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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Allan H. Ropper, M.D., Editor

Neonatal Seizures
Elissa Yozawitz, M.D.​​

From the Isabelle Rapin Division of Child eonatal seizures are defined as seizures occurring within
Neurology of the Saul R. Korey Depart- 4 weeks after birth in full-term infants or within 44 weeks of postmen-
ment of Neurology, Montefiore Medical
Center, Albert Einstein College of Medi- strual age in preterm infants. The estimated incidence of these seizures
cine, Bronx, NY. Dr. Yozawitz can be con- is 2.29 cases per 1000 live births. Higher rates have been reported among preterm
tacted at ­eyozawit@​­montefiore​.­org or at neonates than among full-term neonates (14.28 cases per 1000 vs. 1.10 per 1000).1
3415 Bainbridge Ave, 4th Fl., Bronx, NY
10467. The International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) has developed a diagnostic
framework to classify neonatal seizures,2 which facilitates the use of common
N Engl J Med 2023;388:1692-700.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2300188 terminology and assists clinicians in making treatment decisions. Most neonatal
Copyright © 2023 Massachusetts Medical Society. seizures are transient and result from acute metabolic disturbances, infectious
processes, or acute focal cerebral lesions. Such seizures are considered to be pro-
at voked. In full-term neonates, the most common cause of provoked seizures is
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, followed in frequency by stroke and infection.
In preterm neonates, the most common cause is intraventricular hemorrhage.
Identifying the provoking event is essential for determining management.
Provoked seizures are not considered to be epilepsy, which is defined as two or
more unprovoked seizures, and provoked seizures typically do not require long-
term treatment with antiseizure medication.3 Neonatal epilepsy syndromes, which
are uncommon, frequently have genetic causes, and unlike provoked seizures,
some of these syndromes require long-term treatment.4

Cl inic a l Pr e sen tat ion

Neonatal seizures start focally but can spread to involve the entire body.2 Seizures
that begin in a generalized fashion are rare. Clinical seizures in neonates can be
difficult to recognize because convulsive movements in babies are often complex,
irregular, or subtle. Because some seizures have only an electroencephalographic
(EEG) component,5 the ILAE has emphasized the importance of EEG as essential
for the identification of neonatal seizures. To address the limited availability of
EEG in some settings, the Brighton Collaboration, a nonprofit global vaccine
safety research network, has proposed a scheme with five levels of diagnostic
certainty that can guide treatment decisions if EEG is not available (Table 1). A
clinical event that occurs simultaneously with a seizure pattern on continuous EEG
recording provides the highest level of certainty that the event is truly a seizure
and requires treatment (level 1). When a suspected event has a focal clonic feature
(rhythmic focal jerking) or tonic feature (prolonged extension of the limbs), with
or without EEG corroboration, treatment is also considered to be justified
(level 2). If there has been an event that could be a seizure but is not focal, clonic,
or tonic and EEG is not available, treatment may be considered, but there is no
clear guidance (level 3).6 Levels 4 (suspected seizure) and 5 (not a seizure) are self-
explanatory, and treatment is not required. The same approach can be applied to
single or multiple seizures.

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Neonatal Seizures

A systematic review has suggested that clini- Table 1. Levels of Diagnostic Certainty.*
cal seizure types are usually associated with
specific underlying causes.7 For example, focal Course of
Level Definition Action
clonic seizures usually signify a cerebral infarc-
tion and the need for cranial imaging to con- Level 1: Suspected seizure with a continuous Treat
Definite seizure EEG correlate
firm the diagnosis. Tonic seizures are seen
mainly with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy Level 2: Suspected seizure with an amplitude- Treat
Probable seizure integrated EEG correlate or clini-
but also with metabolic disorders, channelopa- cally assessed focal clonic or tonic
thies, vascular disorders, or cortical malforma- seizure
tions. When the presentation includes myoclonic Level 3: Clinical seizure other than focal tonic Consider treat-
seizures (sudden, brief, irregular limb contrac- Possible seizure or clonic ment
tions), metabolic disorders such as hypoglyce- Level 4: Insufficient evidence to meet seizure Do not treat
mia or hyponatremia, amino acid disorders, or Suspected seizure criteria
other inborn errors of metabolism are usually Level 5: Movement determined by EEG not to Do not treat
responsible. Sequential seizures are defined by Not a seizure be a seizure
the occurrence of more than one seizure type * Seizures defined as definite or probable should be managed with antiseizure
during an episode and are often genetically medication. If electroencephalography (EEG) is not available, the clinician can
determined. Epileptic spasms (sudden flexion, rely on levels 3, 4, and 5, deciding whether an event is a seizure solely on the
basis of clinical semiology. The levels of diagnostic certainty were proposed
extension, or mixed flexion with extension of by the Brighton Collaboration.
the proximal and truncal muscles) also suggest
genetic causes. Autonomic seizures are charac-
terized by alterations in cardiovascular, vasomo-
E va luat ion of Neonata l
tor, or respiratory patterns and are typically ob- Sei zur e s
served in neonates with hypoxic ischemic
encephalopathy or intracranial hemorrhage. The initial steps in managing neonatal seizures
Some of these etiologic associations are based are to stabilize cardiovascular and respiratory
on current opinion, and prospective studies with function and then to identify the cause of the
large cohorts of neonates are needed to con- seizures. Treatable medical abnormalities, such
firm them. as hypoglycemia and electrolyte disorders (e.g.,
Several common nonepileptic motor phenom- hyponatremia), can be rapidly detected and cor-
ena may be difficult to differentiate from sei- rected, usually leading to cessation of seizures
zures in neonates. Tremor, jitteriness, and some without the need for antiseizure medication.
myoclonic movements can be mistaken for sei- EEG monitoring should be initiated as early as
zures. They can occur without obvious cause or possible to establish the presence of seizures
as symptoms of drug withdrawal, electrolyte because some types of seizures tend to peak in
abnormalities, hypoglycemia, or infection. They incidence and severity within the first 24 hours,
do not have EEG correlates and are not seizures. particularly those due to hypoxic ischemic en-
If EEG is not available, the aforementioned levels cephalopathy (Fig. 1).
of diagnostic certainty can be used to assess the Perinatal, birth, and family histories can pro-
likelihood that a paroxysmal movement is a sei- vide clues to the underlying cause of seizures.
zure. A common self-limiting neonatal condi- For example, some seizures, such as those due
tion, benign neonatal sleep myoclonus, is char- to nonketotic hyperglycinemia, begin prenatally,
acterized by myoclonic events that occur during and women may describe episodes of frequent,
sleep, with a normal EEG. Neonatal hyperek- continuous, rhythmic jerking of the fetus. Cer-
plexia is a rare disorder of muscle rigidity, tain examination findings also suggest specific
exaggerated startle reaction, and nocturnal causes of seizures: microcephaly may indicate
myoclonus, with a normal EEG, and is also not cerebral dysgenesis, genetic abnormalities, or
an epilepsy syndrome. The attacks can be stopped congenital infection; macrocephaly may be due
by the Vigevano maneuver, consisting of to structural or genetic abnormalities; dysmor-
forced f lexion of the head and legs toward the phic features suggest cerebral dysgenesis, often
trunk. due to a genetic abnormality; neurocutaneous

n engl j med 388;18 May 4, 2023 1693

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

This diagnosis is uncovered by intravenous ad-

ministration of 100 mg of pyridoxine, followed
by 30 mg of pyridoxine per kilogram of body
weight per day administered intravenously or
Genetic or orally in two divided doses for 3 to 5 days, with
metabolic Hypoxic ischemic EEG monitoring of the response. Close cardio-
disorders, encephalopathy,
29% 33%
pulmonary monitoring during the infusion is
recommended, since there is a risk of apnea with
intravenous pyridoxine. If a clear response is
Brain mal- observed, pyridoxine administration is contin-
formation, ued throughout the patient’s lifetime.
9% Infarction and Conventional 20-channel EEG or, if that is
29% unavailable, amplitude-integrated EEG may be
used to diagnose neonatal seizures. Amplitude-
integrated EEG is a single- or double-channel
EEG recorded by three to five electrodes attached
Figure 1. Causes of Acute Reactive Seizures in Term
to the scalp. It is readily available as a bedside
test, is easy to apply with either small-needle or
adhesive electrodes, and can be interpreted by
neonatologists. However, amplitude-integrated
stigmata are indicative of specific disorders such EEG is less sensitive and less specific than con-
as tuberous sclerosis or neurofibromatosis; rash ventional EEG for seizure detection because the
suggests infection or incontinentia pigmenti; and limited number of electrodes makes it difficult
congenital heart disease is associated with peri- to detect infrequent, brief, and low-amplitude
natal stroke. seizures.8 Amplitude-integrated EEG detected up
Figure 2 outlines a proposed diagnostic path- to 38% of 851 seizures in one study.17 Continu-
way that leads to the possible causes of seizures, ous and video EEG monitoring, typically per-
and Table 2 provides a suggested evaluation for formed for at least 1 hour, is a more accurate
confirming each of several common causes. A way to detect seizures than a single EEG record-
thorough evaluation might include screening for ing.8 Continuous EEG monitoring is suggested
neonatal infection; toxicologic testing; meta- until the neonate has been seizure-free for 12 to
bolic testing for organic acidemias, urea cycle 24 hours.8
defects, and fatty acid oxidation defects (which When EEG is not available, antiseizure treat-
may include amino acid levels, ammonia, lac- ment can be initiated by determining, on the ba-
tate, pyruvate, very-long-chain fatty acids, urine, sis of the levels of diagnostic certainty described
organic acids, biotinidase, pipecolic acid, and above, the likelihood that clinical events are
pyridoxal-5-phosphate); and examination of the seizures.6 Neonates may be transferred to a neo-
placenta for pathological changes. If an infec- natal intensive care unit or to a facility with EEG
tious cause is suspected, serum and cerebral capability, if that testing is not readily available.
spinal fluid cultures are generally obtained Neuroimaging is considered to be essential in
quickly and antimicrobial treatment is promptly the detection of possible structural abnormali-
initiated. If the neonate’s condition is not suffi- ties in neonates with seizure. Ultrasonography
ciently stable for a lumbar puncture, empirical of the head is a first-line test because of its ease
treatment for meningoencephalitis is often ap- of use and accessibility at the bedside for acutely
propriate. ill neonates who cannot be transported else-
If seizures continue despite the administra- where. Ultrasonographic assessment has high
tion of conventional antiseizure medication, a sensitivity (100%) and specificity (93.3%) for
pyridoxine challenge may be attempted, since detecting intraventricular hemorrhages with ven-
the rare condition known as pyridoxine-depen- tricular enlargement, but the sensitivity is lower
dent developmental and epileptic encephalopa- in the case of normal-size ventricles or small
thy responds to pyridoxine, as discussed below. cerebellar or extraaxial hemorrhages.9 Additional

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Neonatal Seizures

imaging with axial computed tomography or,

preferably, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Neonates with seizures
of the head can be performed when feasible.10,11
Should a stroke be suspected on the basis of
clinical features, magnetic resonance angiogra-
Check glucose and electrolyte levels and full
phy and venography may be indicated as part of blood count
the assessment.12 Arrange for EEG

Genetic testing is considered if there is no

clear structural explanation for seizures, such as Abnormal Treat seizure and underlying
result cause, if possible
stroke, hemorrhage, or infection, or if they are
sequential seizures, epileptic spasms, or tonic
Check blood gas
seizures. Although rare, some syndromes previ- Evaluate for infection, sepsis
ously thought to be acquired as a result of peri- Perform lumbar puncture
Perform rapid genetic screening, if available
natal insults have been found to be due to inher- Perform ultrasonography of the head
ited or de novo pathogenic genetic variants. Monitor EEG
Monitor ECG
Therefore, clinicians are now testing more of
their neonatal patients with undiagnosed sei-
zures for genetic disorders and increasingly result
Treat underlying cause, if possible
identifying these causes. Available genetic test-
ing includes epilepsy gene panels, chromosomal
Further seizures, resistant to first-line treatment
microarray, targeted gene testing, and whole-
exome sequencing. Knowledge of the role that
genetics plays in epilepsy is rapidly evolving,
Continue EEG monitoring until seizure-free
with increasing numbers of pathogenic variants for 24 hr
identified as contributing to phenotypic epilepsy Perform MRI of the head, when feasible
Consider diagnostic trial of
syndromes. Furthermore, pathogenic variants IV pyridoxine challenge
with strikingly different epilepsy syndromes oc- Pyridoxal-5-phosphate
Folinic acid
cur within the same genotype. Biotin
Perform further metabolic screening in serum,
urine, and CSF, including serum amino acids,
T r e atmen t of Acu te S ymp t om at ic urine organic acids, and ammonia, and further
Sei zur e s CSF studies, including glycine and glucose
Screen for intrauterine infections
Perform epilepsy gene panels, chromosomal
It is a generally accepted principle that all neo- microarray, targeted gene testing, whole-exome
natal seizures with both clinical and EEG cor- Perform ophthalmologic examination
relates and those with only EEG evidence should Perform pathological assessment of placenta
be treated. However, there are limited data from
randomized, controlled trials to inform treat-
ment decisions, and medications are frequently Investigate and treat accordingly
used off label. The ILAE recently provided guide-
lines for the management of neonatal seizures
Figure 2. Proposed Diagnostic Process for Neonatal Seizures.
on the basis of a systematic review, a meta-
When lumbar puncture is performed, saving cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for
analysis, and expert-based consensus.3 Medica- possible additional studies is good practice. ECG denotes electrocardiogram,
tions used in the acute care setting are typically EEG electroencephalogram, IV intravenous, and MRI magnetic resonance
limited to intravenous formulations. The ILAE imaging.
recommends phenobarbital as the first-line anti-
seizure medication, regardless of the cause (e.g.,
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, stroke, hemor- tive than levetiracetam at 24 hours for the treat-
rhage, or genetic causes). The Levetiracetam versus ment of neonatal seizures.13 Potential adverse
Phenobarbital for Neonatal Seizures (NEOLEV2) effects of antiseizure medications on the devel-
study, a small, phase 2b, randomized, controlled oping brain are a concern. However, the risk is
trial, showed that phenobarbital was more effec- generally considered to be outweighed by the

n engl j med 388;18 May 4, 2023 1695

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Workup for Acute Provoked Neonatal Seizures.*

Suspected Metabolic
Urgent Evaluation Suspected HIE Suspected Infection Suspected Stroke Disorder
Obtain immediate labor­ Check birth history and Obtain blood cultures Imaging: MRI with diffusion- Screen for other metabolic
atory measurements, Apgar score; screen and TORCH titers; weighted imaging; abnormalities (screen in-
including glucose, for other causes, CSF studies: glucose evaluate for cause (e.g., cludes amino acids, am-
electrolytes, and full depending on clini- and protein, cell counts, thrombophilia or vas- monia, lactate, pyruvate,
blood count; confirm cal scenario; assess PCR assay for HSV, cular or cardiac cause); very-long-chain fatty acids,
with EEG or amplitude- need for therapeutic culture; pathological echocardiogram; patho- urine, organic acids, bio-
integrated EEG hypothermia assessment of pla- logical assessment of tinidase, pipecolic acid,
centa placenta pyridoxine, pyridoxal-
5-phosphate); ophthal-
mologic evaluation

* CSF denotes cerebrospinal fluid, HIE hypoxemic ischemic encephalopathy, HSV herpes simplex virus, PCR polymerase chain reaction, MRI
magnetic resonance imaging, and TORCH toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, varicella, mumps, parvovirus, human immunodeficiency virus,
and Zika), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and HSV.

consequences of uncontrolled seizures. It is never- The consensus-based recommendation is to

theless important to discuss the possible cause stop the antiseizure medication only after all
of seizures and treatment options with the fam- provoked seizures (both seizures for which there
ily, as well as the potential duration of treatment is clinical and EEG evidence and those for which
on the basis of the neonate’s response. there is only EEG evidence) have ceased, regard-
The goal of treatment is seizure cessation. If less of the MRI or EEG findings.21 However, this
the neonate does not have a response to the first recommendation does not apply to neonatal-
antiseizure medication, phenytoin, levetiracetam, onset epilepsy syndromes, described below, be-
midazolam, or lidocaine may be used as second- cause at least one type is likely to remit sponta-
line intervention. However, there is limited evi- neously and the other main type is typically
dence regarding the best medication to be used resistant to medications. The recommendation
after phenobarbital has failed to control the comes from a nine-center, prospective, observa-
disorder, and there are no official guidelines for tional study of neonates with acute symptomatic
selecting such a medication or determining the seizures. The study considered the cause of the
dose. Practice has differed among institutions.14 seizures, gestational age, status with respect to
Table 3 provides approximate antiseizure medi- therapeutic hypothermia, EEG evidence of sever-
cation doses derived from the literature. For ity, the number of days on which EEG-confirmed
neonates with a cardiac disorder, levetiracetam seizures occurred, and findings on neurologic
is suggested as a potential second-line treatment examination at discharge. It was further found
over phenytoin because it is associated with that discontinuing medication in patients with
fewer cardiac arrythmias and less potential car- provoked seizures that had stopped before dis-
diac toxicity. If conventional antiseizure thera- charge was not associated with an increased risk
pies fail, one can consider trials of pyridoxine, of postneonatal epilepsy and did not alter the
pyridoxal phosphate, and folinic acid to correct risk of functional disability at 2 years of age.21
uncommon vitamin-responsive epilepsies. The recurrence of seizures was not associated
Therapeutic hypothermia for 72 hours is now with medication withdrawal.
used routinely for term and near-term infants
with moderate-to-severe hypoxic ischemic enceph- Neonata l Epil eps y S y ndrome s
alopathy in an effort to ameliorate the brain in-
jury and improve later developmental outcomes.20 The ILAE recently provided a position statement
The ILAE found that there was weak evidence, on the overall classification and definition of
but agreement among experts, that therapeutic neonatal epilepsy syndromes. To some extent,
hypothermia may reduce the seizure burden in these definitions incorporate previously recog-
neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.3 nized syndromes and are meant to facilitate

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Neonatal Seizures

Table 3. Approximate Doses of the Main Antiseizure Medications for the Treatment of Neonatal Seizures.*

Medication Loading Dose† Maintenance Dose† Comments

Phenobarbital 20 mg/kg of body weight; second load- 5 mg/kg of body weight per day, adminis- FDA-approved; enhances
ing dose, if required: 10–20 mg/kg, tered intravenously or orally GABAA inhibitory activity
administered intravenously‡
Phenytoin 20 mg/kg of body weight, administered 5 mg/kg of body weight per day, admin- Off-label use; voltage-gated
intravenously over 30-min period istered intravenously in two divided sodium-channel blocker
doses, adjusted according to response
and plasma concentration
Levetiracetam 40 mg/kg of body weight, administered 40–60 mg/kg of body weight per day, admin- Off-label use; binds to SV2A
intravenously; second loading dose, istered intravenously, or given orally in and impedes synaptic
if required: 20 mg/kg three divided doses vesicle trafficking
Midazolam 0.05–0.15 mg/kg of body weight 1 μg/kg of body weight per minute (60 μg/kg Off-label use; GABAA agonist
per hour), administered as a continuous
infusion, increased in steps of 1 μg/kg
per minute; maximum dose: 5 μg/kg
per minute
Lidocaine 2 mg/kg of body weight, administered 7 mg/kg of body weight per hour, adminis- Off-label use; voltage-gated
intravenously over 10-min period tered intravenously for 4 hr, then 3.5 mg/ sodium-channel blocker
kg per hour for 12 hr, then 1.75 mg/kg
per hour for 12 hr, and then stopped

* Information on doses is from Dehkharghani,12 Sharpe et al.,13 Van Den Broek et al.,15 Pisano et al.,16 Castro Conde et al.,17 Sands et al.,18
Favié et al.,19 and Pressler et al.3 Other agents that may be used, depending on the clinical presentation, family history, laboratory tests,
and EEG findings, include pyridoxine, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, and carbamazepine. FDA denotes Food and Drug Administration, GABAA
γ-aminobutyric acid type A, and SV2A synaptic vesicle protein 2A.
† Opinions about dosing vary, and the doses shown should be taken as approximate values.
‡ Higher doses of phenobarbital may be given with careful cardiorespiratory monitoring.

prognostic and treatment recommendations. zures are due to loss-of-function KCNQ2 and
They can be divided into two broad categories: KCNQ3 variants.3,18
self-limited epilepsies, which in turn have two Early infantile developmental and epileptic
subcategories, and developmental and epileptic encephalopathy is a newly characterized entity
encephalopathies (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary that is manifested as medication-resistant sei-
Appendix, available with the full text of this ar- zures of various types in the first 3 months of
ticle at Developmental and epileptic life, associated with severe developmental im-
encephalopathies are defined by intractable sei- pairment, abnormal findings on neurologic ex-
zures associated with developmental impair- amination, and an EEG background with burst
ment or regression often due to an underlying suppression (Fig. S2) or multifocal epileptiform
cause (which is likely to be genetic, structural, discharges with diffuse slowing.4 Neuroimag-
or metabolic).23 ing, genetic testing, and metabolic studies show
The self-limited neonatal epilepsy syndromes an underlying cause in up to 80% of infants.25,26
are due to pathogenic variants, either familial These cases are rare and do not have a distinct
or de novo, most commonly in KCNQ2 and, less clinical phenotype, as described below. The
commonly, in KCNQ3,4 as described below, or numbers and individual cause–specific syn-
SCN2A.24 The typical self-limited epilepsy syn- dromes in this group are likely to increase as
drome begins between 2 and 7 days after birth more pathogenic variants are found. Currently,
and remits after 6 months. Clues to this diag- none of the conventional antiseizure medica-
nosis are a family history of seizures and focal tions, including glucocorticoids and pyridoxine,
and tonic seizures at the onset of an episode, stop the seizures. Nevertheless, treatment can
but the syndrome may sometimes include focal be targeted at an underlying metabolic disorder,
clonic, tonic, or sequential manifestations.2 if present (e.g., aminoacidopathies or organic
Sodium-channel blockers are used when sei- acidemias). Surgical removal of a focal lesion

n engl j med 388;18 May 4, 2023 1697

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

(including cortical dysplasias, hemimegaloen- jury, often with a genetic cause, and have a poor
cephaly, and cortical tubers), if present, may be overall prognosis.
considered after the failure of two or more drug Untreated seizures can cause hippocampal
trials.27,28 These neonates may have coexisting sclerosis and worsen the clinical outcome, re-
movement disorders, cortical visual impair- gardless of the cause.31,32 Despite this generally
ments, feeding difficulties, or orthopedic prob- accepted tenet, the extent to which seizures can
lems due to abnormal muscle tone and contrac- potentiate brain injury is unclear.33 Analyses of
tures. data from several case series have shown that
Three additional developmental and epileptic status epilepticus or seizures lasting longer than
encephalopathies have been described, with spe- 12 to 13 minutes per hour are associated with a
cific pathogenic variants and relatively uniform poor outcome, which is independent of the
and distinct clinical phenotypes. KCNQ2-associ- cause.34-37 However, there is no definitive evi-
ated developmental and epileptic encephalopa- dence that isolated seizures of brief duration
thy begins in the first few days of life, and the have a negative outcome. Studies in animals
semiology is characterized by focal tonic seizures. suggest that the immature brain may be less
However, focal clonic and myoclonic seizures susceptible to injury from seizures than the
can also occur.29 Encephalopathy is present more mature brain. In two common animal
when the seizures begin. models of status epilepticus, hippocampal injury
Pyridoxine-dependent developmental and epi- was not easily induced in rats that were less than
leptic encephalopathy and pyridoxal phosphate 21 days old.33
deficiency–associated developmental and epilep- Certain patterns on EEG can assist in deter-
tic encephalopathy, mentioned above, are nota- mining the prognosis for neonates with clini-
ble genetic syndromes because their treatment cally confirmed EEG seizures and for those
differs from that of other neonatal epilepsies. with only EEG evidence of seizure activity.38,39
Patients with these disorders present within the Background burst suppression and ictal activ-
first hours to days of life with encephalopathy ity are associated with a poor prognosis,
and intractable seizures. Seizures are frequent, whereas normal background activity suggests
often evolving into status epilepticus with focal a better prognosis.40 In a study involving neo-
or multifocal myoclonic movements of the face, nates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,
arms, legs, and trunk; epileptic spasms may also normal or mildly abnormal background EEG
occur. Another disorder, CDKL5-associated de- activity was found to be predictive of a normal
velopmental and epileptic encephalopathy, typi- developmental outcome.41 Controlling sei-
cally develops within the first few weeks of life, zures before the end of the second day after
and the seizures are drug-resistant. Neonates delivery is also associated with a favorable
with this disorder typically present with hypoto- outcome.42,43
nia and sequential seizures with hyperkinetic,
tonic epileptic spasms. Sum m a r y
The ILAE has proposed new guidelines for de-
Pro gnosis a nd C ompl ic at ions
fining and classifying neonatal seizures. These
The prognosis for neonatal seizures varies ac- new syndrome definitions and classifications,
cording to the cause, age at onset, seizure dura- along with access to genetic testing, have re-
tion, and responsiveness to medication. Rapid shaped how clinicians view and manage neona-
recognition and treatment are considered the tal seizures. Neonatal age, the age at the onset
best ways to prevent adverse effects of the sei- of seizures, and clinical semiology provide clues
zures and to improve long-term outcomes.30 Al- to the cause of seizures, which in turn lead to
though self-limited epilepsy syndromes, de- tailored treatments, and current practice stress-
scribed above, are characterized by frequent es the importance of EEG monitoring.
seizures, they remit spontaneously, with a typi- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
cally good prognosis. At the other extreme are the full text of this article at
the developmental and epileptic encephalopa- I thank Dr. Solomon Moshé for suggestions on an earlier ver-
thies, which are due to severe, diffuse brain in- sion of the manuscript.

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