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(AC-S05) Semana 05 - Tarea: Tarea - Hablar de lo que estoy



 Capacuti Roque David

 Luna Andahua Wilmer.

 Tume Tuesta Kiara Giovanna.

TEACHER: Lima Orbegoso Luz Marina.


(AC-S05) Semana 05 - Tarea: Tarea - Hablar de lo que estoy
• DAVID: Hello, Wilmer, how are you, and what are you doing?
• WILMER: Hello, David, a pleasure to talk to you, I'm fine, I'm going
to start my classes at the University shortly.

• DAVID: Perfect, I find it interesting. I understand that with Giovanna,

he shares the living room.

• WILMER: Yes, she is indeed my partner, we are designing a plan

and strategies in principle to do a master's degree, and then we are
thinking of starting a law firm

• GUIOVANNA: Hello, Wilmer, and David, in fact we are doing a lot of

work, and in this way with great caution, designing a plan to open a
law firm.

• DAVID: Very interesting Wilmer and Guiovanna, considering that I

am also studying law, I would also like to work with you. Precisely in
the legal company that they are going to have.

• GUIOVANNA: David, you are welcome, however, it would be a

serious question for you to tell us which branch of law you are going
to specialize in, taking into account that we are going to dedicate
ourselves to criminal matters.

• WILMER: It's true, David, we are going to see cases of national

importance, but of a criminal nature.

• DAVID: I agree with both of you, the truth is that the area I want to
dedicate myself to is also criminal matters, so we will be able to put
together a good team.

• GUIOVANNA: Great, so then in those agreements we agreed to

work together, and I say goodbye, it was a pleasure talking with you.

• WILMER: Thank you both, it was an honor talking with you. And
take care, see you later.
• DAVID: Thank you very much, for your consideration, it was still a
nice chat, good afternoon, bye.

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