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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating

and managing the Instructional process by using principles
of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Quarter Duration:
DLP Learning Area: Grade Level: 9 March 6,
No.: 3 3 50 mins

Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic Code:
(Taken from the eruptions.
Curriculum Guide)
Key Concepts /
Understandings Things to do before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.
to be Developed
Domain Objectives
Identify the things to do before, during, and after a volcanic
Knowledge Remembering
Evaluating Explain the significance of preparing for volcanic eruption
Responding to Share ideas with the class about the importance of knowing
phenomena what to do and how to prepare for a volcanic eruption.
Display awareness of how to be ready if there is a volcanic
Values Makakalikasan
2. Content Things to do before, during, and after a volcanic eruption.
3. Learning
Laptop, HDMI, TV, PowerPoint presentation.
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory (1) Prayer.
Activity (2) Ask the learners how are they.
( 5 minutes). (3) Review on previous topic: Different types of volcanic eruptions.
(3.1) After the refreshment, the teacher shows description on the TV
screen for the new topics
(3.2) All learners read the description loudly and will ask for a volunteer
to answer the questions on the screen.
(3.3) The learners are given ten (10) seconds to provide the correct
(3.4) The teacher then flashes the correct answer on the TV screen.
(3.5) Let the learners raise his/her paper if the answer is correct. The
teacher says “Very Good!” and
give three claps to all learners who got the correct answer.
(4) The set of description are as follows:
1. Ldicnacei - Hint: This type of eruption is named after a
country known for its numerous volcanoes and often involves
lava fountains and basaltic lava flows.
Answer: Icelandic (Icelandic)
2. Naaihawi - Hint: This type of eruption is characterized by
gentle, effusive lava flows and is often associated with shield
Answer: Hawaiian (Hawaiian)
3. Olrmntbiosa - Hint: This type of eruption involves moderate
explosions ejecting incandescent volcanic fragments and ash,
often seen at a specific Italian volcano.
Answer: Strombolian (Strombolian)
4. Anvcliaun - Hint: This type of eruption is highly explosive,
producing towering eruption columns and pyroclastic flows,
often associated with a particular country's volcano.
Answer: Vulcanian (Vulcanian)
5. Laenep - Hint: This type of eruption is characterized by
explosive eruptions ejecting pyroclastic material, often
associated with a volcano famous for its catastrophic
eruption in 1902.
Answer: Pelean (Pelean)
6. Plnaini - Hint: This type of eruption is extremely explosive,
producing high eruption columns and pyroclastic flows,
named after a famous Roman historian.
Answer: Plinian (Plinian)
(1) Let the learners take note of the descriptions of the different types of
volcanic eruptions by letting them read them again as these are being flash
on the TV screen.
(2) The teacher then explain a certain topic
(3) The teacher read the next slide and asks a volunteers to explain the
4.2 topic. Encourage the learners to share their ideas, even they think it is wrong,
Activity/Strategy and explain to them that the correct answer is to be discovered together.
( 10 minutes). (4) Let the learners read the description on the screen and explain the rest
to the class
(5) The teacher unlocks difficult terms in visual aid, then asks the
volunteers to explain what they have read. The teacher guides the learners as
he/she explains the idea. Give positive feedback to the volunteer.
(6) Encourage the learners to ask or clarify things about the presentation.
4.3 Analysis (1) Ask the student to get a ¼ sheet of paper and write their name and
( 5 minutes). section.
(2) The teacher will project the questions on the tv
(3) The learners will have 10 minutes to answer the 15 item test.

1. When should you ensure that emergency supplies such as food, water, and
medications are readily available?
Answer: BEFORE
2. At what stage should you stay indoors if ash is falling during a volcanic
Answer: DURING
3. When should you listen to the local authorities for updates and evacuation
Answer: DURING
4. What action should you take to protect yourself from hot ash and debris
during a volcanic eruption?
Answer: DURING
5. When should you establish an emergency communication plan with family
and friends?
Answer: BEFORE
6. At what stage should you seek higher ground if there's a risk of a lahar
Answer: DURING
7. When should you make sure to have a battery-powered radio for
emergency information during a volcanic eruption?
Answer: BEFORE
8. At what stage should you evacuate immediately if instructed to do so by
Answer: DURING
9. When should you create an emergency kit with essentials like flashlight,
batteries, and first aid supplies?
Answer: BEFORE
10. What should you do to protect your eyes, nose, and mouth from volcanic
ash during an eruption?
Answer: DURING
11. When should you check on neighbors, especially those who may need
Answer: AFTER
12. At what stage should you prepare a family evacuation plan and identify
escape routes?
Answer: BEFORE
13. When should you ensure your vehicle's gas tank is full in case of
Answer: BEFORE
14. What should you do to protect electronic equipment from volcanic ash
during an eruption?
Answer: BEFORE
15. At what stage should you stay away from areas designated as danger
zones by authorities?
Answer: DURING

4.4 Abstraction Before

( 10 minutes)
1. Know the signs of an impending eruption, such as the increase in the
frequency of volcanic quakes accompanied by rumbling sounds,
change in color of steam emission from white to gray, and drying up of
vegetation, springs, and wells around the volcano.
2. Know the community’s safety plans by monitoring the latest advisories
and warnings, knowing the location of the evacuation site, and
preparing your family’s go bag.
3. Each person should be aware of the dangers of volcanic eruptions.
Volcanic eruptions are expected to cause ash falls, which in turn could
harm humans, animals, plants, equipment, and structures. Beyond
that, fine volcanic ash is also often respirable, which can cause pulmo-
respiratory diseases if inhaled over a prolonged period.
4. Prepare all necessary things to bring in case of evacuation: gas mask
or clean cloth, candles, matches, flashlights, and extra batteries. Don’t
forget to prepare your disaster kit ahead of time.
5. Know which areas are covered by the danger zones.


1. Stay calm. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask or clean cloth, and
wear protective goggles.
2. If you are outside, immediately seek cover in case of ash or rock falls.
Wear glasses to protect your eyes and avoid all low-lying places.
3. If you are inside a house, listen to the radio for updates and
developments regarding the volcanic eruption. Close all windows and
doors of the house and your car to prevent ashes from getting inside.
4. If you are driving a vehicle, pull to the side of the road and stop if there
is a heavy ashfall.
5. As soon as the ashfall tapers, scrape off the ash that has accumulated
on roof tops to prevent collapse.
6. When notified, immediately evacuate to safer grounds. Stay in the
evacuation center until further instructions. Do not attempt to leave the
place unless told to do.
7. Thoroughly wash utensils before eating. Cover water containers and
food to avoid contamination with ash.
8. Keep your pets in their shelter or inside the house to prevent them from
inhaling ash.
9. Stay away from rivers and streams for possible lahar flow.


1. Wear masks when cleaning.

2. After removing the ash, clean the roof and gutter with water to prevent
3. Shake loose the ash from plants, furniture, and windows before
cleaning them with water. Cover your nose while cleaning.
4. Wait for further announcements related to the volcanic eruption.

While we cannot stop volcanic eruptions, the public, through informed action,
can minimize its adverse effects.
4.5 Application (1) The learners are asked:
(_5_ (a) Is it important to know how to prepare incase there is a volcanic
minutes). eruption
(2) Two random learners are recognized to share their ideas with the class.
(3) Ask learners to provide other things to do that were not mentioned in
the presentation.
Ask student to prepare ½ sheet of paper
4.6 Assessment
Pen and paper Instruction: Read the question and answer. You may use
( 15
test your own words or Taglish will do. (10 points)
(1) What do you think is significance or importance of
knowing how to prepare incase of volcanic eruption
4.7 Assignment In a short bond paper, indicate the pros and cons living in
( 3 minutes). an Island with 300 active and inactive volcanoes.
4.8 Concluding
( 2 minutes).
1. Remarks
2. Reflections
No. of learners who earned 80% in the Which of my learning strategies worked well?
evaluation. Why did these work?
No. of learners who require additional What difficulties did I encounter which my
activities for remediation. principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of What innovation or localized materials did I
learners who have caught up with the use/discover which I wish to share with other
lesson. teachers?
A. No. of learners who continue to require

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