Activity 4.

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Activity 4:

1. From the experience reiterated, what challenges met?

 The challenges faced during the teaching experience in the multiage setting at the small
community church in Los Baños, Laguna include:
 Lack of formal teaching training and experience.
 Insufficient instructional materials and lack of knowledge regarding teaching
approaches and strategies.
 Limited financial resources to produce materials needed for the class.
 Lack of support and recognition for the Sunday School for kids as a priority
within the community.
 Difficulty in finding volunteer replacements for other teaching positions,
resulting in the need to handle all classes every Sunday.
 Managing a wide age range of students, from 3.5 to 12 years old, in a single
2. What do you think his/her takeaways in handling the kids?
 The takeaways in handling the kids include:
 Developing an understanding of the diverse needs and capabilities of students at
different age levels.
 Learning to adapt and be flexible in teaching approaches to cater to the varying
developmental stages of the students.
 Building trust and relationships with both the students and their parents or
3. Expand. “It provides students with stability and an ongoing relationship with a
 The statement “It provides students with stability and an ongoing relationship with a
teacher” implies that in a multiage setting, students have the opportunity to establish a
long-term and consistent connection with the same teacher over a period of time. This
continuity can contribute to a sense of stability and security for the students, fostering a
supportive and familiar learning environment that can positively impact their educational
4. What other government programs uplift education in order to address Education for
 Other government programs that uplift education to address Education for All include:
 Allocation of appropriate funding for the training of teachers, development of
curriculum, and instructional materials.
 Providing financial support for teachers in isolated and disadvantaged areas to
prevent discouragement in educating students.
 Active provision of training and assistance to multigrade teachers by school
 Education of communities about the key roles of multigrade classrooms, leading
to their support for such educational initiatives in their areas.

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