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MUHAMMAD DAVID (23-0103-635)



2023 - 2024


Social media is an application that can connect people One individual to another
individual using the internet. Social media Nowadays it has become a necessity in line
with the development of the times in the same direction More advanced and modern.
Social media can form patterns New social relationships in society are also one of the
advantages of the internet.

The presence of social media means that society must accept these changes,
The changes that are present make social reality also change. Social reality is
Things that occur in externalization (of the covert content), objectivation (it becomes
Reality), and the internalization of that reality in instruction and education. Brower
(1984 : 64.)

What do you know from social media?

Social media is a tool that Can be used by everyone insideInteract with each other, as well
Look for various information in it. Which Can be accessed via the internet.

What do you understand from YouTube media?

YouTube media is certainly no stranger to this Era Current developments which are all
Everyone from children to adults can do it Using YouTube media that can be accessed From
various interesting videos to videos Learning.

Why did you choose to use it? YouTube media as a learning medium?
Because with YouTube media there are more students Young people access and broadcast
media More interesting with pictures and sound.

Do you feel like using YouTube media? Helped in the learning process?
Yes, it really helps, especially in the process PAI learning requires practice

Do you think there are internal features? YouTube is easy to use? What is the reason?
Yes, the reason to use YouTube is because of the features Which is available is easy to use by
all groups.

What kind of benefits do you get after Using YouTube?

As in delivering more material Easy, students catch on more quickly Learning because it is
more interesting

According to you, what are the advantages of media? YouTube?

There are no games in learning, So students can only see the learning in YouTube as in the

How do you apply it in use? YouTube media in PAI learning in class?

A) Identify the appropriate discussion theme Syllabus, especially the material that requires it
B) selecting channels that are appropriate to Theme, the teacher will choose the appropriate
YouTube channel With material,
C) preparation of defense strategies, Where the teacher organizes the class situation so that
Conducive and determine learning activities What makes students happy, no
Monotonous, and not boring.
D)stage Evaluation, lessons.
E) implementation of activities Learning, to find out how far Students are able to understand
the material taught With YouTube media in the form of evaluation Both oral and written tests.

According to the mother, what are the obstacles faced? In utilizing YouTube media in
Constraints from internet networks such as WiFi, Unable to apply learning through Gam.

What is the solution to overcome obstacles Faced when utilizing YouTube media?
By utilizing or interfering with other media others.

What kind of material do you often give? To students by utilizing media YouTube?
Material about the Prophet’s story, prayer practices, ablution, Hajj And others that require
deep viewing Video so that students can immediately practice it.

Are students happy to utilize YouTube media in the learning process?

So far very happy because fitul is in YouTube has pictures and sound.

What are the steps in use of YouTube media in the process learning ?
Provide the materials to be presented to students, they can directly search in the features
YouTube or teachers can upload their own videos inside YouTube.

How to use media YouTube is good?

How to use it is by using YouTube as a tool, learning, not for watching bad videos

Do students utilize YouTube media? in the learning process well?

Yes, of course with teacher supervision.

Is it by utilizing the media? YouTube students easily understand the material PAI?
yes students Easy to understand, because YouTube certainly has many features
easy for students to understand.

What are the benefits of social media, ma'am?

Through social media, we can meet and get to know new people, especially if we join a
community. With social media, we can freely gather virtually and still maintain friendships.

What are the negative effects of social media, ma'am?

Meanwhile, the negative impact of social media is that it distances people who are close and
vice versa, face-to-face interactions tend to decrease, making people addicted to the
internet, causing conflict, privacy problems, and being vulnerable to the bad influence of
other people.

Social media or what is known as social networking grabs attention Indonesian society,
especially teenagers. Social media is considered to be A forum for works, opinions and
responses, even a medium for expression The circumstances that occurred. The government
itself has regulated social media users In article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law (electronic
information and transactions law) Which regulates electronic information and transactions
and regulations regarding Prohibited acts. However, adolescent behavior is still often
contradictory Of this law, the proof is that social media is used by teenagers for Spreading
gossip/slander, defaming people, and bullying Other people etc.


Based on the results of the research and discussion described in the previous chapter,
suggestions that can be given include:
1. Adolescents. Adolescents must develop a positive self-concept to reduce the tendency to
carry out verbal aggression on social media by maintaining good relationships with the
surrounding environment and accept his situation well.
2. Parents: Parents must develop their children’s self-concept through openness and
maintaining communication so that they are able to build their self-concept so as not to
carry out verbal aggression on social media.
3. Educators Educators are expected to be able to understand behavior that can trigger
verbal aggression and prevent their students from carrying out verbal aggression on social
4. Future Researchers For future researchers, if they want to conduct research similar to this
research, it is hoped that they will be able to obtain results that have not been found in this
research and add other variables so that there can be more variety related to verbal


Alyusi, S. D. (2016). Media Sosial: Interaksi, Identifikasi, dan Modal Sosial. Jakarta: Kencana.
Ardianto, E. (2009). Komunikasi Massa Suatu Pengantar Edisi Revisi. Bandung: Simbiosa
Rekatama Media.
Baran, S. J. (2012). Pengantar Komunikasi Massa Melek Media dan Budaya. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Bungin, B. (2012). Metodologi Penelitian Sosial Kualitatif (Komunikasi, Ekonomi, Kebijakan
Publik, dan Ilmu Sosial Lainnya). Jakarta: Kencana.

1.Apa yang ibu ketahui dari media sosial ? Sosial media merupakan sebuah sarana yang
Dapat digunakan oleh semua orang dalam Melakukan interaksi sesama yang lain, serta
Mencari berbagai informasi didalam nya. Yang Bisa di akses dengan internet.
2. Apa yang ibu pahami dari media YouTube? Media YouTube tentu sudah tidak asing di era
Perkembangan sekarang yang mana semua Kalangan baik dari ank-anak sampai dewasa bisa
Menggunakan media YouTube yang bisa di akses Dari berbagai vidio manarik sampai pada
vidio Pembelajaran.
3. Apa alasan ibu memilih untuk menggunkan Media YouTube sebagai media pembelajaran ?
Karena dengan media YouTube siswa lebih Muda mengakses serta media yang ditayangkan
Lebih menarik dengan adanya gambar dan suara.
4.Apakah dengan media YouTube ibu merasa Terbantu dalam proses pembelajaran nya?
Iya, sangat terbantu terutama dalam proses Pembelajaran PAI yang membutuhkan praktik
5. Apakah menurut ibu dengan adanya fitur dalam youTube mudah untuk digunakan? Apa
alasan nya? Iya alasan menggunakan YouTube karena fitur Yang ada mudah digunakan oleh
semua kalangan.
6. Seperti apa manfaat yang ibu dapat setelah Menggunakan YouTube? Seperti dalam
penyampaian materi yang lebih Mudah, siswa lebih cepat menangkap Pembelajaran karena
lebih manarik.
7. Menurut ibu apa saja kelebihan dari media YouTube? Menggunakan YouTube, guru bisa
mencari Berbagai referensi materi yang akan disajikan Kepada siswa, guru juga dapat
langsung Mengupload vidio didalam nya,
8. Menurut ibu apa saja kekurangan dari media YouTube ? Tidak adanya game dalam
pembelajaran, Sehingga siswa hanya bisa melihat pembelajaran di YouTube seperti dalam
9.Bagaimana penerapan ibu dalam penggunaan Media YouTube dalam pembelajaran PAI di
a) identifikasi tema pembahasan sesuai di Silabus, terutama materi yang membutuhkan
b) pemilihan channel yang sesuai dengan Tema, guru akan memilih channel YouTube sesuai
Dengan materi,
c) penyusunan strategi pembela, Dimana guru mengorganiser situasi kelas agar
Kondusif serta menentukan kegiatan pembelajaran Yang membuat siswa menjadi senang,
tidak Monoton, dan tidak membosankan.
d) tahap Evaluasi Pelajaran,
e) pelaksanaan kegiatan Pembelajaran, untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Siswa mampu
memahami materi yang diajarkan Dengan media YouTube dengan bentuk evaluasi
Baik tes lisan maupun tes tulis.

10. Menurut ibu apa saja kendala yang dihadapi Dalam memanfaatkan media YouTube dalam
Pembelajaran? Kendala dari jaringan internet seperti WiFi, Tidak dapat mengaplikasikan
pembelajaran melalui Game.
11. Bagaimana solusi dalam mengatasi kendala Yang dihadapi saat memanfaatkan media
YouTube ?Dengan memanfaatkan atau selingan media lain nya.
12. Materi seperti apa yang sering ibu berikan Kepada siswa dengan memanfaatkan media
YouTube? Materi cerita Nabi, praktik sholat, wudlu, haji Dan lainnya yang membutuhkan
penayangan dalam Vidio sehingga siswa langsung bisa mempratekkanya
13. Apakah siswa senang dengan memanfaatkan Media YouTube dalam proses
pembelajaran ? Sejauh ini sangat senang karena fitur dalam YouTube terdapat dambar dan
suara nya.
14. Bagaimana langkah-langkah dalam Penggunaan media YouTube pada proses
Pembelajaran ? Sediakan bahan materi yang akan disajikan Kepada siswa, bisa langsung
mencari di fitur YouTube atau guru bisa menguploud vidio sendiri Di dalam YouTube.
15. Bagaimana cara memanfaatkan media YouTube yang baik ? Cara memanfaatkan yaitu
dengan Menggunakan YouTube sebagai alat Pembelajaran,bukan untuk menonton vidio yang
Kurang baik.
16. Apakah siswa memanfaatkan media YouTube Pada proses belajar dengan baik ? ya, tentu
dengan pengawasan guru
17. Apakah dengan memanfaatkan media YouTube siswa dengan mudah memahami materi
PAI ? iya siswa Mudah dalam memahami, karena Dalam YouTube tentu sudah banyak fitur
yang Mudah di pahami oleh siswa.
18.Apa manfaat dari adanya media sosial bu?Melalui media sosial, kita dapat bertemu dan
berkenalan dengan orang baru terutama jika bergabung dengan suatu komunitas. Dengan
adanya media sosial kita bisa dengan bebas berkumpul secara virtual dan tetap menjaga tali
19.Apa dampak negatif dari adanya media sosial bu?Sedangkan dampak negatif dari media
sosial adalah menjauhkan orang-orang yang sudah dekat dan sebaliknya, interaksi secara
tatap muka cenderung menurun, membuat orang-orang menjadi kecanduan terhadap internet,
menimbulkan konflik, masalah privasi, rentan terhadap pengaruh buruk orang lain.

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