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Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Contact No. (043) 289-7056 e-mail address:



The aim of Assessment is to understand and improve students’ learning as it determine

whether or not the course's learning objectives have been met. Assessing the progress of every
student is always supported by data from the results of their learning output. These data must
be secure and recorded properly to ensure that the student’s output is recognized.

The teacher may employ various ways of evaluating student’s progress, and methods will
vary depending on the learning outcome to be measured. In this process teachers are faced
with a lot of paper works relative to the learners’ learning output and needs help. It will be to
your advantage to assist your resource teacher in checking and recording the students’
learning outputs since you will learn first hand how assessment is done by teachers.


At the end of this episode the student should be able to:
1. assist in assessing learning performance; and
2. demonstrate skill in the application of different types of assessment.


Your cooperating teacher will used rubrics in evaluation the quality of student’s constructed
responses to questions especially essays. Study well and take note of the evaluation criteria
for scoring the learning outputs both in written works or performance task.

1. Familiarization with Rubrics or Scoring Guides.

2. Defining the Parameters of Learning performance.

Make a table of the learning performance that your cooperating teacher would like to assess.
List down the outputs that are assigned to you.

Learning Performance Parts to Correct Time table for Checking

1. Speech Whole part 8:30 am -1:50 pm

3. Categorizing Learning Outputs

Go over the learning outputs that you have assisted your CT in checking. Record them under
the following categories.

Learning Formative Summative Written Works Performance

Output Tasks
1. Pre- test /
2. Post- test /
3. Written /
4. Speech /

Guide Questions:
1. Do you find using or having rubric/scoring guide useful when you checked student’ s
learning output? Why?

Using rubrics or scoring guides when checking students' learning output can be highly
beneficial. These tools provide a clear and structured way to assess and evaluate
students' work, ensuring consistency and fairness in grading. Additionally, rubrics can
help students understand the expectations and criteria for success, enabling them to
improve their work and meet the desired learning outcomes.

Rubrics offer a standardized framework for assessing student learning output. They
outline specific criteria and levels of performance, allowing teachers to objectively
evaluate each aspect of the assignment. This eliminates subjective biases and ensures
that all students are evaluated on the same set of criteria. With a rubric, teachers can
provide feedback that is specific and constructive, highlighting areas of strength and
areas for improvement. This feedback not only helps students understand their
performance but also guides them in their future learning and assignments.

2. In your experiences in assisting your CT in checking students' learning outputs, what

problems did you come across in correcting students' portfolio, projects, and other learning

Correcting students' portfolios, projects, and other learning outputs can be a

challenging task for educators.

One problem that educators may encounter when correcting students' portfolios,
projects, and other learning outputs is the lack of clarity or understanding of the
assignment instructions. Students may misinterpret or misunderstand the
requirements, leading to incomplete or In addition, another problem that educators
may face when correcting students' portfolios, projects, and other learning outputs is
the issue of plagiarism. With easy access to information on the internet, some students
may resort to copying and pasting content without proper citation or acknowledgment.
This not only undermines the originality and integrity of the work but also hinders the
student's ability to learn and develop their skills. Detecting and addressing plagiarism
requires careful examination and comparison of the student's work with existing
sources, which can be time-consuming and challenging for educators.

Furthermore, a common challenge in correcting students' portfolios, projects, and

other learning outputs is the issue of subjective evaluation. Different educators may
have varying opinions and In conclusion, correcting students' portfolios, projects, and
other learning outputs can present a range of challenges for educators. These
challenges include misunderstanding of assignment instructions, issues of plagiarism,
and subjective evaluation. To address these problems, educators must provide clear
and detailed instructions, promote academic integrity through education and
awareness, and establish fair and transparent evaluation criteria.

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