SOAL STS 2 B. Inggris XI 2024

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Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
Tahun Pelajaran 2023 / 2024

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris

Jenjang Sekolah : Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
Kelas : XI IPA/IPS
Hari , tanggal : ….
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Disediakan Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK)
2. a. LJK dipergunakan untuk jawaban soal pilihan ganda
b. Tulislah dengan jelas : Nama Anda, Nomor Peserta Anda, Sekolah Asal, Tanggal Sumatif Tengah Semester, Jam ke-,
Tandatangan, dan menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK sesuai dengan petunjuk
c. Jawaban dikerjakan dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan kecil sesuai dengan jawaban yang Anda anggap benar
Apabila ada jawaban yang keliru dan ingin memperbaikinya, hapuslah jawaban yang keliru itu dengan menggunakan karet
penghapus pensil. Kemudian hitamkan bulatn kecil lain sesuai dengan jawaban yang Anda anggap benar
d. LJK jangan sampai rusak basah atau kotor
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya
a. Laporkan kepada pengawas Sumatif Akhir Semester kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang
b. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir soal pilihan ganda
c. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah
d. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas Penilaian Akhir Semester bila diperlukan
e. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum Anda serahkan kepada pengawas Sumatif Akhir Semester


A. Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Paling Tepat A, B, C, D atau E, Dari pertanyaan di bawah ini !

Text for 1-5

The incident that occurred at the high school was originally a b. Teachers should always punish students for bad
joke in the dormitory, at night the perpetrator pulled down his behavior.
friend's trousers in the crowd of his friends who were chatting
and joking. After this incident the victim felt uncomfortable c. Victims of pranks should always report them to a
and insecure, so he was reported to his teacher. teacher.
d. Even jokes can have negative consequences on others.
Next day the perpetrator was called by the teacher to the e. The victim revenge to the perpetrator
counselling room and the perpetrator clarified why he did this,
and the teacher advised the perpetrator not to repeat it again 4. What did the teacher do in response to the incident?
and told him to apologize to the victim.
a. Ignored the incident and did not take any action.
1. What was the initial action described in the passage? b. Advised the perpetrator not to repeat the act and
a. A student pulled down another student's trousers in a encouraged an apology.
group. c. Encouraged the victim to laugh off the incident as a joke.
b. A student offered their friend a humorous comment. d. Told both the perpetrator and the victim to apologize to
c. A student reported feeling insecure to a teacher. each other.
d. A student apologized for feeling uncomfortable. e. Report to the police officer.
e. A student caught in harassment.
5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a
2. Why did the victim report the incident to the teacher, reason why the incident was inappropriate?
according to the passage? a. It violated the victim's boundaries and made them feel
a. The victim wanted to get revenge on the perpetrator. uncomfortable.
b. The victim felt unsafe and embarrassed after the b. It could be considered bullying due to a potential power
incident. imbalance.
c. The teacher requested the victim to report the incident. c. It was done with malicious intent to humiliate the victim.
d. The victim enjoyed the joke and wanted to share it. d. It disregards the potential negative consequences on the
e. The victim doesn’t have family. victim's well-being.
e. Ignored the incident and did not take any action.
3. What is the main point of the passage?
a. It is okay to pull down someone's trousers as a joke.
Text for number 6 - 10 Text for 11 - 15
11. Based on the data, in which school environment did the most
There are many roles of parents for children in cases of
bullying cases occur?
bullying, such as: (1) Being an encouragement for children,
children who experience bullying certainly need more a. Elementary schools
enthusiasm and attention to overcome their problems when b. Senior High and Vocational Schools
they are down. (2) Teaching children how to deal with c. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Schools
bullying, parents must teach children how to deal with d. Islamic Boarding Schools
bullying situations and teach them to keep their distance from e. Elementary and Junior High Schools
bullying. (3) Parents must be mediators when children
experience bullying. Parents can be a bridge to resolve cases
12. What was the total number of bullying cases reported in
of bullying perpetrated by their children or if their children
become victims. senior high and vocational schools?
a. 1
6. What is one-way parents can help children who experience b. 3
bullying, according to the passage? c. 4
a. Punish the child who is being bullied. d. 12.5%
b. Offer them encouragement and support. e. 16
c. Ignore the situation and hope it resolves itself.
d. Encourage the child to retaliate against the bully. 13. What percentage of the total cases occurred in Madrasah
e. Force the child to confront the bully directly. Tsanawiyah and Islamic boarding schools combined?
a. 6.25%
7. What is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way for parents b. 12.9%
to help children deal with bullying? c. 12.5%
a. Teach children how to communicate assertively. d. 18.75%
b. Encourage children to avoid situations where bullying e. 25%
might occur.
c. Blame the child for being bullied. 14. How many more cases of bullying were reported in
d. Help children develop coping mechanisms for dealing elementary and junior high schools compared to senior high
with bullying. and vocational schools?
e. Act as a mediator in situations involving their children a. 1
and bullying. b. 2
c. 3
8. According to the passage, what CAN parents do as mediators d. 4
in bullying situations? e. 5
a. Directly confront the other child or their parents.
b. Take full responsibility for their child's actions. 15. What is the approximate ratio of bullying cases in elementary
c. Force the school to take immediate disciplinary action. and junior high schools to cases in Islamic boarding schools?
d. Allow their child to handle the situation on their own. a. 1:1
e. Facilitate open communication and understanding. b. 2:1
c. 3:1
9. What is the main idea of the passage? d. 4:1
a. Parents are solely responsible for preventing bullying. e. 5:1
b. Children should always retaliate when they are bullied.
c. Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children
Bullying is an act of oppression or violence intentionally by
through bullying. one or a group of people who are stronger or more powerful
d. Ignoring bullying is the best way to make it stop. and aims to cause continuous harm. One type of bullying that
e. Schools are solely responsible for addressing bullying is widespread is bullying at school. Based on databoks
incidents. website, that the percentage of bullying cases in Indonesia in
2023 in the grade 11 in Senior High School student category
10. Which of the following aspects DOES NOT contribute to was recorded at 19.68% for male students, followed by
11.26% for females, and 15.54% nationally. Thought, many
effective parental support for children experiencing
school have stated that they are free from bullying. In the fact,
bullying? it’s not at all students feels safe in their school.
a. Ignoring the child's feelings and concerns.
b. Open communication and active listening. Text for 16 - 20
c. Expressing judgment and blame towards the child. 16. According to the passage, what is the main indicator of the
d. Offering encouragement and reassurance. prevalence of bullying in Indonesian senior high schools?
e. Providing guidance and support in developing coping a. Statements from individual schools claiming they are
mechanisms. "bully-free."
b. Data from databoks website showing significant
Based on data from the Federation of Indonesian Teachers'
percentages of students experiencing bullying.
Unions (FSGI) compiled from Republika, there were 16 cases
of bullying that occurred in the school environment in the c. Personal opinions of students regarding their feelings of
period January to August 2023. The most cases of bullying in safety
the school environment occurred in elementary schools (SD) d. The number of incidents reported to authorities.
and junior high schools ( SMP) with a proportion of 25% of e. The type of bullying behaviors most commonly
the total cases. Then bullying also occurs in the Final Middle observed.
School (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK)
environments, which both get a percentage of 18.75%.
Meanwhile in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Islamic boarding
school environments, each with a percentage of 6.25 %.
17. Based on the data presented, which group of students in 22. Which of the following statements best reflects the passage's
senior high school reported the highest percentage of view on the connection between bullying and depression?
experiencing bullying in 2023? a. Bullying always directly causes depression in every
a. Female students victim.
b. Students who identify as non-binary b. b) Bullying has no impact on a person's risk of
c. Male students developing depression.
d. Data on specific groups is not provided. c. Bullying can be a contributing factor to the development
e. All student groups reported similar percentages. of depression in some individuals.
d. Depression only occurs in individuals who have been
18. The passage suggests that many incidents of bullying are bullied.
likely to go unreported. What are some possible reasons for e. The passage does not provide any information about the
this? link between bullying and depression.
a. Students fear retaliation from the bully or their group.
b. b) Schools have established effective and trustworthy 23. The passage mentions the possibility of suicidal ideation and
reporting systems. attempts in connection with bullying. What does the passage
c. Students lack confidence in the school's ability to address emphasize regarding this?
the issue. a. It is a common outcome for victims of bullying.
d. Bullying is generally considered a normal part of the b. Blaming the victim is the best way to prevent such
school experience. situations.
e. e) Data collection methods are not comprehensive c. Seeking help is crucial if someone experiences these
enough. thoughts or feelings.
d. Only adults can provide effective help in such
19. What main point does the passage emphasize regarding the situations.
discrepancy between data and school claims about bullying? e. Discussing suicide is harmful and should be avoided.
a. Data from databoks is inaccurate and unreliable.
b. Schools are intentionally misleading students and 24. What is the main message of the passage?
parents. a. Bullying is a minor issue with little to no impact on
c. Many schools are successfully preventing all forms of individuals.
bullying. b. Victims of bullying are solely responsible for managing
d. The data suggests schools may need to better their mental health.
acknowledge and address bullying. c. Bullying can negatively impact the mental health of
e. Student perceptions of safety are irrelevant to the issue of victims, and seeking help is crucial.
bullying. d. Only severe cases of bullying warrant seeking
professional help.
20. What is the central message conveyed by the passage? e. The passage focuses solely on the negative aspects of
a. Bullying is a minor issue that schools can easily ignore. bullying, ignoring any potential benefits.
b. Reporting every incident of bullying is crucial for
student safety. 25. The passage cautions against using what language when
c. Male students are solely responsible for preventing discussing the mental health consequences of bullying?
bullying in schools. a. Clear and concise language
d. Bullying is a serious issue that requires a multi-faceted b. Language that suggests certainty or inevitability
approach to address. c. Language that emphasizes potential consequences
e. Schools should prioritize self-reported data over d. Language that highlights professional resources
objective data. e. Language that acknowledges the seriousness of the issue

Text for 21 - 25 Text for 26 - 30

Mental Health: Stress. Bullying victims often experience high Gossip. We've all heard about it. We've all done it. What is
levels of stress and anxiety due to the pressure they gossip? Gossip can be explained as rumor or discussion of a
experience. Depression. Bullying can cause feelings of personal or sensational tone. Bullies choose gossip as a tactic
hopelessness and loss of interest in daily activities, which can many times because it fits well into their plans. The bully can
develop into depression. Suicide Attempt. Some victims of make up a lie about a target to incite others to demean and
bullying can reach a level of hopelessness that leads to hate the target. When everyone is incited by the gossip
suicidal thoughts or even attempting suicide. brought by the bully, everyone will ostracize the target.
Exclusion. The most common form of bullying.

26. What is the main idea of the passage?

21. According to the passage, what is a potential mental health
a. Sharing rumors is harmless and can be fun.
consequence of bullying?
b. Bullying often involves spreading rumors and excluding
a. Improved social skills.
b. Increased stress and anxiety
c. Gossiping is inevitable and everyone does it.
c. Enhanced self-confidence
d. Bullying is rare and only happens in extreme situations.
d. Stronger personal connections
e. Dealing with bullies requires physical confrontation.
e. Increased academic performance.

27. According to the passage, how does gossip help bullies

achieve their goals?
a. It makes the bully feel accepted by others.
b. It creates a sense of trust between the bully and the a. Male students are inherently more aggressive.
target. b. Female students might be less likely to report bullying.
c. It allows the bully to spread lies and negativity about the c. Schools are better at identifying bullying incidents
target without direct confrontation. among male students.
d. It encourages the target to stand up for themselves more d. There might be gender-specific forms of bullying that are
assertively. more readily recognized.
e. It helps the target make new friends in the group. e. All of the above could be potential factors.

28. What is the most frequent form of bullying mentioned in the

passage? 34. What pattern, if any, can be observed in the percentage of
a. Physical violence bullying incidents as students’ progress from elementary to
b. Spreading rumors (gossip) senior high school?
c. Verbal abuse a. Bullying rates consistently increase at each grade level.
d. Cyberbullying b. Bullying rates consistently decrease at each grade level.
e. Social media harassment c. Bullying rates peak in junior high school and decrease in
senior high school.
29. What does the passage imply about gossip? d. There is no significant pattern in the data.
a. It is always a harmless form of communication. e. Bullying rates peak in elementary school and decrease in
b. It is a common part of healthy friendships. later grades.
c. It can be used as a tool for bullying.
d. It is always truthful and based on facts. 35. What might these statistics suggest about anti-bullying efforts
e. It is a positive way to build relationships. in Indonesia?
a. Indonesia has fully eradicated the problem of bullying.
30. Based on the passage, why is it important to be mindful of b. Anti-bullying efforts may need to be tailored to specific
rumors and gossip? grades and genders.
a. They are always true and can be used as evidence. c. Bullying is not a serious issue in Indonesia.
b. They can be hurtful and damage someone's reputation. d. Only male students require anti-bullying interventions.
c. They are a sign of strong friendships and trust. e. The data does not provide any information about anti-
d. They are a necessary part of forming social groups. bullying efforts.
e. They can help resolve conflicts between individuals.
36. What is the closest synonym for the word "efforts"?
Text for 31-35 a. Obstacles
b. Attempts
The phenomenon of bullying is spread in almost all schools in c. Indifference
the world. Indonesia was ranked 5th in the country with the
d. Passivity
highest number of bullying cases in 2018. In detail, the
percentage of bullying cases in the 5th grade elementary e. Outcomes
school category among male students was 31.6%, followed by
21.64% for females, and nationally 26.8%. Then, the 37. What is a synonym for the word "gossip"?
percentage of bullying cases in the 8th grade junior high a. Rumor
school category for male students reached 32.22% or the b. Explanation
highest among other class and gender categories. Then, c. Fact
followed by female students at 19.97%, and throughout
d. Silence
Indonesia 26.32%. Meanwhile, the percentage of bullying
cases in the 11th grade SMA/SMK student category for male e. Confirmation
students was 19.68%, followed by 11.26% for females, and
38. What is a synonym for the word "adolescents"?
a. Children
31. Which educational level had the highest overall percentage of b. Infants
reported bullying incidents in Indonesia in 2018? c. Youths
a. 5th Grade Elementary School d. Teenagers
b. 8th Grade Junior High School e. Adults
c. 11th Grade SMA/SMK
d. Bullying incident rates were equal across all grade levels. 39. I have eaten breakfast today. Which of the following options
e. The data does not specify the educational level with the can be used in the present perfect tense to ask about my
highest rate. breakfast?
a. What have you ate for breakfast?
32. In what grade level and gender category was the highest b. When did you eat breakfast?
single percentage of bullying recorded? c. Did you enjoying your breakfast?
a. 5th Grade Elementary, Male Students d. Have you finished breakfast yet?
b. 8th Grade Junior High, Male Students e. Is breakfast ready yet?
c. 11th Grade SMA/SMK, Male Students
d. 5th Grade Elementary, Female Students 40. My favorite band has released a new album recently. Which
e. 8th Grade Junior High, Female Students of the following statements about the album is true in the
present perfect tense?
33. What is a possible reason for the higher percentages of a. They have been working on this album for a long time.
bullying incidents reported among male students? b. I have not had a chance to listen to it yet.
c. It is received positive reviews from critics.
d. The album is available for purchase online.
e. I am really excited to hear the new songs.

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