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MODULE 1 Your self-esteem increases exponentially

when you spend time with friends doing

Outdoor Recreation different outdoor activities.
Consider the following activities: bird- 4. Promotes memory
watching, caving or spelunking, camping, and
snorkeling. Nature walks have shown a significant
relevance in memory retention among
- Done during vacation or school break humans.
- They want to have fun 5. Stress-reduction effects
- Done outdoors with nature Cortisol The hormone that indicates the level
of stress in humans- reduces greatly when
you spend time in the forest, say, watching
A day can be divided into three (3) parts birds and taking part in low-intensity outdoor
according to Clayne R. Jensen (2006): activities
6. Reduces anxiety
Existence time- is time spent for biological
needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other As we have mentioned above, something
personal care. about the outside calming down an anxious

Subsistence time- refers to the hours spent

for economic purposes such as going to 7. Improves the quality of your sleep
work, chores, and for students, hours spent in
school, and school work. Your sleep cycle is dependent on the
accurateness of your internal clock.
Free time- is all the remaining time after. 8. Boosts your immunity
How one decides to spend free time varies
Morning sunlight boosts your Vitamin D
from person to person.
levels. The more the Vitamin D your body
gets, the stronger its immune system
Recreation is derived from the Latin word becomes.
recreare which means to be refreshed.
9. Helps burn some unwanted fat
Outdoors- in a broad sense is a space
When you play outside say, while out doing
outside an enclosed area.
water activities, you burn tons of calories and
Benefits of outdoor recreation unwanted fats.
Fun and pleasure are perhaps the immediate
answers of the majority who have experience
Social Benefits of Outdoor Recreation
outdoor activities.
Outdoor activities are ways for families to
Health Benefits of Outdoor Recreation
become closer.
1. Improves your mental wellbeing
Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation
Your mental wellbeing greatly improves when
People who have a relaxed body and mind
you exercise outdoors.
tend to be more productive at work.
2. Best way to get Vitamin D
Spiritual Benefits of Outdoor Recreation
Your bones and blood cells need a lot of
Positive outdoor experiences can stir up
calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D for them
spiritual values. Being one with nature brings
to be healthy.
certain calmness within a person.
3. Boosts self-esteem
quickly than air given in tje same
temperature. This is the reason we can stay
"Leave No Trace Seven Principles" longer in water and tolerate longer workouts
without feeling being overheated.
Principle 1. Plan ahead and prepare

Principle 2. Travel and Campnon Durable

-Mountaineering -Backpacking
Principle 3. Dispose waste Properly -Camping -Picnic
-Rock Climbing -Orienteering
Principle 4. Leave what you find
-Bird – Watching -Rock Climbing

Principle 5. Minimize Campfire Impacts. -Trekking/ Hiking -Mountain Biking

Principle 6. Respect Wildlife -Swimming -Canoeing
-Diving -Kayaking
Principle 7. Be Considerate with other
Visitors. -Snorkeling -Whitewater Rafting
-Surfing -Sailing
Water- has special chatacteristics that
-Fishing -Bamboo Rafting
provide a unique environment for activities
and good workout. Thus characteristics AIR
include buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and
enhance cooling. - Parasailing
- Skydiving
Buoyancy - is the upward force of water on - Paragliding
an object. This is the reason why boat and
people float on water.

Hydrostatic pressure -is the pressure exerted

by water at equilibrium due to tje force of
gravity. It is the weight of water pressed down
on the object.

How did snorkeling begin?

Water has enhance cooling characteristics Hollow Reed (3000B.C) -Skin divers of the
that transfers heat away from the body mich island Crete in the Mediterranean used
hollow reeds to breather while submerged in equipment, although optional for some, are
water as they collected sponges. the floating vest and rash guard.
Animal skins were filled with air (9000 A. Mask
B.C.) - An ancient bas-relief dating 900 B.C.
depicted divers in Assyria using animal skin The mask serves as the viewing device in
filled with air to lengthen their stay appreciating the world beneath the water.
Diving Bell (300 B.C.)- Alexander the Great Parts of Mask
encouraged the development of the first
diving bell, which was a cauldron designed to
trap a pocket of air when it was lowered into Strap - holds the mask to the face
the water. underwater.

Eye goggle from shells (1300s) - The shell

of the tortoise was used to develop a gadget Mask skirt - is the soft flexible material that
to protect of tortoise the well as to see seats the mask around the face.
more clearly in water.
Hollowed tube and sketch of webbed Nose pocket- cushions and protects the
swimming gloves (1400s)- Leonardo de nose.
Vinci proposed and created the first
contemporary snorkel, a hollow tube
designed attached to the leather-head helmet
of the diver, allowing to breathe even when B. Snorkel - The snorkel is a piece of
face was sub merged underwater. equipment that makes it possible to breathe
at the surface while the face is submerged in
Wooden Paddles (1717)- Benjamin Franklin water.
came up with an idea of using wooden
paddles attached to the hands and feet to
help swimmers swim faster.
Modern Fins (1912) - Modern fins were
invented by Frenchman Louis de Corlieu.
Patent for this was obtained in 1933.

Snorkeling is peeking through life

underneath water by swimming with the aid of
a snorkel and mask.

Kinds of Snorkel:
Classic snorkel - has most basic part, the
solid tube and the mouthpiece. Sometimes,
Basic equipment of snorkeling this can be sent to specific shape.
- The basic gears needed in snorkeling are
the snorkel, goggles, and fins. Other essential
Snorkel with a flexible tube - below the Floating position -When one feels quite
strap attachment point is more comfortable comfortable using the mask and breathing
than the classical snorkel. through a snorkel, it is time to start floating.
Purge valve - a common feature of many
snorkels is the.
Kicking to move -The next step is learning
Splash guard - prevents splashed water and to be comfortable with the snorkeling fins.
spray from easily entering the tube. Practice in the deeper part of the water.
Dry valve - is a special valve on top of the Diving deeper - If one wants to go a little
tube that completely stop water (and air) from deeper to have a better view of the marine
entering the tube when a wave comes or life, one can either use the "feet-first" dive or
when diving underwater. the "head-first" dive.
C. Snorkeling Fins - Water resists or
"pushes back" anything moving through it.
D. Snorkel Vests - Snorkel vests are small
and inflatable, which provide more buoyancy a. "Feet-First" Dive - As described by name,
while floating on water. the feet go down first during this dive. Tread
vertically in the water then kick upward.
E. Skin Protection - Snorkeling may require
one to be under the sun for some time. b. "Head-First" Dive - While at a horizontal
position, kick forward, bend at the hips, and
F. Swimming Cap - The swimming cap is a pull knees and arms toward the chest.
big help in keeping hair out of the snorkel and
the face as well. What should be done when the following
problems arise?
G. Mask Defogger - Mask Defogger helps
prevent the mask from fogging up. Water is Filling the Mask - If the mask
comes with a purge volve, simply blow air out
through the nose while the mask is on
Basic Equipmentof Snorkeling Water Entered the Snorkel - Clearing a
snorkel is important skill because it will be
inevitable that water may enter the snorkel.
1. Mask
2. Snorkel Pressure is Felt in the Ear While Diving -
3. Snorkeling Fins Pressure builds as one dive deeper because
4. Snorkel Vests the body's air spaces are being compressed
5. Skin Protection or squeezed try the surrounding water
6. Swimming Cap pressure.
7. Mask Defogger
Benefits of Snorkeling - Snorkeling helps
the overall fitness of a person. Aside from
having fun under the water swimming, doing
the flutter kick and diving tones and trims the

How is snorkeling done?

Test and Practice- Is best for begginers to

try the gears on shallow water. This way, one
can get used to wearing the mask and
breathing through the tube.
MODULE 3 Parts of the Kayak
KAYAK A. Deck - top half of the kayak
 It has a covered deck. B. Foot brace - found inside where feet rest
 Extend legs and are seated low
sometimes on the deck. C. Hull - bottom half of the kayak
 It uses double – bladed paddle.
D. Hatch - covering on the deck where food
CANOE and gears can be stored
 It is wide open. F. Cockpit - opening in the kayak's deck
 Sits on a raised seat or kneels on the where the paddler sits.
bottom of the boat.
 Uses a single – blade paddle. Paddle - The equipment used to maneuver
the boat.
Canoe -Originated from the carib word “kenu”
which means dughout. What activities can be done when one
uses kayaks or canoes?
Were originally made from large tree trunks.
A. Sea Kayaking - done in open waters such
as the ocean or the lake.
Pesse Canoe – oldest known canoe and
believed to the constructed between 82200 B. Whitewater kayaking or canoeing -
paddling down the whitewater rivers.
And 7600 B.C. was found in Netherlands.
C. Flatwater recreation-a relaxing canoeing
or kayaking where you can take a gentle
KAYAK- Also known as "qajak" meaning paddle down a clam river, ocean, or lake to
man's boat or hunter's boat originated from do some sightseeing.
the Inuit and Aleut tribes of Arctic North
America Kayak. D. Sailing-where the canoe or kayak is fitted
with sail.
E. Surf Kayaking - the kayak is typically
Parts of the Canoe fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard.
A. Yoke - a beam in the center of the canoe F. Marathon racing - lengthy race down a
that allows the canoe to rest on a person's river using the kayak or canoe.
shoulder when portaging.
What are the health benefits of paddling?
B. Stern - rear end
- Improved cardiovascular fitness
C. Gunwale - acts as structural support and it
defines shape of boat. - Stronger muscles and muscular
endurance particularly in the back,
D. Thwart - crossbars reinforcing the canoe arms, shoulders, and chest as these
and prevents sides from pulling apart under are the main muscles involved in
load. paddling.
E. Seat - for paddler at the bow part - Development of the torso and leg
F. Bow - front part strength as the strength to power a
canoe or kayak comes mainly from
rotating the torso and applying
pressure with your legs.

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