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Global Consortium on Prosecuting Human Trafficking | 2024 Summit

February 26 – February 29, 2024 | Nairobi, Kenya

Name (optional) ____________________________

Summit Activities

1. Which two activities from the Summit did you find most useful and why.
Did you learn new information or ideas? Will this new information or ideas change/influence
the way you work?

2. If you think these activities will change the way you work, please tell us how.
Please explain how it impact your work at an individual level, department or policy level?
3. Which activity did you find least useful? Why?

4. Please use this if extra space is needed for questions 1-3.

Interpretation at Summit

1. If you took advantage of interpretation services, please rate your agreement with the
following statements:

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

Interpretation services offered during

sessions at the Summit venue allowed me
o o o o o
to fully understand and participate in all

Interpretation services offered during

meals and activities allowed me to fully
o o o o o
understand and participate in all

2. Please share any additional feedback regarding interpretation services in the space
Building a Vibrant Network of Experienced Human Trafficking Prosecutors

1. Please rate the statements below:

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

The Summit helped me build connections

with other prosecutors which will help me
o o o o o
in my work.

I did not have sufficient opportunity to

build connections with other prosecutors
o o o o o
in the Consortium during the Summit.

I don’t think building connections with

other prosecutors in the Consortium is
o o o o o
important to my work.

Please provide further details in the space below, including any suggestions you have for further
strengthening the network of prosecutors.
General Feedback on Summit

1. Please rate your agreement with the following statements about the format of the
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

The Summit was well organized and

o o o o o

The format of the Summit worked well.

o o o o o

Information and materials distributed in

advance of the Summit were useful and
o o o o o

2. Please rate your agreement with the following statements about the content of the

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

The content discussed was useful and

o o o o o
I found the subjects discussed were
relevant to my context and legal system.
o o o o o
I found the input from other prosecutors
relevant to my context and legal system.
o o o o o

Please write in the space below if you have further comments on content.
3. Please rate your agreement about the universality of the challenges and solutions posed
by prosecutors within the Consortium during the Summit, formally and informally.

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

I found the challenges raised by other

prosecutors similar to those in my context
o o o o o
and legal system.

In found the solutions shared by other

prosecutors relevant to my context and
o o o o o
legal system.

Please provide further details in the space below.

General Feedback on Broader Consortium Programming

1. How have Consortium activities, including quarterly convenings, the Summit and
workshops, helped you in your work over the past 12 months?

2. Has the Consortium helped you achieve more successful criminal justice outcomes
during the past twelve months? Please be specific with examples of how the content of
the sessions, the skills developed, or the connections you have made through the
Consortium, have helped with your cases.
3. Has the Consortium helped you drive improvements within your jurisdiction? If so,
please be specific with examples of how the content of the sessions, the skills
developed, or the connections you have made through the Consortium, have helped.

4. What opportunities, if any, do you perceive to influence legislative, legal or policy

changes in your national context moving forward? (select all that apply)

o I have identified opportunities to strengthen the criminal justice system in my

national context and I expect to be able to influence them.

o I have identified opportunities but would need support in order to influence


o I have identified opportunities but cannot influence them in my setting.

o I don’t see any opportunities to strengthen the criminal justice system in my

national context at the moment.

Please provide further details in the space below, including how the Consortium could support
these efforts.
Please share any other feedback you may have regarding the Consortium and/or Summit:

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