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 Review Period – Apr 2023 to Mar 2024
 Eligibility – Date of Joining: Before 30th Sept 2023

Employee Name: Reena T Reporting Manager’s Name: Kasirajan G

Level: L3 Level: L6

Designation: Sr Tele Researcher Designation: ASDM

Team Name: FRO Review Period: Apr-2023 to Mar-2024

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Monthly 1 – 2 – 1 scores:

Month Overall Score % Rating 2 to 5 Remarks

Apr - - Contract Employee
May - - Contract Employee
Jun 80 2 Since I was confirmed only in June 2023 I was low on
meeting the target.
Jul 90 3 Focused on all the targets and improved my
Aug 98 5 Did well on all the parameters and exceeded.
Sep 85 3 Missed on the achieving the print numbers but did
well on the other parameters.
Oct 85 3 Since I work on the complicated cases I was not able
to achieve the target
Nov 91 4 I did well on all the parameters and exceeded the
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Dec 94 4 I did well on all the parameters and exceeded the
Jan 91 4 I did well on all the parameters and exceeded the
Feb 100 5 Did well on all the parameters and exceeded.

90.4 3.6
Average Score & Rating

Score / 100% RATING

0% to 80% ------- 2 - Below Average

81% to 90% ------- 3 - Meets Expectations
91% to 97% ------- 4 - Exceeds Expectations
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>=98% ------- 5 - Outstanding Performance

Employee self-evaluation

Activity Self evaluation Reporting Manager’s Comments

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I have tried my best in achieving the Reena has demonstrated a strong
target each month last year. commitment to meeting productivity
targets throughout the past year. Despite
challenges, she has consistently strived to
achieve her targets on a monthly basis.
Reena's dedication and perseverance in
Productivity maintaining productivity levels are
commendable and reflect her proactive
approach to meeting organizational goals.
Moving forward, we will continue to
support Reena in her efforts to excel in
productivity, ensuring she has the
resources and assistance needed to achieve
her targets effectively
QC scores from June 23 to Feb 24 - Reena has consistently demonstrated
Data Input -95% exceptional performance in maintaining
Call Handling -95% high-quality standards across various
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Research procedure accuracy- 98% parameters. With impressive QC scores of
Quality Overall grade- A 95% in both Data Input and Call Handling,
and an outstanding accuracy rate of 98% in
Research Procedure, Reena has
consistently upheld our organization's
commitment to excellence. Her overall
grade of 'A' reflects her dedication to
delivering top-notch work and ensuring
accuracy in every task. Reena's exceptional
attention to detail and commitment to
quality are invaluable assets to our team,
and her consistent performance sets a
commendable standard for her peers
I work on the complicated cases and Reena consistently demonstrates a strong
make sure I don’t get any escalations, commitment to quality and customer
although the production numbers gets satisfaction by effectively handling
Hit. complicated cases and ensuring minimal
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escalations. While her dedication to
Competency maintaining high standards may sometimes
impact her production numbers, her focus
on delivering accurate and thorough work
is commendable. Reena's ability to
prioritize quality over quantity showcases
her professionalism and dedication to
excellence. Moving forward, we will work
together to explore strategies that allow her
to balance efficiency with maintaining our
high standards of quality

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Individual comments – Training / Development needs

I will focus on improving the production targets in order to exceed expectations this year. I always get the support and help from
my team leader Kasi, have never faced any issues and he is always approachable. Even if the target is not met for a month, we get
the positive vibes from him which drives us to achieve the set expectations next month. I feel happy, safe and comfortable
reporting to Kasi.

Reporting Manager comments –

Reena's commitment to improving production targets and exceeding expectations is commendable. Her positive feedback about our
leadership highlights the supportive and approachable environment we aim to cultivate. Reena's ability to find motivation and
encouragement, even during challenging times, demonstrates her resilience and determination to succeed. It's encouraging to hear
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that she feels happy, safe, and comfortable reporting to me. Moving forward, I will continue to provide Reena with the support and
guidance she needs to excel in her role and achieve her goals effectively

Areas of improvement Development Plans

While Reena has shown dedication to meeting production targets,

Increasing Production Efficiency there may be opportunities to improve efficiency in completing tasks.
Exploring time-saving techniques, optimizing workflows, or seeking
Balancing Quality and Quantity additional training in areas where productivity could be enhanced
might be beneficial.

Professional Development Reena's focus on maintaining high-quality work is commendable, but

there may be room to explore strategies for balancing quality with
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productivity. Encouraging Reena to find ways to streamline processes
Enhancing Communication Skills without compromising quality could lead to improved overall

Reena may benefit from ongoing professional development

opportunities, particularly in areas related to time management, task
prioritization, and effective delegation. Providing training or
resources to enhance these skills could help Reena manage her
Seeking Leadership Opportunities workload more effectively.

Strengthening communication skills, both within the team and with

leadership, could help Reena better articulate her needs, share ideas,
and collaborate effectively. Encouraging open communication and
providing opportunities for practice and feedback could support
Reena in this area

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As Reena has expressed positive feedback about your leadership, she
may benefit from opportunities to develop leadership skills further.
Providing opportunities for Reena to mentor or support others in the
team, or involving her in decision-making processes, could help
foster her leadership potential

Next Year’s Goals/ Targets

 Monthly Production Targets: Track progress towards

achieving monthly production targets and implement
 Achieve a 10% increase in monthly production
strategies to address any gaps.
targets compared to the previous year,  Quality Scores: Monitor and maintain quality scores across
demonstrating improved efficiency and output. all parameters, implementing corrective actions as needed to
 Maintain or exceed current quality standards, ensure consistency.
 Time Management and Workflow Optimization: Implement
aiming for consistent scores of 95% or above
time-saving strategies and optimize workflows to improve
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across all quality parameters. productivity and efficiency.
 Professional Development: Participate in relevant training
 Implement time-saving strategies and optimize
and development opportunities to enhance productivity
workflows to enhance productivity without skills and stay updated on industry best practices.
compromising on quality.  Leadership and Team Support: Provide support and
 Serve as a role model for productivity and quality guidance to team members to foster a culture of productivity
and quality within the team.
within the team, providing support and guidance
to peers as needed.

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To be filled in by Appraiser during 1-2-1 meeting

Signed: Reena T
………………………..…..…...…. ……..….…..…..………………….

Employee Reporting Manager

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Date: ………………………..…..…...…. ……..….…..…..………………….

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