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» 363 SCHEME uss | | | [| BMATSI01 s First Semester B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examination, Jan./Feb. 2023 Mathematics - | for Computer Science En: Stream Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. 2 VIU Formula Hand Book is permitted. 3.M: Marks, L: Bloom's level , C: Course outcomes, leering Module —1 MIL] C ; ; a) | | Qt | a. | With usual notations, prove that tan = = ¢ |eg | oon ; ca _ a0 |b. Find the angle of intersection between the curves r= (712 | cor | — | ¢. | Find radius of curvature of the curve y=a log sec (x at any point (x.y). | 7 | p2 | coy 1 | Q2 | a. | With usual notations prove that -! +4(¥) 8/12] cor | P \ | b. | Find the radius of the curvature of the curve r=a(l + cow). 7 [12 | Cor . | Using modern mathematical tool write a program/code to plot the Sine and Cosine curve. 5 | 13 | cos | Module ~2 Q3 Ja Ung Macuser prow ht | ; | 6 | 12) Co1 i be) F 7/12} co1 6. | Find the extreme values of the function Ray) T+ —3x— lay +20, 13 | COI | OR Q4 |a.| Evaluate lim (a'+b'+et +d") * 8/12] cor | x30 4 } [| fe os b. 7 |12 | cor a = sills) BMATSIO01L Using modern mathematical tool write a program code to evaluate] 3 [13] COS 7 Lt (+2) xl") "Module -3 Solve Bs ytanx=y' seen. 6 | 12 | coz ° Find orthogonal trajectories of family of curves = &* comn®) 7 [13 | €o2 - r Solve x'p" + 3xyp + 2y°=0 7 [12 [C02 OR Solve (x7 + y7 + wax Haydy =O. 6] 12 | Cor Find the general solution of the equation (px — y) into Clairaut’s form by taking the substitution X (py +x) 6X 2p by reducing 7 | 12 | co2| A 12 volts battery is connected to a series circuit in which the inductance is 1 ; . 5 Henry and resistance is 10 ohms. Determine current |, if the initial current is zero. 7 | 13 | Co2 Module —4 |i) Find the last digit in 137, 6) 12] Cos | ii) Find the remainder when 7'"* is divided by 10. . | Find the solutions of the linear congruence 12x = 6(mod21). 7 12 | €03 . | Find the general solution of linear Dio-phantine equation 70x > 112y 7 [12 | CO3 [ot OR Find the remainder when 141 Is divided by 17. 6] 12] COs Find the solution of system of linear congruences 7x + 3y = 10(mod 16) fee | 2+ Sy= 9(mod 16) 7 | 12 | cos Solve x = 3(mod 5), x = 2(mod 6), x = 4(mod 7) using Chinese remainder theorem. 7 13 | cos Module~5 fo 1 -3 ] Find the rank of matrix A = 6 12 | cos BMATS101 Solve the system of equations by Gauss-Jordan method. xty+z=9; Ixty-2=0; 2x+Sy+72=52. L3 co4 | Find the largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector of the | 2-10 matrix A=)-1 2 =I) taking [1 1 1)" as initial eigen vector, using lo -1 2 power method 13 co4 OR Q.10 Find the values of A and ys for which the system xt+y+z=6; x+2y+3z=10; x+2y+2=phas i) Unique solution ii) Infinitely many solutions _ iii) no solution. L2 cos Solve the following system of equations by Gauss-Elimination method 2x+y+42=12, 4x+lly-z=33, &x-3y+2z=20 L3 cod Using “modern mathematical tool, write a programlcode to test the consistency of the equations x+2y-z=1, xtyt4z=2, 3x+3y+4z 1 L3 cos 3of3

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