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Research · February 2020


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1 author:

Shrey Agarwal
Christ University, Bangalore


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Chapter 1


Juice is a fluid normally contained in organic product tissue. Juice is set up by precisely
crushing or macerating crisp natural products without the use of warmth or solvents. For
instance, squeezed orange is the fluid concentrate of the product of the orange tree. Juice might
be set up in the home from crisp natural products utilizing assortment of hand or electric juicers.
Numerous business juices are separated to expel fiber or mash, yet high mash new squeezed
orange is a famous refreshment. Juice might be promoted in concentrate structure, some of the
time solidified, requiring the client to add water to reconstitute the fluid back to its "original


Juice is, as it were, considered as an extravagance not a need in our general public, without a
doubt yet gradually things are changing predominantly in the urban and semi urban regions,
where the populace is getting increasingly more wellbeing cognizant and are understanding the
significant supplement estimations of foods grown from the ground making them a piece of
their day by day diet. India has seen radical move in utilization of non-mixed beverages over
the ongoing past. As indicated by McKinsey report on financial investigations, quick extending
working class populace that is as of now more than 318 Million, expanded urbanization and
rising discretionary cashflow are a portion of the significant reasons adding to this change.
Other than this, developing wellbeing awareness among India's young populace has realized an
upset in the Indian non-mixed beverages showcase. It has been seen that carbonated refreshment
deals have fallen drastically because of rising wellbeing concerns and this appears to have
profited the nation's non-carbonated beverages market, for example, caffeinated beverages and
organic product juices.
Be that as it may, with individuals turning more wellbeing cognizant, the juice-based
refreshments have gotten one of the quickest developing organizations. As per the CII and Booz
investigation, as the drink business looks to the future, India offers extraordinary potential all
around, considerably more than China. At the present time, India represents around 10% of
worldwide refreshment utilization which makes drink utilization in India the third biggest on
the planet, after the United States and China. The natural product juice advertise in India has
not been completely tapped till date in view of poor framework and storerooms, and it is

profoundly sloppy market. Given its size, the Indian market is still in its developmental years.
For the future, juice makers have loads of chances in developing organic product juice advertise.
Indian natural product juice showcase is a chaotic and recently creating market. Recently this
division is getting progressively sorted out and drawing in more players in the market. In spite
of the fact that the chaotic corner shop merchants command this market, Indian purchasers are
moving towards marked natural product juice in view of their improvement in wellbeing
cognizance. The natural product drink showcase is encountering quick pace development
attributable to changing purchaser inclinations, Consumers are searching for more beneficial
alternatives and dietary benefit in the nourishment they purchase today and see this as the
following best thing to having a crisp organic product.

As of now the composed natural product juice showcase in India is commanded by Pepsi co.
with its image Tropicana, Dabur Foods with its image Real, though organic product drinks
showcase is tapped significantly by Parle Agro with brands like Frooti and Appy, Godrej with
Jumpin. The market currently has an assortment of natural product juices like 100 % organic
product juice, nectar, organic product drinks and so on. Looking for the development
possibilities and colossal capability of juice showcase in India numerous new players have
additionally ventured, for example, Parle Agro Ltd with brand Saint, Godrej with Xs Surya Food
Agro Ltd with its image Fresh Gold are not many to name.


According to Field and Focus statistical surveying report on drink industry, India positions first
on the planet with a yearly yield of 32 million MT. While there are right around 180 groups of
natural products that are developed everywhere throughout the world, citrus organic products
establish around 20% of world's complete natural product creation. Significant Indian natural
products comprise of mango, banana, citrus organic products, apple, guava, papaya, pineapple
and grapes. The organic products are prepared into different items, for example, natural product
juices and concentrates, canned organic product, got dried out natural product, sticks and jams
and so forth.

As per, India has been a farming-based economy for a considerable length
of time and with its present creation of around 32 million MT of organic product, represents
about 8% of the world's natural product creation. The assorted agro-climatic zones the nation

makes it conceivable to develop practically all assortments of crisp organic products in India.
The natural product creation in India has recorded a development pace of 3.9%, while the
organic product handling division has developed at about 20% per annum.

As buyers become more wellbeing cognizant and move away from carbonates, they are
searching for choices that are more advantageous, for example, organic product squeeze yet
numerous buyers are as yet uninformed about the contrasts between 100% Juice, Fruit-
Flavored Drinks (No Juice Content), Juice Drinks (up to 24% Juice), Nectars (25-99% Juice).
Nectars performed well in that capacity items are seen to have a better and preferred taste over
100% juice.

As indicated by industry evaluates, the bundled organic product juice showcase is today worth
around Rs 500-600 crores, and is developing at solid twofold digits. The natural product drink
advertises, then again, is a lot bigger, at around Rs 1300 crores every year, with Pepsi's
Tropicana and Dabur's Real holding significant lump of Fruit juice piece of the overall industry.
The bundled organic product juice advertises in India at first secured brands like NAFED,
Noga, Midland, Gold Coin and Druk. These were natural product juices and nectars and not
drinks. In any case, they didn't make an imprint in the market because of reasons, for example,
significant expense, ugly bundling and absence of right advancement program. Parle Argo's
Frooti, a mango drink, was presented in the tetra pack in 1985 and from that point forward has
been an innovator in its portion.

One can detect an advancement that the business has seen with improvement in the tetra-pack
advertise, there additionally has been a characteristic movement from beverages to nectars to
juices and keeping in mind that generally organic product drinks were focused on kids, the new
brands have concentrated on youthful grown-ups and experts. Bundled natural product juices
are getting perceived as social beverages now, with prevailing utilization being seen in the
organization of loved ones. Individuals have begun to see natural product squeezes as whenever
refreshments, with utilization being spread pretty much uniformly between the early daytimes,
evenings and nights. Also, age currently is as a lot of slanted to tasting natural product squeezes
as carbonated beverages, with adolescents driving the most extreme preliminaries. One can see
the developing pattern in school flasks, Office cafeteria and so forth accessible with organic
product juices natural product drinks which was feeling the loss of a couple of years back.

Expanding concerns identifying with wellbeing and diet will assume a significant job in the
market, as shoppers move away from items that are seen as being unfortunate, for example,
carbonated soda pops, towards increasingly regular other options, for example, natural product
juices. Specifically, more youthful customers may view natural product squeeze as a helpful
method for boosting their utilization of organic products.
India has seen radical move in utilization of organic product juice/drinks over the ongoing past.
Quick extending white collar class populace that is right now around 350 million; expanded
urbanization and rising discretionary cashflow are a portion of the significant reasons adding
to this change. As per the CII, FMCG Roadmap to 2020 report, Indian non-mixed beverages
showcase was assessed at around Rs 216 billion out of 2008 and is gauge to develop at a CAGR
of around 15% during 2009-2012. Developing wellbeing awareness among India's young
populace has realized an upset in the Indian natural product juice/drinks advertise.

According to report, the Indian juices classification showed a solid 15%
CAGR in volume deals more than 2004-09 and is assessed to develop at a CAGR of 7.8%
during 2009-14. There is a more prominent consciousness of the 'practical' advantages of
wellbeing refreshments and a more prominent readiness to pay a premium for such drinks.
With these solid drivers of development, it isn't astounding that the drink business in India has
started reacting with items that are showcased plainly on a wellbeing and health stage.

The Aim of Processing Fruits

The point of handling the natural products is basically to make it commendable enough for
long use. Normally natural products are not equipped for withstanding with barometrical
condition for a significant stretch. They will be effectively rotted by the different living beings
like microorganisms and yeasts. We can maintain a strategic distance from the fast rotting of
natural products by handling them by the expansion of certain additives like Citric corrosive,
which increment the life of organic products. The handled organic products can be utilized
around 6 a year of period. By handling them we can get an opportunity of tasting the regular
organic products like Mangos and Pineapples in any piece of the year.

There has been no broad acknowledgment of the item shapes in the organic product refreshment
showcase. The purchaser is essentially concerned on the off chance that it is an organic product
juice or an artificially comprised item. Item division, in this way, ought to be obviously

delimited. Under the organic product drinks the principal division is between genuine natural
product beverages and engineered drinks.

• The genuine organic product drinks depend on common natural product mash or squeeze.
• The manufactured beverages are engineered items with natural product or different flavors.

Wide taste inclinations could be another approach to characterize the market. The market is at
present additionally divided based on natural product mash content. With the end goal of
division, based on organic product mash content, market can be sectioned as:

• Fruit juice with 100% concentrate without included sugar

• Fruit Nectar with around 25 to 99% concentrates.
• Fruit Drinks up to 24% concentrate.
• Fruit-enhanced Drinks (No Juice Content)

Division could likewise be based on the advantages gave to the buyer:

• One advantage could be the sustenance content it provides for the shopper so one market
could be the wellbeing cognizant section.
• Second advantage is revitalizing, so the other portion could be those purchasing the beverage
or nectar for fulfilling the thirst.

Another expansive division can be on the kind of circumstance where the beverage is
• People who are moving for example Outside use for example those voyaging.
• People who are utilizing it on the morning meal table as a piece of their menu for example
in-house use.

Segment division:
The ordinary shoppers of organic product juices are kids, taught housewives, administrators,
working experts, youthful wellbeing cognizant grown-ups and the maturing populace. The
natural product juice organizations have focused on all the age bunches by various juices. The
modified bundled natural product juices are focused at kids beneath 6 years. They are accessible
in number of flavours and strengthened with calcium which is required in higher amounts by
kids beneath 6 years old. Further, they are accessible in 125 ml packs which are perfect for kids.

The diverse pack sizes like the half and one liter pack are planned for expanding the in-home
utilization of juices. Organic product juices are a moment wellspring of vitality which helped in
tapping the sportspersons and children who are effectively engaged with sports. For instance,
Pepsi's Tropicana has tied up with equestrian games and polo clubs to assemble spans with the
well-obeyed youthful grown-ups. The expanding cost of social insurance has enlarged the client
base to the maturing populace.
Socio-economic segmentation:
The organic product juice showcase has demonstrated a colossal development in the ongoing
years. One of the significant purposes behind this is the expansion in the discretionary cashflow.
By and large, people having a place with higher and centre financial strata are the normal
purchasers of bundled organic product juices.
Psycho graphical segmentation:
Solid living is a developing pattern. Be that as it may, organic product juices have more to offer
than just wellbeing. They give a simple entryway to a sound way of life. Devouring natural
product juices is right around an easy switch contrasted with eating fewer carbs or practicing
and it doesn't require major social change. Dynamic and wellbeing focused individuals are
never again the essential purchaser of organic product juices.


There are many big and small players operating in the growing fruit beverage industry but the
big names are far ahead as compared to regional players in terms of variety and market share.
Fruit based beverages have high acceptance in urban India and that is where the big names have
focused so far by targeting the modern retail outlets and departmental stores. The key players
in fruit-based beverage industry are:
DABUR: Dabur's lead image genuine natural product juice is a market head in bundled organic
product juice category. Real was propelled in 1996 and the brand has cut a specialty for itself
by asserting to bathe just natural product squeeze in bundled form.i.e.100%preservative free
with variations like Real (nectar), Real Active (100%), genuine burst (mango drink) and so

PEPSICo: PepsiCo Inc. is one of the world's biggest nourishment and drink organizations. It
has two brands Tropicana and Slice in the prepared to drink juice portion. The Company has as
of late declared the tendency towards getting a whole arrangement of juices and other wellbeing
drinks from its global portfolio into India in the coming years. Tropicana Twister has just

entered the Indian market with Tropicana juice and Tropicana 100% effectively present in

PARLE AGRO: Parle Agro has a colossally famous item 'Mango Frooti'. The 'crisp n delicious'
Frooti brand, is overwhelming the bundled natural product based beverages classification since
its dispatch in 1985. The organization is additionally out with Appy (apple drink) and Saint Fruit
juice focusing on the wellbeing cognizant clients.

GODREJ: Godrej is one of the old players in fruit-based beverage market with brands such as
Jumpin. It has 3 fruit beverage brands in its product portfolio, while jumpin and Xs are national
brands, Refresh is available only in northern states. Godrej has tried to penetrate the market with
introducing variants of juices under brand Xs

MOTHER DAIRY: Mother Dairy has launched packaged fruit juices under the Safal brand
with various flavours to attract already existing customer base.

CERES: Ceres is a South African brand of juice which has entered Indian market with key
focus on health-conscious customer base. It offers 100% juice variants specially targeted at
diabetics’ patients, pregnant ladies etc.

Other key players consist of Gatorade Pepsi, Coca Cola. Pioma Industries, the maker of Rasna,
Del Monte Foods, Onjus, FreshGold from Surya Foods and Agro Ltd.

The fruit drink market is experiencing fast pace growth owing to changing consumer
preferences. Consumers are looking for healthier options and nutritional value in the food; they
buy today and perceive this as the next best thing to having a fresh fruit.
Further, there has been an expanding enthusiasm for increasingly normal, natural items.
Shoppers see this as the following best thing to having a crisp organic product. Accommodation
is never again the selling point, the instinctive nature is. Be that as it may, there are sure
shoppers who are careful about bundled nourishment, as they feel it has additives and are not
new. Along these lines, organizations like Dabur Foods Ltd. have created additive free organic
product juice offering shoppers with an incredible taste and healthy sustenance of crisply
pressed squeeze in sterile and alluring packs.

The expanded buyer interests in organic product juices can likewise be credited to the
expansion of minerals, nutrients and herbs related with wellbeing, life, life span and upgraded
personal satisfaction. There is a specialty which is presently requesting increasingly top quality,
premium items and delivered with included nutrients, minerals, filaments and so forth.

There are specialty clients who accept squeeze as a piece of their eating routine and don't make
a big deal about the taste. The present situating of Saint Juice by Parle Agro is focusing on this
buyer who is effectively searching for a 100% juice with an unsweetened assortment. For some,
shoppers, enhance is the main factor. While orange, apple and mango rule the market, different
squeezes, for example, grapefruit, watermelon and orange-carrot blend are additionally
speaking to a few. So as to coordinate the customary taste buds, conventional plans like Aam
Panna and jamun variations have been presented in the market.


The natural product juices have begun having effect simply after the mango-based refreshments
initially made this classification mainstream. Gradually numerous goliaths entered the juice
showcase and right now not just there are Indian makers in aseptic bundles, many imported
items from faraway spots like Australia and South Africa have been made accessible in
different bundles including glass bottles. Indians have soaked up every one of these juices and
beverages effectively albeit just some significant organic product flavors were liked. The
following period of development was in giving extraordinary flavors and included medical
advantages, since most Indians drink these refreshments since they are energizing. There are a
few variations additionally accessible with dairy fixings included with wellbeing advancing

In the territory of bundling, Tetra-Pack India, a piece of the $ 10 billion Tetra Laval gathering,
has become the significant wellspring of block containers agreeable to aseptic bundling and
bestowing long item timeframe of realistic usability to the nourishments. A detectable change
came in 1996 with the presentation of Real squeeze in aseptic containers from Dabur Foods.
Bundled in table top packs from Elopak,Norway, the juices were professed to have a six-month
time span of usability. Genuine natural product juice is the main brand in Asia to utilize the
most recent Spin Technology created by Tetra Pack. It is accessible in five flavors - orange,

mango, pineapple, blended leafy foods. Dabur next planned for trading Real to South East Asia,
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Until the appearance of Tropicana, Real stayed a top notch item. Tropicana Product, a division
of PepsiCo, entered the Indian market. PepsiCo International is intending to make India a
territorial sourcing center for organic product juice condensed and mash.

Dabur Foods promoting technique paid off until Onjus was sold at practically a large portion
of the Real's cost and professed to be a 100% normal beverage. In this manner, Dabur had to
re-examine upon its procedure and it accompanied imaginative bundling, solid conveyance and
various flavours to reinforce its situation in the natural product based drink advertise.


Right now, Indian and universal brands are bringing another radiance up in the Indian organic
product drinks advertise. Every significant player drafting and executing their techniques to
profit by the huge capability of the natural product refreshment showcase in India. PepsiCo
India chalks out a crisp strategy to increase a serious edge in the Rs 1,500 crores natural product
drinks division. Pepsi Foods is as of now trading about in excess of 20,000 tones of mango
mash and concentrate principally to West Asia and Europe. Pepsi Foods has as of late propelled
Tropics, another scope of nectars in the natural product juice business. In the event that that is
insufficient, Pepsi Foods is likewise focusing on clients with increasingly extraordinary tastes
with different flavor blend and a tropical organic product combination drink.

Dabur India is expanding its conveyance system to siphon up volumes. Then again, Parle Agro
is honing its emphasis on advertising activities to increase high perceivability for 'Frooti'.
Dabur Real natural product juices, which has transformed organic product juices into a Rs 60-
crore (Rs 600 million) business has been turning on the taps as of late and it hasn't been
reluctant to improve. It is taking off in untested ways by propelling another range juice.
In the interim, CavinKare and Anchor Health and Beauty Care, new participants right now
putting resources into brand building intends to make buzz around their new dispatches. Dabur
and Pepsi Foods aren't the main organizations that are moving into overdrive in the juice
business. As Indians take greater drinks than any time in recent memory of bundled juices, a
lot of organizations are wanting to snatch a portion of the activity. The outcome is that players
like Dabur Foods, Pepsi Foods, Godrej Industries' Foods Division, Mother Dairy and even the

little Ladakh Foods are wagering large cash on this market by flooding it with new organic
product refreshments.
The outcomes are on show to any individual who ventures into a local general store. There are
currently racks loaded up with natural product juices, nectars and beverages (the distinction
lies in the mash content - juices are 100 percent while drinks are beneath 20 percent and nectars
fall in the middle).
The quick development in the market is pulling in newcomers like Mother Dairy, which as of
late propelled the Safal brand of juices. Ladakh Foods, producers of the Leh Berry drink, has
now additionally propelled numerous mix juices. Indeed, even Godrej Industries Foods
Division has presented organic product squeezes under the Xs brand (which prior just
comprised of nectars) and a soya milk natural product juice-based beverage called Sofit this
year. Parle Agro too is supposed to be very nearly new dispatches.
To add to the buzz, players are currently taking a gander at various pack sizes and value
focuses. New contestants are likewise expected to join the quarrel in the Rs 500-crore (Rs 5
billion) sorted out organic product refreshment advertise (nectars, beverages and juices
consolidated). One newcomer is probably going to be Ahmadabad-based Pioma Industries -
creators of the Rasna brand of soda pop focuses, which test showcased a weakened mango
squeeze in Andhra Pradesh, however dropped the dispatch plan after a dull reaction. Industry
specialists anticipate that the organization may attempt again either this year or the following.
Different elements that have helped are the distinctive pack measures that players began
offering in the most recent year. The new cost focuses and packs are planned for getting more
customers to attempt the new item, and thusly increment the purchaser base. Pepsi's Tropicana
has tied up with equestrian games and polo clubs to fabricate spans with the well-obeyed
youthful grown-ups. Its ongoing examining exercise incorporated an intuitive test connecting
with 200,000 understudies from 150 schools in Delhi.


With 57 million tons of annual production (2007, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO
figures), India is the second largest producer of fruits after China. According to the Federation
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), in the last five years the national sale
of packed juices has grown by 40% each year. For orange and apple juices priced at around
US$1.5 per litre in India, companies prefer to import concentrates from Brazil, the US, Israel

and China after paying 30% import duty. However, for mango - by far the most popular fruit
drink in India - local producers are the major procurement base and account for 57% of the
world's production.
Taking into consideration India’s speeding beverage mart, cold drinks giant PepsiCo is gunning
for India. As per the latest reports, the company plans to invest over $220 million to enhance
its existing capacity.


Indian buyers are acclimated with drinking an assortment of privately created sodas that are
sold in little stands all through the nation. Country India is as yet an exceptionally value touchy
commercial centre, so the major soda pop organizations are compelled to slice overall revenues
so as to contend there. Drink organizations can't stand to overlook India's provincial purchasers
in the event that they wish to extend piece of the overall industry.
Recouping and keeping up a picture of value will be a key weapon in the battle to remove piece
of the overall industry from privately delivered natural product drinks. Indian customers are
prepared to choose soda pops, yet not at an exceptional cost.
These days, the shopper base for organic product juices is more extensive. These items pull in
a wide scope of customers going from those having explicit wellbeing needs to those essentially
searching for sound refreshments. In the following hardly any years, the natural product juice
industry will be tested by these insightful, sure, and stubborn purchasers. They never again
consider these to be as basic refreshments with medical advantages. They see these items
serving different necessities that fit a straightforward and sensible suggestion, for example,
simplicity of readiness, significant level of accessibility, ergonomic bundling, movability, and
different components that make up a person's view of significant worth. Each venture work
depends on certain approach, which is an approach to efficiently take care of the issue or
achieve its targets. It is a significant rule and lead to finishing of any undertaking work through
perception, information assortment and information examination.
As indicated by Clifford Woody, "Exploration Methodology includes characterizing and
reclassifying issues, gathering, arranging &evaluating information, making derivations and
looking into to ends; and, finally, cautiously testing the ends to decide if they fit the theories."
Research configuration is the arrangement and structure of examination so imagined as to
acquire answers to explore questions. The arrangement is the general plan or program of the

Chapter 2


So as to be fruitful in the commercial center, one needs to think as far as wellbeing development,
enhance advancement, fixing development and explicit age gatherings. These are the elements
that will shape the fate of the drink business. The present purchasers are worried about by and
large wellbeing and health. Thus, there is critical effect on nourishment and drink buys.
Numerous examinations have indicated that shoppers are as worried about great wellbeing as
they are tied in with keeping up a high caliber of life.
What kind of new drink customers are well on the way to attempt? Where they are well on the
way to get those items? Drink Industry needed to know the responses to these inquiries and to
investigate further into the ever-expanding number of new items dispatches in the refreshment
advertise. Despite a few difficulties and limitations looked by this industry, it is a 'move' more
than ever. Client inclinations may have moved, yet they are still consistently vigilant for a jar
of 'coke' or another 'enhanced' drink to extinguish their thirst.
Fruits are seasonal in nature. Earlier we had to wait for one whole year to drink a fruit juice.
Now it is available readymade in bottles and tetra packs. We can drink a particular fruit juice
throughout the year. Fruit drinks also contain nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, Vitamin
A, C, E, etc. and give the significant value of energy as well. Tetra packed juice does not
contain preservatives. Tetras packed juices are more desirable than packed bottled juices as
they contain chemical preservatives.
Traditionally, the Indian life style has a fondness for fresh fruits & fruit juices or those
processed at home. In past few decades India has seen a sea change in this scenario, people are
now increasingly going for processed fruit vending options as compared to tradition fruit juice

Organic product drinks are characterized as calorically improved refreshments with a little level
of natural product juice or juices seasoning containing water.Natural product drinks in India
were famously utilized in most urban families. Generally, the utilization of organic product
juices started with utilization of squeezed orange, as a wellspring of nutrient C to forestall
scurvy. Be that as it may, today advertises are overwhelmed with a huge assortment of juices
e.g., mango, apple, guava, litchi, grape, pineapple, and so forth.
There are contentions and different conversations among the specialists from the business about
the supplement estimation of the handled organic product juices. Numerous individuals accept
natural product drinks; even 100% juice isn't identical to entire organic products. Organic

products supply strands and photochemical to slim down, which are absent in juices. Organic
product juice empty the offspring of chances to learn aptitudes like stripping, biting, and
separating between hues, surfaces and shapes.
In any case, regardless of every one of these contentions handled natural product juice showcase
in India is enrolling a noteworthy development quite a long time after year because of its
advantages which overrule the above contentions. As per New research displayed at the
American Dietetic Association (ADA) Annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo
(FNCE) plainly features the advantages of 100 percent juice, uncovering that organic product
juice consumers were more probable than non-buyers to meet prescribed degrees of certain key
supplements. The significant truth is driver of interest lies in the utilization conduct, it is difficult
to convey a half-eaten mango yet a half-expended jug of juice. Furthermore, the marked juices
accompany additives and can go for a while.

Definitions: fruit juice, fruit drink and nectar

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) characterizes organic product squeeze as either
characteristic or 100% concentrate without included sugars. Anything short of 100%
concentrate is named as drink, refreshment, or mixed drink. Natural product drinks are
characterized as calorically improved refreshments with a little level of organic product juice
or juice enhancing containing carbonated water. Organic product drinks have under 20%
concentrate and nectars have around 20 to 99% concentrate. In some cases, fortifiers, for
example, nutrient C or calcium are additionally added to the natural product drinks. Foods
grown from the ground juices contain water, basic sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose, sorbitol),
high number of nutrients (C, An) and minerals (potassium, calcium and so forth.)

As indicated by Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), there has been a consistent
ascent in the limit, creation and limit usage in the organic product handling units in India. The
handling limit had gone up from 0.9 million tons in 1990-91 to 2.1 million tons in 1999-00 and
it was required to grow up to 4.1mn tones by 2010. The official reports don't show any
considerable increment in absolute yield albeit marked beverages do show a solid
improvement. In the course of the most recent couple of years, there has been a positive
development in prepared to-serve refreshments, natural product juices. There is no broad
acknowledgment of the item frames in the natural product drinks advertise. The shopper is
fundamentally worried that it is an organic product juice and not an artificially comprised item.

Among the natural product juice refreshments are organic product squeezes (Pepsi's Tropicana
100% and Dabur's Real Active and so on), nectars (Tropicana Dabur's Real) and organic
product drinks (Frooti and Slice). All these are genuine, reconstituted from natural product
pulps or focuses. The main organic product juice brands incorporate Real, Onjus, Tropicana,
Frooti, Jumpin and so forth. The natural product drinks just vary in mash content: the juices
have over 99%, nectars (20% to 99%) and organic product drinks (under 20%).
The processed juice consumption in India is basically an urban phenomenon. Nonetheless, it
is gaining slow but steady penetration into the semi urban and rural areas. The market growth
rate trends also depicts the flourishing prospects in processed fruit beverage industry where the
market growth rate for the Fruit juice concentrates is 9% and 7.7% for the year 2009-10.
Currently the processed fruit-based beverage market is dominated by the ready to serve
beverages with around 47% shares.
Beverage industry experts believe that the trend in the beverages segment is slowly moving
away from carbonated soft drinks. In the upcoming years, all major players are prepared to
flow big investments into its juice business to fulfil the requirement of additional technological
support that categories such as juices require. In tune with its plans to triple revenues in India
after announcing a $500 million investment, global food and soft drinks company PepsiCo is
re launching the Tropicana brand aiming to double share in the estimated Rs1, 500 crores
Indian branded fruit juice market. The aim is to target the different segments in the juice
Information Monitor's exploration on 'Bits of knowledge – soda in India' tells that the
developing mindfulness among Indian buyers with respect to a few fixings and their related
medical advantages is making them increasingly slanted to utilize dietary data regularly to
settle on item decisions. Subsequently there is an interest for nourishment and drinks with
wellbeing cases, and Indians are making a cognizant endeavor to remember them for their
eating routine. All the more critically the absence of preparing and capacity of organic products
brings about enormous wastages evaluated at 35%, the estimation of which is around Rs.50,
000 crore yearly. In a decade ago the FDI stream in the Indian handled natural product industry
has likewise expanded massively.

Table 2.1 FDI flow in the Indian processed fruit industry
YEAR FDI (in Rs Crore)

2004-2005 174.08

2005-2006 182.94

2006-2007 441.00

2007-2008 632.00

2008-2009 462.00

TOTAL 1892.02
Source: MOFPI (The reduced figure of FDI inflow during the year 2008-09 is due to global financial crisis
and liquidity crunch adversely affecting investment flows during the year.)

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), in its production "FMCG Roadmap to 2020", states
that the most recent decade has seen the area develop by 11% every year. Powerful GDP
development, opening up of rustic markets, expanded pay in provincial zones, developing
urbanization alongside advancing shopper ways of life and purchasing conduct have all been
drivers of this development
According to Booz & Company analysis, Fruit drink sector has seen enormous growth in past
few years. The fruit drink sector has witnessed the 35% growth after FY 2008.
Table 2.2 Key Drivers of the growth in beverage Industry in India
Growth driver Past growth (2001-2010)

GDP Growth 7%

Population Growth 1.5%

Per Capita Income Growth 14% annual growth (disposable Income)

Life Style changes • 2.3% urbanization

• 6% population in 15-59 age group in 2010
• More up-trading in urban and rural areas
• Increased health consciousness
Source: IDFC Institutional Research, Booz & Company analysis

Throughout the following decade, all the above drivers are required to keep on affecting the
business well. Further the variables, for example, populace development, expanding infiltration
(access to provincial territories, more inclusion), expanding utilization in each event, expanding
events of utilization, more youthful populace, use of premium, refined items, expanding salary,
ladies' investment in workforce, way of life changes are driving this development. Youthful
populace (underneath age of 30 years) involves 59 percent populace right now, and the
arrangement is probably going to stay comparative throughout the following decade. This
betokens well for the business as the youthful have more prominent readiness to spend more.
Natural product juices have announced exponential development, moving from almost zero
levels in FY2000 to INR 9 billion at present. Natural product juices have seen quick
development rates driven by expanded nearness of present day exchange. Organic product
juices, which had no interest in the rustic markets prior, have out of nowhere begun building
up nearness. As indicated by CII-Booz reports, Indian purchaser sections, for example, bundled
drinks have revealed altogether quicker development rates. India represent roughly 150 million
individuals as of now in upper center and lower center pay classes, their size is relied upon to
increment to around 500 million individuals in 2020, which is roughly 1.5 occasions the present
populace of the US. The bottoms of the pyramid (BOP) customers are the individuals who
procure not as much as INR 200 thousand for every annum for each family unit. This gathering
at present establishes around 900-950 million individuals in India

Table 2.3-Estimated Age Distribution of Indian Population, 2019

Age Group Percentage

0-14 years 31

15-29 years 28

30-44 years 20

45-59 years 14

Above 60 years 7

Source: United Nations; Booz & Company analysis

Chapter 3

Primary Objective:
To obtain a deep insight of the factors, including economical, behavioural and psychological,
that influence the decision of a customer towards packaged fruit juices.

1. To understand consumer shopping behaviour, with focus on fruit based beverages

2. Understand consumer perceptions & preferences
3. Triggers & barriers for Fruit based beverage (FBB)
4. Brand choice
5. Purchase behaviour
6. Consumption behaviour

This study is conducted to identify the existing market structure, industry trends, existing
players and their status in the market, growth possibilities and consumer perception, attitude
and behaviour of existing fruit juice consumers.
An effort has been made to understand the total market intelligence so that it can guide any
new entrant in this sector in Indian market. The study includes both primary and secondary
research. Primary research is conducted across urban areas of Bangalore, Karnataka.
Secondary Objectives:
1. To study the current trends in the fruit juice industry.
2. To investigate and find out if there is a particular “trigger” that plays the crucial decision
making role.
3. To investigate the impact of advertising on customers’ buying behaviour
4. To investigate the influential roles played by family and friends in the final choice.


What type of packaged fruit juices does the urban youth consume or prefer to consume in
The purpose of this study is to develop a better understanding of consumer perception, attitude
& preferences towards packaged fruit juices.

In this competitive modern age, where different qualities and types of goods exist, branding is
of special importance in the business world. Branding not only gives separate identity and easy
recognition to the product but also creates a special preference for the brand among its
customers. Consumer is aware of and prefer particular brand when it is available for purchase.
In the present world market, thus, customer should be the focus of all activities. For knowing
consumers’ taste and preferences, consumer-oriented survey plays an important role.
The packaged juice industry in India is growing at a significant pace and competition among
the manufacturers is fast growing. The Indian beverage industry is also subject to tremendous
changes; knowledge of the underlying sources of competitive pressure provides the
groundwork for a strategic agenda of action. In the emerging Indian beverage market, there are
many players who deal in processed fruit juice business and there exists fierce competition
among them. There are many big players in the market who make heavy investment in
innovating existing product or in introducing new and exclusive variants of juices – all keeping
with the consumer’s changing tastes and preferences.
There could be various reasons for customer’s preference for such products offered by the
manufacturing companies. At times all established marketing strategies might just fail in
market to evoke a desired sales result. It is thus, important that an appropriate marketing and
sales strategy must understand and cater to the consumer’s psyche that drives his decision
making in buying a product. For any FMCG product manufacturing company, to have a larger
consumer base, it is significant to know the factors that govern a consumers’ buying behaviour.
The impact of consumer behaviour e.g. taste, style, preferences on the sale of a product needs
to be appropriately assessed.
A well-planned research before marketing the product can help the companies to develop a
product which will be accepted by the consumers that is able to capture greater market share
and higher customer satisfaction. They feature the basic qualities and shortcomings of the
organization, enliven the situating of the organization in its industry, explain the territories
where key changes may yield most prominent result, feature the spots where industry patterns
guarantee to hold the best centrality as either openings or dangers.

Null – Brand and recognition does affect the buying behaviour of an Individual
Alternative - Brand and recognition does not affect the buying behaviour of an Individual


All known instrumentation techniques, including observation, questionnaire and interview
schedules are used to get primary data; questionnaire was framed in English, also internal
reports, journals, magazines and websites have been used in collection of secondary data.
The sampling technique used is a mix of random, judgemental and convenience sampling
where mostly young respondents are picked to give their response on a well-structured pre-
designed questionnaire.

The Primary Data is collected through well-structured questionnaire that focused on
consumers’ perception, factors influence on their buying behaviour.

The secondary data is collected through various publications of newspapers, magazines,
books, annual report, internal report documents, journals and websites.


A total of 207 respondents were selected from the urban household population of Silicon city
Bangalore for this study to analyse the consumer behaviour with reference to packaged fruit
drink products. The response is taken from the respondents by a well-structured questionnaire
focusing mainly the urban young people since, according to Neves (2004 a), they constitute
an age group of great spontaneous consumption of juice.
After screening all the questionnaire 203 respondents were selected as eligible and actual
survey and rest were ignored on the basis of inappropriate information or response. Since the
research was localized, the sampling frame consisted of local urban- semi urban respondents
from Bangalore. The samples should be such that they are consumers of fruit drinks. An
effort is made to get an adequate ratio of men and women, working and non-working
respondents in the samples. The main demographics targeted were the younger age group as
they are more health conscious and aware of such health drinks. Also, there is an effort to

focus more on the college going crowd and young professionals as they are more interested
in trying out new products and are more conscious.


The research design specifies the methods for data collection and data analysis determine the
source of data. An Empirical and descriptive research is done specifically aimed at studying
perception and buying behaviour of consumer towards packaged fruit drinks.
The primary data and secondary data are studied and analysed appropriately and interpreted
to extract certain facts. Whenever necessary statistical tools, interrelation with regards to
interest and aptitude towards fruit juices/ drinks with respect to various parameters like: price,
occasion and health consciousness and sample percentage, analytical tools like; tabulation
and graphs are used to present the findings effectively.

Dependent – Buying behaviour of an Individual.
Independent – Brand image and brand recognition.


1. This study is limited to Bangalore city and therefore the findings of the study can be
extended only to similar Tier one and Tier two cities.
2. The samples have been collected from limited number of respondents.
3. The result of the study may not be generalized to all section of the general population.
4. Because of the competitive nature of the industry, customers’ purchasing decision
may change in case of launch of new products.
Due to the constraints of resources, the study sample involves only 203 respondents and it is
the extension of the results for the entire Bangalore population.
It is admissible that, due to the big dimension of population, it would be an exaggeration to
extend the results to the entire country.

• It provides blueprint
• It limits the boundary of research activity
• Optimum reliability is achieved.
• Wastage of time and money is minimized.
• It enables the researcher to anticipate problems of data gathering.
• The research can be conducted on scientific basis since advanced design,
provides guidelines.

Chapter 4

Based upon the information collected through the primary data following tables and charts are
drawn. The following table on general information provides the demographics of the
respondents participated in the survey.
Table 4.1 General Information
Total eligible respondents 203

Gender Number of Percentage

Male 116 57.1
Female 87 42.9
Age Number of Percentage
Below 18 3 1.5
18 - 30 years 181 89.2
31- 45 years 17 8.4
46 and above 2 1.2
Household Income Number of Percentage
0-3 lakhs per annum 39 19.2
3-7 lakhs per annum 78 38.4
7-10 lakhs per annum 34 16.7
Above 10 lakhs per annum 52 25.6


Table 4.2 - Respondent’s Age

Respondent’s Age No. of Response Percentage

Below 18 3 1.5

18 - 30 years 181 89.2

31- 45 years 17 8.4

46 and above 2 1.0

Total 203 100

1% 2%


Below 18
18 - 30 years
31- 45 years
46 and above


Figure 4.1 Respondent’s Age

Analysis: Out of 203 respondents surveyed, 181 falls in the age group of 18-30 years which is
around 89% of total respondents. Next in the list is age group of 31-45 years with 17
respondents. Only 3 respondents were below age of 18 years and 2 above the age of 45 years.

Table 4.3 - Income Distribution of households

Household Income No. of response Percentage

0-3 lakhs per annum 39 19.2

3-7 lakhs per annum 78 38.4

7-10 lakhs per annum 34 16.7

Above 10 lakhs per annum 52 25.6

Total 203 100*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point



60 52
No. of response

40 34




0-3 lakhs per 3-7 lakhs per 7-10 lakhs per Above 10 lakhs
annum annum annum per annum

Figure 4.5 Income Distribution of households

Analysis: Income status of respondents seems well distributed with 39 respondents’ household
income below 3 lakhs. 78 respondent’s having household income between 3-7 lakhs.
Respondents with household income between 7-10 lakhs are 34 in total and 52 are with income
above 10 lakhs.

Table 4.4 - Importance of fruit juices/ fruit drinks in daily needs
Importance of fruit juices/ No. of responses Percentage
fruit drinks in daily needs
Very Important 44 21.67

Important 71 34.98

Neutral 60 29.56

Not Important 22 10.84

Not Important at all 6 2.96

Total 203 100*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point

80 71
No. of response

50 44


30 22


Very important Important Neutral Not Important Not Important
at all

Figure 4.3 Importance of fruit juices/ fruit drinks in daily needs

Analysis: When asked about the importance of fruit-based beverages in their daily needs; 44
respondents believe that fruit juices are very important part of their daily needs. A significant
number of 71 respondents find fruit juices important part of their daily needs. 60 respondents
are neutral about it. Out of 203 respondents, surveyed 22 do not find role of fruit juices in their
daily needs important whereas for 6 respondents it is not important at all.

Table 4.5- Benefits associated with fruit juices/ fruit drinks
Benefits associated with No. of responses Percentage
fruit juices/ fruit drinks
As nutritious as fruit 88 43.3

Health benefits 142 70.0

Substitute for carbonated beverages 95 46.8

Low sugar content 36 17.7

Others 3 1.5

Total 364^ 179*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point ^This parameter includes multiple answers in survey

160 142
No. of response

100 88

20 3
As nutritious Health Substitute for Low sugar others
as fruit benefits carbonated content
4.4 Benefits associated with fruit juices/ fruit drinks

Analysis: The above graph shows the various reasons or benefits that respondents associate
with fruit-based beverages. A majority of the respondents, i.e. 70 % believe it is the health
benefit that draws them to buy the fruit juices. 46% of the respondents consider fruit-based
beverages as a good substitute for carbonated drinks. 43% of the respondents find fruit-based
beverages as nutrients as fruits.

Table 4.6 - Factors influencing buying decision
Factor influencing buying decision No. of responses Percentage

Television / Radio 126 62.1

Newspaper / Magazine 65 32.0

Family/Friends 95 46.8

Word of Mouth 98 48.3

Internet 33 16.3

Others 8 3.9

Total 425^ 209*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point ^This parameter includes multiple answers in survey

140 126
95 98
No. of response

80 65
40 33

20 8




















Figure 4.5 Factors influencing buying decision

Analysis: The above graph shows the various factors that influence the customer buying
behaviour. Media seems to play a great role in influencing the purchase decision of respondents
with 126 respondents selecting television/radio and 65 respondents opting for
Newspapers/magazines. However, Family/friends and word of mouth are also crucial factors
with 95 and 98 responses respectively.

Table 4.7 - Level of involvement in decision making regarding day to day household
Level of involvement in decision making regarding No. of Percentage
day to day household purchases responses
I make the decision alone 88 43.3

I generally consult others in making the decision 81 39.9

I just accompany others to the shop and play no 21 10.3

role in decision making
Do not know 13 6.4

Total 203 100

90 81
No. of response

30 21
20 13

Make decision Consult Accompany Do not know
alone others others to the
shop and play
no role

Figure 4.6 Level of involvement in decision making regarding day to day household purchases
Analysis: Based on the responses garnered from the survey, it is found that 43.3% of the
respondents make their purchase decision alone and around 40 % of the respondents consult
others for making decisions related to household purchase. 10.3% don’t play any role in
decision making and 6.4% respondents were not sure about their role.

Table 4.8 - Type of outlet preferred for regular purchase
Type of outlet preferred for regular purchase No. of responses Percentage

Traditional Grocery / Kirana Stores 65 32.0

Modern Retail Outlets or Big Retail Stores 133 65.5

Others 5 2.5

Total 203 100


Traditional Grocery / Kirana
Modern Retail Outlets or Big
Retail Stores


Figure 4.7 Type of outlet preferred for regular purchase

Analysis: Majority of the respondents surveyed prefer the modern retail outlets or big retail
store with 133 respondents opting for modern retail outlets as compared to 65 respondents
selecting traditional kirana stores. 5 respondents prefer both channels equally.

Table 4.9 Frequency of purchase of fruit drinks from preferred outlet
Frequency of purchase of fruit drinks from such No. of Percentage
outlets responses
Once a week or more often 69 34.0

Once every 2 or 3 weeks 70 34.5

Once a month 41 20.2

Once every 2 or 3 months 8 3.9

Very rarely 15 7.4

Total 203 100

69 70


No. of response



20 15

Once a week Once every 2 Once a month Once every 2 Very rarely
or more often or 3 weeks or 3 months

Figure 4.8 Frequency of purchase of fruit drinks from preferred outlet

Analysis: A large portion of the respondents purchase fruit-based beverages either most often
(at least once a week) or once in every 2-3 weeks. This shows that purchase of fruit based
beverages is quite high on their list of priority purchases and is consumed very regularly. Only
7.4% respondent purchase fruit based beverages very rarely.

Table 4.13 - Factor for choosing a particular packaged fruit juice
Factor for choosing the fruit juice No. of responses Percentage

Pricing 26 12.8

Ambience 19 9.4

Location/nearness 57 28.1

Service 35 17.2

Display /merchandising 15 7.4

Reputation 37 18.2

Occasion 12 5.9

Others 2 1.0

Total 203 100

6% 1% 13% Pricing
9% Location/nearness

8% Display /merchandising
28% Occassion

Figure 4.9 Factor for choosing a particular packaged fruit juice

Analysis: The prime factors in selection of a particular packaged fruit juice, observed from
survey response are Location/nearness, reputation and service with 28.1%, 18.2% and 17.2%
respectively, followed by pricing with 13%. Occasion, display and ambience are least
important factors that influence the channel selection.

Table 4.11 - Importance of Brand of fruit juice
Importance of Brand of fruit juice No. of responses Percentage

Yes 155 76.4

No 48 23.6

Total 203 100




Figure 4.10 Importance of Brand of fruit juice

Analysis: Among all the 203 respondents surveyed, majority of the respondents (76%) felt that
brand name is important in selection of fruit juice/drinks, whereas around 24% respondents
differ in their opinion as they do not find the brand important when it comes to choose fruit-
based beverages.

Table 4.12 - Most preferred brand of juice
Most preferred brand of juice No. of responses Percentage

Appy 86 42.4

Ceres 18 8.9

Frooti 80 39.4

Godrej XS 7 3.4

Jumpin 29 14.3

Maaza 109 53.7

Minute Maid 60 29.6

Onjus 7 3.4

Real 91 44.8

Real active (100% juice) 71 35.0

Real Burst 6 3.0

Safal 22 10.8

Saint 14 6.9

Slice 63 31.0

Tropicana 99 48.8

Tropicana (100%) 85 41.9

Tropicana Twister 15 7.4

Others 13 6.4

Total 875^ 431*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point ^This parameter includes multiple answers in survey


86 85
No. of response


20 14 15
7 7 6



Real Burst



Minute Maid

Real active (100% juice)

Tropicana (100%)
Tropicana Twister


Godrej XS

Figure 4.11 Most preferred brand of juice

Analysis: The data is presented in order to find the most preferred brands of fruit-based
beverages by a typical household in Bangalore city. When asked to choose among the prime
fruit based beverage products, Maaza with 53.7% emerged as the most popular preferred drink
followed by Tropicana with 48.8% and Real with 44.8% respondent’s vote.
It is significant to note that the combined response for brand Tropicana (Tropicana, Tropicana
100%, Tropicana Twister) and brand Real (Real, Real active, Real burst) is 199 and 168 votes

Table 4.13 - Most preferred purchase quantity
Most Preferred Quantity No. of responses Percentage

200/300 ml 45 22.2

500/600 ml 68 33.5

1 liter 90 44.3

Total 203 100


200/300 ml
500/600 ml
1 litre


Figure 4.12 Most preferred purchase quantity

Analysis: A large number of the respondents purchase fruit-based beverage in the quantity of
1 litre family packs. Of all respondent surveyed, around 44% opted for 1 litre of preferred
quantity purchased. 500/600 ml is the choice of around 34% respondents whereas 22% people
opted for small quantity packs of 200/300 ml.

Table 4.14 – Influence on Consumption due to social occasions / entertainment
Influence on Consumption due to social occasions / No. of responses Percentage
Strongly agree 72 35.5

Somewhat agree 82 40.4

Neither agree nor disagree 29 14.3

Somewhat disagree 13 6.4

Strongly disagree 7 3.4

Total 203 100

90 82
80 72
No. of response

40 29
20 13
Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.13 Influence on Consumption due to social occasions / entertainment

Analysis: From the above response by respondents about the influence of social occasion and
entertainment on consumption of fruit-based beverage, it is quite clear that people highly prefer
fruit-based beverages on such occasion and while celebrating. Around 76 % people agree to
this, whereas around 10% people disagree to this. 14% people are neutral about influence of
social occasions on consumption of FBB.

Table 4.15 Influence on consumption due to satisfaction of basic thirst
Influence on consumption due to satisfaction No. of responses Percentage
of basic thirst
Strongly agree 52 25.6

Somewhat agree 89 43.8

Neither agree nor disagree 42 20.7

Somewhat disagree 19 9.4

Strongly disagree 1 0.5

Total 203 100

No. of response

50 42
30 19
10 1
Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.14 Influence on consumption due to satisfaction of basic thirst

Analysis: When asked about the influence on consumption of fruit-based beverages due to its
basic thirst filling feature, 25.6% respondents strongly agreed and around 44% people
somewhat agree to this. But around 10% people have a different opinion on this and 20.7% are
uncertain about influence.

Table 4.16 - Influence on consumption due to refreshment factor

Influence on consumption due to refreshment No. of responses Percentage

Strongly agree 118 58.1

Somewhat agree 68 33.5

Neither agree nor disagree 14 6.9

Somewhat disagree 3 1.5

Strongly disagree 0 0.0

Total 203 100



No. of response



3 0
Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.15 Influence on consumption due to refreshment factor

Analysis: The above chart depicts that there is a high influence on consumption of fruit drinks
and juices due to its refreshment factor. A majority of 58% people participated in survey
strongly believe that refreshment from fruit beverages is highly influential in consumption of
FBB. 33.5% respondents also somewhat agree on this whereas only 1.5% people disagree on

Table 4.17 - Influence on consumption due to enjoyment factor
Influence on consumption due to enjoyment factor No. of responses Percentage

Strongly agree 40 19.7

Somewhat agree 74 36.5

Neither agree nor disagree 58 28.6

Somewhat disagree 24 11.8

Strongly disagree 7 3.4

Total 203 100

80 74

No. of response


30 24


Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.16 Influence on consumption due to enjoyment factor

Analysis: The influence on consumption of FBB for enjoyment has a slightly mixed response
in people’s opinion as nearly 30% respondents neither agree nor disagree that their
consumption of fruit beverages gets influenced because of enjoyment obtained from its’
consumption. However, the majority of respondents 36.5% somewhat agree to this.

Table 4.18 - Influence on consumption due to taste
Influence on consumption due to taste No. of responses Percentage

Strongly agree 80 39.4

Somewhat agree 98 48.3

Neither agree nor disagree 23 11.3

Somewhat disagree 2 1.0

Strongly disagree 0 0.0

Total 203 100

90 80
No. of response

30 23

10 2 0
Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.17 Influence on consumption due to taste

Analysis: When asked about the influence on consumption of fruit-based beverages due to its
appealing taste, nearly 40% of the people surveyed strongly agreed and around 48% were
somewhat agreed. Only a small number of respondents 1% showed their non-consent with this.

Table 4.19 - Influence on consumption due to feeling of a sense of well being
Influence on consumption due No. of responses Percentage
to feeling of a sense of well being
Strongly agree 38 18.7

Somewhat agree 69 34.0

Neither agree nor disagree 58 28.6

Somewhat disagree 28 13.8

Strongly disagree 10 4.9

Total 203 100


No. of response



Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.18 Influence on consumption due to feeling of a sense of well being

Analysis: When asked about the influence on consumption of fruit based beverages due to
feeling of a sense of well-being, 18.7% of the people surveyed strongly agreed and 34%
somewhat agreed. Around 29% respondents neither agree nor disagree to this and in total
around 19% respondents showed their non-consent with this.

Table 4.20 - Influence on consumption due to feeling of vitality and energy
Influence on consumption due No. of responses Percentage
to feeling of vitality and energy
Strongly agree 71 35.0

Somewhat agree 80 39.4

Neither agree nor disagree 39 19.2

Somewhat disagree 7 3.4

Strongly disagree 6 3.0

Total 203 100

80 71

No. of response



7 6

Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.19 Influence on consumption due to feeling of vitality and energy

Analysis: When asked about the influence on consumption of fruit-based beverages due to
vitality and energy derived from them, 35% of the people surveyed strongly agreed and around
40% were somewhat agreed. Around 7% of respondents do not think that their consumption
of FBB is influenced due to this feature.

Table 4.21 - Influence on consumption due to relaxation factor
Influence on consumption due to relaxation No. of responses Percentage
Strongly agree 38 18.7

Somewhat agree 59 29.1

Neither agree nor disagree 72 35.5

Somewhat disagree 30 14.8

Strongly disagree 4 2.0

Total 203^ 100*

*Percentage value rounded off to nearest decimal point ^This parameter includes multiple answers in survey

80 72
No. of response



10 4

Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.20 Influence on consumption due to relaxation factor

Analysis: The opinion on influence of relaxation factor on fruit beverage consumption reflects
a mix kind of response among respondents. 18.7% of the people surveyed strongly agreed and
around 29% somewhat agreed. 35.5% people were indecisive about it with around 17%
disagreeing in their opinion on this.

Table 4.22 - Influence on consumption due to reflection of attitude
Influence on consumption due to reflection of No. of responses Percentage
Strongly agree 17 8.4

Somewhat agree 42 20.7

Neither agree nor disagree 73 36.0

Somewhat disagree 37 18.2

Strongly disagree 34 16.7

Total 203 100

80 73

No. of response

50 42
40 34

Strongly agree Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
agree nor disagree disagree disagree

Figure 4.21 Influence on consumption due to reflection of attitude

Analysis: The opinion among the respondents on influence of relaxation factor on fruit
beverage consumption reflects a mix kind of response among respondents. Only 8.4% of the
people surveyed strongly agreed and around 21% were somewhat agreed. 36% people were
indecisive about the influence and around 18% were somewhat disagree and 17% strongly
disagreed in their opinion on this factor.

Table 4.23 - Awareness about nutrient value and difference between juices & nectars
Awareness about nutrient value and difference No. of Percentage
between juices & nectars responses
Yes 129 63.5

No 74 36.5

Total 203 100




Figure 4.22 Awareness about nutrient value and difference between juices & nectars

Analysis: The above response shows that the majority of the respondents are aware about the
different nutrient content offered by the various fruit-based beverage. 64% respondents
confirmed their awareness about nutrient value of various FBB whereas 36% respondents
stated their unawareness.

Table 4.24 Average monthly amount spent on packaged fruit juices
Average monthly amount spent No. of Percentage
on packaged fruit juices responses
Less than Rs 100 31 15.3

Rs 100- 500 118 58.1

Rs 500 and above 54 26.6

Total 203 100


Less than Rs 100

Rs 100- 500
Rs 500 and above


Figure 4.23 Average monthly amount spent on packaged fruit juices

Analysis: The above table and graph reflects the spending pattern of households surveyed. 31
respondents i.e. around 15% respondents spend less than Rs 100 per month on an average basis.
118 respondents (58%) reflect the majority of the responses from respondents who spend in
between a range of average Rs 100-500 per month. Also, around 27% people prefer to spend
above Rs 500 on FBB monthly.

Another factors analysis

Out of the 31 respondents who spend below Rs 100 on fruit beverages, 65% are aware about
the nutrient contents of the fruit juices/drinks in comparison to the 63% response from all the
respondents for the same factor. 11 of the respondents 35% in this category are unaware of the
nutrient value.
As compared to all respondents surveyed, where 76% people felt that brand is important, the
response among the 31 respondents who spend below Rs 100, brand of fruit beverage is
important for the 71% of the respondents where as 29 % feel it is not important. 6 respondents
that is 19% out of total 31who spend below Rs 100 per month on fruit beverages, prefer a
quantity of 200/ 300 ml, 39% responded their preference as 500/600 ml, whereas 42% like to
purchase 1 litre of fruit beverages.
Out of the 118 respondents spend between Rs100- 500 on fruit beverages, a majority of 69
respondents (58%) are aware about the nutrient contents of the fruit juices/drinks in comparison
to the 63% response from all the respondents for the same factor. 49 of the respondents 42%
in this category are unaware of the nutrient value.
As compared to all respondents surveyed, where 76% people felt that brand is important, the
response among the 90 respondents who spend between Rs 100- 500, brand of fruit beverage
is important for the 76% of the respondents where as 28 respondents (24%) feel it is not
29 respondents (24%) out of total 118 respondents who spend between Rs 100- 500 per month
on fruit beverages, prefer a quantity of 200/ 300 ml, 35 responded (30%) their preference as
500/600 ml, whereas 54 respondents (46%) like to purchase 1 litre of fruit beverages. Out of
the 54 respondents who spend above Rs 500 on fruit beverages, a majority of 40 respondents
(74.1%) are aware about the nutrient contents of the fruit juices/drinks in comparison to the
64% response from all the respondents for the same factor.
Also, among the respondents who spent Rs 500 & above, brand of fruit beverage is important
for the 43 respondents (80%), whereas 20 % feel it is not important. 19% people prefer a
quantity of 200/ 300 ml, 37% responded their preference as 500/600 ml, whereas 44% like to
purchase 1 litre of fruit beverages.

Chapter 5

1. It has been observed based upon the responses generated that brand plays an important
role as consumers generally go for the known brand of fruit beverages. Around 64%
respondents feel that brand is important when it comes to the selection of fruit-based

2. The biggest factor that directs the consumers towards the fruit beverages is the growing
health awareness. 70% respondents choose health benefits from fruit products among the
benefits associated with FBB. Also, it is significant to know that around 45% of respondents
believe that FBB is a strong substitute for the carbonated drinks which are not healthy.

3. Among the factors that influence the consumer behavior towards the FBB, majority of the
respondents confirmed that media’s role is highly influential. Television/ radio in particular
play an important part in decision making as nearly 62% respondents selected that and 32%
selected newspaper/magazine. Word of mouth along with family/ friends is another vital
factor that influences the respondents’ buying behavior.

4. The frequency of purchase for the fruit beverages observed through the response suggests
more than one third of the respondents buy fruit beverages quite often and nearly 35%
respondents make their purchase for FBB within 2-3 weeks.

5. The major factors that influence the consumption of fruit-based beverages observed are
the feeling of refreshment and the taste of the fruit beverage. 92% of the total 203 respondents
agree that refreshment influences their consumption of FBB and around 88% respondents
think that taste is influential in consumption.

6. The other major factors that influence the consumption of fruit beverage are the social
occasion, where 76% respondents agreed that social occasion and entertainment direct the
purchase and consumption of FBB. Also, the benefits such as Vitality and energy and
enjoyment derived out of consumption of fruit beverages are highly significant in
consumption of the fruit beverages.

7. The key factors that affect the selection of a channel for household purchases is mostly
driven by the location and nearness of the channel, service provided and the reputation of the
distribution channel. Occasion and display of products do not seem influencing the
respondents while selecting their channel for purchase of Fruit beverages.

8. The response from the survey suggests that in the changing scenario fruit juices is
important part of the daily needs of the households. Around 57% respondents confirmed that
need for juices in daily diet is important.

9. The most preferred quantity of FBB among the respondents came out as one liter with
more than 44% respondents opting for it. Second in the list is 500/600ml packs.

10. The average spending of the majority of the respondents lies between Rs 100-500;
however, the number of respondents spending Rs 500 and above monthly is also very
significant (27%).

Chapter 6

With the changing lifestyle, people have started becoming more health conscious.
Therefore, the fruit juice companies should use appropriate marketing techniques like social
media platforms (Facebook, Blogs and Forums), traditional broadcasting and print media,
sponsoring relevant events (youth sports, marathons etc.) and offer variants to customers in
various points of purchases.
The survey shows that social occasions and entertainment period are the influential occasions
when the fruit beverages are consumed mostly. The companies must try to increase the volume
by creating and focusing on more utilities so that their product is used more frequently.
This study could be conducted on a larger scale to test whether or not similar preferences for
fruit juices hold. Future research could focus also only on single attributes such as packaging
& label for fruit juices.


This research can be extended to other parts of the country especially rural areas, which are
showing a rapid rate of growth.
It is evident from the research that the advertising media have greater influence than reference
groups on buying behaviour. An in-depth research on various media factor and strategies for
FBB along with influence groups like, friends, relatives and family, colleagues, and overall
societal influence will be worth-while as the next step in such a behaviour-oriented market
Study should be done on the influence of social factors, political factors and technological
factors on consumer behaviour.
Study can be done on the premium and super premium (brand) segment to analyse the reason
for greater satisfaction level in these segment than other brands.

A dissertation is learning experience in which the students apply their knowledge and skills in-
depth in the problem. It is a challenging platform that provides the students with full and
realistic picture of industry and its trends. Also, one can test the water for the carrier interests.
With the help of dissertation experience one can build professional networks and contacts
which can be helpful for achieving carrier goals. From my experience of this dissertation
program I would like to share few things which will be helpful for other students in their
• Know the field of your interests and gather sufficient & proper information about the
fields of interest and then analyse to choose your field
• Begin early and be prepared in advance. Plan well in advance and look for good
dissertation opportunity at least 3-4 months before scheduled time.
• Learning the basics is always important at work, so don’t feel impatient if you get
routine or basic work.
• Work with the motive to learn something important out of the dissertation.
• Also try to identify what career interests you the most and how could a dissertation
contribution to your academic development and long term goals.
• Due to busy schedules guides and mentors will not be able to provide you with
sufficient time. In such case be patient and try to utilize the time by doing your
homework on some topics.
• Make a proper record of all important activities during dissertation and start preparing
the report along with dissertation.
I gained many positives from this program such as time management, milestone settings, and
ease in communication with new peoples.
I got opportunity to use classroom knowledge while conducting the survey and analysis of
To conclude I would like to say this dissertation has provided opportunity to gain hand on
experience. It would also help me in job searches in future too. It is provided value addition to
my profile.

Following are the concluding points taken into consideration after the conduct of the research
After conducting the observational survey & interacting with 203 respondents in the city of
Bangalore, it is observed that there is a great potential market for fruit-based beverages because
of the significant health advantages offered by them. It is been observed that households are
aware of the options available in the market and fruit-based beverage have a good market
acceptance. Fruit beverages have started becoming an important part of the daily needs of the
households on social occasions and during entertainment. With the increased importance of
health and nutrition, changing life styles and higher incomes, the Indian beverage market offers
numerous opportunities for new products and product modifications.
Fruit beverages have become an important part of Indian households, especially urban & semi
urban household as it provides vitality and energy, relation and nutrient benefits etc every
passing day. There are many factors that influence the buying behavior and attitude of a
customer during his/her buying process including demographic factors like age, marital status,
monthly household income, occupation etc. and other factors like influence of friends and
family, advertisement through various media etc.
These key factors should be seriously considered to attain an optimum market space, as in
today’s world catering to a customer’s needs is very essential to formulate a strategic marketing
plan that enhance the market share. Such novel strategies should also be backed by efficient on
ground customer support and robust R & D for product innovation.

Consumer perception and attitude towards packaged fruit drinks/juices in

1. Age *
Below 18
18 - 30 years
31- 45 years
46 and above

2. Gender *

3. Household Income *
0-3 lakhs per annum
3-7 lakhs per annum
7-10 lakhs per annum
Above 10 lakhs per annum

4. How important is the role of fruit juices/ fruit drinks in your daily needs? *
Where 1 represents very important, 2 represents important, 3 represents neutral, 4 represents
not important & 5 represents not important at all
1 2 3 4 5

5. What do you think are the benefits associated with fruit juices/ fruit drinks? (You can
select more than one option) *
As nutritious as fruit
Health benefits
Substitute for carbonated beverages
Low sugar content
Others (please mention)

6. Which factor usually influences your buying decision? (You can select more than one
option) *
Television / Radio
Newspaper / Magazine
Word of Mouth
Others (please mention)

7. Is the Brand of fruit juice/fruit drinks important to you? *


8. Which brand of fruit juices do you consume most often? (You can select more than one
option) *
Godrej XS
Minute Maid
Real active (100% juice)
Real Burst
Tropicana (100%)
Tropicana Twister
Others (please mention)

9. What is your level of involvement in decision making regarding day to day household
purchases? *
I make the decision alone
I generally consult others in making the decision
I just accompany others to the shop and play no role in decision making
Do not know

10. Type of trade outlet from where you regularly purchase household items? *
Traditional Grocery / Kirana Stores
Modern Retail Outlets or Big Retail Stores
Others (please mention)

11. How frequently do you purchase fruit-based drinks/ fruit juices from such outlets? *
Once a week or more often
Once every 2 or 3 weeks
Once a month
Once every 2 or 3 months
Very rarely

12. What quantity do you usually prefer to buy? *

200/300 ml
500/600 ml
1 litre

13. What influence you most in choosing a particular packaged fruit juice? *
Display /merchandising
Others (please mention)

14. Are you aware of the nutrient value difference in various fruit drinks and Difference
among nectars & 100% juice? *

15. On a monthly average What amount do you spent on packaged fruit juices? *
Less than Rs 100
Rs 100- 500
Rs 500 and above

16. Do the following reasons influence your consumption of fruit drinks? *

Select among the available options where 1 represents SRONGLY AGREE & 5 represents

For social
occasions /
It acts as a
It provides
It tastes very
I feel a sense of
well-being after
consuming it
It satisfies my
basic thirst and is

It relaxes me
It reflects my
It gives me
vitality & energy

• Shiffman and Kanuk (2008): Consumer Behaviour, PHI India. 9th Edition
• Kothari C R, “Research and Methodology- Methods & Techniques”, New Age
International (P) Ltd., 2008

• Annual report MOFPI, 2008-09

• CII, FMCG Roadmap to 2020

• Annual report MOFPI, 2008-09

• CII, FMCG Roadmap to 2020
• Dr Rajesh Shukla (2009)”Changing Income Demographics and its Implication for
Marketers”. India Retail Report 2009.
• Fruit Juices & Health Drinks Market Report, By Bharat Book Bureau, April, 2007
• Charles Barkla, Market News Service: Fruit Juices report, Quarterly Edition, Issue No.
1, of 31 March 2009
• report “Fruit/vegetable Juice - India”, 2009
• Field & Focus market research report, 2008-09
• Dabur India ltd, Annual report 2009-10
• PepsiCo Annual report, 2009

• Confederation of Indian Industry – Technology Export Development Organization

(CII-TEDO) report on Fruits & Vegetables Sector







_market, (The growth story of the Indian beverage market, August 2009)

• Coca-Cola to open fruit-drink plant in India, report, 03-Jun-2010, (http://www.ap-

• Hema Gupta and Piyush Gupta(2008) “Indian paediatrics”, volume 45, march, 2008,
(, “More juice in the juice market”)

• Lalitha Srinivasan, Fruit drink majors thirsty for more this summer, Friday, Mar 21,
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