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TERM PAPER NAME…………………………….


1. Read the text below to fill in the missing word. On your answer sheet write only the missing
word next to the number indicating each blank space: 20p (2×10)

In Scotland, there is a popular 1)…………………. about a monster. The monster lives in a lake
2)…………………….. Loch Ness, near the town 3)………………………. Inverness. Loch Ness
is 32 km long, 5 km 4)……………………….. and very, very 5)……………………….. The
monster’s name is Nessie. People 6)………………….. that she is very big, and that she has 7)
………………… long neck, 8)…………………….. a snake. But does Nessie really exist? some
people say yes, some say no. Scientists are 9)……………………. the lake with cameras and
sound 10)………………………… .

2. Insert the indefinite article or the zero articles(a, an, or 0). 20p (1×20)

He made a…mistake in his audition. Would you do me b…favor? The electric light was c.
….important invention. Where there’s d.…. smoke, there’s e.….fire. Meeting you has been f.
……great pleasure g.….. Glasgow is h.…city in Scotland. He is studying i.…. Law. They asked
her j.….difficult question. She works as k.…. hairdresser. The lawyer gave the client l….very
good piece of advice. We like to eat m….goodies. n….honesty and o….. loyalty are p.…..rare
qualities. What q.…. bad weather we’re having today! She bought r.….. pink skirt and s.…..pair
of shoes to match it. Such t………. lovely day this is!

3. Rewrite the sentences so that they contain the word in capitals. 20p (4×5)
1. He is very smart but he won't succeed.
No matter how………………………..
2. If he doesn't have a good mark his father won't give him a gift.
3. David will buy a new car.
A new car…………………..
4. Mummy asked,'where is the knife ?'
Mummy asked me……………………………………….
5. The book is too difficult. We can't read it.
The book is too ……………………………..

5. Continue the story, using Past simple, or Continuous (not more than 5-6 lines). 20p

It was a typical summer afternoon, the sun was beating down, the cars were creeping slowly on
the street. Some kids were playing in the park, near the fountain, jumping in and out of the water,
their nice voices mixing with the noise of the street. Everybody was busy doing something; the
heat was the only enemy, but people could find remedies for this, too: the terraces were full, ice-
cream and cooling drinks were on great demand. There was a rush hour, and the streets were
crowded, but the park benches were vacant. Still, there was one occupied by an old man
watching peacefully the children playing in the water. “When did all this happen?, He was
thinking almost out loud, as he stood up and began walking towards the park gates. His
adventure was about to begin….

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