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3rd Quarter Examination

Josefina Central Elementary School

English 4
SY. 2023-2024

Parent’s Signature: __________________
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.
___1. Which sentence uses the adverb of manner correctly?
A. The boy happily is playing. C. The boy happily playing
B. The boy is playing happy. D. The boy is happily playing
___2. Which is the correct revision of the sentence below?
She arrives in the late meeting.
A. She late arrives in the meeting. C. She arrives in the meeting late.
B. Late, she arrives in the meeting. D. She arrives in late the meeting.
___3. Which form of word in the parenthesis should be used?
The man was able to explain his reasons _________________(brief).
A. brief B. briefly C. briefness D. briefful
___4. Arrange the words below to create a sentence.
explains She issue the smartly.
A. She smartly the issue explains. C. She explains the issue smartly.
B. The issue explains smartly she. D. The issue smartly she explains.
___5. Complete the sentence below.
We celebrate Christmas ______________
A. every day B. weekly C. once a year D. every other month
Write the LETTER of the correct adverb on the blank before the number to complete the
A. early B. sometimes C. frequently D. in the classroom.
Pat goes to school ___ (6). She ___(7) comes before her classmates. The first she will do is to
sweep the floor and arrange the chairs ___(8). When her teacher comes in the morning, she is glad
seeing that everything is in order.
___9. Understand the illustration on how the food is digested. Then, choose which explains the
illustration correctly.

mouth stomach small intestine large intestine anus

A. The food is digested in the mouth. After, the food is stored in the stomach, then, to the small
intestine, large intestine and finally the digested food is excreted through the anus.
B. The food is digested in the mouth. After, the food is stored in the stomach, then, to the large
intestine, small intestine and finally, the digested food is excreted through the anus.
C. The food is digested in the stomach. After, the food is stored in the small intestine, then, to
the mouth, large intestine and finally, the digested food is excreted through the anus.
D. The food is digested in the anus. After, the food is stored in the stomach, then, to the small
intestine, mouth and finally, the digested food is excreted through the large intestine.
Grand Street Atwood Street If you are in School and you want to go to Hotel, what
direction are you going to follow?
A. From school in Atwood Street, move North to Della
Della Road B. From Atwood Street, cross the Della Wood to Grand
C. From school in Atwood Street, move North to Della
Road. Then, on the next block is the Grand Street,
turn south.
D. From school in Atwood Street, move North to Della
Road. Then to the Airport down to the hotel.
turn south.
___11. Mother is asking Rita to cook fried chicken. Which direction below should she follow?
A. 1.Rest, then serve. B. C. D.
1. Soak the 1.Coat the chicken. 1.Coat the chicken.
2. Fry, fry, fry. ... chicken in 2.Rest, then serve. 2.Rest, then serve.
3.Soak the chicken buttermilk. 3. Fry, fry, fry. ... 3. Fry, fry, fry. ...
in buttermilk. 2.Coat the chicken. 4.Soak the chicken 4. Let is rest.
Read the paragraph inside the box
4.Coat the chicken. 3. to
Let answer
it rest. 12-14 in buttermilk. 5.Soak the chicken
5.Let it rest. 4: Fry, fry, fry. ... 5. Let is rest. in buttermilk.
A cow is a useful animal. It has many uses. It gives us milk. From its flesh, we get
meat. It gives us leather from its skin. Cow has three basic colors.

___12. What sentence in the paragraph is the general statement?

A. A cow is a useful animal. C. It gives us milk.
B. It has many uses D. From its flesh, we get meat.
___13. What does the sentence below talk specifically about cow?
It gives us leather from its skin.
A. It describes about cow. C. It tells what man can get from a cow.
B. It explains the use of the cow. D. It discusses the importance of the cow.
___14. Which statement is NOT a specific statement about cow?
A. It has many uses. C. It gives us leather from its skin.
B. It gives us milk. D. Cow has three basic color.
___15. What can be the main idea of the sentences in the box?
The setting is the time and place where the story happens while the characters are
the persons/animals in the story. In addition, the events in the story are called plot. The
conflict presents the problem, and the theme is the main idea the writer wants to
A. The plot are arranged according to the events of the story.
B. The setting and the characters are important parts of the story.
C. Setting, characters, plot, conflict, and theme are elements of short story.
D. The most interesting part of a story is the conflict where the problem is presented.
___16. Read the paragraph and identify what is it all about.
Groundwater comes from rainwater. Denudation of land areas will allow most of
the rainwater to flow into the rivers and seas. Trees and vegetation, on the other hand,
slow down the flow of rainwater allowing more water to sink into the ground. The planting
of trees is a first step in protecting the groundwater resource. Cleaning the air and
surrounding is another way of protecting the groundwater.
A. How to protect groundwater. C. Where groundwater comes from.
B. Why groundwater sinks into the ground. D. Why surrounding should be kept clean.
___17. Read the paragraph. After, identify what sentence does not support the main idea.

Energy is the ability of work. Potential and Kinetic are two types of energy. Potential
energy is a stored energy. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and
radiation. Food and firecrackers have potential energy. On the other hand, Kinetic energy is
a moving energy, for example, a running car and a boy kicking a ball.

A. Potential and Kinetic are two types of energy.

B. Potential energy is a stored energy.
C. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation.
D. Kinetic energy is a moving energy, for example, a running car and a boy kicking a ball.
___18. Which sentence explains the idea further?
Sound is produced when there is movement of particles.__________________________
A. Noise is also an unpleasant sound. C. It travels fast in solid materials.
B. This movement is called vibration. D. I cannot hear the sound she is producing.
___19. What does the illustration below show?

A. The cause why dolphins and fish

dolphins fish are different.
B. The ways to solve the dolphins
breathe air breathe
swim and fish.
water C. The similarities and differences
live birth aquatic
between dolphins and fish.
fins lay eggs D. The special characteristics of
dolphins and fish.

___20. Choose what graphic organizer is appropriate to use in summarizing the paragraph below.
. Heart disease is a type of disease that affects the heart or blood. The common causes of
heart disease are diabetes, hypertension, poor diet, and family history.
A. C.
effect Title

Setting Plot theme
Characters Conflict

B. Differe D. event 1
nce nce
similari event 2
event 3

___21. Complete the graphic organizer below by identifying words that can be associated with
A. home, children, parents, family
B. sister, woman, girl, daughter
female C. artist, dancer, writer, singer
D. beautiful, cute, smiling, honest

___22. To summarize the story entitled “The Good Samaritan”, which of the following will be used?
A. C. D.


Read the paragraph below to answer 23-26.

Typhoon Karding hit in Aurora province last September,2022. The typhoon

unleashed powerful winds and torrential rain that killed dozens of people, destroyed
thousands of homes, and left swathes of the island region flooded.

___23. What is the paragraph all about?

A. The damages the Typhoon cause
B. How strong Typhoon Karding was.
C. The affected province when there was a typhoon.
D. The number of people killed and homes that were destroyed.
___24. What is the tone of the speaker?
A. festive B. frightful C. angry D. wishful
___25. What is the mood of the speaker?
A. frightening B. doubtful C. joyful D. excited

___26. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the news report?

A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to read

Read the story to answer 27-30.

The Story of the First Durian
Barom-Mai was an old and ugly king who lived in a kingdom called Calinan in the
Visayas hundreds of years ago. Although he was powerful, he was helpless when it came to
winning the love of his young bride, Madayaw-Bayho (daughter of Tageb, king of the pirates).
Barom-Mai asked his advisers to help him win his bride’s love, and Matigam (the wisest
of advisers) told him about Impit Purok, a hermit who lived in a cave in Mt. Apo.
They went to the hermit and he asked for three things: the egg of the black tabon bird,
twelve ladles of fresh milk from a white carabao without blemish, and the nectar from the flower
of the tree-of-make-believe.
The egg will be used to soften the bride’s heart; the milk, to make her kind; and, the
nectar, to make her see Barom-Mai as a young and handsome king.
The king finds the egg through the help of Pawikan, the king of the sea turtles. He luckily
gets milk from a white carabao the following breakfast, thanks to his cook. Hangin-Bai, the
nymph of the air, leads him to her sister, the wood nymph who had the magic flower in her hair.
Barom-Mai gives the three things to Impit Purok, who asked him to prepare a big feast
after Barom-Mai wins his queen back, and to invite Impit Purok as the king’s guest of honor.
Impit Purok mixes the three ingredients and instructs Barom-Mai to plant the mixture in
the royal garden. The morning after it was planted, a tree grew. It had a sweet smell and tasted
good. When Madayaw-Bayho was given the fruit, she fell in love with Barom-Mai.
The king throws a big feast but forgets to invite Impit Purok. In retaliation, Impit casts a
curse upon the fruit: The sweet smell was replaced with a foul odor while the smooth skin of the
fruit was covered with thorns, which is how the durian smells and looks today.

___27. How is king Barom-Mai described as a suitor to Madayaw-Bayho ?

A. He is sweet. B. He is hopeless. C. He is caring. D. He is adorable.
___28. How did the King make Madayaw-Bayho fell in love with him?
A. By preparing a big feast.
B. BY asking the advice of Matigam
C. By getting the egg, milk, and nectar.
D. By planting the combination of the things the Hermit asked.
____29. What is the correct order of events of the story?

I. The king sought the help of the Hermit.

II. Barom-Mai planted the mixture the Hermit made, and it gres into a tree with a
smell and a fruit that tasted good.
III. Impit cursed the fruit by replacing it with foul odor because he was angry of the
for not being invited in the feast.
IV. Barom-Mai was helpless when it came to winning the love of Madayaw-Bayho.

___30. What is the origin of Durian according to the story?
A. The fruit was the symbol of love.
B. The fruit was a gift given to a lover.
C. The fruit was cursed of having a foul smell.
D. The fruit was the hatred of the Hermit for not recognizing him.

-----End of the test-----

Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A

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