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‘A Note to Teachers and Parents Online Resources ‘Vist for teaching resources ‘ei Cone Opt Cin nf Dons Topas ge Sa Fcc Uapwee Doe Pass 2ND EDITION oo RS Pie 2 2 FB rapt one 1 ThePurwe sc--v-iesss emcee 6 Thanks and acknowledgment to Victoria MeAnhur for her collaboration on the First Edition of this book. FABER a amma Se Famous Rhymes with 8th Notes 8th Notes beam a = Ue walk Create 8th Note Patterns! 1 > Key rye et running walk walk walk ee Pee ECE Ee hing run -ning walk walk simon Met a pj gyn? ean, wa Baa above each color box) . 2, + Draw a bar + Daw. rr102 rosa Stew pill ffomovs People) 3 Fiddle to My 8th Notes Jal the Sth notes ofthe first violin, inthe blank vin 0 6 1. paw only one ote Si Oe 2. Each fiddler’s rhythm below is incomplet 5 cicphas ch tet Oe ane Ta fe A eee eee | ee 4 ld Ld. 4 lesion p12 [Sipe My to) ee vA. Se Fre Frio %) The Natural 4 , ‘Anatral cancels sharp or Mat A natural will always be a white Key. we The Popeorn Bowl a it & Oh ee co oc Bb BE 3, A natural canbe ona 4. + Trace each natural, Then draw anothe natural beside the one you traced Tees une Ts: space 1 2 3 4 tenon p13 [lehover Popcorn) 5 ee eee fq scape ot EN... REE Do this several times. at at eet Brahins is buried ‘beside Beethoven. -=teson .16 Pe Birch Famous alloy) Is Mr. Haydn Transposing? Stet t ~ + Name each interval marked for the manuscript on the left—2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, ‘+ Then circle the correct transposition onthe right A Short Story H_y_n livedover two hun__r__d_ fifty = 9 1% ago. was acook. His __ aGt E=f fF rel_tiv_. Laterhe sn and studi____at the cathedral with his oy path 4 Asanadult, Haydn be___mea musical s__rv__ot toa prin in a vp ath gee aSth Hayda wrote 104 symphonies! ——autiful pac tewon p19 Me Hoye Thema) 11 Listen to Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms be the same spose) or different ico Circe same or second pater you i Listen! 4 Listen! from Symphony No. ‘SAME ‘SAME : ccm or DIFFERENT DIFFERENT : wee aie Sas 2 5 Lise! Listen! SAME ‘SAME ail? DIFFERENT DIFFERENT we oa t — fe Seer 3 | « nee Listen! Listen! e_f_# ie f = et SAME SAME oF a or | or + DIFFERENT | DIFFERENT For Teacher Use Ont 5 Pj J ae fi ' . s | 12 Stessonp.19 Me. Hayde's Thame) Fr0s2 les01 p20 [My Doydreom) 13 Crescendo and Diminuendo (cres-SHEN-do) (di-min-u-EN-do) + Pract the words and pronouncing them aloud. Transpo mdo (dm) pee BE The Elt’s Little Train Set pa ae =| a ee ce cer cach ptr stow bow it would sound, te OL Cs The Elf’s Little Steam Shovel the bugle boys coming closer ‘horse-drawn carriage riding away ye == ae 7 S x Draw Daw: 1 boxcar disappearing in the night a traffie jam building up Draw ie —= ond —— f Sree a ‘crese. and dim. ‘cresc. and dim, ‘helene Eaiog ett ae x8 as 14 Lesson p22 (The Gck Sikes Thien For Teacher Use Only: The examples maybe play in ay onder, Geel Diels > ott ts b=» yy 1 ——— ister: Big black bug bit a big black bear. we ey 7% g >. Tongue Twister: Friendly Fred flips fine flopjacks. =| - we 24 (Ode bo Joy) Two Interesting Facts about Phrases ic does NOT have words that ial phrases I Am the Phrase Finder! cach “musical sentenc + Draw a whole rest in each empty measure i (There are.) #7 ey 4 + Drow phrase marisinthe msictoshow — MUSCCG] spy ren6 a + Sightread the music and listen forthe phrases. (Cheerful You Can Compose! C S-Finger Seale Some music is composed of phrases, but phrase marks are NOT included in the music, + Comp jece by choosing notes from the C S-finger scale. Use the rhythm given above each measure + Then daw phrase marks and dynamic markings (p,mp. mf; Play your composition! If You Meet p an Alligator h Words by Crystal Bowman, S e Eee ga-ton better run and tet_him tet marking tty to calm him with a moonlight mel =o = dy. RH. 5 = oe dynamic Dat Gene But Me youshould find a bun-ny ora kitten or mouse, To end, rept f= = Pale ackee alic sled Han dade) a eee ; isl Ln DEF oie o= SS a 2 E = aoe i SD =e Sie may pat it) very pant eo eee ao a rn arn ‘lesson p.27 (Moonlight Melody} 19. Whole Steps ‘i Half Step Review AM) 1 See Playful Puppets eel a \ ‘teson p30 (Ou Date Agency] 21 cies oe Planets and Moons whole came. Nese Pee = CSS eo The D Chord Dips Cheers for TDD Scaled LeverNanes: yD Perera ines Eaten Creal blocked broken aa 1 JHB SSPE ln gases W = Whole step eager on = . H= Half step ee Secret Formula w ow oH Ww a shown with \7 *+ For cach staff, complete the letter + Next, write missing whole 1 This Old Man Played This Old Chord + Complete these challenges and revow the chords you have lred: C, G, and D. aD w broken exes oes Braga ort WEA C Hey 4 ort: Lets eC ee : + Try the bass cleft S22 hls Orage ot ef TEM 2 ee fee Pron ox0'8 Wit * G Big cpord 2. Foreach NI AH Beg eat (See the tp ark the whole steps with bracket |__1 and half steps with a wedge \/- ) ware these, epords. 24 lesson .24 (The SFinger Seale) Frio FrI08 Lesson p.36 This Old Man] 25 Ch Hot m Trouble! YVikesp p= a A Short Story about Antonio Vivaldi > Bere ee ie eet =| ee oe Gan Olan ° Clann er pasa — “Beghity «eH 4 | = The A Chord - Cheers for the YUN aes ee eT blocked un Dogg ae? ru ZS chord “iii Sean” atti tae me te chord Questions and Answers ‘A question sounds incomplete. Itends on any ‘note EXCEPT the tonic: 1. Play and sing the words for this A S-finger melody. QUESTION ———- ‘Ques tions sound —in=com~plete, _An-swers. sound like 2, + Your teacher will play and say the Question. ‘You improvise an Angwer with the rhythm shown. + Write your favorite Answer on the st ‘An answer sounds. ‘complete. It ALWAYS. ‘ends on the tonic. Ends on the tonic, sa = ee mf its the nd 7 ANSWER onember tinder mk) ddd o Bowe 3) “ thse Questions and Answers Your nots from te .S.finger sale Us he rythm shown. Your reve by drawing a phrase mark over the Question, an 4 ehamrpannety? bs gla > ANSWER : Sasi eee a fe You Can Compose! jerthe Answer. Playing on a Cloud A5-Finger Seale Words by (Crystal Bowman Fly high up tothe sky! MF Don you wish you could jump so high? QUESTION, ANSWER “os Lees MF Questions sound in complete. Answers sound like 3. + Now improvise several Questions with he rhythm shown, its the end. fee ny Questions sound incom plete, An-swers sound like 30 lesson pd (Aardvark Boogie) its the end. Fries eee te ‘Tum 2 cartwheel and. spin a-round. You would ney = er touch the ground tee aad dee 2 you'd laugh and shout out loud! r 1 i ‘+ Now write your own minor 5-finger scales. Add flats, if needed, ‘+ Mark the whole steps |! and half steps +The 3 chords and their chord symbols for ths lead sheet are: Dmmajor=[D D minor = [Dm 1s melodies Te then circle the answer. + Write the chord symbols in the boxes to complete + Play the lead sheet as you go to check your chord choice! the major and G Lead Sheet for Go Tell Aunt Rhody major or minor = aes a a ‘ici one) = = —— of ( S Go tell Aunt Rho = dy, ra tell Aunt, Rho - dy, t Mahler's Symphony No. I (Frére Jacques theme) D 5.-Finger Seale ( 8 Va st = mi = SS = cette = = seesiat ; one) @ 9 eee tae =; pte Aum Rho = dyer poo ha just been fed, She major or minor | era) aay a Pate aunties muf ~ fin, + ‘Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (Spring) D 5-Finger Scale | = SS == SS aaa =a ae oe an ec ca = 4 se Grandpa's oll anda “eat f fresh-taked rea 36 Sesion p53 fo on Old Cont | oe roe leven p59 (Goel Av hod) 37 BATTLE OF THE BANDs : gra22 Hasse veen—ABCIDE Reriss= ie = Gal er wHww DB The third note of leis B ABCDE be ie en ‘Teacher Improv Accompaniment: (Student improvise higher onthe keyboard) Sotho da athe a2) “7 Cee eee per ire) al i 5 r Ze tome aE aay ie we Pe a aa == as : SEES oa ree _ (eee. CU ee, Beem

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