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Observation Project Three

Arely Carpio

4 years
Kitchen Table
For this experiment I used 20 pennies, 2 cups filled with water at the same lever,

1 glass cup, food coloring and a playdoh. I lined up the pennies in 2 rows with each

having ten on each one. They were all the same length as each other. I asked Arely to

count how many were in each row and she was able to give me the correct amount (10).

After that I asked her if both of the rows were the same and she answered yes. I then

proceeded to separate the pennies from the top row so the row could appear longer. I

asked the child if they were still the same and she seemed confused. So, I asked her to

recount them she counted them correctly and provided with the same answer she had

previously provided. I re asked the question if they were the same, she then said no that

there were more on the top row. After that I filled up the two cups that were the same

in height with water that was infused with purple food coloring. Both the cups were

filled with the same amount of water. I asked the child if both of the cups were the

same and if the amount of water was the same. The child answered me yes. I then

grabbed the cup on the right-hand side and poured the water that was in it into the tall

glass cup and put it next to the cup that was filled with water. I asked the child if she

could tell me if they were both the same and if they had the same amount of water.

Child didn't seem confused at all and answered that the tall glass had more water, and it

was different. She seemed very confident with her response. After that I took out the
playdoh, I divided the playdoh into half and started rolling both halves into a ball. I

placed both balls of playdoh next to each other on the table. I asked Arely if the balls of

playdoh were both the same and she responded with yes. I then grabbed the ball on the

left side and put my hand on it to make it into a flat circle. At that moment I asked the

child if they were still the same and which one had more playdoh. She indicated the one

on the left one had more since it looked bigger in size. I feel the child did pretty good

with the experiment. Yet she was very confused in some parts she had most of them

correct but I feel she doesn’t fully pay attention to detail just yet. She was observing

every move I made, and she still thought some things had more than others when it was

the same.

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