You can also change the legal employer of multiple employees in a single batch using the Mass Legal
Employer Change task.

Note: If you select Payroll Details to be managed in the Local and Global Transfer page, you must opt for a new legal
employer for global transfer. Once you select a new legal employer, the application displays the payroll details and the
transfer type changes to global from local transfer.

During a legal employer change within the legislative data group (LDG), you can select the data that you want to copy
from the source to the target assignment and payroll relationship.

What's Copied
For global transfers within the LDG, you can copy personal payroll data to the new payroll relationship and assignment.
In the Payroll Details section of the Local and Global Transfer or Mass Legal Employer Change flow, select the check box
for the corresponding data items that you want to copy.

Note: Personal Payment Methods and Third Party Payment Methods are copied automatically without any check box,
subject to eligibility and the validation rules applicable. You can copy these payroll objects in the event of a transfer.

Payroll item What this includes

Payroll Relationship and Assignment Attributes such as payroll, overtime period, and time card. These values default to the value from the
attributes (Payroll Details) source, and you can override them if required.

Personal Payment Methods Payment methods are copied subject to the availability of a valid organization payment method (OPM)
for the same payment type.

Third Party Payment Methods Payment methods are copied subject to a valid OPM on the target payroll.

Person Costing Overrides All costing overrides are copied.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Payroll item What this includes

Recurring Element Entries Copy for element entries are subject to eligibility. The process doesn't copy adjustments made after the
global transfer date.

Calculation Cards and Components The application copies the cards and components at the payroll relationship level based on each
country's legislation.

It doesn't copy cards at the payroll statutory unit (PSU) and tax reporting unit (TRU) levels.

Balances The process copies the source assignment and relationship-level balances to the target assignment
and payroll relationship respectively.

Change Legal Employer Dashboard

You can use the Change Legal Employer Dashboard to view the results of a transfer. It lists a consolidated summary
related to the global transfer for each employee. For further info, see Dashboard for Legal Employer Change in the Help

Override Default Settings

Some fields and copy options are enabled by default and hidden on this process. You can use HCM Experience Design
Studio to configure what fields are hidden or displayed according to user role. For example, you can choose to hide
some of the payroll fields from the line manager and make them visible to the payroll manager.

You could also set or modify default values. For example, all recurring element entries are copied subject to eligibility.
But you could exclude certain elements by defining an element (object) group and using it as the default value for the
element group field.

You can't override assignment attributes like job, grade, and position because they are unique and may differ for each
worker in the destination assignment.

Related Topics
• Overview of Administering Payroll Relationships
• Payroll Relationship and Termination Dates
• HCM Experience Design Studio
• Dashboard for Legal Employer Change
• Local and Global Transfer
• Mass Legal Employer Change

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Element Entries Transfer

What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers
You use element entries to capture employee info required for payroll processing, such as earnings and deduction

• For global transfers, the process copies the person's element entry info to the new employment record, subject
to the eligibility.
• For local transfers and global temporary assignments, the element entries are unchanged.

If you want this This is what you do

Copy all recurring element entries to the Select Copy element entries to the new employment record in Payroll Details.
new assignment
The process copies only the recurring element entries that are recorded in payroll. This option doesn't
impact the element entries sourced from other modules, such as:

• Oracle Cloud Benefits

• Oracle Cloud Workforce Compensation
• Oracle Cloud Absences
For example, Vision Corp grants an employee a recurring car allowance payment. This payment is
effective from 1-Jan-2019. On 15-Apr-2019, you transfer them within the same legislative data group
(LDG) to a different legal employer. As part of this transfer, the process copies the car allowance
element entry to the new assignment as of 15-Apr-2019. If the original car allowance entry ended on
14-Apr-2019 due to the termination rule, the process wouldn't copy the element entry values.

Exclude some element entries If you want to exclude certain element entries from the transfer, use Element Group to identify them.

This field is hidden by default and doesn't have a default value. Use the HCM Experience Design
Studio task to enable it. For further info, see HCM Experience Design Studio in the Help Center.

When you select Copy element entries to the new employment record during the transfer, the
process displays a list of Global Transfer usage type Element Group values for the LDG.

For example, you have sourced some element entries from a third-party application, and it reevaluates
the eligibility based on the new assignment. When you run the process, it doesn't copy those element
entries automatically. Instead, it defines the element entries based on the info provided by the third-
party application.

Transfer elements with automatic eligibility The process creates element entries with automatic eligibility. It doesn't update the element entry
values if they would be invalid in the destination.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

If you want this This is what you do

• This occurs regardless of what you select for Copy element entries to the new employment
• For the element entries that are copied, the process also copies the element entry costing

Voluntary Deduction Element Entries

For employees with voluntary deductions, the process copies the element entry, but it doesn't make any automatic
adjustments for prior contributions.

For example, an employee has a car loan of $5000, with a commitment to repay it over 10 months with a semi-monthly
deduction of $250. You set the deduction's Total Owed to 5000, so the deduction stops once $5000 is recovered from
the person.

1. The employee starts their repayment on 1 April.

2. On 16 July, you transfer them to a different legal employer.
3. During the transfer, the process copies the element entry to the new legal employer, but it doesn't copy the
Therefore, after completing the transfer, you must:

1. Check for prior contributions.

2. Adjust the copied element entries appropriately.

◦ You can use the Transfer Balances flow.

◦ You can perform a balance adjustment manually.

What Element Entries Get Copied

Here's how the process handles the different kinds of element entries.

Element entries Are they copied?

Recurring, defined through the Element Yes

Entry process

Recurring, loaded through HCM Data Yes


Nonrecurring element entries No

Entries related to calculation card No


The process doesn't copy deductions that have been satisfied.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Related Topics
• HCM Experience Design Studio
• HCM Data Loader
• Example of a Worker Transfer
• Can I use the Global Transfer action for a person with a future termination date?

Examples of Copying Element Entries During an Employee

A recurring element entry's start and end dates determine if the Local or Global Transfer process copies it to the new
payroll relationship.

Scenario Are The Element Entries Copied

When the start and end date of the No

element entry is before the global transfer

When the start and end date of the No

element entry is after the global transfer

When the global transfer date is between, Yes

or equal to, the start and end date of the
element entry.

For further info, see the following sections.

Example 1: Recurring element entry dates are before the global transfer date
An employee is paid a car allowance of $500 that starts on 1 January and ends on 30 January. On 1 August, you transfer
them to a different legal employer.

In this case, the process doesn't copy the car allowance element entry as its start and end date are before the global
transfer date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Example 2: Recurring element entry dates are after the global transfer date
Let's consider the previous example of the employee. This person has paid a car allowance of $500 that starts on 1
June and ends on 31 December. Effective 1 July, the company decides to increase the allowance to $600. On 1 May, you
transfer them to a different department within the same company.

In this case, the process doesn't copy the recurring car allowance element entry.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

What Happens to Payment Methods During Person

Payment methods indicate the method of payment, such as check, cash, or credit. When you define the payment
methods, you associate a source bank account with each payment type.

During a transfer, the Local and Global Transfer process automatically copies the payment methods from the source
payroll relationship to the target.

Personal Payment Methods

When a person transfer results in a new payroll relationship, the process automatically copies the personal payment
methods (PPMs). For further info, see Personal Payment Methods in the Help Center.

If the target payroll relationship has a valid organization payment method (OPM), the process copies:

1. The person's PPMs from the source payroll relationship.

2. The prenote status from the source payroll, so you don't have to repeat prenotification.

Any subsequent PPM that uses the same bank account inherits this prenote status.

For further info, see Prenotifications in the Help Center.

Here's how the process handles different PPM scenarios.

If the method's start date is And its end date is The process

After the global transfer N/A Copies the PPM to the new payroll relationship

Before the global transfer After the global transfer Copies the PPM to the new payroll relationship

Before the global transfer Before the global transfer Doesn't copy the PPM

Note: The process doesn't explicitly end-date the PPM from the source payroll relationship, as you might need to
continue issuing payments to it.

Considerations for Organization Payment Methods

Although the payroll process uses the same OPM for all payroll definitions within a legislative data group (LDG), it's
possible that you may have defined multiple OPMs for different payrolls. In this case, when the global transfer involves a
change of payroll, the process doesn't apply the source payroll's OPMs to the target.

For example, an employee is transferred from the US Semi-Monthly payroll to the US Biweekly payroll. Their previous
PPM used the Semi-Monthly Check OPM. In this case, the process tries to find an OPM that uses the same PPM.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Condition Payment method on the source Available PPM on the target This is the what the process does

When the source OPM is valid on Biweekly Check • Biweekly Check In this case, there is an exact match
the target payroll between the PPMs of the source
• Biweekly Direct Deposit and target OPMs.

The process assigns the person to

the matching OPM.

When the source OPM isn't valid Biweekly Check • Semimonthly Check In this case, there is no exact
for the target payroll but just one match, but there is one OPM that
OPM of the same payment type • Monthly Direct Deposit uses the same payment type as the
exists on the target payroll • Monthly Check source.

When the OPM doesn’t match any Vision EFT • Corp EFT Because there are multiple PPMs
of the methods of the same type that match the payment type, the
on the target payroll • Warehouse EFT process doesn't assign the person
• Corp Check to an OPM.

• Warehouse Check

When no OPM exists on the target Biweekly Check • Monthly Direct Deposit In this case, there is no match.
payroll for the same payment type
The process doesn't assign the
person to an OPM.

Third-Party Payment Methods

You use third-party payment methods to process payments to external organizations and people. Unlike PPMs, these
payment methods aren't restricted to a single payroll relationship.

However, if the third-party payee is a person, you should link the payment method to their target payroll relationship.
You don't have to link the payment method if the third-party payee is an organization. The process links payment
methods for the third-party person to the target payroll relationship if the OPM is valid for the target payroll.

Related Topics
• Local and Global Transfer
• Organization Payment Methods Overview
• Personal Payment Methods
• Prenotifications
• Third-Party Payment Methods Overview

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person

You can manage costing overrides for a person at the multiple levels.

• Payroll relationship
• Assignment
• Element, costing at the payroll relationship level
• Element, costing at the assignment level
You have the option to cost all the elements the person is eligible to receive or to cost individual elements.

Note: During the transfer, when the process copies element entries, it also copies the element entry costing

By default, the Local and Global Transfer process doesn't copy the person costing overrides during a global transfer. To
include them, select the check box in the Payroll Details page of the Local and Global Transfer process.

This table describes what condition determines when the process copies the costing overrides at various.

If process created this during the It copies overrides at these levels


Payroll relationship • Payroll relationship

• Element, costing at the payroll relationship level

Assignment • Assignment
• Element, costing at the assignment level

Date Considerations
The dates associated with the overrides determine what the process does with them.

• The process doesn't copy costing overrides that end date-effective before the transfer date.

• It copies costing overrides that are scheduled to begin after the transfer date.

• It copies costing overrides that began before the transfer and are scheduled end after it.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

What Happens to Calculation Cards During Employee

Calculation cards capture values required for payroll calculations. When using the Local and Global Transfer process,
you can select to copy calculation cards and their components at a payroll relationship level.

Note: The process doesn't copy calculation cards from other applications such as Oracle Cloud Time, Absence, and
Workforce Compensation.

The process copies the cards and components at the payroll relationship level based on each country's legislation. It
doesn't copy cards at the payroll statutory unit (PSU) and tax reporting unit (TRU) levels.

Rules for Copy

These rules determine how the process copies the calculation cards and components.

1. It copies the card or component from the source payroll relationship, if the target payroll relationship doesn't
already have the card or component.
2. It creates an association for the target TRU only if it exists for the source TRU.

For cards and components associated to the source TRU, it verifies whether the target card and component is
associated to the target TRU. It creates an association if one doesn't already exist.
3. For cards and components having an association detail record on the source assignment, the process creates
an association detail for the target assignment.
4. If you selected not to copy the calculation cards, none of these rules apply.

You can manually add the info if required.

5. Country legislations may deliver additional logic to reset or initialize values on specific cards and components.

Calculation Card Copy Scenarios

These scenarios describe whether the process creates or reuses calculation cards and components.

For these transfers This is what the flow does

Transfer within the same payroll 1. Creates an assignment in the same payroll relationship.
relationship and TRU 2. Uses the existing cards and components.
3. Adds an association detail to the target assignment, if required.

Transfer to a new TRU but the same payroll 1. Creates an assignment in the same payroll relationship.
relationship 2. Reuses the cards and components associated to the source TRU by adding an appropriate TRU

If that's not possible (such as the source TRU doesn’t have a TRU association with the target), the
process creates cards and components and associates them to the target TRU.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

For these transfers This is what the flow does

3. If the process reuses the cards and components, it may support only one TRU at a time.

In this case, the process updates the TRU association to the new TRU as of the transfer date.

Otherwise, the process doesn't change the source TRU association. Instead, it associates the
cards and their components to the new TRU.
4. Creates an association detail to the target assignment, if required.

Transfer to a new payroll relationship and 1. Creates a card and component.

TRU 2. Copies the source info to them.
3. Adds an association to the target TRU and an association detail for the new assignment.

Note: If the person already has a card or component on the target payroll relationship, the task uses it. This could be
through a different assignment, which isn't part of the global transfer. In such cases, the rules defined under scenario
2 apply.

Rules Delivered by Country Legislations

Each country's legislation delivers rules that control how the Local and Global Transfer process copies cards and
components. These rules define whether it needs to create or reuse a card based on preconfigured data. Here's some
examples you can configure based on your country's legislation.

• Whether the application copies a card or component.

• If the global transfer is across TRUs, you can choose if the process should reuse an existing card or component.

• Support of an association with more than one TRU at a time by a reused card or component.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview

Payroll Details During Global Transfer for the UK

In the payroll employment model, each employee has a payroll relationship to a Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU), and one or
more assignments to a payroll and other employment structures.

If an employee has the payroll details assigned, the application copies the details during global transfer within the same
legislative data group. The application creates an assignment and copies the details to the new assignment.

If the global transfer happens beyond the PSU, the application creates a payroll relationship, and copies information
from source to target payroll relationship.

Note: If you select Payroll Details to be managed in the Local and Global Transfer page, you must opt for a new legal
employer for global transfer. After you select a new legal employer, the payroll details show up and the transfer type
changes to global from local transfer.

What's Copied from Payroll Records

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

This table summarizes the payroll attributes for the different levels that are copied during global transfer:

Level Attribute Is a new record created? Can you override the Default value

Payroll Relationship Overtime Period Yes, if transfer occurs No Not applicable

across PSU

Assigned Payroll and Overtime Period Yes Yes Auto-populated with source
Assignment value.

Assigned Payroll and Time Card Required Yes Yes Auto-populated with source
Assignment value.

Assigned Payroll Payroll Yes Yes Auto-populated with source


Assignment Tax Reporting Unit Yes Yes Auto-populated with source

value when the transfer
happens within the PSU.

Tip: If any of the attributes isn't visible, you can enable it using HCM Experience Design Studio.

When you run this process to transfer one or more employees from one legal employer to another, it involves a change
of TRU. The Payroll details are selected to be transferred, and the new target TRU is specified, here's how these values
from the original employment's calculation card are created on the new employment's calculation card:

• PAYE Details: The entry type is set to System. The Report NI YTD Value is set to Yes. All other values are auto-
populated with source value from the original legal entity.
• NI Details: All values are auto-populated with source value from the original legal entity.
• New Starter Details: The statement is set to C - Other job or pension. All other values are auto-populated with
source value from the original legal entity.

Note: If you have enabled the New Starter Declaration to update the PAYE data using the PSU or TRU option
Enable automatic PAYE tax code updates, the Transfer process will attempt to apply the New Starter Data to
the PAYE component. But this won't happen if an update (of higher precedence) has taken place on the PAYE

When you run the process for transfers from one legal employer to another but the target TRU is the same as the
original TRU change (as the Legal Employers share the same TRU), here's what happens in the existing calculation card:

• NI Details: The date of becoming director and SCON is cleared and set to the start of the transfer date.
• Assignment association: The new assignment is linked to the old calculation components. The transfer process
always creates a new assignment within the new legal employer. The process updates the old assignment to an
inactive status. However, the calculation cards might allow processing of late payments on the original TRU.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

You can run the Global Transfer process to copy data for the Student Loan and Postgraduate Loan components in the
Court Order and Student Loans calculation card. You can use the mass legal employer transfer process for transfers
within the same legislative data unit.

Here's what happens for transfers within the same tax reporting unit:

• Existing student loans and postgraduate loans components in the Court Order and Student Loans calculation
card would remain the same. The deductions will add to the existing balances.

Here's what happens for transfers to a different tax reporting unit:

• The process creates a new Court Order and Student Loans calculation card when there's an existing student
loan or postgraduate loan component on the source tax reporting unit.
• The card and the components are associated with the new tax reporting unit.
• Student loan and postgraduate loan details are copied from the existing card to the new one.
• Individual assignments are not associated with the components, and no association details are created.

Once the transfer is complete, any year-to-date balances are not carried forward. In the new TRU and HMRC Payroll ID,
the student loan and postgraduate loan balance deductions are set to zero.

Related Topics
• Payroll Relationships for the UK

Student and Postgraduate Loan Data During Global Transfer

The global transfer process copies student and postgraduate loan data while transferring one or more employees to
legal employer that involves a change in the TRU.

Note: You must ensure that the Court Order and Student Loan calculation card exists and is active prior to the global
transfer date.

Here are the values that are copied from the source calculation card for involuntary deductions to the new calculation

Data Copied During Global Transfer

Loan Data Copied During Global Transfer

Student Loan Plan Type

Student Loan Deduction Start Date

Start Notice Date of Issue SL1

Student Loan Deduction Stop Date

Stop Notice Date of Issue SL2

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Loan Data Copied During Global Transfer

Eligibility for repayment of teachers loans

Last Update Process Sequence

Override Amount

Postgraduate Loan Postgraduate Loan Deduction Start Date

Start Notice Date of Issue PGL1

Postgraduate Loan Deduction Stop Date

Stop Notice Date of Issue PGL2

Last Update Process Sequence

Override Amount

If the employee’s legal employer is changed within the same TRU, no change is required related to Court Orders and
Student Loans calculation card because Student Loans and Post Graduate Loans components apply to all an employee’s

Future dated records from the original calculation card and components are also copied to the new calculation card.
However, if the new TRU already has a calculation card for this employee (either at transfer date, or in the future), no
new calculation card is created on the new TRU for the employee.

Any created court order calculation card on the new TRU will have a start date as of the global transfer date. However,
any new components will match the start date of the original component start date. If the component’s start date is
earlier than the global transfer date, the new student loan or postgraduate loan component’s start date will match the
global transfer date.

Note: The application creates one student loan component, and one postgraduate loan component, on the new
Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card for an employee.

Balances Transfer
Overview of Copying Balances
Carry forward assignment and relationship level balances using balance adjustments from the source to the target legal
employer during the global transfer of employees.

Several payroll calculations would require the knowledge of prior calculations in other payroll relationships. It is
necessary for the balances to be brought forward to the new payroll relationship so that calculations within the new

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

payroll relationship are made aware of all prior results within the appropriate timeframe of that balance. The overall
balance that's copied includes,

• The balances calculated within the payroll relationship

• The balances copied to the source payroll relationship for prior global transfers
Any further payroll deduction calculations on the target employment record must consider the calculations in the prior
employment records for the same person. The payroll run can't access balances across payroll relationships. So you
must copy the final balance from the source before the first payroll run on the target employment record.

Although you're using balance adjustments for the balances copy process, the application automatically generates
the adjustment element, similar to the balance initialization process. The application creates a balance feed from the
initialization element for both the target and source balance. You would require this balance feed to read what's copied
to the target using the source balance in the next copy process. For example, you want to copy the Car Loan Accrued
balance to the target relationship. This copy process uses a REL_ITD dimension and the application copies it into a
separate balance called Prior Accrued. The source balance should include the balance calculated within the source
relationship, and the balances received from any previous global transfers.

You can copy balances to the target record through these methods:

• Select the Copy balances to the new employment record check box to initiate the copy of balances
automatically after the global transfer is complete. You can find this check box in the Payroll Details section
of Local and Global Transfer and Mass Legal Employer Change flow. Once the copy process is complete,
you can view the status message on the Change Legal Employer Dashboard. You can pre-configure the list
of balances by an object group; called Process Information Group. You can use the delivered Default Global
Transfer Group or define an object group according to your requirements.
• Submit the Transfer Balances flow if you think that the balances aren't ready on the source at the time of
global transfer and you want to initiate the copy later. You can determine the readiness of the balance by these
two conditions,

◦ Any further payroll activity on the source

◦ Time left for the first payroll activity on the target

The Transfer Balances process copies balances through a balance adjustment batch with adjustments for each balance
listed in the specified object group. The application records these adjustments using a system-generated element with
the Balance Initialization classification. If the source defined balance has one or more balance contexts, the process
creates separate adjustments for each context value.

The Transfer Balances flow consists of two tasks:

• Create Global Transfer Adjustment Batch: Creates the balance adjustment batch for copying balances
between employment records.
• Adjust Multiple Balances: Processes the adjustment batch and also supports rollback and retry operations.
You can run the Transfer Balance process again if additional payroll runs take place on the source employment record.
This process assumes that the source balance value is the source of truth and adjusts for differences in balance values
between the source and target employment records, even negative ones. So the best idea is to leave the Exclude Target
Assignment with Payroll Results parameter in the Transfer Balances flow at its default value. This approach would
prevent accidentally reversing the results of calculations on the target employment record that aren't part of the source
balance value.

Related Topics
• Before You Set Up the Object Group

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Example to Carry Forward Total Owed Deductions

This example describes how you can enable deductions to continue on the new assignment and payroll relationship.

You can pick up the calculations from where you last left off on the source payroll relationship and assignment. You
can also enforce statutory balance limits that apply to the overall balance across all payroll relationships for the same

A total owed deduction entry such as Car Loan Repayment is set up for John Doe. Recurring deductions of 1000 are
taken each pay period until the total contribution matches the total owed of 15000. After repaying 5000 of the total loan
amount, John Doe is transferred to a new legal employer.

• The new employer can continue from where the previous legal employer left, using a new deduction entry for
the same element.
• The new employer can retain the total owed as an indicator of the original loan amount, and give credit for prior
contributions of 5000 through balance adjustment.
When the remaining amount is non-zero, the application reads and adjusts the total contributions on through an
adjustment element. The application creates a balance feed from this initialization element for both the target and
source balance. You would require this balance feed to read what's copied to the target using the source balance in the
next copy process.

This copy process uses a REL_ITD dimension and the application copies it into a separate balance called Prior Accrued.
The source balance should include the balance calculated within the source payroll relationship, and the balances
received from any previous global transfers.

Copy Voluntary Deduction to the Target Record

For example, you want to copy a relationship level voluntary deduction such as Car Loan Repayment, which has total
owed to the target employment record. In this scenario, you can add the Car Loan Repayment Accrued to the object
group with these details:

• Source Defined Balance: Car Loan Repayment Accrued Relationship No Calculation Breakdown Inception to
• Target Balance: Car Loan Repayment Accrued
• Prerequisite Target Element (Optional): Car Loan Repayment

Related Topics
• Before You Set Up the Object Group

Effective Dates for Balance Fetch and Adjustment

The Transfer Balances process consists of two phases, Balance Fetch and Balance Adjustment.

Both of these operations require the use of a reference date, which isn't necessarily the date of global transfer. The
global transfer process can occur when future run results exist on the source payroll relationship, while the target payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

relationship could consume the balance value even before then. You must have a complete view of the final balance on
or before the dimension reset date.

Balance Fetch
Although the global transfer happens on a specific date, the Transfer Balances flow doesn't necessarily fetch the copied
balance values on the same date. Payroll calculations can't go out of sequence within a payroll relationship. Transfer
Balances flow fetches balances as of the dimension end date to include the balance values impacted by the future run
results up to that date.

Balance Adjustment
The global transfer process adjusts balances as of the global transfer date or the First Standard Earnings Date of the
target payroll relationship.

If you choose to run the Transfer Balances process later, a payroll activity might occur on the target record that's already
in sync with the source. In this scenario, the application adjusts the balances on the target payroll relationship as of
these dates, or whichever is later.

• The date you have run the last payroll process

• The start date of the balance dimension
• First Standard Earnings Date

If this adjustment date is later than the end date of the balance dimension, the application can't carry forward the
balances because the future payroll calculation results exist on the target payroll relationship.

Adjust Balance Differences

Rerun the Transfer Balances process to sync the additional payroll activity on the source payroll relationship to the
target payroll relationship.

An employee might also have been paid in the past on the target payroll relationship during the period spanning the
balance value, that's after the start date of the balance dimension.

You can rerun this process to fetch the balances for the same dimension and context values on both the source and
target records. The application records the adjustment for the difference in balance values. If the balance values match,
the application doesn't make further adjustments.

Payroll Relationship Level Balances

If an employee had worked in the target payroll relationship before, the process adjusts the difference of balance values
read from the source and the target. Any balance being carried from the source includes balance that's processed for
the same set of contexts in the target before.

In this example, the source PSU is up to date and in sync with the balance value.

1. An employee contributed 1000 in PSU A and moved to PSU B. The application carries forward the balance of
1000 to PSU B.
2. With a further contribution of 3000 in PSU B, the total contribution in PSU B sums up to 4000. He moves to
PSU C and carries forward a balance of 4000.
3. With a further contribution of 1000 in PSU C, the total contribution in PSU C sums up to 5000.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

4. The employee is transferred back to PSU A in the same year. Only 4000 out of the 5000 is brought forward to
PSU A because 1000 in PSU C already came from PSU A.
5. With a further contribution of 1000 in PSU A, the total contribution in PSU A sums up to 6000.
6. The last global transfer from PSU A to B carries forward 2000, the only portion missing in PSU B.

If you're running the same process twice on the source or target without any occurrence of other payroll activity, the
second instance wouldn't further adjust the values. The application finds the values on the target to match those on the

Assignment Level Balances

Copy forward assignment level balances if the payroll formula uses only the assignment level balances, instead of
relationship level balances, to determine the calculation results. You can use this copy when the calculation results must
include the balance values from a prior assignment, such as assignment level voluntary deductions with total owed or
arrears, or both.

In this example, assignment 4 must be aware of the 6000 because the prior contributions in PSU A occurred through
a different assignment 1. In this scenario, the payroll formula won't consider the prior contributions in PSU A because
the element is at an assignment level. With the copy of an assignment level balance of 6000, the PSU A balance of
8000 at a relationship level would be inaccurate, instead of the correct value of 6000. The balance inaccuracy occurs
because the application counts 2000 contributed in assignment 1 twice. To overcome this inaccuracy, the process adds a

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

relationship level offset adjustment of -2000 which doesn't impact the assignment level balances for assignments 1 and

Mass Legal Employer Change

When you need to transfer multiple employees to the same legal employer, use the Mass Legal Employer Change task.
This performs the transfers in a single batch.

Mass Legal Employer Change

It uses the Local and Global Transfer process to copy the selected employees' assignments and work relationship data
from the source to the destination work relationship. This occurs as of the global transfer date. If there are any future-
dated changes, it copies those as well.

To run this process:

1. From My Client Groups, click Show more.

2. In Employment, click Mass Legal Employer Change.
Some things to consider when performing this kind of transfer.

• Use this task to transfer people from different legal employers into the same target legal employer.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

• Use this task when changing legal employers within the same country or legislation. If you use this task to mass
change legal employers across legislations, it doesn't copy the data for salary and payroll. Additionally, there
may be issues with certain personal data elements that aren't copied across legislations.

For example, a person is transferring from the Netherlands to the United States. In the Netherlands, their
marital status is Living Together. Because the US doesn't have this status, their marital status would be null.
However, if the marital status is Married, both legislations support that status, and it would be copied during
the transfer.
• Some fields and copy options are enabled by default and hidden on this process. You can use HCM Experience
Design Studio to configure what fields are hidden or displayed according to user role. For example, you can
choose to hide some of the payroll fields from the line manager and make them visible to the payroll manager.

You could also set or modify default values. For example, all recurring element entries are copied subject to
eligibility. But you could exclude certain elements by defining an element (object) group and using it as the
default value for the element group field.

You can't override assignment attributes like job, grade, and position because they are unique and may differ
for each worker in the destination assignment.

For further info, see HCM Experience Design Studio in the Help Center.
• Pending and draft performance goals aren't transferred to the new assignment when you do a mass legal
employer change. Therefore, you must make sure approvals for such performance goals are complete before
you perform the transfer.
• You can't do a mass legal employer change for an employee that has:

◦ Future-dated global transfer or global temporary assignment change

◦ Pending transaction awaiting approval that involves an assignment change
◦ Work relationship start date with the same as the effective date of the transfer

Note: You can use the Change Legal Employer Dashboard to view the results of a transfer. It lists a consolidated
summary related to the global transfer for each employee. For further info, see Dashboard for Legal Employer Change
in the Help Center.

Data Transfered
This task copies the following.

Data item What this includes

Override Assignment Values You can provide specific values for certain assignment attributes. These values:

1. Apply to all people being transferred

2. Override the corresponding values on their source assignment

Additional Changes By default, the task copies all assignment extensible flexfield (EFF) contexts. However, you can choose
which contexts you don't want to copy to the worker's new assignment.

Salary Changes You can copy the salary from the primary assignment of the previous work relationship. However:

1. The legal employers involved in the transfer must have the same LDG.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Data item What this includes

2. The salary basis must be one of the following.

◦ Type 1: Salary amount is determined by the user.

◦ Type 2: Salary amount is determined by components and the salary basis setting is Enable
component selection during allocation.
◦ Type 3: Salary amount is determined by rates.

Performance Goals and Documents You can move performance goals and documents to the worker’s new assignments. You can move:
Related Changes
• All workers' performance goals and documents associated with all review periods
• Only current and future review periods, excluding historic performance goals and documents
associated with inactive assignments
When you perform a mass employee transfer:

1. For workers whose performance data is the same across all assignments within their work
relationship, the task copies only the performance goals and documents associated with the
primary assignment to the new assignment.

This performance data includes:

◦ Performance goals

◦ Goal plans

◦ Performance documents

The performance goals and documents associated with the secondary assignments remain
unchanged on the source relationship. You can edit, cancel, or delete them as needed.
2. The task doesn't change eligibility profiles.

If the eligibility profiles used for performance goals and documents include inactive assignments,
after the transfer, the inactive assignments continue to be eligible for the same performance
goals and documents.

You must update the eligibility profiles to exclude the inactive assignments to prevent them being

Payroll Details You can copy payroll details from the source to the target assignment and payroll relationship during a
mass legal employer change within the LDG.

For further info, see Payroll Data Transferred below.

Benefits You can choose the life event for global transfer and transfer benefits balance to the worker's new

Select People You can choose the workers for whom you would like to perform the transaction.

Review Selected People You can review the people you selected before submitting the Mass Legal Employer process.

Payroll Data Transferred

For Payroll implementations, the process copies the data from the original assignments and work relationships to the
new one, depending on your selections.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Note: You can use the Change Legal Employer Dashboard to view the results of transfer. It lists a consolidated
summary related to the global transfer for each employee. For further info, see Dashboard for Legal Employer Change
in the Help Center.

Here's the payroll items the process can copy. For details on all data the process copies, see Data Copy and Display
Options for Global Transfers for the US in the Help Center.

Payroll item What this includes

Payroll Relationship and Assignment Attributes such as payroll, overtime period, and time card. These values default to the value from the
attributes (Payroll Details) source, and you can override them if required.

Personal Payment Methods Payment methods are copied subject to the availability of a valid organization payment method (OPM)
for the same payment type.

Third-Party Payment Methods Payment methods are copied subject to a valid OPM on the target payroll.

For further info, see What Happens to Payment Methods During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Person Costing Overrides By default, the flow doesn't copy costing overrides. If you choose to copy, then the flow copies data
across four levels at which the person costing setup is held.

For further info, see What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Recurring Element Entries The flow copies element entries subject to eligibility. To exclude certain elements from being copied,
define an element (object) group with the Global Transfer usage type.

For further info, see What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Calculation Cards and Components The flow copies the cards and components at the payroll relationship level based on each country's

For further info, see What Happens to Calculation Cards During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Balances The flow copies the source assignment and relationship-level balances to the target assignment and
payroll relationship respectively.

The Mass Legal Employer Change flow interprets a blank entry to imply the value on the source
assignment and payroll relationship. Unless you override this value, the application copies the
source value to the target assignment and payroll relationship.

For further info, see What Happens to Balances During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview
• Copy Future Dated Changes
• Mass Legal Employer Change

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Copy Future Dated Changes

You can copy future-dated changes and preserve end dates on the payroll objects, to include calculation cards and
person costing overrides, copied during a change of legal employer (Global Transfer).

For example, if a recurring element entry has an end date after the global transfer date (future change) and you choose
to copy the element entry as of the global transfer date, the end date is also copied.

These are the two types of future changes you can copy during a Global Transfer:

• Future updates to the record created as of the global transfer date.

• Future record that begins after the global transfer date.
Copying future dated changes for calculation cards is supported by the Local and Global Transfer flow as well as
the Mass Change Legal Employer flow. Legislation rules control the type of calculation card changes that are copied
during a global transfer. Let's take a US example, if you perform a global transfer effective December 1, 2022 for a US
employee who has already updated the tax card effective January 1, 2023, both the tax card effective December 1, 2022
as well as the future changes are copied to the new payroll relationship created by the global transfer. For more details,
refer to the global transfer help documentation specific to your legislation.

Future changes to employment data are copied only if you choose to copy future assignment updates. The following
payroll objects are considered employment data and supported with this feature:

• Overtime Period
• Timecard Required
• Element Entries not linked to Calculation Cards, including future nonrecurring entries.
• Person Costing overrides
• Calculation Cards
Use the HR profile option Future Assignment Changes Copy Enabled (ORA_PER_CLE_COPY_FUT_ASG) in the Local
and Global Transfer flow to copy future changes to employment data.

In the Mass Legal Employer Change flow, select the checkbox Copy future assignment updates to copy future
changes on employment data.

For example, select this option for a global transfer due to a re-organization, merger, or acquisition, where the
employees are expected to continue with the same employment data, including those scheduled for the future.

For personal data (Personal Payment Methods) and calculation cards, the future changes are copied irrespective of
what's set on the HR profile option or the check box.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview
• Mass Legal Employer Change

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Global Transfer Example

This example describes how to transfer an employee to a different legal employer within the same legislative data

You initiate the transfer as a line manager and approve the payroll details as a payroll manager. The application then
routes the request to the approver and after approval, a new assignment is created as part of the global transfer. A new
payroll relationship is created if the legal employer has a separate Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU) for each of its entities.

Vision Restaurants has separate legal employers for Fast Food and Fine Dining. John Doe is a restaurant manager
transferred to the fast food chain. Initiate the transfer and copy payroll attributes to the new payroll relationship. Exclude
the copy of costing overrides as Vision Restaurants doesn't copy them by default, as there are exceptions to this based
on their employees being loaned out within the same legal employer.

In this scenario, Vision Restaurants has configured the workflow in such a way that the line manager initiates the
transfer and then routes the request to the payroll manager to validate the payroll attributes. The payroll fields such as
Copy Costing Overrides and Element Entries are hidden from the line manager using HCM Experience Design Studio.

Initiate the transfer

The Line Manager initiates the transfer from the Local and Global Transfer flow.

1. Go to the Local and Global Transfer flow, select the info you want to manage. Click Continue.
2. Enter the new legal employer details, and date of transfer in the When and Why page. Click Continue.
3. On the Payroll Details page, click Submit.

Copy Payroll Details

The Payroll Manager receives the transaction initiated by the line manager and selects the data which needs to be
copied over.

1. Select the payroll to which the employee is transferred to.

2. Deselect the Copy Costing Overrides field to exclude the copy.
3. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

After the successful validation of the payroll attributes the request is sent for approval. The application then generates a
new assignment and payroll relationship as part of the global transfer.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview
• What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person Transfers

FAQs for Global Transfers

Why did the data copy fail for an employee who was global
transferred temporarily??
The application copies the data only for permanent global transfers between legal employers within the same LDG.

Related Topics
• Global Transfer Overview

How can I prevent the application from copying all the element
Exclude element entries from the copy process by deselecting the 'Copy element entries to the new employment record'
check box on the Payroll Details section.

The application still creates entries for elements with automatic eligibility. To copy certain elements, define an element
group and assign the usage type as Global Transfer.

Related Topics
• What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers
• Global Transfer Overview

Why can't I view the element group after excluding recurring

element entries from the copy process?
Verify if you have defined the element group in the same LDG as the source and target legal employers. Then confirm if
you have assigned the element group with a usage type as 'Global Transfer'.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

What happens if the copy of any payroll data fails?

A worker is associated with a new assignment, payroll and possibly a new payroll relationship as part of the global
transfer transaction. After you create these employment records, the application copies the payroll data.

Any errors while creating these employment records will be an error on the global transfer and the application doesn't
initiate the copy of data. However, if the global transfer is successful and the copy process encounters any errors or
warnings, the application doesn't reverse the transaction.

The Change Legal Employer Dashboard displays the success, warning and error messages. The application copies
related payroll information such as personal payment methods, person costing overrides, and element entries. For
payment methods, if one of the personal payment methods encounters an error, the application doesn't copy the data.
For all other payroll data, the copy will still continue even if one of the records fail.

What happens if a recurring element entry has updates or an end

date in the future?
Future changes to employment data are copied if you choose to copy future assignment updates.

If a recurring element entry has an end date after the global transfer date and you choose to copy the element entry as
of the global transfer date, the end date is also be copied.

Note: Use the HR profile option “Future Assignment Changes Copy Enabled” (ORA_PER_CLE_COPY_FUT_ASG) in the
Local and Global Transfer flow to copy future changes on employment data.

Related Topics
• What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers
• Examples of Copying Element Entries During an Employee Transfer

Does default value apply to the copied element entry in the new
Default value doesn't apply to the new element entry because the value is copied from the source legal employer.

Even if the value was a default value in the source assignment, the application doesn't consider it as a default value in
the new assignment.

Can I perform global transfer through HCM Data Loader?

Yes, you will require separate HCM Data Loader files to copy the related payroll information.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Why shouldn't I use balance initialization to carry forward balances

during global transfer?
Though you use balance initialization to initialize balances during mid-year go-lives, it's not the best approach to carry
forward balances during global transfer.

If you have paid an employee in the target payroll relationship earlier, you can't use balance initialization to carry
forward the balances. Balance initialization is allowed only before any payroll calculations.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Global Transfers

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

5 Process Payroll

Flow Patterns
Overview of Payroll Flows
Use payroll flows to streamline and optimize your payroll operations. They help you ensure smooth and seamless end-
to-end execution of the processes that address all of your payroll business requirements.

Use payroll flows to manage, effectively and efficiently, all of your payroll tasks, such as calculating payrolls, running
reconciliation reports, and making payroll payments.

For example, to ensure your payroll cycles are accurate, you can design a flow that includes manual tasks that request
validation at each step in the process. In this way, your Financial Director can verify the payroll costing results before the
flow transfers the payroll costs to the general ledger.

Predefined flow patterns are automatically available for you to submit all types of payroll processes and reports. A flow
pattern can consist of a single task such as the Calculate Payroll flow, or multiple tasks, such as the Payroll Cycle flow.
The Payroll Cycle flow includes all tasks for a payroll period in a best practice flow.

You can run the predefined flows directly, or you can use them as templates to create your own. You can even copy a
predefined flow pattern and edit it to meet your business requirements, such as adding, deleting, or moving a task in
the schedule.

There are also features to help you to design flows that address other complex business requirements, such as the
task iterator, that automates repetitive tasks with a single flow submission. For example, use the task iterator option to
generate a report for multiple payroll statutory units within your organization.

Similarly, use the flow connectors feature to isolate and review off-cycle and on-cycle payroll runs and subsequently
combine the run results for downstream processing.

This workflow diagram gives you an understanding of how payroll flows work. It shows the navigation path from
the pages that provide high-level flows information, such as the View Flows page, to the pages that provide detailed
employee-level information, such as the Checklist and Process Results Details pages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

This table gives you a list of the payroll flow pages and a high-level description of the ongoing tasks you can perform to
submit and monitor your flows.

Page Name Tasks You Can Do On the Page

Submit a Flow After you have created the flow pattern, use the Submit a Flow page to submit the flow. Navigate to
Submit a Flow task from Quick Actions or under Payroll in My Client Groups.

Use the filter options and search for the flow you want to submit. Enter a unique name for the flow and
use the appropriate sections on the page to enter flow parameters, schedule your flow, and link flows if

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Page Name Tasks You Can Do On the Page

Checklist A Checklist is generated for each submitted flow. The Checklist page provides a central point to
monitor and manage all tasks within the flow. Use the Checklist to easily identify areas that require
your attention, such as any tasks within your flow that have error messages.

Perform actions on the Checklist page, such as roll back a task or mark a manual task as complete. To
view further information for a specific task, select the task and navigate to the Process Results Details

Process Results Details Use the Process Results Details page to view more detailed information for a flow task, such as errors
and warning messages, report output, and log files.

Errors and Warnings Use the Errors and Warnings page to view messages pertaining to persons or processes. You can also
access this page from the Process Results Summary.

Once you resolve all issues, navigate back to the Checklist page to continue processing any remaining
tasks within your flow.

View Flows Use the View Flows page to get an overall status of all submitted flows. Use the filter options on
the page to identify flows that require your attention, such as a flow that includes tasks with error
messages. Drill down on a flow to go to the Checklist page, to get more detailed information for the
tasks within the flow.

Navigate to View Flows task from Quick Actions or under Payroll in My Client Groups.

For more information on payroll flows, refer to the Administering Payroll Flows guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Related Topics
• Flow Pattern Components
• Payroll Flow Patterns

Payroll Process Configuration Groups

Payroll process configuration groups provide sets of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and

Select a process configuration group when you run a process, such as a new-hire flow or termination flow, or an extract
process or report.

If you don't select a process configuration group, the application uses the parameters in the default group. You must
specify the default group in the Process Configuration Group ACTION_PARAMETER_GROUPS profile option.

Here's the list of tasks you can use to set up profile options and default process configuration groups.

Action Task and Page

Edit predefined process configuration Default Group tab of the Payroll Process Configuration page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Action Task and Page

Create additional process configuration Group Overrides tab on the Process Configuration Group page.

Select a process configuration group as Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance area.
the default at the site or user level

To open the Payroll Process Configuration page, use the Payroll Process Configuration task under Show More >
Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Create a group with the logging parameters turned on to troubleshoot processes. You can also specify different
performance parameter values, such as chunk size and buffer size, for running different processes.

Start of Year Archive Process for the UK

You can run this process at the beginning of a new payroll tax reporting year to clear down (reset to zero) employees'
previous taxable pay and tax paid amounts and reset their tax basis to cumulative.

The Start of Year Archive process also produces an audit report showing the process results.

The process updates the employee records that meet any of these conditions:

• Non-cumulative tax basis

• Nonzero P11 previous taxable pay
• Nonzero P11 previous tax paid

The process sets the P11 values to zero. And, it sets the Tax Basis to Cumulative, effective from the 06 April of
the tax year.
Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task to run the Start of Year Archive process.

Before You Start

The updated values are stored in the Pay As You Earn component details of the PAYE component on an employee's
Statutory Deductions card. For employee records to be considered for clear down:

• The previous taxable pay or previous tax paid for the PAYE component must be greater than zero or the tax
basis must be non-cumulative.
• The PAYE component can't have any future dated changes.

When you submit the flow, you must select the payroll statutory unit for which you're updating employee records.
Optionally, you can select a tax reporting unit within that payroll statutory unit for updating. In addition, you must
provide these parameters.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Start of Year Archive Process Parameters

Parameter Description

Year The year for which records will be updated. For example, if you're running this process for the tax year
starting on 6 April 2022, then enter 2022.

Batch Name A user-defined name that describes the contents of the batch file that's created by this process. For
example, 2013 Start of Year Batch. This name must be unique within your legislative data group. The
batch file is retained after the upload process completes, and you can query it by this name.

Submission Type Indicates whether the submission is Test or Live. If you select Test, the process generates the audit
report with results. But it doesn't save updates to the database. If you select Live, the process saves the

Process Results
You can view the process results on the payroll flow page. You can verify the updated data in the PAYE component on
the calculation card for a specific person. If the process completed successfully, click Go to Task for the start-of-year
task on the checklist. Then click View Results on the Processes and Reports tab to access the audit report.

Note: The start of year archive report output is a .CSV file. You can also view it as a spreadsheet, if required.

Errors and Warnings Report

If an error prevented the processing from completing successfully, select Go to Task for the start-of-year task on the
checklist. Click the Errors and Warnings tab to view the error. Correct the underlying problem identified on this tab and
then rerun the process.

Note: The Errors and Warnings report is a .CSV file. You can also view it as a spreadsheet, if required.

Audit Report
The audit report lists each employee whose tax information was successfully cleared down. The report also lists each
employee whose tax information couldn't be updated and the reason for the error.

If the report contains errors, correct the underlying data problems identified in the report, and then rerun the process.
The process won't update a person's record more than once on the same date. It processes only records that weren't
already updated on the effective date of the process.

Note: You can't roll back or undo this process.

After the successful completion of this process, you can view the updated tax information for an employee using the
Calculation Cards task. After clear down:

• Taxable pay and tax paid are zero.

• Tax basis is Cumulative.
• Authority is P9X.

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• Authority date is 06 April of the tax year

• The last update process is set to one of these:

◦ Clear down: If no changes existed on the 6 April for this record.

◦ Clear down uplifted: If the Tax Code Uplift Archive process has already run for the employee as at 06
◦ Clear down with effective date change: If the tax code or tax basis or P11 figures had been changed as at
06 April, but not through the Tax Code Uplift Archive process.

Next Steps

Run the Tax Code Uplift Process to uplift tax codes for the upcoming year.

How to Run Start of Year Flows

Here's how you can run the start of year flows:

• Load P6 files
• Run Start of Year Archive process
• Run Tax Code Uplift Archive process
• Load P9s

HMRC doesn't issue P6s HMRC with an effective date of 06 April. HMRC stops issuing P6s mid-March to ensure that
no P6 is issued after the point where it can be applied for month 12 or the week 52 payroll. As you run the Start of Year
and Tax Code Uplift flows after the final pay run for the year, there won't be an issue with P6s that haven't been applied
before running these flows.

HMRC starts issuing P6s by late April or early May, so there is no issue with future P6s in relation to Start of year flows
processing. The P6 gets overwritten on 06 April by a P9. P9 overrides the Tax Code Uplift on the same day.

Tax Code Uplift Archive Process for the UK

You run this process at the start of a payroll tax year to uplift tax code values associated with a particular tax code suffix.
Uplifting a tax code updates the tax allowance value, typically increasing it.

The process updates employees who meet the criteria specified by the submission parameters. It adds a numeric value
to the numeric component of the tax code. For example, if you uplift tax codes ending in L using an uplift value of 10,
then tax code S920L becomes S930L. You can also run this process midyear there's a requirement for tax code changes.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task to run the Tax Code Uplift Archive Process.

Before You Start

The tax codes that the process updates are associated with a PAYE component on an employee Statutory Deductions
calculation card. These are the requirements for tax codes to be eligible for uplift:

• At least one assignment associated with the PAYE component is active. This means it's active and not yet
terminated, or has a termination effective date after the start of the new year).
• No future-dated changes exist for the PAYE component.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• No changes were made to tax code, tax basis, previous taxable pay, or tax paid on the effective date. Except the
changes made by the Start of Year Archive Process.
• The resulting tax code after uplift can't be negative.
If you're running this process for a start-of-year uplift, you should have successfully completed the Start of Year Archive

Process Parameters
When you submit the flow, you must select the payroll statutory unit for which you're uplifting tax codes. Optionally,
you can select a tax reporting unit within that payroll statutory unit for updating. In addition, you must provide these

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifies the flow submission.

Effective Date Date on which the tax code uplift is effective. If this date is 6 April, the process is considered a start-of-
year uplift; otherwise, it's considered a midyear uplift.

Batch Name User-defined name that describes the contents of the batch file being created by this process. For
example, 2013 Tax Code Uplift Batch. This name must be unique within your legislative data group. The
batch file is retained after the upload process completes, and you can query it by this name.

Payroll Statutory Unit Legal entity for which you want to run the process

Tax Reporting Unit Legal reporting unit for which you want to run the process

Tax Code Suffix One-letter suffix for the tax codes you want to update.

Uplift Value Amount to add to the original tax code value for all tax codes ending in the specified suffix. This can be
a negative number, if the tax allowance is being decreased.

Submission Type Indicates whether the submission is Test or Live.

In the Test mode, the process produces an audit report, but no updates are made.

In the Live mode, the process updates the records in the database.

Process Results
Process results are displayed on the payroll flow checklist page.

If an error prevented the processing from completing successfully, select Go to Task for the start-of-year task on the
checklist. Then click the Errors and Warnings tab to view the error. Correct the underlying problem identified on this tab
and then rerun the process.

If the process completed successfully, click Go to Task for the uplift task on the checklist. Then click View Results on
the Processes and Reports tab to access the audit report.

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Audit Report

The audit report lists each employee whose tax code was uplifted and shows the original and updated tax code values.
The audit report also lists errors found during the process that prevented one or more employee records from being
updated. Here are the changes for audit purposes:

• Authority field is P9X if the update is on 06 April, otherwise it is P7X

• Authority date is 06 April for P9X or effective date for P7X
• Last update process is set to either of these:
◦ Uplifted (if the process is run before the Start of Year Archive process or mid year)
◦ Clear down Uplifted (if the Start of Year Archive process has already run for the employee as at 06 April)

If the report contains errors, correct the underlying data problems identified in the report and then rerun the process.
The process doesn't update a person's record more than once on the same date; it processes only records that weren't
already updated on the effective date of the process. For fewer errors, you may want to make the tax code changes
manually on the person's calculation card rather than run the process again.

Note: You can't roll back or undo this process. However, you can run the process again the next day to correct any
data. For example, if you incorrectly uplifted tax codes by 20 instead of 10, you can uplift again the next day by
negative 10.

After successful process completion, you can view the updated tax code for an employee using the Calculation Cards
task in Payroll. Search for and open the employee Statutory Deductions calculation card. Expand the Pay As You Earn
component details for the PAYE component.

After the tax code uplift, the Authority field displays the value P9X for a start-of-year uplift or P7X for a midyear uplift.
The Update Method is set to System.

NI Category Update Archive Process

You can run this process anytime during the year to update employee NI categories. No updates are made for future
dated changes to employee records.

This process enables you to update employees approaching:

• 21st birthday on NI category M, updating to NI Category A
• 21st birthday on NI category Z, updating to NI Category J
• 25th Birthday on NI category H, updating to NI Category A
• State Pension Age, on any category other than X, updating to NI Category C.

Note: This also updates the certificate to Age to be Verified.

1. Select Submit a Flow.

2. Set the scope by selecting the appropriate legislative data group (LDG).
3. Select the flow pattern NI Category Update Archive Process.
4. Enter the parameters with the required values.
5. Submit the process. There are two tasks for this process:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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a. Run NI Category Update Archive.

b. Errors and Warnings Report
6. Click Errors and Warnings Report and download the ErrorsAndWarningsReport.txt file from the Output and Log files
7. Check the report and examine it for errors.
8. Click on the Run NI Category Update Archive link to navigate to the NI Category Update Archive Report.txt file in the
Output and Log files region. The report contains the previous and updated values for the employee records.
The NI Category Update Archive Report.txt report is a comma-separated file. You can also view it in a spreadsheet
9. Review the output for the updates made.
10. View the updated data by verifying the PAYE component in the calculation card for a specific person.

Note: Updates are only made if the process is submitted with a ‘Live’ Submission Type.

11. You may find that there is no data in the report, even though there were records created and visible in process
results. For performance reasons, the process operates in two phases. The first phase determines a set of employees
who may be eligible for a NI category update. The second phase determines from this list exactly which records need
updating. Because the State Pension age is now a variable based on Sex and Date of Birth, this is a more efficient
solution. Therefore, if no records appear in the final report, it simply means that no records need updating as at the
effective date.

Employer Payment Summary Process for the UK

You run the Employer Payment Summary Process at the end of every statutory month to send information to HMRC
about any adjustments that must be made against the employer's Tax and NI liabilities due to the statutory payments
made to the employees.

This process produces an Employer Payment Summary (EPS) file for submission to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
It’s also used to calculate and report the Apprenticeship Levy amount due for the year-to-date. This process creates an
archive, from which it creates the EPS file, and produces a Reconciliation Report. The process doesn't update employee

You can also specify Construction Industry Scheme amount suffered by your organization that reduces your liability to

Use the Submit a Process or Report task in the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area to run the Employer Payment
Summary for Tax Year Ending <year> process.

Before You Start

You must run the process with an action parameter group, with these two parameters:

• Multithreaded XML generation must be set to N

• Threads must be set to 1

If you're currently reclaiming, or have at any time in the current tax year reclaimed any amounts for statutory absence
payments (such as maternity, paternity, and adoption pay), then the EPS must include year-to-date (YTD) totals for

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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recovery and NIC compensation amounts. To calculate these amounts automatically in a payroll run, you must do one of

• Manually calculate YTD recovery and NI compensation amounts, and then enter those values as overrides in
the EPS archive file.
• Perform the setup required so that payroll runs automatically calculate these amounts and feed the
appropriate balances. If you select this method, the EPS retrieves the correct values from the recovery and NIC
compensation YTD balances.

Process Parameters
Select the payroll statutory unit (PSU) for which to run the process. Optionally, you can select a tax reporting unit
(TRU) within that PSU. The process includes these additional parameters:

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifier for the process that's being run. You can enter a value each time the process is run.

PSU Payroll statutory unit for which to run the process.

TRU Tax reporting unit, within the selected PSU, for which to run the process.

EPS Date Statutory month end date for this process.

Submission Type Indicates whether the output file is for testing or Live.

If you select Test, the process inserts a test indicator in the file, which you can submit to HMRC for
validation before submitting the live submission. Once you have verified the test submission, run the
process again and select Live as the submission type. Only Live files can be sent to HMRC using the
Outgoing XML Message submission to HMRC process. You should run it in test mode, examine it for
errors and completeness, and proceed to a Live run when any issues are resolved. In test mode, the
process doesn't update any employee data, but it completes the archive and generates the XML file
and report.

You can run the process multiple times in Test mode, but only once in Live mode for any tax
reporting unit and EPS date, other than 5 April. If payment data for a specific TRU and EPS date was
previously archived, the process doesn't include that data in the EPS. You must roll back the earlier
live EPS process to re-archive or report the data for that tax reporting unit again.

Final Submission Indicates whether this EPS is the final submission for the year or for a ceased PAYE scheme. If you're
generating the final submission for the tax year, then this is a required parameter.

Select Yes, if this is the Final EPS for the year. You should submit either the final FPS or the final EPS
with this set, but not for both submissions. So, if you send the EPS final submission, you don’t need to
set the same option on the FPS.

Date Scheme Ceased Date the scheme ceased, if this is the final submission for a ceased PAYE scheme.

Process Configuration Group Determines the rules for processing, such as logging and number of threads.

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Process Results
This process includes these tasks and outputs:

• Archive Employer Payment Summary: Generates an archive file containing the payment data to include in the
• View Employer Payment Summary Results: Enables you to view and edit the archive file to adjust balances, if
To view the archive file, click Go to Task for this task on the checklist. Edit the balances in the archive file, as
needed. Once you have completed this manual step, mark the task as complete so the process can continue.
• Generate Employer Payment Summary Audit Report: Generates the audit report. The Audit report is a .XLS
file. When you download the file, make sure you have enabled editing for the spreadsheet so that values are
displayed correctly.
• Generate Employer Payment Summary XML: Generates the XML file from the archive.

Note: If the test file is accurate, you must roll back the process and generate a Live file. You can only submit a Live file
to HMRC using the Outgoing XML Messages Submission process. If you submit an EPS after the 19th of the month,
the EPS will not be taken into account for that period and you'll have to pay the full amount due from your FPS. When
the EPS is received, it’ll be taken into account against the next period.

XML File Download

Save the XML file to a location accessible to transmit the file to HMRC. (You perform the XML transmission outside of
this process.)
Roll Back Process
If, after running this process, you determine that the archived payment data for one or more TRUs was incorrect, correct
the data and then roll back the EPS process. Run the EPS process again to create a new archive and EPS file for the
affected TRUs.

If you submit an EPS after the 19th of the month, the EPS will not be taken into account for that period, and you’ll have
to pay the full amount due from your FPS. When the EPS is received, it will be taken into account against the next

Calculate Recovery and NIC Compensation Amounts Manually for

the UK
The Employer Payment Summary (EPS) informs HMRC about any adjustments that must be made against the
employer's tax and NI liabilities resulting from statutory payments to employees.

This includes year-to-date (YTD) recovery and NIC compensation amounts for these absence payment types:
• Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP)
• Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
• Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)
• Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
• Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

If you want to reclaim statutory payment amounts, you must report these amounts each period on the EPS. Currently,
the payroll runs don't automatically calculate recovery and NIC compensation amounts. To include them in the EPS,
you must manually calculate these amounts and enter them as override values in the archive file produced by the EPS

Note: Alternatively, you can create a set of absence payments elements, indirect elements, and formulas to
automatically calculate the recovery and NI compensation amounts and feed the predefined balances provided
for this purpose. If you use this method, the EPS process automatically retrieves the correct recovery and NIC
compensation amounts from the predefined balances.

Calculate the Recovery Amount

Before running the EPS for a statutory month, calculate the total eligible recovery amount for each absence payment
type, for each tax reporting unit (TRU) you're reporting.

For example, if the total of all SAP payments for the period was 1000 GBP and the employer is eligible for a 92%
recovery rate, then the total eligible SAP recovery amount would be 920 GBP. Add that amount to the previous period's
YTD to derive the current period's YTD total.

Calculate the NIC Compensation Amount

You can calculate the NIC compensation amount for each absence payment type, for each TRU you're reporting. NIC
compensation is only applicable when the recover amount is 100%. You can't claim NIC compensation where the partial
amount of 92% is reclaimed.

Record the Calculated Amounts in the EPS Archive

Here are the steps to update the EPS archive to include the manually calculated amounts:

1. Run the Employer Payment Summary process.

2. On the checklist, click Go to Task for the View Employer Payment Summary Results task.
3. Open the archive file.
4. Enter the TRU-level YTD balances for each payment type in the appropriate override column.
5. Save the archive file.
6. Mark the View Employer Payment Summary Results task as complete so the process can continue.

Set Up Automatic Calculation of Recovery and NIC Compensation

Amounts for the UK
Currently, payroll process runs don't automatically calculate recovery and NIC compensation amounts for absence
payments. However, the application provides predefined balances that you can use to set up elements to calculate these

Once you perform this setup, the Employer Payment Summary (EPS) process automatically retrieves the yearto-date
(YTD) recovery and NIC compensation amounts from the predefined balances and include them in the EPS submission
to HMRC.

The setup process involves two steps:

• Setting up the elements

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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• Setting up the balance feeds

Set Up Elements
Use the Manage Elements task in the Payroll Calculation work area to perform the necessary setup, as summarized

1. Create an element for each absence payment type.

2. Attach formulas to each element to calculate the recovery and NIC compensation amounts for the payments.
3. Create a set of indirect elements, with input values to hold the calculated recovery and NIC compensation
amounts. You need additional elements for recovery and NIC compensation for each of payment types.
4. Define eligibility for each element, as appropriate.

Set Up Balance Feeds

Using the Manage Balance Definitions task in the Payroll Calculation work area, define balance feeds from the input
values of the recovery and NIC compensation elements listed above to the appropriate predefined balances:

• SMP Recovery
• OSPP Birth Recovery
• OSPP Adoption Recovery
• ASPP Birth Recovery
• ASPP Adoption Recovery
• SAP Recovery
• ShPP Adoption Recovery
• ShPP Birth Recovery
• SMP NIC Compensation
• OSPP Birth NIC Compensation
• OSPP Adoption NIC Compensation
• ASPP Birth NIC Compensation
• ASPP Adoption NIC Compensation
• SAP NIC Compensation
• ShPP Adoption NIC Compensation
• ShPP Birth NIC Compensation

The predefined balances store the running YTD totals. Once setup is complete, payroll runs calculate the recovery and
NIC compensation amounts automatically and feed the predefined balances. When you run the EPS process, it retrieves
the YTD values from the predefined balances.

HMRC Data Retrieval Process

You can retrieve employee data from the HMRC Data Provisioning Service (DPS) in XML format. The process retrieves
the XML messages, validates, and reports the inbound data. Once retrieved, you can upload the data to the calculation
cards and employee records.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Use this flow patterns to retrieve the XML messages and load the data to update employee records:
• HMRC Data Retrieval Process:

◦ Establishes connection with HMRC service and verifies credentials. A security token is received which is
valid for 4 hours during which communication can be made without having to establish a new connection
◦ Sends a request for any new data available for download on DPS
◦ Receives XML data and stores it in UCM, ready to be processed by the Load HMRC XML File process

• Load HMRC XML File Process to load the records fetched from HMRC by the retrieval process
You can retrieve these types of incoming XML messages:
• P6 or P6B: Notice of an employee's tax code or notice of an employee's tax code following the Budget.
• P9: Bulk or daily issue, Notice of an employee's tax code for the new tax year.
• NINO Verification Request Process (NVREP (RTI)): Validated national insurance numbers (NINO) received from
• Student Loan Start Notice (SL1)
• Student Loan Stop Notice (SL2)
• Postgraduate Loan Start Notice (PGL1)
• Postgraduate Loan Stop Notice (PGL2)
Before you start using the process for incoming retrieval, you must set up the tax reporting unit (TRU) related
information. In Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information page, set these attributes for UK TRU RTI Information:
• Employee RTI credentials:

◦ Sender ID
◦ Hidden Authentication Value
Note: Previously called authentication value, this supports strings that are up to 128 characters long,
and encrypted (by default) when the field is updated

• For each supporting process, set the GOT number (high watermark)

◦ P6 Highest Index Retrieved

◦ P9 Highest Index Retrieved
◦ SL1 Highest Index Retrieved
◦ SL2 Highest Index Retrieved
◦ RTI Highest Index Retrieved (for NVREP)
◦ PGL1 Highest Index Retrieved
◦ PGL2 Highest Index Retrieved

To set these attributes:

1. Select the Define Legal Entities for Human Capital Management task list.
2. Set the scope of the TRU you want update.
3. Select Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task.
4. Select UK Tax Reporting Unit Details.
5. Select UK TRU RTI Information.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Provide the relevant authentication details as well as the highest index retrieved for each of the different types
of messages.
Note: If you set the Highest Index Retrieved to 0, the process will retrieve all the messages available from

6. Click Submit.

Process Parameters
Payroll Flow

Unique identifier for the payroll flow.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll Statutory Unit for which want to run the process.

Tax Reporting Unit

Required attribute as the retrieval is done using PAYE reference.

File Type

Required attribute as only messages of same type can be retrieved together.

Payroll Configuration Group

Overrides the volume of data retrieved.

View Results and Control Data Volume

This process performs these tasks:

• Establishes a connection with the HMRC service and verifies credentials

• A security token is received which is valid for 4 hours during which time communication can be made without
having to establish a new connection
• Sends a request for any new data available for download on DPS
• Receives XML data and stores it in UCM, ready to be processed by the Load HMRC XML File process

To view the data stored in the UCM:

1. Open the log from the HMRC Retrieval process task.

2. Search for the text Loading to UCM is successful. This displays the UCM ID.
The number of UCM files created depends on the number of records returned from HMRC and also on the
values set by the action parameters.
3. In the UCM, search for the UCM ID.
You can control the retrieval of data. This could either be in terms of how many records should be retrieved each time or
the number of iterations the process performs to fetch the data. The process consolidates the data into a single file for
uploading. You can do this by setting the two new action parameters in the Manage Payroll Configuration Process:

• Number of incoming records from HMRC:

The number of records the process should fetch from the HMRC each time.

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• Number of times records fetched before upload:

The number of iterations (performed in a loop) to fetch records from the HMRC before consolidating the data.

If you don't provide the parameters, HMRC has their own default numbers that will be used.

If you want to override the parameters, you must create your own process configuration group:

1. Select the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task

2. Click Create.
3. Provide a name for the configuration group.
4. Click Save.
5. Search for and select the newly created configuration group.
6. Under configuration group details, select Create.
7. In the Parameter Name field, select Number of Incoming Records from HMRC and set the Override value.
8. Create another row for the second parameter, which is, Number of times records fetched before upload.
9. Set the Override Value.
10. Click Save.
When running the retrieval process, select the newly created configuration group as parameter.

Load HMRC XML File Process

This process loads the records fetched from HMRC by the HMRC Data Retrieval Process.

The process performs these tasks:

• Loads the fetched records from HMRC into the interface tables
• Validates the data against the data in the application within the message type
• Generates an audit report displaying the validation failures
• Generates the HCM Data Loader file with validated data
• Loads the HCM Data Loader file to update the application data
Use the Submit a Process or Report task in the Payroll Checklist or Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area to run the
Load HMRC XML File Process.

Ensure that the Assign HCM Integration Specialist role is enabled for the user and these privileges are assigned:

Process Parameters
Payroll Statutory Unit

The PSU for which you want to run the process. This is a required parameter.

Tax Reporting Unit

Tax reporting unit for which to run the process. Required attribute as the retrieval is done using PAYE reference.

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File Type

Type of messages to be retrieved. Required attribute as only messages of same type can be retrieved together. You can
select these file types:

• NINO Verification Reply

• P6 or P6B
• P9
• Student Loan Start Notice
• Student Loan Stop Notice
• Postgraduate Loan Start Notice
• Postgraduate Loan Stop Notice

Content ID

The UCM ID of the file. It is recommended not to enter a value. By default, the process selects the oldest unprocessed
file stored on UCM. This ensures that files are uploaded in the sequence in which they were received. Use the Content ID
only if you need to force a file reload.

Note: Ensure that you run this process for each file generated by the retrieval process. For example, if the HMRC XML
Data retrieval process generated three files, you must run the upload process three times, once for each file.

Outgoing XML Messages Submission to HMRC

This process enables you to submit Real-Time Information (RTI) messages in XML format using web services. This
includes messages for previous tax years, which is Full Payment Submission (FPS), Earlier Year Update (EYU), Employer
Payment Summary (EPS) and NINO Verification Request (NVREQ).

Use the Submit a Process or Report task in the Regulatory and Tax Reporting to run the Outgoing XML Message
Submission Process.

Before you submit the XML file to HMRC, you must ensure that XML file you send was generated with these details:
• Submission Type Live
• No errors reported in the file to be submitted
You may also need to configure an action parameter group to view a detailed log. Use the Manage Payroll Process
Configuration task to set up the action parameter group. You must create the action parameter group with these
• The logging category must be set to G
• Override the threads parameter and set it to 1
• Set the multithreading XML generation for extracts to N
You must setup the TRU information. Set the Sender ID and the Hidden Authentication Value to the values provided to
you by HMRC when you registered for Internet Filing. These are the same values used while configuring the TRU for
Incoming XML messages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Note: The TRU is already configured. For the selected TRU, you must configure the PAYE reference and the Employer
Accounts Office Reference Number.

Here’s how you can run this process:

1. Generate an XML file using submission type Test. Check the file for errors and make corrections, if required.
2. Rollback the Test XML process to clear the archive.
3. Repeat the above steps until the archive reports no errors.
4. Generate the XML file with submission type Live. You can only submit a Live XML file to HMRC.
5. Submit the XML file to HMRC as a Test submission. Check for errors in the submission.
6. If errors are found, rollback steps 4 and 5. Correct the data and repeat from Step 1 until there are no errors.
7. Submit the XML file to HMRC as a Live submission.
8. Once the submission is complete, you receive a message about successful completion of the process.
9. Save the message as required for auditing purposes.

HMRC File Submission Process

You can use the HMRC File Submission Process to submit XML files to HMRC as a Test submission. When you perform
the submission, only one record is associated with the transmission. This is because the transmission is controlled with
one archive action.

Process Flow
Here are the steps you can use to submit the file to HMRC:

1. Select the flow HMRC file Submission Process from the Checklist Work Area for your LDG.
2. Click Next.
3. Enter the parameters as described below.

HMRC File Submission Flow Parameters

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Unique identifier for the payroll flow.

Payroll Statutory Unit Payroll Statutory Unit for which you want to run the process.

Tax Reporting Unit Required attribute as the retrieval is done using PAYE reference.

Flow Pattern Type of file you're submitting, for example, NINO Verification Request

Flow Name The name of flow used to create the Live XML file

Submission Type Type of submission to HMRC whether Test or Live

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Parameter Description

Use a Live submission only if the prior test submission for this flow was received successfully by

Process Configuration Group Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or
number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group, the process uses the
parameters in the default group.

4. Submit the flow.

Use Refresh to check until the submission completes.

5. Click Send HMRC XML Data and Go to Task.

Note: There is only one record associated with the transmission. This is because the transmission is
designed to be controlled with 1 archive action.

6. Click Actions menu and View Results.

7. Click the file name to view the XML returned from HMRC.

You will receive a Correlation ID as response in the file. Store the Correlation ID for future use. If you find errors
in the Test submission, you must resolve the errors and perform a new Test submission. If there are no errors,
repeat the process as a Live submission. In this case, you do not need to regenerate the XML file. You can use
the same file for both Test-in-Live and Live submissions.

Note: The IRMark is present in base-32. This is the equivalent of the Base-64 IRMark that was sent to HMRC.
It is recommended by HMRC to save the receipt of the Live submission as proof of successful submission.


View Errors
Here's how you can veiw the errors received from HMRC:

1. Click Go to Task in the task window:

2. Click the ‘Error Messages’ link:
3. You can review the errors in the window. Click on the spreadsheet icon to review the output in a spreadsheet:
4. Click View Log icon:

This displays a window where you can expand the collapsed Process IDs to view the individual logs.
5. Examine the log for errors. The log file (usually the last one) will contain the full XML response.

Note: The XML is only available in the log, if you have enabled logging for your action parameter group. In
this case, you must resolve the issue and perform a new Test_in_Live submission, until the submission is
successfully received by HMRC. You can then do a Live submission with the same source XML file.

View Report Results

Use the Send HMRC XML Data option. You can view the results from the Actions menu.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

If there are errors in the test submission, you must resolve the errors and perform a new Test submission. You can view
the errors in the log file, which contains the full XML response.

Note: The XML response is only available in the log, if you have enabled logging for your action parameter group.

If there are no errors in the test submission, you can do a Live submission. You don't need to regenerate the XML file.

A receipt is generated and sent as a response from HMRC as proof of submission.

Note: It is recommended that you keep this receipt electronically as evidence of information submitted to HMRC.

Restrict Live Submissions Only to Production Environment

To ensure that a Live FPS or other submission to HMRC is never done from a stage pod, but only from a production pod,
you can make configuration changes to Fusion.

Here's how you can do this:

1. Go to My Client Groups > Lookups

2. Search for the lookup type with the lookup code ORA_HRX_GB_OUTPUT_CONTROL.
3. Add the lookup code RTI_SEND_LIVE_ENV.
The lookup code should have a meaning equal to your production environment identifier, which is usually a 4
character string.
4. Click Save.
For example, if you entered into the meaning the 4 characters ABCD, which is your production environment name, then
only Live submissions to HMRC for any RTI files can be sent from this environment.

HMRC File Submission and Retrieval Using a Third Party for the
The payroll application supports both sending and receiving XML files.

However, if you want to use a third party to do either of these tasks, here's the process for outgoing and incoming files:
• Outgoing Files: Generate the XML file using the process for Full Payment Submission, Employment Payment
Summary, NINO Verification Request or P11D flow. View and download the results and share it with the third
party. The third party would need to do these:
◦ Add the --TL option to send it as a Test in Live file. By default, the files are Live.
◦ Calculate the checksum (IRMARK) and add it into the XML. HMRC provides instructions to do this.
◦ Parts of the XML file can be compressed, although this isn't required.

Note: You need to manage this process manually. The Live submission process locks the archive, so it can't
be rolled back. . This won't be done if you didn't run the HMRC File Submission process.

• Incoming Files: The third party provides you the XML file. Upload the XML file to the UCM and obtain the UCM
ID. Run the HMRC Incoming Data Retrieval Process specifying the UCM ID. Therefore, this doesn't use the
feature that defaults the next available UCM ID to be uploaded.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Note: It is recommended that you load the files in order of receipt and manually manage this process.

Incoming XML Messages and Inbound Flow Instance Diagnostics

for the UK
The Inbound Flow Instance Diagnostics report displays the status of the various XML files that you have downloaded
from HMRC. This report summarizes the status of all the various file types on or from a given date.

To run the report, go to Run Diagnostic Scripts and select HCM UK Inbound Flow Instance Diagnostics.

Report Parameters
Content ID

This is provided for future use and you aren’t required to provide a value.

File Type

The file type for messages to be retrieved. It is recommended you restrict the report to one file type:

• P6
• P9
• SL1
• SL2
• PGL1
• PGL2

Flow Instance Name

Name of the flow. You can optionally restrict the report to just one named upload flow instance.

Legislative Data Group

Name of the LDG



Payroll Statutory Unit

Name of the PSU

From Date

The earliest date from when the report must display the data.

Tax Reporting Unit

Name of the TRU

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Report Results
This report has three sections:

• Complete Flow Instances: All the flow instances that have successfully completed the upload to employee
• Incomplete Flow Instances: All flow instances that attempted upload to employee records, but it isn’t yet
• Content IDs Not Processed: Any UCM Content IDs that are available for upload to the employee records, but a
flow to upload them isn’t yet submitted.

The report lists these attributes, where available:

• Flow instance name that uploaded the UCM Content ID

• File Type, for example, SL1
• Flow Status
• Submission Date
• UCM Content ID
• Starting GOT number, before the flow was submitted
• Final GOT number, after the flow was submitted

Note: There are two additional fields in the Completed and Incomplete Flow Instance output; HDL Content ID and
HDL Error Count. If the HDL Error Count is less than 0, you must run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report
Diagnostic with the HDL Content ID. This might provide further details of the errors found.

P45 Process for the UK

You can run this process when required to generate P45, which contains details of employee leaving work in paper
forms to distribute to terminated employees. You can also generate P45 if you end-date or delete the assignments
associated with the PAYE component.

This process archives employee data, validates the data to ensure that it conforms to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
standards, generates the paper forms, and produces an audit report of the process results.

Use the Submit a Process or Report task in the Payroll work area to run the P45 Process.

Note: If you load termination data using the HCM Data Loader, this also generates P45, subject to other restrictions.

Before You Start

Before you generate the P45 for an employee, you must have completed one or all of these payroll actions:

• Terminated employee using a termination flow.

• Terminated all payroll terms associated with a Pay As You Earn component on the employee's Statutory
Deductions calculation card

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• Ended all current and future assignment associations for a Pay As You Earn component on the employee's
Statutory Deductions calculation card.

You can specify the P45 Action in the Pay As You Earn component details section of the employee's Statutory
Deductions calculation card. Even if an eligible payroll action has occurred, the process generates a P45 only if the P45
Action matches one of these values, and payroll processing meets the requirements defined for that setting.

Note: When you hire an employee by selecting the option for automatic calculation card, the default value for this
field is derived from the value specified at the legal employer or the tax reporting unit level.

P45 Action Payroll Processing Requirement

Do not issue No P45 issued to the employee

Issue when final pay on or after actual Generates a P45 on or after the actual termination date, provided that a payroll run has successfully
termination completed. The final payroll run must be in the tax year.

Issue when final pay in previous period Generates a P45 before the actual termination date, provided that a payroll has run successfully for
the period ending just before the termination date, and the payroll run was in the same tax year as the
termination date.

Manual issue P45 is issued to the employee manually. In this case, the application doesn't generate the P45. When
you hire an employee with the automatic card creation option enabled, you can specify the default
value for this field at the legal employer or the tax reporting unit level.

Process Parameters

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifier for the payroll flow

Payroll Statutory Unit Legal entity for which you want to run the process

Tax Reporting Unit Legal reporting unit for which you want to run the process

Start Date Earliest date for which an eligible payroll action must have occurred to be included in the P45 process.
(The Prerequisites section displays the eligible payroll actions.)

Effective Date Last date for which an eligible payroll action must have occurred to be included in the P45 process.

Submission Type (Test Indicator) Indicates whether to run the process in Test or Live mode.

Test mode leaves the records unlocked, so they will be included if you run the process again. P45 is
generated, and updates aren't saved in the system. This will not generate emailed P45s.

Live mode updates the records, preventing them from being included in subsequent P45 processing.
P45 is generated, and updates are made in the application.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Parameter Description

Use the Test mode until you have verified the results, and then rerun the process in Live mode.

Payroll List of payrolls. If specified, the process only considers employees for P45 if they have at least one
PAYE component associated to this payroll.

Output Destination Email: If selected, there must be a valid home email address for the employee.
Test submission will not produce emails but send the output to paper only.

Live submission will produce a 3-Part Palin Paper password protected email, where there is a valid
home email address. If there's no valid home email address, an error is raised.

• Paper: Output is generated only to paper. This is the default option.

• Paper and Email: P45 is sent to both the home email address (if present and valid) and the paper

Process Results
The payroll flow page displays the process results. If you run the P45 process in the Live mode:

• The P45 Filed Date is displayed in the PAYE component of the calculation card
• The Emails containing the P45s are produced
• If you load the termination data using the HCM Data Loader, the application will also (subject to the other
constraints) raise a P45.

Errors and Warnings Report

If errors occurred during the archive process, select Go to Task for the archive task on the checklist, and then click the
Errors and Warnings tab to view the errors. Make all necessary corrections in the employee's personal or employment
information, or on their Statutory Deductions calculation card, and then rerun the process.

Note: If the archive process has errors, the process doesn't produce an audit file or forms. Errors occur if data to
be included in the process don't meet HMRC standards. For example, names and addresses must be in the correct
format and use only characters from the approved HMRC character set.

If the process completed successfully, click Go to Task for the archive task on the checklist. Click the View Results
icon on the Processes and Reports tab to access the audit report and printable forms. The process generates P45 for
employees that are:

• Terminated, have a payroll run on or after the termination date, and have a P45 Action set accordingly
• Terminated, have a payroll run in the period before the termination date, and have a P45 Action set accordingly
• Not terminated but have no associations to one or more of their PAYE components

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• When you perform a reverse termination for an employee, it's recommended to first roll back the P45 process
for the relevant PAYE components. The Reverse Termination flow doesn't trigger the P45 rollback process.
• When using the email option, the P45 is produced as a password protected PDF file. The password is the
employee’s date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD.

Audit Report
The audit report lists each employee for which the process generated a P45, and provides the employee name, works
number, NI number, and termination date. Use this report to verify process results before distributing the forms:

• Verify that the information in this report is accurate for each employee. Make any necessary updates to the
employee data to correct inaccuracies.
• Verify that the process produced a P45 for every eligible employee. If the process didn't include an eligible
employee, verify that you have met all requirements listed in the Prerequisites section. Make any necessary
corrections based on these requirements.
• If you make data corrections, rerun the process in test mode.
• Once the process results are complete and accurate, rerun the process in Live mode.

The P45 contains a Tax Week or Tax Month value. This value is determined from the period in which the relevant PAYE
balances were last modified and the P45 Action setting. It is therefore not necessarily related to the latest payroll run
that was completed for the employee.

Note: If you discover errors after running the process in Live mode, you can roll back the entire process and rerun
after making corrections.

P45 Paper Forms

The process produces three files including printable P45s in different formats:
• 3-part PDF file for use with preprinted forms
• 3-part PDF file for printing on plain paper
From the View Results window, print the P45 output file for the desired format, and then distribute the forms to

Note: The P45 contains a Tax Week or Tax Month value. This value is determined from the period in which the
relevant PAYE balances were last modified, and the P45 Action setting. Hence, it's not necessarily related to the latest
payroll run that was completed for the employee.

Retry P45 for Completed Records

Even if the process completed successfully, you may have changes required to one or more individuals that would
necessitate regenerating the P45 for those selected employees. To retry the P45 process, you must first correct the data
for the records you want to update.

1. In the Run P45 Process flow, search for and select the individual record you want to mark for retry.
2. Click Actions > Mark for Retry. The Status will change to Marked for Retry.
3. Refresh the page to ensure that the individual is marked for retry. Repeat this for any other records to be retried.
4. You can now retry the process for the selected records.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Run P45 Selective Print

You can reprint one or more P45s that have already been generated. To reprint the P45s:

1. Select Submit a Flow.

2. Select a Legislative Data Group for which the process will be run
3. Select the Run P45 Selective Print Process flow
4. Enter the required parameters:

Table Listing the Parameters and Descriptions for the P45 Selective Print Process.

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifier for the payroll flow

Payroll Statutory Unit Legal entity for which you want to run the process

Tax Reporting Unit Legal reporting unit for which you want to run the process

Payroll List of payrolls. If specified, the process will only consider employees for P45 if they have at
least 1 PAYE component associated to this payroll.

Start Date The date on or after which the employees are considered.

Effective Date Last date for which an eligible payroll action must have occurred to be included in the P45

Original P45 Flow Name A list of previously generated P45 flow names from which to reprint some or all of the P45s

Payroll Relationship Group This can further limit the output from the archive specified in the Original P45 flow name

Setup to Email P45 Output to Employee’s Home Email Address

The Email setup may already exist for your environment. You can check this under Reports and Analytics >
Administration > Email.

If you need to set up the emailing of P45, you need to first add your own delivery options as an override to the
predefined extract definition.

1. Go Extract Definitions.
2. Search for and select UK P45 Archive Process. Ensure that you search for the process name within your
Legislative Data Group.
3. Click Edit.
4. Under Hierarchy, select Extract Delivery Options.
5. Under Extract, select P45 Email.
6. Click View > Columns > Overriding Delivery Mode.
7. Click Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

8. Add the new overriding P45 Delivery option to the Extract Definition for P45 Archive Process:
a. Under Extract Delivery Options, click Add.
b. Enter the Delivery Option Name. For example, Overriding P45 Email.
c. Enter the output type as PDF.
d. Enter the report as a copy of the other report values in this view.
e. Enter the Template Name as the BIP template name given to the report, that is, P45_EMAIL.
f. Enter the delivery type as E-Mail.
g. Enter the Overriding Delivery Mode as P45 Email.
9. Search for the attribute value Email Address. This is a record in the archive that is used to get the employee’s
email address. Add additional details for the Overriding Email delivery option such as email address, subject,
message body.
10. Click Save and Close.
The new Delivery option is now be available under the Extract Delivery Options.
11. Click Submit to validate the changes.

Note: You can restrict the P45 process to send output only from the Live application. This enables you to stop
inadvertent P45 emails being sent out from a testing or a staging application while testing the email option.
To set this option that restricts the output to be sent only from the Live environment, use the new lookup code

Employees Subject to Foreign Tax Credit Relief for the UK

You can offset the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) amount to reduce the UK tax liability for employees working abroad subject
to foreign tax liability.

Here's how this is processed:

• The PAYE deduction is reduced by the amount of Foreign Tax deduction
• The tax liability for the employee is the total of UK tax and Foreign Tax deduction amounts
• The net pay reflects both PAYE and Foreign Tax deductions used for calculation

Use the subclassifications shown here for Foreign Tax Credit Relief (FTCR)

Primary Classification Subclassification

Information Foreign Tax Credit Relief

Tax Deduction Foreign Tax Credit

Direct and Indirect Elements

Use the element Foreign Tax Deduction that holds the value of foreign tax that offsets the PAYE deduction. This is a
nonrecurring element with Pay Value as the input.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Use the Element Entry page for the person to allocate this element to employees with a foreign tax liability, after you
define the element eligibility.

Calculate and enter the value for each employee for each period as this is a nonrecurring element. The liability could
also be different for each period.

The indirect element Foreign Tax Credit Relief from PAYE element holds the results of the actual amount. This is
nonrecurring with the input values Pay Value and Calculation Card.

Balances and Balance Feeds

Here are the balances you can use:

• Foreign Tax Credit Relief

• Foreign Tax Credit

The new elements feed these balances:

Balance Name Element - Foreign Tax Deduction Element - Foreign Tax Credit Relief

Foreign Tax Deduction Add Not Applicable

Foreign Tax Credit Relief Not Applicable Add

Total Deduction Add Not Applicable

Tax Deductions (Total PAYE) Deduct Not Applicable

Total Pay Deduct Not Applicable

Net Deduct Not Applicable

Net Pay Deduct Not Applicable

The P45 report and Full Payment Submission (FPS) process are updated to include the reporting of leavers with a
positive balance of Foreign Tax Credit Relief. The leavers, in such cases, are reported with a tax basis of noncumulative
regardless of the actual tax basis used.

Note: When operating Net of Foreign Tax, an employee with FTCR should not be on a cumulative tax basis. If
detected, a warning message is generated and you should contact HMRC.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

NINO Verification Request Process for the UK

Payroll managers and administrators can run a process to validate or obtain a National Insurance Number (NINO) for a
single employee or for all employees who belong to a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU) or tax reporting unit (TRU).

The NINO Verification Request process archives the details of employees with unverified NI numbers and then
generates this output:

• An XML file with details of the employees for delivery to HMRC

• Audit Report identifying all employees included in the NVREQ file.
• Errors or Warnings Report detailing any errors that occurred during the process.

Note: You can run the process again (as many times as needed) to process all employees. Each time the process runs,
it creates a new file containing only employees not verified previously.

Use the Submit a Report or Process task to select the NINO Verification Request Process flow pattern.

The NINO Verification Request output file contains only employees whose:

• National Insurance Number wasn't verified previously (the value of the NINO Verified field must be either No or
• National Insurance Number has an issue date.
• Assignment is assigned to a payroll.
• Statutory Deductions calculation card contains a TRU association and association details linking assignment
with the PAYE and NI components.

Process Parameters
When you submit the flow, you must select the PSU for which you're updating employee records. Optionally, you can
select a TRU within that PSU for updating. In addition, you must provide these parameters.

Parameter Description

Employee Display Name If running for a specific employee, display name of the employee whose NI number you want to verify.

Effective Date Earliest start date of employees to be included in this process.

Submission Type Indicates whether the submission is a test or a live submission. If you select Test, the process inserts
a test indicator in the output file, which you can submit to HMRC for validation before submitting
the Live submission. Test mode leaves the records unlocked, so they will be included if you run the
process again. Once you have verified the test submission, run the process again and select Live as the
submission type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Process Results
This process produces an output file, an audit report, and an error and warnings report. After the process has
completed, select one of these tasks from the process flow checklist:

• Select Run NINO Verification Request to view the audit report or NVREQ file.
• Select Run Errors and Warnings Report to view that report.

On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results column.
On the View Results window, click the report or file name.

Errors and Warnings Report

Review the Errors or Warnings report to ensure that no errors occurred during the validation or archive process and all
records were processed successfully. The report lists all data elements that failed character set validation and all process
errors that occurred during the archive process. If errors occurred, correct the underlying data and run the process

Audit Report

Review the Audit Report to see which employees were included in the NVREQ file.

Downloading the NVREQ File

From the View Results window, click Save to download the file to a location accessible to the third-party software that
will transmit the file to HMRC. You can use the Outgoing XML Messages Submission Process to submit the file to HMRC.

End of Year P60 Process for the UK

At the end of each tax year, you can generate the P60 statements that every employer must provide to their employees.
Use the Run End of Year P60 Report flow to produce P60 statements.

These are the support output types:

• Oracle Online eP60
• Oracle P60 Plain Paper Substitute
• P60 Substitute Self Seal LE(P)

Note: HMRC Single Sheet Portrait is no longer supported by HMRC from April 2022.

The eP60 is the electronic version of the P60 Plain Paper Substitute. You can edit the delivery preference for the P60
document type. Use the Document Type task to set up your delivery preferences. You can provide a direct link to the
employees to view or download the P60 using the Document Records task.

These are the options available in the P60 process:

• P60 Generation
Run at the end of each year to generate P60 reports. Use the flow Run End of Year P60 Report.
• P60 Selective Print
Run this process to reprint previously produced P60s. This includes both the reprinting of original P60s, where
there has been no subsequent replacements produced, and the reprinting of P60s that have had subsequent

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

replacement P60s already produced. This process produces plain paper output only. For employees whose
P60 is a replacement, the text Replacement Copy is printed on the P60. For employees whose P60 is not a
replacement, the text Copy is printed on the P60.

Use the flow Run End of Year P60 Selective Print.

• P60 Direct-End-of-Year Access

You can provide links to your employees to directly access the P60 through Document Records. To do this, you
can use this link:


The employee can login using the provided link and view their P60. To view or download the document, click

Note: The P11D is only available in this view from April 2019.

Process Parameters
This table lists the report parameters to be used to run the P60 process:

Parameters Description

Payroll Flow A unique identifier for this payroll flow submission

Date in Tax Year Any date in the tax year

Payroll Statutory Unit PSU to run this process

Tax Reporting Unit TRU within the selected PSU, for which to run the process.

Replacement To specify whether you want to generate an original P60 or a replacement of a previously generated
P60. This process produces the Plain Paper output and Document Records output only.

Paper P60 for Leavers After Tax Year End Overrides the delivery preference of online and produce paper P60 for employees who have left after
the P60 tax year. Use this for employees who don't have access to online documents after termination.

Employee Set To conditionally print for a set of employees

P60 Template The P60 template to be used. For printed P60's, you can specify the stationary to be used. If no
template is selected, the P60 Plain Paper Substitute is used by default.

Process Configuration Group Rules for processing, such as logging and number of threads.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Viewing Report Results

Once the process runs successfully, you can view the report results. To view the report: :

• Select the Go to Task option on the End of Year P60 Report task.
• Select View P60 Output Verification.
• Click View Report

◦ Open the generated PDF file to review the P60s. You can print them with the appropriate stationary or
plain paper, depending upon your output choices.

To view the eP60, go to Person Management -> Manage Document Records.

Note: The P60 output is produced according to the document delivery preferences that you have set.

Gender Pay Gap Report

Use the process Run UK Gender Pay Gap Report to extract all relevant data to calculate the Gender Pay Gap Reporting
figures for your organization.

You can run the report between 31 March for public sector organizations, and 05 April for private sector organizations
for a given snapshot year. You can run this report multiple times without requiring to roll back any process.

Your gender pay gap calculations are based on figures drawn from a specific date each year. This is called the snapshot
date. To retrieve the relevant payroll information, a payroll run with a payroll period including the snapshot date must
have been completed before submitting the report. The payroll run for this period is relevant pay period run.

Balance Feeds
These are the predefined balances available to store Period to Date Ordinary Pay and Year to Date Bonus Pay:

• Gender Pay Gap Reporting Ordinary Pay

• Gender Pay Gap Reporting Bonus Pay

You must set up the individual elements that feed into these balances.

How to Run the Process

1. Select the Submit a Process or Report task in the Regulatory and Tax Reporting or Payroll Checklist work area.
2. Select the legislative data group (LDG) for which you want to run the process.
3. Select Run UK Gender Pay Gap Report

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

4. Enter the parameters as described here:

Field and Descriptions

Parameter Description

Payroll Flow Identifier for the process that is being run. You can enter a value each time the process is run.
You can choose any format to describe the payroll flow.

Payroll Statutory Unit Select the payroll statutory unit (PSU) from the ones that belong to this LDG.

Tax Reporting Unit Select the tax reporting unit (TRU) within the PSU. This is optional. If you don't enter this value,
the report will include employees of all tax reporting units within the PSU.

Snapshot Day Select either 31 March, or 05 April.

Snapshot Year Select the relevant year (2017 and subsequent years)

5. Submit the process and view the results.

You can run the report between 31st March and 5th April of a given year. You can run this report multiple times without
requiring to rollback any process.

These are the predefined balances available for this process:

• Gender Pay Gap Reporting Ordinary Pay

• Gender Pay Gap Reporting Bonus Pay
You must set up the individual elements that feed into these balances.

Your gender pay gap calculations are based on figures drawn from a specific date each year. This is called the snapshot
date. To retrieve the relevant payroll information, a payroll run with a payroll period comprising the snapshot date must
have been completed before submitting the report. The payroll run for this period is relevant pay period run.

Process Results
The process uses these balances stored in the relevant pay period run:

• Ordinary Pay: Period to Date Balances

• Bonus Pay:

◦ If Period Payment Date is before 6 April: Bonus Pay Current Year YTD Balance
◦ If Period Payment Date is on or later than 6 April: Bonus Pay Last Year YTD Balance

The report results file is in CSV format. After you have run the process and extracted the data, you can import it into a
spreadsheet template for further analysis.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Full Payment Submission

Full Payment Submission Process for the UK
The Full Payment Submission (FPS) reports to HMRC about how much you've paid your employees and what
deductions you've made for Pay As You Earn (PAYE), National Insurance Contributions (NICs), and student or
postgraduate loans.

This process produces a Full Payment Summary (FPS) file for submission to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This
process also updates employee records to indicate that payment data was sent, and produces a Reconciliation Report.
The FPS covers all payments regardless of the payment method (such as BACS, cheque) and the year-to-date amounts.

You can run this process for a specific prepayment process. HMRC requires that employers send an FPS each time
they pay an employee, whether the payment is part of your normal pay cycle or an additional payment made between
paydays. If no payments were made to any employee in any one period for a TRU, then an FPS is not required. However,
you must submit an Employer Payments Summary (EPS) with the No payment made indicator for such periods.

You must also use the FPS process to generate Earlier Year Update (EYU) submissions. You can only use the EYU
process for tax years up to and including the tax year 2018-2019. After this period, you must use the FPS process to
submit any earlier year submissions.

Use the Submit a Process or Report task from Payroll to run the Full Payment Submission for Tax Year Ending <Year>

Before You Start

Before you run this process, you must have completed these activities:

• Defined this information at the tax reporting unit level (Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task, UK
Tax Reporting Unit Details page):

◦ Employer Accounts Reference Number: Required for all employers.

◦ Service Company Indicator: Required for service companies only.
◦ Self Assessment unique Identifier: Required for employers who have registered for self-assessment.
◦ Corporate Tax Reference: Required for employers who have been issued a Company Unique Taxpayer

You must have defined these during initial setup or initialization into the Real Time Information (RTI) program.
• Defined PAYE component details, as applicable, on the Statutory Deductions calculation card (Manage
Calculation Cards task) for each employee included in the FPS. Here are some key aspects regarding the PAYE
component details:

◦ Number of Periods Covered: If you set this to any value other than 1, the process resets it back to 1 when
it updates the employee record.
◦ Number of Hours Worked: If you don't provide a value, the process retrieves this information from the
◦ Report NI YTD: You must have selected this option for only one PAYE component on the deduction card
at any given time. Otherwise, the payroll run and the FPS process will fail.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• HMRC requires that you provide information about the partners of employees who have been entered on
Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) claims. Complete these fields for each partner (Person Management task, View
More Details link for Gender and Marital Status):

◦ Partner First Forename, Second Forename, and Surname

◦ Partner National Insurance Number

• Run the prepayment process for the payments being reported.

Process Parameters

Parameter Description

PSU Payroll statutory unit for which to run the process.

TRU Tax reporting unit, within the selected PSU, for which to run the process.

Unique Part Identifier A unique part ID, if you're generating the FPS file in sub files. This flow will include only those
employees whose statutory deduction component is associated to this unique part ID using the TRU

Payroll Payroll for which to run the process.

Prepayment Prepayment to report. it's the value selected in the Unique Part Identifier parameter. It limits the
prepayments that can be selected to those containing employees with the specified unique part ID
(through statutory deductions card's association with the TRU).

Previous Year Adjustments Select Yes for EYU Style.

Select No for FPS Style.

Submission Type Indicates whether the output file is for testing. If you select Test, the process inserts a test indicator
in the FPS file, which you can submit to HMRC for validation before submitting the live submission. In
this mode, the process doesn't update any employee data, but it validates the payment records and
produces a Reconciliation Report. When you run the process in this mode for a prepayment, it doesn't
affect the values in the prepayment parameter.

After you've verified the test submission, run the process again and select Live as the submission type.
In this mode, the process archives the data, generates the reports and updates data to their default
values or marks them as sent. Running the process in Live mode means a payroll relationship group
can't be used. If you run the process for a prepayment without specifying a TRU, you can't run the FPS
for that prepayment again,. It won't be displayed in the prepayment list of values.

You can run the process in Live mode only once for each prepayment and TRU combination.

Report HMRC Payroll ID Migration Change Notification to HMRC in the FPS file that you've migrated employee records from the old works number
to the HMRC Payroll ID. HMRC can match the old and the new IDs to ensure the employee records are
reconciled. After the previous HMRC payroll ID is reported in the FPS file, it isn’t reported again. The
default value is set to Yes, you must use this for the first 've run you submit to HMRC.

Before your first Live run that you submit to HMRC, set this to No.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Parameter Description

Final Submission Indicates whether this FPS is the final submission for the year or for a ceased PAYE scheme.

Date Scheme Ceased Date the scheme ceased, if this is the final submission for a ceased scheme.

Process Configuration Group Determines the rules for processing, such as logging and number of threads.

Late PAYE Reporting Reason Select one of the notional payment such as payment to expatriate by third-party or overseas employer,
employment related security, or others.

Payroll Relationship Group List of Payroll Relationship Groups. Use this to limit the employees that should be included in a Test
mode FPS run.

You can't use this for Live submission.

Report Termination Up To Date Date after which the process won’t include unpaid terminations with leaving dates after this date. Use
this to avoid including large number of termination records when submitting FPS.

Process Results
This process produces an FPS file and a Reconciliation Report. To view the process output after the process is complete:

1. On the process checklist, click Go to Task for the Run Full Payment Submission task.
2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results
3. On the View Results window, click the report or file name.
Note: The Live FPS process updates the PAYE Details calculation component to indicate that reporting has
been completed and hence won't be reported again. Even though it's possible to roll back a Live submission,
the rollback process doesn't roll back the updates to the PAYE Details component. Use the Live submission
type for the process only after the test submission has been thoroughly checked and verified.

• It archives the data, generates the reports, and updates some data to their default values or marks them as
• If you run this process for a prepayment without the TRU, you can't run the FPS for that prepayment again. It
won't show up in the prepayment parameter list of values for selection.
• If you run this process for a prepayment with the TRU, you can run the FPS for that prepayment again only if
you specify a different tax reporting unit in the parameter.
• You can't use the payroll relationship group parameter in this mode.
Note: The Live FPS process updates the PAYE card component to indicate that reporting has been
completed and hence won't be reported again. Even though it's possible to roll back a Live submission, it's
recommended that you first produce a Test file and examine for errors. You should only create a Live file
when no errors are produced from the test file.

• It completes an archive and generates the reports without updating data.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• If you run this process for a prepayment, there is no effect on prepayment parameter list of values.
• You can use the payroll relation group in this mode.
FPS Audit Report
Use the report to verify the employees and amounts reported in the FPS. The report groups the records by TRU and
displays a section for each employment. It shows payment totals by TRU and grand totals for all TRUs.

The Above Upper Earnings Limit (AUEL) period-to-date and tax year-to-date amounts are also reported here, even
though they aren't in the FPS XML file itself.
FPS File Download
Save the FPS file to a location accessible to the third-party software that transmits the file to HMRC. (The file
transmission is done outside of this process.)

Action Parameter Setup

You must run the process by explicitly setting these action parameters with a Payroll Process Configuration Group:

Table with Base Details for Action Parameter Setup

Base Name Name Value

ORA_MULTITHREADED_XML Multithreaded XML Generation for Extracts Y

ORA_PAY_EXT_TRNS_USE_XDK_DOM Transform XML without using BIP memory in Y_MEM



ORA_PAYSLIP_SKIP_BI_SERVER Skip BI server for online payslip N

Submission to HMRC
Typical, in the HMRC File Submission process, you can only select FPS files from FPS flows that have succeeded.

If you want to submit an FPS file which had errors, and so the flow would have a functional error, you can update the
FPS flow with errors to be complete for HMRC submission.

To do this:

• Highlight the flow task Run Full Payment Submission

• Select Actions > Skip.

This sets the flow to Complete. You can then select this FPS in the HMRC submission flow.

Note: The act of marking the flow complete can only be done by the original submitter of the flow.

FPS and HMRC Submission Deadline

HMRC allows normal FPS submissions only within a certain time frame. For more information, see the HMRC website.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

If you make a submission after the deadline without a valid late reporting reason, you might be subject to financial

If you are reporting late for a set of employees, you must:

• Rollback the corresponding HMRC Submission process.

• Rollback the FPS run.
• Add the late reporting reason into the employee’s PAYE component, in the field Late PAYE Reporting Reason
as correction to earlier submission.
• Rerun the FPS process.

If you are reporting late for all the employees in a submission, use the late reporting reason parameter to the FPS flow,
and rerun the FPS.

If you wish to make a corrective submission, after the submission deadline, with the agreement of HMRC you can use
the reporting reason of H – Correction to Earlier Submission.

FPS and HMRC Maximum File Size

HMRC currently only allow submissions with file sizes up to 23MB. If a submitted file it too large, HMRC will return this
error that you see in the return receipt:

2001: The document exceeds the maximum permitted size

You can resolve this by separating the FPS file into smaller files using the Unique Part Identifier option.

Roll Back Individual Records Within an FPS Run

You may discover that you have to revert payments or make changes to the payroll. Use the Full Payment Submission
Rollback process to revert all employee records to their original state.

Make all necessary corrections, rerun the prepayments process as needed, and then rerun the FPS process.

Roll back the whole FPS run: You can roll back a Test FPS run at any time. You can only roll back a Live FPS run, if there is
no future Live FPS run.

Roll back individual records within the FPS run: You must not roll back individual actions within a Live FPS run. This
would result in an FPS error in the subsequent period. This is due to missing FPS archive record for previous period for
this employee.

If an FPS action creates errors for one or more employees, those records won’t appear in the FPS XML. You can submit
the XML file to HMRC, albeit with the missing data. This is to ensure FPS submissions to HMRC within the submission
deadline. There won’t be errors in the FPS run in the subsequent period, as there’s an action for these employees. Even
though the erroneous employees' data isn’t in the XML, it’s reported in the errors and warnings report. So you can fix
the employees' records and reprocess them using the retry option in the current period, if time permits.

Breakdown Full Payment Submission into Smaller Files for the UK

You can create smaller files from Full Payment Submission (FPS) to aid the reconciliation of FPS submissions.

And, you can create a lookup of unique IDs and use it at the tax reporting unit (TRU) level to enable FPS to process
separate files for groups of employees. To do this, use the Unique Part Identifier while running the FPS process.

The Unique Part Identifier parameter on the FPS process enables you to specify the unique ID for which you want to run
the process. The list displays the unique IDs that have been setup for the TRU. It also includes a special reserved input

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

value called unassigned unique ID. Use this to include all employees who don't have a specific unique ID entered on
their statutory deductions card's association with the TRU.

Set the Unique Part Identifier

Here's how you can set the unique part identifier:

• Use the Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
• Set up a user- level lookup type for unique IDs. The lookup type must contain the keyword UNIQUE_ID. And,
you must select the Module as GB Organization Setup.
• Use the Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task to enter the lookup type name at the tax reporting unit
level. Use the field Unique ID List on the UK Tax Reporting Unit Details page to set this value.
• Use the Calculation Card task to set this at the employee assignment level. In the Statutory Deductions
calculation card for the employee, create the association between the tax reporting unit and assign the unique
ID for the assignment. This controls the batch or the unique ID where the employee is reported.

Processing Rules
These processing rules apply when you use the unique ID:

• If you don't set the unique ID list at the TRU level as at the effective date, the FPS produces output for the whole
TRU in a single file. You can't select a unique ID this has been set up at the TRU-level.
• If the lookup is set at the TRU level and a value isn't selected for the unique ID, the FPS produces output for the
whole TRU in a single file.
• If the lookup is set at the TRU level and a value is selected for the unique ID, the FPS produces output for that
specific unique ID in a single file.

A prepayment can also include employees who are assigned to different Unique IDs. Thus, once a Live mode FPS is run
for a specific unique ID and prepayment combination on a subsequent FPS run, the list of values for the unique part
identifier filters that combination. Thus, only if a different Unique ID (which hasn't been processed already) is selected,
and the prepayment is available for selection again.

You can repeat this process for all unique IDs to fully complete the FPS runs for the prepayment.

If there are remaining employees in the prepayment who don't have a Unique ID assigned on their statutory deductions
cards, you can include them by selecting the special unassigned unique ID value in the unique part identifier parameter.

Retry Full Payment Submission Process

You might need to rerun the Full Payment Submission (FPS) process for various reasons.

Typically, these might be the scenarios:

• The FPS has reported errors for one or more individuals in the Errors and Warnings report
• There are no errors reported in the Errors and Warnings report, but you might still have to correct some data for
one or more individuals and rerun the FPS process
• Both the above scenarios
You can do this in two ways:
• Roll back the FPS, correct the data, and submit a new FPS flow.
• Using the existing flow, mark for retry the individuals to reprocess, correct the data, and then retry the original
flow. This is advantageous if you have a large volume of data in your FPS file, the retry approach enhances the

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Retry FPS for Records with Errors

You can retry FPS when the FPS generation flow contains errors. In this case, the task checklist will also display errors in
the Run Full Payment Submission task.

To rectify this, you must first correct the data for the individual or individuals in error. Here's how you can do this:

• In the checklist, select the Run Errors and Warnings report.

• Click the Actions menu and select Mark as Incomplete.

When you refresh the page, the Run Errors and Warnings Report task should have the status Incomplete.
• Select the Run Full Payments Submission task. Use the Actions menu and mark as incomplete.

This regenerates the FPS for the records with errors. This would include any individuals who did not have errors,
but you later marked them for retry.

When you refresh the page, you will notice that the FPSflow is complete, and the corrections to individual
records are successful.

Retry FPS for Records That Are Completed

There's possibility that even though the FPS process is successfully completed, you might need to update or make
corrections to one ore more individual records and generate FPS. Here's how you can do this:

• Make the required corrections to individual record that you want to update.
• In the task checklist, select Run Full Payment Submission process. Click Go-to-Task.
• Search for and select the individual record that you want to retry. Click Actions and Mark for Retry for the

When you refresh the page, the individual must be marked for retry.
• In the tasks checklist, mark the Run Errors and Warnings report as incomplete.
• Now select Run Full Payment Submission task and mask as complete.

This regenerates the FPS file.

FPS First Submission and Resubmission to HMRC

HMRC only allows normal FPS submissions within a certain time frame.

Before you go-live or during a parallel run, as a best practice, you should always produce a Live FPS file for each payroll
run, but not submit it to HMRC as a Live submission.

This will ensure that your first Live FPS won't have the issue of finding previous actions that have not had a Live FPS
produced for them.

Additionally, before go-live you should set the parameter Report HMRC Payroll ID Migration Change to No (the
default is Yes). This ensures that when the parameter is set to Yes for the first Live FPS to be submitted to HMRC, all
previous HMRC Payroll IDs are submitted in the FPS file. Once they are produced in the file, they aren't reported again.

The default being Yes means that after go-live, any later employee additions will automatically have their Previous
HMRC Payroll ID data included.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Note: Any voluntary deductions are reported in field 58B (Deductions from Net Pay). This would also apply where
a refund is given. You don't need to send the FPS record if there are no values to report apart from refund of a
deduction processed and reported in 58B, even though a BACS payment will be generated.

FPS and Gross Earnings for NICs in This Period

In accordance with HMRC rules, Gross Earnings for NICs will:

• Exclude earnings below the LEL, where the LEL is not reached.
• Include earnings above the AUEL.

Although they aren't in the FPS XML file, the AUEL PTD and TYTD amounts are reported in the FPS Audit report. The
Gross earnings for NICs in this period are calculated as the sum of these:

Earnings below the LEL (where the LEL is reached) + PT + UEL + AUEL

Note: You need to initialize the AUEL balance by category.

FPS and Assignment Updates to a New TRU with Retro Changes to the Original TRU
By default, retro entries are created against the same HMRC Payroll ID and TRU that they were originally processed with.

However, if the original card and component are now end dated and not available as at the current period containing
the retro entries, the FPS process will fail, as it cannot process against the now unavailable card.

Therefore, the best practice recommended here is not to end date the original statutory deduction card or components,
so that retro payment can be processed successfully. If a TRU is disused, or if the employee’s employment has ended
with no possibility of a late payment against the original TRU, it is reasonable to end date the cards and components.

However, if you have changed the HMRC Payroll ID for an assignment, and ended the old Statutory Deduction card
and components, you still have the option to process all retro earnings on the new HMRC Payroll ID the assignment is
currently linked to. To do this, run the payroll with a process configuration group, setting the parameter TRU Rule for
Retro Entries to No.

Note: This will affect retro processing of all employees and assignments in that payroll run. The FPS will then
report only the new HMRC Payroll ID that is still active. For additional information, see Changing to a Different PAYE
Reference in this document.

Full Payment Submission Process Updates to Employee Calculation Card

The Full Payment Summary (FPS) process automatically updates the tax code and the tax basis to the same values used
during the Pay AS You Earn (PAYE) calculation of a payment, when a payment is made after employee termination and a
P45 is issued.

You can configure this in the organization Statutory Deductions and Reporting calculation card by selecting the check
box Enable FPS to update tax code if payment after P45.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

The FPS process automatically updates the tax code and the tax basis to the same values used during the PAYE
calculation of a payment. The application reverses the changes for the tax code and the tax basis to their original values,
if you perform the FPS rollback. However, you can't do this once the FPS is submitted.

Only a Live FPS updates the calculation card. The PAYE record updates are as of the effective date of the payroll run that
this FPS is reporting. If there are additional future dated calculation card PAYE records for the employee, all such future
dated records are updated with the new tax code and tax basis.

Note: The FPS only performs the calculation card update if a P45 exists for the employee, or, a P45 was issued
manually. There should have been a QuickPay or payroll run after the P45 action or the P45 Manual Issue Date.

Balances Reported in the Full Payment Submission for the UK

The Full Payment Submission (FPS) contains payment data for all the employees in the relevant period and the year-to-
date figures for those payments.

This information is used by HMRC to update their records for the employees on an ongoing basis ensuring that the data
is accurate.

Here's the list of balances that are reported in the FPS and may require to be initialized:

Balance Name Base Balance Name

Benefits Taxed through Payroll GB_BENEFITS_TAXED_VIA_PAYROLL

Car Benefit Annual Amount ORA_HRX_GB_CAR_BEN_ANNUAL

Car Fuel Benefit Charge Annual Amount ORA_HRX_GB_CAR_FUEL_CHRG_ANNUAL

Earnings Free of Tax and NI GB_EARNINGS_FREE_OF_TAX_AND_NI


Gross Pay Gross Pay









NIable by Category GB_NI_CAT_ABLE

Non-Taxable Flexible Drawdown Payment ORA_HRX_GB_NON_TAX_FXDD_PAYMENT


Non-Taxable Pension Death Benefit ORA_HRX_GB_NON_TAX_PEN_DEATH_BEN_PAYMENT


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Balance Name Base Balance Name















Taxable Flexible Drawdown Payment ORA_HRX_GB_TAX_FXDD_PAYMENT


Taxable Pension Death Benefit Payment ORA_HRX_GB_TAX_PEN_DEATH_BEN_PAYMENT

Total Deductions Total Deductions

Total Direct Payments Direct Payments




For more information on how to initialize balances, see the document Balance Initialization Implementation and
Functional Considerations (Document 2000651.1) on My Oracle Support (MOS).

Related Topics
• Overview of Balance Adjustments

How can I submit FPS flow to HMRC where the flow didn't complete successfully?
You can only select Full Payment Submission (FPS) files from FPS process flows that have completed successfully for
Her Majesty's Revenues and Customs (HMRC) file submission process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

However, to submit an FPS file that had errors, and the flow didn't complete successfully, you can set the FPS flow with
errors to Complete to allow the HMRC submission. To do this, highlight the flow task Run Full Payment Submission and
select Actions -Skip. This sets the flow status to Complete.

Third-Party Payment Methods

Third-Party Payment Methods
Create third-party payment methods for third-party persons or external organizations. Use either the Third-Party
Personal Payment Methods task or the Third-Party Organization Payment Methods task to create.

Typical payments to third parties include:

• Involuntary deductions, such as court-ordered garnishment.

• Voluntary deductions, such as pension plan or union membership payments.

Note: You must use the Third Parties task to create the third party and ensure the organization payment method for
the payment source exists before you create a third-party payment method.

As you create your third-party organization payment methods, you will notice additional fields that can be captured,
such as whether or not to exclude the third party from the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup process or to separate
worker payments by reference. These identifiers will determine how these payees are paid and reported at the time of

• Use the Exclude from Third-Party Rollup Process check box, if you run the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup
but have to pay certain third parties that require an individual check per employee payment. For example,
the UK requires deduction from earnings orders, such as child maintenance payments, to be sent as separate
transactions. By checking this box, payments to this third party, won't be rolled up into a single payment.

Note: When checking this box, the Separate Worker Payments by Reference box is automatically checked
because it's typical for an employee making multiple payments to this third party that each payment is to be
reported by reference separately. However, you may deselect, if this is your requirement.

• Use the Separate Worker Payments by Reference check box to generate employee payments to a given third
party, based on reference. For example, if an employee is making multiple payments to a given third party,
these can be generated separately, each with the corresponding reference.

Note: The calculation card's calculation component has a reference field to uniquely identify the deduction,
such as a court order number, case number, or other identifier provided by the issuing authority. The
prepayment process breaks down the employee payments by this reference number captured against the
employee deduction, which is mandatory for all countries.

You can still select the Separate Worker Payments by Reference check box even if you don't select the Exclude from
Third-Party Payment Rollup Process check box to roll up the third party payment and separate employee payments
based on reference. These choices allow you to roll up the third-party payments during the Run Third-Party Payment
Rollup process and separated out by on reference during the prepayments process the employee payments to that
third party. You can then retrieve the information if you need to extract the details in the payment file, or reports. For

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

example, you need to send a single consolidated payment to a loan company but you also need the employee payments
paid to multiple loans at the same loan company separated out.
• Use the Time Definition list of values to pay a third-party on a date that's different from the employee payment
date. For example, you want to make employee payroll payments on the last day of the month and make third-
party payments 5 days later.
To create a third-party organization payment method, follow these steps:
1. Select the Third-Party Organization Payment Methods task.
2. Click the Create icon.
3. Select a Legislative Data Group.
4. Select the Third-Party Name from the list.
5. Select the Organization Payment Method from the list.
Note: Payment Type and Currency populate based on chosen Organization Payment Method.

6. Select Effective Start Date.

7. Select Exclude from Third-Party Payment Rollup Process, if the third party isn't part of the Run Third-Party
Payment Rollup.
8. Select Separate Worker Payments by Reference if separate payments are generated for employee payments to a
given third party, based on reference.
9. Select the Time Definitions from the list, if you have defined a time definition to pay the third party on a
different date than the rest of your third-party payments.
10. If you're creating a direct deposit to a third party, perform these additional steps in the Bank Account region to
create the associated bank account.
◦ Click the Create icon.
◦ At a minimum, fill in the required fields identified by an asterisk.
- *Account Number
- *Account Type
- Check Digit
- Account Holder
- Secondary Account Reference
- *Bank
- *Bank Branch
- *Routing Number
◦ Click the Save and Done button.
11. Click Save.
12. Click Done.
To create a third-party organization payment method, follow these steps:
1. Select the Third-Party Person Payment Methods task.
2. Search and select an employee.
3. Click the Create icon.
4. Select a Legislative Data Group.
5. Select the Third-Party Name from the list.
6. Select the Organization Payment Method from the list.
Note: Payment Type and Currency are based on chosen Organization Payment Method.

7. Select Effective Start Date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

8. If you're creating a direct deposit to a third party, perform these additional steps in the Bank Account region to
create the associated bank account.

◦ Click the Create icon.

◦ At a minimum, fill in the required fields identified by an asterisk.

- *Account Number
- *Account Type
- Check Digit
- Account Holder
- Secondary Account Reference
- *Bank
- *Bank Branch
- *Routing Number
◦ Click the Save and Done button.

Note: Depending on your localization, these may differ.

9. Click Save.
10. Click Done.

Note: The payroll relationship is defaulted for the employee making the payment to the third party. However, if
you create a third-party personal payment method, as part of creating your third party, you must select the payroll
relationship(s) of the person making payment to the third party.

Related Topics
• Examples of Involuntary Deduction Processing
• Third-Party Payment Date Options
• Organization Payment Methods Overview
• Third-Party Payment Methods Overview

Create Third Parties Options for the UK

You create third parties to process payments to external organizations and people who aren't on the payroll. Use
the Third Parties task from the Payroll work area to create third-party organizations for payments, such as pension
providers or professional bodies, or third-party organizations, such

This shows you the steps to create third parties.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Party Usage Codes

Creating third parties on the Third Parties page creates corresponding records for them as trading community
members. For third-party persons, the application automatically assigns a party usage code of External Payee. For
third-party organizations, you assign a party usage code.

The following table describes the party usage codes for third-party organizations.

Party Usage Code Use For Examples

External Payee Organizations that can be associated with Child Maintenance Service for child support
employee calculation cards or element entries. payments
Use this party usage code for organizations
when the others don't apply.

Payment Issuing Authority Organizations responsible for issuing Court, agency, or government official
instructions for involuntary deductions, such
as a tax levy or bankruptcy payment order.
Payment issuing authorities don't receive

Pension Provider Organizations that provide pension Stock broker, investment company, benefit
administration for employee pension administrator, labor union

Professional Body Organizations entrusted with maintaining The Institute of Mechanical Engineers
oversight of the legitimate practice of a
professional occupation.

Bargaining Association Organizations that represent employees British Airline Pilots' Association (BALPA)
in negotiations. Bargaining associations
associated with trade unions may receive

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Party Usage Code Use For Examples

payments for union fees deducted from an

employee's pay.

Disability Organization Organizations that are authorized to make The Royal National Institute of Blind People in
disability assessments. Disability organizations the UK
don't receive payments.

Examples of Third-Party Payments for the UK

This scenarios illustrate how you can pay third-party people and organizations.

Child Support to a Former Spouse

John Smith is an employee at your organization. Mary Smith receives a child-support payment each payroll period
that's deducted from John's salary. To set up payments for Mary:

1. Create Mary as a third-party person.

2. Create Mary's third-party payment method and select the payroll relationship for John.
3. Add the child support order to John's involuntary deduction calculation card and select Mary's name in the
Order Amount Payee field.

Court Orders and Student Loans

You must set up third parties for all court orders and student loans. When you create the third-party organization,
you designate it as an External Payee before you create its third-party payment method. Once created, you can select
this third party from the list of values for the Payee for Order Amount field in the Court Orders and Student Loans
calculation card component details.

Third-Party Payment Rollup

A third-party payment is a payment you make to an external organization or to a person that isn't on the payroll.

The Run Third-Party Payment Rollup is an optional process to consolidate payments to a third-party payee into
one payment, rather than make multiple individual payments to the same third-party payee. For example, you may
havemultiple employees that are members of the same union and you would like to pay the union with one payment.
Or, you may have an employee with multiple deductions payable to the same third-party payee, such as multiple child
support orders to the children's parent. Use the Submit a Flow task to run the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup.

Third-Party Payment Register Details

You can Run Third-Party Payments Register Report to provide payment details to the third-party payee, to include the
breakout of rollup payments. Use the Submit a Flow task to run the Run Third-Party Payment Register Report.

Here are the details in the output of the Run Third-Party Payments Register Report:

• Individual third-party payments with the corresponding employee deduction information

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• Rollup payments and deduction information of employees who share the same rollup payments
• Consolidated total of each rollup payment
• Payments made to each individual payee
• Consolidated total of multiple deduction payments of each employee
• Component name and component reference of involuntary deductions stored on the calculation cards
• Element name of voluntary deductions

Perform these tasks, in order, to roll up the third-party payments and generate the report details:

1. Calculate and verify prepayments.

2. Run the third-party payment rollup process.
3. Generate the payments.
4. Generate the third-party payment register.

Related Topics
• Calculate Payroll Payment Distribution
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Process
• Third-Party Payment Date Options
• Third-Party Payment Methods Overview

Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Overview

Once you have calculated payroll, you're ready to pay your employees and third parties. Use the Generate Payments for
Employees and Third Parties flow to generate check/cheque payments.

This process selects employees and third parties processed in the prepayments process within the payroll run and have
a payment method of check/cheque.

Before you generate the check/cheque payments, consider these scenarios:

• You may have multiple employee deductions made to the same third-party payee, such as multiple child
support orders. Rather than make individual payments for each individual employee deduction, use the Run
Third-Party Payment Rollup process to combine individual employee deductions and make a single payment to
the payee.
• You may have both employees and third parties to pay. Use the Run Generate Payments for Employees and
Third Parties to generate your checks/cheques for employees and then again to generate checks/cheques for
your third parties. Use the Payee Type field to designate which will be included in the process.
• You may have specific third parties to exclude from the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup process to produce an
individual check/cheque per payment. Select the Exclude from Third-Party Payment Rollup Process check box
on the Third-Party Organization Payment Methods page to exclude a third-party payee from the Run Third-
Party Payment Rollup process.
• You may have a third-party payee that requires payments on a date that's different from the employee payment
date. For example, your employee payroll payments are on the last day of the month but you may want to make
third-party payments 5 days later. Use the Time Definitions task to create a time definition defining a time span
of 5 days. Select this new time definition in the Time Definition field on the Third-Party Person or Organization
Payment Methods UI. Enter the relevant process dates and run the prepayments process, for example, with a
process date of 30, June. This stamps the effective employee payments date as 30-June and the third-party
payments date as 05-July. The Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties process is run twice:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

◦ Once for the employees with a last day of the month process end date, such as 30-June
◦ Once for the third parties with a process end date of plus 5, such as 05-July, and an overriding payment
date of 05-July
• You may have different banks with different check/cheque templates. To accommodate, you must create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template and then attach it to the payment source:
◦ Define report categories for each unique bank and check/cheque template combination to create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template. Use the Organization Payment
Methods page to associate the report category for third-party payee and report category for worker to
the payment source.
◦ Select the new report category for the requisite bank's payment source so that the process uses the
correct check/cheque template when generating its check/cheque payments. Use the Organization
Payment Methods task to define the payment source for third-party payments. Attach the correct report
category for that payment source. Use the Report Category for Third-Party Payee or Report Category for
Worker field in the Payee Information section of the Create Payment Source page.
• Define report categories for each unique bank and check/cheque template combination if you want to create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template. The report category for third-party payee
and report category for worker are associated to the payment source in the Organization Payment Methods

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Rollup
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Process
• Third Parties Overview

How to Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments for

the UK
The Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task selects employees and third parties who:

• Are processed in the prepayments process for a given payroll

• Have a payment method of cheque
Payroll Managers and Payroll Administrators can run this process from the Payment Distribution work area.

Before you Start

The prerequisite tasks for the Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task include:

• Create the third party and the third party payment method, and associate a deduction from the employee to
pay the third party.
• Add an organization payment method, including a payment source (the bank details should already be set up).
• Add a payroll definition, including a default payment method of cheque, and all valid payment methods.
• Attach a payroll to the employee.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• Attach element entries to the employee.

• Calculate payroll.
• Run the Prepayments process to calculate the distribution of net pay.
• Run the Payroll Archive process to archive the earnings, deductions, tax calculation details, accruals, payment
methods, and so on.

Generate the Employee and Third-Party Payments

Run this process to generate cheques for your employees and then run the process again to generate cheques for your
third parties. To run the process:

1. Open the Payment Distribution work area, and click Submit a Process or Report from the Tasks pane.
2. Select the required legislative data group.
3. Select the Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task, and click Next.
4. Enter a unique payroll flow name.

Note: Name the flow so you can easily identify the process later. This is helpful while searching, so you can
determine what you have already run or if you must roll back any process.

5. Specify the required payroll name.

6. Select the payee type for which the cheque payment process is run. The available options are Employee or Third
Party. You can generate the cheque payments for either employees or third parties.
7. Enter a Process Start Date to define the date range of this process.
8. Enter a Process End Date to define the date range of this process.
9. Select the required consolidation group to view the payments for all payrolls that are included in this
consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. This
isn't a required field. If you don't select a value, the process uses the default consolidation group assigned to
the payroll.
10. Select the OPM you want to use for this process. The value you select determines the payment source to make
the payments. There could be multiple payment sources in the OPM.
11. Select the payment source to process for the above payment method. This parameter is optional. If you have
defined attributes, such as a payment file limit or report category, at the payment source level, you should enter
the payment source. When you enter the payment source, the defined attributes are applied.

Note: You can have different payment sources (bank accounts), with different banks, which have different
cheque templates. You must then run the cheque process for each payment source and each set of payees.
Select the correct payment source so that the correct stationary is used for the payments.

To accommodate this requirement, you must first create a report category for each separate bank and cheque
template. Attach the created report category to the appropriate bank's payment source so that the correct
cheque template is used to generate the cheque payments.
12. Optionally, specify an Overriding Payment Date on which a payment is due to be made to the payee.
13. Specify the Start Cheque Number in the sequence of cheques used for payroll processing.
14. Specify the End Cheque Number in the sequence of cheques used for payroll processing.
15. Select a Process Configuration Group if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll
processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group, the
process uses the parameters in the default group.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Third-Party Payment Date Options

Use time definitions when a third-party payee wants payment on a date that's different from the employee payment

A time definition is either a date or a span of time. For example, employee payroll payments are on the last day of the
month, whereas third-party payments are five days later. Create a time definition to define the time span and selectthis
definition while defining the payment method for this payee.

Use the Time Definitions task to create your time definition for a time span of 5 days with values in this table.

Field Value

Name Specify a name: Third Party 5 Days

Short Name Specify a short name: TP5Days

Type Specify a type: Time Span

Period Type Specify a period type: Daily

Period Unit Specify the unit: 5

Adjustment Type Specify type of adjustment: Days

Time Span Usages Specify a usage for the time span: Third-Party Payments

Use the Time Definition field on the Third-Party Payment Methods page to assign this time definition.

Run the Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties process twice, one for the employees and one for the
third-party payees. Select the relevant process end date and enter an overriding payment date.

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Rollup
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Overview
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• Time Definitions
• Third-Party Payment Methods Overview

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Payroll Run
How Element Processing Sequence is Determined
You can set a predefined sequence in which a payroll run processes elements. An element's primary classification
defines a default processing priority for the element in payroll runs. Lower priority numbers process first.

Most classifications also have a priority range. You can override the default processing priority. To set the priority,
edit the element on the Element Summary page. Setting a specific priority establishes the order in which the element
processes with respect to other elements in the classification.

Sometimes you must prioritize the processing of certain element entries for an individual person. For example, you may
need to determine the precise order in which deductions taken for wage attachments process for a person. In this case,
enter a subpriority number for element entries.

How Net-to-Gross Earnings are Calculated

When you create an earnings element, you can indicate that it pays a specified net amount.

Use this feature, if you need to pay a person:

• Guaranteed take-home pay (net) per payroll period

• Bonus of a specified net amount
To create an earnings element, use the Elements quick action under the My Clients Groups tab.

You can create a net-to-gross (gross-up) element for any recurring or nonrecurring earnings element using these
primary classifications:

• Standard Earnings
• Supplemental Earnings
• Taxable Benefits (Imputed Earnings)

Settings That Affect Net-to-Gross Processing

Define the deductions that are used to calculate the gross amount from the specified net amount.

Answer Yes to the Use this element to calculate a gross amount from a specified net amount? prompt in the
element template to create the element as a gross-up element.

In each element entry, specify the limits of the gross-up processing as follows:

• In the Net value, enter the value you want the employee to receive.
• In the To Within value, enter the allowed difference between the desired amount and the actual amount. This
limit can't be 0.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Note: If these values are the same across most entries, you can enter a default value on the element eligibility record.

How Formulas Calculate the Gross Amount

The formulas for net-to-gross processing perform these actions:

1. The predefined GLB_EARN_GROSSUP iterative formula takes as input the desired net amount (Net input value)
and the amount by which net can differ from the desired amount (To Within input value).
2. In the first run, the formula performs these actions:
a. Sets the lower gross limit to the desired net amount, and the higher gross limit to twice the desired
b. Runs a function to provide the first guess of the gross.
c. Returns three values to the element's input values: low gross, high gross, and additional amount.
3. The element's payroll formula runs. The formula adds the additional amount to the desired amount for creating
the gross amount. The formula returns this value to the element's pay value for the payroll run to process.
4. In the next iteration, the iterative formula compares the additional amount to the total value of the balances
that are available for gross-up for this element entry. The additional amount must not differ from this balance
total by more than the amount you specified in the To Within field.
◦ If the additional amount equals the balance total, the iterative processing ends.
◦ If the additional amount is higher or lower than the balance total by an acceptable margin, the processing
ends. The formula returns the remainder (additional amount minus balance) to the element's Remainder
input value.
◦ Otherwise, the formula runs the function to generate a better estimate for gross, using the remainder to
determine by how much to change the guess. The formula checks the results in another iteration.

Related Topics
• Payroll Element Eligibility
• Overview of Using Fast Formula Components
• Payroll Element Input Values
• Create a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element

Create a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element for the UK

This example demonstrates how to create a net-to-gross (gross-up) earnings element when an organization wants to
pay a person a specific net amount on a bonus.

Before you create your earnings element, you may want to determine the following:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What is the primary classification of this Irregular Earnings


Is the element recurring or nonrecurring? Nonrecurring

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Who is the bonus recipient? Linda Swift

How much is the bonus? 1000 GBP

What is the allowed difference between .05 GBP

the specified bonus and the actual amount

What is the calculation rule? Flat amount

Creating the Earnings Element

Perform the following steps to create the element:

1. In the Payroll work area, click Elements.

2. Click Create and then select the values shown in the table in the Create Element window.

Field Value

Legislative Data Group UK LDG

Primary Classification Irregular Earnings

Secondary Classification Bonus

Category Standard

3. Click Continue.
4. On the Create Element: Basic Information page select the values shown in the table.

Field or Question Value

Name Bonus

Reporting Name Bonus

Effective Date 06-April-2017

Should every person eligible for the No

element automatically receive it?

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Field or Question Value

What is the earliest entry date for this First Standard Earning Date

What is the latest entry date for the Last Standard Earning Date

At which employment level should this Assignment Level

element be attached?

Does the element recur each payroll Nonrecurring

period, or does it require explicit entry?

Process the element only once in each Yes

payroll period?

All gross-up earnings elements must be processed and paid separately from other elements.

Can a person have more than one entry Yes

of this element in a payroll period?

Process and pay element separately or Process separately and pay separately
with other earnings elements?

Tax this earning across multiple pay No


Prorate this earning across all periods No

during which it was earned, and
consider it for FLSA calculations,
such as for commissions, bonuses,
incentives, and other nondiscretionary

5. Click Next.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

6. On the Create Element: Additional Details page select the values shown in the table.

Field or Question Value

What is the calculation rule? Flat Amount

The default value is Flat Amount. Do not change this value. All gross-up earnings must have
a calculation rule of Flat Amount.

What is the default periodicity of this Periodically


Periodicity Conversion Rule Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized

How do you want the work units to be None


Is this element subject to retroactive No


Use this element to calculate a gross Yes

amount from a specified net amount?

Should this element be included in No

the earnings calculation of the FLSA
overtime base rate?

Should this element be included in the No

hours calculation of the FLSA overtime
base rate?

7. Click Next.
8. Click Submit.
9. In the Element Overview pane, select and review each input value, as shown in the table.

Input Value Description

Pay Value The gross pay value to be processed in the payroll run, entered by the iterative formula when it
completes gross-up calculations.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Input Value Description

Net The user-entered flat amount, which provides the iterative formula with the desired net pay.

Low Gross Used by the iterative formula to hold the lower gross pay guess, which feeds into the next
iteration of the formula.

High Gross Used by the iterative formula to hold the higher gross pay guess, which feeds into the next
iteration of the formula.

Remainder The amount by which the additional pay to be paid by the employer (gross minus desired net)
differs from the total of the balances that are eligible for net-to-gross processing. This amount
is returned by the iterative formula.

To Within The amount by which actual net can differ from desired net after normal processing. This
amount must not be zero but can be a nominal amount such as 0.01.

Additional Amount The amount to add to the desired net to calculate gross pay. This amount is returned by the
iterative formula.

Note: Not all input values are visible by default.

Creating Eligibility Rules

Perform the following steps to create eligibility rules:

1. In the Element Overview pane, click Element Eligibility.

2. Select Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.
3. In the Element Eligibility Name field, enter Bonus.
4. Click Save.

Reviewing Iterative Processing Order

Perform the following steps to review the iterative processing order:

1. In the Element Overview pane, click Bonus.

2. In the Advanced Rules section, review the iterative order.

Note: The default value is 1000. If you have more than one iterative element that may be processed in the
same payroll flow, it's important to adjust the iterative order to indicate which should be processed first.
Iterative order must be in the reverse sequence of the processing priority numbers. The element with the
lowest iterative priority number is reduced first.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Including Balances in the Net-to-Gross Processing

Perform the following steps to include balances:

1. In the Element Overview pane, click Balance Feeds.

2. Review the balances to which the bonus contributes.
3. In the Element Overview pane, click Gross Balance Exclusions.
4. Add any balances that have been set to exclude by default if you want to include it on this specific earnings.
5. Click Submit.

Creating an Element Entry

In this example, create the element entry for the bonus for Linda Swift.

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, select Element Entries.

2. In the Name field, enter Swift, Linda.
3. In the Legislative Data Group field, select UK LDG.
4. In the Effective As-of Date field, enter 06-April-2017.
5. Click Search.
6. In the Search Results, select Linda Swift.
7. Click Create.
8. In the Effective Date field, enter 06-April-2017.
9. In the Element Name field, select Bonus.
10. In the Assignment field, select E1026.
11. Click Continue.
12. In the Net Value field, enter 1000.00.
Note: If you want to pay a net-to-gross element, without the net-to-gross processing, add the flat amount in
the Amount field. This amount will be the gross paid. It will be reduced by the applicable deductions.

13. In the To Within field, enter .05.

14. Click Submit.

Assignment Status and Payroll Processing

An employee's assignment status includes an HR status, a payroll status, and optionally user statuses.

The application links the HR status and payroll status values to the assignment status and sets them automatically when
the assignment status changes. The payroll status controls when the payroll process includes the assignment in the
payroll calculation.

This table summarizes the values of the statuses.

Assignment Status HR Status Payroll Status

Active - payroll eligible Active Process

Active - no payroll Active Don't process

Active - process when earning Active Process when earning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Assignment Status HR Status Payroll Status

Active - process nonrecurring element entry Active Process nonrecurring element entry

Suspended - payroll eligible Suspended Process

Suspended - no payroll Suspended Don't process

Suspended - process when earning Suspended Process when earning

Suspended - process nonrecurring element Suspended Process nonrecurring element entry


Inactive - payroll eligible Inactive Process

Inactive - no payroll Inactive Don't process

Inactive - process when earning Inactive Process when earning

Inactive - process nonrecurring element entry Inactive Process nonrecurring element entry

1. Process When Earning indicates payroll processes only during payroll periods with earnings. Use this status in
countries with cumulative tax rules, to stop tax refunds when payments aren't issued.
2. Process Nonrecurring Element Entry indicates the process includes only the active element entry for the
nonrecurring elements. Use this status for one-time payments for terminated employees.

Assignment Status
You can set the default assignment status for an employment-related action so that the assignment status changes
automatically when you initiate an action. The action type categorizes the assignment status change. For example,
you can set the default assignment status to 'Process When Earning' when you perform a terminate work relationship
action. This ensures that the payroll run includes only terminated employees with an earnings element entry.

To create your own assignment status, use the Assignment Statuses quick action in My Client Groups > Workforce
Structures on the Home page.

Restrict Payroll Processing

Select rules to control which payroll relationships and which elements to process in a payroll run.

For example, a skip rule or frequency rule. Specify flow parameters when you submit the calculation process to restrict
the payroll relationships and further restrict the elements that the run processes. For example, Calculate Payroll or
Calculate Gross

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll


Restrict the Elements Processing Based on Rules

You can create skip and frequency rules that control when the payroll run processes the recurring element.

Rules Use To Examples

Skip Include or exclude the element entry for the A once-each-period rule stops recurring
person using rules in a formula element entries from processing more than
once in a payroll period.

Frequency Specify which payroll periods to process the Changed to: A frequency rule might specify that
entries the payroll run processes an element only on
the first and third weeks of a month.

Restrict the Records to Process Based on Flow Parameters

As this table shows, specify flow submission parameters to restrict the number of records for the calculation process.

Parameter Use To

Payroll Relationship Group Restrict processing to the payroll relationships within the group, which you can define using static or
dynamic rules, based on payroll relationship or assignment information.

Element Group Restrict processing to the elements in the group, which you can define by selecting element
classifications and including or excluding specific elements.

Run Types Determine which payroll calculations to perform and how to pay the results. The application processes
an element in all the run types, unless you set up the element in these ways:

• To process separately
• As a trigger for a run type, in which case it's automatically excluded from the other run types

This table shows the flow submission parameters for the calculation process including dates that control which records
to process:

Date Required? Comments

Process Date No This is typically the payroll run date of your

payroll definition.

Payroll Period Yes Used to derive other dates for processing.

Date Earned Yes Identifies these element entries

• To include in the payroll run

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Date Required? Comments

• That belong to a proration group and

ended within the payroll period

Related Topics
• Overview of Object Groups
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date

FAQs for Payroll Run

How can I remove someone from the payroll run?
Roll back the person's record from the View Person Process Result page. Subsequent tasks, such as the Calculate
Prepayments task, may have locked the person's record. If so, you must roll back these tasks before you can roll back the
payroll calculation record.

When you can't delay the main payroll run while you complete the correction, remove the person from the run to correct
a problem later. You can roll back the record, make the corrections, and then submit a QuickPay flow to calculate the
person's run results.

How can I receive payroll notifications in the payroll dashboard?

You can receive payroll notifications when you're the flow owner or the task owner named on the payroll flow checklist
and notifications are enabled for the task.

Use the Manage Flow Pattern page to set the flow pattern notifications to receive them when the status of the task is
complete. Marking the task complete removes its notification from the list of notifications.

Payroll Calculation
Consolidation Groups
Use consolidation groups to segregate or combine the results of multiple payroll runs for further downstream
processing. You can process the results of more than one payroll run in a single action, or you can process the results of
one payroll in separate actions.

For example, suppose you submit a regular payroll run and a supplementary payroll run for the same payroll period. If
you use the same consolidation group for the regular run and the supplementary run, you can use the combined results
of the regular and supplementary runs for post-run processing. Optionally, you can enter a different consolidation
group for the supplementary payroll run and use it to process the post-run results for the supplementary payroll
separately from the regular payroll.

Use consolidation groups to segregate and produce one set of results per payment method for several payrolls, one set
of reports, and one set of costing groups. These are runs you make in addition to your regular payroll runs.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

A consolidation group is used as an input parameter for a payroll run. There are no predefined consolidation groups.
Before you can use a consolidation group in a payroll run, you must create the consolidation group and assign it to a
payroll definition.

To create a consolidation group:

1. Select the Consolidation Groups quick action under Payroll in My Client Groups on your Home page.
2. On the Consolidation Groups page, click Add Row.
3. Enter a Name for the consolidation group. The application assigns the same value for the consolidation group
4. Select a Legislative Data Group. Adding the Description is optional, but it's useful to provide
5. Click Save.
Use this consolidation set code to identify the consolidation group used for a payroll run or when you load the
consolidation group using services or the HCM Data Loader.

Once created, you can't change the consolidation set code. However, the consolidation group name is editable. Any
changes made to the consolidation group name, doesn't have any impact on the payroll process, because the process is
stamped with the consolidation set code, and hence can be identified by the code for future references.

Related Topics
• Examples of Using Consolidation Groups
• Overview of Combining Payroll Flows

Examples of Using Consolidation Groups

Here are some examples of how you can use consolidation groups.

Post-Run Processing
Consolidation groups facilitate separating or segregating payroll run results for supplemental processing. For most
payroll post-run processing, you can use the consolidation group as an input parameter. You may want the results
of a supplemental payroll run to be kept separate from those of an already submitted regular payroll run. To use a
consolidation group to keep supplemental run results separate from the regular payroll runs:

1. Create a consolidation group to process the supplemental payroll run.

2. Initiate the supplemental payroll run, specifying the new consolidation group as an input parameter.

Separate Costing and Payment

You can use multiple consolidation groups to control processing. For example, you want to process and pay a particular
set of employees separately within a single payroll to keep separate records of payment and costing.

To process employees separately:

1. Create payroll relationship groups that restrict the employees.

You can use rules to identify them dynamically or you can specify the employees by their payroll relationship
2. Create a consolidation group for each payroll relationship group you have created in the previous step.
3. Run the Calculate Payroll process for each payroll relationship group separately. Specify the new consolidation
group for each run separately.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

4. Use the original consolidation group to run the Calculate Payroll process in one single action and return a
consolidated run result for all the employees.

Purposes of Reporting
You can use consolidation groups for reporting purposes. For example, you may want to run the Payroll Activity Report
for a subset of payrolls.

To process the report for a subset of payrolls:

1. Create a consolidation group to specify the payrolls for which you want to run the report.
2. Run the Payroll Activity Report, specifying the new consolidation group.

Related Topics
• Consolidation Groups
• Payroll Activity Report

Object Groups
Overview of Object Groups
Object groups are sets of elements or persons. Use object groups to define subsets of objects for processing or

Use the Object Group task to define these object group types.
• Element
• Payroll Relationship
• Work Relationship
• Process Information Group

Note: If you're loading an object group with a large number of inclusions or exclusions, you're recommended to use
the individual Object Group Amend file to achieve that. This supports the data to be multithreaded and minimizes the
processing time.

Element Groups
Use Element groups to limit the elements processed for payroll, reporting, cost distribution, and for global transfer

This table explains the usages for an element group.

Element Group What It Does

Run group Specifies the elements to be processed in a payroll run.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Element Group What It Does

Distribution group Defines the elements on which the cost results are distributed

Configuration group Restricts the elements that can be updated on the Element Entries page.

All element groups are static. You can select element classification to include in or exclude from the group. You can also
select specific elements to include in or exclude from the group.

Payroll Relationship Groups

Use Payroll relationship groups to limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting.

Defining a payroll relationship group is a two-step process.

1. Specify a payroll definition. Every group is limited to the payroll relationships assigned to a single payroll that
you select.
2. Optionally, define the group to be either static or dynamic.

a. To define a static group, select the payroll relationships and assignments to include in or exclude from
the group.
b. To define a dynamic group, use a fast formula of type Payroll Relationship Group. The formula contains
the criteria to establish the payroll relationships and assignments included in the group. Then, you can
individually select additional payroll relationships and assignments to include in or exclude from the

Work Relationship Groups

You can use Work relationship groups to limit the persons processed for Human resources and reporting. For example,
you can use work relationship groups in your user-defined extracts. You can define the group to be either static or

• In a static group, select the work relationships and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.
• In a dynamic group,

◦ Use a fast formula of type Work Relationship Group. This formula contains the criteria to establish the
work relationships and assignments included in the group.
◦ Individually select additional work relationships and assignments to include in or exclude from the group.

Process Information Groups

You use a bank reprocessing group to load the bank corrections file returned by your bank. Each payroll period, you
transfer payroll payments directly into the bank accounts designated by the employee. If any of the bank account
records are invalid, your bank returns a file containing these details.

For example, an employee can have an incorrect account number which results in the payment being rejected by the
bank. Alternatively, the payment could have been transferred to an invalid branch number due to the closure of a bank
or merger of a bank branch with another.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Related Topics
• Overview of Loading Object Groups
• Example of Loading Object Groups
• Set Up Distributed Costing for an Element
• Object Group HCM Data Loader Files for Bank Reprocessing

Expedited Processing
How Expedited Processing Works
When an employee submits a modified time card after you have run payroll, you would want to expedite their payments.

To accommodate missed payments because of late time cards, absences, or time card errors, process the payroll
of employees through expedited payroll runs. Use the Expedited Payroll Flow to process all time card and absence
category earnings you have marked as eligible for expedited processing.

The application processes the expedited runs in the current period for retroactive adjustments to time cards that are
already processed in the prior periods. You must process these expedited payments after the regular payroll run from
the previous payroll cycle, but before the regular payroll run on the current payroll cycle.

An employee can have multiple time cards marked for expedited processing on the same day. The application processes
all such time card entries in the same expedited run and pays employees through a single payment.

Settings that Affect Expedited Processing

Here are the settings that affect expedited payments:

• Time cards that are identified and marked for expedited processing
• Expedited Processing Rule option on the element
• Additional values for time and absence elements:

◦ Expedite
◦ Override Payment Method
◦ Override Check Printer

• Expedite Payroll parameter on the payroll run

• Override Payslip Availability Date on the Generate Payslips process

How Expedited Payments Are Calculated

An employee can't mark their own time cards for expedited processing. So as a manager, use Oracle HCM Cloud
Time and Labor to identify time cards that come in late or have errors, and mark them for expedited processing. Mark
only those time cards for a period where payroll is already run, and not those for current period. The next expedited
processing run includes payments corresponding to such time card entries. The application resets the time card to the
default regular payroll run, after it processes every change to the card. If another expedited run is necessary, mark the
time for expedited processing again. You can also mark an absence entry for expedited run, but only on a time card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Expedited processing includes prior period adjustments to time, absence, and mandatory elements like taxes and
percentage-based deductions. By default, the expedited run includes all the element entries for those employees who
have an expedited time card. But if you want to exclude elements like salary or flat amount-based deductions from
expedited run, set the Expedited Processing Rule option on the elements.

These values of time card and absence elements determine which element entries are eligible for expedited processing
and payments.

Values Use To

Expedite Determine if this time card or absence entry corresponding to prior pay period adjustment needs to be
included for expedited processing.

If you leave this value blank or set to No, the regular payroll run picks up the payroll entries.

If set this value to Yes, the application includes the retroactive payroll entry for expedited processing.

Override Payment Method Override the payment method on the Prepayments and QuickPay Prepayments process to Check. You
can select this value only for time cards that you have marked for expedited processing.

If you leave this value blank, the employees are paid by their default payment method, either through
check or electronic funds transfer.

Override Check Printer Track the check printer for the expedited time cards that are paid through check. The application
ignores the Override Check Printer value if the employee isn't paid by check.

The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes task in the Expedited Payroll Flow generates retroactive element
entries for the prior pay period adjustments. The retroactive element entries retain the expedited payroll values on the
time card. The expedited run includes retroactive entries of only those time cards that you have marked for expedited

Select the Expedite Payroll value as Yes on the payroll run to identify the run as an expedited run. The run includes all
employees who have at least one expedited processing entry on their time card.

For expedited payments, the employees don't have to wait for their payslips until the next regular payroll cycle. They can
view their payslips at a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date. Set the Override Payslip Availability Date
to a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that you have defined in the standard payroll calendar.

Related Topics
• Overview of Expedited Processing
• Expedited Processing Rules
• Add Override Check Printer in XML File

Expedited Payroll Flow

Use the Expedited payroll flow to process expedited payments for prior pay period adjustments on the time card. The
Expedited payroll flow is similar to the regular payroll flow.

The flow includes a sequence of payroll tasks and reports to identify, calculate, and make expedited payments.

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Use the Submit a Flow task in My Client Groups to submit an expedited payroll flow

Run the expedited flow on demand, or schedule the flow to run at a predefined date and time for expedited processing.
When you submit a payroll flow, select Yes in the Expedite Payroll parameter to identify this run as an expedited run.

The Oracle HCM Cloud Time and Labor manager identifies and marks the time cards that come in late or have errors
for expedited processing. The manager sets the Expedite value to Yes on the time card, so that the payroll entries are
included in the expedited process. Optionally, the manager could override the payment method to check/cheque and
set the Override Check Printer value to a printer location.

Here's the list of tasks in sequence that the expedited payroll flow triggers:

1. The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes task generates retroactive element entries for the prior pay
period adjustments pertaining to time cards marked for expedited processing. The retroactive element entries
retain the expedited payroll attributes from the time card elements.
2. The Calculate Payroll task is run when you set the Expedite Payroll parameter to Yes. This process includes
only the employees whose retroactive time entries are marked for expedited processing. For each included
employee, these retroactive time entries and elements configured for expedited processing are processed. The
application skips time card entries that aren't retroactive.
3. The Calculate Prepayments task looks for employees whose payment method is overridden to check/cheque,
on the value definition of the payroll entry. If no override is found, the process uses the usual payment method
used in a regular payroll run.
4. The Archive Periodic Payroll Results task archives the expedited payroll results for further processing.
5. The Generate Check Payments task picks all the prepayments marked for check/cheque.
6. The Make EFT Payments task picks all the prepayments that aren't overridden to check/cheque and who have
a default payment method of EFT payments.
7. The Generate Payslips task generates payslips for all the employees receiving expedited payments in this
flow. The employees who are eligible for an expedited payment can view their payslips early. Set the Override
Payslip Availability Date to a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that's defined in the regular
payroll calendar.

Related Topics
• Overview of Expedited Processing
• Expedited Processing Rules
• Add Override Check Printer in XML File

How QuickPay Is Processed
Watch video

Follow these steps to run a simplified QuickPay, add a referral bonus, and verify payment calculations.

1. Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll on the Home page, and select the Calculate QuickPay task.
2. Use the single-search option on the Person Search page and search for the person for whom you want to
process the QuickPay. Based on the person you select and effective date used for the search, the QuickPay

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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process displays a single page that populates parameters, such as the person's payroll, date earned, and flow
3. The Effective As-of Date defaults to the current date. Enter a specific Effective As-of Date if you want to
process the QuickPay for a specific payroll period. The payroll period defaults from the date you use for person
4. By default, the delivered QuickPay flow uses the default consolidation group that's assigned to the payroll. To
change this value, use the Consolidation Group parameter.
The payroll and period name is derived from the effective date, and based on the effective date the date
earned, and process date are automatically defaulted.
5. Select the Select All check box if you want to process all the elements for the selected employee. Optionally,
you can select elements you want to process by selecting the specific element check box.
6. Click Show Filters and then Expand All to view and select any of the filter options to narrow down your search
and select the elements.
7. Follow these steps to add a referral bonus.
a. Click Search on the Element Name field.
b. In the Element Name field, enter Referral.
c. Click Search.
d. In the Search Results, click Referral Bonus HC.
e. Click OK. You can now see the details of the assignment the element is assigned to.
8. Click Continue.
9. Enter the referral bonus amount in the Amount field.
10. Enter an Effective End Date only if it's a recurring element. Since this is a nonrecurring element, the Effective
End Date is automatically populated because it only runs for this one pay period.
11. Click Submit to submit the QuickPay.
After you submit the QuickPay successfully, you can see the employee's Statement of Earnings, which shows
the period the referral bonus was processed, the start and end date, and the payroll that it was run for.
12. Click Show Details to view the earnings breakdown of the employee, including the referral bonus you just
You can now run additional processes such as the calculate QuickPay Prepayments, Archive, Payslip, and if I wanted to
pay the employee by check, the Check Writer process.

Examples of the QuickPay Process

Let's look at some examples to understand when you can run the QuickPay flow.

The first three examples uses QuickPay to make payments outside the regular payroll run, and the last example verifies
payments before the actual payroll run.

Pay Separate Check for Employee Bonus

You want to pay an employee special incentive bonus separately from the regular pay. The employee doesn't want any
voluntary deductions, such as charitable donations or retirement fund contributions, taken from the bonus pay. Use the
Element Entries task and add the bonus to the employee's element entries. Select Calculate QuickPay from the Actions
menu, and specify these settings:

• In the Details section, select Supplemental as the Run Type.

• In the Element Entries section, deselect element entries for all voluntary deductions.

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Pay New Hire After Payroll Cutoff Date

A new hire joins the company on the 25th of the month, but the new hire process doesn't complete until the 28th. By
that time, you have processed the monthly payroll and issued payments. To avoid delaying the person's pay until the
next month, use the QuickPay Payments task, submit a QuickPay calculation, and make an external payment. Normal
processing of the employee's pay resumes with the next payroll cycle.

Pay Terminated Employee

HR terminates an employee in the middle of a payroll period. HR requests that you process and pay the person
immediately. Update the employee's payroll information. Use the QuickPay Payments task to submit a QuickPay
calculation, and make an external payment for the employee's final pay.

Verify Bonus Payment Amounts Before Running the Main Payroll

Before processing bonus payments in the next payroll run, you want to verify the run results. Submit a QuickPay process
for a few employees and review the results, then roll back the QuickPay calculation.

1. Submit the QuickPay process.

2. When the QuickPay calculation completes, verify the results to confirm that the bonus amount and deductions
are calculated correctly. Don't click Mark as Complete.
3. Select the verification task in the checklist. Select Roll Back from the Action menu.
4. Select the QuickPay task in the checklist. Select Roll Back from the Action menu.
5. Submit the regular payroll to recalculate this person's run results and to generate payments.
Use this scenario if you change an employee's payroll information, such as adding a new deduction or updating the tax
code, and want to validate the change before the next payroll run.

FAQ for Quick Pay

Can I automate a QuickPay flow using a service?
No, because QuickPay tasks require user input. The Flow Actions service is only for flows that don't require user action.

QuickPay Flows
How to Run QuickPay Flows
Create a QuickPay flow to include additional tasks as per your requirement. For example, create a QuickPay to Payslip
flow to process QuickPay and prepayments, and then generate the payslip to make payments.

Use the Payroll Flow Patterns quick action under Payroll from My Client Groups on your Home page, to create a flow and
add the requisite tasks to the flow as per your requirement.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Flow Pattern Type

When you create your own QuickPay flow, use the Flow Pattern Type field on the flow setup page to set the flow as
either of these:

• QuickPay
• QuickPay with Parameters

Note: These options are available only for user-defined flows you set up at the enterprise level. You don't select an
LDG for the flow at the time of creation of the flow.

Select the QuickPay with Parameters option if you include tasks that have additional parameters other than those
available on the delivered QuickPay Submission page.

The parameters available to you is dependent on the tasks you include in the QuickPay flow. For example, you must
include the payment-related tasks of prepayments, check payments, or EFT payments for the QuickPay Submission
page to display payment-related parameters of payment methods, payment source, and so on.

Actions Menu
When you select QuickPay or QuickPay with Parameters option as the Flow Pattern Type for a flow, the flow is available
for you to set as the default flow.

The Calculate QuickPay task defaults to the QuickPay Simplified flow. Use the Actions menu on the QuickPay
Submission page to select and submit an alternate QuickPay flow to the one defaulted by the Calculate QuickPay task.
Select a flow that you want to submit without navigating away from the QuickPay Submission page.

Note: For a flow to list within the Actions menu, you must tag the flow as a QuickPay or QuickPay with Parameter
flow on the flow setup page.

Parameter Input Page

If any of the added tasks in your QuickPay flow have additional parameters other than that included on the QuickPay
Submission page, select the QuickPay with Parameters option on the flow setup page.

When you set this user-defined flow as your default flow and submit the flow, the application automatically displays the
Parameter Input page first for you to define the additional task parameters. The QuickPay Submission page displays

Note: If you don’t select the QuickPay with Parameters option on the flow setup page, the Parameter Input page
doesn’t display when you submit the flow.

Key Parameters
When you set up a user-defined flow as a QuickPay flow, set these two parameters as the key parameters for the flow:

• Effective Date
• Payroll Relationship

If you don’t set these two parameters as the key parameters, the flow setup fails and generates an error.

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Flow Status
Set the flow as Active. Flows that are inactive, hidden, or created at an LDG-level aren’t listed on the QuickPay
submission page for you to select. You can only select and submit enterprise-level flows.

Process Configuration Group

Use the Process Configuration Group parameter to select a process configuration group of your choice when
submitting a QuickPay.
• If you don’t make a selection, the process configuration group value defaults to what you have set using the
• However, if you haven’t set the profile option and the field is left blank, then it defaults to the default group for
the QuickPay process.

If you use a process configuration group that has logging enabled, the QuickPay submission page displays a message
to indicate that logging is enabled. The name of the process configuration group is displayed on the UI. Click on the
process configuration group name to access the Process Configuration Group UI and view the details of the parameter
and make changes if required.

When you enable logging and submit a flow, the application creates files to capture the process parameters. Use these
files to troubleshoot your process.

For more information on enabling logging, refer the 'Enable Logging in Payroll Flows' topic on the Oracle Help Center.

Note: For existing user-defined flows that include the QuickPay task, remove the task and add the task back into
flow. This ensures that the QuickPay flow submission page that displays the Process Configuration Group parameter
is included in the flow.

Submit a QuickPay Flow to Correct a Payroll Calculation Error

This example demonstrates how to submit a QuickPay flow for an employee to correct a calculation error that occurs in
the main payroll run.

In this scenario, you complete the payroll calculation but not the prepayments calculation for the weekly payroll run. HR
informs you that an employee took unpaid leave earlier in the month. You roll back the employee's payroll calculation to
remove the person from the payroll run, and continue processing the weekly payroll and issue the payments. When you
receive details about the leave from HR, you update the employee's records. You submit a QuickPay process to calculate
the payroll run and prepayments for the employee, and to process an external payment.

Use a QuickPay flow that has these tasks:

1. Calculate QuickPay
2. Verify Payroll Results
3. Calculate QuickPay Prepayments
4. View Prepayments Results
5. Make External Payments
6. Verify Payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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Here's the list of tasks to submit a QuickPay flow for an employee to correct a calculation error in the main payroll run.

• Roll back the employee's payroll run results.

• Submit a QuickPay process.
• Calculate and verify payroll run results.
• Calculate and verify prepayments.
• Make an external payment and verify the payment results.

Roll Back and Correct Data

1. Before calculating payments for the main payroll run, roll back the employee's run results.
2. Complete the weekly payroll run.
3. Make the necessary corrections in the employee's payroll or HR data.

Submit the QuickPay Flow

1. Select the Calculate QuickPay task on the Payroll page.
2. On the Person page, search for and select the employee.
3. On the QuickPay Submission page, optionally, override the payroll flow name with a more meaningful one.
Verify the remaining information.

The Element Entries section refreshes to display all element entries that the QuickPay flow processes. Ensure
that the process includes all element entries.
4. Click Submit.
5. Click Refresh until the Calculate QuickPay task is complete.
6. Click the Verify Payroll Results task in the checklist.
7. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.
8. In the Statement of Earnings section, verify the information in each of the Quick Reference Summary tabs.
9. Click Done to return to the QuickPay process.
10. Click Mark as Complete.

Calculate and Verify Prepayments

1. Click the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task in the checklist.
2. In the Prepayments section, optionally, select an organization payment method and payment source.
3. Click Submit.
4. Click Refresh until the Calculate QuickPay Prepayments task completes.
5. Click the View Prepayments Results task in the checklist.
6. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.
7. Verify the prepayment results, including the payee, payment method, payment source, and payment amount.
8. Click Done to return to the QuickPay process.
9. Click Mark as Complete.

Make External Payment and Verify Payment Results

1. Click the Make External Payment task from the checklist.
2. In the External Payments section, select the payment and then select Make Payment from the Action menu.
3. Enter a check number and the reason you are generating the check externally. Click OK.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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The application marks the payment as Paid. This status prevents a payment process that would normally pick
up this payment from processing it again.
4. Click Mark as Complete.
5. Click the Verify Payment task in the checklist.
6. On the View Person Process Results page, click the person's name in the Search Results.
7. Verify the payment results. Click Done to return to the checklist.
The payment results shown here should match the prepayment results you verified earlier.
8. Click Mark as Complete.

Examples of Using Flow Interaction for QuickPay Flows

Let's look at some examples to understand how to specify flow interaction when you process a QuickPay after
calculating QuickPay run results or prepayments.

Merge Flows after Calculating QuickPay

Scenario: While verifying payroll run results in your weekly payroll flow, you discover an error in the pay amount for an
employee. You remove the person's record from the payroll run, so that you can continue processing the payroll. You
investigate the problem and update the person's element entries on the Manage Person Details page. You select the
Calculate QuickPay task from the Actions menu. You want to calculate the QuickPay and verify the results, and then
process the combined QuickPay and payroll run for the Calculate Prepayments task.

On the Calculate QuickPay page, complete these steps to create the flow interaction.

1. Select Flow Interaction from the Action menu, and specify these details.

From Flow From Task To Flow To Task

Current QuickPay flow View Payroll Results Weekly Payroll Flow Calculate Prepayments

2. Select the Use to Calculate Results option so that the weekly payroll flow includes the results of the QuickPay
The QuickPay flow ends and merges with the Calculate Prepayments task in the weekly payroll flow.

Merge Flows after Calculating Prepayments

Scenario: Verify the results of your prepayments task for your biweekly payroll flow when you receive notification to
process the pay for a new hire. You want to generate an EFT payment for the new hire rather than issue an external
payment. In your enterprise, you archive payroll results before generating payments. Use the Calculate QuickPay task to
start the QuickPay process, and interact with the biweekly payroll flow, as shown in the following table. Select the Use to
Calculate Results option so that the biweekly payroll flow includes the results of the QuickPay process.

From Flow From Task To Flow To Task

Current QuickPay flow View Prepayment Results Biweekly payroll flow Archive Periodic Payroll Results

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After marking the Verify QuickPay Results task in the QuickPay process complete, the QuickPay flow ends. The Archive
Period Payroll Results task includes the results of the QuickPay process.

QuickPay Run Results

QuickPay Summary
You can now process QuickPay and view the earning and deduction information for an employee on the QuickPay
Summary page.

To generate the QuickPay Summary page:

• Use the Calculate QuickPay task from the Payroll Calculation work area. You are taken to the Payroll Person
Search page, from where you can search for a person or multiple persons and process the QuickPay using the
Actions menu.
• Use the Payroll Person Search feature from the Payroll Calculation work area, search for a person or multiple
persons and process the QuickPay using the Actions menu.
There are two QuickPay options:
◦ The QuickPay Payments option to run the QuickPay and Payments process at the same time.
◦ The Simplified QuickPay option to run the standalone QuickPay process.

Use the summary page to view information from the calculation cards and the element entries. The Effective As-of Date
you enter on the Payroll Person Search page determines the payroll period information for the QuickPay calculations.

The regions of the summary page displays information across the entire payroll period for the date you enter in the
search. When creating new entries or making updates within a region you must specify an 'Effective Date' for the
transaction to ensure that the correct start and end dates are populated.

The Summary Page has the following regions:

• Standard Entries
• Absence Entries
• Time Card Entries
Here's a list of tasks you can do from the above three regions:
• View details of element entries, absence entries, and time card entries
• Click on an element name to view additional details of entry values and costing
• You can create, end date, or update details contained on the page
• Use the 'Add Element' button to create multiple elements at a time
• Drill down on the absence date and view all entries for the absence in a separate page
• Expand a time card row to view the property and costing details for the time record

View the Standalone QuickPay Summary Page

Use the filter on the standalone summary page to change the view of the data based on the dates you select.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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The filter and displayed dates are available at the top right of the page and controls all the regions within the summary
page. If you select a date range within the filter all the regions on the page uses this date range. For instance, you can't
select a different date range for standard entries and another for absence entries.

QuickPay Standard Entries Summary

You can view the Standard Entries Summary page from the QuickPay Summary page. The Standard Entries page
displays the standard entries that are assigned to an employee.

The page has a summary region from where you can drill down to the details section.

Summary Region
The summary region displays all the summarized entry values applicable to an element across the entire payroll period
for the date you enter in the search. The region displays a maximum of five elements. Use the Show More button to
view additional entries.

To see additional information pertaining to an entry value and costing, click on the element name and this displays
additional information within a detail region. The element name is read-only as this is the link to the detail page.

• Edit the values on the summary region and update, correct, end date or delete costing information using the
Actions menu.
• Use the Include or Exclude check box at the header level to include or exclude an entry in the QuickPay
• Hover over a name to view additional information regarding the field name or value. For example, if you hover
over the amount value, you can view the unit of measurement of the amount.

Detail Region
A detail region displays detailed information for the entry you selected in the summary region. The detail region
displays detailed information including entry values, the source of an element, whether it has been processed, costing
information, and history.

• You can see all the entries within the detail page and be able to minimize or maximize each one. You don't have
to go back to the summary to select a different entry to view. This enables you to compare entries within a
single page.
• If you select a row in the summary region, the Additional Details Input Values region in the detail region
displays the input values for the record.
• The Element Entry Information region displays information about the element entry. For instance, how it was
created, is it a retroactive entry, assignment number, and so on.
• The Costing Information region displays the costing information for an element entry. By default the costing
segments should be minimized when opening the detail region for the standard entry. This region can be
collapsed and opened.

Add Elements
Use the Add Element button in either of the regions to create additional elements. The Add Element button opens a
new window where you can select multiple elements and an effective date. The effective date defaults to the effective

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
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date at the top of the summary page, and the payroll field defaults to the active payroll. You can enter a different
effective date and payroll if required.

You can also enter the assignment, element name and classification, make the element an overridden entry, add a
reason and enter costing information if required.

You can select multiple elements when creating rather than creating one at a time. You can also use a saved search for
grouping elements to enter.

QuickPay Absence Entries Summary

Use the Absence Entries page to view on a single page the absence information of your employees passed from the
Absences application to the Payroll application.

You can view the Absence Entries Summary page from the QuickPay Summary page.

The page has a summary region from where you can drill down to the details section.

Summary Region
The summary table is a read-only region that displays summarized absence information. It shows the total number of
units, for example hours, for an absence, broken down by absence type and employment record.

The region displays:

• A summary region for each absence record that spans the effective dates entered on the summary page or the
QuickPay period dates. If multiple summary sections are displayed, they're sorted by absence start date with
latest date at top of table.
• The absence start and end date plus the ID for the absence.
• The name of the absence plan, for example Sickness Plan.
• The total number of units, for example hours, for each absence record such as, entitlement, accrual,
discretionary disbursement, and final disbursement.
• Enables you to search for a specific absence type summary record for one or more time cards.

Use the 'Create Absence' button on the summary table to create an absence record.

Detail Region
A detail region displays the daily information for the selected time card. It will include a breakdown of the time card
entries and other information such as costing.

Use the Detail region to:

• View the detailed information for the selected time card.

• If multiple time cards are displayed in the summary region, navigate to the detail for the other time cards and
quickly compare time card details.
• Search for a specific time type record.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

QuickPay Time Card Entries Summary

Use the Time Card Entries page to view on a single page the time information of your employees passed from the Time
and Labor application to the payroll application.

You can view the Time Card Entries Summary page from the QuickPay Summary page.

The page has a summary region from where you can drill down to the details section.

Summary Region
The summary table is a read-only region that displays summarized time information. It shows the total number of units,
for example hours, for a time card, broken down by time type and employment record.

The region displays:

• A summary region for each time card that spans the effective dates entered on the summary page or the
QuickPay period dates. If multiple summary sections are displayed, they're sorted by time card start date with
latest date at top of table.
• Enables you to search for a specific time type summary record for one or more time cards.

Use the 'Create Time Card' button on the summary table to create a time card record.

Detail Region
A detail region displays the daily information for the selected time card. It will include a breakdown of the time card
entries and other information such as costing.

Use the Detail region to:

• View the detailed information for the selected time card.

• If multiple time cards are displayed in the summary region, navigate to the detail for the other time cards and
quickly compare time card details.
• Search for a specific time type record.

View the QuickPay Person Process Results

Run QuickPay and view the Person Process Results page from the QuickPay Summary page. Use the process results
page to do the following:

• Drill down into the details for each processed person

• View the task details and parameters used for submission
• See all records that completed, has errors,, or still to be processed
• View analytical graphs
Use the Process Results task from the Actions menu on the Payroll Person Search page to generate the Person Process
Results page for a person.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

The page has three distinct regions as explained here.

Header Region
Use the header region to view static processing information such as Flow Name, Process Name, Payroll Name, Period
Name and so on.

Summary Region
Use the summary region to view summary level information concerning the data that's processed or is being processed
for the selected person. Information contained within this region includes records processed, errors raised, processing
time, and so on. You can also view analytical graphs that display details of the process such as parameters used, the
submitting user, and logging information.

Click on an item to view detailed information pertaining to the item. You can view the following information from this

• Error Messages: Displays all the errors that the process has encountered.
• Record Processing: Displays information regarding total records processed, unprocessed, processing,
encountered error, marked for retry, and skipped.
• Process Status: Displays the start time, finish time, and elapsed time of the process.

Process Results Region

Use the process results region to see the records processed with a brief summary of total values processed. The
summary level information is dependent on the process that has been selected. For example, the payroll process shows
the Gross and Net payments for each employee, whereas costing process shows the total debits and credits for an
employee. You can view the processed information for a list of individuals in a single page.

Use the Actions Menu at the end of each record, to perform any of the following actions on a process:

• Roll Back
• Mark for Retry
• Reversals
• View Results, such as viewing the Statement of Earnings
• View Messages

Overview of Retroactive Pay
Retroactive pay, also referred to as retropay, is the recalculation of prior payroll results when changes effective in prior
payrolls are updated after the original payroll calculation.

For example, when time cards are submitted after the cutoff, or an employee receives a performance bonus for a past
pay period.

Use the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process (retropay process) to calculate retroactive pay changes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

When you run the retropay process, it recalculates the employees' previous payroll periods, based on the unprocessed
notifications raised. Although you recalculate all periods that have retroactive changes when you run the retroactive
process, it doesn't modify the original stored results for these periods. It doesn't override historical payroll data. Instead,
it creates a new set of results to use to compare against the original results. When it finds a difference between the
original period results and the newly calculated retroactive period results, the newly calculated result is stored in the
retroactive element in the current period. When you run the Calculate Payroll process for the current period, the newly
created retroactive entries are included.

Elements Included in Retroactive Pay

It's important to decide when to enable an element for retropay. When you create your elements using the element
template, enable the element to be subject to retroactive changes and select the retro event group. The retropay process
includes these enabled elements in its calculations.

Note: You can always configure elements to be used by retropay and later decide not to configure the retroactive
components so the element isn't included in the retropay process. Use the Elements Page to configure retroactive
components. To process an element in a retroactive payroll run, the element must have retroactive components that
define the processing rules.

Event Groups for Retroactive Pay

Define types of changes in your retroactive event group to trigger events and retroactive event notifications. It is
recommended you use the predefined Entry Changes for Retro event group to track retroactive changes to element
entries and assignment details such as location. Associate the event group all elements that are subject to retroactive
changes. You also have the option to configure your own event group of type retroactive.

Event Notifications for Retroactive Pay

Retroactive event notifications are used to identify which employees to include in the retropay process. Employees
with a retroactive event notifications status of Awaiting Processing are included. When the employee is processed in
retropay, the status of the retroactive event notification is changed to Processed.

When a retroactive event is triggered for an employee, such as a backdated salary award, the employee is automatically
evaluated for a retroactive event notification and the following occurs:
• If the employee doesn't have an existing and unprocessed retroactive event notification, a new retroactive
event notification is generated. The Process Date of the notification is set to the event date, such as the date of
the salary award.
• If the employee has an existing and unprocessed retroactive event notification, the Process Date of the
notification may be updated. For example, an employee is granted a backdated salary award effective 05-
MAR. This event triggers the creation of a retroactive event notification, with a process date of 05-MAR.
Subsequently, a job change is entered for the employee effective 01-FEB. The job change event triggers the re-
evaluation of the unprocessed retroactive event notification and the process date will be updated to 01-FEB.
This ensures retropay recalculates all of the employee's payrolls from February to the current payroll period.

Note: You can create a retroactive event notification manually to have the employee included in the retropay process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

The Process Date, or Override Date if available, on the retroactive event notification controls how far back the retroactive
payroll process recalculates payroll for the employee. Consider these points regarding the retroactive payroll process:

• You can enter an override date on the Retroactive Events page for event notifications that have an Awaiting
Processing status.
• Retropay calculates from beginning to end of a pay period and not for partial pay periods. For example, if a
monthly paid employee has an unprocessed retroactive event notification with a Process Date of 10-SEP-21,
retropay recalculates the September 2021 payroll run and all subsequent payroll runs.
• When the event notification is processed, the override date is used to determine the start date of the retroactive
period for the employee.
• You can control the number of payroll periods you include in the retropay process by setting the earliest start
date for the process. For example, When you set an override date for your employee, it is used as the start date
for the retropay period. The override date entered in the employee’s retroactive notification takes precedence
over start dates defined using the Earliest Retroactive Processing Date parameter and the Number of months in
rolling period for retroactive changes parameter.
• You can set the start date of the retroactive period to an earlier or later date than the process date of the
retroactive event notification. For example, the process date is 10-Oct-2021 and 4-Sep-2021 is entered as the
override date for an employee on a monthly payroll. Retropay continues to pick up elements for the entire pay
period, which is 1-Sep-2021 to 30-Sep-2021, recalculate the September payroll run and all subsequent runs.
• You can search for Retroactive Notifications with an existing Override Date from the Event Notification page.

Retroactive Pay Process Tasks

Use these payroll processes and reports to calculate retroactive pay and analyze the results.

Whether creating a flow pattern for retroactive related tasks, incorporating tasks into a payroll cycle flow pattern, or
running individual processes it's advised to run them in the following order:

Task Name Flow Pattern Description

Run Retroactive Notifications Report RETROACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_REPORT Submit this report to view notifications for
retroactive payroll events and the details of the
changes that caused the events. This report
highlights the notifications that are outstanding
and will be processed by the retroactive pay

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes RETROACTIVE_PAY Submit this process to calculate retrospective
changes that weren't included in the original
payroll run. This is the key retroactive pay
process that compares prior payroll periods and
creates the retroactive entries. You can run with
a payroll relationship group to restrict who's
processed in this task. Otherwise, the process
runs for all.

When submitting the Recalculate Payroll
for Retroactive Changes process enter your
relationship group in the payroll relationship
group parameter.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Task Name Flow Pattern Description

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes Evaluate Late Hires Submit this process to automatically evaluate
late hires, create a net pay result, and create
retro event notifications. This lets the late hires
to be processed within the Recalculate Payroll
for Retroactive Changes process. This flow
pattern contains two tasks, Calculate Payroll for
Late Hire and Late Hire Retropay Notification.
These tasks replace the need to manually
enter an element entry against the late hire,
as the Late Hire Retropay Notification task
automatically creates the notification.

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes RECALCULATE_PAYROLL_FOR_RETROACTIVE_ Submit this process to calculate retrospective
Single Employee CHANGES_SINGLE_EMPLOYEE changes that weren't included in the original
payroll run for a single employee. This performs
the same calculations as the Recalculate Payroll
for Retroactive Changes process but for a single

Run Retroactive Entries Report RETROACTIVE_ENTRIES_REPORT Submit this report to view retroactive entries
details and the corresponding original
calculation results that were compared to
trigger the retroactive entry. This report
highlights the retroactive entries created by
the retroactive process. It also identifies the
creator type of Retroactive Pay Element Entry
or Retroactive Pay Run Result.

Run Calculate Payroll Missing Flow Pattern System Name Submit this process to calculate your payroll.

Calculate Retroactive Costing RETRO_COSTING Submit a process to recalculate costs for

retroactive changes to costing setups.

Things to consider when you run retroactive pay:

• It's important to always run your retroactive pay process as close to your calculate payroll process run. And, for
greatest accuracy, run it as close to the cut-off date as possible, which is the point when all your data entry for
the payroll is complete.

Note: If you run the retroactive pay process after the payroll process, the retroactive adjustments are held
over until the next payroll period.

• If you run your payroll and then discover you have additional backdated adjustments, you can wait until a later
payroll period and run the retroactive pay process for that subsequent payroll period.

Note: If you choose to process them in the current period you must make the changes, run an additional
retroactive pay process with a process date equal to or later than the payroll run process date. Once the
retroactive elements are created, you must process the employees in a subsequent payroll run or QuickPay. In
this scenario, it's important the element processing rule be set against the element is final close date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Related Topics
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Retroactive Pay for Late Hires
• View Originating Pay Periods for Retroactive Earnings
• How can I create an element for retroactive processing?
• How can I use normal elements for a retroactive element to distribute costing?

Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes

Retroactive pay is the recalculation of prior payroll results because of changes that occurred after you ran the original
calculation. To process retroactive pay, run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

When a retroactive notification identifies a retroactive event for an employee, such as a change in salary, this process:

1. Performs a payroll calculation using the updated details for the employee.
2. Recalculates any employee with retroactive event notifications but only if they are part of the original payroll
run set of employees.
3. Compares the results of the new payroll calculation against the results of the original payroll calculations, and
creates retroactive entries for any differences.
4. Changes the status of processed notifications from Awaiting Processing to Processed.
This process never overwrites historical payroll data. Instead, it creates one or more retroactive entries to receive the
process results.

For further info, see How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated in the Help Center.

Note: Only elements that you have configured to include a retroactive event group can have retroactive element

When verifying your payroll readiness, use this process to create retroactive element entries based on retroactive
events. Run it immediately before starting a payroll run. If you run it after the Calculate Payroll process, it holds the
retroactive adjustments until the next payroll period.

You can run this process automatically as part of your payroll flow, or you can run it manually.

To run this process, enter the following applicable parameters:

1. Click Submit a Flow.

2. Select your legislative data group.
3. Select Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes.

Before You Start

Be sure to run the Retroactive Notification Report. This report identifies the retroactive changes you need to process.
For further info, see Retroactive Notification Report in the Help Center.

Note: Retroactive element entries are no different from the entries in the original payroll. They are both processed in
the payroll runs and display on the UI in the same manner.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Process Parameters
Process Date

Enter the effective date of the payroll run. This date controls the start date of all retroactive entries created by the
Retropay process.

For example, before running your monthly payroll for July 2021, submit retropay with a Process Date of 31-JUL-21. This
creates all retroactive entries with a start date of 01-JUL-21, and the July payroll run processes them.

Note: The date of the retroactive entries is the start date of the payroll period in which the retroactive process date

If the process date of your payroll falls in the next payroll period, enter a retropay process date that falls within the
current payroll period.

For example, your August payroll is paid on 05-SEPT-21. Submit retropay with a process date of 31-AUG-21 to ensure it
creates retroactive with a start date of 01-AUG-21 and can be processed in the August payroll run.


Select the payroll definition you want to run against.

Overriding Entry Create Date

Use this to control the start date of retroactive entries when you have more complex payroll period requirements.

For example, your semimonthly payroll is paid in arrears, such as:

• Period ending 15-JAN is paid on 05-FEB

• Period ending 31-JAN is paid on 20-FEB
• Period ending 15-FEB is paid on 05-MAR

Before running the semimonthly payroll for period ending 15-FEB-21, you can submit retropay with these dates:

• Retro Process Date: 20-FEB-21

Note: The Retropay process date can't be earlier than the process date of the payroll run for period ending

• Overriding Entry Creation Date: 15-FEB-21

Note: Entries are date effective.

Process Configuration Group

Enter a process configuration group. Otherwise the process uses the default group.

Payroll Relationship Group

Enter a payroll relationship group to limit the employees included in the retroactive process. Otherwise all employees
are reprocessed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Process Results
The retroactive process:

1. Compares the run results of the original payroll run and the run results of the retroactive payroll run.
2. It looks for matching run result records across the two processes.
3. It creates one of the following:

◦ Retroactive run results

◦ Retroactive element entries based on these conditions.

i. Matching run results exist in both the original run and the retroactive run creates a retroactive pay
run result.
ii. Run result available in the original run but not in the retroactive run creates a retroactive pay run
iii. Run result in not available in the original run but a new run result exists in the retroactive run
creates a retroactive pay element entry.

Note: You might need to create some entries manually to offset entries.

Related Topics
• How can I create offset entries instead of deleting retroactive entries and notifications?
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Retroactive Notification Report

How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated

Retroactive pay is the recalculation of prior payroll results because of changes that occurred after the original payroll
calculation run.

For example, an employee receives a backdated salary award or a performance bonus.

You run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process to calculate retroactive pay. This process creates
retroactive element entries based on retroactive events.

Note: Only the elements that have retroactive pay enabled will have retroactive results calculated.

Set up Elements for Retroactive Pay

To enable retroactive processing of an element:

1. On the Event Groups page, review the types of changes that automatically trigger a retroactive notification for
the predefined event group, called Entry Changes for Retro. It is recommended you use this group or you can
create a new event group for the element, if required.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

2. On the Element Additional Details page, select Yes for these questions:

◦ Is this element subject to proration?

◦ Is this element subject to retroactive changes?
3. On the Element page, select the predefined event group or a new group that you have created.

Note: This step is only if you want to attach your new group to an existing element. If your group exists
and you are using the template to create the element, you do not need to navigate to the element page.
You can attach the group from the template.This step is only if you want to have a different element pay the
retroactive adjustment.

4. On the Retroactive Components page, create a full retroactive calculation with a reprocess type of 'Reprocess'
and choose 'Yes' for the default component.
5. In the Retroactive Pay Elements section of the Retroactive Components page, create an entry with effective
dates, adjustment type of 'Standard' and choose the target element of the results element that you want the
retroactive pay process to use when creating a retroactive entry.

Note: This step is only if you want to have a different element pay the retroactive adjustment.

Process Retroactive Pay

Whether creating a flow pattern for retroactive tasks, incorporating tasks into a Payroll Cycle flow pattern, or running
individual processes, it is advised to run them in the following order:

1. Submit the Retroactive Notifications Report.

Note: You can also Review or create retroactive events on the Event Notifications page and download results
to Excel to view retroactive events in a report format.

2. Submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process with the Submit a Flow task or the process may
run automatically as part of your payroll flow.

Note: This process creates one or more retroactive entries to receive the process results and never
overwrites historical payroll data.

3. Submit the Retroactive Entries Report.

4. Review the Retroactive Entries Report.
5. Submit the Calculate Payroll process.

Note: Always run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process immediately before you run a payroll.
Otherwise, if you run it after the Calculate Payroll process, retroactive adjustments are held over until the next payroll

If you don't get the expected retroactive notification, here are some suggestions to review:

• The transaction that caused the event

• Element setup
• Element eligibility for the person
• The retroactive event group entities and attributes that are set up to trigger retroactive events
• The proration event group entities and attributes setup that triggers proration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Exclude Retroactive Element from the Retroactive Pay Process

If you enabled the element for retroactive pay but now you don't want it included in the process, follow these steps to
prevent it from being considered in the process comparison:

1. On the Element Additional Details page, Remove the two retroactive components rows.
2. On the Event Groups page, remove the event group.

Note: To process an element in a retroactive payroll run, the element must have retroactive components that define
the processing rules. These steps remove these defined processing rules and disable event notifications.

Related Topics
• Create Conversion Formulas for Proration
• Overview of Payroll Event Groups

Retroactive Pay for Late Hires

Use retropay for late hires to identify employees entered in the application after the regular payroll has been processed.
The application detects and processes late hires when regular payroll result exists for a date later than the employee's
hire date.

For example, Jane was hired on 22-Mar-2022, but the HR team entered her details late into the application. Jane wasn't
included in the payroll run that was processed and paid on 26-Mar-2022.

The application will create a payroll action for Jane for the 26-Mar-2022 payroll period. Also, the application displays
the payroll action on the process results page with action status 'Retroactively Added'. This action enables retropay to
calculate her missing earnings for the 26-March payroll period.

You can also use retropay for late hires to support changes in the hire date. For example, David Ellis was entered in the
application with a hire date of 01-Nov, but they actually commenced employment on 01-Oct-2022. Retropay for late
hires enables retropay to calculate David' earnings for the October payroll periods.

Set Up Retropay For Late Hires

To enable retropay for late hires, create a new Event Group and Event Action for their legislative data group.

The event group identifies the late hire. The event action creates a payroll action for the late hire. Also, the employee
appears in the process results for that payroll with the action status as Retroactively Added.

This lets late hires to be processed within the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process. This flow pattern
contains two tasks:
• Calculate Payroll for Late Hire
• Late Hire Retropay Notification

These tasks replace the need to manually enter an element entry against the late hire, as the Late Hire Retropay
Notification task automatically creates the notification. You can view the late hire details for an employee using the
Person Results and Payroll Checklist pages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Use the sample HCM Data Loader (.DAT file) to enable all or some of the following events:

• Create Flow: If set to Y, generates the Evaluate Late Hire flow pattern with its Calculate Payroll for Late Hire and
Late Hire Retropay Notification tasks.
• Hire Date Later: If set to Y, the retroactive net pay result is generated when an employee's hire date is later than
the payroll process date.
• Run Payroll Relationship Group: If set to Y, the retroactive net pay result is generated even when the original
payroll was run with a payroll relationship group.
• Additional Assignments: If set to Y, the retroactive net pay result is generated when a late assignment is added
to a payroll relationship.

You can view the flow results in the View Flows, Process Results, and Person Results pages.
• Use the View Flows page to drill down to the Evaluate Late Hires details.
• Use the Person Results page to drill down to the Calculate Payroll for Late Hires details.

For more information on the sample .DAT files for these event groups and event actions, see “Example of Loading
Retropay for Late Hires Event Action” in the HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide.

As this illustration shows, you follow a three step process to set up retropay for late hires.

Configure Employee Details

After you have enabled the feature, and you late hire the employee on 01-Mar-2022, complete these payroll steps to
recalculate payroll for the retroactive changes.

1. Assign Payroll
2. (Optional) Assign Element Entries and Calculation Cards
3. (Optional) Review the Hire Date Flow to ensure both tasks are complete
4. (Optional) Review the employee’s Process Results to see the retroactively added Calculate Payroll process
5. (Optional) Review Event Notification
6. Run Retro Payroll Process
7. Run Regular Payroll
As shown in this illustration, add a payroll to the employee to control how and when the employee is paid and verify
the process results. Assign element entries and calculation cards. Then, run the retropay process, which picks up the
retro notification and processes the late hire. Validate the process results. Finally, run the process for regular payroll and
validate the process results.

If the original payroll run used a relationship group, restricting who was processed, this new late hire feature ignores
that run. This is only applicable if you haven’t enabled allowing payrolls with payroll relationship groups to be enabled
in the Event Action HDL. The late hire only adds late hires to payroll calculations that weren't restricted by a relationship

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Related Topics
• Example of How to Transfer Payrolls
• Guidelines for Loading Time and Labor Event Groups

Add a Retroactive Event Notification Manually

Retroactive Events are typically created automatically when you create retroactive adjustments, such as backdated
salary changes.

You can enter the retroactive event manually to generate the correct payslip, such as if payroll hasn't made the pay rate
change effective last pay period for an employee being terminated effective immediately.

Create a Payroll Relationship Event

1. Select the Event Notifications task.
2. Click Create.
3. Use the information in this table enter information into the Create Payroll Relationship Event window.

Field Value

Approval Status Awaiting Processing

Payroll Relationship The person to process

Process Date Date when the retroactive change process is run.

This date indicates when the element change was triggered.

4. Click Save and Close.

Create a Retroactive Event

1. On the Event Notifications page, click the name of the person associated with the payroll relationship event you
2. On the Retroactive Events page, click Create in the Entry Details section.
3. Select the element you want to reprocess, the date the recalculate payroll runs, and a retroactive component.
The element from which the change will be paid to the person is the retroactive component.
4. Repeat the previous step if you want to recalculate multiple elements for this payroll relationship.
5. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

FAQ for RetroPay

How can I create offset entries instead of deleting retroactive entries and
Retroactive payroll is an automated process that generates notifications automatically. If you're sure that the retroactive
entries are unwanted, run retroactive payroll, let these retroactive entries generate and offset them with balancing
amounts with the same retroactive elements added.

If you're sure the retroactive notifications are unwanted, don’t delete the notifications. Run the retroactive process to
generate the retroactive entries. Using the same retroactive elements, create retroactive entries with negative amounts
to offset. You can upload the respective entries via HCM Data Loader. For example, if the retro process has created a
retro entry for $100 of retro overtime, create a new retro overtime entry of -$100 to offset.

It is important to remember not to remove or delete the retroactive notifications. Deleting will just delay the process
and those employees won't be picked up in the next retroactive process. Also, if there are any other retroactive changes
in the period where the delete notification was raised, a new retroactive notification will be created and processed
accordingly. For example, in the scenario above, if you deleted the notification for the $100 of retro overtime without it
being processed and any other changes are made to that period, this unprocessed $100 retro overtime will be picked up
in the recalculation and a retro overtime element entry is created. However, a new notification is not regenerated.

Related Topics
• Overview of Retroactive Pay
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Retroactive Notification Report

Event Notifications
Event Action Notifications
When an event is triggered, the application filters the applicable event groups which include that event, and generates
event notifications for each event action included in those event groups.

Let's consider an example where the application triggers an event for a worker due to a change in their job. This event is
included in an Event Action Group associated with the HCM Rates Recalculation event action. As a result, the application
creates an event action notification for the worker, for HCM Rates Recalculation in the Awaiting Processing status.

When the rates process is run, the application determines all workers with an event action notification of HCM Rates
Recalculation in the awaiting processing status and and recalculates rates for these employees. Once this process is
completed successfully, the notification status is updated to Completed.

You can view and manage event notifications in two ways:

• For event notifications related to retroactive payroll and proration, use the Event Notifications page. You can
configure the events that trigger these notifications using the Event Groups page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• For all other event notifications associated with event actions such as time card resubmission, retroactive
payroll for late hires and generate HCM rates, use the Event Action Notifications page. The event action
groups configure these event actions and loads them through HCM Data Loader.
In order to visualize the impact of an event and the underlying cause for an event notification, you can navigate
between event notifications and events. You can view event action notifications and drill down to view the events
associated with that event notification to detect the type of change, when the change occurred, and who made the
change. You can use the Event Notifications button on the Event Action Notifications page to navigate to the Event
Notifications page for the selected person. This lets you view retropay notifications for the selected person. The back
arrow on the Event Notifications page returns you to Event Action Notifications page.

Alternatively, you can also view the events raised for a person on the Events page, including those events that didn't
raise any event notification. You can then drill down to view the event notifications associated with an event.

The Event Action Groups page consists of the event group setup. Here you can view all the event action groups loaded
through HCM Data Loader and see if any are set up to watch the type of event you're interested in.

Drill Down from Event Action Notifications to Events

When an event that's included in an event action group is triggered, the application generates event action notifications
for that worker. There's one notification raised for each event action included in that event action group.

You can view the event action notifications for a given worker on the Event Action Notifications page. This page
displays details of the event action notifications such as Submission Method, Effective Date and Action Name. You can
also sort and filter the events based on the time period you're considering.

When an event action notification is raised for a worker, it's in an Awaiting Processing status and is associated with
the event. Any further events for the worker, which trigger the same event action, will be associated to the same
event notification as long as it's in an awaiting processing status. The effective date of the event action notification
corresponds to the earliest event date. Once the event action completes successfully, the application updates the status
of the event action notification to Completed. Any further event for the worker triggers a new event action notification.

When you click on the event action notification, you can drill down to the page that shows all the events associated with
that event action notification. Here, you can view details of the events such as the type of change, when the change
occurred, and who made the change. You can also view how many notifications were triggered by each event.

Let's consider a scenario where a restaurant manager notices the time card for one of his direct reports, Vijay Singh, was
resubmitted for approval. He contacts the payroll administrator to understand what triggered this resubmission of his
time card. The payroll administrator searches for Vijay's details on the Event Action Notifications page for the period
that the resubmission was reported. He notices that there is an event action notification for time card resubmission
effective 01 Feb in a completed status. In order to understand which events triggered the resubmission of the time card,
the administrator drills down and finds two events:

• An update to Vijay's bargaining unit effective 01 Feb.

• Transfer to a different department effective 01 Mar.
This way you can visualize the impact of an event and the underlying cause of an event notification to ensure that there
are no pending actions for the worker.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Events for a Person

An event triggers an event notification when it's associated to an event group. Retropay is an example of a feature that
uses event groups.

An event triggers an event action notification when it's associated to an event action group. Time card reprocessing is
an example of a feature that uses event action groups.

The Events page lets you view all events for a worker including those that didn't trigger any event notifications or event
action notifications. You can navigate to this page by clicking the Events button on the Event Action Notifications page.

With the new responsive page, you can identify the events tagged to a worker and view details such as the type of
change, the effective date of the change, who changed it, and when.

Note: You can review events that triggered event notifications for retropay on the events page.

Related Topics
• Event Action Notifications

Drill Down from Events to Event Action Notifications

From the Events page you can navigate to the corresponding Event Notifications tagged to a particular event.

The events page displays information such as the type of change, the effective date of the change, who changed it,
and when. You can also view the number of notifications tagged to the events and their status whether completed or

Let's consider a scenario where an employee Lucy Hall contacts the payroll department about not receiving overtime
despite being moved to a job that's eligible for overtime. During the investigation, the payroll administrator finds out
that the time card was submitted before the change to the job was recorded. The payroll administrator navigates to
the event action notification page and finds no event action notifications for Lucy related to time card resubmission.
To verify which events were triggered, the payroll administrator clicks on the events button and finds the event related
to the change of job. However, when drilling down to the event notifications, no event notification for time card
resubmission was triggered.

By clicking on Event Action Groups, the payroll administrator can verify the event action group that's configured for
time card resubmission and confirm that change of job isn't an included event in the event action group. The payroll
administrator then contacts the team member responsible for the setup to run the HCM Data Loader to update the
event action group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Calculate Payroll Payment Distribution
Calculate the distribution of payments and verify the prepayment calculations before you distribute payroll payments.

This figure shows you the flow of the calculate payment distribution tasks.

Calculate Prepayments
The Calculate Prepayments task calculates the distribution of payroll payments based on employees' payment methods
and uses the payroll run results to calculate the gross-to-net payment. The Calculate Prepayment process locks the
payroll run results to prevent changes and ensures data integrity.

Tip: To roll back run results, first roll back the Calculate Prepayments task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

The Calculate Prepayments task is an automatic task included in the payroll cycle flow. You can also run it as a
standalone process in the Submit a Flow task with these submission parameters:

• Payroll name that determines the payroll relationships to calculate

• Process start date and process end date for the range of records to return
• Optional consolidation group name to limit the scope of the process
• Optional payment source name to override the default payment method
• Optional process configuration group name for processing rules, such as logging
• Optional default payment setting override to issue a check/cheque instead of an electronic funds transfer

Verify Prepayments
Use the Verify Prepayments manual task to review and verify prepayment results before generating payments. Verify
prepayment results for individual records on the View Person Process Results page to ensure that the payee, payment
method, and payment and deduction amounts are accurate.

Take Corrective Action

If you find problems, correct the underlying data and process the correction with one of these:

• Retry the Calculate Prepayments process if it didn't complete successfully.

• Roll back the prepayment results to restore the previous values and remove any record of the prepayment
calculation results. You can only roll back the prepayments process if there were no payments.
• Void the prepayments results to void the payment and then use the Make Payment action to reissue another

Roll Up Third-Party Payments

Use the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup task to consolidate payments from individual contributions into a single
payment for each third-party organization payee. Run this optional process after calculating and verifying prepayments.

Related Topics
• Payroll Payments Distribution
• Verify and Troubleshoot Payments
• Status of Flow Tasks

Split Up Payroll Payments

You can allocate payroll payments to different personal payment methods using percentages, fixed amounts, or a
combination. You can create personal payment methods the Manage Personal Payment Methods page. These scenarios
illustrate how you can split up payments.

Use Fixed Amount Payments

Barbara wants 100 USD deposited in her savings account each payroll period and the remainder paid through check/
cheque. Barbara first creates a check/cheque payment method so it's processed last. Then she creates an electronic

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

funds transfer (EFT) payment method for her savings account and sets the amount to 100. When Barbara decides to
stop the transfers to her savings account, she deletes that payment method.

Use Percentage Payments

Oscar wants to contribute to the college fund he set up for his children. Oscar frequently receives bonuses and sales
commissions and his net payment amount always changes. So he adds a payment method that allocates four percent of
his pay to the fund. By using a percentage rather than a fixed amount, Oscar can contribute to the fund at the same rate
he earns.

Use a Combination of Payments

Jim works in Arizona, but his wife and children reside in Texas. Each payroll period, Jim wants the following

• 900 USD transferred to his checking account for his wife's household expenses in Texas
• A percentage transferred to his children's college fund
• The remainder paid to him by check/cheque for his expenses in Arizona

Jim creates three payment methods: a check/cheque payment method for remaining pay, an EFT payment method with
his checking account bank details, and an EFT payment method with the college fund bank account details.

Payroll Payments Distribution

The Distribute Payroll Payments activity performs several tasks. It creates payments, archives the results and runs
payroll register, generates reports, to include payslips, and runs payment register.

Payroll payments are typically a part of the payroll cycle flow or a QuickPay flow, or as a standalone process using the
Submit a Flow task. You can view the task results on the Person Process Results or Process Results Summary page.

Note: The Make External Payments process isn't a typical payroll cycle task. You submit this process as part of the
QuickPay flow or as a standalone process.

Sequence of Tasks
This shows the sequence of payment distribution tasks for a typical payroll cycle. Your flow could include additional or
fewer tasks.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Note: The Archive Payroll Results runs before Run Payroll Register and Generate Payslips.

Overview of the Payment Distribution Tasks

This table describes the payment distribution tasks.

Task Description

Generate Check Payments Generates check/cheque payments for all payees including third-party payees, using a predefined

Make EFT Payments Generates electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments for all payees with a payment method of EFT.

Include intermediary bank account details in the EFT file to facilitate an intercountry payment. For
example, intermediary bank accounts are used to route payments when an employer's US bank doesn't
have relationships with banks in the developing world. The payments are sent from your company
bank account to the intermediary bank account, and onto the employee’s bank account.


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Task Description

Use the Financials SOAP service to load intermediary bank account details for your employees. When
using the Financial SOAP service, the intermediary bank accounts must be attached separately for
each employee bank account.

Make External Payments Addresses special situations where you don't want to use the normal payment process. Examples

• Replace a lost check/cheque that you voided

• Create a final payroll check/cheque for a terminated employee
• Pay using a different payment type or payment source than specified in the normal payment

Archive Periodic Payroll Results Makes the data available for reports, such as the payroll register and payslips.

Run Payroll Register Verifies and provides an audit trail of a payroll run including hours, earnings, and deductions by PSU
and TRU. In detail mode, shows the complete details for each employee.

Generate and Verify Payslips Generates a payslip for all paid payments matching your criteria except:

• Voided payments
• Reversed payroll calculations
• Data not archived
• Previously generated payslips

Run Payment Register Verifies and provides an audit trail of payments generated by all payment processes, including total
amounts paid by payment category, type, status, and method. In detail mode, shows payments for
each employee.

Related Topics
• View Payments
• Verify and Troubleshoot Payments
• View and Edit Archive Results
• Corrective Actions for Payments
• Calculate Payroll Payment Distribution

View Payments
View Payment data to verify payee, amount and payment status information from different areas for accuracy.

Work Area
This table shows you the advantages of viewing payment information from the different payroll work areas. Depending
on where you're in the process, you may want to view the process results directly from the person record or the process

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

results. Use Person Process Results to view the process results for a person or use Process Results Summary to locate
the process and view all results.

Payroll Phase Work Area Starting Point Available Tasks

Working on the current payroll or QuickPay run Payroll Checklist On the Payroll Flow checklist page, click the
Task Details tab to see a list of payment tasks
and their statuses.

Navigate to the Payroll Flow Processes and

Reports tab for a particular task and perform
standard task actions, such as Mark for Retry,
Retry, and Roll Back.

For a completed process, view the output of

the process or navigate to the Process Results
Summary or to the Person Process Results
to view individual payment results and take
corrective action.

Working on tasks for different payroll periods or Payroll Use the Payments search in the regional area
payroll runs to query payments by payment method, payee,
or legislative data group. You can view payment
details, but you can't select actions from the
Payments search results.

Use Process Results Summary to search for a

payment process.

You can also use the Person Process Results

navigate to the payment results and take
corrective action.

Type of Payment Information

Use this table to decide which type of payment information you want to view.

Method Process Results Person Results

User Interface Query the payroll flow from the Overview page Use the Person Process Results task.
of the Payroll Checklist and go to the task you
want to view.

Report Use the Payroll Register to view summary-level Use the Payroll Register to view detailed,
payment information for a payroll run. person-level payment information

Related Topics
• Payroll Payments Distribution
• Corrective Actions for Payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Generate Check/Cheque Payments and Check/Cheque Numbers

Use the Generate Check Payments process to generate check/cheque payments in a predefined format for all payees
who have a check/cheque payment method and a net pay greater than 0.

The printed check/cheque format and check/cheque stub information can vary, based on your organization's
requirements. Enter the starting check/cheque number, and optionally, an ending check/cheque number when you
submit the check/cheque payment process.

Starting Check/Cheque Numbers

Before you begin printing checks/cheques, verify the starting check/cheque number in the application matches the
printed check/cheque.

Ending Check/Cheque Numbers

You don't have to enter the ending check/cheque number but there are benefits, such as it puts a break in the print job
allowing you to synchronize the numbers entered as submission parameters with the numbers printed on the checks/
cheques. You may need to print separate batches of consecutively numbered checks/cheques, such as when you have
one box of checks/cheques numbered 4500 through 4999 and another box numbered 7000 through 7999. In this
scenario, if you don't enter the last check/cheque number from the first box and print more than 500 checks/cheques,
the payment process will record incorrect check/cheque numbers for the remaining checks/cheques.

Verify and Troubleshoot Payments

Verify each payroll task before continuing with the next one to minimize the effort involved in correcting problems. For
example, be sure to check/cheque payroll run results and prepayment results before generating payments.

Review and verify payment information in this sequence and take corrective action before proceeding to the next task:

Verify Payroll Run Results

Follow these steps:

1. Use these payroll reports to verify run results:

◦ Gross-to-Net Report
◦ Balance Exception Report
◦ Element Result Register
◦ Payroll Balance Report
◦ Payroll Activity Report
◦ Any additional country-specific or user-defined reports

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

2. Use the View Person Process Results page for the Payroll Calculation process to verify information. This table
helps you with an approach to verifying:

Information to Verify Approach

Balances, including gross pay, Use the Gross to Net tab of the Statement of Earnings.
deductions, and net payment

Accruals Use the Paid Time Off tab of the Statement of Earnings.

Deduction details Use the Deduction Card tab of the Statement of Earnings.

Costing results Review the costing results for this person for the selected run. Costing details include only
those elements processed in the run that have costing information defined for them. If the
results are incorrect, you can process a corrective action.

Balance results Review balance results to confirm that the payroll run completed successfully, to check/cheque
that a worker has the correct pay and amount of tax deducted, and to check/cheque a balance
before and after adjusting it.

Run results Review run results for all elements processed.

Messages View messages generated by payroll processes, if any.

3. If you find errors you can correct, correct the underlying data and use the Retry and Mark for Retry task actions.
4. If you find an error in a person's record that requires additional information or research before you can correct
it, roll back the record to remove the person from the payroll run and continue processing the payroll.

Note: Correct the problem and process the person's payroll in a QuickPay run.

5. If you find multiple problems in the payroll run, you may want to roll back the entire process and then rerun it
after making all the necessary corrections.

Verify Prepayments
Review the results on the View Payroll Process Results page when you run the Calculate Prepayments task as a
standalone process. If you discover an error in prepayment results, use Retry, Mark for Retry, and Roll Back task actions.
You can roll back the record for an individual or roll back an entire process if necessary.

Troubleshoot Payments Issues

You can find the resources in this table to help you through the troubleshooting process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Resource Description

Payment Results section of the View Check/cheque that the payment results match the prepayment results that you reviewed earlier.
Person Process Results page

Payroll Register Verify total payment amounts per balance category and compare payment values to previous periods.

Payment Register summary Verify the total amounts paid by payment category, type, status, and method.

Payment Register detail Validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check/cheque

Optionally, filter this report by location when reconciling payments. The report lists the payroll
relationship records based on a person's assignment location. The location is listed with the other
parameters, but not on the results.

Log file Review the log file to obtain detailed information about the results of the submitted process.

If you discover an error after generating payments, you can't simply roll back the payment process. You must decide the
appropriate action to take based on the source of the problem, as shown in the following table.

Scenario Corrective Action

The check/cheque is correct, but was lost, Do one of the following:

stolen, or destroyed.
• Void the original payment and reissue using the normal payment process.
• Void the original payment and make an external payment to replace it.

Related Topics
• Corrective Actions for Payments
• Examples of Correcting Payments
• Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution Reports
• How can I access a log file for a payroll flow, extract, or report?

Examples of Third-Party Payments

These scenarios show you how to pay third-party payees. Third-party payees can be an individual person or an

Child Support to a Former Spouse

While this example illustrates payment directly to a third-party person, most child support payments are payable to a
third-party organization such as a State Disbursement Unit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

John Smith is an employee at your organization. Mary Smith receives a child-support payment each payroll period
that's deducted from John's salary. To set up payments for Mary:

1. Create Mary as a third-party person.

2. Create Mary's third-party payment method and select the payroll relationship for John.
3. Add the child support order to John's involuntary deduction calculation card and select Mary's name in the
Order Amount Payee field.

Organization Processing Fee to a County Sheriff's Office

The County Sheriff's office receives an organization fee on garnishment payments. When you create the third-party
organization, designate it as an external payee before you create its third-party payment method. When you add
the garnishment order to the employee's involuntary deduction calculation card, select the County Sheriff in the
Organization Fee Payee field.

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• How do I generate payments to third-party payees?
• Third-Party Payment Methods Overview
• Third Parties Overview

Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Overview

Once you have calculated payroll, you're ready to pay your employees and third parties. Use the Generate Payments for
Employees and Third Parties flow to generate check/cheque payments.

This process selects employees and third parties processed in the prepayments process within the payroll run and have
a payment method of check/cheque.

Before you generate the check/cheque payments, consider these scenarios:

• You may have multiple employee deductions made to the same third-party payee, such as multiple child
support orders. Rather than make individual payments for each individual employee deduction, use the Run
Third-Party Payment Rollup process to combine individual employee deductions and make a single payment to
the payee.
• You may have both employees and third parties to pay. Use the Run Generate Payments for Employees and
Third Parties to generate your checks/cheques for employees and then again to generate checks/cheques for
your third parties. Use the Payee Type field to designate which will be included in the process.
• You may have specific third parties to exclude from the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup process to produce an
individual check/cheque per payment. Select the Exclude from Third-Party Payment Rollup Process check box
on the Third-Party Organization Payment Methods page to exclude a third-party payee from the Run Third-
Party Payment Rollup process.
• You may have a third-party payee that requires payments on a date that's different from the employee payment
date. For example, your employee payroll payments are on the last day of the month but you may want to make
third-party payments 5 days later. Use the Time Definitions task to create a time definition defining a time span
of 5 days. Select this new time definition in the Time Definition field on the Third-Party Person or Organization
Payment Methods UI. Enter the relevant process dates and run the prepayments process, for example, with a
process date of 30, June. This stamps the effective employee payments date as 30-June and the third-party
payments date as 05-July. The Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties process is run twice:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

◦ Once for the employees with a last day of the month process end date, such as 30-June
◦ Once for the third parties with a process end date of plus 5, such as 05-July, and an overriding payment
date of 05-July
• You may have different banks with different check/cheque templates. To accommodate, you must create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template and then attach it to the payment source:
◦ Define report categories for each unique bank and check/cheque template combination to create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template. Use the Organization Payment
Methods page to associate the report category for third-party payee and report category for worker to
the payment source.
◦ Select the new report category for the requisite bank's payment source so that the process uses the
correct check/cheque template when generating its check/cheque payments. Use the Organization
Payment Methods task to define the payment source for third-party payments. Attach the correct report
category for that payment source. Use the Report Category for Third-Party Payee or Report Category for
Worker field in the Payee Information section of the Create Payment Source page.
• Define report categories for each unique bank and check/cheque template combination if you want to create a
report category for each separate bank and check/cheque template. The report category for third-party payee
and report category for worker are associated to the payment source in the Organization Payment Methods

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Rollup
• Third-Party Payment Methods
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Process
• Third Parties Overview

How to Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments for

the UK
The Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task selects employees and third parties who:

• Are processed in the prepayments process for a given payroll

• Have a payment method of cheque
Payroll Managers and Payroll Administrators can run this process from the Payment Distribution work area.

Before you Start

The prerequisite tasks for the Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task include:

• Create the third party and the third party payment method, and associate a deduction from the employee to
pay the third party.
• Add an organization payment method, including a payment source (the bank details should already be set up).
• Add a payroll definition, including a default payment method of cheque, and all valid payment methods.
• Attach a payroll to the employee.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

• Attach element entries to the employee.

• Calculate payroll.
• Run the Prepayments process to calculate the distribution of net pay.
• Run the Payroll Archive process to archive the earnings, deductions, tax calculation details, accruals, payment
methods, and so on.

Generate the Employee and Third-Party Payments

Run this process to generate cheques for your employees and then run the process again to generate cheques for your
third parties. To run the process:

1. Open the Payment Distribution work area, and click Submit a Process or Report from the Tasks pane.
2. Select the required legislative data group.
3. Select the Generate Employee and Third-Party Cheque Payments task, and click Next.
4. Enter a unique payroll flow name.

Note: Name the flow so you can easily identify the process later. This is helpful while searching, so you can
determine what you have already run or if you must roll back any process.

5. Specify the required payroll name.

6. Select the payee type for which the cheque payment process is run. The available options are Employee or Third
Party. You can generate the cheque payments for either employees or third parties.
7. Enter a Process Start Date to define the date range of this process.
8. Enter a Process End Date to define the date range of this process.
9. Select the required consolidation group to view the payments for all payrolls that are included in this
consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. This
isn't a required field. If you don't select a value, the process uses the default consolidation group assigned to
the payroll.
10. Select the OPM you want to use for this process. The value you select determines the payment source to make
the payments. There could be multiple payment sources in the OPM.
11. Select the payment source to process for the above payment method. This parameter is optional. If you have
defined attributes, such as a payment file limit or report category, at the payment source level, you should enter
the payment source. When you enter the payment source, the defined attributes are applied.

Note: You can have different payment sources (bank accounts), with different banks, which have different
cheque templates. You must then run the cheque process for each payment source and each set of payees.
Select the correct payment source so that the correct stationary is used for the payments.

To accommodate this requirement, you must first create a report category for each separate bank and cheque
template. Attach the created report category to the appropriate bank's payment source so that the correct
cheque template is used to generate the cheque payments.
12. Optionally, specify an Overriding Payment Date on which a payment is due to be made to the payee.
13. Specify the Start Cheque Number in the sequence of cheques used for payroll processing.
14. Specify the End Cheque Number in the sequence of cheques used for payroll processing.
15. Select a Process Configuration Group if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll
processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group, the
process uses the parameters in the default group.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Process

The Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties flow selects employees and third parties that:
• Are processed in the prepayments process for a given payroll.
• Have a payment method of check/cheque.
Submit the Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties flow from the Submit a Flow page.

The prerequisite tasks for the Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties task include:

• Create the third party, create the third-party payment method, and associate an employee deduction to pay the
third party.
• Add an organization payment method (OPM), to include a payment source.
Note: The bank details should already be set up.

• Add a payroll definition, to include a default payment method of check/cheque, and all valid payment methods.
• Attach a payroll to the employee.
• Attach element entries to the employee.
• Calculate payroll.
• Run the Calculate Prepayments process to calculate the distribution of net pay.
• Run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process to archive the earnings, deductions, tax calculation details,
accruals, payment methods, and so on.

Generate Employee and Third-Party Payments

Run this process to generate checks/cheques for your employees and then run the process again to generate checks/
cheques for your third parties.

Follow these steps to run the Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties flow from the Submit a Flow page:

1. Click Submit a Flow.

2. Select the required legislative data group.
3. Select the Generate Payments for Employees and Third Parties and click Next.
4. Enter a unique payroll flow name.
Note: Name the flow with a name to easily identify the process later. You need to be able to determine what
you have already run and you may need to locate it to roll back the process.

5. Specify the required payroll name.

6. Select the payee type for which the check/cheque payment process is run. The available options are Employee
or Third Party. You can generate the check payments for either employees or third parties.
7. Enter a Process Start Date to define the date range of this process.
8. Enter a Process End Date to define the date range of this process.
9. Select the required consolidation group to view the payments for all payrolls that are included in this
consolidation group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Note: A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. This isn't a
mandatory field. If you don't select a value, the process uses the default consolidation group assigned to the

10. Select the OPM you want to use for this process.

Note: The value you select determines the payment source to make the payments. There could be multiple
payment sources in the OPM.

11. Select the payment source to process for the above payment method. This parameter is optional. If you have
defined attributes, such as a payment file limit or report category, at the payment source level, you should enter
the payment source. When you enter the payment source, the defined attributes are applied.

Note: You can have different payment sources (bank accounts), with different banks, which have different
check/cheque templates. You must then run the check/cheque process for each payment source and each
set of payees. Select the correct payment source so that the correct stationary is used for the payments.

Tip: To accommodate this requirement, you must first create a report category for each separate bank and
check/cheque template. Attach the created report category to the appropriate bank's payment source so that
the correct check/cheque template is used to generate the check/cheque payments.

12. Optionally, specify an Overriding Payment Date on which a payment is due to be made to the payee.
13. Specify the Start Check/cheque Number in the sequence of checks/cheques used for payroll processing.
14. Specify the End Check/cheque Number in the sequence of checks/cheque used for payroll processing.
15. Select a Process Configuration Group if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll
processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group, the
process uses the parameters in the default group.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Rollup
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Overview
• Examples of Using Consolidation Groups
• Payroll Process Configuration Groups

Corrective Actions for Payments

Once you determine the cause of the error and status of the process, you can choose the best corrective action to take.

Void a Payment
Void a payment simply updates the payment status of the record to Void and doesn't reverse or delete any payment
calculation information.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

The most common reasons you would void a payment would be:

• A check/cheque payment that was lost, stolen, or destroyed.

Tip: Unless the check/cheque is in your possession, contact the bank that holds the source account to stop
payment on the check/cheque.

• An electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment was sent to a bank account that's now closed.

To void and reissue a payment:

1. Select the Void Payment action from the drop down on Person Process Results or Person Results page for the
2. Reissue the payment in the next payment run.
Once you have voided a payment, the application reissues it automatically the next time you run the payments
process for the same payment type, payment method, and payment date as the voided payment.

Reversing Payroll Calculations

You can reverse a payroll calculation after generating a payment. The reversal process generates a negative run result to
offset the original run result, and maintains an audit trail. The reversal doesn't affect the payment itself, only the payroll
run results and costing results.

Note: This differs from the Roll Back action performed when a payment wasn't issued.

The most common reasons you would reverse payroll calculations would be:

• A check/cheque was issued to the wrong employee.

• An overpayment or underpayment was made to an employee.

You can a reverse a payment within the same payroll period it was generated but if you reverse the calculation after
running prepayments but before the payment process, the process will still issue payment. You can reverse a payment
from a previous payroll period, before or after processing the payroll for the current period.

To reverse the payroll run results and costing results:

1. Select the Reversal action from the Person Process Results or Person Results page to reverse an individual
calculation or Submit the Reverse Payroll Calculation process from the Submit a Flow task in Payroll to reverse a
set of payroll calculations, based on the parameters you select.
When you submit a reversal, you can control whether the next prepayments process, which covers the date of the
reversal, includes the negative net pay value, as shown in this table.

Scenario You Reverse Negative Net Pay Option Result


On April 30 you incorrectly pay a Temporary employee's payment in Include in Pay Next prepayments run that
temporary employee for the hours the May payroll run includes the reversal date reduces
of another employee. the temporary employee's payment

The temporary employee agrees

to have the overpayment deducted
from the next pay check/cheque.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Scenario You Reverse Negative Net Pay Option Result


An employee terminates on April Employee's April payroll run using Exclude from Pay Next prepayments run that
30, but the information isn't the same process date for the includes the reversal date doesn't
communicated to the payroll reversal as you did for the payroll reduce the employee's payment.
department. run

The employee contacts the payroll

department, informs the payroll
manager of the overpayment, and
returns the check/cheque.

Error Prevents Process from Completing

When an error prevents the payroll calculation or payment generation process form successfully completing, correct
the underlying data. Depending on the status of the process, the standard payroll actions, Mark for Retry and Retry are
available for you to use.

Incorrect Results
When a process completes successfully but the results are incorrect, use the Roll Back action to negate the results of the
process and leave no audit trail. This effectively lets you start over with no trace of the action.

Note: Once the process issues a payment, you can't roll it back.

Corrective Actions in Reports

Some reports, such as the Payroll Activity and Payroll Register, include a submission parameter for Balances Reported.
This parameter determines whether the report includes payment and nonpayment balances for reversals and balance
adjustments. For example, you might process a reversal and include the negative net payment in the next prepayments
process. You submit the Payroll Register report and select the option to include payment balances only. Use this report
to review payroll results and compare balances with other reports you have run.

Note: For some tasks that generate files, such as reports, checks/cheques, and EFT payments, you can retry or roll
back the entire task but not individual results.

Related Topics
• Examples of Correcting Payments
• Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results
• Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances
• Create a Flow Pattern to Reissue a Check

Examples of Correcting Payments

These scenarios require corrective actions for payments and provide you the steps to take to resolve.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

Employee's Check/Cheque is Lost


An employee's check/cheque is lost, stolen, or destroyed.

Corrective Action:

1. Void payment using one of these tasks:

◦ Select the Void Payment action from Person Process Results page.
◦ Select the Void Payment action from Process Results Summary page.
2. Reissue payment in one of the following ways:
◦ Make an external payment.
Note: This process prevents the check/cheque from being included in the next payments run. You
can record the check/cheque number for the replacement check/cheque and the reason why you're
making the payment externally.

◦ Allow the normal payment process to issue the payment.

Note: The Void status includes it automatically in the payments process for the date of the voided
payment, unless you prevent its reissue. The replacement check/cheque retains the original payment

3. Unless the check/cheque is in your possession, contact the bank for the source account to stop payment on the

Checks/cheques Require Reprinting Due to a Printer Problem


Your printer jams while printing a batch of checks/cheques. The printer destroys one check/cheque and generates a
blank check/cheque, which causes a mismatch between the check/cheque number displayed on the person's record
and the number on the printed check/cheque.

Corrective Action:

1. Because you didn't reissue the checks/cheque you can roll back the batch check/cheque payment process and
then rerun the checks/cheque.
2. If the printing problem results in missing check/cheque numbers, void the checks/cheques to create an audit
3. Adjust your starting and ending check/cheque numbers as needed when you resubmit the payment process.
Note: As a best practice, roll back all the check/cheque payments to create a range of check/cheque
numbers for printing. Printing individual checks/cheque means the check/cheque numbers aren't
continuous, which can create problems when printing on preprinted stationery.

Employee Requests to be Paid in a Different Currency


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

An employee works and pays taxes in the UK, but wants to receive payments to a bank account in her home country of
China. You set up payment methods so that the payment process converts the net pay amount from sterling to yuan.

Corrective Action:

1. Define an organization payment method of EFT for the Chinese currency

2. Define a personal payment method for the Chinese bank account.
3. Run QuickPay and select the new payment method. QuickPay calculates the correct pay amount in the currency
associated with the selected payment method.
4. Make an EFT payment to the Chinese bank account.

EFT Payment is Made to a Closed Bank Account


An employee changes banks without notifying the payroll department, and the payment process sends an EFT payment
to a closed account.

Corrective Action:

Void the EFT payment. Once voided, you can either process the payment in the next payroll run or make an external

Payroll Check/cheque Expires Before It's Cashed


Your payroll checks/cheque expire after 90 days, and you receive a notification that an employee never cashed a check/
cheque that you issued four months ago.

Corrective Action:

Void the original check/cheque. Run the Generate Check Payments process and set the new payment date in the
Overriding Payment Date.

Related Topics
• Verify and Troubleshoot Payments
• Examples of the QuickPay Process
• Submit a QuickPay Flow to Correct a Payroll Calculation Error

How does the Hours * Rate calculation rule work for elements?
If you leave the input value for hours blank for the employee, the payroll process calculates the number of hours based
on the employee's work schedule.

On the Element Entries task, if you enter 0 for the input value, then it calculates no hours and the pay value is 0.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

FAQ for Payments

How can I view the PDF Checks after I generate check payments?
After you generate the checks, you can view the PDF Checks from the Output and Log Files section of the Process
Results Details page.

Submit a flow to generate the check payments, and navigate to the Checklist or View Flows page in the Flow Submission
and Results section of the Payroll page. Search for the submitted flow name and click on the name of the flow. Expand
the Output and Log Files section of the Process Results Details page to view the PDF output of the process.

Why does the payslip display payments for a later payroll period?
These reports include the payslip and Payroll Register Report. The payroll period with the latest date earned is used
in reports to display the combined payment results. This means you submitted a prepayments process that includes
payroll calculations where the date earned of a calculation falls in a different payroll period.

For example, you process a QuickPay for a person on a weekly payroll. The date earned for the QuickPay is 7 November,
which falls in the first payroll period. You decide to include the QuickPay payment in next week's payroll, which has a
date earned of 14 November. The payslip that includes the QuickPay will show the combined results of the QuickPay and
the regular pay as of the second payroll period.

To generate reports and payslips for the payroll period the date earned occurs, process prepayments separately for
calculations where the date earned falls in an earlier payroll period.

What's the International Transfer payment type?

This payment type supports payment methods for electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments in a different country from
the originating payment source.

As a Payroll Manager, you can create EFT payment methods for employees to transfer funds to foreign banks if an
International Transfer organization payment method exists for their legislative data group.

Can I roll back a payment after generating it?

No, you can't roll back the payment process after you generate a payment. You can void and reissue a check/cheque

An exception would be if something had damaged all of the checks/cheques in a payment run. In this case, because the
application generated but didn't issue payments, you could roll back and rerun the entire payment process.

How do I generate payments to third-party payees?

The payment process generates third-party payments for all deduction elements included in the process using the flow
submission parameters you specify. Payment methods for all third-party payees must already exist.

You can run the check/cheque or EFT payment process as part of the payroll cycle flow or as a standalone process using
the Submit a Flow task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Process Payroll

What's the difference between rolling back and reversing a payment action?
The Roll Back action deletes the process and leaves no audit trail. For example, you might roll back the prepayment
process if you discover an error before generating payments.

The Reverse action reverses the payroll calculation, generates a negative run result to offset the original run result, and
leaves an audit trail. For example, you might reverse the calculation for a payment that you made in error and didn't

Related Topics
• Corrective Actions for Payments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

6 Payroll Results

Payroll Run Results

How Payroll Run Results Are Calculated
The calculation of payroll run results begins with identifying the payroll relationships and element entries to process. A
series of gross-to-net calculations based on legislative requirements create run results and balances.

You can verify these results by viewing the statement of earnings and payroll reports. If you implement costing, the
process also calculates the cost distributions.

Parameters That Affect Processing

This table lists flow submission parameters determine, which determine the records that the Calculate Payroll task

Parameters Required Result

Payroll Flow Name, Payroll Name, Payroll Yes Determine which payroll relationships and
Period, Run Type element entries to process, and the time period
dates to use for the calculations

Element Group, Payroll Relationship Group No Restrict the people and elements processed by
the flow

Process Configuration Group No Determine performance parameters, such as

logging and chunk size

How Results Are Calculated

Before submitting the Calculate Payroll flow, you submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes flow to process
separately elements enabled for retroactive pay. Payroll calculation and recalculation occur at the payroll relationship
level. They involve these actions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

The main steps of the payroll run processing:

1. The calculation process:

◦ Identifies the payroll relationships to process
◦Evaluates the assignment status of each identified payroll relationship to determine whether to include
the assignment.
2. The process creates these actions:
◦ Payroll action representing the payroll run
◦Payroll relationship action for each relationship processed, with child actions for each run type used in
the run.
3. The calculation process loads the element entries for a payroll relationship and uses this information:
◦ Processing sequence by determining priority of the element and the subpriority of the element entry, if
◦ Processing type and rules.
- Processing calculations for:
- Unprocessed nonrecurring entries
- Recurring entries, in accordance with frequency rules and skip rule formulas associated with the
4. If the element is associated with a calculation component, the process references information held on the
calculation card, including:
◦ Calculation factors that indicate the correct values
◦ Calculation type to use in the calculation based on formula contexts
◦ Calculation value definition to use and any overriding values
5. The process uses a proration formula to calculate elements enabled for proration if the value of the element
entry changed within the payroll period.
6. The process identifies the payroll formula to run and how to handle the results:
◦ The status processing rule associated with the element determines which formula the process uses to
calculate the element entry, based on the assignment status.
◦ Formula result rules determine how to use the results generated by the formula, such as:
- Message
- Direct result
- Indirect result
Indirect results affect the further processing of the current element or another element, as defined
in the formula result rule.
The formula for some payroll calculations involves multiple steps, calling other formulas. For example, the
iterative formulas for calculating gross-up earnings include multiple steps. The formula for calculating a
deduction could have a prerequisite step to calculate the exemption amount.
7. The calculation process ends with one run result value for each element entry value. If the element entry
involves currency conversion, the payroll calculation uses the current exchange rate and rounds the monetary
result based on the formula rules.
8. For each run result, the process determines which balances the result to feed with the run result values. The
process then writes and updates the balances to the database.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

9. If you implemented costing, the process calculates the cost and offset entries for your run results.

This shows you how the results for a regular run calculate at the payroll relationship level of entries at the assignment,
and payroll relationship level, including:

• Pension, tax, and court order entries processed at the payroll relationship level for the regular run
• The salary element processed and paid with other earnings
• The bonus element processed separately, and paid with other earnings

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

Related Topics
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Restrict Payroll Processing
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values
• How Payroll Cost Results are Calculated
• Overview of Using Formulas

View and Verify Payroll Run Results

View and Verify payroll calculations for the payroll run or a QuickPay flow ensures the accuracy of your results.

Watch video

Check your results as you complete payroll tasks and processes to minimize number of problems and reduce effort
required to fix them. You can review results for the entire process or one person.

Note: An error in the run results typically means an error in your payments.

Use the Process Results Summary task to locate the payroll process and view all the results processed. Drill down to
view a person's payroll run results on the View Person Process Results page by choosing Run Results from the Action
list. This table helps you decide your starting point.

Access Run Results Purpose

Person Process Results page View the payroll relationship records processed by the flow and view details for individual records.

Use the Process Results Summary task

Select the process

Person Results page View a list of payrolls processed for a person. Use to research results for a person over several payroll
periods. For example, you need to research an outstanding balance on a loan deduction where the
Use the Person Results task, employee's payments were made over a series of payroll periods.

Select the process

Use the Person Process Results task Query the person and view the run results.

You can export an employee’s payroll run results into a file, such as a Microsoft Excel Workbook File. When you're
viewing the run results, click the Export button on the page to export to a file and save.

Use the payroll run reports to view results before calculating prepayments. Reports offer different ways of showing the
run results, such as by aggregate amounts or detailed listings by element for each payroll relationship. Decide which
report to view based on the type of standard verifications your enterprise uses.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

Review the log file for a process, report, or extract flow you submitted. The log includes detailed information about the
payroll run results, such as information about an error raised while processing a task.

Related Topics
• Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports
• How to View the Statement of Earnings
• Troubleshoot Missing Elements in Payroll Run Results
• Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results
• How can I access a log file for a payroll flow, extract, or report?

How to View the Statement of Earnings

Watch video

Use the Statement of Earnings to view all the relevant information of an employee's payroll run in a single place so that
you can view and verify the run results easily. For example, as a payroll manager of an employee who's transferred to
another state or province, you can view the employee's Statement of Earnings to verify their withholding is paid to the
correct state or province.

You can open an employee's Statement of Earnings using either of these tasks:

• Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view their Statement of Earnings.
• Use the Process Results Summary task to search and select the flow you've submitted and view individual
records processed by the flow. Use the Actions menu on an individual record to open the Statement of
Earnings of the employee.
You can find the Person Results and the Process Results Summary tasks in the Payroll section under My Client
Groups on the Home page.

Details of the Statement of Earnings

The Statement of Earnings shows you the processing details and the breakdown of the payroll calculations by balance

When you open the Statement of Earnings page for an employee, the page first loads the Net Pay amount of the
employee. You can view at a glance the Net Pay amount for the employee. The page displays an icon to indicate that the
page is loading more information such as the total amounts of other balance groups. Data for other balance groups are
displayed subsequently on the page.

After all the information gets loaded onto the page, you can navigate to the other regions of the Statement of Earnings.
For example, you can expand the Gross Pay or Employee Tax Deductions to view more details of the calculations.

The tabs and sections available to view depends on your country's implementation. The tabs at the top of the Statement
of Earnings display the following:

• Net Payment
• Earnings
• Employee Tax Deductions

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

• Employer Contributions

The tabs show the overview of amounts calculated, click on the amount to view the year-to-date balance totals.

Use the Actions menu at the page-level to select other results to review on the View Person Process Results page. This
table lists the sections you can view in place of the Statement of Earnings.

Sections Details

Costing Results Costing details for elements processed in the payroll run that have costing information defined for

Balance Results Balance results that confirm the payroll run has completed successfully.

• Verify that an employee has the correct pay and amount of tax deducted
• Review a balance before and after adjusting it

Messages Messages generated by payroll processes when they raise warnings or errors.

Run Results Run results for each element processed in the payroll run. Use the filter options to narrow your search.
For example, filter on state or province to view if the employee's balance calculation reflects values for
the new state or province.

Calculation Card For example, open the transferred employee's calculation card to verify if the work address reflects the
new state or province.

Control the Details to View in the Statement of Earnings

The Person Process Results page shows the results for all the run types processed for the payroll run at the payroll
relationship level. Use one of these options to control which details display in the detailed and summary sections of the
Statement of Earnings.

• Use the Process field to view the Statement of Earnings of the employee for a previous payroll period. Also view
the child processes included in the master process, such as the processes included in a QuickPay or the run
types if the payroll run included more than one run type.
• If the employee has multiple assignments, use the Assignment field to view the appropriate earnings at the
assignment level.
• Use the Show Details option to view more details of the payroll calculations, for example to view details of the
Employee Tax Deductions or the Taxable Benefits calculations.

Troubleshoot Missing Elements in Payroll Run Results

If you review the Payroll Activity Report and determine that the payroll run results don't include run results for an
element a person should receive, you can take several steps to investigate the reason for the missing element entry.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

Troubleshooting Tips
Confirm from the Statement of Earnings section of the Person Process Results page or the Element Results Register
whether the payroll calculation included the element. If you don't find it, you can try these steps:.

1. Review the submission parameter on the Payroll Flow page to check whether they include a payroll relationship
group or element group.

If it's included, then query these groups on the Object Groups page to confirm that the payroll relationship
group includes the person, and that the element group includes the element.
2. Review the element entries for eligibility on the Element Entries page.

If the element isn't listed then the employee may not be eligible to receive the element. For involuntary and
statutory deductions, review the calculation card to ensure the details are up-to-date.
3. Review the employee's assigned payrolls and element duration dates to ensure the element entry falls within
the duration dates.

If you recently hired, terminated, or transferred the person to a new payroll, query the person on the Payroll
Relationships page to verify dates.
4. Review the run type on the Run Types page for the payroll run matches the elements you expect.

If the run type of the expected element isn't in the payroll run, modify to include.

Related Topics
• How to View the Statement of Earnings
• Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results
• View and Verify Payroll Run Results
• Payroll Activity Report

Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results

Corrective actions, such as Mark for Retry, Retry and Roll Back, are to be used when payroll results contain errors.
Availability depends on the type of task, its status, subsequent tasks locked the results of the task, and the cause of the

Once you have determined the status of the task, corrective action to use and which corrective method to use, process
the correction directly from the Payroll Checklist, Person Process Results or Process Results Summary pages.

Determine the Status of the Task

Status icons in the checklist or payroll flow, and the Person Process Results or Process Results Summary pages show the
status of tasks and records and determines the actions you can take. For example, if the last task in a flow is complete
but you receive information that requires updating a person's element entry, you update the status to incomplete and
select Retry or Roll Back from the Actions menu.

Decide Which Corrective Action to Use

Some tasks involve the transfer of information to other applications and don't support roll back or retry, such as the
Create Final Accounting task, but most task do support these actions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

This table helps you decide when to use the corrective actions.

Action When to Use Examples

Roll Back Delete all the records processed by the task While reviewing run results, you discover
an error in a person's record that requires
additional research. You do the following steps:

1. Roll back the person's record to remove it

from the payroll run.
2. Correct the error.
3. Submit a QuickPay flow to calculate the
payroll for the person.

Mark for Retry Indicate which records require reprocessing While reviewing run results, you receive late
information that requires updating a person's
element entry. You do the following steps:

1. Mark the record for retry.

2. Update the element entry data.
3. Retry the task to reprocess the record.

Retry Resubmit records marked for retry or in error You didn't update a formula for an earnings
element before calculating the payroll. You do
the following steps:

1. Correct the formula and recompile it.

2. Retry the Calculate Payroll task. The
application calculates any records that
include an entry for that earning.

Decide Which Corrective Method to Use

You can process the entire task or individual records by using one of the methods described on the following table.

Method Location Scope Comments

Actions menu Payroll Checklist or Processes and Entire task or individual records The action retains the context of
Reports tab of the payroll flow the original process so that you
don't need to enter any parameters
to run it.

Submit a Flow task Payroll Checklist, Person Process Entire task or only the records You must enter submission
Results or Process Results included in the payroll relationship parameters to identify the payroll
Summary pages group process and its records.

Other Corrective Actions

Some corrections require specific processes or flows to address different problems. For example, you might submit:

• Reverse a payroll calculation task to maintain an audit trail by creating negative calculation results that offset
the original results
• QuickPay flow to pay a new hire not included in time for processing in the payroll run

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

• Void a check payment to reissue when check is lost

Related Topics
• Examples of the QuickPay Process
• Corrective Actions for Payments
• What's the difference between rolling back and reversing a payment action?
• Status of Flow Tasks
• Complete, Skip, or Correct Flows

FAQs for View Payroll Results

How can I identify the payroll flow that includes a specific element for an employee?
Submit the Element Results Register report, which displays the name of the payroll flow. The report shows details for
the element and the value paid to the employee.

If you don't know the person's assigned payroll, query the person's payroll details on the Payroll Relationships page.

What's the difference between retrying a payroll process and retrying a payroll
Use the Retry Payroll Process flow to reprocess the results of any payroll process, with two exceptions: the Calculate
Payroll and Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes processes.

Use the Retry Payroll or Retroactive Calculation flow to reprocess the results of the Calculate Payroll and Recalculate
Payroll for Retroactive Changes processes.

Related Topics
• Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back Payroll Results
• Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes

When does a balance display on the Statement of Earnings?

You can view balances on the Statement of Earnings section of the Person Process Results page after you calculate the
payroll, a QuickPay, or gross earnings.

You may find some balances empty if you have configured your own legislative data for a country that doesn't have a
predefined country extension. Balances for the information balance group and the Gross-to-Net balance group must be
loaded before you can view the results in the Statement of Earnings.

How can I access a log file for a payroll flow, extract, or report?
Locate and open the flow you submitted that includes the process, report, or extract. On the flow's Process and Reports
tab, click the Process link, which is listed below the task.

On the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Output page, click the ViewLog button for the process. In the log window, select an
option to view or save the log.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Results

Related Topics
• Status of Flow Tasks

Why is the same person listed multiple times in search results?

For some tasks, such as Element Entries and Payroll Relationships, the person search results can include multiple rows
for a person when that person has more than one assignment.

You can click any of the rows for that person to perform the task on the payroll relationship record for the person.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

7 Payroll Reconciliation

Payroll Reports and Analytics
Global Payroll provides various reports and extracts to meet all of your reporting requirements. As a Payroll Manager,
review and validate the payroll information before you run any payroll process or reports.

You must also review and verify the payroll run results before generating the payments or initiating any other related
downstream processing.

A flow pattern exists for each extract or report process. Flow patterns for extracts and reports typically contain a single
flow task and they define the submission parameters. The predefined flow tasks are automatically available for you to
use. You can either run them as a standalone task or include them in a flow pattern.

Payroll reports can be broadly classified under these categories.

• Payroll Calculation and Balancing, such as the Gross-to-Net Report, used to review and verify payroll
calculations and payroll run results.
• Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution, such as the Payment Register, used to review and verify payment
calculations and payment and cost distributions.
• Data Validation and Audit, such as the Payroll Data Validation Report, used to verify payroll information prior to
running payroll processes and statutory reports.

You also have country-specific reports to meet specific legislative and statutory reporting requirements.

You can access these reports from the Submit a Flow page. To open this page, navigate to Payroll in My Client Groups
on the Home page and click Submit a Flow under the Flow Submission and Results section.

Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports

Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports
As a payroll manager, you can use these reports to identify and verify payroll calculations and payroll run results.

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Deduction Report View details of payroll deduction Run every pay period. Validate the deduction amounts
amounts processed every pay processed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Element Results Register View a list of elements and Usually run every pay period after Review run results for payroll
their primary output values for running the Payroll Activity Report. processes. Create a pivot table to
processes that generate run obtain totals.
During implementation, reconcile
run results with the results
produced by your legacy payroll.

Payroll Register Verify, validate, and audit payroll After calculating payroll and Use the summary report to verify
calculations. archiving periodic payroll results. total payment amounts per balance
category for a payroll period for
a payroll statutory unit or a tax
reporting unit.

Use the detail report to review the

complete payroll run details for
each employee to balance and
reconcile payroll and to compare
the payment values to previous

The report lists the current and

year-to-date hours worked for each
person included in the report.

Statutory Deduction Register View statutory deductions such Run every pay period. Review and validate Period-to-
as employee and employer tax Date and Year-to-Date information
liabilities. of deductions listed against each
employee categorized by PSU, TRU
and element classification.

Gross-to-Net Report View summary or detail listings for Run after each payroll run or, at a Review balances generated from
the total results calculated in the minimum, on a quarterly basis. payroll run, QuickPay, and payroll
payroll run. reversal calculations before
calculating prepayments.
Control which results to view
by specifying a date range that
includes the process dates of the
payroll calculations. The report
displays the balances for the
payroll period in which the process
date occurs.

Payroll Activity Report View details of the payroll run, Run the report before processing Verify, validate, and audit
QuickPay, such as balance prepayments. run results before processing
adjustments, reversals, and payments.
balance initializations, taxes
withheld, earnings, deductions,
payment information, employer
liability, and quarter and year-to-
date details.

Payroll Balance Report View balance results of the Run as needed for diagnostic Verify the values of other reports.
payroll run. Extracts the run purposes. You can use this report to pinpoint
balance results for a specific a problem discovered by another
period. Supplies detailed balance report.
information for a specific employee
over a defined period of time.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Employee Active Payroll Balance View the current values for any Run the report after successful View live payroll balances for
given list of employee balances. completion of any payroll action, matching employees, filtered by
Compare this data against such as a payroll run, QuickPay, parameters and time-frames.
the archived data to assist in reversal, balance adjustment, or
reconciling your periodic payrolls balance initialization.
and quarterly and year-end
balances. This report also helps
you to determine if you have any
tax balances over the statutory
limits, such as Social Security.

Payroll Messages Report View details of error, warning, and Run the report as needed for View and analyze the errors and
information messages from payroll diagnostic purposes. warnings generated for a specific
processes. flow or for all processes within a
specific period.

Deduction Report
You can run the Deduction Report to view and validate the deduction amounts processed every pay period. The report
lists payroll deduction details, such as the actual deductions and the amounts not taken or put into arrears.

To run this report, use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on your Home page.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory,
while the following have special meaning in the context of this report:

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll or Quick-Pay runs to include in the report. Leave this field
blank to include all effective dates up to the Process End Date.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll or Quick-Pay runs to include in the report. For payroll runs,
this is the 'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Deduction Category

Use this field to include values for a specific balance category of deduction type. Leave this field blank to include
deduction balances for all the balance categories.


Use this field to run this report for a specific deduction. Leave this field blank to run the report for all the deduction
balances you define.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify deduction balances for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify
a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a payroll relationship group before you can use it here.


Use this field to verify deduction balances for a single person.

Report Results
The report provides details of payroll deductions processed for the specified period.

Report Fields

Report results include the following key fields:

Report Field Description

Process Date The report includes multiple payroll processes depending on the process date range you specify when
you run the report.

Actual Deduction Amount deducted from the employee's pay for this deduction element.

Deduction Not Taken Part or entire amount of the calculated or owed deduction that isn’t deducted from the employee’s pay.

Current Arrears Part or entire amount of the calculated or owed deduction that isn’t deducted and is stored as arrears
within the current period.

Total Arrears Aggregated total of the arrears as of the process date.

Accrued Deductions Aggregated total of the actual deductions as of the process date.

Total Owed Total owed deduction amount as of the process date. For involuntary deductions such as a court
order or a tax levy, this is the amount you initially enter on the employee's involuntary deduction
card. In some cases, the deductions stop once the total owed amount is reached. In other cases, it’s
informational and the employer must wait for another order to stop the deductions.

Remaining Amount Balance of the total owed, less the amount accrued for the deduction.

Related Topics
• Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports

Element Results Register

The Element Results Register lists the elements and their primary output for processes that generate run results, such
as the Calculate Payroll and Calculate Gross Earnings tasks.

To generate the report, submit the Run Element Results Register flow on the Submit a Flow page. Use Submit a Flow
under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, run this report for a
specific consolidation group or payroll relationship group. Predefine these groups before you can use them. Most
parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date equal to or greater than the Process Start Date is reported.

Process End Data

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Note: For offset payrolls, the effective date of the payroll or Quick-Pay run could be after the end date of the payroll
period. In such cases, you must ensure that your Process End Date must be on or after the effective date of the
process you want to include in the report.


Select the required payroll name. Leave blank to run against all payrolls.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you don't select a value, the application uses the
default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Statutory Unit

To include all employees in a payroll statutory unit (PSU) in your report results, specify it here. Leave blank to run
against all PSUs.

Tax Reporting Unit

To include all employees in a tax reporting unit (TRU) in your report results, specify it here. Leave blank to run against all


Use this field to view the elements results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location.

Element Group

Use this field to run this report against all elements in the selected element group. Leave blank to run against all


Use this field to run this report against a specific element. Leave blank to run against all elements.

Payroll Relationship Group

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons
processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for
terminated employees.

Note: You must use the Object Groups task to define the payroll relationship group before you can select it here.


Select the person number to view the elements of an individual employee. If left blank, the report is generated for all
active employees.

Process Type

The options that you can select include:

• Payroll Calculation
• Quick-Pay
• Reversal
• Balance Adjustment
• Calculate Gross Earning

Totals by Element and Person

After you run the report, use the pivot table feature in Microsoft Excel to obtain totals by element and person. For
example, complete these steps to create a pivot table that displays these totals:

1. Open the Element Results Register in Microsoft Excel.

2. Select the range of cells in the spreadsheet that contain data.
3. Click PivotTable from the Insert menu.
4. In the Create Pivot Table dialog, select New Worksheet. Click OK.
5. Click these fields from the Pivot Table Field List:
◦ Person Name
◦ Payroll Statutory Unit
◦ Tax Reporting Unit
◦ Payroll
◦ Run Type
◦ Element Name
◦ Value
6. Drag the fields to these areas:

Area Fields

Report Filter Payroll Statutory Unit, Tax Reporting Unit, Run Type, Payroll

Column Labels Element Name

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Area Fields

Row Labels Person Name

Values Sum of Value

7. Refresh the page to display the populated columns and rows, and the summed totals.
8. Filter to view different results.

Related Topics
• Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports

Payroll Register Report

The Payroll Register reports the earnings, taxes, deductions, and employer liabilities archived in the periodic archive

It has both a summary and detail mode.

Verify total payment amounts per balance category and compare payment values to previous periods.

To generate the report:

1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.
2. Click Submit a Flow.
3. Select your legislative data group (LDG).
4. Search for and select Payroll Register.

Before You Begin

Run this report after you run the payroll archive process.

You must have successfully completed archival of your periodic payroll data. This usually occurs during your payroll
flow. For further info, see Archive Periodic Payroll Results in the Help Center.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the
following have special meaning in the context of this report.


Select the scope of this report. Select Detail to generate a report that includes details of deductions listed for each
employee. Otherwise, select Summary.

Process Start and End Date

Select the range of dates that capture the reporting period.


To run this report for a single payroll, select the required payroll name. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all

Consolidation Group

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the
consolidation groups.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU). If you leave the field
blank, the report runs for all PSUs.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific tax reporting unit (TRU). If you leave the field blank,
the report runs for all the TRUs.


Use this field to limit the report results to a single person. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all people
included in the selected payroll run.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify deduction balances for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify
a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the
defined payroll relationship groups.

Person Page Break

Select Yes to display the report output in a separate page for each person. This field isn't available for the Summary

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as enabling logging or setting the number of threads.
You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Latest Process YTD Total Only

If you select No, the report lists current (run) balances based on the Balances Reported value against every process
the report parameters include. For example, assume there are three payroll calculations run between the start and end
dates of the report. The report lists the statutory deduction balances in three sets, one for each process.

If you select Yes, the report includes year-to-date totals from only the last process run before the specified end date,
such as the last process run for each TRU or PSU. However, it's recommended to run the Statutory Deduction Register
for the latest process instead.

Balances Reported

Use this field to run this report for payment balances, nonpayment balances, or both, as given here.

• Payment Only: Includes balances included in the payments process.

• Nonpayment Only: Includes balances that aren't included in the payments process.

If you leave the field blank, the report includes all balances.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Category

A report category is a group of delivery options. Select a value to determine the set of delivery options for this report
submission. You can define your own delivery option and include it in the report category. For example, you can define a
report category to use a combination of both PDF and Excel delivery options for a single submission of the report.

For further info, see Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports in the Help Center.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the report must retain or discard the transient data it creates during the report execution.
If the default value is Normal, the temporary transient data produced during report execution is discarded.

Select Debug only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support.

The Normal option discards the temporary data.

Report Results
This process generates either a Summary or Detail output report, depending on the Scope you select.


Use the summary report to verify total payment amounts per balance category for a payroll period for a PSU or TRU.
The summary report provides a list of balances by:

• Balance Category
• PSU and TRU
• Balance Name
• References
• Current Amount

The PDF output has these summary sections with subtotals in each section as given here:

• Balance Categories Summary

• Balances Summary with subtotals for each balance category
• Balances by PSU and TRU Summary with subtotals for each balance category within each PSU

Detail Report

In addition to the summary balances shown by the Summary report, the detail report also includes the following
employee-level deductions info:

• Balance Category
• Balance Name
• Total Deduction Amount

The PDF output has these summary sections with subtotals in each section as given here:

• Balances and Balance Categories Summary with subtotals for each balance category.
• Balances Summary for each balance category.
• Balances by PSU and TRU Summary with subtotals for each balance category within each PSU.
• Balance Details for a Person with subtotals for each balance and balance category. This section also includes:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

◦ Payroll relationship number

◦ Run type
◦ Payroll period
◦ Calculation breakdown ID
◦ Year-to-date deduction amount

The detail report is sorted in the order of PSU, TRU, person name, payroll, pay period, balance category, and balance.

Related Topics
• Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports
• Display All Hours in Payroll Reports
• Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances
• Archive Periodic Payroll Results

Statutory Deduction Register

The Statutory Deduction Register lists the different statutory deductions and is used to assist employers in remitting
their payroll statutory tax remittances to the various government or statutory agencies.

Use it with the statement of earnings (SOE) and other payroll reports for diagnostic purposes to verify the amounts
deducted and submitted for each payroll statutory unit (PSU).

Use this report with these reports to reconcile tax calculations.

• Gross-to-Net Report
• Payroll Register Report
To generate the report, submit the Run Statutory Deduction Report Register on the Submit a Flow page. Use Submit a
Flow in Payroll in My Client Groups on your Home page.

Before You Begin

Run this report after completing the Calculate Payroll or any other task that impacts payroll balances.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the
following have special meaning in the context of this report.


Select the scope of this report. Select Detail to generate a report that includes details of deductions listed for each
employee. Otherwise, select Summary.

Process Start Date and End Date

Select the range of dates that capture the reporting period.


To run this report for a single payroll, select the required payroll name. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the
consolidation groups.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific PSU. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific tax reporting unit (TRU). If you leave the field blank,
the report runs for all the TRUs.

Balance Category

Use this field to run this report for one of these balance categories.

• Employee Tax Deductions

• Employer Liabilities
• Employer Taxes
• Involuntary Deductions

If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all of the above balance categories.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify deduction balances for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify
a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the
defined payroll relationship groups.


Use this field to limit the report results to a single person. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all people
included in the selected payroll run.

Hide Records with Zero Values

Select Yes to skip records with null or 0 values.


Use this field to view the deduction results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location.
The balance values might not necessarily correspond to the location parameter only. It’s also dependent on the
dimensions and the other associated contexts.

If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all the locations.

Latest Process YTD Total Only

If you select No, the report lists the current run balances, based on what you select for Balances Reported. The report
checks every process that's included by the report parameters. For example, if you ran three payroll calculations
between the start and end dates of the report, the report lists the statutory deduction balances in three sets, one for
each process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

If you select Yes, the report includes year-to-date totals from only the last process run before the end date. This can
include the last process run for each TRU or PSU. However, for performance reasons, consider running this report for
only the latest process.

Balances Reported

Select one of these values.

• Payment Only: Includes balances included in the payments process.

• Nonpayment Only: Includes balances that aren't included in the payments process.
• If you leave the field blank, the report includes all balances.

Process Configuration Groups

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. Use process
configuration groups to set rules for payroll processes, such as enabling logging or setting the number of threads. You
can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Report Category

A report category is a group of delivery options. Select a value to determine the set of delivery options for this report
submission. You can define your own delivery option and include it in the report category. For example, you can define a
report category to use a combination of both PDF and Excel delivery options for a single submission of the report.

For further info, see Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports in the Help Center.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the report must retain or discard the transient data it creates during the report execution.

The default value is Normal. This discards the temporary data produced by the report.

Select Debug only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support.

Report Results
This process generates either a Summary or Detail output report, depending on the scope you select.


The summary report provides a list of deductions by:

• Balance category
• PSU and TRU
• Balance name
• References

For each combination of the above, the report shows the balance for the base amount and the deduction amount. The
base balance is the basis on which the statutory deduction is calculated. The summary report doesn't break down the
balances by employee.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

The PDF output has these summary sections with subtotals in each section as given here:

• Balances and Balance Categories Summary with subtotals for each balance category.
• Balances and Balance Categories by PSU and TRU Summary with subtotals for each balance category within
each PSU and TRU.
• Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary with subtotals for each balance category within each PSU and
TRU for each payroll process.

The Microsoft Excel output displays the current base amount and the deduction amount for each balance, but it has
no subtotals or higher-level summary sections. You can download the Excel and add Pivot tables to create your own
groupings and subtotals as required. For example, you can find the balance amounts for each balance category within
each PSU by payroll process.

Detail Report

In addition to the summary balances shown by the Summary report, the detail report also breaks down the balances by

The PDF output has these summary sections with subtotals in each section as given here:

• Balances and Balance Categories Summary with subtotals for each balance category
• Balances and Balance Categories by PSU and TRU Summary

Includes subtotals for each balance category within each PSU and TRU.
• Balances by Person Summary
• Balance Details for a Person

This section also includes:

◦ Subtotals for each balance and balance category within each payroll process
◦ Year-to-date amounts for base and deduction balances

The Microsoft Excel output displays the current and year-to-date amounts for the base and the deduction balances, but
it has no subtotals or higher-level summary sections. You can download the Excel and add Pivot tables to create your
own groupings and subtotals as required.

Related Topics
• Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports

Gross-to-Net Report
Submit the Gross-to-Net Report to review balances generated from payroll run, QuickPay, and payroll reversal
calculations before calculating prepayments. View summary or detail listings of the total results calculated in the payroll

The report displays the balances for the specified payroll period. Typically, you run the report after each payroll run or, at
a minimum, on a quarterly basis.

Before you begin, ensure that the payroll or QuickPay is run for the period for which you're running the report. Run after
each payroll run or, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page, and submit the Run Gross-to-Net Report
task to run the report.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. These parameters have special meaning in the
context of this report.


The name of the payroll you use to run this report.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date same or greater than the Process Start Date are reported.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For payroll runs, this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Control which results to view by specifying a date range that includes the process dates of the payroll calculations. The
results of the report depend on the number of payroll calculations completed for the payroll within the date range.

Here's an example of how you can generate a report that combines results from two payroll periods.

1. Calculate the payroll for semimonthly payrolls. Offset the process date of the first payroll run to the second
payroll period. This table displays the balances for each payroll run.

Payroll Period Process Date Balance Total

January 1 to 15 January 17 Standard Earnings 3200.00

Employee Tax Deductions 1106.66

Employer Liabilities 468.80

January 16 to 31 January 31 Standard Earnings 3200.00

Employee Tax Deductions 1391.73

Employer Liabilities 468.80

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

2. Submit the Gross-to-Net Report with a start date of January 16 and an end date of January 31.

Both process dates fall between the selected dates, so the report displays the combined results of both payrolls
as shown in this table.

Summary Totals

Standard Earnings 6400.00

Total Gross Pay 6400.00

Employee Tax Deductions 2498.39

Total Deductions 2498.39

Total Net 3901.61

Employer Liabilities 937.60

Total Liabilities 937.60

Total Cost 7337.70


Control the results of the report by specifying the scope of the report, as given in this table.

Scope Value Report Results

Summary Displays gross-to-net balances for each payroll. It doesn’t display the breakdown of the balances by the
process date.

Detail Provides a more detailed breakdown for different sets of process dates.

Report Category

A report category is a group of delivery options. Select a value to determine the set of delivery options for this report
submission. You can define your own delivery option and include it in the report category. For example, you can define a
report category to use a combination of both PDF and Excel delivery options for a single submission of the report.

For more information, refer to Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports topic in the Help Center.

Process Configuration Group

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as enabling logging or setting the number of threads.
You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the extract-based report must retain or discard the transient data created during the
report execution. The default value is Normal, the temporary transient data produced during report execution is

Select the Debug option only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support to do

Display All Hours

Select Yes to include hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications. The default value is No and
only hours from Regular or Standard Earnings and Absence Earnings are shown in the report.

Report Details
Run the Gross-to-Net report in summary or detail mode.

Summary Report

The Summary mode displays gross-to-net balances for each payroll. It doesn’t display the breakdown of the balances
by the process date. In addition to the gross-to-net balances, the report also displays employer liabilities and hours

The PDF output has these summary sections with sub-totals in each section as given here:

• Balance Categories Summary

• Balances Summary section displays balances with sub-totals for each balance category.
• Balances by PSU and TRU Summary section is the same as the Balance Categories Summary but broken down
for each PSU and TRU.
• Balances by Payroll section shows the same information as the prior two sections but broken down for each
PSU, TRU and payroll.
a. Balance Categories Summary
b. Balances Summary

Detail Report

Run the report in the Detail mode for a more detailed breakdown of the balances by the process date range. This
breakdown is required only if you notice a discrepancy in the Gross-to-Net balances in summary mode.

For example, if you run the Gross-to-Net report for the period 01, January 2018 to 31, March 2018 for a monthly payroll.
The summary version of the report displays the overall gross-to-net balances for all the processes within the three
month period. The detail version of the report displays three different sections, each showing the gross to net balances
for all payroll processes for that month.

In addition to the summary sections shown by the Summary report, the detail report also shows the following:

• Balance Categories Summary

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

• Balances Summary section displays balances with sub-totals for each balance category.
• Balances by PSU and TRU Summary section is the same as the Balance Categories Summary but broken down
for each PSU and TRU.
• Balances by Payroll and Process Date Range section shows the same information as the prior two sections but
broken down for each PSU, TRU and payroll process date range.

a. Balance Categories Summary

b. Balances Summary

Consolidation Group Support for the Gross-to-Net Report

Use the Consolidation Group parameter to restrict the summary balances shown on the Gross-to-Net report to only
those run results produced by payroll processes that are run with the same consolidation group as the report.

For example, you may run multiple off-cycle payroll runs or QuickPay runs to accommodate exceptions, such as late
payments or final payments for terminated employees. You can now run the Gross-to-Net report to capture the gross-
to-net summary balances of the off-cycle runs by using the same consolidation group to run the off-cycle runs and the
Gross-to-Net report.

Similarly, you can use flow connectors with the Gross-to-Net Summary report to combine data from different flows
together in the report.

You may have a requirement to generate separate payments and reports for the regular on-cycle payroll runs and the
off-cycle payroll run results. Include the Gross-to-Net report in your flow pattern and define flow connector rules to
segregate and consolidate separately the multiple off-cycle run results and the regular on-cycle run results. The defined
flow connector rules consolidate and capture automatically the gross to net totals for the off-cycle and on-cycle run
results separately, on flow submission.

Related Topics
• Consolidation Groups

Dynamic Payroll Relationship Group Support for the Payroll Activity Report
Use payroll relationship groups to define a set of people for payroll processing, data entry, or reporting. For example,
use the Payroll Relationship Group formula type to restrict the payroll run to a specific employee group, based on
assignment and person level attributes.

Use the Fast Formulas task to first create a fast formula of the Payroll Relationship Group type. You can then create a
formula with specific criteria to define this group. Use this payroll relationship group as a submission parameter when
you run the Payroll Activity Report.

Related Topics
• Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports
• Payroll Relationship Group Formula Type

Payroll Activity Report

Run the Payroll Activity Report for payroll verification, validation, and auditing purposes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

You can run this report at any time and view and reconcile the payroll balances information with the data archived
by the periodic payroll archive process. You can run this report at any time and use the report for payroll verification,
validation, and auditing purposes.

To run this report, use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

The Payroll Activity Report provides a high-level summary of all relationship-level balances across various balance
categories, payroll statutory units (PSUs), and tax reporting units (TRUs). Use the Payroll Activity report to list:
• Balance adjustments for all employees within a given time period.
• Gross earning calculations.
• Reversals within a given time period.
• Balance initialization for a selected employee or all employees for a given time period.
• Payroll Runs or Quick Pays for a given time period.

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, run this report for a specific
consolidation group or payroll relationship group. Predefine these groups before you can use them. Most parameters
are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.


Control the results of the report by specifying the scope of the report, as given in this table.

Scope Value Report Results

Summary Provides a summary of payroll relationship level balances across all workers by balance category,
balance type, TRU, and payroll activity.

Detail Provides the detail of each payroll relationship level balance for every worker in every payroll activity.


Select the required payroll name.

Process Type

The options that you can select include:

• Payroll Calculation
• Quick-Pay
• Reversal
• Balance Adjustment
• Balance Initialization
• Calculate Gross Earning

Process Start Date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date equal to or greater than the Process Start Date is reported.

Process End Data

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
‘Payroll Run Date’. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Note: For offset payrolls, the effective date of the payroll or Quick-Pay run could be after the end date of the payroll
period. In such cases, you must ensure that your Process End Date must be on or after the effective date of the
process you want to include in the report.


Use this field to view the balance results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location. The
balance values may not necessarily correspond to the location parameter only. It is also dependent on the dimensions
and the other associated contexts.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you don’t select a value, the application uses the
default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons
processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for
terminated employees.

Note: You must use the Object Groups task to define the payroll relationship group before you can select it here.


Select the person number to view the balances of an individual employee. If left blank, the report is generated for all
active employees. This field is disabled for the summary report.

Person Page Break

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, the report is generated with details per person per page. The default value
is No and this field is disabled for the summary report.

Hide Records with Zero Value

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, balances with zero values aren’t displayed in the report.

Latest Process YTD Total Only

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, the summary report includes year-to-date total from the last process run
for a person prior to the specified end date, such as the last process run for each TRU.

Balances Reported

Use this field to run this report for Payment Balances, Nonpayment Balances, or both, as given in the table below.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Balances Reported Value Description

Payment only Includes balances included in the payments process.

Nonpayment only Includes balances that aren’t included in the payments process.

Field is left blank Includes all balances.

This field is disabled if Latest Process YTD Total Only is set to Yes and all balances are included in the report.

Display All Hours

Select Yes to include hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications. The default value is No and
only hours from Regular or Standard Earnings and Absence Earnings are shown in the report.

Report Results
The report provides details of payroll balance results for matching persons, filtered by the specified time frame and the
selected parameters. The results of the report depend on the scope value you select while running the report.

Summary Report

The summary report has these sections:

• Summary for Balance Categories

• Summary for Balances
• Summary for Balances by PSU and TRU
• Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary

Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary is displayed when Latest Process YTD Total Only is set to No or left

The summary report displays either payment balances data or nonpayment balances data or both payment and
nonpayment balances data together, depending on the Balances Reported parameter.

Detail Report

The detail report includes the above three sections followed by a fourth section that has employee level balances
information displayed separately for payment and nonpayment balances. The balances are reported separately for
unpaid Balance Adjustments when ‘Include adjustment in payment balance’ is set as No during balance adjustments,
and unpaid Reversals.

Related Topics
• Year-to-Date Balances in Reports
• Configure Information Balances in the Payroll Balance Report
• Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances
• Troubleshoot Missing Elements in Payroll Run Results

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Payroll Messages Report

Run the Payroll Messages Report to view error, warning, and information messages from payroll processes. Generate
the report for a specific flow or for all processes within a specific period.

For example, run the payroll messages report toview errors and warnings for all QuickPay runs for the last month.

The report can be run by a Payroll Administrator or Manager who has security access to the payroll flow pattern for
which the report is generated.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. The following parameters have special meaning
in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date same or greater than the Process Start Date are reported.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Task Name

Select a task, such as Payroll Activity Report, to view the messages generated for a specific task.

Process Type

Select a specific process type such as Payroll Run to limit your report for a specific process type.

Source Flow Name

Select the name of the flow for which you want to generate the messages report.


The name of the payroll flow you use to run this report.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. A payroll relationship group limits the persons
included in this report.


Select the name of the person for whom you want to generate the messages report.

Include Information Messages

Select Yes to include information messages. Since the volume of information messages is high, it’s recommended that
if you want to view information messages, you generate the report for a specific person or process. The default value for
this field is No.

Person Process Status

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Select a value to include only those persons with a specific processing status, such as persons In Error, or persons
Marked for Retry.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. You can select a
value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the extract-based report must retain or discard the transient data created during the
report execution. The default value is Normal, the temporary transient data produced during report execution is

Report Results
The report is generated in Excel format with separate worksheets for these two types of messages:

• Person level messages, such as error messages generated when reporting or processing a person.
• Process level messages, such as messages generated for process failures or execution errors.

After addressing the root causes, you can rerun the payroll process and regenerate the report to ensure all issues are

As a good practice, it’s recommend that you use the Sort By (Z to A) option on the Messages page to sort and quickly
view at a glance specific messages as per your requirement.

Sort the report using the Line Sequence field to view the order in which the messages are generated. This helps you to
track when in the process the message was generated. You can then investigate and resolve issues effectively.

Similarly, use the Filters option to filter and view messages as per your requirement.

Each message has a message name and message text. Samples of messages are:

• Error Message: Formula Salary can’t be executed because the formula isn’t compiled.
• Warning Message: Net pay exceeds 10, 000.

The report for person level messages also includes the payroll relationship number and assignment number of the
person for whom the report is generated.

• A person can have multiple payroll relationships, but each payroll process is associated with a single payroll
relationship and hence the messages for a payroll process is identified with the specific payroll relationship
• Some messages can be specific to an assignment such as a formula issue for a salary element entry and hence
is identified by the assignment number.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Payroll Balance Report

Configure Information Balances in the Payroll Balance Report
This topic demonstrates how you can configure a predefined balance group usage item to include information balances
in the Payroll Balance Report.

Use the Balance Group Usages task from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page the to add matrix items to
the predefined Global Information Balances for Payroll Balance Report balance group. You can add matrix items to the
group and associate them with existing balance groups for use in reports.

To configure the balance group usage:

1. Search and select the Balance Group Usages task.
2. Select Global Payroll Run Result Report (Payroll Balance Report) in the Report Type field.
3. Select the Legislative Data Group.
4. Click Search. The search result displays all the applicable balance group usages for the Payroll Balance Report.
5. Select the Global Information Balances for Payroll Balance Report row and click Edit.
6. Select Matrix Items on the left panel of the Global Information Balances for Payroll Balance Report page.
7. Click Add to create a new matrix item.
8. In the Matrix Item section, select the Balance Dimension matrix type.
9. Select the name of the wanted Balance Dimension and enter a position value.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Balance Groups
• Examples of Balance Group Usages
• Rules for Editing Balance Groups and Their Usages
• Payroll Balance Report

Payroll Balance Report

Run the Payroll Balance Report to view the detailed balance information for a person over a defined period of time. You
can compare this information with the archived data for validating and reconciling periodic payroll balances.

To run this report, use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory,
while the following have special meaning in the context of this report:

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process you want to include in the report. Leave this field
blank to include all effective dates up to the Process End Date.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process you want to include in the report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Balance Category

Use this field to run this report for a specific balance category including information balances. Before you use this field,
you must configure the balance group usage item to display information balances in this report.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a
subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify deduction balances for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify
a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a payroll relationship group or consolidation group, before you can use it


Use this field to verify balance results for a single person.

Display All Hours

Select Yes to include hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications. The default value is No and
only hours from Regular or Standard Earnings and Absence Earnings are shown in the report.

Report Results
The report provides details of payroll balance results for matching persons, filtered by the specified time frame
and the selected parameters. The output file includes:

• Payroll Statutory Unit

• Tax Reporting Unit
• Employee Name
• Employment Number
• Run Type
• Balance Category
• Balance Name
• Balance Amount

Related Topics
• Payroll Calculation and Balancing Reports
• Configure Information Balances in the Payroll Balance Report

Employee Active Payroll Balance Report

Run the Employee Active Payroll Balance report to view the current values for any given list of employee balances.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Compare this data against the archived data to assist in reconciling your periodic payrolls and quarterly and year-end
balances. This report also helps you to determine if you have any tax balances over the statutory limits, such as Social

Start the Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report task from the Checklists or Submit a Flow page under Payroll
in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Before you run the report, ensure successful completion of any payroll action, such as a payroll run, QuickPay, reversal,
balance adjustment, or balance initialization.

Report Parameters
Here’s the list of parameters that are relevant for this report.

Payroll Flow

Enter the name of your payroll flow.

Start Date

If you include the Run Balance values, specify the start date. This date must coincide with the date of the selected
payroll run.

End Date

Specify the effective date for balance retrieval. When you capture balance values across a range of dates, this represents
the end of the range.


Specify a value to run the report for a specific payroll run.

Consolidation Group

Select a value to run the report for the members of a consolidation group.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a value to include all employees in a tax reporting unit (TRU) in your report results. Click Search to locate the

Payroll Relationship Group

Select a value to run this report for a group of employees in a payroll relationship group. Click Search to locate the

Employee Name

Select an employee name to run this report for a specific employee. Click Search to locate the correct employee.

Balance Dimension

Select the balance dimension you want to review:

• Run
• Quarter
• Year
• Quarter and Year

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation


Select the quarter you want to review.

Balance Group Usage

Select the balance group to include balance values in the report output.

Hide Records with Zero Values

Select if you don’t want records with 0 balances to show in this report.

Process Configuration Group

Select the process configuration group name, if you have defined any. This parameter is used for logging and reporting

Report Results
This report produces a pipe-delimited text file containing all live payroll balances for matching employees, filtered by
parameters and time-frames. You can open this file in Microsoft Excel for additional filtering. If no employee balances
match your report parameter criteria, the report returns an output file with no data.

For example, if you don’t select Yes for any of the Include Balance Values fields, the report captures no balances. The
output file is empty.

The output file includes:

• Payroll balance information

• Employee name and number
• Payroll relationship number
• Run type (Run level only)
• State, county, city, school district, and Pennsylvania locals (if applicable)

Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution Reports

Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution Reports
Use these reports to verify payment calculations, and payment and cost distributions.

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Payment Register Verification and audit of payment After calculating prepayments, Use the summary report to verify
distributions running the payment process, and the total amounts paid by payment
generating payslips category, type, status, and method.

Use the detail report to validate

payments for each employee,
including the payment amount,
bank, and check information.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Optionally, filter this report

by location when reconciling
payments. The report lists the
payroll relationship records based
on a person's assignment location.
The location is listed with the other
parameters, but not on the results.

Payslips Provides a record of individual After generating payments and Generate payslips for all employees
payroll payments received, archiving periodic payroll results as a record of payments made.
including pay amounts, deductions
taken, and accruals Payroll managers and
administrators can view payslips
from the Person Management
work area. Employees can view
or print their payslips from the
Portrait page.

Payslip Reprinting Report Includes payslips for an employee After successful completion of the The report provides a single output
or a specific group of employees Generate Payslips process. file and also includes employees
spanning across multiple pay who haven't opted for a printed
periods. payslip.

Third-Party Payment Register Provides details of all payments After generating payments Use the summary report to view
made to a third-party person or a list of payments by payroll
organization, including involuntary statutory unit.
and voluntary deductions.
Use the detail report to view
the breakdown and roll-up of

Payroll Costing Results Report View details of the costing results Run the report before transferring Verify results after you submit a
from payroll calculations. View costing results to subledger process that generates costing
details after submitting corrective accounting or to general ledger. results.
actions, such as cost adjustments
and retroactive costing, or costing
balance adjustments.

After submitting a report that uses archived data, you can resubmit the process from the Payroll Checklist page to
regenerate the report. If the report supports additional delivery types, you can optionally change delivery options.

Payment Register
Generate the Payment Register to verify, reconcile, and audit payment distributions. This report doesn't include
payments made to third parties. Use the Third-Party Payment Register to view payments made to third-parties.

Submit the Run Payment Register task using the Submit a Flow page from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home

Before you run this report, successfully archive your periodic payroll data. For further information see Archive Periodic
Payroll Results topic in the Help Center.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. The following parameters have special
meaning in the context of this report.


Control the results of the report by specifying its scope.

What you set What it does

Summary Provides a summary of the total amounts paid by payment category, payment type, status, and
payment method.

Detail In addition to the Summary report, it includes the complete details for each employee. Use this validate
payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check info.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. The report includes all
processes with an effective date on or after this date.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.


The name of the payroll flow you use to run this report.

Payment Process

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payroll or QuickPay run.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different
payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you don't select a value, the application uses the
default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Use this field to limit the results to persons belonging to a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU). Click Search and select a

Tax Reporting Unit

Use this field to limit the results to persons belonging to a specific tax reporting unit (TRU). Click Search and select a

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify the payments for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation


Use this field to limit the results to a single person.

Payment Type

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payment type.

Leave blank to report all of them.

Payment Method

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payment type.

Leave blank to report all of them.


Use this field to limit the results to a specific location. The report lists the payroll relationship records based on a
person's assignment location. The location is listed with the other parameters, but not on the results.

Payment Status

Select the status you want to report on.

What you select What it means

Canceled and can't be reissued You have marked the payment as Void, rolled back the prepayment process, and reversed the
calculation of the payroll run results.

Paid You processed and issued the payment without error.

Paid externally You processed the payment was processed but generated it externally. This includes hand-written
checks for terminated employees.

Unpaid You processed the payment was processed, but it was incomplete or encountered errors during

Void You marked the payment as Void, but it's eligible for reissue. This includes replacing a lost payroll

Note: You can configure these statuses in the PAY_STATUS lookup. For further info, see Payment Statuses in the Help

Process Configuration Group

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or
number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a payroll relationship group before you can use it here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Category

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or
number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default

For further info, see Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports in the Help Center.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the report must retain or discard the transient data created during execution of the

Select the Debug option only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support.

The default Normal option discards the temporary transient data.

Report Results
The report provides details of the selected payment status for matching persons, filtered by the specified time frame
and other parameters.

Report name What it contains

Summary Provides sections on:

• Report parameters and sort order

• Summary of payments

Detail Provides sections on:

• Report parameters and sort order

• Summary of payments
• Details of payments
Use this validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check info.

Related Topics
• Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports
• Payment Statuses
• Archive Periodic Payroll Results

Third-Party Payment Register

Use the Run Third-Party Payment Register task to report on roll up payments and multi-deduction payments. You can
view a summary or detail listing of all third-party payments.

Use Submit a Flow task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page, and submit the Run Third-Party
Payment Register Report flow to run the report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Before you begin, run the report after calculating and verifying prepayments and generating the payments.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, you can run this report for
a specific consolidation group or payroll relationship group. You must predefine these groups before you can
use them. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this


You control the results of the report by specifying the scope of the report, as given in this table.

Scope Value Report Results

Summary Provides a list of payments by payee.

Detail Provides details of employee and deduction information for third-party payments.


Select the required payroll name. The report is generated for the selected payroll run.

Process Start Date

Enter a start date to define the date range of this process.

Process End Date

Enter an end date to define the date range of this process.

Consolidation Group

Select a consolidation group to view the payments for all payrolls that are included in this consolidation group. A
consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. If you don’t select a value, the
application uses the default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a payroll statutory unit (PSU) to view the payments for a specific PSU.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a tax reporting unit (TRU) to view the payments for a specific TRU.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons
processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for
terminated employees.


Select the person number to validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check
information, as reported in the detailed report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Process Configuration Group

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or
number of threads. If you don’t select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define the payroll relationship group or the process configuration group, before
you can select it here.


Select the payee for which the check payment process is run, to view the payment details of individual and rollup
payments made for each payee.

Use the following parameters to view a list of individual payments, including total amounts paid by payment category,
type, status, and method:

• Payment Category
• Payment Method
• Payment Process
• Payment Type
• Payment Status

Report Results
The results of the report depend on the scope value you select while running the report, as given below. Both the
formats have a page break after every payee, so you can provide the payment details separately to each payee.
Summary Report
The Summary report displays the payments made to each payee by the payment source, payment status, and payment
category. The report doesn’t show PSU, TRU, and employee and deduction information. This is because the rollup
payments include employees across PSUs and TRUs.
Detail Report
The Detail report has a multiple-tier layout that includes:
• Payment details of individual and rollup payments made for each payee. Within each payee report, the
payments are further segregated into:

◦ Employee deduction information for individual payments, including single deductions and multiple
◦ Employee deduction information for rollup payments

• Consolidated totals of each multiple deduction payment and rollup payment

• Deduction reference details for involuntary deductions stored on the calculation card

It displays a blank deduction reference if the details are not available.

• Element name of voluntary deductions
Support for Spreadsheet Tabular Layout
You can create your own template for a tabular output of data in Microsoft Excel file format for both the summary and
detail reports.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Related Topics
• Third-Party Payment Rollup
• Employee and Third-Party Check Payments Overview

Payment Statuses
Payroll managers use the Payment Register to verify the total amounts paid by payment category, type, method, and

This table shows you the payment statuses that you might see on the Payment Register. Payment statuses are
configurable values in the PAY_STATUS lookup.

Lookup Code Value Description

C Canceled and can't be reissued The payment was marked as Void, the
prepayment process was rolled back, and the
calculation of the payroll run results reversed.

MR Paid externally The payment was processed, but generated

externally. Examples include a hand-written
check/cheque for a terminated employee.

P Paid The payment was processed and issued without


U Unpaid The payment was processed, but was

incomplete or errors occurred during payment.

V Void The payment was marked as Void but is eligible

for reissue. Examples include replacing a lost
payroll check/cheque.

Related Topics
• Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution Reports

Payroll Costing Results Report

Use the Payroll Costing Results Report to view and verify the costing results for a costing process or the costing entries
of a payroll run.

This report is similar to the Payroll Costing Report. It uses the extracts-based architecture to handle large volumes of

The report uses delivered user entities and database items so you can write to your own extracts to query the costing

Submit the Run Payroll Costing Results Report. Before running this report, submit one or more processes that
generate costing results.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

User Entities

A user entity is a logical entity associated with a data group defined using the HCM Extracts feature, a flexible tool for
generating data files and reports. This table describes the user entities related to costing results and the type of data
they extract.

User Entity Description

ORA_PAY_COST_RESULT_UE Extracts the detailed costing results.

ORA_PAY_COST_SUMMARY_UE Extracts the summary of the costing results.

ORA_PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_ Extracts the individual costing segment information.


Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Many parameters are self-explanatory.
The following parameters have special meaning in the context of this report.


This parameter determines the level of detail in the report. You can select one of two values for the Scope parameter, as
shown in this table.

Scope Description When to Use

Summary Shows the account numbers and the net credit Select this scope to create a Microsoft Excel file
and debit amounts for transferring and posting for your third-party general ledger provider.
to general ledger.

Detail Shows a breakdown of the costing at the Select this scope to:
element entry, employee, and other levels
where costing is calculated. • Review individual entries, such as the
results of distributed or allocated costing.
• Analyze entries to an invalid account

Process Start Date and Process End Date

The date parameters determine which records to process in a specified time frame. The Process Start Date specifies the
first effective date of the payroll process that generates costing results to include in the report. The Process End Date
specifies the last effective date.

Typically, you specify the start date and end dates of the current payroll period or accounting period. You may also
specify the start and end dates of a previous payroll period to identify which payroll period to use for your partial period

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

To report the results you want to view, the time period defined by the start and end dates must include the effective
date of the process. These processes use the process date as the effective date:

• Cost adjustments
• Costing of balance adjustments
• Partial period accruals
• Payroll calculations
• Retroactive pay calculations
• QuickPay calculations, voids, and reversals

All other processes that generate costing results use the process end date as the effective date.


The name of a process that generates costing results.

By default, the report generates results on all costing processes within a specified time period. Select a single process,
such as retroactive costing, to confirm the results of updates made to costing setups before transferring the results to
the general ledger.

Process Configuration Group

Select the process configuration group, if you have defined one. A process configuration group is used to provide sets
of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and performance. If you don't select a process configuration
group, the application uses the parameters in the default group.

Consolidation Group

Select the consolidation group specified for a payroll definition. Specify this parameter to view costing results for all
payrolls that are included in this consolidation group. For example, if your weekly payrolls share the same consolidation
group, you can review the results of cost adjustments before transferring their results to general ledger.


Select a single work location, or all work locations. The report output lists the payroll relationship records based on a
person's assignment location. The location is listed with the other parameters, but not on the results.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons
processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for
terminated employees.

Note: Use the Object Groups to define a process configuration group, consolidation group, or payroll relationship
group, before you can select it here.

Person Name

Select a person name to view the costing results for a specific person. This parameter is only available for detailed

Results Reported

Use this parameter to filter and view the report results for smaller volumes of data, thereby enhancing the report
performance. Here are the values you can select.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Value Description

Payroll process costing results The report includes the costing results of payroll processes, such as calculate payroll, QuickPay, and

Payment process cost results The report includes the costing results of payment processes, such as costing of payments.

Payroll and payment process cost results The report includes the costing results of both payroll and payment processes.

Report Category

Use this parameter to generate the report output in the Excel or text format.

Report Results
The report separates the displayed values using a pipe delimiter when:

• A person has multiple assignments, and

• The costing result for an element at the payroll relationship level includes more than one value for a parameter.

For example, if a person has one payroll relationship and two assignments to different departments, the costing report
lists the costing result for the deduction. The report also shows the department names separated using a pipe delimiter.

Related Topics
• Payroll Costing Report
• Best Practices for Viewing User Entity Details
• Payroll Processes That Generate Costing Results

Overview of Online Payslip
A payslip is a printable record of a payment made to an employee during a payroll pay period or as a bonus or
commission payment.

It includes details of the payment, such as employee and employer information, pay period, earnings, deductions and
accruals, and net pay distribution details.

Use these two predefined templates to configure the payslip template to include your specific statutory requirements:

• Payslip Main Template

• Payslip Sub Template
For more information, refer to 'Configure the Payslip Report Template' topic in the Help Center.

After you configure the payslip template, and before you generate the payslips, consider the following.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Task Where to find more information

Generate the worker's payslips in a Refer to these topics in the Help Center:
language of their choice depending on
what's set as the workers correspondence • Multilanguage Support for Payslips
• Generate Payslips in the Worker's Correspondence Language
• Add Bursting to Print Delivery Option

Mask or encrypt bank account information Refer to 'How Account Number Masking in Payroll Reports Work' in the Help Center.
to prevent display of sensitive information.

Set the precision value for the number of Refer to 'Rate Precision in Payslips' in the Help Center.
decimal places for the rates displayed on
the payslip.

Add text and input values to payslips. Refer to 'How to Add Text to Payslips and Checks' and 'Examples of Input Values for Payslip and Check
Text' in the Help Center.

The Generate Payslips process is run once each payroll period and it generates the payslip XMLs based on the payroll
archive and prepayments data. The payslip PDFs are created and stored in the Document of Records for future
reference and retrieval.

You can preview payslips PDF documents directly from the Payslip page without having to download. Use options
in payslip preview window to zoom, scroll, print, download, or save payslip document. Use back arrow to exit payslip
preview window and return to payslip list.

Generate Payslips
The Generate Payslips process is run once each payroll period and it generates the payslip XMLs based on the payroll
archive and prepayments data. The application creates the payslip PDFs and stores them in the Document of Records
for future reference and retrieval.

Before you generate the payslips, you must ensure successful completion of these post-payroll processes:

• Archive Periodic Payroll Results

When you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process, use a Process Configuration Group parameter to set
the precision value of rates on the payslip.
• Generate Check Payments or Direct Deposits processes
Information such as Employee Details, Payroll Information, Earnings, and Payment Methods are displayed in the payslip,
as read-only.

Report Parameters
The report parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-
explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

The report excludes payslips with a payment date that’s earlier than the date specified

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Process End Date

The report excludes payslips with a payment date that’s later than the date specified.


The name of the payroll you use to run this report.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to generate payslips for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify a value
only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a Payroll Relationship Group, before you can use it here.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as setting the payslip rate precision value. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Overriding Payslip Availability Date

For expedited payments, the employees don't have to wait for their payslips until the next regular payroll cycle. To
process expedited payments, enter a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that's defined in the standard
payroll calendar.

Report Results
The generated payslip includes these sections:

• Employee and Employer Details

• Payroll Details
• Summary of Payments
• Net Pay Distribution
• Earnings
• Taxable Benefits
• Tax Deductions
• Other Deductions

The Rate section of the payslip displays Days X Rate and Units X Rate elements for all rate-based elements. The
Quantity column displays the number of units and the Type column displays the unit of measurement for the quantity.
The unit of measurement can be hours, days, or number of units.

How to Add Text to Payslips and Cheques for the UK

You can configure your cheques and payslips to display additional text. You must create an information element with
input values, add the input values to the Organization Information EFF flexfield, and modify the output template. You
may also need a new formula, depending in your implementation.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Summary of the setup steps:

1. Create the information element, its element eligibility, and the input values you want displayed.
2. If you need a formula to calculate the run results, perform the following steps:
a. On the Fast Formulas page, create a formula of type Oracle Payroll to return the values that you want to
b. On the Elements page, edit the information element to:
- Create a status processing rule associated with your new formula.
- Add formula result rules to return formula results to the element's input values.
3. On the Enterprise HCM Information page, in the Organization Information EFF section, add the information
element and input values.
Note: The Organization Information EFF configuration is at the enterprise level. For each LDG for which you
want to archive payroll information, you must add a separate row for the information element.

4. Create employee element entries, unless you selected the Automatic Entry option for the element.
5. After calculating the payroll and prepayments, run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process.
6. Modify the cheque template or payslip template, as appropriate. Refer to the Report Designer's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher for more information.

Related Topics
• Examples of Input Values for Payslip and Cheque Text for the UK

Examples of Input Values for Payslip and Cheque Text for the UK
You can create element input values to store information, such as congratulatory messages and detailed earnings
information, that you want displayed on cheques or payslips. Here are a couple of scenarios that illustrate how you can
archive payroll information for this purpose.

Display Earnings by Earned Weekly Period

For example, you want to display earnings details on payslips, such as overtime pay per week within a semimonthly pay
period. In this example, before modifying your payslip template, you create an element using the Information element
classification. You create these input values in your element and add them to the payroll information to archive:

• Description
• Start Date
• End Date
• Hours
• Rate
• Multiple
• Amount

Display a Message on a Cheque

You want to display birthday congratulations message on cheques. In this example, before modifying your cheque
template, you could create an element using the Information element classification with the these input values:

• Message Title

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

• Message Description

Payslip Regions and Details for the UK

You can generate a payslip for each payment made for an employee for a given pay period. This is after you have
successfully completed the Event Archive for Payroll and Generate Cheque Payments or BACS processes.

The payslip contains information such as Employee Details, Payroll Information, Earnings, and Payment Methods.

Payslip Regions
Here are the key regions you will see on the payslip: :

• Identifying Header
The header region contains these details:
• HMRC Payroll ID that uniquely identifies the employment relationship with the employee, and is the same
identifier used to identify the employment to HMRC.
• Employee Name
• Employee Address
• Person Number
• Payroll Relationship Number
• NI Number

• Employer Information
This is predefined and displays these personal details of the employee:
• Employer Name
• Employment PAYE Reference
• Employee Address
• HMRC Office Name
• HMRC Office Phone
• HMRC Office Address

• Tax Details
This is predefined and can't be modified. It displays the data from the PAYE calculation card for the identifying
HMRC payroll ID:
• Tax Code
• Tax Basis
• Previous Taxable Pay
• Previous Tax Paid

• Pay Period
This region displays the period dates for the payslip. This is predefined and contains these:
• Period Type

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

• Period Start Date

• Period End Date
• Period Number, or the statutory period number

• Earnings
This region contains all the elements paid to the employee. Elements having these primary classifications are
considered for payments:
• Regular Earnings
• Irregular Earnings
All elements created with the above primary classifications are included. For each element that has a calculation
value that's not zero, the amount and description are printed on the payslip.

• Direct Payments
This region contains elements with the primary classification Direct Payments. This is predefined and can't be
modified and these details are displayed:
• PAYE (for this payroll run and year-to-date)
• NI Contribution (for this payroll run and year-to-date for each NI category used)

• Pre-Statutory Deductions
This region contains elements with the primary classification Pre-Statutory Deductions. For each element that
has a calculation value that's not zero, the amount and description are printed on the payslip.

• Summary
This is predefined and contains these details:
• Gross Earnings
• Total Deductions
• Net Pay

• Net Pay Distribution

This is predefined and can't be modified. It contains these details:
• Payment Type (whether BACS or cheque)
• Bank Name
• Sort Code
• Account Number
• Currency
• Payment Amount

• Balances
This is predefined and can't be modified. This payroll run, period-to-date and year-to-date balances are
• Gross Earnings

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

• NIable Pay
• Taxable Pay

Configure Payslip Template to Display Hours for Employees for the UK

You can show the employee's hours on the payslip, to meet the legislative requirement. You can set up the payslip
template to show or hide hours in the Hours region, as required. Your employees can view the number of hours related
to their

Element Classifications and Balance Category

You must select Hours as one of the inputs for the earnings element template for the element template to automatically
create the balance category Hours.

• Use the Elements task to create the element using the Earnings element template.
• Use the element classification Regular Earnings and select the Hours * Rate option under calculation rules.

Automatic balance feeds ensure the number of hours feed into the balance created. Use the balance category Hours to
configure the payslip to display hours. This balance is available in the payslip template under the Hours region.

Create Your Own Calculation Rules to Display Hours

You can create your own calculations for the number of hours to display on the payslip or other archive based reports,
for example, the Payroll Register report. Here's how you can do this:

• Create your balance with the balance category Hours. In Balance Definitions, use the balance category Hours
• Create a balance feed for the result of the calculation. You can enter the element name as input value Hours
• Attach these dimensions to the balance:

◦ Relationship Tax Unit Tax Year to Date

◦ Payroll Relationship, Tax Reporting Unit, Payslip
◦ Relationship Tax Unit Run

Generate Payslips in the Worker's Correspondence Language

Run the Generate Payslips process just once and generate individual payslips in the worker's correspondence language
of choice. Generate the payslips in different languages depending on what's set as the worker's correspondence

For example, if you have workers who have set their language of correspondence as Spanish, you can now generate
their payslips in Spanish.

Here are the tasks you must perform to generate the payslips in the worker's correspondence language of choice.
1. Identify and group worker's for payslip translation
Identify the workers whose Correspondence Language on the Manage Person page, under Biographical
Information is given as Spanish. Create a Payroll Relationship Group for these workers, and use this group when
you run the Generate Payslips task.
2. Enable payslip translation

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Set the process configuration parameter, Enable Payslip Translation, to 'Y', before running the Payroll Archive
process. Set this parameter only once, so that the application translates the data the Payroll Archive process
archives for the payslip.

Run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process after the payroll calculation is complete.

If you have run the Payroll Archive before setting this parameter, roll back the process, set the Enable Payslip
Translation parameter to 'Y', and rerun the Payroll Archive process.
3. Install the worker's correspondence language

Although the worker sets their correspondence language to one of several languages, the application supports
only the installed languages for translation. Hence, to generate the payslip, you must install every preferred
correspondence language on the environment. If the correspondence language is not one of the installed
languages, the Payslip is produced in the base language.

For this example, ensure that Spanish is an installed language on the environment.
4. Add bursting for paper delivery of the payslip

As only one language can be applied to all the labels on a payslip, payslips for different languages must be
in their own PDF. Add the Bursting configuration onto the Print delivery option within the Payslip extract

For more details on how to add the Bursting option, refer to 'Adding Bursting to Print Delivery Option:
Procedure' on the Oracle Help Center.
5. Set the Locale property and correspondence language

For translation of the payslip labels, set the Locale property of both Document of Records and Print delivery
options within the Payslip extract definition to "Correspondence Language". If you do not want translation
of the payslip labels, leave the Locale property blank or set it to the base language, for example, en-us for US

For more details on how to set the set the Locale property of both Document of Records and Print delivery
options within the Payslip extract definition to "Correspondence Language", refer to 'Adding Bursting to Print
Delivery Option: Procedure' on the Oracle Help Center.

For setting the Locale property of Document of Records within the payslip extract definition, follow steps 6 to 8
in the above referred topic. Select the Online Payslip Delivery Option Name row in the Extract Delivery Options
section in step 7.
6. Enable translation of modified text on the payslip

For the payslip data that is not delivered by Oracle (transactional data and user configurations), in addition to
the base language text, enter the translated text in the application. For example, if the name of a user-created
element and its associated balance definition must be translated, the translated value (for each of the installed
languages that needs translation support) must be entered in the application.

For more information about how you can add translations of modified text, refer to 'Adding Translations of
Modified Text: Overview' and 'Translating Existing Strings at Runtime: Worked Example' on the Oracle Help

After you have completed the above mentioned settings, run the Generate Payslips task to generate the
payslips. Select the Payroll Relationship Group you have created, so that the payslips are generated in Spanish
for the workers you have identified.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Related Topics
• Multilanguage Support for Payslips
• Add Bursting to Print Delivery Option

View My Payslip and Bank Details

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You can view your payslip and bank details on the Payroll page from your home page. You can also set up your bank

To view the PDF of a full payslip:

1. Click Me on your home page.
2. Click Pay to open the Payroll page.
3. Click My Payslips. You can select one of these options to view your previous payslips:
◦ Last 3 months
◦ Last 12 months
◦ Specific Date Range
4. Click a payslip to view details.
Information displayed on the payslip is segregated into sections and contains the following:
• The first section displays your personal and job information.
• The second section displays the payroll period information.
• The next section has a summary of your Gross-to-Net details.
• The next sections give a breakdown of earnings, pretax deductions, taxes and other deductions.
You can print your payslip or save it to your computer. Your payslips are stored in the application and you can retrieve
them at any time.

Set Up Payment Method Example

Follow these steps to create your bank accounts and associate payment methods for the majority of your payment paid
to your checking account and for a small percentage paid to your savings account.

Create your checking account:

1. Choose the Payment Methods task in your Pay area.

2. In the Bank Accounts section, click Add.
3. Enter your checking bank account details.
4. Click Save.
Create your savings account:

1. In the Bank Accounts section on the Payment Methods page, click Add.
2. Enter your savings bank account details.
3. Click Save.
Create your first personal payment method:

1. In the My Payment Methods section, on the Payment Methods page, click Add.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

2. Enter a name for your payment method, such as 'My Checking Account'.
3. In the Payment Type field, select Direct Deposit..
4. Select your Checking. account from the bank account list of values.
5. Click Save..
Create your second personal payment method:

1. In the My Payment Methods section, on the Payment Methods page, click Add.
2. Enter a name for your payment method, such as 'My Savings Account'.
3. In the Payment Type field, select Direct Deposit..
4. In the Payment Amount field, select percentage and enter a value, such as 10 for 10%.
5. Select your Savings. account from the bank account list of values.
6. Click Save..
For further info, see View My Payslip and Bank Details in the Help Center.

Payslip Reprinting Report

Use the Payslip Reprinting Report to generate a report to include payslips for an employee or a specific group of
employees spanning across multiple pay periods.

For example, generate the report for:

• Employees who generally view their payslips online and are on long-term leave of absence, for instance on
maternity leave, and hence can’t view their payslips online.
• Employees who are terminated and can no longer view their payslips online and are paid severance payments
after they have left the organization.
• Your legal department, who has requested for an employee’s payslips for a specific financial year.
You can run this report for:
• Multiple employees
• Multiple pay periods
• Any date range
• Any number of times
To run this report, use the Run Payslip Reprinting Report task from the Submit a Flow page. You can open this page
from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Before You Begin

Run this report after successful completion of the Generate Payslips process. The report retrieves the payslips that are
already generated by the Generate Payslips task and stored in the Document of Records. Run the Generate Payslips task
for the pay periods, employees, and date range for which you want to run this report.

Report Parameters
The report parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-
explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

The report excludes pay slips with a payment date that’s earlier than the date specified.

Process End Date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

The report excludes pay slips with a payment date that’s later than the date specified.


The name of the payroll you use to run this report.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report for a consolidation group. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a
subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group.


Use this field to print the payslips for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to run the report for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify a value
only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.


Use this field to print the payslips for a specific employee.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. You can select a
value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define any of the groups mentioned, before you can use it here.

Delivery Preference

Use this field to select any of the following options:

• Online
• Paper
• Both online and paper

You can also run this report for a specific payroll statutory unit or tax reporting unit.

Report Results
The report provides a single output file and also includes employees who haven’t opted for a printed payslip.

Related Topics
• Multilanguage Support for Payslips
• Add Bursting to Print Delivery Option

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Data Validation and Audit Reports

Data Validation and Audit Reports
As a payroll manager, you can use the reports listed in this table to perform these tasks.

• Identify and correct missing statutory data, and validate payroll setup data
• Identify potentially incorrect payments or amounts withheld using balance exceptions
• Review and verify retroactive entries and values

Report Purpose When to Run Example of Usage

Payroll Data Validation Report View a listing of noncompliant or Run before calculating payroll as Identify any missing attributes
missing statutory information for a needed. based on statutory rules of the
person by payroll statutory unit. legislative data group, such as tax
reporting unit.

Balance Exception Report Identify values that vary for Run after calculating the payroll View to identify potentially
the same balance dimension. run or QuickPay run, or before incorrect payments or amounts
This variance could indicate running statutory reports, such as withheld.
overpayments or underpayments. quarterly or annual reports.

Retroactive Entries Report View details of retroactive element Run every pay period. Review the retroactive entries
entries created by the Recalculate for each person. For each entry,
Payroll for Retroactive Changes the original calculation result,
process, and compare the original if available, is shown and the
result to the recalculated result. corresponding retroactive entries
that are created after comparing
with that original result.

Retroactive Notification Report View retroactive notifications Run before you submit the Use this report to review:
for events that are awaiting Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive unprocessed retroactive events
processing, deferred, or both. Changes process for each employee, enabling you
to identify who are included in
Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive
Changes process.

Worker Validation Report View a listing of the missing Run before calculating payroll as Identify any missing attributes
statutory information for workers needed. based on statutory rules of the
under a legal employer. legislative data group, such as
document ID.

View Originating Pay Periods for Retroactive Earnings

View originating period dates for all retroactive earnings, including absences and supplemental earnings, on your

For example, when bonus earnings in January are retroactively paid in February, the payslip for February shows the
retroactive earnings paid, alongside the dates for the January pay period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

The payslip in February shows the amount earned, time worked, rate of pay, the factor or multiple, and the pay period
dates in January the bonus was earned.

Payroll Data Validation

Overview of Payroll Data Validation Report
Before you run payroll or any other statutory processes or reports, the required HR and payroll data setup must be
complete for all your workers. Missing or noncompliant data can impact legal processes or reports.

The Payroll Data Validation Report provides details of missing or statutorily noncompliant data at the worker and
organization level. Prior to running the payroll process or any other report, run the Payroll Data Validation Report. You
can then take corrective action as necessary to complete the data setup and correct noncompliant data.

During the implementation phase, add the business rules and validation messages at the enterprise or legislative data
group level. These validations are in addition to the country-specific validations that are predefined in the application.

Validation Levels
The data group you select when adding validation rules to the Data Validation Report determines the level of validation.
For example, you might have a validation rule at the tax reporting unit level or at the person details level. When adding a
validation, you must ensure a database item exists for the attribute for which you're adding the validation.

Set Up Validation Rules

Use the delivered formula 'Global Attribute Mandatory Check' to set up validations to identify missing data. You add
the validations to the Data Validation Report extract definition. Here's the summary of the required steps to set up the
validation rules:

1. Identify a suitable short name for the attribute for which you want to add the validation, for example,
ASG_JOB_CODE. Prefix it with CST to mean user-defined. Therefore, the short name should be CST_ASG_JOB_CODE.
2. Set up a lookup code to control the validation. For mandatory validations, that you set up using the delivered
formula, set up the lookup code as a short name suffixed by >MC. For example, CST_ASG_JOB_CODE>MC.
3. Based on the level at which you need the validation, you must create the records and data elements in the
appropriate data group. Identify the relevant data group to add the validation and create a record in the group.
For example, add assignment level validations to the Assignment Data Group.

Note: A database item must exist for the attribute for which you're adding the validation.

4. Add the validation and create the extract definition attributes.

5. Generate and compile the formula at the report record.
6. Run the appropriate Payroll Data Validation Report to include the validations.

Control the Validations

Use the delivered ORA_HRX_GLB_VALIDATION_OBJECTS lookup type to set up a lookup code that you can use to control the
validation. For example, you can use this lookup code to add multiple country tags to a validation. Alternately, if the
validation is no more valid for the country, remove the previously added country tag from the lookup code.

Note: If you don't add a country tag, the application doesn't trigger any validation.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Validation Types
The validations can be simple or complex.

The application triggers simple validations if you haven't provided a value for an attribute required for a report or
a process. For example, the Tax Reporting Registration Number is missing at the organization level or the National
Identifier value is missing for a worker. You can create a simple validation by using the delivered formula 'Global
Attribute Mandatory Check' and the appropriate database item group.

The application triggers complex validations when there's more than one attribute included in the validation. For
example, a value is missing for a National Identifier Type pertaining to a worker.

For coding complex validations, Oracle recommends that you use data elements of type Rule with a user-defined Rule
Formula to perform the validation. You must deliver these data elements in a record of type Formula.

User-Defined Rule Formula

For coding complex validations, Oracle recommends that you use extract attributes of type Rule with a user-defined
Rule Formula to perform the validation. Consider the following for coding user-defined Rule Formula:

• Check if the formula is of type Extract Rule.

• Check that the lookup code exists for the short code of the data element, and is enabled for the legislation
code, for which the report is run.
• Check if the formula is associated with the correct data element. Since this is a user-defined formula, check and
run only if short code matches.
• Perform the validation to return validation message text or return a NULL value. The message text should be
fewer than 240 characters or the application considers only the first 240 characters of the message.

Data Security
By default the report is submitted through an elevated user that has full data access and is secured through the list of
values on the report parameters. However, you can configure the Data Validation Report to run based on the profile
of the user who submits the report. For example, if a user has access to only employees within a specific payroll or
department, you can configure the report to check data only for those employees.

Validation Rules for Data Validation Report

You can add validation rules to the Data Validation Report to identify missing data required to run a process or report.
You can run the report and make relevant corrections to complete the employer or payroll-related data.

Use the Extract Definitions task in the Data Exchange area in My Client Groups on the Home page, to add a
validation rule to the Data Validation Report extract definition.

Rule Formula
Use the delivered formula 'Global Attribute Mandatory Check' to set up validations to identify missing data. You add the
validations to the Data Validation Report extract definition.

This formula includes certain important enhancements such as supporting translated messages. It also offers the ability
to control the validations without you deleting the validation already configured by you or delivered by Oracle. It's not
mandatory for you to migrate your existing validations from the 'Global Null Check Rule' formula to the new one. Oracle
recommends to migrate to the new formula to make use of the benefits.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Validation Levels
This table describes the validation rules at the various levels.

Validation Level Description

Employee Add simple validations for a missing attribute at the worker level. For example, if the National Identifier
value is missing for a worker.

Organization Add simple validations for a missing attribute at the organization level. For example, a missing Tax
Reporting Registration Number.

Repeating Child Entity of a Worker Add validations at the repeating child entity of a worker. For example, you may add a validation for
a missing IBAN number for one of the multiple payment methods that a worker has. You can add a
validation to specify the details of the attribute value (IBAN Number). This attribute value is missing
for the Entity Type (Personal Payment Method) and for the Entity Name (Personal Payment Method

Repeating Child Entity of the Organization Add validations at the repeating child entity of an organization. For example, add a validation for a
missing SWIFT Code for one of the multiple organization payment methods that's valid for a payroll
statutory unit. You can add a validation to specify the details of the attribute value (SWIFT Code). This
attribute value is missing for the Entity Type (Organization Payment Method) and for the Entity Name
(Organization Payment Method Name).

Data Groups
The data group you select when adding validation rules to the Data Validation Report determines the level of validation.
For example, you might have a validation rule at the tax reporting unit level or at the worker details level.

The processes associated with the Data Validation Report extract definition are:

• Run Payroll Data Validation Report

• Run Worker Data Validation Report
• Data Validation Report for Payroll Interface

These reports use different data groups to report data validation. You must select a data group for any validation rules
you add based on the type of data and the level you want the validation to occur.

Payroll Data Validation Report

Add validation rules to these data groups to report payroll-related data validation:

• Payroll Statutory Units

• Tax Reporting Units
• Payroll Relationships
• Payroll Assignments

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Worker Data Validation Report

Add validation rules to these data groups to report worker-related data validation:

• Payroll Statutory Units

• Legal Employers
• Reporting Establishments
• Work Relationships
• Person Details
• Assignments

Data Validation Report for Payroll Interface

Add validation rules to these data groups to report worker-related and payroll-related data validation for Global Payroll

• Payroll Group
• Payroll Relationship Group
• Work Relationships
• Assignments
• Payroll Relationships
• Payroll Assignments

Usage of Tags
The report output has different sections for legal employer, reporting establishment, person, and so on. The validations
reported in the different sections is based on the tag that's added for rule data element. Consider these conditions while
using tags for adding validation rules for Data Validation Report.

• For reporting validations at organization level, add the validations to Organization Data Groups and the related
tags, as given in the table here.

Validation Level Data Group Tag

Legal Employer Legal Employers LEMP_RULE_TEXT

Establishment Reporting Establishments REP_EST_RULE_TEXT

Payroll Statutory Unit Payroll Statutory Units PSU_RULE_TEXT

Tax Reporting Unit Tax Reporting Units TRU_RULE_TEXT

• For reporting validations at worker level, add the validations to the corresponding data group and the
predefined tags as given in the table here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Validation Level Data Group Tag

Employee or payroll relationship level Identify appropriate data groups (Example: RULE_TEXT
validations Assignment).

• For reporting organization validations or the validations of other entities in a separate table, add the validations
to the corresponding data group and the predefined tags as given here.

Validation Level Data Group Tag

All levels other than employee or Identify appropriate data groups (Example: OTHERS_RULE_TEXT
organization Assignment).

Related Topics
• Set Up a Lookup Code to Control the Rules for Data Validation Reports
• Overview of Payroll Data Validation Report
• Payroll Data Validation Report
• Add Rules to Data Validation Reports

Payroll Validation Archive Report for the UK

Payroll managers can run the Payroll Validation Archive Report before calculating payroll. The standard payroll cycle
flow includes this report. You can also run it as a standalone process in the Payroll Calculation work area.

This report displays a summary of all errors and warnings that may be generated for each person when you run the
next payroll. To ensure a successful payroll run, correct all errors listed in the report. You should also review all warning
messages and make the necessary corrections; however, warnings don't prevent the payroll run from completing

Report Parameters
You must specify the payroll name and the effective date of the payroll run to be validated.

Report Results
The payroll data validation report groups errors and warnings by the type of information causing the error. It includes:

• A summary showing parameters and the count of issues for each group
• Employee Details Failures
• Statutory Deductions Failures
• Involuntary Deductions Failures

Use these tables to troubleshoot validation errors and warnings:

Person Information

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Problem Corrective Action Required

Invalid National Insurance Number Enter a valid NI number in the National Identifier section of the Person Information page.

Missing date of birth Enter the employee's date of birth in the Biographical Information section of the Person Information

Missing gender Enter the employee's gender in the Gender and Marital Status section of the Person Information page.

Invalid tax code for terminated assignment Change the tax code to 0T for the PAYE component associated with the terminated assignment on the
person's statutory deduction card (Calculation Cards task).

Missing deduction card Create a deduction card for the employee and associate assignment with deduction components on
the card (Calculation Cards task).

Invalid Gender Enter only Male or Female for Gender as these are the only valid values for tax calculation.

PAYE Information

Problem Corrective Action Required

Missing or invalid tax code, tax basis, pay Update the invalid attribute in the Pay As You Earn component details section on the person's statutory
frequency, authority, previous taxable pay deduction card (Calculation Cards task).
on P11, or previous tax paid on P11

Missing PAYE component Add a PAYE component on the person's statutory deduction card.

Aggregation Information

Problem Corrective Action Required

Missing or invalid certificate, priority On the person's statutory deductions card, update the invalid attribute in the Aggregation Information
period type, process type, or number of component details. Verify that the certificate is valid based on the person's age, and update the
periods person's date of birth (on the Person Information page) if it's incorrect.

Note: Aggregation information applies to all NI components on a deduction card.

NI Information

Problem Corrective Action Required

Missing NI component On the person's statutory deduction card, create an NI component and provide the NI category and
pension basis.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Problem Corrective Action Required

Missing or invalid NI category or pension On the person's statutory deduction card, add or update the NI category or pension basis for the NI
basis component. If the category isn't valid for the current certificate, verify that the certificate is correct on
the Aggregation Information component details.

Worked Example to Add Rules to Data Validation Reports for the UK

This example demonstrates how to add a validation rule to the Data Validation Report extract definition. Before making
changes to the extract, you select a legislative data group. When you submit your changes for a new rule, that validation
is available for that legislative

• Run Payroll Data Validation Report

• Run Worker Validation Report
This table summarizes the key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which data group does the new validation Person Details

belong in?
Based on the level at which you need the validation, you must create the records and data elements in
the appropriate data group.

What type of validation are you adding? A rule to check whether each person's Person Address Line 1 attribute has no value. If there is no value,
the report displays an error message.

Before You Start

1. Ensure that a database item exists that retrieves the value to be validated. The contexts required by the
database item are provided by the block level to which you can add the validation. In this example, a database
item must exist for the person address line 1 attribute.

Create Validation
1. In the Data Exchange work area, select Extract Definitions.
2. Search for and select the extract definition to edit:
a. In the Type list, select Full Profile.
b. Select your legislative data group, for example UK LDG.
c. Click Search.
d. In the search results, click Data Validation Report.
3. On the Extract Definitions page, click Switch Layout.
4. In the Session Effective Date field, enter 01/01/0001.
5. Add a detail record as shown here:
a. Select Person Details under the Data Group node.
b. In the Records section, click Create.
Ensure that the Session Effective Date is 01/01/0001.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

c. Complete the fields in the Create Extract Record section as shown in this table.

Field Value

Sequence 6

Name Person Address Details

Type Detail record

Process Type Fast Formula

d. Click Save.
6. Add the database item attribute:

a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create

b. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the
extract attributes.

Field Value

Name Person Address Line 1 Attribute

Tag Name Person_Address_Line 1_Attribute

Short Code Person Address Line 1

This value displays in the validation message in the report. For example, for the global
null check rule, the following validation message displays: A value for the attribute
Person Address Line 1 is required.

Start Date 01/01/0001

End Date 12/31/4712

Data Type Text

Type Database item group

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
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Field Value

Database Item Group Person Address Line 1

Output Label Person Address Line 1

Output Column 6

c. Click Save and Close.

7. Create another attribute for the validation rule:
a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create
b. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the
validation rule.

Field Value

Name Person Address Line 1 Rule


Enter this value exactly.

Short Code Person Address Line 1 Rule

The short code must include the short code of the database item attribute you created
followed by a space and the suffix: Rule. The short code is case-sensitive.

Start Date 01/01/0001

End Date 12/31/4712

Data Type Text

Type Rule

Rule Global Null Check Rule

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
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Field Value

Output Label Person Address Line 1 Rule

Output Column 26

Results Display Option Summary and detail

c. Click Save and Close.

8. In the Actions menu, select Generate Formula.
9. In the Actions menu, select Compile Formula.
10. Click the Extract Execution Tree node and verify that all formulas are compiled.
11. Click Submit.

Calculate Prepayments and Archive Periodic Payroll Results for the UK

You must run a set of post-payroll processes after running payroll. This is a prerequisite to run the other payroll process
such as payments processing, generating payslips, and regulatory reporting. You must run the following processes:

• Calculate Prepayments
• Archive Periodic Payroll Results

Calculate Prepayments
To run the calculate prepayments process:

1. Select the Submit a Process or Report task in the Payment Distribution work area.
2. Select the LDG for which the process is being run.
3. Select the flow pattern Calculate Prepayments:
4. Enter the required parameters to run the report:

Parameter Value

Payroll Flow Identifier for the process. You must enter a value each time the process is executed. You can
choose any format to describe the payroll flow.

Payroll Payroll definition for which payroll is to be run

Process Start Date Start date of the process for which the prepayment is run

Process End Date End date of the process for which the prepayment is run

5. Click Next.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Specify the flow interaction range and schedule the process date and time if required. Review the details before
you submit the process.
6. Click Submit.
Verify the process completion and view the generated report.

Note: A message appears to verify the payroll flow. If the process is complete, you can view the report.

7. Review the results at the person- level.

Archive Periodic Payroll Results

You can select the Archive Periodic Payroll Results flow pattern using the Submit a Process or Report task. The steps
required to run this flow pattern are the same as described for calculate prepayments flow pattern.

Set Up a Lookup Code to Control the Rules for Data Validation Reports
Use the delivered ORA_HRX_GLB_VALIDATION_OBJECTS lookup type to set up a lookup code that you can use to
control a validation for the Data Validation Report.

You can then use this lookup code to add multiple country tags to a validation. Alternately, you can remove a previously
added country tag from the lookup code, if the validation is no more valid for the country.

Note: If you don't tag a country, the application doesn't trigger any validation.

To create a lookup code:

1. In the Setup and Maintenance area, select the HCM Extract Lookups task.
2. Search for and select HCM Extract Lookups.
3. Click Create.
4. Enter these lookup code details.

Field Description

Lookup Code Enter a lookup code suitable for the attribute or entity to be validated. If you want to use the
Oracle delivered formula for mandatory attribute validation, enter suffix as >MC n the lookup
code, for example CST_PERSON_ADDRESS_LINE 1>MC.

Display Sequence Enter a unique value for the lookup code. It is recommended to use a sequence number,
between 201 to 500, for the user-defined lookup codes.

Start Date Enter 01/01/0001.

End Date Enter 12/31/4712.

Meaning Enter a suitable meaning for the lookup code, for example, Person Address Line 1 Check.

Description Enter a suitable description, for example, Person Address Line 1 Check.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Field Description

Tag Tag an appropriate country or countries, for which the validation is to be performed. For
example, +FR.

If no Tag is set up, the application doesn't perform the validation for any country.

5. Click Save.

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Data Validation Report
• Payroll Data Validation Report
• Add Rules to Data Validation Reports

Add Rules to Data Validation Reports

This example demonstrates how you can add a validation rule to the Data Validation Report extract definition.

Before you make changes to the extract, select a legislative data group. When you submit your changes for a new rule,
the validation is available for the selected legislative data group. Depending on the validation rule and the legislative
data group you add it to, the validation is included when you submit any or all of the following processes:
• Payroll Data Validation Report for identifying missing payroll data needed for processes
• Worker Validation Report for identifying missing HR data needed for processes
• Data Validation Report for Payroll Interface for identifying missing HR or payroll data of persons associated
with a given object group or payroll. The primary goal of the report in this case is to validate the data before it's
exported by the Global Payroll Interface process to a third-party payroll provider.
Before you add the validation rule, ensure that a database item exists to retrieve the value to be validated. The contexts
required by the database item are provided by the block level to which you add the validation. For example, suppose
you're adding the new validation to the Person Details data group. You are adding a rule to check whether each person's
Person Address Line 1 attribute has a value. If there is no value, the report displays an error message. A database item
must exist for the person address line 1 attribute. Create the records and data elements in the appropriate data group
based on the level at which you need the validation.

How to Create the Validation

To create a validation:

1. In the Name field, enter Data Validation Report.

2. Select Extract Definitions task from the Data Exchange area under My Client Groups.
3. Search for and select the extract definition to edit as follows:
a. In the Type list, select Full Profile.
b. Select a legislative data group.
c. Click Search.
d. In the search results, click Data Validation Report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

4. On the Extract Definitions page, click Switch Layout.

5. In the Session Effective Date field, enter 01/01/0001.
6. Add a new record to the Data Group to which you want to add validations as follows:
a. Select Person Details under the Data Group node.
b. In the Records section, click Create.
Ensure that the Session Effective Date is 01/01/0001.
c. Enter these details in the Create Extract Record section.

Field Value

Sequence Enter a unique value for the records within the Data Group. It is recommended to use a
sequence number between 200 and 600.

Two records in the same Data Group can't use the same sequence number.

Name Person Address Details

Type Detail record

Process Type Fast Formula

d. Click Save.
7. Add the database item attribute as follows.
a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create
b. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the
extract attributes.

Field Description

Name Enter a suitable name, for example, Person Address Line 1 Attribute. This name is used in
the validation message.

Tag Name Person_Address_Line 1_Attribute

Short Code Enter a suitable name to match the lookup code and remove the suffix, '>MC', for example,

Start Date 01/01/0001

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
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Field Description

End Date 12/31/4712

Data Type Enter a value appropriate to the data that you want to check. For example, Text for
address details.

Type Database item group

Database Item Group Person Address Line 1

Output Label Person Address Line 1

Output Column 6

Note: If you don't find the Database Item Group that fetches the attribute value you want to validate, it
could be that:
- The Extract Attribute is added at an incorrect level (Data Group), or
- The Database Item Group is unavailable. Verify the availability of the Database Item
Groups by trying to add the extract attribute to other levels (Data Group). If the
required Database Item Group is unavailable, you can contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Database Items for Extracts and Formulas in Oracle Fusion HCM guide on My
Oracle Support (1565118.1).
c. Click Save and Close.
8. Create another attribute for the validation rule as follows:

a. In the Extract Attributes section, click Create

b. Complete the fields as shown in this table. This table lists the fields and the respective values for the
validation rule.

Field Value

Name Person Address Line 1 Rule


Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Field Value

Enter this value exactly.


The short code must include the short code of the database item attribute you created
followed by a space and the suffix: >MC. The short code is case-sensitive.

Start Date 01/01/0001

End Date 12/31/4712

Data Type Text

Type Always set as Rule.

Rule Global Attribute Mandatory Check

Output Label Enter a value same as the Short Code, for example, CST_PERSON_ADDRESS_LINE_1-

Output Column Enter a unique value within the record, 26.

Results Display Option Summary and detail

c. Click Save and Close.

9. In the Actions menu, select Generate Formula.
10. In the Actions menu, select Compile Formula.
11. Click the Extract Execution Tree node and verify that all formulas are compiled.
12. Click Submit.

Payroll Data Validation Report

Run the Payroll Data Validation Report to generate a list of workers with missing or noncompliant payroll data. Use this
report to verify if the required data setup for all workers for the payroll run or process is complete.

Payroll managers should run this report prior to running the payroll process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Payroll Flow

Select the required payroll flow name for the process that’s being run. Enter a value each time the process is run.

Effective As-of Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. The data status is verified
as of the selected effective date.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select the Payroll Statutory Unit for which the report is to be run.

Report Results
The report provides details of missing or noncompliant statutory data for the selected payroll statutory unit as of the
selected effective as-of date. The details are at the worker or organization level.

You can view the PDF output of the report or the Excel output, as required.

Related Topics
• Validation Rules for Data Validation Report
• Set Up a Lookup Code to Control the Rules for Data Validation Reports
• Overview of Payroll Data Validation Report
• Add Rules to Data Validation Reports

Data Security in Payroll Data Validation Reports

Configure the Data Validation Report to run based on the profile of the user who submits the report.

For example, if a user has access to employees only within a specific payroll or department, you can configure the report
to report data only for those employees. The access the user has is defined by the data security profile attached to the
user's role.

Here are the tasks required to configure and run the report based on the profile of the user submitting the report:

1. Sign in as IT Security Manager and define HCM data roles and setup data security. Assign the data roles to the
application user as per the requirement of your enterprise.
2. Sign in as Payroll Manager and secure the 'Payroll Data Validation Report' at the Legislative Data Group level.
3. Sign in as application user to whom the privileges are assigned and run the report.

Define Data Roles and Assign Data Roles to the Application User
No predefined HCM data roles exist. While creating an HCM data role, include a job role. The secured HCM object types
that the job role accesses are identified automatically, and sections for the appropriate security profiles appear. Select or
create security profiles for those object types in the HCM data role.

For each object type, you can include only one security profile in an HCM data role, which is known as Security Profile.
Consider the following to complete the setup.

• You must have the IT Security Manager Job role to perform this task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

• To create an HCM data role, use the Assign Security Profiles to Role task in the Setup and Maintenance work
• For more information on setting up the data security as per the requirement of the enterprise, see Oracle
Human Capital Management Cloud Securing HCM.

Here are the steps required to configure the report based on the profile of the user submitting the report.

1. Search and select the Payroll Flow Patterns task from Payroll in My Client Groups on your Home page.
2. Search for the Run Payroll Data Validation Report flow pattern.
3. Select the required Legislative Data Group.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click Go to Task and click Edit.
6. Select the row and click the Edit on the tool bar for the row.
7. Select the Secure Process or Report check box and click Save.
8. Alternately, you can click on Remove all Updates.
Repeat these steps for each Legislative Data Group, where the setting must apply. This configuration, although done on
the delivered flow pattern, is preserved during patching and upgrades.

Submit Report
When you submit the report, consider the following:

• Select the Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU) from a secured list of values. If the user's data security is restricted by
the PSU, then the user can only run the report for that PSU they have access to, even if the report is run as the
elevated user by default.
• If the user's data access is restricted based on other attributes like department or payroll, configure the report
based on the user profile. This is only if you must restrict the report to the profile of the user submitting the
report and only data for the department or payroll is reported.

Balance Exception Reports

How to Create a Balance Exception Report
In this example, you create a balance exception and run the Balance Exception Report to compare the total payments
made to your employees for the current payroll period with the payments you made in the previous payroll period.

Before you create and run the Balance Exception Report, you must create a balance exception for this example.

Create a Balance Exception

Let's look at the steps to create a balance exception to compare the net pay amounts for the current and the previous

1. On the Home page, click the Balance Exceptions quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Click Create.
3. Select a legislative data group and click OK.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Balance Exception Name Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Comparison Type Previous period

Comparison Value 1

For comparison types that begin with Previous, the application enters 1 as the default value and
makes it read only.

Balance Name Net Payment

Dimension Name Relationship Period to Date

Variance Type Percent

Variance Operator Greater than

Variance Value 10

Severity Level 1

Enter a lower value for a high priority exception.

5. Click Submit.

Create a Balance Exception Report

1. On the Home page, click the Balance Exceptions and Reports quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the same legislative data group you selected in the previous task and click OK.
4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Exception Report Name Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Field Value

Consolidation Group Select a value to restrict this exception report to a specific consolidation group. Leave blank to
not restrict the output or to decide at the time of report submission.

Payroll Select a value to restrict this exception report to a specific payroll. Leave blank to decide at the
time of report submission, where payroll is a required parameter.

5. Click Add.
6. Select the Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period balance exception name and then click
7. Click Submit.

Run the Balance Exception Report

1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Client Groups tab.
2. Select the same legislative data group as in the previous tasks.
3. Select the Run Balance Exception Report flow pattern and then click Next.
4. Complete the fields as shown in this table:

Field Value

Payroll Flow Enter an appropriate name for this instance of the report.

Process End Date Enter a value.

Balance Exception Report Compare Net Payment Amounts to the Previous Period

Payroll Select a value to restrict this exception report to a specific payroll. Enter the same name as in
the previous task, if one was specified.

5. Click Next.

When you enter information on the Linked Flow section of the Submit a Flow page, select Current Flow as the
payroll flow and Run Balance Exception Report as the task to ensure the report uses the payroll balances results
for the current payroll flow.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Submit.

When you submit a flow, it creates an instance of the flow, the application generates a checklist by default.
8. Click OK and View Checklist.
9. In the task list click the Run Balance Exception Report. View and monitor the status of the flow on this page.
10. Click on the on the task to go to the Process Results Details page.
11. You can view the output from the Output and Log files section.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Related Topics
• Examples of Balance Exceptions
• Balance Exceptions
• Balance Exception Report
• Balance Exception Formula Type

Balance Exception Report

Use the Balance Exception Report to identify potentially incorrect payments or amounts withheld. The report identifies
values that vary for the same balance dimension. This variance could indicate overpayments or underpayments.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow quick action under the My Client Groups tab to run this report.

Before you run this report:

• Use the Balance Exceptions task to create a balance exception.

• Use the Balance Exceptions and Reports task to create a balance exception report that groups together one or
more balance exceptions.
• Create an Exception Report Name that you can use to run the Balance Exception Report. For instance, you
can create an Exception Report Name of Monthly Car Allowances Paid in Excess of the Previous Month, to
determine the monthly car allowance paid to employees in excess of 600 more than the previous month.

Report Parameters
The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, you can run this report for a
specific consolidation group or payroll relationship group. Predefine these groups before you can use them. Most
parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Payroll Flow

The name of the payroll flow you use to run this report. The selected flow uniquely identifies a specific instance of the
report execution.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date same or greater than the Process Start Date are reported.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Note: For offset payrolls, the effective date of the payroll or QuickPay run could be after the end date of the payroll
period. In such cases, ensure that your Process End Date must be on or after the effective date of the process you
want to include in the report.

Balance Exception Report

The name of the Balance Exception Report you use to run this report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
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Select the required payroll name.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as enabling logging or setting the number of threads.
You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. For example, you can use this field to run this report for
a subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you specified a value
when defining the exception report, select the same value or leave it blank.

The value chosen while submission takes precedence over the one used while defining the report. If you leave the field
blank, the report runs for all consolidation groups.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific PSU. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a value to report on the balances of employees in a specific TRU. If you leave the field blank, the report runs for all
the TRUs.


Use this field to view the balance results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location. The
balance values may not necessarily correspond to the location parameter only. It is also dependent on the dimensions
and the other associated contexts.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to run the report for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify a value
only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a process configuration group, a consolidation group, or a payroll
relationship group, before you can use it here.

After you have entered the above details, in the Linked Flows section, select the payroll flow as the Current Flow and the
Run Balance Exception Report as the task. This ensures that the report uses the payroll balances for the current payroll

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

Report Results
The report provides details of payroll balance results for matching persons, filtered by the defined exception criteria,
specified time frame and the selected parameters. The output report includes:

• Payroll Statutory Unit

• Tax Reporting Unit
• Person Number
• Person Name
• Payroll Relationship Number
• Employment Level
• Current Balance
• Variance Value

The report output additionally displays the Previous Balance, Difference, and Difference % columns when the
Comparison Type is Previous Period or Previous Month.

Related Topics
• Balance Exceptions
• Examples of Balance Exceptions
• Balance Exception Formula Type

Verify Real-Time Information for HMRC

The Real Time Information (RTI) return to HMRC includes Full Payment Submission (FPS) and Employer Payment
Summary (EPS).

You must not perform these processes until after the full completion of payrolls and employee payments. You need to
ensure that all payroll processes are complete before you attempt this task.

Verify Full Payment Submission

You can verify the Full Payment Summary (FPS) report by checking the figures in the report against the figures in the
Run Year to Date reconciliation report, Gross-to-Net Report, Element Result report, and the Payroll Register report.

Here's a table that displays that some of the balances that you can check and verify:

Full Payment Summary Run Year to Date Gross to Net Report Balance Name in Element Payroll Register Report
Reconciliation Report Reconciliation Report Result Report

Taxable Pay YTD Taxable Pay Earnings – Pre-

Statutory Deductions
Tax Paid YTD Tax Paid
Taxable Pay in Period Total Earnings 1

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
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Full Payment Summary Run Year to Date Gross to Net Report Balance Name in Element Payroll Register Report
Reconciliation Report Reconciliation Report Result Report

Net Pay Deductions Total Voluntary

PTD Deductions
Student Loan PTD Student Loan
Tax Paid PTD Tax Deductions Total PAYE
NIable Pay YTD NI Category 1 Niable
NIable Pay PTD Total Gross Pay1 Gross Earnings1
NI Category 1 LEL
NI Category 1 PT
NI Category 1 UAP
NI Category 1 UEL
NI Employer PTD NI Employer
NI Employer YTD NI Category
1 Employer
NI Employer PTD NI Employee Total NI
NI Employee YTD NI Category National Insurance
1 Employee Deductions
Pre-Tax Pensions PTD Entries under
Post-Tax Pensions Entries under
PTD Voluntary
Ben. Taxed PTD3

The list of balances will depend on the items that are processed and require reporting to HMRC.

If any of the differences are greater than zero, you need check the reports and compare figures at employee level to see
where the discrepancy is.

Note: Ensure that the Tax Reporting Unit field is populated.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

You need to test the submission type and verify that the file reflects everything that needs to be submitted to HMRC.
You must only run it in live submission mode type after that.

Verify End of Year P60

At the end of each tax year, a P60 is generated with the employee's total earnings, tax paid, national insurance paid, and
any statutory payments they have received for the tax year.

You can reconcile the figures using the P60 Audit Report, and the Run Year to Date Reconciliation Report. You can follow
these steps:

1. Run the End of Year P60 Report.

This will generate a P60 Audit Report XLS file. You will find this on the Run End of Year P60 Archive task. You
can then compare this with the Run Year to Date Reconciliation Report.
2. Run the Year to Date Reconciliation Report.

You need to ensure that a value is entered for the Tax Reporting Unit field. Else, the P60 values will not appear
in the report.
3. Compare the P60 Audit Report and the Run Year End to Date Reconciliation Report.

To ensure the values are accurate, compare the results in the P60 Audit Report, and the values in the Run Year
End to Date Reconciliation Report. The values should match as shown here:

P60 Audit Report Year to Date Reconciliation Report

In this employment - Pay Taxable Pay - Payroll

In this employment - Tax Tax Paid - Payroll

National Insurance contributions in this ◦ NI Category 1 LEL: Payroll

◦ NI Category 1 PT: Payroll

◦ NI Category Earnings at the Lower ◦ NI Category 1 UAP: Payroll

Earnings Limit (LEL)
◦ NI Category 1 PT: Payroll
◦ Earnings above the LEL, up to and
including the Primary Threshold ◦ NI Category 1 Employee Contributions
◦ Earnings above the PT, up to and
including the Upper Accrual Point
◦ Earnings above the UAP, up to
and including the Upper Earnings
Limit (UEL)
◦ Employee's contributions due on
all earnings above the PT

Statutory Payments: ◦ SMP: Payroll

◦ OSPP: Payroll
◦ Statutory Maternity Pay
◦ ASPP: Payroll
◦ Ordinary Statutory Paternity Pay
◦ SAP: Payroll
◦ Additional Statutory Paternity Pay

◦ Statutory Adoption Pay

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Payroll Reconciliation

P60 Audit Report Year to Date Reconciliation Report

Other Details: Student Loan: Payroll

Student Loan

4. Validate values in the Run Year to Date Reconciliation Report:

The Run Year to Date Reconciliation Report is populated with a P60 column, which shows the P60 value and a
column which will show the value of any discrepancy. The discrepancy value should be zero.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

8 Reconciling Payments

Payment Reconciliation Setup

Global Payroll integrates with Cash Management and General Ledger. This integration facilitates the setup of banks,
branches, and bank accounts, and the reconciliation of bank statements with payment transactions.

An administrator or implementor with the appropriate privileges performs the tasks shown in this table:

Application Setup Steps Task

General Ledger Create an account combination for the • Account Combinations

reconciliation differences account.

Cash Management Set up transaction codes that map to the • Cash Transaction Type Mapping
payment method transaction codes used in
payroll. • Bank Statement Transaction Codes

Cash Management Create reconciliation rules. • Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance

• Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching
• Bank Statement Reconciliation Rule Sets

Payroll Create liability, cash clearing, and cash accounts • Costing of Payment Sources
for your payment sources.

Specify the option Transfer to General Ledger.

Reconciliation Differences Account Setup

If you reconcile payment costs before posting the costing results to General Ledger, set up a reconciliation differences
account in General Ledger using Account Combinations. The reconciliation differences accounts in Cash Management
records discrepancies between the bank statement and the transferred payment files, such as over and under

Payroll Transactions Codes Setup

If you cost your payments, set up and map transaction codes in Cash Management for the organization payment

Task Action

Bank Statement Transaction Codes 1. Review the transaction and statement codes that your enterprise currently uses

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Task Action

2. Create transaction codes for the transaction types that support your organization payment

Cash Transaction Type Mapping 1. Map transaction types to payment types used for the organization payment methods that
support costing of payments.
2. Identify the organization payment methods for payroll accounts, such as payroll liability, cash, and
cash clearing accounts.

Reconciliation Rules Setup

Payroll processes transfer your payment entries to Cash Management for manual or automatic reconciliation with bank
statements, and cost the unreconciled and reconciled payments to the appropriate account, such as the cash clearing
and cash accounts.

If you reconcile transactions automatically, in Cash Management complete the tasks listed in this table.

Task Action

Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance Create tolerance rules based on date, amount, or percentage that prevent or warn you when
Rules reconciliation exceeds a defined tolerance.

Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Define bank statement automatic reconciliation matching rules.

Bank Statement Reconciliation Rule Sets Assign a group of matching rules and tolerance rules to a bank account for reconciling bank statement
lines with transactions.

Bank Accounts Specify the Reconciliation Differences account you set up in General Ledger..

Payroll Accounts Setup

Create a liability and cash account. Use Costing of Payments to create a cash clearing account to track payments such
as checks/cheques, where a delay exists between the date the payment is issued and the date it clears.

Note: When you set up the accounts, it's best practice to enter the same account information that you use for the
cash and cash clearing account that you created in General Ledger.

Related Topics
• Reconcile Payroll Payments
• Payroll Setup Tasks for Financials
• Considerations When You Create Accounts
• Payroll Setup Tasks for Subledger Accounting

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Reconcile Payroll Payments

Payroll integrates with Cash Management, which facilitates the reconciliation of bank statements with payment
transactions. Reconcile payments after you receive the bank statement and reconciliation file.

This table shows you the sequence of steps to cost and reconcile your payments, including the rollup payments from
the Run Third-Party Payment Rollup, process using a duty role with the appropriate security privileges for each
application, such as the payroll manger or cash management manager.

Sequence Task Location Comments

1 Submit tasks to generate payments Submit a Flow task in Payroll Payment information you can
for employees and third-party reconcile includes payments
payees, such as Generate Check generated for checks/cheques,
Payments. electronic funds transfer, and
external payments.

2 Submit the Calculate Costing of Submit a Flow task in Payroll • Creates cost results that debit
Payments task for new payments. the payroll liability accounts
and credit the cash clearing
• Costs any uncosted payment
it identifies that falls within
the submission dates,
including unreconciled,
reconciled, void, canceled,
and external payments.

3 Submit the Transfer Payments Submit a Flow task in Payroll Typically, you submit the process
Information to Cash after sending the payment files to
Management task. the banks.

4 Load a bank statement. Cash Management Load a bank statement that

includes the payments for the
payroll period you want to

5 Reconcile payments automatically Cash Management Refer to Managing Discrepancies in

or manually. this topic.

6 Monitor the reconciliation status Cash Management Refer to Monitoring the Status in
this topic.

7 Submit the Calculate Costing Submit a Flow task in Payroll After the payment clears, submit
of Payments task for reconciled the process to debit the cash
payments. clearing account and credit the
cash account.

Enterprises typically submit the

process toward the end of the
accounting period.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Sequence Task Location Comments

This figure shows you the division of tasks between Payroll and Cash Management.

Manage Discrepancies
The reconciliation process captures discrepancies between the amount reported in the bank statement and the
payment information transferred to Cash Management. If there is a discrepancy, the amount determines the actions you
might take, as shown in this table.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Discrepancy Action

Difference falls within the allowable Payment is marked reconciled and the difference is allocated to a reconciliation differences account
tolerance permitted for discrepancies in General Ledger. The journal entries for the differences are transferred from Cash Management to
General Ledger, and not through payroll.

Difference falls outside the allowed Payroll manager and cash managers must resolve the discrepancy.

Monitoring the Status

When you monitor the reconciliation process, you review statuses to determine whether the bank cleared or rejected a
payment. This table gives you the pages to monitor the status.

Page Action to Monitor Status

Person Process Results or Person Results View the payment amounts distributed from the payroll liability, the cash clearing, and the cash
page accounts.

Person Process Results or Person Results View the cash clearing account status:
• Cleared applies to payments that aren't reconciled or that typically don't require reconciliation
such as cash and EFT
• Not Cleared applies to payments awaiting reconciliation or payments that failed the reconciliation

Overview and Manage Bank Statement View the status of bank statement lines.
pages in Cash management

Related Topics
• Payment Reconciliation Setup
• Automatic Reconciliation
• Overview of Bank Statement Processing and Troubleshooting
• Overview of Tolerance Rules
• Payroll Setup for Costing Accounts

Reconcile Retroactive Payroll Payments

Payroll integrates with Cash Management, which facilitates the reconciliation of bank statements with payment
transactions. Payments are reconciled after you receive the bank statement and reconciliation file.

Evaluate the results of the retroactive pay process between running the retroactive pay process and the running of the
Calculate Payroll process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Use these two key reports to reconcile retroactive pay results:

• The Run Retroactive Notifications Report
• The Run Retroactive Entries Report

Note: You can run these as standalone reports, include in a dedicated Retroactive flow, or add to a full payroll cycle
flow pattern.

Once all your changes are made, run the Run Retroactive Notification Report to get a list of all the employees with prior
period system events within the retro event group in real time.

Manage Discrepancies
The reconciliation process identifies unexpected results.. If there is a discrepancy, you must research and take action to

Now that you have resolved your discrepancies, begin the retroactive process and review by performing these steps:

• Run the retroactive pay process.

• Run the Retroactive Entries Report to review the element entries created by the retroactive pay process.
Note: Use the detailed information in this report to help you troubleshoot to resolve the unexpected results.

The most common retroactive pay discrepancies occur when the retroactive pay process completes, but it produces
unexpected results. Using the Retroactive Entries Report can help identify what changed to generate the retroactive
entry. You can also go back and refer to the Retroactive Notification Report to see the events that caused the change.

Note: The seeded event group is Entry Changes for Retro.

If you can't reconcile a retroactive entry before you run the Calculate Payroll process, offset the retroactive entries
instead of deleting them. If you delete the entries, you may cause issues later, such as if the periods are included in
other retroactive pay runs. Use the original retroactive element to offset the amounts.

Related Topics
• Overview of Retroactive Pay
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Retroactive Notification Report
• Retroactive Entries Report
• Retroactive Costing

Retroactive Notification Report

Retroactive pay is the recalculation of prior payroll results due to changes that occur after the original payroll calculation
is run.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Here are some examples of prior period adjustments:

• An employee receives a pay award that’s backdated to a previous pay period.

• The payroll department makes a backdated correction for an error that occurred in a previous pay period.
For example, after evaluating employee performances for the previous calendar year through a three-month review
cycle, an employer may backdate the pay awards to 01, January. When such entries are made in April, it triggers
retroactive events for employees receiving such pay awards. These employees have already been processed by payroll
for the last three months.

A retroactive notification is generated when a retroactive payroll event is generated.

Run the Retroactive Notification Report to view retroactive notifications for events that are awaiting processing,
deferred, or both. Run this report before you submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

Use the report to view:

• Unprocessed retroactive events for each employee, enabling you to identify who are included in Recalculate
Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.
• Event dates that can be used to identify which payroll periods are recalculated by the retroactive process for
each employee.
• Payroll relationships that are previously deferred so that you can make some or all of them available for the next
retroactive payroll process.
The earliest date across all notifications for a payroll relationship determines the reprocess date. Reprocessing is done
across all runs starting from the reprocess date, as payroll calculations are cumulative.

For example, suppose a monthly paid employee has unprocessed retroactive events for 15, June and 20, August. The
retroactive process recalculates payroll results for the June, July and August payroll periods. You can use the report to
detect payroll relationships that are previously deferred.

Submit the Run Retroactive Notification Report task from the Submit a Flow page. You can open this page from
Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Many parameters are self-explanatory.
Submit the same values as you would provide for the retroactive pay processing.

Here’s the list of parameters that have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Date

The process date determines which records to process and is the same date as when the retroactive change process is


Enter the same payroll flow name as the flow you use to run the retroactive process.

Retroactive Notification Status

This table lists the values you can select to determine the type of events to include in the report.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Status Description

Deferred Includes events for payroll relationships whose retroactive pay processing is deferred.

Unprocessed Includes events that are either awaiting processing or processing.

Both Deferred and Unprocessed Includes events that are either awaiting processing or processing, or deferred. This is the default value
and is a combination of the other two options.


Enter a value to limit your report to a specific employee.

Process Configuration Group

Select the process configuration group, if you have defined one. Use a process configuration group to provide sets of
processing parameters, primarily related to logging and performance. If you don't select a process configuration group;
the parameters in the default group for the selected payroll is used.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Use a payroll relationship groups to limit the
persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define any of the groups mentioned above before you can select it here.

Report Results
This table shows the sections of the PDF output of the report.

Section Name Description

Parameters Section The parameters section is at the beginning of the report and displays the report parameters and the
sort criteria. The sort criteria is: Notification Status, Retroactive Process Date, Person Name, Payroll
Relationship Number, Entity, Batch Name, Attribute, Update Type, Assignment Number, Element
Name, Change Effective Date, Actual Change Date and Changed By.

Notification Status Summary This section shows the total payroll relationships and total events by each type of retroactive
notification status. Each payroll relationship may have multiple payroll retroactive events such as
assignment updates, element entry updates, and so on. The counts reflect the number of such events
that require payroll to be recalculated from a different process date.

Retroactive Process Date Summary This section shows the different reprocessing dates for the employees and payroll relationships, and
the total count of workers and events for each reprocess date. This section gives a quick snapshot
of how far back the retroactive reprocessing begins and for how many workers. These totals are also
broken down for each retroactive notification status.

Event Type Summary This section shows the details of the type and number of events that cause recalculation of payroll
for a particular reprocess date. You can view the number of payroll relationships and employees, and
events by entity and attribute for a particular reprocess date.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

Section Name Description

Event Details by Retroactive Process Date This detail section shows the different workers and their event details for the same type of event,
reprocess date and notification status, as follows:

• If the entity is related to elements, the element name is shown as part of the event details. The
batch used to make the change, if any, is displayed in the header.
• If the event is related to assignment, the assignment number is shown.
• The old value is shown for Update, Delete and Correction events while the new value is shown for
Update, Insert and Correction events.

Event Details for a Person This section sorts and lists all events by each process date and worker. Each payroll relationship has
one reprocess date based on the earliest event.

• The assignment number is shown only for those events that are specific to an assignment.
• The person number and payroll relationship number are shown along with the person name, in
the header.
• Batch name, if available, and the element name is shown only when the event is related to an
element. For all events based on attribute, both the old and new values are shown.

Related Topics
• How Retroactive Pay Is Calculated
• Overview of Payroll Event Groups

Retroactive Entries Report

Run the Retroactive Entries Report to view the:

• Element entries created by the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process
• Original calculations,
• Retroactive entries generated by comparing the original result to the recalculated result
The report displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element classification
and by each element. The report also displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by
the original process that the recalculated results are compared with.

Submit the Run Retroactive Entries Report task from the Payroll Checklist or Submit a Flow page. You can also use
the delivered Retroactive Payroll flow to automatically run the Retroactive Notification report, Recalculate Payroll for
Retroactive Changes process, and the Retroactive Entries Report in that order.


Run this report after you run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Reconciling Payments

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Many parameters are self-explanatory
and are similar to the parameters you submit to run the Calculate Payroll process. The parameters mentioned
here have special meaning in the context of this report.


Enter the payroll flow name. This value should be the same as the flow you use to run the Calculate Payroll process.

Payroll Period

Enter the same value you used to run the Calculate Payroll process.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. A payroll relationship group limits the persons
processed for payroll and reporting.

Element Group

Select the element group name, if you have defined one. The element group limits data to only those retroactive
elements that are members of this group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define any of the groups mentioned above before you can select it here.

Report Results
The PDF output of the report has the following sections.

Parameters Section

The parameters section is at the beginning of the report and displays the report parameters and the sort criteria. The
sort criteria is: Original Process Date, Original Flow Name, Original Process Type, Original Run Type, Person Name,
Payroll Relationship Number, Element Classification, Original Result Element Name, Retroactive Entry Type, Assignment
Number, and Retroactive Entry Creation Date.

Element Classifications Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element

Elements Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element.

Elements by Original Process Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by the original process that
the recalculated results are compared with.

Element Details for a Person

This section displays the retroactive entries for each person. For each entry, the original calculation result, if available, is
shown and the corresponding retroactive entries that are created after comparing with that original result.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

9 Auditing and Reporting

Common Report Features
Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports
Use the Report Category to define multiple delivery options for the following extract-based payroll reports.
• Payroll Activity Report
• Gross-to-Net Report
• Statutory Deduction Report
• Deduction Report
• Payroll Balance Report
• Payment Register
• Third-Party Payment Register
• Payroll Register
• Balance Exception Report
A report category is a set of delivery options grouped together.

A delivery option defines where and how the report output is delivered, including the output file format, choice of
template and optionally a destination such as an FTP server.

You can also define your own delivery option and include it in the report category. For example, you can define a
delivery option to use a combination of both PDF and Excel outputs for a single submission of the report.

The new optional Report Category parameter is added to the payroll report flow task to show the list of delivery options
defined for the report's extract definition. If left blank, the existing PDF delivery option is used.

Here are the steps required to add Delivery Options for the Payment Register:
1. Select the Extract Definitions task in the Data Exchange area on the Home page.
2. In the Search window, enter Payment Register in the Name field.
3. Select Archive Retrieval in the Type field.
4. Select a a legislative data group (LDG) and click Search.
5. Click Payment Register in the Search Results region.
6. Click the Deliver tab in the HCM Extract Definitions: Payment Register page.
7. Select the Extract Delivery Options tab under the Hierarchy panel on the left, and complete the following:
◦ Click Add to add a row for the delivery option you're about to create.
◦ Enter these details.

Field Description

Delivery Option Name Enter a value, example Excel Register.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Field Description

Output Type Select a value, for example, Excel.

Report Enter the location of the report output.

Template Name Enter the name of the report template for this output type.

Output Name Enter Name of the report output, for example, Excel Register.

Delivery Type Select the mode of delivery of the report, for example, Documents of Record.

Required Select this check box if this delivery option is a required option.

◦ Click Save. The newly created delivery option is saved and you can select it when you create the Report
8. Click Add in the Report Category Section.
9. Enter Short Name, Report Category, and Description of the new Report Category.
10. Click Add in the Additional Details section.
11. Select the name of the Delivery Option you have created.

Similarly, create additional delivery options and select it here. For example, create a delivery option to create a
PDF of the register and have it delivered by email. Enter the email details in the Additional Details section.
12. Click Save and Close.
When you run the register, select the newly created report category to deliver the register in Excel in the Documents of

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Delivering Extracts

Default Action Parameters for Payroll Extracts

Payroll process configuration groups provide sets of processing or action parameters, primarily related to logging and
performance. Many delivered extracts, especially high-volume payroll extracts, include default, best-practice process
configuration settings to optimize report performance.

Run the delivered payroll extracts directly without configuring some of the process configuration parameters for
the report. For example, several high-volume extracts like the Payroll Activity Report has the process configuration
parameter, Multithreaded XML Generation for Extracts (ORA_MULTITHREADED_XML) set to Y by default. You
don't have to set the process configuration parameter either at the time of report submission or on the default process
configuration group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

The best-practice process configuration settings are delivered as default values for each payroll extract. This table lists
the action parameters that the delivered extracts include by default.

Parameter Parameter Name Default Value Reports

Name of Extract Structure Block EXTRACT_STRUCTURE_BLOCK Global Payroll Register Extract • Payroll Register Report
Structure Block
• Payroll Register Report for the
Latest Process

Use Sub-set of Archive Extract USE_EXTRACT_STRUCTURE Y • Payroll Register Report

Structure For Reports
• Payroll Register Report for the
Latest Process

Suppression of Null Values WRITE_NULL_VALUES N • Payroll Activity Report

• Payroll Activity Report for the
Latest Process
• Periodic Payroll Activity
• Statutory Deduction Register
• Statutory Deduction Register
for the Latest Process
• Periodic Statutory Deduction
• Payroll Costing Results

Multithreaded XML Generation for ORA_MULTITHREADED_XML Y • Payroll Activity Report

• Payroll Activity Report for the
Latest Process
• Periodic Payroll Activity
• Statutory Deduction Register
• Statutory Deduction Register
for the Latest Process
• Periodic Statutory Deduction
• Payroll Costing Results

Skip BI server for online payslip ORA_PAYSLIP_SKIP_BI_SERVER Y Payslip

The delivered extracts use these default settings only if you haven't used your own values for these process
configuration parameters.

Consider the following while using the action parameters for the delivered payroll extracts:

• It is recommended that you use the default settings defined for the extract and don't set your own values for
these parameters. Therefore, if you have configured an enterprise-level process configuration group with a
different value for any of these parameters, delete them from the group and override them only on the extracts
that need the override, individually.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

• If you have already copied the delivered extracts, you still need to use the process configuration group
parameter on the report, unless you make a new copy of the delivered extract that now includes these default
• For user-defined extracts, you can set your own default settings as hidden extract and flow parameters, just like
the delivered extracts. Alternatively or additionally, you could add a process configuration group parameter on
the report to allow a different setting on each report submission.
• Change the process configuration parameter values in the default process configuration group only if you're
using the same values across payroll extracts, including those extracts that have their own default settings.

Related Topics
• Payroll Process Configuration Groups

Display All Hours in Payroll Reports

Use the parameter Display All Hours to report hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications on
the following payroll reports.

• Gross-to-Net Report
• Payroll Activity Report
• Payroll Balance Report
• Payroll Register Report
Select Yes to include hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications. The default value is No
and only hours from Regular or Standard Earnings and Absence Earnings are included in the report to match with the
standard working hours.

Report Days and Units in Payroll Reports

You can view the days and units information for Days X Rate and Other Units elements in the following payroll reports.

• Payroll Activity Report

• Payroll Balance Report
• Payroll Register
• Payslips
You can view the rate information in the rate section of the payslip. The reported units can be hours, days, or other
units. For example, an employee is paid an allowance, in addition to the regular pay, on a per unit basis. If the unit
is other than time, it could be wages made on a per shift basis or payments per unit produced. In such cases, the
additional allowance is captured as supplemental earnings. Enter the value on the time card or the application calculates
it indirectly using an element of type 'Other Units'. A rate definition is linked to the element. The rate is defined as
amount per shift or amount per unit, as the case may be.

The reports display the Other Units balances separately in various sections, just as the Hours and Days balances.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Support for Days X Rate and Units X Rate Elements in the Payslip
The Rate section of the payslip displays Days X Rate and Units X Rate elements for all rate-based elements. The
Quantity column displays the number of units and the Type column displays the unit of measurement for the quantity.
The unit of measurement can be hours, days, or number of units.

For example, if your company pays a meal allowance of 10.00 USD per day and an employee is paid meal allowance
payments for one week. This table displays the meal allowance payment details on the payslip.

Field Value

Quantity 5

Type Days

Rate 10.00

Multiple 1

Amount 50.00

Multiple element entries for the same rate, multiple value, and elements are grouped together and shown as a single
entry in the rates section. For instance, in the above example, if payments are made to the employee at:

• 1.5 times the agreed rate on Mondays when the employee comes in early to work, and
• 2 times the agreed rate on Fridays for working extra hours to meet targets

The payslip displays three different meal allowance entries for the three different multiple values and the corresponding
amounts, as shown in this table.

Meal Allowance Quantity Type Rate Multiple Amount

Entry 1 3 Days 10.00 1 30.00

Entry 2 (for Monday) 1 Days 10.00 1.5 15.00

Entry 3 (for Friday) 1 Days 10.00 2 20.00

Note: The number of decimal places for the rates displayed on the payslip is dependent on the precision value you

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Related Topics
• Payroll Activity Report
• Rate Precision in Payslips
• Payroll Balance Report

Set Job Priority for Payroll Reports

The BI server puts every job it gets in a queue in a first in, first out manner irrespective of the report being critical or

The jobs are executed in a serial manner one after the other. However, there could be instances when theserver is
unable to process a job request, as expected, due to these reasons:

• Performance issues with a previous job on the BI server

• Overloading of the BI server
• Malfunctioning of the BI server
The report job encounters an issue and remains pending until a manual intervention is done to resolve the issue. Time-
bound, critical processes, like Calculate Payroll, require uninterrupted processing of critical payment jobs like EFT, Check
Payments, Payslips.

The Priority of payroll reports on the BI server are by default set as Normal and hence are processed on first in, first out
basis. To avoid interruptions, set the priority of your payroll report jobs as Critical, so that they're executed on priority.

When you set the report as Critical, when there is an interruption, the critical jobs are routed onto an optional server and
processed on priority.

Note: You can make this change only on the custom version of the payroll report, payslip, EFT, or Check.

Follow these steps to set a payroll report as critical.

1. Navigate to the report in the BI Catalog.

2. Click Edit and then click Properties.
3. On the Report Properties window, under the General tab, select Critical in the Job Priority field.
4. Click OK.
Setting the report as critical reduces chances of failure when there is an issue with the BI server or a performance issue
with a previous report job in the process.

Related Topics
• How to Configure the Payslip Report Template

Year-to-Date Balances in Reports

Some payroll reports like Payroll Activity, Payroll Register, and Statutory Deduction Register include the Report YTD
Summary parameter for viewing year-to-date balance values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

When you submit the reports, you specify a value for this parameter that controls which balances are included in the
total, as shown in this table.

Parameter Value Report Displays

Yes Year-to-date total from the last process run for a person in a specific PSU and TRU within a specified
date range

No Each separate transaction included in the report displays the current total, and the year-to-date total is
displayed for all the processes run for a person within the date range

Related Topics
• Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances

Examples of Viewing YTD Balances in Reports

Use the Report YTD Summary parameter to view year-to-date balance values in payroll reports. The reports include
the Payroll Activity, Payroll Register, and Statutory Deduction Register. The parameter also controls which balances are
included in the report.

Report Results for Transfer

These scenarios illustrate how the YTD balances are reported when the Report YTD Summary Parameter value is Yes.
Suppose you transfer Susan Smith from PSU1 /TRU1 to PSU2/TRU2, effective April 01. A new payroll relationship is
created with the new tax reporting unit. You submit the Payroll Activity Report with a Process Start Date of January 1
and a Process End Date of December 31. This table shows what totals the report includes.

Scenarios Year-to-Date Totals Displayed for PSU1/TRU1 Last Action Displayed for PSU2/TRU2

Susan continues working in PSU2/TRU2. March 31 Last action processed in December

Susan continues working in PSU2/TRU2. June 30 Last action processed in December

You pay her an off-cycle commission on June

30 for the previous payroll relationship (PSU1/

You terminate Susan's employment August 30. March 31 Last action processed as of August 30

If instead of terminating Susan on August 30, you transfer her from PSU2/TRU2 back to PSU1/TRU1 on October 1, the
previous payroll relationship for PSU1/TRU1 is reused with a new assignment ID. This table shows the results the report

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Scenarios Report Results PSU2/TRU2 Display as of Last Action for PSU1/TRU1

You transfer Susan from PSU2/TRU2 to PSU1/ September 30 Last action processed in December

Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances

When you process a reversal or balance adjustment, you decide whether to include or exclude the balances from the
payment. When you submit a report that includes the Balances Reported parameter, your selection determines which
balances to display.

Select Nonpayment Only or Payment Only options, or leave the parameter blank to display bothpayment and
nonpayment balances. The Payroll Activity, Payroll Register, and Statutory Deduction Register include theBalances
Reported parameter.

When you submit the report, you can optionally specify the Scope and Report YTD Summary parameters. These
parameters determine how the balances are reported and whether you can select a value for the Balances Reported
parameter, as shown in this table.

Report Parameter Parameter Value Report Results

Scope Summary Total includes payment and nonpayment


Scope Detail Include in Payment report section lists payment

and nonpayment balance details

Report YTD Summary No or blank value Balances are based on the value selected for the
Balances Reported parameter

Report YTD Summary Yes Report lists payment and nonpayment balance

Balances reported parameter values aren't

available for selection

Latest Process Year-to-Date and Periodic Balances Reporting

This topic explains the separate tasks you can use for reporting latest process year-to-date and periodic balances for
these three payroll reports:

• Payroll Activity Report

• Statutory Deduction Register
• Payroll Register Report

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Latest Process Year-to-Date Reporting

Run these three reports to extract the year-to-date (YTD) payroll balances for large volumes of data.

• Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

• Statutory Deduction Register for the Latest Process
• Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process
For large volumes of data, the enhanced report runs much faster

and includes year-to-date totals from the last process run for a person prior to the specified end date, such as the last
process run for each TRU.

Periodic Balances Reporting

Run these three reports to extract the periodic payroll balances for large volumes of data:

• Periodic Payroll Activity Report

• Periodic Statutory Register
• Periodic Payroll Register Report
For large volumes of data, the enhanced report runs much faster.

In addition to reporting YTD balances, you can also configure the report to extract payroll balances for these balance
dimension types:

• Month-to-Date (MTD)
• Period-to-Date (PTD)
• Quarter-to-Date (QTD)
• Inception-to-Date (ITD)
Before you run the report for the above balance dimension types, complete the following:

1. Determine which of the four balance dimension types you want to include in the report and for which balances.
Determine the balance group for each balance by looking up the balance groups for the relevant Global Archive
report type under the Balance Group Usages page. The report types for the new reports are the same as those
of the existing reports. .
2. For each balance group usage, determine the appropriate balance dimension name that has the relevant
contexts. Use the existing balance group usage item for YTD as a reference. For example, if the balance
dimension name used for YTD is Relationship Tax Unit Year to Date, you should use Relationship Tax Unit
Period to Date for PTD.
3. Ensure that the defined balances exist. Use the Balance Definitions page to ensure the balance is associated
with the required balance dimensions.
4. On the Balance Groups page, ensure that the defined balance is part of the determined balance group.
5. Add Balance Group Usage Items for the dimension within each Legislative Data Group and the determined
balance group usage.
These reports use a much lighter report template with enhanced performance and scalability capabilities to handle high
volumes of data. The reports run much faster for large volumes of data. You can now run the reports to produce CSV/
text output that you can easily import into the Excel format. This is in addition to the PDF and Excel outputs we already

For very large data sets, it's preferable to run the report for the text output and then converting it to the Excel format. It
is much faster than generating the report output directly in the Excel format.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

If you have configured changes to your existing extract definition, including but not limited to delivery options, report
templates, and so on, then those must be reapplied to these reports, if required.

Related Topics
• XML Data Chunking

XML Data Chunking

Use the XML Data Chunking feature of BI Publisher while running these reports for large volumes of data.

• Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

• Statutory Deduction Register for the Latest Process
• Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process
• Costing Results (Extract-based) Report
Large volumes of report output data are split into smaller, manageable chunks to enable parallel processing. These
chunks are later merged into a single report output.

XML data chunking reduces time and the memory used for processing large volumes of data.

Create a payroll process configuration group to enable the BI Publisher to split high volume XML extract output into
multiple, smaller chunks. Use this configuration group to run the report.

Excel is the preferred output layout. Although the output for each chunk is merged into a single Excel workbook, the
output for each chunk is in a separate worksheet in that workbook.

Note: You can't use this functionality for PDF and text output of the report.

It is recommended that you use this functionality only for report size larger than 1 GB.

Related Topics
• Latest Process Year-to-Date and Periodic Balances Reporting

Employer Taxes in Payroll Reports

Capture and report on balances of 'Employer Taxes' category in all payroll reports that normally report Employer
Charges or Liabilities.

These are the reports that support Employer Taxes:

• Payroll Activity Report
• Gross-to-Net Summary Report
• Statutory Deduction Report
• Deduction Report
• Payroll Balance Report

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

• Payroll Register
For Employer Tax elements delivered by Oracle, no steps are necessary to enable this feature. For elements that
you have defined, the reports automatically display the balances for specific balance dimensions. If those balance
dimensions aren't attached to your balance or aren't the ones you want to report on, use the Balance Groups and
Balance Group Usages tasks under Payroll in My Client Groups to enable your preferred balance dimensions within
each report.

Account Number Masking in Payroll Reports

Account Number Masking in Payroll Reports
You can mask bank account information to prevent display of sensitive information on the following payroll reports.

• Payslips
• Payment Register
• Third-Party Payment Register
Masking enables display of only a few specific characters of the account number or IBAN number, usually characters
at the start or end of the number. The remaining characters are obfuscated and you can't see them on the reports.
For example, you may decide to display only the last four characters of the account number. In such cases, an account
number ABC123456 displays as XXXXX3456 in reports that support masked account numbers.

Use the new Extract Unmasked Bank Information process configuration parameter to display either the masked or
full bank account numbers in the reports. By default or when set to No, the bank account information on the reports
is masked. Set it to Yes to see the unmasked bank account information. For example, if you mail a copy of the Third-
Party Payment Register to the payee, you may want to mask the sensitive bank account information. If the same report
is shared securely within the Payroll Department to verify the bank account details, you may run the report with the
process configuration parameter set to Yes.

This table shows how the bank account number ABC123456 is stored in the application tables depending on how you
configure masking.

Actual Account Number Masking Enabled Masked Number

ABC123456 No ABC123456

ABC123456 Yes XXXXX3456

Note: The above table assumes that the masking setup displays only the last four characters of the bank account

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

FAQs for Reports

Why don't I see the new delivery option when I redeliver the
When you submit the Redeliver Output process from the Payroll Checklist work area, you can only select delivery
options that were available when you originally submitted the report.

If you add a delivery option to the report's extract definition, you must submit a new report to view and select the
additional delivery option.

How can I display employee work location and department on

their payslip or check?
Define a check or payslip template to include the archived payroll information, including the employee's work location
and department details.

Use this template in the BI Publisher Report and add the report to the Generate CheckPayments or Generate Payslips
flow. When you submit the flow, the flow output is automatically generated based on thetemplate included in the BI
Publisher Report.

Related Topics
• Add a BI Publisher Report to a Flow

How can I view transient data in extract-based payroll reports?

Use the Run Mode parameter to control whether the extract-based payroll report must retain or discard the transient
data created during the report execution to produce the output file.

Select the Debug option only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support to do

The default Normal option discards the temporary transient data produced during report execution.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Overview of Payroll Archive
Archive payroll results before you submit processes that use the archived data, such as Run Payroll Register or the
Generate Payslips task.

The payroll archive process is part of your payroll cycle flow. If you submit standalone payrollprocesses, use the Archive
Periodic Payroll Results task to archive payroll information.

Run the Payroll Archive process to archive the earnings, deductions, tax calculation details, accruals, payment methods,
and so on, before generating payments. Run this process after the payroll calculation is complete.

Before you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task, consider the following.

Enable Payslip Translation

Open the default process configuration group and set the process configuration parameter, Enable Payslip Translation
Values to allow payslip translation to Y, before running the Payroll Archive process. Set this parameter only once, so
that the application translates the data the Payroll Archive process archives for the payslip.

Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to edit the default configuration group and set the parameter.

If you have run the Payroll Archive before setting this parameter, roll back the process, set the Enable Payslip
Translation Values to allow payslip translation parameter to Y, and rerun the Payroll Archive process.

Set the Payslip Rate Precision Values

The precision value defines how many decimal points the payslip uses when showing rate amounts. To change the
default payslip rate precision value, you must change how the rates are captured in the periodic payroll archive.

Create a process configuration group or edit the default process configuration group, and add the Payslip Rate
Precision parameter and enter an override value to set the number of decimal points to display the rates on the payslip.
Use this configuration group when you run the payroll archive process.

1. Navigate to the Payroll Process Configuration task from Payroll in My Client Groups.
2. Create a configuration group, and give it a meaningful name.
3. Select the Details tab, add a row, and select Payslip Rate Precision.
4. Set the number of decimal places in the Override Value field.
5. Click Save.
When you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process, use the Process Configuration Group parameter to select this
configuration group.

You can modify the precision value set on the report template itself, and this value would override the value you set on
the archive process. For example, suppose you want your hourly employees to see four decimal places for rates on their
payslips and the salaried employees to see only two decimal places. In this case, perform these tasks:

1. Set the Payslip Rate Precision process configuration parameter to four decimal places.
2. Modify the payslip report template to display the rates with two decimal places only for salaried employees.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

To modify the payslip report template, refer to 'Configure the Payslip Report Template' in the Help Center.

Related Topics
• Generate Payslips in the Worker's Correspondence Language
• Rate Precision in Payslips
• Multilanguage Support for Payslips

Archive Periodic Payroll Results

Use the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task to archive payroll information such as earnings, deductions, tax calculation
details, accruals, payment methods, and so on, before generating payments. Run this process after the payroll
calculation is complete.

Report Parameters
The report parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-
explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an
effective date same or greater than the Process Start Date are reported.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the
'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Note: For offset payrolls, the effective date of the payroll or QuickPay run could be after the end date of the payroll
period. In such cases, ensure that your Process End Date must be on or after the effective date of the process you
want to include in the report.


The name of the payroll you use to run this report.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report for a consolidation group. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a
subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group.

Note: Use the Object Groups task to define a Consolidation Group, before you can use it here.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process
configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as setting the payslip rate precision value. You can
select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Report Results
Use the Archive Results section on the View Person Process Results page to view a summary of archived results and drill
down to view individual archived records.

You can edit the archived data and rerun processes before run the year-end reports. For example, run the Employee
Active Payroll Balance report to view the current values for any given list of employee balances. Compare this data
against the archived data to assist in reconciling your periodic payrolls and quarterly and year-end balances.

After you have reconciled your payroll data, run the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process to archive employee
and employer information for end-of-year reporting.

View and Edit Archive Results

Because payslips and the payroll register use archived data, it's critical that the archive process completes successfully
and it include complete and accurate information.

You can view the results of the Archive Periodic Payroll Resultsprocess on the View Person Process Results page. You
can also edit archived data, if your user privileges and therestrictions are in place for your system enable it.

View the Archive Results

Use the Archive Results section on the View Person Process Results page to view a summary of archived results and drill
down to view individual archived records.

Note: The data archived by this process may vary depending on your legislation and your organization's reporting

Archive payroll data is typically one of these types:

• HR data, such as employee and employer address details, employee work location and department, accruals,
and assignment details
• Element information, such as earnings and deductions
• Balance sets
• Messages

Archive results include prepayment information used to generate payslips as well as prepayment information for
external payments. Use archive results to determine errors, unprocessed assignments or missing records. If errors or
issue are found, review the employee's HR or payroll data, determine the cause and correct. Once errors and issues are
resolved, roll back the affected processes and rerun.

Edit the Archive Results

By default, the extract definition for the payroll archive doesn't allow editing of the output. However, if your environment
and your security privileges enable this task, you can use the Edit button in the Archive Results section of the View
Person Process Results page. The application stores any changes to the archived results in the archive table, which the
payroll register and payment processes then use.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Auditing and Reporting

Note: Updates made to the archive results will no longer match the originally generated archive. For this reason,
avoid manually updating the archive unless necessary.

Related Topics
• Payroll Payments Distribution
• When should I archive payroll data?

FAQ for Archive

When should I archive payroll data?
You must archive payroll results before you submit processes that use archived data, such as Run Payroll Register and
Generate Payslips.

Your payroll cycle flow should reflect the proper sequence of tasks. If you submit standalone payrollprocesses, you can
archive the results using Archive Periodic Payroll Results.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

10 Load Payroll Data Using Transformation


Data Loader
Overview of Loading Objects with HCM Data Loader for the UK
Use HCM Data Loader for bulk-loading and maintaining payroll data. You can navigate to the HCM Data Loader pages
directly from the Payroll Checklist page. On the Checklist page, select the Initiate Data Loader task to open the HCM
Data Loader object status page.

You can use HCM Data Loader to load these payroll objects.

• Payroll Relationship
• Object Groups
• Payroll Consolidation Groups
• Payroll Definitions and Time Periods
• Time Definitions
• Payroll Element Run Usage
• User-Defined Tables
• Wage Basis Rules
• Payroll Elements
• Element Entries
• Balance Definitions
• Organization Payment Method
• Personal Payment Method
• Payroll Costing

Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader

Your existing data or the data that you upload might not be in the format recognized by HCM Data Loader. In such
cases, use the Payroll Transformation formula for HCM Data Loader to transform your data into a format that's
supported by HCM Data Loader.

Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader

You can use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to load all payroll objects that HCM Data Loader supports. As the first step,
you create a spreadsheet template for the required object from the Data Exchange Work area and further download
the template in CSV format. The Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader transforms the raw
delimited file to a format that suits the template.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Related Topics
• Overview of Benefits and Pensions for the UK
• Overview of Court Orders and Student Loans Cards for the UK
• Overview of Pensions Automatic Enrolment Cards for the UK
• Overview of Statutory Deductions for the UK
• Overview of Taxable Benefits for the UK

Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader

Overview of Payroll Transformation Formula For HCM Data Loader

Often times, your existing data or the payroll data that you upload might not be in the format recognized by HCM Data

In such cases, you can use a payroll transformation formula to transform your data into a format that'ssupported by
HCM Data Loader.

Let's consider these examples.

• An inbound file contains data that needs to be loaded using different payroll business objects in HCM Data
Loader. Here, the content of the file needs to be split across more than one HCM Data Loader file.
• You might create a transformation formula to convert an attribute value in the file to another value that you
derive using value sets.
• You want to change a person number into an assignment number. In this case, you will use a more complex
formula to convert the attributes.
You use the Load Data From File flow to transform your data into the HCM Data Loader file format using your
transformation formula.

As this table shows, the two flow patterns are secured using these privileges:

Flow Pattern Privileges



This example specifies the file name in the formula as PersonalPaymentMethod, the file discriminator as
PersonalPaymentMethod, and the business operation as MERGE.

/*HDL Related Outputs*/

FileName = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'
FileDiscriminator = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

To view details about the file name, file discriminator, and a list of supported business operations, use the View
Business Objects task in the Data Exchange work area.

1. On the View Business Objects page, search for and select your business object. In this example, the business
object is Personal Payment Method.
2. On the Component Details page, you can find the name of the file, and the file discriminator and a list of
supported actions for the object.

Related Topics
• How You Transform Data Using Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• How To Create A Program for Automation
• Submit the Load Data From File Flow

How You Transform Data Using Payroll Transformation Formula

for HCM Data Loader
Use the Load Data From File flow to transform data in the source file into a format that's supported by HCM Data

You can submit this flow independently or include it in a flow that you create for automating data loads on aperiodic
basis. When you submit the flow, either manually or using a web service, you must specify a transformationformula to
transform the data, as needed.

The flow contains these two tasks that help you to transform data into a HCM Data Loader format:

• Generate Data Loader File

• Initiate Data Loader Task
As this figure shows, the first step is to submit the Load Data From File flow. This flow takes data from the flat file and
generates an equivalent file format for the data present in the input file.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Perform these steps to transform data using Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader:

1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Clients Groups tab. On the Flow
Submission page, search for, select, and submit the Load Data From File flow pattern.
2. The flow invokes the Payroll Transformation Formula for the Content ID. Typically, you create your
transformation formula for HCM Data Loader on the Manage Fast Formulas page. The type of the formula
should be HCM Data Loader.
3. The Generate Data Loader File task reads the data file line by line, producing an equivalent HCM Data Loader
format for each line. Finally, it creates a compressed file of all of the transformed data files and uploads to the
Oracle WebCenter Content server. Also, the task records the Content ID.
4. The Initiate Data Loader task takes the Content ID for the file generated by the Generate Data Loader File
task. And it invokes HCM Data Loader. HCM Data Loader validates the data and creates valid records in the
HCM cloud.

The table shows the tasks and the privileges that they're secured with:

Task Privilege



Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Related Topics
• How To Create A Program for Automation
• Submit the Load Data From File Flow
• Transformation Formula Input Variables

How To Create A Program for Automation

You can submit the Load Data from File flow by using a web service.

As this figure shows, your program uploads the source file to content server, and retrieves the content ID for the Flow
Actions Service web service. Then, the program calls the Flow Actions web service by supplying certain parameters.

When calling the web service, your program supplies these parameters.

• Name of the flow pattern, which is Load Data from File

• Content ID of the uploaded file
• Unique name to identify the flow instance being submitted
• Process configuration group ID for special processing (optional)
• Transformation formula ID (mandatory)
For more information about the Flow Actions Service web service, refer to the SOAP Web Services for Oracle HCM Cloud
guide. For examples of its usage for automating file uploads, refer to the attachment for HCM Data Loader User Guide
(1664133.1) on My Oracle Support at

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Related Topics
• Submit the Load Data From File Flow
• Transformation Formula Input Variables
• Payroll Transformation Formula Operations
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Submit the Load Data From File Flow

On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Clients Groups tab. On the Flow Submission
page, submit the Load Data from File flow pattern to transform data in your source file into the HDL format.

This procedure has these assumptions.

• You have the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist role.

• You have the source file ready to upload to Oracle WebCenter Content.
• If you have already uploaded the source file, you have the content ID handy.

Note: To upload files to the content server, browse to the source file on your file system, check it in to the content
server, and retrieve its Content ID. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter
Content guide.

Before You Begin

Before you submit the flow, ensure that you meet these prerequisites.

Characteristics What You Should Do

Data transformation If the data in the source file requires transformation, create and compile a transformation formula
using the HCM Data Loader formula type.

On the Home page, click the Fast Formulas quick action under the My Clients Group tab.

You can now specify the processing parameters for your process configuration group.

File encryption Before loading encrypted files, ensure that the encryption keys exist for the secure file transfer. This
process involves creating a service request, generating PGP key pairs, and sharing the encryption keys.

Specify the Payroll Batch Loader Encryption Type parameter value for the process configuration
group you select when running the flow or the web service. Valid values are PGPSIGNED,

On the Home page, click the Process Payroll Configuration quick action under the My Clients group
tab. Now, you can specify the processing parameters for your process configuration group.

Other processing parameters Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to add parameters for the process configuration group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Characteristics What You Should Do

Examples of processing parameters include Batch Error Mode, Logging Area, Logging Category, and

1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Payroll Flow quick action under the My Clients Groups tab.
2. In the Legislative Data Group option, select a legislative data group.
3. Search for and select the Load Data from File flow pattern.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter the parameters, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Payroll Flow Descriptive name for this specific flow process.

Content Id Enter the Content Id. The source file must already exists on the content server.

Transformation Formula Select the required transformation formula. The type of the formula should be HCM Data

Process Configuration Group Select your process configuration group.

6. On the Enter Parameters page, click Next.

7. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, click Next.
8. On the Schedule page, click Next.
9. On the Review page, click Submit.
10. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK and View Checklist.
11. On the Payroll Flow page, Task Details tab you should see a green check mark in the Generate Data
Loader File and Initiate Data Loader rows, Task Type column. If not, on the toolbar, click the Refresh icon
intermittently until you do.
12. Close the Payroll Flow page.
13. On the Overview page, search for and click your payroll flow.
14. View the process results.
15. Check for any errors or warnings.

Related Topics
• Transformation Formula Input Variables
• Payroll Transformation Formula Operations
• Return Values for Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Transformation Formula Input Variables

Variables, such as FileName, FileDiscriminator and LINEREPEATNO, are available for all formulas of HCM Data Loader
Transformation formula type. Additional variables may be available depending on the selected business object.

Using the transformation formula, you can assign attributes to the required position. Positions can range from 1 to N.
Depending upon the business object, the positions can be either optional or mandatory.


This figure shows the different attributes for positions 2 through 8 for Balance Adjustments.

In this example, you assign attributes to positions 2 through 8.

• POSITION2: EffectiveDate

• POSITION3: PayrollName

• POSITION4: LegislativeDataGroupName

• POSITION5: ConsolidationSetName

• POSITION6: BalAdjBatchId

• POSITION7: SourceSystemId

• POSITION8: SourceSystemOwner

FileName, FileDiscriminator, and BusinessOperation

FileName, FileDiscriminator, and BusinessOperation variables are required for all transformations.

Here are the details of these variables.

• FileName is the name of the file for the business object.

• FileDiscriminator is the file discriminator for the business object.
• BusinessOperation refers to the operation, such as Merge or Delete that are performed by the HCM Data Loader
process on the transformed file.

Here's an example of values that you can supply for the input variables: FileName, FileDiscriminator, and

FileName = 'BalanceAdjustmentHeader'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

FileDiscriminator = POSITION1


LINEREPEAT allows a single line of input to be processed multiple times. And LINEREPEATNO indicates the number of

For example, for time entry, there might be a regular time entry wage followed by a premium time entry wage.

Example: The Element Entry file contains these details.

Update|ElementEntryValue|Vision Corporation US LDG|WLM_Salary|2019/04/15|4712/12/31|E955160008191355-2|
Update|ElementEntryValue|Vision Corporation US LDG|WLM_Salary|2019/04/15|4712/12/31|E955160008191355-2|

The input line can be processed twice. The output file contains the element entry and element entry value as shown in
this sample code snippet.
BusinessObject='Element Entry'
FileName = 'ElementEntry'
FileDiscriminator ='ElementEntry'
RETURN BusinessOperation,FileDiscriminator,FileName
BusinessObject='Element Entry Value'
FileName = 'ElementEntry'
FileDiscriminator = 'ElementEntry'
RETURN BusinessOperation,FileDiscriminator,FileName

• The length of a line in the incoming raw file can't be more than 1000 characters
• The length of an attribute between two delimiters can't be more than 255 character

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Related Topics
• Payroll Transformation Formula Operations
• Return Values for Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Payroll Transformation Formula Operations

The transformation formula is invoked several times to derive different components that are required for processing the
incoming data.

This table explains the various operations that you can do with the formula.

Operation Type Return Value Example




MAP Business Object Attributes NA



Note: Remember that only 'Delimited' file type is supported.

The default delimiter that separates values is a pipe character. If your file uses a different delimiter, you must set the
delimiter you want your formula.

This example specifies a comma character as the delimiter.

/* Calculations */

Note: Ensure that the delimiter you enter in the formula is a single non-ASCII character and not part of any of the
values to upload.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

The MAP operation defines the return values related to a particular object. The return values must have the same
names as the attributes specified in the application for that object.

For example, these RETURN values can be used to generate an Element Entry dat file.

Here, the BusinessOperation is set to MERGE and the BusinessObject is set to Element Entry.

The application generates the file either with all defined attributes or with only specified attributes, depending on
whether you specify a value for METADATALINEINFORMATION or not.

1. If you don't specify a value for METADATALINEINFORMATION, then the application generates METADATLINE in the
transformed file with all defined attributes for the business object.
2. If you specify a value, then the transformed file will contain only the attributes that you specified.
For the METADATALINEINFORMATION operation, you specify an array per business object being processed in the formula.
The number of arrays should match the number specified in the NUMBEROFBUSINESSOBJECTS operation. The name
of the array should be METADATA with the number as suffix . For example, RETURN METADATA1, METADATA2 when the

Note: The first two entries in the array are reserved to specify the FileName and FileDiscriminator of the business object.

Additionally, for METADATALINEINFORMATION, you can specify attributes with special characters for that business objects.

Notice that in this example BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId) has parenthesis.

If the file contains either Flexfield or SourceSystem references, then the application can't resolve the default mapping of
output parameter names and attributes.

Let's consider this syntax: jobEffSegment1(PER_JOBS_EIT_EFF=context). To allow this construct to be generated in the
HCM Data Loader file, you define the METADATA line in the transformation formula. For each business object that appears
in the output, you must define the METADATA content in an array.

METADATA2[1] = 'Job' /*FileName*/
METADATA2[2] = 'JobExtraInfo' /*FileDiscriminator*/
METADATA2[3] = 'EffectiveStartDate'
METADATA2[4] = 'EffectiveEndDate'
METADATA2[5] = 'JobCode'
METADATA2[6] = 'SetCode'
METADATA2[9] = 'InformationType'
METADATA2[10] = 'JeiInformationCategory'
METADATA2[11] = 'LegislationCode'
METADATA2[12]= 'SequenceNumber'
METADATA2[13]= 'jobEffSegment1(PER_JOBS_EIT_EFF=job-eff-context)'

Here's how the generated HCM Data Loader file looks like.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

This operation indicates the number of business objects being processed in the formula.

Related Topics
• Return Values for Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Return Values for Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data

The return values for HCM Data loader formulas vary based on the business object and task action.

They are the same as the attribute names and must include BusinessOperation, FileName, and FileDiscriminator.

Here's an example of return values.

/*Return Values*/
RETURN BusinessOperation,FileName,FileDiscriminator,Attribute1,Attribute2,...,Attributen
/*Attributes for a particular Business Object can be found from the View Business Objects UI under the HCM
Data Loader task in the Data Exchange Work Area */

For the NUMBEROFBUSINESSOBJECTS and METADATALINEINFORMATION operations, the RETURN statement is as follows.
METADATA1[1] = 'BalanceAdjustmentHeader' /*FileName*/ /*Reserved*/
METADATA1[2] = 'BalanceAdjustmentHeader' /*FileDiscriminator*/ /*Reserved*/
METADATA1[3] = 'LegislativeDataGroupName'
METADATA1[4] = 'BatchName'
METADATA1[5] = 'SourceSystemId'
METADATA1[6] = 'SourceSystemOwner'

METADATA2[1] = 'BalanceAdjustmentHeader' /*FileName*/ /*Reserved*/

METADATA2[2] = 'BalanceAdjustmentGroup' /*FileDiscriminator*/ /*Reserved*/
METADATA2[3] = 'EffectiveDate'
METADATA2[4] = 'PayrollName'
METADATA2[5] = 'LegislativeDataGroupName'
METADATA2[6] = 'ConsolidationSetName'
METADATA2[7] = 'BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId)'
METADATA2[8] = 'SourceSystemId'
METADATA2[9] = 'SourceSystemOwner'

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

You can define variables with special characters. For example, use this structure to return the
BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId) Source ID.

/*Return Values for the MAP Operation*/

FileName = 'BalanceAdjustmentHeader'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'
FileDiscriminator = POSITION1
EffectiveDate = POSITION2
PayrollName = POSITION3
LegislativeDataGroupName = POSITION4
ConsolidationSetName = POSITION5
"BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId)"= POSITION6
SourceSystemId = POSITION7
SourceSystemOwner = POSITION8

RETURN BusinessOperation, FileDiscriminator, FileName, EffectiveDate, PayrollName,

LegislativeDataGroupName, ConsolidationSetName, "BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId)", SourceSystemId,

/*Note BalAdjBatchId(SourceSystemId) is enclosed by double quotes while assigning value as well as while
putting it in the return values list */

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Transformation Formula For HCM Data Loader
• How You Transform Data Using Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader

In this example, the transformation formula specifies the transformation mechanism for an incoming comma separated
delimited file. The formula's return values are the same as the list of attributes for the personal payment method object.

Here's the sample raw file for personal payment method, with comma as the delimiter.

And this code snippet has the formula for this example.
FORMULA NAME: Load Personal Payment Method
/* Inputs */
POSITION3 (text), POSITION4 (text), POSITION5 (text), POSITION6 (text), POSITION7 (text), POSITION8 (text)




Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula


/*HDL Related Outputs*/
FileName = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'
FileDiscriminator = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'
/* End Formula Text */

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Transformation Formula For HCM Data Loader
• How You Transform Data Using Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business Objects

Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for Multiple Business

In this example, the formula uses the user defined tables and personal payment method business objects. It
converts the Person Number in the flat file into Assignment Number and uses the METADATALINEINFORMATION and

Here's the sample of the raw input file.

UDT|SM_UDT_4|Range|Number|Test UDT|USA LDG

And this code snippet has the formula for this example.
FORMULA NAME: Load User Defined Table and Personal Payment Method
/* Inputs */
POSITION3 (text), POSITION4 (text), POSITION5 (text), POSITION6 (text), POSITION7 (text), POSITION8
(text),POSITION9 (text)

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula


METADATA1[1] = 'UserDefinedTable' /*FileName*/
METADATA1[2] = 'UserDefinedTable' /*FileDiscriminator*/
METADATA1[3] = 'UserTableCode'
METADATA1[4] = 'RangeOrMatch'
METADATA1[5] = 'UserKeyUnits'
METADATA1[6] = 'UserRowTitle'
METADATA1[7] = 'UserTableName'
METADATA1[8] = 'LegislativeDataGroupName'
METADATA2[1] = 'PersonalPaymentMethod' /*FileName*/
METADATA2[2] = 'PersonalPaymentMethod' /*FileDiscriminator*/
METADATA2[3] = 'EffectiveStartDate'
METADATA2[4] = 'PersonalPaymentMethodCode'
METADATA2[5] = 'AssignmentNumber'
METADATA2[6] = 'Amount'
METADATA2[7] = 'ProcessingOrder'
METADATA2[8] = 'OrganizationPaymentMethodCode'
METADATA2[9] = 'PaymentAmountType'
METADATA2[10] = 'LegislativeDataGroupName'

FileName = 'UserDefinedTable'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'
FileDiscriminator = 'UserDefinedTable'
UserTableCode = POSITION2
RangeOrMatch = 'R'
UserKeyUnits = 'N'
UserRowTitle = POSITION5
UserTableName = POSITION2
LegislativeDataGroupName = POSITION6

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

FileName = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'
BusinessOperation = 'MERGE'
FileDiscriminator = 'PersonalPaymentMethod'
/* End Formula Text */

Note: To debug value sets, create a BI report with this query to return the required data.

SELECT pay_ff_functions.gvs ('SAMPLE_GET_ASG_NUM','|=PERSON_ID=100000012092216') value FROM dual;

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Transformation Formula For HCM Data Loader
• How You Transform Data Using Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Data Loader
• How To Create A Program for Automation

Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet

Data Loader
Overview of Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet
Data Loader
You can use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader to load all payroll objects that HCM Data Loader supports.

As the first step,you create a spreadsheet template for the required object from the Data Exchange Work area and
further downloadthe template in CSV format. You can download CSV and XML file templates from a spreadsheet
template. The PayrollTransformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader transforms the raw delimited file to a
format that suits the template.

This figure summarizes the process of transforming data that's uploaded using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Here's a summary of how the transformation process works.

1. On the Home page, click the Submit a Flow quick action under the My Clients Groups tab. Submit the Load
Spreadsheet Data File flow pattern.

The flow is secured using these privileges:

Flow Privilege


Load Data using HCM Spreadsheet HRC_LOAD_DATA_USING_HSDL_PRIV

Data Loader

2. This flow pattern invokes the transformation formula for the Content ID and has these tasks:

a. Generate Data Loader File

b. Initiate Spreadsheet Data Loader
3. The Generate Data Loader File task reads the data file line by line, producing an equivalent HCM Spreadsheet
Data Loader format for each line. Finally, it creates a compressed file of all of the transformed data files and
uploads it to Oracle WebCenter Content server.
4. The Initiate Spreadsheet Data Loader task takes the compressed file generated by the Generate Data Loader
File task and invokes the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. The HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader creates the
required data in the HCM Cloud.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• How Data Is Uploaded Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
• Guidelines for Designing Spreadsheet Templates

Sample Payroll Transformation Formula for HCM Spreadsheet

Data Loader
In this example, the transformation formula specifies the transformation mechanism for an incoming pipe separated
delimited file. The formula's return values are the same as the list of attributes in the template file for the User Defined
Table business object.

And this code snippet has the formula for this example.
/* Inputs */
POSITION3 (text), POSITION4 (text), POSITION5 (text), POSITION6 (text), POSITION7 (text), POSITION8 (text)
OUTPUTVALUE = '1'/*Always be 1*/
METADATA1[1] = 'SMUDT' /*TemplateCode*/
METADATA1[2] = 'UserDefinedTable' /*FileDiscriminator*/
METADATA1[3] = 'UserDefinedTable_UserTableCode'
METADATA1[4] = 'UserDefinedTable_LegislativeDataGroupName'
METADATA1[5] = 'UserDefinedTable_UserTableName'
METADATA1[6] = 'UserDefinedTable_RangeOrMatch'
METADATA1[7] = 'UserDefinedTable_UserRowTitle'
METADATA1[8]= 'UserDefinedTable_UserKeyUnits'
RETURN METADATA1 /*You can return only one METADATA for the respective template*/
FileName = 'SMUDT'
BusinessOperation = 'HSDL'
FileDiscriminator = 'UserDefinedTable'
UserDefinedTable_UserTableCode = POSITION1
UserDefinedTable_LegislativeDataGroupName = POSITION2
UserDefinedTable_UserTableName = POSITION1

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula

UserDefinedTable_RangeOrMatch = POSITION3
UserDefinedTable_UserRowTitle = POSITION4
UserDefinedTable_UserKeyUnits = POSITION5
/* End Formula Text */

Note: The template code needs to be used in the Fast Formula.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• How Data Is Uploaded Using HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader
• HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Templates
• Create and Edit Spreadsheet Templates
• Guidelines for Designing Spreadsheet Templates

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Administering Payroll for the United Kingdom Load Payroll Data Using Transformation Formula


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