Pity Is Not All I Feel For Tata Selo

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Pity is not all I feel for Tata Selo; I am grieving for him and for what transpired in his

life. The only thing

he wanted was to farm and till the land he once owned and if given an opportunity, get it back. It was
HIS all along, he WAS A KASAMA therefore being deserving of the rights to a part of the land. Tata being
kicked out and beaten without any good and justifiable reason was too inhumane—it was as if the
Kabesa got what he deserved to the expense of Mang Selo getting the shortest end of the stick.

Though a fiction, his story mirrors how the poor and the weak often resorts to their own might in order
to protect themselves and their rights. He signifies how abuse of power can lead one to become astray
and blinded by anguish since the enforcer of the law have made it like it only protects the rights of the
people akin to the Kabesa—rich and powerful.

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