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Lukas Haynes

April 29, 2023

Leadership Essay

Leadership is the ability of an individual to positively influence and guide members of a

team to success. The process of selecting future leadership is to unveil who is the most qualified

in being patient, a loving role model, and overall leadership, and my part of the process is to

prove exactly why I, Lukas Haynes, fit that criteria.

I think that I am able to be understanding of others in my section whether it is because of

many disagreements or struggles in marching or playing itself with newer members. When

having to deal with disagreements you have to admit when you are wrong and try to compromise

with your fellow team members as well as de-escalating any arguments before it causes further

disruption, especially during practices. I have also learned how to help and encourage others,

who may be struggling with the difficult process that is learning to march and memorizing

music, through my experience with underclassmen going through all-district, solos, and

generally working on parade or concert music. One specific example I can give is how David, in

Freshman year, has said “You help me like crazy with my district music”, and giving help is

something that I am willing and able to do to whoever may be needing it.

Another area in which I think I match is being able to be a good role model, as well as

making the tuba section a lot more than just a group of students who happen to play the same

instrument. When new band members have to learn how to adapt to the experience that is the

high school band program, they learn a lot of what to do and how to do it themselves by initially

following in the footsteps of more experienced band members. Throughout my band experience,

I feel that I have been inspired by my upperclassmen through their impressive musical ability
and still am by the amazing musicians I have been lucky enough to hear play in our band, and

that feeling of being inspired to be better is something that I really hope to do with the younger

band members by being a better musicians myself and showing them that improving is an

achievable goal.

One reason that makes me glad about the size of our band, and by extent, the tuba

section, is how we have enough people to have diverse people and personalities, while still being

small enough that you can reasonably get to know everyone in the band. Our section has always

engaged in activities outside of the band to help with being close and comfortable with each

other, and will continue with new members of the section to ensure that they feel welcome and

feel like a Tahlequah High School tuba player.

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