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(Department of English)
Course: Compulsory English-I (1423)
Semester: Autumn, 2023
Level: BA/ (Associate Degree)
Q.1 Focus on the current economic state of affairs of our country and give five
examples depicting each of the following functions. Use appropriate expressions
each time.
I. Certainty
II. Uncertainty
I. Certainty:
Stable Currency Exchange Rate: The government's recent policies have ensured a
stable currency exchange rate, providing certainty for businesses engaged in
international trade.
Consistent Interest Rates: The Central Bank has maintained consistent interest
rates, offering certainty to investors and businesses planning for long-term projects
and investments.
Predictable Inflation Rates: The recent economic indicators suggest a predictable
inflation rate, providing both consumers and businesses with a level of certainty
when it comes to planning budgets and pricing strategies.
Reliable Government Policies: The government's commitment to a set of well-
defined economic policies has created a sense of certainty among investors,
encouraging both local and foreign investments.
Steady GDP Growth: Despite global economic challenges, the country has
experienced steady GDP growth, signaling a level of economic certainty and

II. Uncertainty:

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Fluctuating Oil Prices: The uncertainty in global oil prices continues to impact our
economy, posing challenges for budget planning and affecting various sectors
dependent on energy costs.
Political Instability: Ongoing political developments have introduced an element
of uncertainty, influencing investor confidence and potentially affecting economic
growth in the short term.
Market Volatility: The stock market has witnessed fluctuations recently, adding a
layer of uncertainty for investors and businesses relying on stable market conditions.
Pandemic-Related Economic Impact: The lingering effects of the global pandemic
contribute to economic uncertainty, affecting sectors like tourism, hospitality, and
supply chain management.
Trade Relations Uncertainty: Changes in international trade dynamics and
relations introduce an element of unpredictability, impacting businesses dependent
on exports and imports.

Q.2 Write a dialogue between two police officers on the issue of the increasing
crime rate in the country and discuss some suitable measures to improve the

Officer Smith: Hey, Officer Rodriguez, have you noticed the alarming rise in the
crime rate lately? It's becoming a major concern.

Officer Rodriguez: Absolutely, Smith. It's been keeping me up at night. We need to

address this issue head-on. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Officer Smith: Well, first off, I think we need to increase police presence in the
high-crime areas. More patrols, especially during peak hours, might deter potential

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Officer Rodriguez: Agreed. Visibility is crucial. We should also consider

community policing initiatives to build trust. Encouraging officers to engage with
the community can lead to better cooperation and information sharing.

Officer Smith: True, Rodriguez. And let's not forget about leveraging technology.
Improved surveillance systems and data analysis can help us predict crime patterns
and allocate resources more efficiently.

Officer Rodriguez: Absolutely. We should also focus on addressing the root causes
of crime – social and economic issues. Engaging with community leaders, NGOs,
and local businesses can help create opportunities and support systems that may steer
people away from criminal activities.

Officer Smith: Good point. Education and outreach programs could make a
difference too. Teaching young people about the consequences of crime and
providing positive alternatives could help break the cycle.

Officer Rodriguez: I've been thinking about collaboration between different law
enforcement agencies. Sharing information and resources at a regional level might
help us tackle crime more effectively, especially for crimes that cross jurisdictional

Officer Smith: That's a solid idea. Joint task forces could address specific issues
like organized crime or drug trafficking. It's all about pooling our resources and

Officer Rodriguez: Right. And let's not forget the importance of proper training for
our officers. Continuous education on new crime trends and evolving criminal tactics
will keep us one step ahead.

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Officer Smith: Agreed, Rodriguez. It's clear we need a comprehensive approach.

Combining traditional policing methods with community engagement, technological
advancements, and collaboration is our best shot at turning the tide on this rising
crime rate.

Officer Rodriguez: Couldn't have said it better, Smith. Let's bring these ideas up at
the next department meeting and see if we can get some support for these initiatives.
It's time to make a positive change.

Q.3 Given below is a job advertisement. Suppose you intend to apply for the
said post how would you write a job application? What details you would like
to add to make yourself to be the most suitable candidate for the post?

John Doe

0314-4646739 0332-4646739 03364646739

123 Main Street

Anytown, USA 12345
(555) 555-5555
November 15, 2023

Dr. Jane Smith

Hiring Committee Chair
ABC University
456 University Avenue
Cityville, USA 67890

Dear Dr. Smith,

I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the Lecturer position at ABC

University, as advertised. With a strong academic background, a passion for
teaching, and a commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment, I believe
I am well-suited for this role.

I have recently completed my Ph.D. in English Literature from XYZ University. My

academic journey has equipped me with a solid foundation in literature, literary
theory, and critical analysis. I have also had the privilege of gaining practical
experience through teaching assistant positions, where I honed my teaching skills,
developed engaging lesson plans, and facilitated meaningful discussions.

One of my strengths lies in my ability to adapt teaching methods to accommodate

diverse learning styles. During my previous teaching experience at LMN College, I
implemented innovative approaches, including incorporating technology and

0314-4646739 0332-4646739 03364646739

interactive activities, which resulted in increased student engagement and


In addition to my academic achievements, I bring a genuine passion for inspiring

students to think critically and fostering a love for lifelong learning. I am confident
that my dedication to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment aligns
seamlessly with the values of ABC University.

My commitment to research is evident in my publications in renowned literary

journals, demonstrating my ongoing pursuit of knowledge in English Literature. I
am eager to contribute not only to the academic growth of students but also to the
scholarly endeavors of ABC University.

I am impressed by ABC University's commitment to excellence in education and

would be honored to contribute to its esteemed faculty. I am confident that my
academic background, teaching experience, and dedication to fostering a stimulating
learning environment make me a strong candidate for the Lecturer position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to

discuss how my skills and experiences align with the goals of ABC University.
Please find my resume attached for your reference.

John Doe

Q.4. What are the techniques of notes taking? Elaborate any five of them.

Effective note-taking is a crucial skill for academic and professional success. Here
are five techniques for taking organized and meaningful notes:

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Cornell Method:
How it works: Divide your note paper into three sections: a narrow left column, a
wider right column, and a section at the bottom. Use the right column for main notes
during a lecture or reading, the left column for cues or keywords related to the
content, and the bottom section for summarizing the information after the session.
Benefits: Promotes active engagement, facilitates review, and helps in identifying
key concepts and supporting details.

Mind Mapping:
How it works: Create a visual representation of ideas using a central topic and
branching out to related subtopics. Use keywords, images, and colors to make
connections between concepts.
Benefits: Enhances creativity, aids in seeing relationships between ideas, and
provides a quick overview of the subject.

Outline Method:
How it works: Organize information hierarchically using bullet points or numbers.
Headings and subheadings help structure the content, with each level indicating
different levels of importance or specificity.
Benefits: Simplifies complex information, helps in identifying main ideas and
supporting details, and allows for easy review.

Sentence Method:
How it works: Write down information in sentence form, focusing on complete
thoughts and coherent sentences. Use abbreviations and symbols to speed up the
note-taking process.
Benefits: Encourages thoughtful engagement with the material, promotes
understanding of context, and provides a coherent narrative of the content.

Charting Method:

0314-4646739 0332-4646739 03364646739

How it works: Create a table or chart to organize information into columns and
rows. This method is effective for comparing and contrasting different elements or
presenting data systematically.
Benefits: Facilitates easy comparison, helps in organizing large amounts of data,
and enhances clarity of relationships between different variables.

Q.5 What are conjunctions? Differentiate between coordinating and

subordinating conjunctions with suitable examples.

Conjunctions are words used to connect or join words, phrases, or clauses within a
sentence. They play a crucial role in expressing relationships between different parts
of a sentence. There are two main types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions
and subordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunctions:
Definition: Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or independent
clauses that are grammatically equal or similar in structure.

• For: She likes coffee, for it keeps her awake.
• And: The sun was shining, and the birds were singing.
• But: He wanted to go out, but it was raining.
• Or: You can have tea or coffee.
• Nor: He neither ate nor drank.
In each example, the coordinating conjunction joins elements of equal grammatical

Subordinating Conjunctions:

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Definition: Subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses and connect

them to independent clauses. They indicate a relationship where one clause is
dependent on the other for its meaning.

• Although: Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk.
• Because: She stayed indoors because it was too cold outside.
• If: I will go to the beach if the weather is good.
• Since: Since you finished your work early, you can join us for lunch.
• While: He read a book while waiting for the train.
In each example, the subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause that
cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Q.6 Write a descriptive paragraph based on a birthday party you have recently
attended. Write a catchy topic sentence, add relevant supporting details and
end it conclusively.

Amidst the vibrant swirl of colors, jubilant laughter, and the sweet aroma of freshly
baked treats, I recently found myself immersed in a birthday celebration that
transcended the ordinary. The party was a kaleidoscope of joy, hosted in a backyard
adorned with cheerful decorations. The focal point, a mesmerizing cake adorned
with candles, stood tall as a testament to the festivity that awaited. Friends and
family, bedecked in colorful attires, added to the lively ambiance with their
contagious enthusiasm. The air echoed with the melody of cheerful conversations
and the chorus of "Happy Birthday." As the celebrant blew out the candles, a cascade
of applause filled the space. Delectable delights adorned the tables, ranging from
finger foods to an array of confectionery wonders. Amidst the celebration, games
and laughter became the heartbeat of the party, forging unforgettable memories. The
joyous occasion not only celebrated another year of life but also the enduring bonds
of friendship and the resilience of shared laughter. As the festivities drew to a close,
the twilight sky mirrored the warmth and glow of the celebration, leaving behind a
mosaic of cherished moments that will linger in the hearts of all who attended.

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Q.7 Write a detailed narrative essay of about 300-350 words on the following
An Unforgettable Incident of My Childhood

One summer afternoon during my childhood, an unforgettable incident unfolded,

etching itself into the canvas of my memories. I was around eight years old, an age
characterized by boundless curiosity and a penchant for adventure. On this particular
day, my parents decided to take me to a bustling carnival that had set up its
kaleidoscopic tents and lively attractions in the heart of our small town.

The moment we entered the fairgrounds, my eyes widened with awe at the dazzling
array of rides, games, and the enticing aroma of cotton candy that hung in the air.
The vibrancy of the scene was intoxicating, and the prospect of exploration propelled
me forward with boundless energy.

As I meandered through the carnival with my parents, a whimsical carousel caught

my eye. Its ornately adorned horses, painted in vibrant hues, seemed to beckon me
towards a magical adventure. Unable to contain my excitement, I tugged at my
parents' hands, urging them to let me experience the enchantment of the spinning

With their consent, I climbed onto one of the intricately carved horses, my small
fingers clutching the cold brass pole. As the merry-go-round began its rhythmic
ascent, a symphony of joyful melodies filled the air, and the world transformed into
a mesmerizing blur of lights and colors. The sheer exhilaration of the moment
engulfed me, and for those fleeting minutes, I was transported into a realm where
time seemed suspended.

However, the defining moment of this adventure occurred when, during the final
moments of the carousel's descent, I glimpsed my parents standing by the edge, their

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faces radiant with joy. In that instance, I realized the profound significance of shared
moments and the indelible bond that connected us. The carousel, a mere carnival
ride, became a metaphor for the simple joys of childhood and the enduring warmth
of family.

Years have passed since that magical afternoon, yet the memory of the carousel ride
remains etched in my mind—a cherished fragment of my childhood that
encapsulates the innocence, joy, and the unbreakable bonds that define those
formative years.

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