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Precision farming also contributes to environmentally friendly farming.

Farmers can monitor soil, water

levels and how well the plants are doing. This allows farmers to better conserve land, water and air. It
supports growing global efforts to practice environmentally friendly agriculture. With precision
equipment, farmers can produce more food while using less natural resources. It also encourages more
investment in agriculture. When farmers grow more from each field and save on costs, they benefit more
from market price fluctuations. New technologies can also create new jobs in rural areas, such as
computer programs for learning from agricultural data.

Precision farming also helps environmentally friendly farming. Farmers can closely watch the
soil, how much water it has, and how plants are doing. This allows farmers to best protect the land, water,
and air. It supports the growing worldwide effort for agriculture that cares for nature. Precision tools let
farmers grow the most food while using the fewest natural resources. It additionally encourages more
money in farming. When farmers grow the most possible from each field and save on costs, they make
higher profits even with changing market prices. The new technologies also create new jobs in
countryside areas like using computer programs to learn from farm data.

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