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Oficiu: 10p

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (20 p)
1. Be quiet, please, I……………………………………………….. (try) to watch TV
2. Our flight………………………………………. (leave) at 9.30, so we should be at the airport at 7.30 at the
3. I can’t see you tonight, because I………………………………. (go) out with Mandy.
4. I …………………………. (finish) my homework. Can I go out now?
5. We…………………………….. (have) a picnic, when it started to rain.
6. The lesson……………………………… (start) by the time we got to school.
7. He’s my best friend. I……………………………… (meet) him when we were at primary school.
8. You shouldn’t …………………………….(eat) that fruit party! It was for the party tonight! Now I’ll have
to make other dessert!
9. My arms ache because I……………………………….. (paint) my bedroom all day long.
10. I must…………………………….. (be) mad not to accept his ofeer for a free holiday, but it’s too late now
and I can’t change my mind!

III. There is one missing word in each sentence. Add it where it belongs (10p):
1. I left home early in order avoid the rush hour on the roads.
2. It was my time at university that I met my future wife.
3. The party was great and we had such good time that we didn’t want to go home.
4. I’m afraid I wasn’t able fix your computer, but I promise I’ll do it tomorrow.

IV. Tick ( √ ) the sentences that are grammatically correct and mark (× ) the incorrect ones. Also
correct the mistakes, where necessary! (20p)
1. I love learning to play the guitar. I’ve been having seven lessons already.
2. I’ve been trying to talk to Brian all morning, but he keeps ignoring me.
3. She’s been calling me five times this morning. I haven’t managed to get any work done, as a result.
4. She’s phoned me all morning and I don’t think she’ll ever stop until I’ve spoken to her.
5. Since the beginning of the morning, I’ve been learning how to use the spreadsheets on the computer. My
next lesson is tomorrow.
6. You’ve been playing enough computer games already. Turn the computer off now!
7. My eyes are read because I’ve just peeld onions.
8. I’ve studied the past simple and now I’m going to start looking at the past continuous.
9. I’ve started taking extra English lessons because I’m determined to pass my exam next month.
10. He’s sent me rude emails for months now and I’m really fed up!

V. Complete the sentences with one word only (10p):

1. Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer and scientist, but he’s more famous…………… his paintings and
2. As a child, I was brought…………………… by my uncle and aunt.
3. When no one was looking, I slipped……………………. of the room and went upstairs.
4. I don’t have enough money…………………….. go on holiday this year.
5. First……………….. all, I’d like to thank for coming here tonight!
6. Could you speak…………………? I can’t hear a word you’re saying!
7. I’ve just got an invitation……………………. Sarah’s party.
8. She spent over £100 …………………chocolate!
9. Do you believe……………… ghosts?
10. I seem to spend so much time worrying ………………small, unimportant things.
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets (10p):
1. It was so ……………………………….. (annoy) when he arrived without phoning me first!
2. In ancient Rome, the punishment for corruption was particularly……………………………… (brute).
3. She came up with a new……………………………. (invent): a robot that takes your dog out for a walk!
4. The incredible new kitchen applinace will…………………………………. (revolution) the way we prepare
5. What’s the ……………………………(live) expectancy of an average cat?
6. I like studying at this school. Everyone is so………………………… (cheer)
7. ………………………………. (science) research is being carried out to develop a water-power engine.
8. “Black-eyed” Bertie, the………………………… (famous) murderes, has been sentenced to life prison.
9. I lost some expensive ………………………….(photography) equipment when I was on holiday.
10. The games were a big succes: over 200……………………………….. (compete) took part!
VII. You have recently been discussing the following topic:

Which is the most important thing for a happy life: a lot of money, good health, a close family or an important
job? (20p)

Write a composition giving your opinions and reasons for your answer. Include examples/explanations to
support your ideas (70-80words)

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