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Abu Turab
The State, through Hafiza Hafsa
Case FIR No.560, dated 14/07/22, offences under section 279 PPC, 337G PPC and 114 PPC
Application under section 512 Cr.PC, to proceeds trial in absence of accused.

Respectfully sheweath,
That the main accused in the above titled case is Abu Turab who is behind the bar since …
That Muhamad Afzal S/o of Abdul Ghafoor is the co-accused in the instant case.
That Muhamad Afzal was nominated as a co-accused in the Challan submitted dated …
28/08/22……, under section 114 of PPC.
That both the challan of main accused and co-accused was merged together by this honorable
court, on the request of the complainant on dated …18/10/23…………., for the convenience of
the court and both the parties.
That the date was fixed by this honorable court for framing of charge against the co-accused on
That opportunity was granted to the co-accused to present himself before the honorable court, so
that the charge be framed and trial proceedings be initiated.
That the co-accused did not cooperate with this honorable court and started to create hurdles in
the continuation of fair trial, hence warrant of arrest was issued by this honorable court on
previous date.
That the non-obedience of the court order by the co-accused also violates fundamental right of
the main accused, that the trial must be conducted without unreasonable delay as guaranteed by
constitution under article 10-A. of the Islamic Republic of Pkistan.

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