Lesson 22 Consolidation SC

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Subject : English Class: Time: Duration: 60 mins

Theme : World Of CCE: Language and

Focus skill: Speaking Date:
Knowledge Patriotism
Language/Grammar Focus: Present simple tense ‘to be’: Is / Are
Topic : Towns and Cities
there…? How many?; Quantifiers: some, any
Teaching aids: Textbook, worksheet. 21st Century Learning: Pair work, class discussion, presentation.
Differentiation strategy (DS) : Learning preferences and
Assessment: Task, observation.
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly
M 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies C for a range of purposes in print and digital
4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects
M . C
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
using suitable statements
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to ask and answer at least four questions about their town or city in pairs.

C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write at least four answers to the questions about their town or city.
Pupils can ask and answer at least four questions about their town and city.
SC Pupils can write about their town and city.
1. Write on board ‘There is…’, ‘There are…’.
2. With books closed, ask pupils what they can remember about the Oasis of the Seas.
3. Asks: Is there a park? Are there any trees? How many swimming pools are there?
4. Elicit answers.
5. Activity 1:
a. Distribute worksheet. Slowly read aloud Rules in box. (Act 2 SB pg 15)
b. Pause after each one and ask: Is it… or is it….?
c. Pupils say the correct word or phrase for each rule.
6. Activity 2:
a. Write on board sentence starters to respond to questions about where pupils live. (Act 3 SB pg 15) e.g. ‘Yes,
there’s a/an…’, ‘No, there isn’t a/an …’, ‘Yes, there are…’, ‘No, there aren’t any…’.
b. Pupils make questions by matching 1-6 with a-f then compare their questions in pairs. (DS)
c. Elicit the correct questions from the class.
d. Pupils then write answers about their town or city and compare their answers in pairs. (Assessment)
Lesson delivery
e. Elicit answers from the class.
7. Activity 3:
a. Pupils complete the questions individually then compare their answers in pairs. (Act 4 SB pg. 15)
b. Elicit the correct questions from the class.
c. Pupils ask and answer the questions in pairs. (DS)
d. Check answers by choosing five pairs to ask and answer a question aloud.
e. Find out if any answers are different.
f. Ask: How can you find out the answer to question 5? (online, ask the teacher)
g. If time permits, pupils repeat the oral question and answer but talking about a city of their choice, e.g. Kuala
Lumpur, Singapore
8. Pupils in small groups agree on two new things they’d like to have in the place where they live.
Post lesson 9. They write them down.
10. Find out three most popular, exciting new things class would like in their town, city or village.
a. ___ /___ pupils are able to achieve the stipulated learning objective. Lesson postpone:
b. ___ /___ pupils are not able to achieve the stipulated learning objectives and a. Course c. CRK
they are given remedial activities / enrichment activities.
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
Other :


Activity 1: Choose the correct words in the rules.

1. We use some / any in questions.
2. We use Yes, there is and No, there isn’t with singular nouns /
plural nouns.
3. We use How many ………………….? with singular nouns /

Activity 2: Match 1-6 with a-f to make questions. Then write

answers about your town and city.

1. Is there a a. people are there?

2. Are there b. a good school?
3. Is there an c. sports centre?
4. How many d. bridges?
5. Is there e. old part?
6. Are there any f. any five-start hotels?

Write your answers to the questions here.

Yes, there’s a/an …… Yes, there are ……

No, there isn’t a/an No, there aren’t any

1. ______________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________


6. ______________________________________________________


Activity 3: Complete the questions with Is there

………………………. ? Are there ………………………………. ?
and How many ……………………….. ?. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.

1. _________________________ any trees in your town or city?


2. _________________________ a park or a sports centre?


3. _________________________ swimming pools are there?

4. _________________________ any exciting places for young

5. _________________________ people live in your town or city?


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