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Nomor 1.

Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 1

(1) The impacts of electronic commerce in a developing country can be helpful rather than
detrimental. Electronic commerce has the potential to tie developing countries into the rest
of the world so they are no longer considered outsiders. For example, electronic commerce
can enable more people to access products and services that once were not available.
Another benefit is that electronic commerce stores are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. As the infrastructure for electronic commerce keeps growing, services that were not
offered in the past become available. Many of these benefits have not been proven yet, but
the technology is now available, and developing countries are looking forward to these
benefits. The high cost technology may still be detrimental in many developing countries.
However, the constant innovation of software and hardware will hopefully reduce these

(2) Consumers in developing countries can benefit from electronic commerce because they
can buy product that could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities. Electronic
commerce is closing the gap between the countries that have wide availability of products
and those with limited availability. The basic purpose of electronic commerce is to provide
goods and services to consumers who do not live close to physical location of the product or
service and would otherwise have a hard time acquiring these products and services.

(3) Society and consumers alike have only begun to enjoy the benefits of electronic
commerce. Since new developments are made on a continuous basis, it will eventually
affect every individual. Some of the benefits enjoyed by society and consumers, for
example, are ease of transaction, comparability of products, quick delivery and the ability to
make any type of transaction at any given time of day.

(4) Electronic commerce facilitates delivery of public and social services, such as
healthcare, education and distribution of government social services at a reduced cost,
improving the quality of care and living in these communities. For example, healthcare
services can reach patients in rural areas.

It is implied in the text that ….

A. the cost of electronic commerce equals to its benefits

B. electronic commerce breaks the barrier of geographical location

C. only cosmopolitan cities implement electronic commerce

D. delivery of products relies much on the types of business transaction

E. developing countries experience hard times applying electronic commerce

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. electronic commerce breaks the barrier of geographical



Kata kuncinya adalah e-commerce (perdagangan secara elektronik) dapat

menjangkau daerah luar seperti yang disebutkan dalam teks “Electronic
commerce has the potential to tie developing countries into the rest of the
world so they are no longer considered outsiders.” (Perdagangan
elektronik memiliki potensi untuk mengikat negara-negara berkembang
ke seluruh dunia sehingga mereka tidak lagi dianggap sebagai orang
luar). Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah e-commerce dapat melewati
batasan lokasi geografis. Jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B.
- Opsi A salah, karena dengan adanya perdagangan eletronik dapat
mengurangi biaya.

- Opsi C salah, karena bukan hanya negara kosmopolitan saja yang

menerapkan perdagangan elektronik, di negara berkembang konsumen
dapat memperoleh keuntungan dengan membeli produk yang hanya dapat
ditemukan di kota kosmopolitan.

- Opsi D salah, karena ini merupakan fakta dari sistem pengiriman

perdagangan elektronik.

- Opsi E salah, karena tidak dijelaskan oleh penulis bahwa negara

berkembang mengalami masa sulit menerapkan perdagangan elektronik,
justru saat ini negara berkembang sudah menyediakan perdaganagn

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 2.

Soal Jakarta, June 01,2021

Dear Alex Enderson,

How are you? I wish you fine and filled with happiness in your brightest place right now.

Absolutely I will invite you to come to my 22nd belated birthday! Make sure that you will
bring your body and your sincere presence with the prayers.

Please come on June 07, 2021, at 17.00 p.m to La Grande Restaurant with the dress code
‘casual vintage’.

I’m waiting for you to come! Please come before the party was ending.

Thanks for your attention.

With love,

Bella Britannia

What kind of attire must Alex wear?

A. Casual

B. Casual vintage

C. Formal

D. Custome

E. Children’s attire

Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Pertanyaan berikut adalah pakaian apa yang harus dipakai oleh Alex.
Sudah sangat jelas tertulis dibacaan tersebut dress codenya harus
menggunakan ‘casual vintage’

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya baju kasual

Opsi B (Benar)

Artinya vintage kasual

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya baju formal

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya kostum

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya pakaian anak-anak

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 3.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 2

John Apollos is losing weight the old-fashioned way - by eating less. A whole lot less. As a
volunteer in the two year Comprehensive Assessment of long-Term Effects of Reducing
Intake of Energy (CALERIE) study at Tufts University in Boston, Apollos has lowered his
daily calorie intake 25% over the past eight months. The fat, not surprisingly, has melted
away; the 52-year-old physical trainer has lost more than 11 kg since the study began and is
down to his high school weight.

Yet, that's not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are eating
only three quarters of what they used to. The researchers running the multicenter CALORIE
study are trying to determine whether restricting food intake can slow the aging process and
extend our life span. "I feel better and lighter and healthier," says Apollos. "But if it could
help you live longer, that would be pretty amazing. The idea is counterintuitive: If we eat to
live, how can starving ourselves add years to our lives? Yet, decades of calories restriction
studies involving organisms ranging from microscopic yeast to rats have shown just that,
extending the life spans of the semi starved as much as 50%. Last July a long-term study led
by researchers at the University of Wisconsin nudged the implications of this a bit closer to
our species, finding that calorie restriction seemed to extend the lives of humanlike rhesus
monkey as well. The hungry primates fell victim to diabetes, heart and brain disease and
cancer much less frequently than their well-fed counterparts did.

However, there may be more than just the absence of disease operating here. Anytime you
go on a diet, after all, you stand a good chance of lowering your blood pressure, cholesterol
level and risk of diabetes and other health woes. All that can translate into extra years. With
calorie restriction, usually defined as a diet with 25% to 30% fewer calories than normal but
still containing essential nutrients, something else appears to be at work to extend longevity.

Which of the following ideas from the text above contains an opinion?

A. Restricting calorie consumption for longevity.

B. Absence of disease due to controlling calorie intake.

C. Apollos’ feeling better and lighter and healthier.

D. The melting of body fat by having less foods.

E. Apollos' restricting his daily calorie consumption.

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. Apollos’ feeling better and lighter and healthier.


Pernyataan dalam wacana yang merupakan pendapat (opini) ialah

pernyataan pada paragraf 2 "I feel better and lighter and healthier," says
Apollos. Tipe pendapat ini dikategorikan sebagai pendapat yang berasal
dari rujukan seseorang (....... says). Maka jawaban yang paling tepat
adalah opsi C.

- Opsi A (Membatasi konsumsi kalori untuk umur panjang) salah, karena

ini adalah sebuah studi kasus dari Calorie Multicenter yang mencoba
untuk menentukan apakah bisa membatasi asupan makanan dapat
memperlambat proses penuaan dan umur panjang.

- Opsi B (Tidak adanya penyakit karena mengontrol asupan kalori) salah,

karena ini adalah sebuah fakta.

- Opsi D (Pencairan lemak tubuh dengan mengurangi makanan) salah,

karena ini adalah sebuah fakta, bahwa Apollos telah menurunkan asupan
kalori hariannya 25% selama delapan bulan terakhir. Sehingga Lemaknya
telah mencair;

- Opsi E (Apolos membatasi konsumsi kalori hariannya) salah, karena ini

adalah sebuah fakta yang dilakukan oleh Apolos, perhatikan kalimat
berikut “Apollos has lowered his daily calorie intake 25% over the past
eight months.”

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 4.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 1

Every year, more people face poverty and hunger and more of the earth’s resources are
ruined. The problems are enormous, but many experts believe that the situation is not
hopeless. The solution will require big changes in how we think about agriculture, food, and
our planet.

First of all, farmers everywhere need to develop methods that are less destructive to the
environment. The change from single crop farming to a mixed crop system would be one
important step. The planting of several different crops improves the soil and helps prevent
erosion. Erosion could also be prevented by planting trees to protect the fields from the
wind. Another way farmers could improve the soil is to avoid deep plowing. In fact, only a
slight plowing is necessary if proper methods are used.

Farmers could also help save the earth’s precious supplies of water and petroleum. To save
water, they could plant more water efficient plants instead of the standard types of wheat or
corn. They could also use watering systems that are much less wasteful. To save petroleum,
farmers could make use of biogas generators which could be fueled by the vegetable and
animal wastes of the farms. In less-developed countries, biogas generators could reduce the
need for firewood and so help save forests, as well.

It can be inferred from the passage that farmer at present....

A. use very little water on average

B. are now very careful about their water use

C. have made use of bio-gas generators

D. always use too much water

E. often waste a lot of water

Pembahasan Jawaban : E. often waste a lot of water

Pembahasan :

Berdasarkan opsi jawaban A – E, pertanyaan ini mengacu pada paragraf 3

yang membahas water dan biogas generators. Paragraf 3 berisi solusi-
solusi yang bisa dilakukan petani untuk menghemat air dan bahan bakar.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa petani pada saat ini sering membuang banyak
air. Hal ini diperjelas dari kalimat “they could also use watering systems
that are much less wasteful” (Mereka juga bisa menggunakan sistem
pengairan yang tidak boros). Maka jawaban yang benar adalah opsi E.

- Opsi A salah, karena pernyataan “rata-rata menggunakan sedikit air”

berlwanan, sudah jelas bahwa penulis menyebutkan bahwa they could
also use watering systems that are much less wasteful (mereka juga bisa
menggunakan sistem pengairan yang tidak boros) ini menandakan bahwa
petani boros dalam memakai air.

- Opsi B salah, karena yang dijelaskan penulis adalah frekuensi

pengunaan airnya bukan sikap petani sangat berhati-hati dalam
penggunaan air.

- Opsi C salah, karena pemanfataan generatos biogas merupakan salah

satu cara sistem pengairan agar tidak boros.

- Opsi D salah, karena di paragraf ke 3 membahas terlalu banyak

menggunakan air, mekipus banyak digunakan namun air tersebut tidak
dibuang. Karena penulis tidak menyebutkan bahwa petani membuang-
buang air.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 5.

Soal Read the following texts and choose the correct options.

Text 1

A picture is worth a thousand words, and like text, art is often meant to be
"read" through critical deconstruction. Paintings can be much more complicated
than they appear at first glance and difficult to explain if the person viewing them
does not speak the same language.

Iconography—the symbolic language of a work of art—can be sophisticated

and complex, reflecting a collective consciousness or drawn from the artist's
personal experience. Why would someone eschew the written word in favor of paint
and canvas? 20th century American artist Edward Hopper seemed to have the
answer. “If I could put it into words,” he said, “there is no reason to paint.”

Adapted from

Text 2

As people look for hobbies to engage in, there are certain benefits they look
forward to reaping in it. Painting as a hobby has been a great way to relax. In
life, I encounter challenges and various stumbling blocks. I look for my
escape in painting so that I can breathe and think about my issues in my own
space. When I get challenges instead of overthinking, I tend to draw my energy
into painting because the brush has a vibe with me.

Which sentence shows that not everything can be explained with words, that's
why people paint?

A. Text 1 Paragraph 2
B. Text 1 Paragraph 1
C. Text 2 Paragraph 1
D. Text 2 Paragraph 2

E. Text 1 and text 2

Pembahasan Opsi A benar karena disebutkan pada teks 1 paragraf 2, “If I

could put it into words, there is no reason to paint.”

Opsi B salah karena pada teks 1 paragraf 1 tidak

dijelaskan mengenai hal tersebut.
Opsi C salah karena pada teks 2 paragraf 1 tidak
dijelaskan mengenai hal tersebut.
Opsi D salah karena pada teks 2 hanya terdapat 1
Opsi E salah karena penjelasan mengenai hal tersebut
hanyalah ada pada teks 1 paragraf 2 saja, tidak dengan
teks 1.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 6.

Soal The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel to busy to do that.
However many experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.

Being physically active offers many advanteges. In physical reword, exercise can reduce
weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels,
improve sleppattern and redce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.
Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter
body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality
and expectancy.

How can we do exercise while we're busy ? Such question is commonly found among us.
Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking shopping. In the office
we can take stair rather than liftto run up and down, we can go cycling while enjoy the
leisure time.

Overall, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help

Which of the following statements is TRUE ?

A. It needs a lot of time to do exercise

B. Busy people never do exercise

C. It is only exercise that makes our body fresh

D. Exercise is beneficial both physically and mentally

E. People are free from stress when they do exercise

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Exercise is benefical both physically and mentally

Soal : Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang BENAR?

Pembahasan: Jenis soal ini merupakan pertanyaan true-false, jadi cari

kata yang sama dengan kalimat soal di paparkan atau tidak; baca kalimat
yang mengandung kata kunci. Di paragraf 2 kalimat ke 3 menyebutkan
“Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally”.
Kalimat tersebut sama maknannya dengan pilihan jawaban D.

Opsi A (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Butuh banyak waktu untuk berolahraga

Opsi B (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Orang sibuk tidak pernah berolahraga

Opsi C (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Hanya olahraga yang membuat tubuh kita segar

Opsi D (benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Olahraga bermanfaat baik secara fisik maupun

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Orang bebas dari stres ketika mereka berolahraga

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 7.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 1

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or
depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it is about feeling great, having more
energy, improving your outlook, and stabilizing your mood. If you feel overwhelmed by all
the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you are not alone. It seems that for every
expert who tells you a certain food is good for you, you will find another saying exactly the
opposite. But by using these simple tips, you can cut through the confusion and learn how to
create a tasty, varied, and healthy diet that is as good for your mind as it is for your body.

We all know that eating right can help maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health
problems, but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of well
being. Studies have linked eating a typical western diet filled with processed meats,
packaged meals, takeout food, and sugary snacks - with higher rates of depression, stress,
bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Eating an unhealthy diet may even play a role in the
development of mental health disorder such as ADHD, Alzheimer's disease, and
schizophrenia, or in the increased risk of suicide in young people.

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking meals at home, and reducing your intake of
sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, may help to improve mood and lower
your risk for mental health problems. If you have already been diagnosed with a mental
health problem, eating well can even help to manage your symptoms and regain control of
your life.

While some specific foods or nutrients have been shown to have a beneficial effect on
mood, it is your overall dietary pattern that is most important. That means switching to a
healthy diet does not have to be an all or nothing proposition. You do not have to be perfect,
and you do not have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet and
make a difference to the way you think and feel.

The word ‘profound’ in ' also have a profound effect ' (Paragraph 2) can best be replaced by

A. Close

B. Deep

C. Walk

D. Distracted

E. Extinct

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Deep


Kata profound pada kalimat tersebut memiliki arti “juga memiliki efek
mendalam…”. Kata mendalam merupakan arti dari kata profound. Maka
kata yang memiliki kesamaan adalah opsi B.Deep (Dalam/ Mendalam ).

- Opsi A salah, karena memiliki makna dekat.

- Opsi C salah, Karena memiliki makna jalan.

- Opsi D salah, karena memiliki makna terganggu.

- Opsi E salah, karena memiliki makna Punah.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 8.

Soal Read the following texts and choose the correct option.

Text 1

An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers

because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise
in a particular area, such as fashion, travel, food, or technology.

Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to
their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers
are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are
now asking powerful influencers to market their products. Based on the survey, the
influencer marketing industry is expected to reach $21.2 billion worldwide in 2023.
With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no
surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too.
Text 2

If you want to be an influencer, you entail to designate your niche. Find the
specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it. Then, you need to
choose your medium and write an interesting bio. Decide which medium, such as
your own online blog, Instagram, or Snapchat. When you have done that, write an
attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting
and unique way.

You should also post frequently and consistently. Many influencers post daily on
their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow
you. Lastly, tell an interesting story. Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are
posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and assist
them connect with you.

Adapted from

According to the text, what is the first thing to do to become an influencer?

A. Grabbing many followers

B. Creating a unique bio
C. Publish content frequently
D. Record daily life
E. Find our specialized

Pembahasan Opsi E benar karena terdapat pada teks 2 bahwa hal pertama
yang dilakukan adalah mengetahui spesialisasi diri kita.

Opsi A, B, C, D salah karena tidak disebutkan teks

sebagai hal pertama yang harus dilakukan.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 9.

Soal Read the following texts and choose the correct options.

Text 1

A picture is worth a thousand words, and like text, art is often meant to be
"read" through critical deconstruction. Paintings can be much more complicated
than they appear at first glance and difficult to explain if the person viewing them
does not speak the same language.

Iconography—the symbolic language of a work of art—can be sophisticated

and complex, reflecting a collective consciousness or drawn from the artist's
personal experience. Why would someone eschew the written word in favor of paint
and canvas? 20th century American artist Edward Hopper seemed to have the
answer. “If I could put it into words,” he said, “there is no reason to paint.”

Adapted from

Text 2

As people look for hobbies to engage in, there are certain benefits they look
forward to reaping in it. Painting as a hobby has been a great way to relax. In
life, I encounter challenges and various stumbling blocks. I look for my
escape in painting so that I can breathe and think about my issues in my own
space. When I get challenges instead of overthinking, I tend to draw my energy
into painting because the brush has a vibe with me.

From the texts, it can be concluded that iconography is…

A. The symbolic language of a work of crafts

B. The symbolic language of a work of arts
C. The symbolic language of a work of paintings

D. he symbolic language of a work of painters

E. The symbolic language of a work of hobbies

Pembahasan Opsi B benar karena sudah tertulis dengan jelas disebutkan di

teks, “Iconography—the symbolic language of a work of

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 10.

Soal Read the following texts and choose the correct option.

Text 1

It is well known that people who have lived through traumatic events like
sexual assault, domestic abuse, or violent combat can experience symptoms of
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including terrifying flashbacks, severe
anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the incident. But what exactly happens
in the brains of PTSD patients as they recall these traumatic events? Are they
remembered the same way as, say, the loss of a beloved pet -- or, for that matter, a
relaxing walk on the beach?

A new study co-led by Yale researchers finds that the brain activity triggered by
recollections of traumatic experiences among people with PTSD is in fact markedly
different from that which occurs when remembering sad or "neutral" life
experiences. In the study, which involved 28 different patients diagnosed with
PTSD, researchers found that brain patterns were consistent across all individuals
when they recalled their more typical life experiences. But when reminded of
traumatic events from their past, neural responses differed significantly among the

"When people recall sad or neutral events from their past experience, the brain
exhibits highly synchronous activity among all PTSD patients," said Yale's Ilan
Harpaz-Rotem, professor of psychiatry and psychology at Yale and co-senior
author of the paper.

"They are not like memories at all."

The study, conducted with researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount

Sinai in New York, is published November 30 in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Text 2

The researchers found that activity in the hippocampus -- the area of the brain
that forms memories of our experiences -- followed similar patterns of activity
among all subjects when they were reminded of sad or relaxing experiences from
their lives, suggesting typical normal memory formation.

But when stories about their traumatic experiences were read back to them, the
similarities in hippocampal activity among the group members disappeared.
Instead, the hippocampus of each subject exhibited highly individualized and
fragmented activity, unlike the more synchronous patterns of brain activity during
normal memory formation.

The results could explain why PTSD patients have difficulty recalling traumatic
experiences in a coherent way and hints at why these past experiences can trigger
disabling symptoms, the researchers say. These insights may help
psychotherapists guide PTSD patients to develop narratives about their
experiences which may help them eliminate the sense of immediate threat caused
by their trauma, Harpaz-Rotem said. With this research, we expect the society will
become more aware and concerned about mental health.

Adapted from

Based on text 1, those who have the potential to encounter PTSD symptoms

A. People with uncontrollable thoughts

B. People who have experienced a traumatic event
C. People who don't have much time to relax
D. People who hide their feelings

E. People who cannot develop the narratives about their


Pembahasan Opsi B benar karena disebutkan pada kalimat pertama di teks

1 bahwa yang berkemungkinan mengalami PTSD adalah
orang-orang yang memiliki pengalaman traumatis. Tepatnya
pada kalimat, “…..people who have lived through traumatic
events like sexual assault, domestic abuse, or violent combat
can experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

Opsi A salah karena pada teks 1 tidak disebutkan bahwa

yang berkemungkinan mengalami PTSD adalah orang
yang tidak dapat mengontrol pikirannya. Meskipun
disebutkan mengenai uncontrollable thoughts disana
bukan mengenai orang yang berkemungkinan mengidap
Opsi C salah karena pada teks 1 tidak disebutkan bahwa
yang berkemungkinan mengalami PTSD adalah orang
yang tidak punya waktu untuk relaks.
Opsi D salah karena pada teks 1 tidak disebutkan bahwa
yang berkemungkinan mengalami PTSD adalah orang
yang memendam perasaannya.
Opsi E salah karena pada teks 1 tidak disebutkan bahwa
yang berkemungkinan mengalami PTSD adalah orang
yang tidak bisa mengembangkan narasi pengalamannya.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 11.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 3

A forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems such as noise
and dirt, which could be improved with information from Twitter. At least this is what
Enrique and Vanessa Frias Martinez believe, computer science researchers at Telephonic
Research and the University of Maryland (USA) respectively, who have suggested using
delocalized tweets for urban planning and land use.

Enrique Frias Martinez explained that delocalized tweets can be very useful source of
information for planning since it is an activity carried out by a large number of people who
provide information on where they are at a specific time and what they are doing. The
researcher points out that thanks to the increased use of smartphones, social networks like
Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to access and produce information

These networks generate tags with the event’s relocation. The new technique “automatically
determines land use in urban areas by grouping together geographical regions with similar
patterns of Twitter activity,” says the researcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the
Frias-Martinez siblings have studied land use in Manhattan, Madrid, and London. In the
first two cases they identified four uses; residential, business, daytime leisure (mainly parks
and tourist areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determined that, in Madrid, nighttime
tweet activity is concentrated on weekends and in Manhattan, on weekdays. On the other
hand, London is characterized by its tweeting activity in daytime leisure areas.

The author’s attitude of the text is …

A. Harsh

B. Neutral

C. Critical

D. indroctrinate

E. satirical

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Neutral

Pembahasan :

Teks tersebut hanyalah untuk menyampaikan informasi umum dan

disampaikan secara netral. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B.

- Opsi A salah, karena penulis tidak menggambarkan situasi

keras/terancam pada teks tersebut.

- Opsi C salah, karena penulis tidak menyatakan keadaan yang kritis

terkait teks tersebut.

- Opsi D salah, karena penulis tidak mendoktrin asumsinya ketika

memamaprkan teks tersebut, karena tidak ada kalimat yang
- Opsi E salah, karena penulis tidak menyindir pihak siapapun, disini
penulis bersikap netral.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 12.
Soal Read the following text and choose the correct option.

This book just climbed to the top as my most favourite self-help non-
fiction of the year! Totally engaging and quite convincing in how the book
makes you want to change your bad habits and adopt good one, this
book doesn't talk in a way to make you feel overwhelmed or make you
feel like everything you do is wrong or inadequate.

Alexa Lone
The book is good. I completely agree with the author on how important I
consider habits to be and habits are the cornerstone of your life. My
criticism I have of this book is that it could have been even shorter. The
last few chapters under “Advanced Tactics” that deal with the topic of
mastery were the weakest in the book. While there is an obvious
connection between habits and mastery, trying to tie in a topic as
complex as mastery was perhaps too ambitious.

Sarah Kamjou
This is the only book on 'habits' you should read. It lays out all the rules
of changing/developing habits in a simple, straightforward way and gets
right to the point without a bunch of rambling and seemingly unrelated
filler chapters like some other self-development books I've read.

Greg S
A book worth reading once a year. Sure enough. I met my goal and
started to become consistently ranked. Atomic Habits is all about shifting
your dreams and wishful thinking into knowing exactly where you want to
be and making a plan to get there.

Adapted from

The opposite word for “inadequate” in Talitha’s comment is…

A. Sufficient
B. Deficient
C. Incompetent
D. Insufficient

E. Not enough

Pembahasan Opsi A benar karena inadequate sendiri berarti tidak memadai

dan arti dari Sufficient adalah memadai. Oleh karena itu,
inadequate dan sufficient adalah kata yang berlawanan.
Opsi B salah karena arti deficient adalah kurang
memadai, berarti serupa dengan inadequate.
Opsi C salah karena arti incompetent adalah tidak
kompeten, berarti serupa dengan inadequate.
Opsi D salah karena arti insufficient adalah kurang
memadai, berarti serupa dengan inadequate.
Opsi E salah karena arti not enough adalah tidak cukup,
berarti serupa dengan inadequate.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 13.

Soal One day, Daisy decided to buy Donald a new hat. “Your hat is out fashion!” She said,
“Come on, I’ll buy a new one.” Donald knew that Daisy was right, so she agreed to go to a
hat shop. As she went in, Daisy took off his old hat, “Hey, what’s going on?” Asked Donald.
“I’m taking off your old hat because it’s so ugly. We don’t want the assistant to see you
wearing it, do we? Said Daisy. Donald just said, “Err…no…I mean, you’re right, we don’t.”

In fact, Donald was very found of his old hat, although he didn’t mind getting a new one if
Daisy paid for us it. The trouble was this: there wasn’t any hat in the shop that Donald like.
He tried many hats, but he felt that all hats looked silly on him.

The shop assistant was getting tired in serving Donald, but he took another hat and showed
it to him.”What about this one, Sir? I am sure you’ll like it.” “I quite agree!” said Donald
happily. Do you know why? Because the hat looked exactly the same as his old one! Poor
Daisy, she wasn’t very happy, but she had to pay for the hat. She promised she would buy a
new hat for Donald, didn’t she ?

What is the main idea of the passage ?

A. Daisy like Donald’s old hat

B. Daisy like Donald’s new hat

C. Donald wanted to change his old hat

D. Daisy wanted to buy Donald a new hat

E. Donald asked Daisy to buy him a new hat

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Daisy wanted to buy Donald a new hat

Soal : Apa gagasan utama dari bagian itu?

Pembahasan: Pikiran utama paragraph yaitu Daisy ingin membelikan

Donald topi baru (Daisy wanted to buy Donald a new hat)

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya itu Daisy menyukai topi lama Donald

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya itu Daisy menyukai topi baru Donald

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya itu Donald ingin mengganti topi lamanya

Opsi D (benar)

Artinya itu Daisy ingin membelikan Donald topi baru

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Donald meminta Daisy untuk membelikannya topi baru

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 14.

Soal Non verbal communication is defined as communication between people by means other
than speech. Non verbal communication (NVC) derived from one following major sources :
eye contact (amount looking at another person’s body and face), mouth(especially smiling
or grimacing in relation to eye contact), posture (for example, sitting forwards of
backward), gesture (as with the use of arm movements when talking), orientation of the
body to the to the address, body distance (as when we stand to close or too far away from
others, smell (including perfumes), skin( including pigmentation, blushing and texture) hair
(including length, texture and style), clothes ( with particular references to fashion).

Non-verbal communication is no quite the same as body language because any claim about
a language must refer to an agreed and identifiable grammar and syntax. NVC is not always
so precise or advanced: the vocabulary of non verbal sign is more limited than speech. Even
so, it is a mistake to consider NVC as isolated from speech . instead some complex
interaction envisaged between word and body signal and one is not always complementary.
Imagine yourself interviewing job applicants. You might not offer employment to a
candidate who refuses to look at you, always frowns, hunches both shoulders, sweats a lot
and has a Mohican haircut- despite the fact that he or she gives thoughtful and interesting
replies to your questions.

Take eye contact as an example for discussion. Mutual eye contact (where both people look
into each other’s eyes) can be a sign of linking but prolonged gaze leads to discomfort. The
directed eye contact victims a code of looking, where eye contact is frequently broken but
returned to and leads to depersonalization of the victim because an aggressor deliberately
breaks the rules which the victim address to. Eye contact is often enhanced by size of
pupils, eyebrow inflection and movement, and smiling.

According to the text, the fact NVC…

A. Does not have established rules

B. Has an identifiable grammar

C. May be derived from hair color

D. Is isolated in language study

E. Is more complicated than body language

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Does not have established rules

Soal : Menurut teks, fakta dari NVC ...

Pembahasan: Menurut teks fakta dari NVC adalah tidak memiliki aturan
yang tetap (Does not have established rules). Informasi tersebut tersirat
pada paragraf kedua, baris ke empat

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya yaitu Tidak memiliki aturan yang ditetapkan

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya yaitu Memiliki tata bahasa yang dapat diidentifikasi

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya yaitu Mungkin berasal dari warna rambut

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu Terisolasi dalam studi bahasa

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya yaitu Lebih rumit dari bahasa tubuh

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 15.

Soal In studying the phenomenon usually referred to as sleep, we are actually dealing with more
than one phenomenon. In point of fact, we spend the night alternating between two different
types of sleep, each with different brain mechanism and different purposes.

As a person falls asleep, his brain waves develop a slower and less regular pattern than in
waking state. This is called orthodox sleep. In this state the brain is apparently resting. This
blood supply is reduced, and its temperature falls slightly. Breathing of heart rate are
regular. The muscles remain slightly tensed. After about an hour in this state, however, the
brain waves begin to show a more active pattern again, even though the person is apparently
asleep very deeply. This is called paradoxical sleep because it has much in common with
being awake.

Paradoxical (active) sleep in marked by irregular breathing and heart rate, increased blood
supply to the brain, and increased brain temperature. Most of the muscles are relaxed. There
are various jerky movements of the body and face, including short burst of rapid eye
movement, which indicate, that we are dreaming. Thus, we spend the night alternating
between these two vital ‘restoration jobs’ : working on the brain an working on the body.

It seems that our brain gets some rest...

A. After several hours of sleeping

B. During the orthodox sleep

C. Before and after the orthodox sleep

D. When we wake up from sleeping

E. During the paradoxical sleep

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. During the orthodox sleep

Soal : Tampaknya otak kita dapat beristirahat ketika ...

Pembahasan: Pada paragraf 2 kalimat 2 dan 3 dinyatakan “This is called

orthodox sleep. In this state the brain is appently resting.”Jadi otak kita
beristirahat selama orthodox sleep.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya Setelah beberapa jam tidur

Opsi B (benar)
Artinya Selama mengalami tidur ortodoks

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Sebelum dan sesudah tidur ortodoks

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya Saat kita bangun dari tidur

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Selama tidur paradoks

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 16.

Soal In studying the phenomenon usually referred to as sleep, we are actually dealing with more
than one phenomenon. In point of fact, we spend the night alternating between two different
types of sleep, each with different brain mechanism and different purposes.

As a person falls asleep, his brain waves develop a slower and less regular pattern than in
waking state. This is called orthodox sleep. In this state the brain is apparently resting. This
blood supply is reduced, and its temperature falls slightly. Breathing of heart rate are
regular. The muscles remain slightly tensed. After about an hour in this state, however, the
brain waves begin to show a more active pattern again, even though the person is apparently
asleep very deeply. This is called paradoxical sleep because it has much in common with
being awake.

Paradoxical (active) sleep in marked by irregular breathing and heart rate, increased blood
supply to the brain, and increased brain temperature. Most of the muscles are relaxed. There
are various jerky movements of the body and face, including short burst of rapid eye
movement, which indicate, that we are dreaming. Thus, we spend the night alternating
between these two vital ‘restoration jobs’ : working on the brain an working on the body.

The two different types of sleep are characterized by different…

A. Lengths of sleep

B. Degrees of soundness

C. Sleep movements

D. Brain wave pattern

E. Eye movements

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Brain wave pattern

Soal : Dua jenis tidur yang berbeda ditandai dengan…

Pembahasan: Pada paragraf pertama kalimat terkahir menyatakan “each

with different brain mechanism and different purposes.” Makna kalimat
tersebut adalah kedua jenis tidur yang berbeda di tandai dengan
gelonmbang otak yang berbeda

Opsi A (salah)

Arti kata ini adalah Durasi tidur

Opsi B (salah)

Arti kata ini adalah tingkat Kesehatan

Opsi C (salah)

Arti kata ini adalah pergerakan tidur

Opsi D ( benar)

Arti kata ini adalah Pola gelombang otak

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kata ini adalah Gerakan mata

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 17.

Soal Interns – college students or recent graduates who work for a company in exchange for the
opportunity to gain work experience can be a great asset to any company, whether large or

Some companies complain that interns are a drain on their resources. Because of their lack
of experience, interns may require close supervision and lots of support. However, the
anthusiasm, energy, and creativity they bring to the workplace can more than make up for
this. Really, good interns can become permanent staff members, and the advantage is that
they will already be familiar with the work and the company. Interns are far more than a just
a supply of unpaid help. They have many positive contribution to make.

The word asset in line 3 is closest in meaning to...

A. experience

B. money

C. education

D. friend

E. benefit

Pembahasan Jawaban: E


Kata yang mempunyai arti yang sama dengan asset adalah kata benefit.
Asset sendiri artinya pemasukan atau dengan kata lain keuntungan

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya pengalaman

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya uang

Opsi C (Salah)
Artinya pendidikan

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya teman

Opsi E (Benar)

Artinya keuntungan

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 18.

Soal (1) Child development refers to the biological, psychological, and emotional changes that
occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual
progresses from independency to increasing autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a
predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child. (3) It does not progress at
the same rate and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. (4) Because
these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events
during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the
study of child development. (5) Child care programs present a critical opportunity for
promotion of child development. (6) Developmental change may occur as a result of
genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of human nature and
our ability to learn from our environment.

Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?

A. Sentence 2

B. Sentence 3

C. Sentence 4

D. Sentence 5

E. Sentence 6

Pembahasan Jawaban: D


Pertanyaannya adalah kalimat yang mana yang tidak relevan dengan

topic tersebut. Topik yang tidak relevan atau tidak sesuai adalah kalimat
ke 5. Karena kalimat ke 5 tersebut bukan menceritakan perkembangan
anak tapi program pengasuhan anak jadi tidak selaras.

Opsi A (Salah)

Opsi B (Salah)

Opsi C (Salah)

Opsi D (Benar)

Opsi E (Salah)

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 19.
Soal Wind energy is produced by the movement of air and converted into power for human use.
Wind has been used as a source of energy for more than a thousand years, but was replaced
by fossil fuels for much of the 20th century. Today, wind is making a comeback as a source
of electricity and power.

Wind energy is produced with wind turbines—tall, tubular towers with blades rotating at the
top. When the wind turns the blades, the blades turn a generator and create electricity. Wind
turbines can have a horizontal or vertical axis. The turbines do not actually produce wind
energy. The blades turn, convert the energy of wind into rotational energy, a form of
mechanical energy, and this energy is in turn converted into electrical energy.

Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) are the most familiar type of electricity-producing
windmill. Most have three large blades that spin parallel to their towers, where the main
rotor and generator are located. Most HAWT arrays are painted white, to promote visibility
to low-flying aircraft. This type of turbines can be much bigger than their vertical

Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have varied, unusually shaped blades that rotate in
complete circles around their tower. The main rotor and generator are located near the
ground, making maintenance easier and less expensive. VAWTs do not have to be upwind to
generate electricity. Vertical-axis wind turbines can be much smaller than their horizontal
counterparts. Standing only 5 meters (15 feet) tall, these VAWTs can be installed on the
roofs of buildings.

Turbines cannot operate at every wind speed. If winds are too strong, they can be damaged.
Therefore, the turbine has an automatic controller that turns on when winds are blowing at
prime speed for generating electricity. This speed is usually 13 to 90 kilometers per hour (8
to 55 miles per hour). If the winds become stronger than that, the controller turns the turbine


The author mentions thirteen to ninety kilometers in paragraph 5 to indicate that….

A. it is the minimum distance between turbines

B. ninety kilometers is the fastest wind speed

C. thirteen kilometers is the slowest wind speed

D. winds may turn the turbines off in those speed range

E. turbines can only operate at those wind speed range

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. turbines can only operate at those wind speed range


Arti soal: “Penulis menyebukan tiga belas sampai Sembilan puluh

kilometer dalam paragaraf 5 untuk menunjukan bahwa….”

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu memahami dan membaca paragraf 5,
terutama pada bagian yang menyebutkan tiga belas sampai Sembilan
puluh kilometer untuk selanjutnya menentukan mengapa hal tersebut
disebutkan dalam teks. Berikut paragraf 5:

“Turbines cannot operate at every wind speed. If winds are too strong,
they can be damaged. Therefore, the turbine has an automatic controller
that turns on when winds are blowing at prime speed for generating
electricity. This speed is usually 13 to 90 kilometers per hour (8 to 55
miles per hour). If the winds become stronger than that, the controller
turns the turbine off.”

“Turbin tidak dapat beroperasi pada setiap kecepatan angin. Jika angin
terlalu kencang, mereka bisa rusak. Oleh karena itu, turbin memiliki
pengontrol otomatis yang menyala ketika angin bertiup dengan kecepatan
prima untuk menghasilkan listrik. Kecepatan ini biasanya 13 hingga 90
kilometer per jam (8 hingga 55 mil per jam). Jika angin menjadi lebih
kuat dari itu, pengontrol mematikan turbin.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebutan 13 sampai

90 kilometer dalam teks bertujuan untuk menunjukan bahwa dalam
kecepatan angin tersebut turbin dapat bekerja untuk menghasilkan listrik.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Hal tersebut adalah jarak minimum antar turbin. Opsi A salah
karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: Sembilan puluh kilometer adalah kecepatan angin yang tercepat.

Opsi B salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: Tiga belas kilometer adalah kecepatan angina paling lambat .

Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Angin dapat mematikan turbin dalam rentang kecepatan

tersebut. Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (BENAR)

Artinya: Turbin hanya dapat beroperasi pada retang kecepatan angina

tersebut. Opsi E benar karena sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Nomor 20.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D OR E!

Text 4

(1) The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise most of the time. But even there, nature can
sometimes show its more violent side. The islands have been bit by numerous natural
disasters in the recent past. These disasters have caused deaths and great damage.

(2) Through all of Hawaii’s history, volcanoes have played an important part. The islands
were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean. In the big island of Hawaii, the
volcanoes continue to erupt. During an eruption, hot lava pours out of the top of a volcano
and down the side. The red, hot lava covers everything in its path. The air is filled with
smoke and horrible smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous.

(3) Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are a natural part of life. In their traditional
religion, volcanoes are ruled by the goddess, Pele. When Pele is angry, the volcanoes erupt.
Before an eruption she takes a human from. If you meet her and are kind to her, you will not
be hurt by the lava. Today, Hawaiians have forgotten most of the ancient gods, but not Pele.
They continue to honor her and her volcanoes.

(4) Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave, or tsunami. Unlike
volcanoes, tsunamis come from far away under the ocean. When an earthquake occurs
underwater, it creates huge waves. If these waves hit land, they destroy everything along the

(5) These days, all of the Hawaiian Islands have special signals to warn of tsunamis. When
the signal sounds, everyone knows it is time to run. They must try to get as far as from the
seashore as possible.

It can be concluded that tsunamis are caused by ....

A. Volcanic eruptions

B. Strong winds far out at sea

C. Rain storms in the Pacific Ocean

D. everything along the coast

E. underwater earthquakes

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. underwater earthquakes


Kata kunci nya adalah tsunami, come from. Dari kalimat ... tsunamis
come from far away under the ocean. When an earthquake occurs
underwater, it creates huge waves. (tsunami berasal dari jauh di bawah
laut. Ketika sebuah gempa terjadi di bawah laut, ia menimbulkan
gelombang yang besar) bisa diketahui bahwa tsunami disebabkan oleh
gempa bawah laut atau underwater earthquakes. Maka jawaban yang
tepat adalah opsi E.

- Opsi A salah, karena letusan gunung berapi bukan penyebab terjadinya


- Opsi B salah, karena angin kencang jauh di laut adalah kejadian air
pasar, dan ini tidak menyebabkan tsunami.

- Opsi C salah, karena pada teks tersebut tidak disebutkan adanya hujan
badai Samudera Pasifik, karena memang hujan badai tidak menyebabkan
terjadinya tsunami.

- Opsi D salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks, dan tidak spesifik.

Materi Literasi Bahasa Inggris

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