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Solving Equation Transformable to Quadratic Equations

Solving Equation Transformable to Quadratic Equations

1. Rewrite the equations into standard form `a x 2 +bx +c=0
a. A problem that looks like this x(⃝x + ⃝) = ⃝
i. Distribute the value outside the parenthesis to each term inside the parenthesis ⃝x2 + ⃝x = ⃝
ii. Solve any remaining operations that can be solved
iii. Transfer the values on the right side of the equal sign to the left side by using its inverse ⃝x2 + ⃝x - ⃝ = 0
iv. Simplify if it can be simplified
b. A problem that looks like (x + ⃝)2 + (x + ⃝)2 = ⃝
i. Expand each term since it is squared
ii. Transfer the values on the right side of the equal sign to the left side by using its inverse
iii. Combine like terms
iv. Simplify if it can be simplified
c. A rational problem
i. Get the LCD
ii. Transfer the values on the right side of the equal sign to the left side by using its inverse
iii. Combine like terms
iv. Simplify if it can be simplified
2. Factor out the quadratic equation to find the roots (we look for the roots in order to graph)
3. After factoring it out, apply the zero product property to get the roots
4. Check your answers by using substitution of the exes discovered.
Terms to remember:

Expression minimum of two numbers, or variables, or both and an operator connecting them

Operation addition, subtraction, multiplication, divisions, exponents

Variables unknown numbers usually a letter

Constant known values

Equation contains 2 expressions separated by the equal sign

Term values in an expression are separated by the addition operation and subtraction operation

a b
Inverse Opposite or Kasalungat, it can be additive inverse such as a to (-a) or multiplicative inverse such as ¿
b a
Roots (in quadratic equation) are values of the variables that satisfy the equation

Zero Product Property if a × b = 0 , then we must have or or both a = b = 0



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