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Please attach the form to your candidate’s work and keep it at the centre or send it to the
moderator as required. The declarations should be completed as indicated.
Centre number Centre name

Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Candidate declaration
Work submitted for assessment must be the candidate’s own. If candidates copy work, allow candidates to copy from
them,you received
or cheat help/information
in any from
other way, they anyone
may other than your supervisor (include specialist consultant if relevant) to
be disqualified.
produce this work?
☐ Yes (give details below or on a separate sheet if necessary).

Copyright © 2023 Oxford International AQA Examinations and its licensors. All rights reserved. 9695/CRF

Please list below any books, leaflets or other materials (eg DVDs, software packages, internet information) used to complete
this work not acknowledged in the work itself. Presenting materials copied from other sources without
acknowledgement is regarded as deliberate deception.
From time to time we use anonymous examples of candidates’ work (in paper form and electronically) within our guidance
materials to illustrate particular points. If your work appears in OxfordAQA materials in this context and you object to this,
please contact us and we will remove it on reasonable notice.
I have read and understood the above. I confirm I produced the attached work without assistance other than that which is
acceptable under the scheme of assessment.

Candidate si 李辰意 gnature Date

20 August 2023

Supervisor declaration
I confirm the candidate’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the
candidate’s work and am satisfied (to the best of my knowledge) that the work produced is solely that of the candidate.

janice Date

20 August 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Submission checklist

To be completed by the supervisor

International Extended Project working title

Background on the Development of Quantum Theory: concept and method

International Extended Project final title

Background on the Development of Quantum Theory: concept and method

Please note that failure to complete or submit a compulsory element may result in a mark of zero being awarded.
Select/tick Items that must be included Notes

☐ 1. A signed and completed Candidate record form,

This document. All pages must be completed.
production log and assessment record

2. Research based written report Must be 5,000 words in length (+/- 10%)


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with accompanying written report Photographic evidence of an artefact with an
accompanying report of minimum 1,000 words in

☐ 3. Evidence of a presentation within the Presentation on the project process and

production log findings/conclusions.

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


The taught skills element

To be completed by the supervisor

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Outline details of taught skills
Record here details of relevant skills taught in a class/group and details of relevant skills taught individually to this candidate
as described in the specification eg your scheme of work. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

This course was divided into five sections, based on the guidance in the IPQ specification:
1. Project Planning/Management (including gaining deep understanding of the specific social phenomenon, choosing a
topic & build up a project idea, aims & objectives of the reserch project, scope of project planning, research
questions, management: manage time, manage resources, manage risks, etc.)
2. Research Skills (including search for sources, selecting and organizing relevant sources, identify likely sources for
statistical data, effective searching strategies, identify sources for academic journal articles and industrial reports, different types
of research design and methodologies, how to manage comparative analysis, ethics in research, evaluation the sources of
materials, effective reading strategies, reading comprehension, plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, referencing and
bibliography, developing good reading and researching habits, etc.)
3. Report Writing (including report structure, the structure of a paragraph, the unique features of academic writing, the
characteristics of academic wording, the logic of academic writing, how to manage the writing process, paraphrase,
summarize, synthesize, information analysis & evaluation, writing style, etc.)
4. Presentation and Oral Communication (including presentation requirements, presentation structure, slides
5. Evaluation skills (including source evaluation, project evaluation, etc.) . Regarding the part of the course on
Presentation/Communication skills, students delivered practice presentations (on a separate subject of personal interest), to
implement the skills learned.

The taught skills course was based on a number of resources, including the OxfordAQA Scheme of Work
( and some online resources from:
Southampton University:

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Record of marks

To be completed by the supervisor

Marks must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification. Please circle

the appropriate answer.

Has the student done the following and provided evidence of each in the submission?:

Identified and selected an area of interest. Yes No

Set a working title. Yes No

Produced a project plan. Yes No

Implemented the project plan and documented any changes to it. Yes No

Produced a project product addressing the selected final title. Yes No

Used a referencing method. Yes No

Communicated findings in the report and the presentation. Yes No

Created a bibliography/reference list. Yes No

Evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Yes No

If you answered “No” to any of the above, this must be reflected in the student mark.

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Record of marks (continued)

To be completed by the supervisor

Marks must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification.

Summary information to show how the marks have been awarded should be given in the spaces below in addition to
comments in other pages of this document and any supporting information in the form of annotations on the candidate’s

Maximum Mark
Skill area Supervisor’s supporting statement
mark awarded

AO1 Selection of topic 6 The chosen topic exhibits a good foundation for relevant
points and a basic understanding
Planning, With more specific objectives defined, performance would be
AO2 monitoring and 12 10 improved. Encourage using more sources to demonstrate a
developing comprehensive understanding.
Demonstration of sources are used effectively, which helps to foster discussion.
AO3 12 10
research skills
The report has a clear focus on his aims and objectives. The
Analysis and report is well structured and sections have clear links with one
AO4 application of 24 20 another. The report is consistently referenced. His analysis of
research the research findings based on primary data was very effective.

In his research paper, the student explored the research's

Evaluation of
limitations and significance. The student gave a thorough
AO5 product, process and 6 5 reflection on his research procedure as a result of personal

Total mark 60 50

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Record of marks (continued)

Supervisor’s concluding comments

the student's project is believed to worth an A

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Internal moderation comments if appropriate

Supervisor declaration
I confirm that no work assessed for the award of the mark above is also to be submitted, or has been submitted, for any other
accredited qualification(s).
Supervisor siJanicg
Janice 20 August 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Record of initial ideas

To be completed by the candidate

This page records initial meeting(s) with your supervisor to agree your project ideas. Additional pages can be submitted if
more than one idea has been explored.

My idea(s) for topic/title:Background on the Development of Quantum Theory: concept and method

My preliminary research and development of my project ideas:

I have concentrated on investigating the fundamental concepts and procedures of quantum theory in my preliminary study and
development of the project "Foundation of quantum theory: concept and method." I have looked at the ideas of entanglement,
superposition, and wave-particle duality, as well as their consequences and uses. Additionally, I have looked into the
mathematical foundations of the quantum theory, like wave functions and operators. I have also looked at the experimental
methods used to observe and confirm quantum occurrences. The conceptual and methodological underpinnings of quantum
theory have been outlined in this inaugural study, laying the groundwork for further research

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My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable):
After communicating with my tutor, my tutor gave me some advice on how to choose reading materials and shared with me
some reports and documents related to quantum theory. y tutor advised me to narrow the scope of the research topic, and I should
think about the problem from multiple angles and consider it more comprehensively

Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable):
After communicating with my supervisor, I basically determined my research direction, which mainly focuses concept and

My proposed title, aims and objectives:

title: foundation of quantum theory: concept and method
objectives: to deepen our understanding of these principles and gain insight into the nature of uantum phenomena.


28 June 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Part A: Candidate proposal

To be completed by the candidate

Working title of my International Extended Project.

My on the Development
initial resources will be of Quantum Theory: concept and method

The courses of study or area(s) of personal interest to which the topic relates

My project aims and objectives

to deepen our understanding of these principles and gain insight into the nature of uantum phenomena.

Provide details of the courses that you are currently studying

ualification type Awarding body and subject

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eg eg AQA Mathematics, OCR Qualification type Awarding body and subject
Computing, WJEC English
A-level, IB, Modern
Apprenticeship, BTEC

Notice to candidate You must not take part in any unfair practic
assessment and you must understand that to present material co
without acknowledgement will be regarded as deliberate decepti
you will be reported to OxfordAQA and you may be disqualified fr

Candidate declaration
I certify that I have read and understood OxfordAQA Regulations relating to unfair practice as set out in the notice to
candidates above.

Can 李 did 辰 at 意 e signature Date

28 June 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Part B: Supervisor’s comments on candidate proposal

To be completed by the supervisor

Please comment below on the validity and feasibility of the candidate proposal (Part A) as an International Extended Project.

Supervisor’s comments
Indicate the relation to, and The proposal is related to the student's intention to study in the university.
development/extension outside of, the main
course(s) of study or interest.

Comment on the suitability of the proposed Suitable proposed initial sources and research base. He extend the initial
initial sources and research base. sources of information and find more interesting articles and reports

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Confirm that the project is feasible in the The project is feasible in the proposed timescale. When conducting theoretical
proposed timescale and/or indicate any framework he needs to know potential difficulties in selecting theories and
potential difficulties that may prevent the collecting materials.
candidate from meeting the assessment

Comment on the suitability of the proposed Suitable proposed titles, aims and objectives.
title, aims and objectives.

SuperJvaisnoricsiegnature Date

28 June 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Part C: Centre coordinator’s approval of candidate proposal

Supervisor’s name

To be completed by the centre coordinator

If you are acting as both the centre coordinator and the supervisor, please seek counter signature from a senior

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Centre coordinator’s comments on the feasibility and acceptability of the proposal (parts A and B) as an International
Extended Project Qualification.

☐ Approved ☐ Approved subject to the implementation of ☐ Resubmission required

the centre coordinator’s recommendations

Centre coordinator’s name

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Centre coordinator signature Date

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Planning review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your outline plan once your proposal has been approved.

My next steps in planning, researching and deadlines that I will set myself. What I intend to do, by when, what resources I will
use and how I will implement the recommendations of the centre coordinator (where appropriate).

The reasons for my decisions.

The reasons behind my decision to research the foundation of quantum theory, specifically its concepts and methods, are
multifaceted. Firstly, quantum theory holds immense scientific significance, enabling a deeper understanding of the
fundamental workings of the universe. Additionally, advancements in quantum technologies make this research vital for future
technological innovation. Moreover, the conceptual challenges posed by quantum theory intrigue me, and studying its
foundations allows me to tackle these challenges head-on. Lastly, my curiosity and passion for expanding knowledge in this
field drive my decision to pursue research in quantum theory's concepts and methods.

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My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable).
Several important aspects emerge from my research on the fundamental ideas, concepts, and techniques of quantum theory in
response to my supervisor's criticisms and recommendations. The supervisor begins by underlining the scientific importance of
quantum theory and its fundamental nature and promise to develop technology. They also emphasise how crucial it is to work
through conceptual difficulties and understand the paradoxical features of quantum occurrences. The supervisor also pushes me
to investigate and create cutting-edge approaches to further experimental quantum research.

Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable).
I chose to follow the advice of my mentor.

Please append any relevant planning documentation or tools that you have used.


28 June 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Mid-project review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your outline plan when you have completed your research.

Is my project following my proposed plan? How has my plan developed since my project proposal?
Based on my original planning, I have stayed with my hypothesis and investigation towards the development of Quantum
Theory. My project has on the whole followed the original plan l made and I've always collected my data and article based on my
projects. Reviewing deadlines, goals, and milestones on a regular basis gives me information about how the project is coming

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable).
Throughout the research, my supervisor expressed her appreciation for my commitment and solid work ethic.She commended
me for being able to complete things quickly and meet deadlines. However, she also emphasised the need for further
development in evaluation skills, particularly in the area of clearly and succinctly presenting ideas.My supervisor made the point
that in order to be technically proficient, I must constantly learn new skills and be current with changes in the field.

Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor at this stage (and specialist consultant if
Recognising the necessity of continuous learning in quantum theory, I have chosen to keep up with the most recent developments
in my profession. I actively seek out professional development opportunities, whether they come from workshops, conferences,
online courses, or other sources. I will critically analyse information, assess the relevance of data, and draw meaningful
conclusions. I may concentrate on creating frameworks for evaluation and hone my analytical skills.

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My final title, aims and objectives.
Background on the Development of Quantum Theory: Concept & Method

My planned next steps to achieve my project’s aims and objectives.

Now that the research is almost complete, all that remains is to finish the thesis. I will try to understand the ideas that I was not
sure about and figure out their usability. I will also learn to write my subsequent papers in a more correct manner.

Please append any relevant planning documentation or tools that you have used.


25 July 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name

Project product review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records the near completion of your project product. Outline the successes, failures, additions and/or changes you
made as you followed the plan in your mid-project review.

Did my project follow my revised plan from the mid-project review?

On the whole, my project did follow my planning and the timing I set myself is reasonable. I organised and
categorised the information I was going to use in my study, listed my outline and finally summarised the arguments and
directions I used in my mainbody, which effectively reduced my writing time.

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My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor at this final stage (and specialist consultant if applicable).
At the very beginning when I was determining what I was going to write in my main structure. When I explore a method, I will
review the previous article and then leading to a description of my ideas, which can lead to the reader not knowing and
understanding my arguments at first sight

Modifications I have made as a result of discussion with my supervisor (and specialist consultant if applicable) at this final
Do I need to do anything else to complete my project?
For my structural confusion, my teacher gave me a lot of advice and in the end I had to present it strictly. While writing my main
body, I have continued to search for information and discovered more methods.

Please append any relevant planning documentation or tools that you have used.


25 July 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name

Presentation record part A

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your presentation and its preparation.

Planned format of my 10 minute presentation (eg audience, use of visual aids, slides, use of notes, etc).
In my presentation, outlining how I completed my project and how I overcame challenges while conducting the research. I'll
deliver my findings to my supervisor and the examiner. There will be a session for audience questions after I complete my
presentation. Any aspect of my project may be the subject of the questions. Therefore, I must be knowledgeable enough about
my topic and ready to respond to audience questions.

Planned content of my presentation.

● Project process:
1 In the beginning, I will introduce the aim of my research and how I became aware of this problem. 2 will
present previous findings and evaluate the significance and limitations of the research
3 . In drawing conclusions, I will evaluate the limitations of my research, and discuss the findings and potential solutions.

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● Project findings and conclusions:
Understand the theory and method used

Modifications I have made as a result of rehearsal and/or discussion with my supervisor (and specialist consultant if
After rehearsing, I became aware of the words I used in the presentation. I have made some modifications to my presentation. I
rehearsed a lot before my presentation. Time of my presentation is limited to ten minutes and try to show the results.
Furthermore, the transitions between each part were too abrupt, so I decided to add transition explanations

Please append any relevant material you have prepared to support your presentation.

20 August 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Presentation record part B

To be completed by the supervisor

Record and comment below on the delivery of the presentation.

Supervisor’s record/comments
The nature of the audience should be a The audience consisted of the supervisor and another teacher who were
minimum of two adults including supervisor familiar with this topic.
(include numbers of staff, students and
others present).

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The nature of the presentation (include use The PowerPoint presentation was delivered. The presenter spoke fluently for
of notes, use of display items, and use of 10 minutes and then answered questions for an
presentation software). additional 10 minutes

Comment on the content and delivery of the The presentation was extremely clear, both in terms of its delivery and
presentation (for example clarity of ideas, structure.Evaluation part (especially strengths) not quite appropriate.
structure of presentation, pace, engagement
with audience).

Please append any relevant planning documentation or tools that you have used.
Do not include any video evidence or observer notes as these are not required.

Candidate number Candidate’s full name

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Presentation record part B

To be completed by the supervisor

Record and comment below on the delivery of the presentation.

Comment on the response of the candidate 1. What difficulties did you encounter during research projec
to questions that demonstrated
understanding and grasp of the project
tFirst, it's somehow time consuming to go over the theories, since it's hard to
and/or its production. Give examples of
choose which are the very important ones, and due to my few amount of
five questions asked and answers
professional knowledge to quantum physics before, it's also hard for me to
fully understand the theories and methods. Second, theories are often changed
and improved, and it's hard to understand the changings since the subject
matter itself is abstract and complexed, making it difficult to grasp without a
strong foundation in physics. Third, the theories and methods need to be
viewed in different ways to know both advantages and disadvantages of them,
so critical thinkings are important, and in many cases it might be difficult to be
applied. Fourth, some writing skills are required in order to build a 5k words
passage and tell out my idea clearly.

2. How did you arrive at this topic choice?

First of all, I was very interested in quantum physics since I knew that it's
very different than classical physics, that things in quantum physics can't be
predicted accurately sometimes. Second of all, I can have a better
understanding and acknowledgement on quantum physics. I had a deeper
understanding of the fundamental physical principles, such as wave-particle
duality. Studying these topics opens doors to revolutionary technology, such as
quantum computers. By studying the basic theories of quantum physics, I can
have a overall impression and shape of quantum theories.

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3. What benefits and insights do you think completing this IPQ project?

First, it brings me a new insight into the working of this universe. In this
project, I get touched with many quantum theories, which were studying how
very small particles work and interact with each other. During this process, I
have a better understanding how things around me are composed, and how this
universe worked in the micro scale. Second, since I wanted to learn about
quantum physics further. By getting some knowledge about quantum theories,
it'll be easier for me to accept the completely new system in further studies. It's
also satisfying that this study answers many of my questions such as how the
scientists study small particles when they're too small to see, or why many
rules in macro world aren't fitting into the micro scale world.

4. Can you tell me more about your theoretical method?Why you choose
theoretical framework for your research?

First, It enables me to connect various theories and ideas, facilitating a

comprehensive analysis of the historical context and evolution of quantum
theory. It's easier to know how the theories are improved or created by listing
them out. Second, it Helps identify gaps and inconsistencies in existing
knowledge encouraging critical thinking. Third, utilizing a theoretical
framework enhances the overall clarity and effectiveness of my study

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5. Do you think your research is important? Why?
Yes, because it improves my understanding of physics in many aspects. First, it
offers remarkable insight into the working of the universe.
Quantum theories basically investigate the very small particles that compose
the world and matter around us. By learning them, I had a deeper
understanding in the universe. Second, in terms of professional perspective, I
understand the guiding principles that underlie the behaviour of matter and
energy at subatomic level. I learnt many things such as energy transfer. Third,
learning the great and important theories, I can't view the formulas and theories
in macro world in a very different perspective and learn see the difference
between them, which is beneficial.

Supervisor signature
20 August 2023

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Candidate number Candidate’s full name


Summary and reflection

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your summary, reflection and evaluation of your planning, the final outcome and your personal learning. It
should be written after you have completed your report and given your presentation.
5000-word essays are very challenging, and many times I doubted myself whether I could finish this. However, I was very
excited when I had the first meeting with my supervisor. I shared the topics I was interested in. After the discussion, the
supervisor was happy that I chose the topic and I could not wait to start doing the research.
However, the research process was not as smooth as I imagined. I encountered various problems such as wasting time on
unhelpful literature, deleting a large proportion of content that I had spent days writing, the failure of my first survey and so
on. However, when I look back at these problems, I realize that it was what I gained the most from the IPQ program.
Generally speaking, I have set appropriate aims and objectives for my project as they are directly linked to the evolving
questions that support me to complete the IPQ successfully from the start to the end.Another
lesson I learned is: what to do is more important than how well you do it.Effectiveness is about what tasks I decide to do to
finish this essay;
efficiency is how well I do the task considering the time I spend on it. I previously focused on efficiency, and I
successfully wrote about 4000 words before the mid-term of the project. Since I was anxious to fill in as many words as
I could to reach the 5000-word count, even though I had not read enough articles, I started writing and tried to put
everything into the essay.

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Some questions you may wish to answer in this section include, what have I learned from completing this project? What new
knowledge or expertise have I enjoyed or found valuable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of my project (including
planning and organisation)? What skills have I improved? What changes would I make if I undertook such work again? What
advice would I give to others undertaking such a project?

I learnt many useful skills from this project. First, I learnt how to search for references and papers which can support my
ideas. Second, I learnt how to arrange my content in a logical order, and how to use titles and subtitles to make them
clear. Third, I also learnt how to apply a formal format to my research. I learnt a lot about quantum physics too, such as
the details of the famous theories, how they affect each other, and how they contribute to the quantum physics area. I
think the travel through the websites and research expanded my knowledge of quantum physics, which is an area that
I’m interested in. I think the strength of my project is that I covered a wide range of quantum theories and concepts,
which made it a good summary of the history of the development of quantum physics, and there were strong references
supporting my statement and content, which makes the paper more trustworthy. However, my project lacks
experimental context, which makes it too theoretical, while experimental contexts are very beneficial in terms of
understanding abstract concepts. Many of my skills have improved. For example, I had a higher efficiency when using
the website to search for high-quality references, and I also improved in terms of organizing my content in a clear order.
Another important skill I learnt is planning my work, which is the order of what to do, and how long they should take. If I
undertake another project in the future, I’ll do some preview about this area first, rather than jump into my work
directly, because an overall acknowledgement will help me to do research more effectively. I will also try to gain some
opportunities to do experiments, because they don’t only enhance my understanding of some concepts and theories,
but also make the theoretical things more realistic and easy to understand. If others are undertaking such a project too, I
recommend them to make some specific schedules so that they don’t always delay their work and make it in a hurry. I
also recommend them to have some solid mathematical foundation so that it’ll be easier to understand the complex
formulas and theories.

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You can contact the International EPQ team directly;

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