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School of Engineering

Coursework Title: Assess contractual obligations of all parties

and Identify role of quantity surveyors in the built environment.
Student Name:

Module Name: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors

Module Code: 5506ICBTQS (126957)

Level: Level 05

Credit Rating: 15

Weighting: 30% of the module mark

Maximum mark
available: 100%

Lecturer: Ms. Kavitha Kajendran

Contact: Email:

Room: ICBT Colombo Campus: 04th Floor (West wing)

Issue Date: 08th August 2023

Hand-in Date: 02nd September 2023

Hand-in Method: Through Canvas and ICBT SIS (electronic)

Feedback: Your work will be marked and returned within two weeks using a Feedback
sheet. A copy of this is available on Blackboard which provides the mark

Programmes: HD in Quantity Surveying

You are advised that the School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime
Operations operates a zero tolerance approach to late submission of
coursework. Any coursework submitted late will be awarded a zero mark
unless there are valid mitigating circumstances supported with evidence of
the mitigation claimed.
Be advised that loss of computer data will not be accepted in mitigation; it is
entirely your responsibility to ensure the secure backup of all electronic data.

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)

This coursework is to be carried out individually. It is designed to meet the module Learning
Outcomes highlighted below, as presented in the module proforma, i.e.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify traditional & modern role of quantity surveyors and the code of practice
for quantity surveyors in different contexts of the construction & the built
2. Assess contractual obligations of all parties and demonstrate the knowledge and
understanding of the substantive and administrative provisions of standard
contract forms.
3. Apply specialised skills and competencies of quantity surveying to analyse & produce
various contractual data in post-contract cost management methodologies and practices.
4. Discuss the importance of sustainability practices in the role of quantity surveying at post
contract stage.

Coursework Specification and Corresponding Marks

This assignment covers your views of Contractual Procedures within the field of Quantity
Surveying. You are required to complete the tasks given below.

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)


“Construction industry is one of the main drivers of financial development in numerous countries
not leaving out Nigeria. The industry faces a long rundown of ethics/moral difficulties identified
with practices from its professionals. Through a study, it was found “Supplanting”, “Concealing
of professional errors” and “Conflict of interest” are the most widely recognized unethical
behaviour and conduct of Quantity Surveyors in their administrations conveyance in the
investigation territory. From the aftereffects of factor analysis, six main practices were extracted,
these are: Dishonesty, Insincerity, Financial mismanagement, Information leaking,
Negligence, and Conflict of interest. While this study fills in as significant wellspring of
reference for general learning on ethical behavior and moral conduct of Quantity surveyors in
construction industry.”
(Akinrata, E.B., 2019)

a) Identify and Discuss the above highlighted unethical Practices by the Quantity
Surveyors with examples of case studies. [20 Marks]
b) Discuss how practicing the Standard Code of Practice will prevent a Quantity
Surveyor from engaging in such unethical Practices. [15 Marks]


“The increasing pressure on the construction sector with emerging trends in client demand and
evolving procurement processes calls for a responsive total cost management profession.
Quantity surveyors role and training just as those of other professionals must adjust and
transcend from the traditional perspective to the modern to remain relevant in the 21st century.”
(Udo, M.A. and Abiola, A.H., 2015)

Identify and Discuss at least six services provided by a Modern Quantity Surveyor under
“Total cost management profession”. [15 Marks]

Akinrata, E.B., 2019. Evaluating the Level of Unethical Behavior by Quantity Surveyors In the Nigerian
Construction Industry. International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, 1(5).

Udo, M.A. and Abiola, A.H., 2015. An assessment of the Role of Quantity Surveying profession in the Development
of Nigeria. Knowledge Review, 33(1), pp.1-6.

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)


A Construction Company Best Builders pvt. ltd., has been assigned for a new infrastructure
project to build a bridge over a river by the Road Development Authority (RDA). RDA itself
will be the Engineer for this Project. Further, SBD–2 has been selected as the Contract Form
for the Project. The Project has just entered the construction phase.
During the early stages of construction, unexpected geological conditions are encountered,
resulting in the need for additional foundation works and specialised materials to ensure the
stability and safety of the bridge. These unforeseen circumstances will likely lead to an
increase in project costs and an extension of the project timeline.

As the Contractor’s quantity surveyor,

a) Explain how would you proceed with the claim [08 Marks]
b) Draft a notice to the Engineer regarding the Physical Condition, why it is unforeseeable
and what kind of impacts it could bring to the project cost, time and quality including the
SBD 02 clauses. [27 Marks]

Note: It is recommended that students make clear assumptions as necessary and mention them
concisely in the report.

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)

Mark Allocation:

Task 01
a) Identifying and discussing unethical practices 8 Marks
Examples of case studies 12 Marks
b) Code of Practice (RICS) 6 Marks
Preventing unethical practices by Standard Code of Practice 9 Marks

Task 02
Modern Qs Role 15 Marks

Task 03
a) Discussing the claim process 8 Marks
b) Drafting notice 27 Marks

Report Structure and written communication 10 Marks

(Introduction of the Report, Content Page, academic writing and word count will be considered)

Harvard Referencing 5 Marks

(In text Referencing and Reference list adhered to the Harvard referencing style will be considered)

Total 100 Marks

Report structure for assessment

• Paper Size : A4
• Word Count : 1500 words (10% +/-)
• Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch 25 mm
• Binding Margin : ½ Inch 12 mm
• Header and Footer : 1 Inch
• Basic Font Size : 12
• Line Spacing : 1.5
• Font Style : Times New Roman/ Arial
• Submission : Ms Word or PDF

Submit your work electronically using Canvas and ICBT SIS.

Your work will be marked and returned within two weeks using a Feedback sheet.
(A copy of this is available on Blackboard which provides the mark allocation)

You are advised that the School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime
Operations operates a zero tolerance approach to late submission of
coursework. Any coursework submitted late will be awarded a zero mark
unless there are valid mitigating circumstances supported with evidence of
the mitigation claimed.

Be advised that loss of computer data will not be accepted in mitigation; it is

entirely your responsibility to ensure the secure backup of all electronic data.

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)

Guide to Performance Criteria (Please read the accompanying marking scheme)

70% and above:

Your work must be of outstanding quality and fully meet the requirements of the coursework specification
and learning outcomes stated. You must show independent thinking and apply this to your work showing
originality and consideration of key issues. There must be evidence of wider reading on the subject.
Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes,
critiques, defends, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, supports.
60% - 70%:
Your work must be of good quality and meet the requirements of the coursework specification and
learning outcomes stated. You must demonstrate some originality in your work and show this by
applying new learning to the key issues of the coursework. There must be evidence of wider reading on
the subject.
Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: categorizes, combines, compiles, creates, devises,
generates, modifies, reconstructs, identifies, illustrates, outlines, synthesizes.
50% - 60%:
Your work must be comprehensive and meet all of the requirements stated by the coursework
specification and learning outcomes. You must show a good understanding of the key concepts and be
able to apply them to solve the problem set by the coursework. There must be enough depth to your
work to provide evidence of wider reading.
Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: demonstrates, changes, applies, operates, produces,
predicts, shows, solves, uses, translates, comprehends, converts, generalizes.
40% - 50%:
Your work must be of a standard that meets the requirements stated by the coursework specification and
learning outcomes. You must show a reasonable level of understanding of the key concepts and
principles and you must have applied this knowledge to the coursework problem. There should be some
evidence of wider reading.
Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: comprehends, defines, describes, identifies, knows,
labels, lists, matches, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states, rewrites.
Below 40%:
Your work is of poor quality and does not meet the requirements stated by the coursework specification
and learning outcomes. There is a lack of understanding of key concepts and knowledge and no
evidence of wider reading.

Extenuating Circumstances
If something serious happens that means that you will not be able to complete this assignment, you
need to contact the module leader as soon as possible. There are a number of things that can be done
to help, such as extensions, waivers and alternative assessments, but we can only arrange this if you tell
us. To ensure that the system is not abused, you will need to provide some evidence of the problem.
More guidance is available at

Academic Misconduct
The University defines Academic Misconduct as ‘any case of deliberate, premeditated cheating,
collusion, plagiarism or falsification of information, in an attempt to deceive and gain an unfair advantage
in assessment’. This includes attempting to gain marks as part of a team without making a contribution.
The Faculty takes Academic Misconduct very seriously and any suspected cases will be investigated
through the University’s standard policy (Academic Misconduct). If you are found guilty, you may be
expelled from the University with no award.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand what constitutes Academic Misconduct
and to ensure that you do not break the rules. If you are unclear about what is required, please

For more information you are directed to following the University web pages:
• Information regarding academic misconduct:
• Information on study skills:
• Information regarding referencing:

5506ICBTQS: Contractual Procedures for Quantity Surveyors (June 2023)

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