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Chapter 1: One Variable Function and Limit

1. Fill in the ellipsis with the appropriate term in the sentences below:
a) a) The function that represents the quantity supplied by producers depending on the price of
the product, all other things being equal, is called the Supply Function, Qs = S(p)
b) b) The function that represents the quantity demanded by consumers depending on the price
of the product, when other factors remain unchanged, is called ...
c) c) The function that represents the total cost of the producer for each level of output is
called… TC= TC(Q), TC(0)=C0
d) d) The function representing the total revenue of the producer corresponding to each level of
output is called …TR=TR(Q)
e) e) The function that represents the output of the producer according to the amount of labor
employed, other things unchanged, is called… Q = Q(L)
f) f) The function that represents the effect of income on consumption is called…
g) C = C(Y)=a.Y + b, b=C(0), a=MPC

2. Given the supply and demand functions of the market for a good as follows: Qs = 4p – 1; Qd =
159 – 2p2.
a. Compare the quantity supplied with the quantity demanded at the prices p=7, p=8.1.
b. Determine the market equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.
3. A firm has the following production function: Q = 100 3 L2
where L is the amount of labor employed and Q is the output per week.
a. Give the output per week when the firm employs 64 units of labor per week and keeps the
other inputs the same.
b. At a rate of employment of 64 units of labor per week, if the firm adds 1 unit of labor per
week, by how much does output increase?
4. A producer has the following cost function: TC = Q 3 − 5Q 2 + 20Q + 9
a. Calculate the total cost of production at the output levels Q = 1, Q = 2 and Q = 10
b. Show fixed cost and variable cost function
5. Given the cost function given in exercise 4, construct the producer's profit function in the
following cases:
a. The producer operates in a competitive environment and the market price of the product is
b. The producer operates in a monopoly and the quantity demanded for the product at each price
p is: Q = 190 − 0,5 p
6. Prove that the sequence xn = converges to 2 by showing that the natural number n0
corresponds to each number ε > 0 such that xn − 2 < ε , ∀n > n0
7. Prove the following limits using definition
n 1 n
a) lim = b) lim 2
n →+∞ 3n + 2 3 n →+∞ 5n + 1

8. In terms of interest rate of 0.9% per month, please indicate:

a) Future value of 3 million VND you have today after 3 years;
b) Present value of your 5 million dong you will receive in 4 years
9. A project requires an initial investment of $6000 and will return $1000 after 5 years. In the
condition that bank deposit interest rate is 9% a year, should invest in that project or not?
Calculate the NPV of that project.
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10. A company offers you $3500 in capital and guarantees to pay you $750 every year for 7 years.
Do you accept capital contribution or not if you have the opportunity to invest your money
elsewhere with an interest rate of 9% a year.
11. A project requires an initial cost of 40 million VND and will bring in 10 million after 1 year, 20
million after 2 years, 30 million after 3 years. Whether the project is economically profitable or
not if the prevailing interest rate is 10%.
12. Deposit 2 million in the bank every month, regularly for 5 years, then withdraw both principal
and interest. The interest rate for the first 2 years is 6%/year, the interest rate for the next 3 years
will be reduced to 5%/year. Calculate the amount of both principal and interest.
13. An apartment project has a policy of selling apartments with 2 payment options. case1 is the
payment of 5 times 200 million each time, 6 months apart. The first time right after signing the
contract, the last time when receiving the house. case2 is to pay in full as soon as the contract is
signed for the amount of 920 million. Assume the interest rate is 12%/year.
a) Which option is more beneficial for the customer?
b) If you receive a house that can be sold immediately with a minimum price of 1.2 billion,
should you invest?
14. How long will it take to receive 1 billion VND in both principal and interest each month?
a) Assume the interest rate is 12%/year.
b) Assume the interest rate for the first 2 years is 12%/year and the following years

15. Using definition, compute:

lim 3 − 2 + 1
→ lim
→ +1
16. Prove the following functions have no limit when x → ∞ : sin x, cos x, tan x, cotx
17. Calculate the following limits:

x 2 + 3x + 1 − 5 x 3 x3 + 5 x + 1
a) lim b) lim
x →+∞ 2 x3 + x 2 − 9
x→−3 2x + 1
 5x2 + x + 1  x d) lim( x − 2) cos
c) lim  2  2
x →+∞ 4 x − x + 1 x→2 x − 5x + 6
 
18. Calculate the following limits:

x3 + 8 3
2x + 1 −1
a) lim b) lim
x →−2 x 2 − 3 x − 10 x →0 x +1 −1
c) lim
x →∞
( x2 + 4 x − 1 − x2 + x − 5 )
2 m
x + x +⋯ x − m
d) lim (m và n are intergers)
x →1 x + x2 + ⋯ xn − n
sin u
19. Calculate the following limits by using the formula: lim =1
u →0 u
tan 3 x sin π x
a) lim b) lim
x → 0 tan 2 x x →1 x 3 − 1

cos x − cos 3 x sin 5 x − sin 3 x

c) lim d) lim
x→0 x2 x →0 sin x

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20. Calculate the following limits:
log a (1 + x ) ln x − ln a
a) lim (a > 0 và a ≠ 1 ) b) lim ( a > 0)
x →0 x x →a x−a
x a
a −1 (1 + x ) −1
c) lim (a > 0 và a ≠ 1 ) d) lim ( a ≠ 0)
x →0 x x →0 x

21. Calculate the following limits:

tg 3( x −1)
cos x − 3 cos x  x + 9  x −1
a) lim b) lim  
x→0 sin 2 x 
x →1 2 x + 3

c) lim x [ln( x + 1) − ln x] d) lim 2
x→+∞ x →1 x − 1

arcsin (1 − 2 x )
e) lim sin x + 1 − sin x ) f) lim
x →1/2 4 x2 −1
cot gx ln ( cos 3 x )
g) lim ( sin x + cos x ) h) lim
x →0 x → 0 ln ( cos 5 x )

22. Calculate the following limits by using the equivalent infinitesimal:

1 − cos3x 5x − 1
a) lim b) lim
x →0 2 x 2 + 3 x 3 − x 4 x →0 4 x + 3sin 2 x + cos x − 1

ln(1 + 4 x 2 − 5 x3 ) (1 + 3x)2 − 1
c) lim d) lim
x →0 ln(1 + 2 x 2 + 3 x3 ) x →0 s inx + 2sin 2 x

23. Consider the continuity of the following functions:

a) f(x) = ℎ ≠3
1 ℎ =3
b) f(x) = ℎ ≠2
1 "ℎ = 2
cos ℎ | |≤1
c) f(x) =
| − 1| ℎ | | > 1
24. Prove the following equations has solutions

a) 3x = sin x b) 2 x = x 2 + x + 3
25. Prove the following equation has at least 2 real solutions x 6 − 9 x − 8 = 0 .

26. Prove the following equation has at least 3 real solutions x 5 + x 2 − 8 x + 1 = 0 .

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