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TOTAL SCORE: _________/53
I. Choose the correct option. (6 pts)
1. You have to/ mustn't have a passport to travel abroad.
2. People mustn't/need to travel on public transport without a ticket.
3. We didn't have to/ needed to get up early yesterday, because there was no school.
4. You don't have to/must finish your homework. The teacher wants to check it tomorrow.
5. You mustn't / need to wear trainers for PE lessons.
6. You don't have to/must be quiet in the library People are studying!
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to/ must, don't have to and mustn't and the
verbs in brackets. (7 pts)
1. The girl was very unhappy. I ___________________________ (do) something to help her.
2. We _____________________________ (work) hard to stop loneliness!
3. I _____________________________ (go) straight home after the match. I had lots of homework
4. We always train before our volleyball matches, so we ____________________________ (be) late!
5. You ___________________________ (change) your behavior. Those comments you made were very hurtful!
6. We ____________________________ (tell) our teacher how we were feeling. She always knew immediately.
7. You ____________________________ (watch) the football with me if you don't want to!
III. Choose the correct answer for each sentence. (40 pts)
1. Her face was white. She _______ she'd just seen a ghost.
A. looked as if B. looked
2. What _______? He's a great guy. Kind, intelligent and funny.
A. does he look like? B. is he like?
3. I _____ tired. I'm going to go to bed now.
A. feel like B. feel
4. You ______ your father when he was your age.
A. look just like B. look
5. Hmm! What's baking? It ______ a cake!
A. smells B. smells like
6. She failed the test because the teacher said it _______ she had copied my answers.
A. looked like B. sounds like


7. Have you ever eaten Baba Ghanoush? It ______ hummus.
A. tastes like B. tastes
8. I feel terrible. I feel ______ it's all my fault!
A. like / as if B. like
9. Is this song by Ariana Grande? It really _____ her.
A. sounds like B. like
10. Did you know that tasting chocolate is a professional job? All they have to do is ______ chocolate every
A. taste B. taste like
11. Is that fish still safe to eat? It _____ really bad.
A. smells like B. smells
12. Is this sentence right or wrong? Did you hear that? It sounded like a car accident.
A. Wrong B. Right
13. I'm sorry but I can't come to the party. Are you okay? You ______ really upset.
A. sound B. sound like
14. What _______? Tall, dark and handsome.
A. is he like? B. does he look like?
15. It ______ the meeting will be cancelled this afternoon.
A. appears as if /appears as though B. appears as
16. Is this sentence right or wrong? It looked as she was really upset about something.
A. Wrong B. Right
17. Is this sentence right or wrong? This chicken smells like disgusting.
A. Right B. Wrong
18. I have never touched snow. What does it _____?
A. feel like B. feel
19. Use look/smell/sound/seem/feel/appears AS IF in…...
A. Formal writing B. Informal speaking
20. Is this sentence right or wrong? She looked as if she was about to explode in anger.
A. Right B. Wrong
21. It sometimes seems ______ she thinks she's the only student in the class.
A. as B. as if
22. What did you think of him? Not much. He ______ an idiot to me.
A. seemed B. seemed like
23. You ______ you are very scared.
A. sound as if / sound as though B. sound
24. Are you ok? You _____ a bit depressed.
A. seem B. seem like


25. Is this sentence right or wrong? It seems as if I haven't got the job. They haven't called.
A. Right B. Wrong
26. She's very beautiful. She _____ a model.
A. looks like B. look
27. Are you feeling any better? You still _____ a bit sick.
A. look like B. look
28. This lemon cake tastes just _______ my mother's.
A. as if B. like
29. Is this sentence right or wrong? This pizza looks like really delicious.
A. Right B. Wrong
30. She hasn't stopped smiling. It ______ she's in a very good mood today.
A. looks like B. look
31. I think we should go inside. It _____ it's going to rain.
A. looks B. looks like
32. Is this sentence right or wrong? He seemed like quite upset about his results at school.
A. Right B. Wrong
33. What's that music? It ______ Beethoven.
A. sounds like B. feels like
34. Is this sentence right or wrong? It smells as if chocolate.
A. Wrong B. Right
35. Is this sentence right or wrong? I feel as if my English has really improved these last few weeks.
A. Right B. Wrong
36. How do I look in this outfit? Does it make me ______ fat?
A. look B. look like
37. Is this sentence right or wrong? This lasagna is really good. It tastes just like my mother's!
A. Right B. Wrong
38. Is this sentence right or wrong? It seems as though we can't go on holiday. All the flights have been
A. Right B. Wrong
39. __________ Paris? Oh wonderful! Very romantic.
A. What is Paris like? B. What does Paris look like?
40. If you _____ ill, you should go to the doctor.
A. feel B. feel like
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


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