A Reflection ON G102

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A Reflection on G102
Integrated Appraisal on the Impacts and Scopes of Bangladesh
Studies Course

Submitted to

Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque PMP

Adjunct Faculty
Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka

Submitted by

Fariha Tasnim Roza

Roll RH- 51

Section A

BBA 26th Batch

Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: June 28, 2020

June 28, 2020

Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque PMP

Adjunct Faculty
Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka

Dear Sir:

Subject: Course evaluation on Bangladesh Studies (G102)

With due respect, I present to you the course evaluation report on Bangladesh Studies (G102)
course as per requirement. This report contains a brief reflection on all the course activities
accompanied by a 360-degree appraisal of the scopes and impact of the course.

Please note that this report has been prepared under your supervision and under no
circumstances will this report be produced for any other BBA (IBA) courses as such. No
part of this report will be shared or republished without your authorization.


Fariha Tasnim Roza

Roll 51
Section A
BBA 26th Batch
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3

1.1 WHAT IS G102? ......................................................................................................... 3

1.2 ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR ..................................................................................... 3

2.0 ABOUT THE COURSE .................................................................................................. 4

2.1 CLASSROOM SESSIONS.......................................................................................... 4

2.2 FIELDWORK ............................................................................................................. 4

2.3 GUEST LECTURES ................................................................................................... 4

2.4 HOMEWORKS ........................................................................................................... 5

2.5 ASSIGNMENTS ......................................................................................................... 5

2.6 EVALUATIONS ......................................................................................................... 5

3.0 MAJOR POINTS THROUGHOUT THE COURSE ........................................................ 6


EKUSHEY BOOK FAIR .................................................................................................. 6

3.1.1 BURDWAN HOUSE ........................................................................................... 6

3.1.2 CULTURAL PROGRAMS .................................................................................. 7

3.1.3 EKUSHEY BOOK FAIR ...................................................................................... 8

3.2 HERITAGE SITE VISITS........................................................................................... 8

3.2.1 LALBAGH FORT ................................................................................................ 8

3.2.2 LIBERATION WAR MUSEUM .......................................................................... 9

3.2.3 DHAKESHWARI TEMPLE................................................................................. 9

3.2.4 SHAHEED MINAR ........................................................................................... 10

3.2.5 SHILPAKALA ACADEMY............................................................................... 10

4.0 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ................................................................................................ 10

5.0 CHALLENGES ............................................................................................................ 11

6.0 FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ...................................................................................... 11

6.1 EFFORTS BY THE INSTRUCTOR AND STUDENTS ............................................ 11

6.2 CORELATION WITH PRACTICAL LIFE ............................................................... 11

6.3 RESPONSES TO STUDENTS NEEDS .................................................................... 11

6.4 PERSONAL EXPERIENCE...................................................................................... 11

7.0 ANONYMOUS FEEDBACKS ..................................................................................... 12

8.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 12

We, the students of the BBA Batch 26th of the Institute
of Business Administration of University of Dhaka have
been assigned to the Course G102 for the fall semester of
2020. In the following report I aim to provide a 360-
degree appraisal on the impacts and scopes of this course.

1.1 WHAT IS G102?

G102 is the code for the Bangladesh Studies Course. This is a prerequisite for almost all of the
undergraduate degrees in Bangladesh. This course covered the major aspects such as-

i. The socio-economic profile of Bangladesh, history, agriculture, industry, service sector,

demographic patterns, social aid and physical infrastructures.
ii. Social stratification and power, power structures, government and NGO activities in
socio-economic development, national issues and policies and changing society of
iii. The business proliferation and growth


The Bangladesh Studies course has been facilitated by
our dear respected Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque, PMP.
After a remarkable academic life and career in
multifarious reputable sectors including- Bangladesh
Rural Advancement Committee, Magistrate, UNO,
NDC, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladesh Civil
Service Administration Academy, Bangladesh Public
Service Commission, Bangladesh Parliament and currently being appointed as Principle
Project Management Consultant at World Bank assisted DIMAPP Project under Ministry of
Planning (GOB); he has dedicated the past six months to enlightened us about all the
fascinating major to minor contents relevant to Bangladesh Studies.

The classroom sessions have been very insightful. Relentless efforts have been seen from our
instructor to make the sessions as interactive as possible. Interactive classwork has been
conducted and time-to-time feedbacks have been taken. The classes were always on schedule
and discipline, timeliness and classroom ethics have been maintained. Some memorable
examples include setting up the disciplinary measures hand-in-hand with the instructor, and
reviewing the course of history of now independent Bangladesh along with fellow classmates.
An additional point to be noted has to be the immediate simultaneous online engagement and
real-time and efficient evaluations and submissions through Google Classroom.

This has been undoubtedly one of the most fascinating courses of the undergraduate regime
because apart from classroom sessions, we have actively taken part in various field activities.
Our instructor has personally invited and guided us through Bangla Academy and the Book
Fair 2020. We got to know about the literary and rural heritage, ass well as gain hands-on
knowledge on the environment and operations of the national Book Fair. Moreover, for our
coursework, we had to visit historical sites which have not only been very insightful, but also
helped us to adapt with various social and cultural conditions while enriching the bond among
my team members.


Another brilliant aspect of the course has to be the practical lectures on several topics conducted
by industry specialists through guest lecture sessions. Throughout the semester, the three
marvelous guest speakers were-

i. Mr. Warisul Islam, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of

Bangladesh conducted a session on the Foreign Policies of Bangladesh. He gave us
practical examples of his work along with his personal experience as a business
graduate turned Government Employee through exceling the very competitive Civil
Service Examination. He is also an IBA Alumni (BBA & MBA) and hence his lectures
wee very relatable to each one of us.
ii. Mr. Faruque Hossain, Secretary to the Government (PRL) also conducted a session
on Public Private Partnership (PPP), Bangladesh Perspective. It was extraordinary

having someone of such a high caliber give us practical insights on the cooperative
venture between Public and Private sectors through contract where Private Sectors
supplies assets and/or services of a public nature; traditionally which are usually
provided for by the Government. The session was smoothly conducted through efforts
from both ends.
iii. Mehrin Ahmed Mahbub, a communication strategist with 20+ years of experience in
international organizations and private sector, currently working at the World Bank as
Senior External Affairs Officer also took an online live session with us. She is also an
IBA Alumni and guided us through her works under World Bank. She enlightened us
about the development projects of World Bank in Bangladesh, and their execution.

Coherent homework has been regularly provided that not only ensured proper understanding
of the course material, but also encouraged students to gather more knowledge about the topics.
Timely and effective feedbacks have been provided to the students, and they have always been
encouraged to conduct as much research on any of their preferred topics.

The involvement of assignments has been frequent and coherent throughout the semesters.
From the second week of classes, adequate individual and team assignments have been
provided. This not only helped students to enrich their knowledge on Bangladesh studies, but
also boosted group efforts and team cohesion. My personal experience while working for both
the individual and team assignments were brilliant and the fruit of all of our hard works have
been nothing short of extraordinary.

I personally learned to conduct effective surveys on locals and visitors on my site visiting
assignment. Moreover, I have been able to design and analyze a statistical model based on the
survey results with the help of my fellow teammates.

Aside from on-spot and home assignments, we have also been evaluated based on our learning
from the course materials. Throughout the semester we have sat for two classroom
examinations and one mid-term. All the evaluation format encompassed both subjective and
objective as well as creative knowledge of the students. These forms of evaluation really helped
us master all the aspects of the course materials. Timely feedback has also been provide by
If I had to state some significant memories made throughout the course, I would definitely
name my physical visits to some major sites and events.



The Language Movement Museum located at the first floor of the official building of Bangla
Academy, also known as the Burdwan House, holds memoirs of how far Bangalees were
willing to go for the sake of their mother tongue. The museum is beautifully decorated in a
very organized way that helps to chronologically see and understand all the things that
happened during those time.

The Folk Heritage Museum located on the second floor hold mesmerizing information
regarding how the paradigm of cultural practice got influenced by the economy, governing
system and cultural adoption. It was an amazing experience for the team as we all got to learn
and see the difference between the perception of our generation by observing our peers and
taking their verdict on the learnings.


During our visit to the Bangla Academy, we have been lucky to experience the ongoing cultural
programs for the annual Book Fair. We had the opportunity to observe three separate cultural
programs. One was being held right beside the main entrance of Bangla Academy, the cultural
program of Nazrul Institute; different sessions of poetry recitation, Tagore songs, folk songs,
and some acts displayed by volunteers & different social welfare groups; and one beside the
Burdwan House.

Even the students of BBA 26th got the opportunity to perform the national anthem of
Bangladesh “Amar Sonar Bangla” in front of the audience. This enabled us to connect with the
spiritualism of being a Bangalee, and that of the book fair.


On our small visit to the Bangla Academy and Book Fair this year, we have been able to gather
a lot of insights on the literary and cultural aspects, as well as the managerial aspect of the
event. Some of the notable observations include- arrangement and operations of book stalls,
activities of the children’s zone, Lekhak Mancha, cultural programs and recitation,
technological aspects, food and refreshments and sponsored advertisements.

Overall, we have been able to analyze the managerial and economic aspects of Amar Ekuskey
Book Fair through the visit as well as come close to the Bangaliana culture and literature.


For the completion of a team assignment we had to visit five remarkable sites around Dhaka
City. Following is a brief note on our experience.


Lalbagh Fort one of the most historical places of the country is a memoir of the glorious Mughal
Empire in the subcontinent. Through our visit we could gather knowledge about its history and
current condition. Moreover, we were able to analyze its business aspect and came up with a
few recommendations for the management of the fort.


In order to educate the new generation on our nation's rich history and instill in them the spirit
and pride that they deserve, the government felt the impending necessity to expand the old
liberation war museum, and construct the new one at Agargaon of the capital. The museum has
state-of-the-art facility and a spacious auditorium to hold cultural functions.


We visited the primary Hindu Temple in Dhaka City, known as the Dhakeshwari Temple. The
site is filled with architectural flourishes and interesting decorations everywhere and we also
experience how they prepared for the annual Saraswati Puja. We also evaluated the business
aspects of the site as part of our research.


One of the most beloved national monuments for the Bangalees is the Shaheed Minar
constructed in memory of the brave language martyrs. Located on the Dhaka University
campus, this site is a centre for attraction and hence enough business opportunities have also
flourished around it, which we were able to identify through our report.


Shilpakala Academy is Bangladesh's principal national cultural center sponsored by the state.
It is the national fine arts and performing arts academy. Through our visit we were able to
discover different cultural aspects and practices as well as the business and management aspect
of the academy.

Throughout the course we have been able to get a better, clearer understanding of the
Bangladesh Studies concepts. Moreover, we have been able to relate cultural and social aspects,
as well as historical aspects with the business environment.

We have been able to formulate quality reports on various materials.

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Throughout the course we had to face countless productive challenges such as summarizing an
extraordinary in-depth book on the discovery of Bangladesh, as well as knowing all the 25
constitutional articles by heart as well as knowing the gist of the following 25 articles.

Some team challenges involved the scheduling and management of the site visits in and around
Dhaka; which we were able to handle due the proper planning and work distribution (Action
Plan & Gantt Chart) conducted beforehand. Moreover, the completion of the term paper under
the pandemic situation has been conducted efficiently by the grace of Almighty and endeavors
of my teammates.


Continuous efforts have been observed from the instructors end to make the course contents as
easily understandable yet rich with knowledge for the students. The outline was brilliant as it
covered almost all of the notable topics under Bangladesh Studies. The instructor ensured a
proper flow of the course despite the pandemic situation.

In spite of suffering from physical and mental unsteadiness during the lockdown, students have
been very supportive and interested towards the course. Such interest has only been possible to
develop only because of the efforts of the instructor.


The course had an intimate coherence with our day-to-day life. Especially, as a soon to be
business graduate, the correlation of Bangladesh Studies developed keeping the business world
and management aspect is very commendable. This coherence is another reason behind
students’ enthusiasm for the course.


Throughout the course, the instructor has been very kind and considerate about the students.
Keeping the students’ welfare and desire to seek knowledge in mind, the coursework have been
assigned. Moreover, student requests and queries have also been answered effectively.


My personal experience as a student of this course has been excellent. I have been able to learn
about several national and international aspects, as well as able to create and compile

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assignments required. The instructor has been very considerate when I, along with a few
classmates could not attend the mid-term due to over-lapping schedule.


The following messages have been collected from the students of BBA 26th anonymously.

“This course has been very enlightening throughout and the practical experiences we achieved
through groupwork really added value to our personal accomplishment.”

“We were lucky enough to be blessed with the guest appearance of Mr. Faruque Hossain,
Secretary to the Government, who was kind enough to impart his vast knowledge to us. A
wonderful session with him helped us to know about the Public Private Partnership and its
scope in Bangladesh. This knowledge will help us in the future to implement various new

“I personally feel very lucky to be able to gain knowledge from Mr. Mosta Gausul Hoque, who
provides us with an example of an extraordinary career. We are blessed that he decided to
dedicate some of his valuable time on teaching us.”

In summary, the entire course has been very effective and stood up to meet all the objectives
set by our instructor and beyond. The course design has been magnificent and really useful for
anyone pursuing a business degree.

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