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Question 1 to 6 are based on the following document.

I think that most of what we learn at school is useful. The problem is that we do not
always realize this fact in the beginning.

Take science, for example. I hated chemistry lessons when I was young. I couldn’t see
the point in doing boring experiments and learning tables. Now I want to be a doctor, I
appreciate how important chemistry is. I realize that we had to learn the basics first. I
used to think that learning latin was pointless too, but now it realy helps me understand
my medical textbooks. On the other hand, there were some lesson that were really
useless. At my school we all did couldn’t see the point of this unless someone wanted
to be an actor. In conclusion, I would say that most of what we learn at school is qite
useful. I just wish all teachears would make it clear how the subjects we study can realy
help us later on in life.what does the writer


A chemistry is lees important b.learninglatin is pointless c. nearly all school subjects are
important d. students should choose the subjects they like

1. What does the writer suggest? A. Chemistry is less important B. Learning

Latin is pointless C. nearly all School subjects are important D. student should
choose the subjects they like
2. The writer hated chemistry because….
A. He appreciated its important . B. it’s a less practical subject. C. it’s a science
subject. D. the experiments were boring
3. What does the writer want to be in future? A. A doctor B. A student C. An
accountant D. An actor
4. Acoording to the writer, is drama a completely useless subject? A. No, but
people should practice it at home B. No, it can be useful for future actors C.
yes, so it shouldn’t be taught a school D. Yes, they don’t teach it anymore
5. Which word can best replace the underline one in the text?
A. Distinguish B. Look C. Make D. Understand
6. To master a subject means: A. to learn about a subject B. To learn a subject
very well C. To learn skills D. To be the master

but i haven’t got a car, but my sister a.have b. is c. has d.hasn~t e.has got

9.1 I haven’t got a car, but may sister

a. have b. is c. has d. hasn’t e. has got

9.3nicole got married week……realy? A. is she she? C. did she? D. has she?

9.5 bill doesn`t watch tv. He doens`t reand newspapers…..a. too b. either c. neith

er d.never.

6.3 what time is the concert tonight? It…….at 7.30. a. is start b. is starting c. starts d.
start e. staring

6.9 it’s a nice day…….for a walk? A. do we go b.shall we go c. are we go d. we go e.

go we

7.4 before maria come to Britain, she…….understand much English. A. can b. can`t c.
not d. couldn`t e. doesn`t

7.5 we………..walk home last nigt. There were no buses. A have to b.had to c. must d.
de must to e. must have.

7.9we……wait long for the bus….it came in came in a few minutes. A don’t have to b.
hadn`t to c. didn`t have to d. didn`t have to e. mustn`t.

3.10 where……on Sunday afternoon? I couldn`t find you. A. you were b. you have
been c. was you d. have you been e. were you.

4.2 we……to the part last wek a. didn`t invite b.did`t invited c. weren`t invited d.
wasn`t invited e. haven`t been invited.
4.3 where……born? In cairo,. A. you are b. you were c. was you d. are you e. were

4.4 may car is at the garage. It ________________________

a. is being repaired b. is repairing c. have been repairing d. repairing e. repairs

11.1 I saw Steve a week ago. He said that ………………. me, but he didn’t.

a. he phone b. he phones c. he’ll phone d. he’s going to phone e. he would phone

21.1 The car stropped and a woman got …………………………………………..

a. off b. down c. out d. out off

21.3 I’ve got Rachel’s keys. I have to …………………. to her.

a. give back b. give them back c. give back them d. give it back

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