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Membership Inference Attacks against Language Models

via Neighbourhood Comparison

Justus Mattern1 , Fatemehsadat Mireshghallah2 , Zhijing Jin3,4 ,

Bernhard Schölkopf3 , Mrinmaya Sachan4 , Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick2
RWTH Aachen1 , UC San Diego2 , MPI for Intelligent Systems3 , ETH Zürich4

Abstract user data introduces a variety of privacy risks:

While embedding models have been shown to
Membership Inference attacks (MIAs) aim to
predict whether a data sample was present in
leak personal attributes of their data (Song and
the training data of a machine learning model Raghunathan, 2020), generative language models
arXiv:2305.18462v2 [cs.CL] 7 Aug 2023

or not, and are widely used for assessing the are capable of generating verbatim repetitions of
privacy risks of language models. Most exist- their training data and therefore exposing sensitive
ing attacks rely on the observation that models strings such as names, phone numbers or email-
tend to assign higher probabilities to their train- addresses (Carlini et al., 2021b). Another source
ing samples than non-training points. However, of risk arises from membership inference attacks
simple thresholding of the model score in isola-
(MIAs) (Shokri et al., 2016), which enable adver-
tion tends to lead to high false-positive rates as
it does not account for the intrinsic complexity saries to classify whether a given data sample was
of a sample. Recent work has demonstrated that present in a target model’s training data or not. Due
reference-based attacks which compare model to their simplicity and the fact that MIAs are an
scores to those obtained from a reference model important component of more sophisticated attacks
trained on similar data can substantially im- such as extraction attacks (Carlini et al., 2021b),
prove the performance of MIAs. However, in they have become one of the most widely used tools
order to train reference models, attacks of this
to evaluate data leakage and empirically study the
kind make the strong and arguably unrealis-
tic assumption that an adversary has access to
privacy of machine learning models (Murakonda
samples closely resembling the original train- and Shokri, 2020; Song and Marn, 2020).
ing data. Therefore, we investigate their perfor- Typically, membership inference attacks exploit
mance in more realistic scenarios and find that
models’ tendency to overfit their training data and
they are highly fragile in relation to the data dis-
tribution used to train reference models. To in-
therefore exhibit lower loss values for training
vestigate whether this fragility provides a layer members (Yeom et al., 2018; Sablayrolles et al.,
of safety, we propose and evaluate neighbour- 2019). A highly simple and commonly used base-
hood attacks, which compare model scores for line attack is therefore the LOSS attack (Yeom
a given sample to scores of synthetically gen- et al., 2018), which classifies samples as training
erated neighbour texts and therefore eliminate members if their loss values are below a certain
the need for access to the training data distribu- threshold. While attacks of this kind do generally
tion. We show that, in addition to being com-
reap high accuracies, Carlini et al. (2021a) point
petitive with reference-based attacks that have
perfect knowledge about the training data dis- out a significant flaw: Good accuracies for attacks
tribution, our attack clearly outperforms exist- of this kind are primarily a result of their ability
ing reference-free attacks as well as reference- to identify non-members rather than training data
based attacks with imperfect knowledge, which members, which does arguably not pose important
demonstrates the need for a reevaluation of the privacy risks. This shortcoming can be attributed
threat model of adversarial attacks 1 . to the fact that certain samples such as repetitive
1 Introduction or very simple short sentences are naturally as-
signed higher probabilities than others (Fan et al.,
The public release and deployment of machine 2018; Holtzman et al., 2020), and the influence
learning models trained on potentially sensitive of this aspect on the obtained model score largely
Code is available here: outweighs the influence of a model’s tendency to
mireshghallah/neighborhood-curvature-mia overfit its training samples (Carlini et al., 2021a).
Proposal Model
Securities fall to end
Wall Street’s worst
year after 2008, S&P
500 finishes 2022 down Target Model Neighborhood
almost 20%

Stocks fall to end Stocks fall to end

Wall Street’s worst Wall Street’s worst
year since 2008, S&P year since 2009, S&P
Member Non-member
500 finishes 2022 500 ends 2022 down
down nearly 20% nearly 20%

Figure 1: Overview of our attack: Given a target sample x, we use a pretrained masked language model to generate
highly similar neighbour sentences through word replacements. Consequently, we compare our neighbours’ losses
and those of the original sample under the target model by computing their difference. As our neighbours are highly
similar to the target sequence, we expect their losses to be approximately equal to the target model and only to be
lower if the target sequence was a sample of the model’s training data. In this case, the difference should be below
our threshold value γ.

To account for this, previous work has introduced tions such as word replacements to be non-training
the idea of difficulty calibration mechanisms (Long members that are as similar as possible to the tar-
et al., 2018; Watson et al., 2022), which aim to get point and therefore practically interchangeable
quantify the intrinsic complexity of a data sample with it in almost any context. With the intuition
(i.e., how much of an outlier the given sample is un- that neighbors should be assigned equal probabil-
der the probability distribution of the target model) ities as the original sample under any plausible
and subsequently use this value to regularize model textual probability distribution, we then compare
scores before comparing them to a threshold value. the model scores of all these neighboring points to
In practice, difficulty calibration is mostly re- that of the target point and classify its membership
alized through Likelihood Ratio Attacks (LiRA), based on their difference. Similar to LiRAs, we hy-
which measure the difficulty of a target point by pothesize that if the model score of the target data
feeding it to reference models that help provide a is similar to the crafted neighbors, then they are all
perspective into how likely that target point is in plausible points from the distribution and the target
the given domain (Ye et al., 2022; Carlini et al., point is not a member of the training set. However,
2021a; Watson et al., 2022; Mireshghallah et al., if a sample is much more likely under the target
2022a,b). In order to train such reference models, model’s distribution than its neighbors, we infer
LiRAs assume that an adversary has knowledge that this could only be a result of overfitting and
about the distribution of the target model’s training therefore the sample must be a part of the model’s
data and access to a sufficient amount of samples training data.
from it. We argue that this is a highly optimistic We conduct extensive experiments measuring
and in many cases unrealistic assumption: as also the performance of our proposed neighborhood
pointed out by Tramèr et al. (2022), in applications attack, and particularly compare it to reference-
in which we care about privacy and protecting our based attacks with various different assumptions
models from leaking data (e.g. in the medical do- about knowledge of the target distribution and ac-
main), high-quality, public in-domain data may not cess to additional data. Concretely, amongst other
be available, which renders reference-based attacks experiments, we simulate real-world reference-
ineffective. Therefore, we aim to design an attack based attacks by training reference models on ex-
which does not require any additional data: For the ternal datasets from the same domain as the target
design of our proposed neighborhood attack, we model’s training data. We find that neighbourhood
build on the intuition of using references to help attacks outperform LiRAs with more realistic as-
us infer membership, but instead of using refer- sumptions about the quality of accessible data by
ence models, we use neighboring samples, which up to 100%, and even show competitive perfor-
are textual samples crafted through data augmenta- mance when we assume that an attacker has perfect
knowledge about the target distribution and access Formally, for a given x, we aim to produce
to a large amount of high-quality samples from it. natural adjacent samples, or a set of n neighbors
{x̃1 , ..., x̃n }, which slightly differ from x and are
2 Membership Inference Attacks via not part of the target model’s training data, but
Neighbourhood Comparison are approximately equally likely to appear in the
In this section, we provide a detailed description of general distribution of textual data, and therefore
our attack, starting with the general idea of com- offer a meaningful comparison. Given our set of
paring neighbouring samples and following with neighbors, we calibrate the loss score of x under
a technical description of how to generate such the target model by subtracting the average loss of
neighbors. its neighbors from it, resulting in a new decision
2.1 General Idea
We follow the commonly used setup of member- " n
! #
L(fθ , x̃i )
Afθ (x) = 1
ship inference attacks in which the adversary has L(fθ , x) − <γ .
grey-box access to a machine learning model fθ n
trained on an unknown dataset Dtrain , meaning (3)
that they can obtain confidence scores and there- The interpretation of this decision rule is straight-
fore loss values from fθ , but no additional infor- forward: Neighbors crafted through minimal
mation such as model weights or gradients. The changes that fully preserve the semantics and gram-
adversary’s goal is to learn an attack function mar of a given sample should in theory be inter-
Afθ : X → {0, 1} , which determines for each changeable with the original sentence and therefore
x from the universe of textual samples X whether be assigned highly similar likelihoods under any
x ∈ Dtrain or x ̸∈ Dtrain . As mentioned in the pre- textual probability distribution. Assuming that our
vious section, the LOSS attack (Yeom et al., 2018), neighbors were not present in the training data of
one of the most simple forms of membership in- the target model, we can therefore use the model
ference attacks, classifies samples by thresholding score assigned to them as a proxy for what the orig-
their loss scores, so that the membership decision inal sample’s loss should be if it was not present
rule is: in the training data. The target sample’s loss value
being substantially lower than the neighbors’ losses
Afθ (x) = 1[L(fθ , x) < γ]. (1) could therefore only be a result of overfitting and
therefore the target sample being a training member.
More recent attacks follow a similar setup, but In this case, we expect the difference in Equation 3
perform difficulty calibration to additionally ac- to be below our threshold value γ
count for the intrinsic complexity of the sample
x under the target distribution and adjust its loss 2.2 Obtaining Neighbour Samples
value accordingly. Concretely, given a function In the previous section, for a given text x, we
d : X → R assigning difficulty scores to data assumed access to a set of adjacent samples
samples, we can extend the the decision rule to {x̃1 , ..., x̃n }. In this section we describe how those
samples are generated. As it is highly important to
Afθ (x) = 1[L(fθ , x) − d(x) < γ]. (2) consider neighbours that are approximately equally
complex, it is important to mention that beyond
Likelihood Ratio Attacks (LiRAs) (Ye et al., the semantics of x, we should also preserve struc-
2022), the currently most widely used form of ture and syntax, and can therefore not simply con-
membership inference attacks, use a sample’s loss sider standard textual style transfer or paraphras-
score obtained from some reference model fϕ as ing models. Instead, we opt for very simple word
a difficulty score, so that d(x) = L(fϕ , x) . How- replacements that preserve semantics and fit the
ever, this makes the suitability of the difficulty context of the original word well. For obtaining
score function dependent on the quality of refer- these replacements, we adopt the framework pro-
ence models and therefore the access to data from posed by Zhou et al. (2019), who propose the use
the training distribution. We circumvent this by of transformer-based (Vaswani et al., 2017) masked
designing a different difficulty calibration function language models (MLMs) such as BERT (Devlin
depending on synthetically crafted neighbors. et al., 2019) for lexical substitutions: Concretely,
given a text x := (w(1) , ..., w(L) ) consisting of L Algorithm 1: Neighbourhood Generation
tokens, the probability pθ (w̃ = w(i) |x) of token
Input : Text x = (w(1) , ..., w(L) ), n, m
w̃ as the word in position i can be obtained from
Output: Neighbours {x̃1 , ..., x̃n } with m
the MLM’s probability distribution p(V (i) |x) over
word replacements each
our token vocabulary V at position i. As we do not
want to consider the influence of the probability for i ∈ {1, . . . , L} do
of the original token on the token’s suitability as a Get embeddings (ϕ(w(1) ), .., ϕ(w(L) ).
replacement when comparing it to other candidates, Add dropout: ϕ(w(i) ) = drop(ϕ(w(i) )).
we normalize the probability over all probabilities Obtain p(V (i) |x) from BERT.
except that of the original token. So, if ŵ was the Compute pswap (w(i) , w̃(i) )∀w̃ ∈ V.
original token at position i, our suitability score for
w̃ as a replacement is For all swaps (w(i1 ) , w̃(i1 ) )...(w(im ) , w̃(im ) )
with ik ̸= iP
l for i ̸= l, compute joint
suitability m i=1 pswap (w
(i1 ) , w̃ (i1 ) ) and
pθ (w̃ = w(i) |x)
pswap (ŵ(i) , w̃(i) ) = . (4) return n highest
1 − pθ (ŵ = w(i) |x)
In practice, simply masking the token which we
want to replace will lead to our model completely news categories ("World", "Sports", "Business",
neglecting the meaning of the original word when "Science & Technology"), tweets from the Sen-
predicting alternative tokens and therefore poten- timent140 dataset (Go et al., 2009) and excerpts
tially change the semantics of the original sentence from wikipedia articles from Wikitext-103 (Merity
– for instance, for the given sample "The movie et al., 2017). Both datasets are divided into two
was great", the probability distribution for the last disjunct subsets of equal size: one of these sub-
token obtained from "The movie was [MASK]" sets serves as training data for the target model and
might assign high scores to negative words such therefore consists of positive examples for the mem-
as "bad", which are clearly not semantically suit- bership classification task. Subset two is not used
able replacements. To counteract this, Zhou et al. for training, but its samples are used as negative
(2019) propose to keep the original token in the examples for the classification task. The subsets
input text, but to add strong dropout to the input contain 60,000, 150,000 and 100,000 samples for
embedding layer at position i before feeding it into AG News, Twitter and Wikitext, respectively, lead-
the transformer to obtain replacement candidates ing to a total size of 120,000, 300,000 and 200,000
for w(i) . We adopt this technique, and therefore samples. For all corpora, we also keep an addi-
obtain a procedure which allows us to obtain n tional third subset that we can use to train reference
suitable neighbors with m word replacements us- models for reference-based attacks.
ing merely an off-the-shelf model that does not
require any adaptation to the target domain. The
3.2 Baselines
pseudocode is outlined in Algorithm 1.
To compare the performance of our attack, we con-
3 Experimental Setup sider various baselines: As the standard method
We evaluate the performance of our attack as well for reference-free attacks, we choose the LOSS At-
as reference-free and reference-based baseline at- tack proposed by Yeom et al. (2018), which classi-
tacks against large autoregressive models trained fies samples as training members or non-members
with the classical language modeling objective. Par- based on whether their loss is above or below a
ticularly, we use the base version of GPT-2 (Rad- certain threshold (see Equation 1). For reference-
ford et al., 2019) as our target model. based attacks, we follow recent implementations
(Mireshghallah et al., 2022a,b; Watson et al., 2022)
3.1 Datasets and use reference data to train a single reference
We perform experiments on three datasets, par- model of the same architecture as the target model.
ticularly news article summaries obtained from a Subsequently, we measure whether the likelihood
subset of the AG News corpus2 containing four of a sample under the target model divided by its
2 likelihood under the reference model crosses a cer-
of_news_articles.html tain threshold.
Training Data for Reference Models As dis- Dataset #Samples
cussed in previous sections, we would like to eval- AG News (Other Categories) 60,000
uate reference-based attacks with more realistic NewsCatcher 60,000
AG News Oracle Data 60,000
assumptions about access to the training data dis-
tribution. Therefore, we use multiple reference Twitter Mental Health 20,000
Twitter Offensive Language 25,000
models trained on different datasets: As our Base Twitter Oracle Data 150,000
Reference Model, we consider the pretrained, but Wikipedia Oracle Data 100,000
not fine-tuned version of GPT-2. Given the large
pretraining corpus of this model, it should serve Table 1: Number of samples in the reference model
as a good estimator of the general complexity of training data. Target models for News, Twitter and
textual samples and has also been successfully used Wikipedia were trained on 60,000, 150,000 and 100,000
for previous implementations of reference-based at- samples, respectively.
tacks (Mireshghallah et al., 2022b). Similar to our
neighbourhood attack, this reference model does and high quality samples.
not require an attacker to have any additional data
or knowledge about the training data distribution. 3.3 Implementation Details
To train more powerful, but still realistic ref- We obtain and fine-tune all pretrained models using
erence models, which we henceforth refer to as the Huggingface transformers library (Wolf et al.,
Candidate Reference Models, we use data that 2020) and PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019). As target
is in general similar to the target model’s training models, we fine-tune the pretrained 117M parame-
data, but slightly deviates with regard to topics or ter version of GPT-2, which originally has a vali-
artifacts that are the result of the data collection dation perplexity of 56.8 and 200.3 on AG News
procedure. Concretely, we perform this experi- and Twitter data, respectively, up to validation set
ment for both our AG News and Twitter corpora: perplexities of 30.0 and 84.7. In our initial imple-
For the former, we use article summaries from re- mentation of our neighbourhood attack, we obtain
maining news categories present in the AG News the 100 most likely neighbour samples using one
corpus ("U.S.", "Europe", "Music Feeds", "Health", word replacement only from the pretrained 110M
"Software and Development", "Entertainment") as parameter version of BERT. We apply a dropout
well as the NewsCatcher dataset3 containing article of p = 0.7 to the embedding of the token we
summaries for eight categories that highly over- want to replace. For evaluating LiRA baselines,
lap with AG News ("Business", "Entertainment", we train each reference model on its respective
"Health", "Nation", "Science", "Sports", "Technol- training dataset over multiple epochs, and choose
ogy", "World"). For Twitter, we use a depression the best performing reference model w.r.t attack
detection dataset for mental health support from performance. Following Carlini et al. (2021a), we
tweets 4 as well as tweet data annotated for offen- evaluate our attack’s precision for predetermined
sive language 5 . As it was highly difficult to find low false positive rate values such as 1% or 0.01%.
data for reference models, it was not always pos- We implement this evaluation scheme by adjust-
sible to match the amount of training samples of ing our threshold γ to meet this requirement and
the target model. The number of samples present subsequently measure the attack’s precision for the
in each dataset can be found in Table 1. corresponding γ. All models have been deployed
As our most powerful reference model, hence- on single GeForce RTX 2080 and Tesla K40 GPUs.
forth referred to as Oracle Reference Model, we
use models trained on the same corpora, but dif- 4 Results
ferent subsets as the target models. This setup as-
sumes that an attacker has perfect knowledge about In this section, we report our main results and per-
the training data distribution of the target model form additional experiments investigating the im-
pact of reference model performance on the suc-
3 cess of reference-based attacks as well as several
topic-labeled-news-dataset ablation studies. Following (Carlini et al., 2021a),
4 we report attack performances in terms of their
5 true positive rates (TPR) under very low false posi-
hate-speech-and-offensive-language-dataset tive rates (FPR) by adjusting the threshold value γ.
News Twitter Wikipedia
False Positive Rate 1% 0.1% 0.01% 1% 0.1% 0.01% 1% 0.1% 0.01%
Likelihood Ratio Attacks:
Base Reference Model 4.24% 0.91% 0.16% 5.66% 0.98% 0.22% 1.21% 0.12% 0.01%
Candidate Reference Model 1 4.91% 0.95% 0.15% 6.49% 1.10% 0.24%
Candidate Reference Model 2 4.76% 0.92% 0.15% 6.61% 1.19% 0.25%
Oracle Reference Model* 18.90% 3.76% 0.16% 13.90% 1.59% 0.28% 11.70% 3.70% 0.12%
Reference-Free Attacks:
LOSS Attack 3.50% 0.10% 0.01% 2.08% 0.11% 0.02% 1.06% 0.11% 0.01%
Neighbour Attack (Ours) 8.29% 1.73% 0.29% 7.35% 1.43% 0.28% 2.32% 0.27% 0.10%

Table 2: True positive rates of various attacks for low false positive rates of 1%, 0.1%, and 0.01%. Candidate
Reference Model 1 refers to reference models trained on data from other AG News categories and our Twitter
mental health dataset, Candidate Reference Model 2 refers to reference models trained on NewsCatcher and the
offensive tweet classification dataset. *As reference attacks trained on oracle datasets represent a rather unrealistic
scenario with perfect assumptions, we compare our results with other baselines with more realistic assumptions
when highlighting best results as bold.

Concretely, we choose 1%, 0.1% and 0.01% as our 4.2 Measuring the Dependence of Attack
target FPR values. Success on Reference Model Quality
Motivated by the comparably poor performance of
4.1 Main Results Likelihood Ratio Attacks with reference models
Our results can be found in Table 2 and 3, with the trained on only slightly different datasets to the
former showing our attack performance in terms of target training data, we aim to investigate the de-
true positive rates under low false positive rates and pendence of reference attack performances on the
the latter showing AUC values. As previously dis- quality of reference models in a more controlled
covered, the LOSS attack tends to perform badly and systematic way. To do so, we train reference
when evaluated for very low false positive rates models on our oracle data over multiple epochs,
(Carlini et al., 2021a; Watson et al., 2022). Likeli- and report the attack performance of Likelihood
hood Ratio Attacks can clearly outperform it, but Ratio Attacks w.r.t to the reference models’ valida-
we observe that their success is highly dependent tion perplexity (PPL) on a held out test set, which
on having access to suitable training data for ref- is in this case the set of non-training members of
erence models: Attacks using the base reference the target model. Intuitively, we would expect the
models and candidate models can not reach the per- attack performance to peak when the validation
formance of an attack using the oracle reference PPL of reference models is similar to that of the
model by a large margin. Notably, they are also sub- target model, as this way, the models capture a
stantially outperformed by our Neighbour Attack, very similar distribution and therefore offer the
which can, particularly in low FPR ranges, even best comparison to the attack model. In this setup,
compete very well with or outperform Likelihood we are however particularly interested in the attack
Ratio Attacks with an Oracle Reference Model, performance when the validation PPL does not ex-
without relying on access to any additional data. actly match that of the target model, given that
attackers will not always be able to train perfectly
News Twitter Wiki performing reference models.
The results of this experiment can be found in
Base Reference Model 0.76 0.75 0.54 Figure 2 for our News and Twitter dataset and in
Candidate Reference 1 0.78 0.81 Figure 3 for Wikitext. As can be seen, the per-
Candidate Reference 2 0.75 0.77
Oracle Reference* 0.94 0.89 0.90
formance of reference-based attacks does indeed
peak when reference models perform roughly the
Other Attacks:
LOSS Attack 0.64 0.60 0.52 same as the target model. A further very interesting
Neighbour Attack 0.79 0.77 0.62 observation is that substantial increases in attack
success only seem to emerge as the validation PPL
Table 3: AUC values of various attacks. of reference models comes very close to that of the
target model and therefore only crosses the success
Validation PPL (Twitter) #Neighbours 5 10 25 50 100
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Neighbour MIA (News)
Neighbour MIA (Twitter) 1% FPR 2.98% 4.57% 6.65% 8.19% 8.29%
15.0 Reference MIA (News) 0.1% FPR 0.53% 0.79% 1.43% 1.50% 1.73%
TPR @ 1% FPR

Reference MIA (Twitter) 0.01% FPR 0.05% 0.07% 0.18% 0.23% 0.29%
1% FPR 3.93% 4.88% 6.21% 6.63% 7.35%
7.5 0.1% FPR 0.57% 0.62% 1.01% 1.34% 1.43%
5.0 0.01% FPR 0.05% 0.07% 0.10% 0.23% 0.28%
30 35 40 45 50 55 Wikipedia:
Validation PPL (News)
1% FPR 1.57% 1.81% 2.02% 2.17% 2.32%
0.1% FPR 0.16% 0.21% 0.23% 0.26% 0.27%
Validation PPL (Twitter)
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0.01% FPR 0.05% 0.08% 0.09% 0.10% 0.10%

Table 4: Attack performance w.r.t the number of neigh-
TPR @ 0.1% FPR

3.0 bours against which we compare the target sample


erated neighbours as determined by BERT. In the
following, we measure how varying this number

30 35 40 45 50 55
affects the attack performance. While intuitively,
Validation PPL (News) a higher number of neighbours might offer a more
Validation PPL (Twitter) robust comparison, it is also plausible that selecting
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
a lower number of most likely neighbours under
0.28 BERT will lead to neighbours of higher quality
TPR @ 0.01% FPR

and therefore a more meaningful comparison of

loss values. Our results in Table 4 show a clear

trend towards the former hypothesis: The number
of neighbours does in general have a strong influ-
0.16 ence on the performance of neighbourhood attacks
30 35 40 45 50 55 and higher numbers of neighbours produce better
Validation PPL (News)
Figure 2: Attack Performance of reference attacks w.r.t Number of Word Replacements Besides the
validation PPL of reference models, compared to the number of generated neighbours, we study how
performance of neighborhood attacks. The perplexities
the number of replaced words affects the perfor-
of the target models were 30.0 and 84.7 for AG News
and Twitter, respectively mance of our attack. While we reported results
for the replacement of a single word in our main
results in Table 2, there are also reasons to expect
rate of neighbourhood attacks when the reference that a higher number of replacements leads to bet-
model’s performance is almost the same as that ter attack performance: While keeping neighbours
of the target model. This further illustrates the as similar to the original samples as possible en-
fragility of reference-based attacks with respect to sures that their probability in the general distribu-
the choice of the reference model. tion of textual data remains as close as possible,
one could also expect that too few changes lead
4.3 Ablation Studies the target model to assign the original sample and
Having extensively studied the impact of different its neighbours almost exactly the same score, and
reference model training setups for the Likelihood therefore make it hard to observe high differences
Ratio Attack, we now aim to explore the effect in loss scores for training members. Our results
of various components of our proposed neighbour- of generating 100 neighbours with multiple word
hood attack. replacements are reported in Table 5. We find that
replacing only one word clearly outperforms mul-
Number of Generated Neighbours For our tiple replacements. Beyond this, we do not find
main results in Table 2, we report the performance highly meaningful differences between two and
of neighbour attacks for the 100 most likely gen- three word replacements.
#Word Replacements 1 2 3 ϵ=5 ϵ = 10 ϵ=∞
News: TPR @ 1% FPR 1.29% 1.52% 8.29%
1% FPR 8.29% 4.09% 4.18% TPR @ 0.1% FPR 0.09% 0.13% 1.73%
0.1% FPR 1.73% 0.85% 0.94% TPR @ 0.01% FPR 0.01% 0.01% 0.29%
0.01% FPR 0.29% 0.23% 0.21%
Twitter: Table 6: Performance of neighbourhood attacks against
1% FPR 7.35% 4.86% 4.37% models trained with DP-SGD
0.1% FPR 1.43% 0.74% 0.72%
0.01% FPR 0.28% 0.14% 0.11%
Wikipedia: 6 Related Work
1% FPR 2.32% 1.76% 1.44%
0.1% FPR 0.27% 0.23% 0.17% MIAs have first been proposed by Shokri et al.
0.01% FPR 0.10% 0.07% 0.03%
(2016) and continue to remain a topic of interest
Table 5: Attack performance w.r.t the number of words for the machine learning community. While many
that are replaced when generating neighbours attacks, such as ours, assume to only have access
to model confidence or loss scores (Yeom et al.,
2018; Sablayrolles et al., 2019; Jayaraman et al.,
2020; Watson et al., 2022), others exploit addi-
5 Defending against Neighbourhood tional information such as model parameters (Leino
Attacks and Fredrikson, 2020) or training loss trajectories
(Liu et al., 2022). Finally, some researchers have
also attempted to perform membership inference
Due to the privacy risks that emerge from the pos- attacks given only hard labels without confidence
sibility of membership inference and data extrac- scores (Li and Zhang, 2021; Choquette-Choo et al.,
tion attacks, the research community is actively 2021). Notably, the attack proposed by Choquette-
working on defenses to protect models. Beyond Choo et al. (2021) is probably closest to our work
approaches such as confidence score perturbation as it tries to obtain information about a sample’s
(Jia et al., 2019) and specific regularization tech- membership by flipping its predicted labels through
niques (Mireshghallah et al., 2021; Chen et al., small data augmentations such as rotations to im-
2022) showing good empirical performance, differ- age data. To the best of our knowledge, we are the
entially private model training is one of the most first to apply data augmentations of this kind for
well known defense techniques offering mathemati- text-based attacks.
cal privacy guarantees: DP-SGD (Song et al., 2013; Membership Inference Attacks in NLP Specif-
Bassily et al., 2014; Abadi et al., 2016), which uses ically in NLP, membership inference attacks are an
differential privacy (Dwork et al., 2006) to bound important component of language model extraction
the influence that a single training sample can have attacks (Carlini et al., 2021b; Mireshghallah et al.,
on the resulting model and has been shown to suc- 2022b). Further studies of interest include work by
cessfully protect models against membership in- Hisamoto et al. (2020), which studies membership
ference attacks (Carlini et al., 2021a) and has re- inference attacks in machine translation, as well
cently also successfully been applied to training as work by Mireshghallah et al. (2022a), which
language models (Yu et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; investigates Likelihood Ratio Attacks for masked
Mireshghallah et al.). To test the effectiveness of language models. Specifically for language models,
differential privacy as a defense against neighbour- a large body of work also studies the related phe-
hood attacks, we follow Li et al. (2022) and train nomenon of memorization (Kandpal et al., 2022;
our target model GPT-2 in a differentially private Carlini et al., 2022b,a; Zhang et al., 2021), which
manner on AG News, where our attack performed enables membership inference and data extraction
the best. The results can be seen in Table 6 and attacks in the first place.
clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of DP-SGD.
Even for comparably high epsilon values such as Machine-Generated Text Detection Due to the
ten, the performance of the neighbourhood attack increasing use of tools like ChatGPT as writing
is substantially worse compared to the non-private assistants, the field of machine-generated text de-
model and is almost akin to random guessing for tection has become of high interest within the re-
low FPR values. search community and is being studied extensively
(Chakraborty et al., 2023; Krishna et al., 2023; as rotations could be used to apply our method for
Mitchell et al., 2023; Mireshghallah et al., 2023). visual data, this is not straightforward such as the
Notably, Mitchell et al. (2023) propose DetectGPT, transfer of other attacks to different modalities.
which works similarly to our attack as it compares
the likelihood of a given sample under the target Implementation of baseline attacks As the per-
model to the likelihood of perturbed samples and formance of membership inference attacks depend
hypothesizes that the likelihood of perturbations is on the training procedure of the attacked model
smaller than that of texts the model has generated as well as its degree of overfitting, it is not pos-
itself. sible to simply compare attack performance met-
rics from other papers to ours. Instead, we had to
7 Conclusion and Future Work reimplement existing attacks to compare them to
our approach. While we followed the authors’ de-
In this paper, we have made two key contributions: scriptions in their papers as closely as possible, we
First, we thoroughly investigated the assumption cannot guarantee that their attacks were perfectly
of access to in-domain data for reference-based implemented and the comparison to our method is
membership inference attacks: In our experiments, therefore 100% fair.
we have found that likelihood ratio attacks, the
most common form of reference-based attacks, are Ethical Considerations
highly fragile to the quality of their reference mod-
els and therefore require attackers to have access Membership inference attacks can be used by
to high-quality training data for those. Given that malicious actors to compromise the privacy of
specifically in privacy-sensitive settings where pub- individuals whose data has been used to train
licly available data is scarce, this is not always models. However, studying and expanding our
a realistic assumption, we proposed that the de- knowledge of such attacks is crucial in order to
sign of reference-free attacks would simulate the build a better understanding for threat models and
behavior of attackers more accurately. Thus, we to build better defense mechanisms that take into
introduced neighborhood attacks, which calibrate account the tools available to malicious actors.
the loss scores of a target samples using loss scores Due to the importance of this aspect, we have
of plausible neighboring textual samples generated extensively highlighted existing work studying
through word replacements, and therefore elimi- how to defend against MIAs in Section 6. As we
nate the need for reference trained on in-domain are aware of the potential risks that arise from
data. We have found that under realistic assump- membership inference attacks, we will not freely
tions about an attacker’s access to training data, our publicize our code, but instead give access for
attack consistently outperforms reference-based research projects upon request.
attacks. Furthermore, when an attacker has per-
fect knowledge about the training data, our attack With regards to the data we used, we do not
still shows competitive performance with reference- see any issues as all datasets are publicly available
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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

TPR @ 1% FPR

60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Validation PPL (Wiki)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


TPR @ 0.1% FPR






60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Validation PPL (Wiki)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


TPR @ 0.01% FPR





60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Validation PPL (Wiki)

Figure 3: Attack Performance of reference attacks w.r.t

validation PPL of reference models, compared to the
performance of neighborhood attacks. The perplexity
of the target model was 55.6 for Wikipedia

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