Recommended Scaffolding Erection Procedure

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RECOMMENDED SCAFFOLDING ERECTION PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION Ts guide hasbeen prepared by he Scone, Shoring & fs ercos, an wes for the rer we of scaling eupment "Seas Safes Rules pbs by he site “Howl eed inconjnction within a wel a he ston forthe nef aon proded he maior Styprcotonondrquroments peril stat and Feel agencies icing OSHA, mrtolonedaeliner and ‘enon werking wielding tem should be equiped th regu sae dies. NOMENCLATURE 1. Accessories —Thaee items otertn frames and bres ted ofits te consrton of eafoding towers and stveties, [Adjustment Serew-Dovico composed of «threaded sow and an adjusting handle used forthe vercal ‘jusment of the sealfoding Be Pate—A device used to dtrite the leg load ‘Climbing Ladders—A separate adder atached to te Scaffolding sractre or but int the seafTld fame. CCasters-Whess of stable dimension and wit de ‘Signed to atach othe bse of wer and containing & ake o prevent the wheal fom rating 6. Coupling Pin—Device edo gn ar connects or tiers together vera 1. Cross-bracing Stem ofmonbers connecting ames ‘oc panels of scaffolding to makea ower sructre, Extension Deve Any device sed to obtain vertical djsimentofsaffollng other thinanadjustmentsre. 9. Factor of Safety—the rato of ultimate ood w the Allowable load 10, Frame or Panel+—theprncpa pefibrieated, welded strvctral it 1, Guardrail ri secred o uprights an erected along the exposed sides and ends of pliers 12, Horizontal Diagonal Bracing Diagonal bres ran- ning herizontlly between rams of scaffolding 1, Lifts oF Ters*—The number af flames stacked one shove ech other in direction 14 Locking Device —A deve ust t secure the ross brace to he panel 1, Patlg or Trass—A separate hrizontal loud earying 16, Rolling Towers—A composite structure of frames, races, platforms, guards, and accesories supported by casters, 1, Safe Leg Load That load which can sal be dietly ‘imposed oa the fame lee 18 Safe Seaffold Frame Horizontal Member Load— ‘That load which can safely be directly imposed on a borzontal member, 19, Scaffolding Layout—An engineered drawing prepared ior to ereton showing rangement of equipment for ‘opr scaffolding we 20, Side Bracket—A cantilevered arm wnt, supported by the scaffolding me 21, Sill or Mud Sil*—A feting, willy wood, which sisuibues the vertical leg lads othe ground 20, Ties—A tension compression member sed securely attach scffld to a str, 28, Tocboard-—A bare svured along the sides and ends of plato to guard against the fling of materi 24, Towers. composite stuctur of frames, braces, and 25. Uninte Lond—The sonimo load wich my be placed onthe saffoling casing faire by buckling ot ‘olurn members or yeling of some component “+ These ems canbe used synonymous INSPECTION OF SCAFFOLDING EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO ERECTION ‘The tyee sin areas of inpocion ate for consion, strighiness of members and welds. This applies 10 a ‘components of scaffolding system, 1 "CORROSION Heatly rusted or todo seafTl ‘equipment ia elle sin of abuse o eget. 2. STRAIGHTNESS OF MEMBERS Mishandiing, tricking and storing may cause dutags to seaoling ‘suipmentAllscaffoldingcomponentshouldbestaight fd foe fom bends ik dents 3. WELDS Equipmeatshouldbechockad before use for damaged welts and any piece of equipment showing damaged wes orreweling beyond the original factory ‘weld should ot be used. The factory weld reference pertains oloestion and quality of evel While CORROSION, STRAIGHTNESS, nd WELDS. se ofprimary concer ether component parts shouldbe shocked. 4 Locking devices on fame and races shall be in good working de, and ft must be repaired o placed prior tose 5. Coupling pins mse effctively align the fame o panel Tees 6, Pivotederossbraesmust have the center pivotsccuely in place 7. Caster Brakes sl bein god working order andi ot ‘must be repaired or replaced peor ous. SAFE BEARING LOADS FOR SOILS Considering hat thllowabl loads (bering) on various soils and rock range fom les than 1,000 p10 move than 51,000 pst. care should he exercised in determining the capaci ofthe sol for every scaffolding job, realizing that ‘weather conditions can turn an otherwise suitable ground onditionntoahaatdous station, Avanexample, dey lay ‘vith an allowable bearing capacity of 8,000 pst. could become very plas afterarunfalladdrop totes than, 000 pst (Cae shold aso be taken not to xcesively dst the soil If seid in areas wher setflding is wed, & ‘jualiiedenginer should be conse as to materals and compaction FOUNDATIONS ‘The purpose of good foundation or mod sill co itt the satfoldng lod over suitable ground are. ‘The size ofthe footing oils deterained by te total oad ‘amied overs particular ground ares ind bythe nature oF he ‘sl supporing these sil. ‘Thevotal ead shouldbe compute andthe sills desiened “When scaffolding fom earth or il the areas shoud be leveled and thesis spaced in pater assuring ‘aqua ably fr al scaffolding leg. ERECTION OF FRAMES ‘Thoworkof erecting the scffldag shouldbe underthe supervision of person with prope experiences pide {or scouring a Ste iasllation and who is familie wit all, [oealStateand Federal Regulations cenceng satolding, ‘se well a he SFT SaffoldingSafey Rules Tesallbe the responsibly ofthepersonsuperising the rection ofthe scffldtoseetatllesmponeneand locking ‘devices rein working onder, nd no damaged or dterioted fquipmen is used inthe setup. Spould any sealing ocome damaged afler the equipment has been erected ‘workmen shal not be allowed on ste unl tho damaged items have Bea epired or replaced "Advanced planing wile theercetion of scaffolding to progres smoothly, The equipmen sbould be unloaded as close othe area of se as posible and shouldbe arranged in {heouderitistobeused. Adjstmentsrews should beset to ‘hele approsinate final adjusinent efor seing up the Scaffolding. Atthstine,apersonsheuldcheck ose that all panels which require coupling pins have them, Const ‘fey les as fesommended by the insite ‘Aer erecting their tier of seal frames, plumb and Tevet (asing instruments) al frames so that io mates how igh she ia scafoding sep, th adtonal frames will slsobe in corres sigament [As eesti proceeds, securely te all seafolng tthe ssrytue at the ends and at ast every 37 horizontally, and athoight intorals otto exced® 4 teste minimum base ‘imenson, Freestanding seafold towers must be restained from Gpping hy guyingorsthermesns. Genel ome must bo fastened together at coupling pins where theresa possi- bility of ui. "When saiolds ae to be partly o fll enclosed, specifi precautions must be taken ase requeny a. “cy os ataching theseafoligtotebuildingdueto ineresed oad condos resulting fm effects of wind and eather. The scaffolding eompones to which the ties are ‘Machod must lobe checked fr aditona loads. ‘When erecting aditon i, ays work fom plank ing placed within the scald strvtre. Move planking as ‘section progresses. PLANKING AND ACCESSORIES ‘Useonylrberthatispropety inspected graded for se assaf plank, Planking ll ave at east 12° of overlap and extend ‘beyond esate of support orbe cleatedatbothendsto prevent sling off support. Do potallow unsuppoted ends olan twextndbeyondsopports. Ser plank toseaoing when soceeay ‘All Scaffold accessories sll be used and installed in sccordnce with the manures recommended proce: Altes, Accessorie stall not be altered nthe fed, ‘Wen ising hanger or clamp supported putloss (ruses) care shouldbe akon a seed hey extend at east {6 beyond the point of suppor. Also, make se tht the proper bracing placedbetweenpullogs (uses). When the pn between supporting members is more than 12” adi ‘onal bracing Between he aloes sss) athe supp ing member may be requied. Do net cantilever or extend plop (uses) as side rackets without Thorough consid tion for lads to be apled or asmied the sao ‘When clamping ptogs, clap capacity may contol aher ‘han pslog espa Consult scaffold manufacture. “Allbrickets should be seed corel with side back ts parallel tothe frames ap the end rackets a 90 degrees {0 te frame, Brackets shallot be Bet or twisted fom mal poston, "Equpal plankodorstaged areas wth proper guard ils ed ad tocoards when rogue FINAL AND DAILY INSPECTION OF ERECTED SCAFFOLDING ‘The following ialistofehock poinstobe covered when making a fn and ily inspostion of eatflding rie wo {ts Allponts should be carly checked fo insure sale sd accident job and be periodically rechecked TF Check to soe that ier is proper supportunde very eg of every frame on the Job." Check also for posible ‘washout de tan, 2, Checktomakecersinthatllbaseplates ndajustment screw are in fim contact with thie supports All ‘adjustment aus should be smug aginst the legs of the frame 41, Frames shouldbe checked for plumbress ia bs die 4. Itheeis a gap between the lower end ofone frame and the upper end of another fame i indicates tat ene adjustment sere must be adjusted tong he ames in contact. thisdoes not el itindcates the fame sot ff quae and shouldbe replaced 5, Eno leg ofeach fame shouldbe ros beaced to the corresponding leg ofthe nex fame 1, While checking the cross braces ls check the locking device toassre hat they aealin heir elased position forth they areal tight 17. Cheek to beeen tht al planking and acessories are roped installed 8, Check tomake ecrtain all es are seared beeen dhe strstr and the satoldng PAGE? OF 9. Check tobe certain ll guard as rein place 10, Ir seafoaing is enclosed cece to se that additonal precautions ave been taken noted in Section of Erection. Recheck psiodialy es, clamps, et, for 1H, Insure tha ae scoess to work latforn() is provided. DISMANTLING OF SCAFFOLDING ‘The work of dismantling scfllcng shouldbe under the sopension of an individual sith aroper experience and apliude. The following shouldbe chserved while isan te “Check to ste if scaffolding hasten strata altered in any way which would make 1 unsafe, and If so reconstruct whsre necessary bore commencing with the dismantling procedures. 2. Dismal scaffold fom the op down. Begin by remov- ing all scoesores from hat Ui Seng demu the 3. Always work fom aminimumoftwoplankplaedonthe Ser of fames Yalow thse boing removed. Move the linking down as damning prosresses 4 Donstemove tes unt dsmantng has ached the tee ‘o which they are tached 5, Aways stay within the inside the ealfold Do no climb on th outside for any reson when dismantling Do not eli oa tes, braces o anbraced ames. {6 Only remove fastening devices fom bottom of frames bing moved 7. Lower scalfoding components ina safe manners they aedixmaniled. Avoid dropping or thong the compo- ents as this could result in daa 1 the equipeent injury to petsoanel below. ERECTION OF ROLLING TOWERS When erecting ellngseafodingrowers, the folowing ‘addtional items apply. These items are ination to the ‘olen pri ofthe resign Caster should be of adequate lad capacity nd si in ‘elton the eight of ietower the sarc over which the tower is to be used and fy accordance with all fovernment, slate and local cod ordinances, andre lations Casters wth plain stems shall beataced tthe panel oe Mjusiment sere by pins or the suitable meats. 2. Do not extend adjusting srews n olling towers more 3, Theplatform high shall not exced” four (4) times the smallest bce dimension unless puyed or therise sab lized 4. Hoyizoal diagonal braces should be used near the tom, lopandat A intervals measured fomtheroling sures When side brackets are used, emsideration should be von oe overtusnig effect hse brackets will have "pon the sibility ofthe rover Cross brace every lif-boh sides Insall guardrails. {Plank according o Plank and Accessories Section of Ereton Procedure + EXCEPTIONS: Thre mes in Califor, Ohio, Oregon, ‘Montane, Mane; 3-12 ties in Washington. FINAL INSPECTION OF ROLLING TOWERS The fllowing addtional points shouldbe checked when making ial inspection of olin seaTod towers rir «2 theiruse. These porns areinaddtiontotheappiable tems covered under the preceding section etiled, "Final Inspec= tion of Erected Setfolding” 1." Check to see that the platform height Joes nt exceed {our (4) timer the mallet Base cimension ane the towers prpenlyguved raters stabilizes 2. Check 1 see that, ifadjsingsrews have been use they arent extended more than 12 2, Check tomakesuethecasterbrakesarein good working ‘onditionandareapled when oer isnt being maved 44. Inspect to make sure horizontal diagonal racing has boon placed sear the Bodom, top, and at 20" intervals eased fom the roling surface. A hook on manafac- tured platform propery attached tthe tp frame maybe equivalent othe top horizoatal diagonal brace 5. Cross racing has been installed on bac ides of every hi, (6. Checethe ares in which the tower isto be sed tinue there are no obstations iter in, 0, o above the oor ‘which wil inerfere with he proper apd safe use ofthe rolling tower. 1. Cheek for guard 8 Chectosce that al planks and fabricated platforms are rope nse 9, Insre that sae access to work platform) is provided [REFER TO SCAFFOLDING, SHORING & FORMING INSTITUTE SCAFFOLDING SAFETY RULES BEFORE USINGSCAFFOLDING. “The procedures outlined in this Guide describe convetional procedures foreectingand dismantling scaffoldingsystens. However, equipment and systems die an, accordingly, fefernce must alays bemade othe iastuctions and proce

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